Academic literature on the topic 'Optimisation dans des graphes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Optimisation dans des graphes"
Jean-Paul Delahaye. "Dynamiques majoritaires dans les graphes." Bulletin 1024, no. 13 (April 2019): 153–58.
Full textTabchi, Theresia, Hussein Sabra, and Bernard Riera. "La théorie des graphes dans l’enseignement – au croisement de champs disciplinaires et des formations universitaires." J3eA 23 (2024): 0004.
Full textGenest, David. "Recherche d'information par transformation de graphes dans le modèle des graphes conceptuels." Ingénierie des systèmes d'information 7, no. 1-2 (April 24, 2002): 207–36.
Full textFoucambert, Denis, Tracy Heranic, Christophe Leblay, Maarit Mutta, and Minjing Zhong. "Intégration de la visualisation dans l’analyse de processus complexes : écritures et réécritures dans un corpus multilingue universitaire." SHS Web of Conferences 138 (2022): 06010.
Full textMinoux, M. "Optimisation combinatoire: graphes et programmation linéaire and programmation discréte." European Journal of Operational Research 25, no. 1 (April 1986): 144–45.
Full textDíaz Villalba, Alejandro. "Comment outiller l’étude des autorités avec l’analyse de réseaux dans les grammaires françaises des XVIe et XVIIe siècles." SHS Web of Conferences 138 (2022): 03003.
Full textJean Claude Derniame. "À propos du cheminement dans les graphes." Bulletin 1024, no. 16 (November 2020): 121–32.
Full textLemieux, Vincent. "L'articulation des réseaux sociaux." Recherches sociographiques 17, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 247–60.
Full textVazquez, J., M. François, and D. Gilbert. "Gestion en temps réel d'un réseau d'assainissement : vérification de l'optimalité et de l'applicabilité de la théorie des graphes par rapport à la programmation linéaire mixte." Revue des sciences de l'eau 16, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 425–42.
Full textGarin, Hélène, Claire Bidart, Rym Ibrahim, Vincent Lorant, Pablo Nicaise, and Paola Tubaro. "Voir et faire voir les graphes de réseaux personnels." L'Année sociologique Vol. 74, no. 2 (September 23, 2024): 441–73.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Optimisation dans des graphes"
Murat, Cécile. "Les problèmes d'optimisation combinatoire probabilistes dans les graphes." Paris 9, 1997.
Full textWatrigant, Rémi. "Approximation et complexité paramétrée de problèmes d’optimisation dans les graphes : partitions et sous-graphes." Thesis, Montpellier 2, 2014.
Full textThe theory of NP-completeness tells us that for many optimization problems, there is no hope for finding an efficient algorithm computing an optimal solution. Based on this, two classical approaches have been developped to deal with these problems. The first one, called polynomial- time approximation, consists in designing efficient algorithms computing a solution that is close to an optimal one. The second one, called param- eterized complexity, consists in designing exact algorithms which com- binatorial explosion is captured by a carefully chosen parameter of the instance. The goal of this thesis is twofold. First, we study and apply classical methods from these two domains in order to obtain positive and negative results for two optimization problems in graphs: a partitioning problem called Sparsest k-Compaction, and a cardinality constraint subgraph problem called Sparsest k-Subgraph. Then, we present how the different methods from these two domains have been combined in recent years in a concept called parameterized approximation. In particular, we study the links between approximation and kernelization algorithms
Atmani, Dihya. "Affectation dynamique dans les systèmes de transport multimodaux." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015.
Full textThe objective of this work consists on the realization of a dynamic guidance system in a multimodal network for users equipped with an information device while taking into account users that are not equipped with such devices. The work is organized into parts: a conception part and a theoretical study part. The conception part consists on the development of the guidance tool using a multi agent architecture. This tool assists users in their daily travels by giving them the itinerary that suits best not only their needs but also the overall network. The theoretical study emphasizes on how the performance of the network can be enhanced. To do so, three main studies will be presented: the impact of the information on the cost of the itineraries, the impact of the reorientation of users towards transportation systems on the road network and finally the benefits of introducing autonomous vehicles
Sbihi, Najiba. "Contribution à l'étude des stables dans un graphe par une approche algorithmique." Grenoble 1, 1987.
Full textTravers, Nicolas. "Optimisation extensible dans un médiateur de données semi-structurées." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2006.
Full textThis thesis proposes to evaluate XQuery queries into a mediation context. This mediator must federate several heterogeneous data sources with an appropriate query model. On this model, an optimization framework must be defined to increase performance. The well-known tree pattern model can represent a subset of XPath queries in a tree form. Because of the complexity of XQuery, no model has been proposed that is able to represent all the structural components of the language. Then, we propose a new logical model for XQuery queries called TGV. It aims at supporting the whole XQuery into a canonical form in order to check more XQuery specifications. This form allows us to translate in a unique way queries into our TGV model. This model takes into account a distributed heterogenous context and eases the optimization process. It integrates transformation rules, cost evaluation, and therefore, execution of XQuery queries. The TGV can be used as a basis for processing XQuery queries, since it is flexible, it provides abstracts data types wich can be implemented according to the underneath data model. Moreover, it allows user-defined annotating ans also cost-related annotating for cost estimation. Althouogh the model will be useful, it relies on XQuery complicates specifications. TGV are illustrated in this thesis with several figures on W3C's uses cases. Finally, a framework to define transformation rules is added to the extensible optimizer to increase the XLive mediator performances. The XLive mediation system has been developped at the PRISM laboratory
De, Oliveira Castro Herrero Pablo. "Expression et optimisation des réorganisations de données dans du parallélisme de flots." Phd thesis, Université de Versailles-Saint Quentin en Yvelines, 2010.
Full textRoupin, Frédéric. "Algorithmes Combinatoires et Relaxations par Programmation Linéaire et Semidéfinie. Application à la Résolution de Problèmes Quadratiques et d'Optimisation dans les Graphes." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris-Nord - Paris XIII, 2006.
Full textReyes, Valenzuela Patricio Alejandro. "Collecte d'information dans les réseaux radio." Nice, 2009.
Full textThis thesis concerns the study of the algorithmic and the complexity of the communication in radio networks. In particular, we were interested in the problem of gathering information from the nodes of a radio network in a central node. This problem is motivated by a question of France Telecom (Orange Labs) “How to bring Internet in villages”. Nodes represent the houses of the villages which communicate between them by radio, the goal being to reach a gateway connected to Internet by a satellite link. The same problem can be found in sensor networks where the question is to collect data from sensors to a base station. A peculiarity of radio networks is that the transmission distance is limited and that the transmissions interfere between them (interference phenomena). We model these constraints by saying that two nodes (radio devices) can communicate if they are at distance at most dT and a node interferes with another one if their distance is at most dI. The distances are considered in a graph representing the network. Thus, a communication step will consist in a compatible (non interfering) set of transmissions. Our goal is to find the minimum number of steps needed to achieve such a gathering and design algorithms achieving this minimum. For special topologies such as the path and the grid, we have proposed optimal or near optimal solutions. We also considered the systolic (or continuous) case where we want to maximize the throughput (bandwidth) offered to each node
Pirayre, Aurélie. "Reconstruction et classification par optimisation dans des graphes avec à priori pour les réseaux de gènes et les images." Thesis, Paris Est, 2017.
Full textThe discovery of novel gene regulatory processes improves the understanding of cell phenotypicresponses to external stimuli for many biological applications, such as medicine, environmentor biotechnologies. To this purpose, transcriptomic data are generated and analyzed from mi-croarrays or more recently RNAseq experiments. For each gene of a studied organism placed indifferent living conditions, they consist in a sequence of genetic expression levels. From thesedata, gene regulation mechanisms can be recovered by revealing topological links encoded ingeometric graphs. In regulatory graphs, nodes correspond to genes. A link between two nodesis identified if a regulation relationship exists between the two corresponding genes. Such net-works are called Gene Regulatory Networks (GRNs). Their construction as well as their analysisremain challenging despite the large number of available inference methods.In this thesis, we propose to address this network inference problem with recently developedtechniques pertaining to graph optimization. Given all the pairwise gene regulation informa-tion available, we propose to determine the presence of edges in the final GRN by adoptingan energy optimization formulation integrating additional constraints. Either biological (infor-mation about gene interactions) or structural (information about node connectivity) a priorihave been considered to reduce the space of possible solutions. Different priors lead to differentproperties of the global cost function, for which various optimization strategies can be applied.The post-processing network refinements we proposed led to a software suite named BRANE for“Biologically-Related A priori for Network Enhancement”. For each of the proposed methodsBRANE Cut, BRANE Relax and BRANE Clust, our contributions are threefold: a priori-based for-mulation, design of the optimization strategy and validation (numerical and/or biological) onbenchmark datasets.In a ramification of this thesis, we slide from graph inference to more generic data processingsuch as inverse problems. We notably invest in HOGMep, a Bayesian-based approach using aVariation Bayesian Approximation framework for its resolution. This approach allows to jointlyperform reconstruction and clustering/segmentation tasks on multi-component data (for instancesignals or images). Its performance in a color image deconvolution context demonstrates bothquality of reconstruction and segmentation. A preliminary study in a medical data classificationcontext linking genotype and phenotype yields promising results for forthcoming bioinformaticsadaptations
Bekkara, Nourouddine Courtois Bernard. "Optimisation et compromis surface-vitesse dans le compilateur de silicium SYCO." S.l. : Université Grenoble 1, 2008.
Full textBooks on the topic "Optimisation dans des graphes"
Laignelet, Bernard. Analyse statistique et optimisation dans les bio-industries. Paris: Hermann, 1993.
Find full textAtkinson, Dave. Théorie des graphes et structuralisme: Le sommet de Québec dans une perspective de cohésion. Québec: Université Laval, Laboratoire d'études politiques et administratives, 1988.
Find full textAtkinson, Dave. Theorie des graphes et structuralisme: Le sommet de Quebec dans une perspective de comesion. Quebec: Universite Laval, 1988.
Find full textNana, Davies C. H. La gestion du régime de change dans les pays à monnaie faiblement convertible: Modélisation, simulation, optimisation. Grenoble: A.N.R.T. Université Pierre Mendès France Grenoble 2, 1990.
Find full textWest, Douglas Brent. Introduction to graph theory. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.
Find full textBassat, Jean-Marc. Optimisation des paramètres de croissance et caractérisations des monocristaux de Bi₁₂ Ge O₂₀ purs et dopés en vue d'applications dans le domaine de l'optique cohérente. Grenoble: A.N.R.T, Université Pierre Mendes France (Grenoble II), 1986.
Find full textFondements de la Recherche Opérationnelle et Optimisation Par Graphes Pour L'Ingénierie. Primedia eLaunch LLC, 2022.
Find full textRecherche Opérationnelle - Tome 1: Programmation linéaire. Optimisation combinatoire. Programmation dynamique. Graphes. Métaheuristiques. ELLIPSES, 2012.
Find full textBerté, Issoufou. Optimisation des ressources humaines dans une administration publique. Presses Academiques Francophones, 2021.
Find full textJungnickel, Dieter. Graphs, Networks and Algorithms (Algorithms and Computation in Mathematics). 3rd ed. Springer, 2007.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Optimisation dans des graphes"
Korte, Bernhard, Jens Vygen, Jean Fonlupt, and Alexandre Skoda. "Graphes." In Optimisation combinatoire, 13–50. Paris: Springer Paris, 2010.
Full textBretto, Alain, Alain Faisant, and François Hennecart. "Connexité et flots dans les réseaux." In Éléments de théorie des graphes, 99–129. Paris: Springer Paris, 2012.
Full textKorte, Bernhard, Jens Vygen, Jean Fonlupt, and Alexandre Skoda. "Flots dans les réseaux." In Optimisation combinatoire, 171–204. Paris: Springer Paris, 2010.
Full textColonnelli, Iacopo, Doriana Medić, Alberto Mulone, Viviana Bono, Luca Padovani, and Marco Aldinucci. "Introducing SWIRL: An Intermediate Representation Language for Scientific Workflows." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 226–44. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024.
Full textEstablet, Colette, and Jean-Paul Pascual. "Liste des graphes." In La gent d’État dans la société ottomane damascène, 327. Presses de l’Ifpo, 2011.
Full text"7. Dessinons un graphe dans le plan sans croiser les arêtes." In À la découverte des graphes et des algorithmes de graphes, 55–64. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full text"7. Dessinons un graphe dans le plan sans croiser les arêtes." In À la découverte des graphes et des algorithmes de graphes, 55–64. EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textGUYOMAR, Cervin, and Claire LEMAITRE. "Métagénomique et métatranscriptomique." In Des séquences aux graphes, 151–86. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textSZENDE, Thomas. "Négociation – Autonomisation – Optimisation." In Des langues calculables à l'homme incalculable, 177–84. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textDE’ FAVERI TRON, Alvise. "La détection d’intrusion au moyen des réseaux de neurones : un tutoriel." In Optimisation et apprentissage, 211–47. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Optimisation dans des graphes"
Vuichard, L., P. Schouwey, M. Lakhal, M. Ghribi, and A. Kaddouri. "Optimisation Énergétique par Logique Floue Dans un Moteur à Induction Triphasé." In 2006 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering. IEEE, 2006.
Full textFarruggia, François. "Optimisation du placement de la maintenance sur les marchés de l'électricité." In Place et évolution de l'énergie nucléaire dans le futur. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2018.
Full textLajoie, David. "Optimisation du fonctionnement des atténuateurs de houle de type dos de chameau à l’aide de perforations dans la structure." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2008.
Full textDaas, M., and K. Dada. "Le flux numérique en implantologie." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textHascoet, E., G. Valette, G. Le Toux, and S. Boisramé. "Proposition d’un protocole de prise en charge implanto-portée de patients traités en oncologie tête et cou suite à une étude rétrospective au CHRU de Brest." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textReports on the topic "Optimisation dans des graphes"
Touré, Mustapha, and Thomas G. Poder. Mesure des années de vie ajustées par la qualité de vie globale au Québec : le 13-MD. CIRANO, August 2022.
Full textJ. Caron, Daniel, Vincent Nicolini, Alan Bernardi, and Aude Motulsky. État de situation, constatations et pistes de réflexion pour la transformation des services préhospitaliers vers le numérique. CIRANO, January 2025.
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