Academic literature on the topic 'Optimal energy efficiency'
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Journal articles on the topic "Optimal energy efficiency"
Kannan, K. Nattar, and B. Paramasivan. "Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Wireless Sensor Networks Using Optimal Gradient Routing Protocol." International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering 3, no. 6 (2014): 408–12.
Full textHobbs, Benjamin F., Villamor Gamponia, and Allen F. Wilson. "Optimal expansion of energy efficiency programs." Resource and Energy Economics 16, no. 1 (March 1994): 1–24.
Full textMlinarić, Tomislav Josip, and Klemen Ponikvar. "Energy Efficiency of Railway Lines." PROMET - Traffic&Transportation 23, no. 3 (June 28, 2011): 187–93.
Full textRobinson, David, David Adrian Sanders, and Ebrahim Mazharsolook. "Sensor-based ambient intelligence for optimal energy efficiency." Sensor Review 34, no. 2 (March 17, 2014): 170–81.
Full textRobinson, David Charles, David Adrian Sanders, and Ebrahim Mazharsolook. "Ambient intelligence for optimal manufacturing and energy efficiency." Assembly Automation 35, no. 3 (August 3, 2015): 234–48.
Full textTakeuchi, Keigo. "Spatial Modulation Achieves Information-Theoretically Optimal Energy Efficiency." IEEE Communications Letters 19, no. 7 (July 2015): 1133–36.
Full textG.V, Ramanaiah, L. Krishna kavya, P. V. Rajya Lakshmi, V. Sai Kumar, and Sk Shahed Ali. "Optimal Energy Efficiency Through Dpsn Based 5g Network." International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering 7, no. 3 (March 25, 2020): 29–34.
Full textKuznetsov, Oleg, Viktor Chepurnov, Albina Gurskaya, Mikhail Dolgopolov, and Sali Radzhapov. "C-beta energy converter efficiency modeling." EPJ Web of Conferences 222 (2019): 02012.
Full textAsyraf Mohd Kamaruzaman, Amirul, Muhammad Murtadha Othman, Aainaa Mohd Arriffin, Ismail Musirin, Muhd Azri Abdul Razak, and Zilaila Zakaria. "Energy Efficiency of a Building Using Capacitors Optimization." Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 8, no. 2 (November 1, 2017): 343.
Full textJanssen, Eddy. "Energy saving and efficiency." EPJ Web of Conferences 246 (2020): 00015.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Optimal energy efficiency"
Rodríguez-Urdaneta, Alejandro. "Geographical Mapping of the Building Envelope Surface Optimal Optical Properties Minimizing the Energy used to Maintain Indoor Conditions." Thesis, Högskolan Dalarna, Energiteknik, 2020.
Full textVarios estudios han demostrado que las propiedades ópticas de las envolturas delos edificios son importantes en términos de consumo energético y de nivel deconfort térmico. Sin embargo, no se ha encontrado estudio alguno con respecto alas propiedades ópticas óptimas para las envolturas de los edificios.Conjuntamente, los desarrollos en la industria de bobinas metálicas revestidas hanhecho posible diseñar superficies selectivas rentables para el sector de laconstrucción. Basándose en lo anteriormente expuesto, este estudio pretendemapear las propiedades ópticas óptimas de la envoltura que minimizan el uso deenergía para edificios de gran volumen abierto localizados en Estocolmo,Copenhague, Liverpool, Ámsterdam, Berlín, Viena, Berna, Roma y Madrid.Un edificio podría ser visto como un sistema de conversión de energía solar muycomplejo, que es muy difícil de describir con precisión. No obstante, es posibleutilizar las herramientas de Simulación de Energía de Edificios (BES) para modelar,hasta cierto punto, su rendimiento térmico bajo una considerable cantidad desuposiciones simplistas. El programa de simulación TRNSYS 17 y el programa deoptimización GenOpt fueron seleccionadas para este estudio. Adicionalmente, conel fin de evaluar la metodología utilizada para la creación de los modelos desimulación para edificios de gran volumen abierto, se utilizaron datos detallados derendimiento térmico de edificios de pequeño volumen abierto, obtenidos durantemediciones pasivas del fabricante de acero SSAB, en Borlänge-Suecia. Lasvariaciones en el diseño de edificios de gran volumen abierto en toda Europa noestán bien documentadas, lo que constituye uno de los principales impedimentospara esta investigación. Sin embargo, los datos detallados y en orden cronológicode los niveles de aislamiento térmico (U-value) en la construcción europea,recopilados por el proyecto de la Unión Europea llamado iNSPiRe, permitieronalcanzar el objetivo de este estudio.El trabajo de simulación demostró que las propiedades ópticas óptimas de laenvoltura del edificio están relacionadas con la magnitud de las cargas decalefacción y refrigeración. En consecuencia, GenOpt fue utilizado para graficar lasensibilidad de las propiedades ópticas óptimas de la envolvente del edificio conrespecto a la proporción entre la demanda de calefacción y la demanda total deenergía (Qheat/Qtotal). En cuanto a las propiedades ópticas óptimas del edificio degran volumen abierto en las ubicaciones seleccionadas, se encontró que laasignación de propiedades ópticas óptimas no conduce a ahorros de energíasignificativos en ubicaciones con disponibilidad solar relativamente baja y altosniveles de aislamiento térmico. Sin embargo, un último estudio de propiedadesópticas de envolvente para un modelo de construcción de pequeño volumen abiertobasado en tres edificios existentes que difieren sólo en sus propiedades ópticas serealizó para 243 capitales mundiales. Las simulaciones reforzaron los resultadospara el edificio de gran volumen abierto en las localidades europeas, y ademásmostraron un enorme potencial de ahorro de energía para la mayoría de lascapitales mundiales. Esta investigación reitera los resultados obtenidos por Joudi (2015), "Posibles ahorros de energía por la elección inteligente de propiedadesópticas en las superficies interiores y exteriores del edificio".
Khazaii, Javad. "Effects of sub-optimal component performance on overall cooling system energy consumption and efficiency." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2012.
Full textKhodabakhshian, Mohammad. "Improving Fuel Efficiency of Commercial Vehicles through Optimal Control of Energy Buffers." Doctoral thesis, KTH, Mekatronik, 2016.
Full textQC 20160128
El-khawas, Ihab N. "The optimal design of buildings : a life-cycle approach to energy efficiency /." The Ohio State University, 1997.
Full textFan, Yuling. "Optimal energy-efficiency retrofit and maintenance planning for existing buildings considering green building policy compliance." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2005.
Full textThesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017.
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Widell, Kristina Norne. "Energy efficiency of freezing tunnels : towards an optimal operation of compressors and air fans." Doctoral thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for energi- og prosessteknikk, 2012.
Full textClark, Barrett C. "Energetic efficiency and stability in bipedal locomotion: 3D walking and energy-optimal perturbation rejection." The Ohio State University, 2018.
Full textWanjiru, Evan. "Optimal energy-water nexus management in residential buildings incorporating renewable energy, efficient devices and water recycling." Thesis, University of Pretoria, 2017.
Full textThesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2017.
National Hub for Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Management (EEDSM)
University of Pretoria
Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering
Li, Guoqiang [Verfasser]. "Optimal Control of Vehicles with Advanced Powertrain System in terms of Energy Efficiency / Guoqiang Li." Düren : Shaker, 2019.
Full textBooks on the topic "Optimal energy efficiency"
Wang, Yan, Cheng-Lin Liu, and Zhi-Cheng Ji. Quantitative Analysis and Optimal Control of Energy Efficiency in Discrete Manufacturing System. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.
Full textJain, Raj K. Optimal design study of high efficiency indium phosphide space solar cells. [Cleveland, Ohio: Lewis Research Center, 1990.
Find full textJain, Raj K. Optimal design study of high efficiency indium phosphide space solar cells. [Cleveland, Ohio: Lewis Research Center, 1990.
Find full textMoser, Philip. Energy-Efficient VCSELs for Optical Interconnects. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textNikkari, Jason James. An optical process sensor for steel furnace pollution control and energy efficiency. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 2000.
Find full textOptics, European Congress on. Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion IX: ECO3, 12-13 March 1990, the Hague, the Netherlands. Edited by Granqvist Claes G, Lampert Carl M, European Physical Society, European Federation for Applied Optics., Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., and Association nationale de la recherche technique. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE, 1990.
Find full textEuropean Congress on Optics (1st 1988 Hamburg, Germany). Optical materials technology for energy efficiency and solar energy conversion VII: ECO1 19-21 September 1988, Hamburg, Federal Republic of Germany. Edited by Lampert Carl M, Granqvist Claes G, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., European Physical Society, European Federation for Applied Optics., and Association nationale de la recherche technique. Bellingham, Wash., USA: The Society, 1989.
Find full textShanks, Kirk B. P. The optimal deployment of energy efficient envelope technologies within the Northern Ireland Housing Executive existing stock. [s.l: The Author], 2001.
Find full textShinde, Kartik N. Phosphate Phosphors for Solid-State Lighting. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Find full textGordon, Jeffrey M., and Roland Winston. Nonimaging optics: Efficient design for illumination and solar concentration VIII : 21-22 August 2011, San Diego, California, United States. Edited by SPIE (Society). Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Optimal energy efficiency"
Enache, Bogdan-Adrian. "Determining the Optimal Battery Model for a Specific Application." In Energy Harvesting and Energy Efficiency, 573–98. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textJabari, Farkhondeh, Behnam Mohammadi-Ivatloo, and Mohammad Rasouli. "Optimal Planning of a Micro-combined Cooling, Heating and Power System Using Air-Source Heat Pumps for Residential Buildings." In Energy Harvesting and Energy Efficiency, 423–55. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textAndreou, Ioannis S. "New Criteria for the Design of Optimal Heat Exchanger Networks." In Energy Efficiency in Process Technology, 929–40. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.
Full textNau, Sebastião Lauro, and Alexandre Postól Sobrinho. "Optimal Voltage/Frequency Curve for Inverter-Fed Motor." In Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems, 444–49. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
Full textKrarti, Moncef. "Optimal Integration of Energy Efficiency with Renewable Generation." In Energy-Efficient Electrical Systems for Buildings, 443–76. Boca Raton: Taylor & Francis, a CRC title, part of the Taylor & Francis imprint, a member of the Taylor & Francis Group, the academic division of T&F Informa, plc, [2017]: CRC Press, 2017.
Full textCobble, M. H., and A. R. Shouman. "Optimal Efficiency of a Solar Pond and a Rankine Cycle System." In Solar Energy Utilization, 525–36. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1987.
Full textJornet, Atanasi, Angel Orille, Albert Pérez, and Salvador Jareño. "Optimal Design and Efficiency Test Method of Induction Motors Fed by Frequency Converters." In Energy Efficiency in Motor Driven Systems, 60–70. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2003.
Full textMustakallio, Panu, and Jarek Kurnitski. "Energy Efficiency Measures: In Different Climates and in Architectural Competitions." In Cost Optimal and Nearly Zero-Energy Buildings (nZEB), 79–102. London: Springer London, 2013.
Full textDeshmukh, Madhukar, and Dnyaneshwar Gawali. "Optimal Probabilistic Cluster Head Selection for Energy Efficiency in WSN." In Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Advanced Computing, Networking and Informatics, 197–207. New Delhi: Springer India, 2015.
Full textWang, Gaocai, Ying Peng, and Qifei Zhao. "Optimal Energy Efficiency Data Dissemination Strategy Based on Optimal Stopping Theory in Mobile Network." In Computational Data and Social Networks, 41–52. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Optimal energy efficiency"
Niu, Dongxiao, and Siying Cao. "Optimal Energy Efficiency Subsidy Model." In 2009 International Conference on Management and Service Science (MASS). IEEE, 2009.
Full textAyyagari, Krishna Sandeep, Shen Wang, Nikolaos Gatsis, Ahmad F. Taha, and Marcio Giacomoni. "Energy-Efficient Optimal Water Flow Considering Pump Efficiency." In 2021 IEEE Madrid PowerTech. IEEE, 2021.
Full textTao, LONG, and BIE Zhaohong. "Energy Efficiency Optimal Dispatch for Park-Level Energy Internet." In 2019 IEEE 8th International Conference on Advanced Power System Automation and Protection (APAP). IEEE, 2019.
Full textPetkov, Ivalin, Christof Knoeri, and Georgios Mavromatidis. "Optimal multi-stage planning of decentralized multi-energy systems considering seasonal energy storage." In 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environment Impact of Energy Systems. Tokyo, Japan: ECOS 2021 Program Organizers, 2022.
Full textIlic, Marija, Sanja Cvijic, Jeffrey H. Lang, and Jiangzhong Tong. "Optimal voltage management for enhancing electricity market efficiency." In 2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting. IEEE, 2015.
Full textAhmad, Hafiz Waleed, Qais Ali, and Syed Ali Abbas Kazmi. "Optimal Placement and Sizing of Distributed Generator in Meshed Distribution System." In 2019 3rd International Conference on Energy Conservation and Efficiency (ICECE). IEEE, 2019.
Full textFerreira, Douglas Da Costa, Fábio Roberto Chavarette, Jean-Marc Stephane Lafay, Paulo Rogerio Novak, Samuel Pagotto, and Vinícius Favretto. "Stoppers Energy Harvesting Efficiency Enhancement via Optimal Linear Controller." In DINCON 2015 – Conferência Brasileira de Dinâmica, Controle e Aplicações. SBMAC, 2016.
Full textZhang, Shirong, and Yuling Tang. "Optimal Control of Operation Efficiency of Belt Conveyor." In 2011 Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC). IEEE, 2011.
Full textMaier, Laura, Sarah Henn, Philipp Mehrfeld, and Dirk Müller. "Approximate Optimal Control for Heat Pumps in Building Energy Systems." In 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environment Impact of Energy Systems. Tokyo, Japan: ECOS 2021 Program Organizers, 2022.
Full textColla, Martin, Julien Blondeau, and Hervé Jeanmart. "Optimal use of lignocellulosic biomass for the energy transition, including the non-energy demand: the case of the Belgian energy system." In 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environment Impact of Energy Systems. Tokyo, Japan: ECOS 2021 Program Organizers, 2022.
Full textReports on the topic "Optimal energy efficiency"
Polly, B., M. Gestwick, M. Bianchi, R. Anderson, S. Horowitz, C. Christensen, and R. Judkoff. A Method for Determining Optimal Residential Energy Efficiency Packages. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2011.
Full textPolly, B., M. Gestwick, M. Bianchi, R. Anderson, S. Horowitz, C. Christensen, and R. Judkoff. Method for Determining Optimal Residential Energy Efficiency Retrofit Packages. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2011.
Full textMorkun, Volodymyr, Natalia Morkun, Andrii Pikilnyak, Serhii Semerikov, Oleksandra Serdiuk, and Irina Gaponenko. The Cyber-Physical System for Increasing the Efficiency of the Iron Ore Desliming Process. CEUR Workshop Proceedings, April 2021.
Full textBirchmore, Roger. Medium-density Dwellings in Auckland and the Building Regulations. Unitec ePress, July 2018.
Full textKularatne, Dhanushka N., Subhrajit Bhattacharya, and M. Ani Hsieh. Computing Energy Optimal Paths in Time-Varying Flows. Drexel University, 2016.
Full textVarga, Gabriella A., Amichai Arieli, Lawrence D. Muller, Haim Tagari, Israel Bruckental, and Yair Aharoni. Effect of Rumen Available Protein, Amimo Acids and Carbohydrates on Microbial Protein Synthesis, Amino Acid Flow and Performance of High Yielding Cows. United States Department of Agriculture, August 1993.
Full textAnderson, Michael, Forrest Iandola, and Kurt Keutzer. Quantifying the Energy Efficiency of Object Recognition and Optical Flow. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2014.
Full textMizrach, Amos, Sydney L. Spahr, Ephraim Maltz, Michael R. Murphy, Zeev Schmilovitch, Jan E. Novakofski, Uri M. Peiper, et al. Ultrasonic Body Condition Measurements for Computerized Dairy Management Systems. United States Department of Agriculture, 1993.
Full textPochan, D. [Energy efficient electric rotary furnace for class molding (repressing) precision optional blanks]. Quarterly progress report, 20 December 1997--20 August 1998. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), September 1998.
Full textYahav, Shlomo, John McMurtry, and Isaac Plavnik. Thermotolerance Acquisition in Broiler Chickens by Temperature Conditioning Early in Life. United States Department of Agriculture, 1998.
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