Academic literature on the topic 'Ophtalmologie mathématique et informatique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ophtalmologie mathématique et informatique"
Treuil, Jean-Pierre, Claude Lobry, Claude Millier, Jean-Pierre Müller, and Dominique Hervé. "De l'équation mathématique au programme informatique, dialogue entre mathématiciens et informaticiens." Natures Sciences Sociétés 15, no. 1 (January 2007): 33–43.
Full textClémençon, Stéphan. "Intelligence artificielle : défis scientifiques et attentes socio-économiques." Annales des Mines - Enjeux numériques N° 1, no. 1 (January 24, 2018): 78–80.
Full textFarhi, Robert. "Comment lutter contre la désinformation scientifique ? Journée Sciences et Médias 2018." Reflets de la physique, no. 58 (June 2018): 33–37.
Full textMichaut, Cécile. "Il faut plus de femmes scientifiques dans les médias ! Journée Sciences et Médias 2021." Reflets de la physique, no. 70 (October 2021): 38–43.
Full textBillion, Arnaud. "L’hypothèse de la convergence de toute science dans l’ordinateur, par la force de la méthode." Revue confluence N° 6, no. 2 (October 21, 2024): 43–58.
Full textBoullier, Dominique. "Distribution du pouvoir d’agir des entités sociales dans les études informatiques sur Twitter." Sociologie et sociétés 49, no. 2 (December 4, 2018): 113–36.
Full textToussaint, J., T. Habtemariam, D. Oryang, and S. Wilson. "Développement d’un modèle de simulation informatique pour l’anaplasmose, notamment dans les Antilles." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 46, no. 1-2 (January 1, 1993): 47–48.
Full textMocanu, C., and M. Mocanu. "401 Soutien informatique aux processus de prise de décision en ophtalmologie : une étude de cas dans le diagnostic et le suivi du glaucome." Journal Français d'Ophtalmologie 31 (April 2008): 134.
Full textAbdallah, Mohamed Abdallah. "Passage Des Coordonnées Géocentriques Aux Coordonnées Géodésiques Géographiques, Démarches Mathématiques : Cas Du Point 05/15 - 0001, Un Point Du Réseau Géodésique Congolais Situé A Kinshasa." International Journal of Progressive Sciences and Technologies 46, no. 2 (September 24, 2024): 195.
Full textSimon, E., P. Schlicke, A. Mogenet, E. Gouton, J. Pluvy, L. Greillier, P. Tomasini, and S. Benzekry. "Modélisation mathématique des métastases cérébrales du cancer bronchique non à petites cellules : un outil informatique personnalisé pour prédire l’apparition des métastases et la survie des patients." Revue des Maladies Respiratoires Actualités 15, no. 1 (January 2023): 237–38.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ophtalmologie mathématique et informatique"
Saigre, Thomas. "Modélisation mathématique, simulation et réduction d’ordre de flux oculaires et leurs interactions : construire le jumeau numérique de l'oeil." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textThe human body is a complex system, and the human eye is no exception. Despite medical advances, many pathological questions remain. Mathematical and computational models complement clinical studies by revealing complex pathophysiological mechanisms.The eye, which can be accessed non-invasively, offers useful biological markers for diagnosing diseases. Understanding its behavior, pathologies and associated treatments is therefore essential.This thesis explores the modeling and simulation of ocular flows, notably heat transfer and aqueous humor flow. These approaches require rigorous clinical validation and take into account numerous parameters, both patient-specific and external. A global sensitivity analysis assesses their impact to guide clinicians. These computationally-intensive analyses benefit from certified model reduction methods, enabling accurate and faster simulations, favoring the integration of models into clinical practice
Martiel, Simon. "Approches informatique et mathématique des dynamiques causales de graphes." Thesis, Nice, 2015.
Full textCellular Automata constitute one of the most established model of discrete physical transformations that accounts for euclidean space. They implement three fundamental symmetries of physics: causality, homogeneity and finite density of information. Even though their origins lies in physics, they are widely used to model spatially distributed computation (self-replicating machines, synchronization problems,...), as well as a great variety of multi-agents phenomena (traffic jams, demographics,...). While being one of the most studied model of distributed computation, their rigidity forbids any trivial extension toward time-varying topology, which is a fundamental requirement when it comes to modelling phenomena in biology, sociology or physics: for instance when looking for a discrete formulation of general relativity. Causal graph dynamics generalize cellular automata to arbitrary, bounded degree, time-varying graphs. In this work, we generalize the fundamental structure results of cellular automata for this type of transformations. We endow our graphs with a compact metric space structure, and follow two approaches. An axiomatic approach based on the notions of continuity and shift-invariance, and a constructive approach, where a local rule is applied synchronously on every vertex of the graph. Compactness allows us to show the equivalence of these two definitions, extending the famous result of Curtis-Hedlund-Lyndon’s theorem. Another physics-inspired symmetry is then added to the model, namely reversibility
Zini, Pascale. "Etude informatique des résultats de la chirurgie horizontale et verticale simultanée pour les trabismes convergents : à propos de 297 cas." Clermont-Ferrand 1, 1987.
Full textLardeux, Frédéric. "Approches hybrides pour les problèmes de satisfiabilité (SAT et MAX-SAT)." Angers, 2005.
Full textThis thesis deals with the resolution of the satisfiability problems SAT and MAX-SAT. Our contributions are in three types. First, we have developed the memetic algorithm GASAT for the SAT and MAX-SAT problems which hybridies a tabu algorithm and a genetic algorithm. Some specific tools for the satisfiability problems have been included in it such as intensification mechanisms, diversification mechanisms and a new crossover operator. Next, we have proposed a new resolution framework which permits the exact and the approached methods to handle the same representation of the search space. To do this, we have added a third truth value ``undetermined''. The results obtained by the tri-valued hybrid algorithms show the utility of this resolution framework. Finally, we are interested in the branching heuristics for the Branch and Bound algorithms in the MAX-SAT context. Our study shows that these heuristics react in different ways in function of the initial parameters, the structure of the studied instances and the improved mechanisms for Branch and Bound. The findings of this study may lead to the creation of new heuristics specifically dedicated to the MAX-SAT problem
Gallon, Jonathan. "Étude et optimisation d'un algorithme de reconstruction d'horizons sismiques 3D et extension aux données nD." Pau, 2011.
Full textIn the oil industrie, 3D seismic data interpretation is an essential step to build a 3D geological model of an exploration area. This model is constructed with horizons (surfaces representing the main rock interfaces) and faults (surface representing rocks' fractures). In order to facilitate interpretation, a lot of automatic tools have been developed to build these surfaces, among which the 3D horizon propagation algorithm developed by Keskes et al. : this algorithm is considered today as the most powerful in term of surface quality. However, with the continuous increasing size of seismic data, one can observe a slowdown in computation time. The purpose of this thesis concerns the optimization of this seismic horizon reconstruction algorithm. To reduce the effect of the random access required by the propagator, which is very time consuming, we propose an intelligent bricked cache system fully adapted to the algorithm. Then, we modify the original version of the algorithm with a new propagation method in order to minimize the memory usage : the recursive propagation. Then we extend the propagation algorithm to nD data (multi-offsets acquisitions, multiazimuth. . . ) increasingly used for seismic interpretation. Two extensions are then proposed : a "free" propagation and a "constrained" propagation. As the new dimensions increase the seismic data size, we adapt the optimum cache system for each propagation extension in order to improve the performance for both propagations. Finally, we present and comment results of nD propagation obtained on real data
Schnoebelen, Philippe. "Sémantique du parallélisme et logique temporelle : application au langage FP2." Grenoble INPG, 1990.
Full textDaoudi, Mohamed. "Classification interactive multidimensionnelle par les réseaux neuronaux et la morphologie mathématique." Lille 1, 1993.
Full textLhote, Nathan. "Définissabilité et Synthèse de Transductions." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2019.
Full textOption Informatique du Doctorat en Sciences
Rubio, Michel. "Courbes morphologiques et reconnaissance d'objets plans." Saint-Etienne, 1990.
Full textAdioui, M'Barek. "Modélisation et Etude Mathématique et Informatique de comportements Collectifs : alignement dans un banc de poissons." Paris 7, 2004.
Full textBooks on the topic "Ophtalmologie mathématique et informatique"
Marchand, Michel. Mathématique discrète: Outil pour l'informaticien. Bruxelles: De Boeck Université, 1989.
Find full textMerrien, Jean-Louis. Analyse numérique avec Matlab: Rappels de cours, méthodes, exercices et problèmes avec corrigés détaillés. Paris: Dunod, 2007.
Find full textRosen, Kenneth H. Discrete mathematics and its applications. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.
Find full textRosen, Kenneth H. Discrete mathematics and its applications. 7th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2012.
Find full textRosen, Kenneth H. Discrete mathematics and its applications. 4th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Find full textSabourin, Conrad. Mathematical and formal linguistics: Grammar formalisms, grammar testing, logics, quantifiers : bibliography. Montréal: Infolingua, 1994.
Find full textWorkshop on Computer Science Logic (1st 1987 Karlsruhe, Germany). CSL '87: 1st Workshop on Computer Science Logic, Karlsruhe, FRG, October 12-16, 1987 : proceedings. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1988.
Find full textSabourin, Conrad. Mathematical and formal linguistics: Bibliography. Montréal, Qué: Infolingua, 1994.
Find full textH, Papadimitriou Christos, ed. Elements of the theory of computation. 2nd ed. London: Prentice Hall International, 1998.
Find full textH, Papadimitriou Christos, ed. Elements of the theory of computation. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice-Hall, 1998.
Find full textConference papers on the topic "Ophtalmologie mathématique et informatique"
Beyaert-Geslin, Anne. "Faire un point." In Arts du faire : production et expertise. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2009.
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