Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Operational group'
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Hayward, Daniel J. (Daniel John) Carleton University Dissertation Political Science. "The operational manoeuvre group in Soviet military doctrine." Ottawa, 1987.
Find full textWee, Eng Wee Eng. "Review and Improve Operational Effectiveness of Internal Projects Group in MGO." Thesis, KTH, Tillämpad maskinteknik (KTH Södertälje), 2012. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-118752.
Full textSalmon, John LaNay. "A methodology for quantitative and cooperative decision making of air mobility operational solutions." Diss., Georgia Institute of Technology, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1853/49039.
Full textRevely, Shirley. "Introducing the nurse practitioner into a group general medical practice : operational and theoretical perspectives on the role." Thesis, Lancaster University, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.310358.
Full textFerreira, José Alberto Martins. "A afirmação militar da União Europeia : a arquitetura de gestão de crises e a capacidade de comando e controlo." Master's thesis, FEUC, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/29676.
Full textO Conselho Europeu de 19 e 20 de Dezembro de 2013 exortou os Estados Membros a aprofundarem a cooperação no domínio da defesa, aumentando a sua capacidade para conduzir missões e operações, salientando também a necessidade de melhorar as capacidades de resposta rápida da União Europeia (UE), através dos Battle Groups mais flexíveis e projetáveis. No âmbito da gestão de crises, a projeção rápida e eficaz dos meios civis e militares e a melhoria das capacidades de resposta rápida da UE depende do desenvolvimento da cooperação militar entre os estados membros e de uma maior institucionalização da sua dimensão militar, transferindo parte da sua soberania e legitimidade para o nível supranacional. A implementação de um Quartel General de nível militar estratégico permanente (Operational Headquarters) no Estado Maior da União Europeia dará à UE a coerência horizontal, entre a sua arquitetura institucional e os seus aparelhos burocráticos e, a criação de um Quartel General permanente de nível militar operacional (Force Headquarters) ou de vários, dependendo da vontade de cooperar dos 28 estados membros, a coerência vertical, com uma total integração entre ambos as estruturas de comando e controlo, dotadas de pessoal qualificado e disponível para planear, coordenar e comandar aos diferentes níveis, facilitando a cooperação institucional e a capacidade de resposta rápida da União Europeia. O conceito de Battle Group necessita de ser revisitado na sua vertente estrutural e operacional, devendo ser assumido desde o início da fase de preparação que o Battle Group, é uma Força Conjunta e Combinada que tem de estar preparada para executar operações conjuntas e combinadas em prazos muito curtos, o que terá implicações em toda a metodologia de planeamento, preparação, aprontamento, avaliação, certificação e projeção dos Battle Groups. Com o Tratado de Lisboa os mecanismos institucionais de cooperação existem, mas a sua aplicação prática será o resultado dum compromisso entre o método comunitário e o intergovernamental, que será certamente influenciado pelo papel central dos líderes atuais e futuros.
Forrester, Charles James. "Montgomery and his Legions : a study of operational development, innovation and command in 21st Army Group, North-West Europe, 1944-45." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2010. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/1753/.
Full textSorrell, Toni P. "TUNING OPTIMIZATION SOFTWARE PARAMETERS FOR MIXED INTEGER PROGRAMMING PROBLEMS." VCU Scholars Compass, 2017. http://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/5035.
Full textMassin, Raphaël. "On the clustering of mobile ad hoc networks." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, ENST, 2016. https://pastel.hal.science/tel-03689508.
Full textThis thesis is about clustering of mobile ad hoc networks, which consists in building some sets of nodes, called clusters, in order to introduce hierarchy in the network and thus improve its scalability. The main goal is to design new distributed clustering algorithms suited to i) unstructured networks, where all the nodes are equal, and suited to ii) structured networks that have an inherent hierarchical structure, and in which the nodes are gathered in operational groups. In order to allow the implementation of a radio resource allocation process that is more efficient within clusters than between clusters, the proposed algorithms form clusters satisfying specific topology constraints: connectivity, maximum size and diameter. In the first part of the thesis, to compare these new solutions to the ones from the literature, independently to the medium access scheme, we introduce network cost functions which take into account the user traffic profil and the intra-cluster and inter-cluster communication costs. Then, we propose a distributed clustering algorithm suited to structured networks, and compare its performance to several clustering schemes from the literature. A salient feature of this algorithm is that it does not need to resort to the notion of cluster-head. In the last part, thanks to the coalition game theory we revisit this algorithm. This theoretical framework allows us to formalize the clustering problem in a more general context. This leads us to defining a generic algorithm suitable to any kind of ad hoc network, and enables us to acquire a better knowledge of its properties
Kluch, Radek. "Dopady čerpání strukturálních fondů EU na příkladech mikroregionů Tachovska." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2011. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-113594.
Full textLi, Rui. "Operation transformation based concurrency control in group editors." Texas A&M University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/1969.1/4151.
Full textPopova, Elmira Tomova. "New approaches to determining group maintenance policies." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 1995. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1062610567.
Full textCook, Edward. "Group Decision-Making." VCU Scholars Compass, 2019. https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/etd/5928.
Full textHamilton, Martin. "Finiteness conditions in group cohomology." Thesis, Connect to e-thesis, 2008. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/182/.
Full textPh.D. thesis submitted to the Faculty of Information and Mathematical Sciences, University of Glasgow, 2008. Includes bibliographical references. Print version also available.
Brown, Thomas JoseÌ. "Success in Civil Military Operations." Thesis, Monterey, California. Naval Postgraduate School, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/2004.
Full textŠtenclová, Jaromíra. "Využití fondů EU pro rozvoj infrastruktury obce." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2010. http://www.nusl.cz/ntk/nusl-222551.
Full textFranceschi-Diaz, Katherine G. "Group presence in virtual worlds : supporting collaborative e-learning." FIU Digital Commons, 2008. http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/etd/3523.
Full textGraves, Samantha A. "Energy efficient group context aware sensor management strategy for tactical operations." Thesis, Monterey, California: Naval Postgraduate School, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10945/37633.
Full textShared situational awareness (SSA) is essential to success and safety in tactical environments, whether fighting wars or providing relief during disasters and humanitarian catastrophes. The increased availability of sensors in mobile devices offers groundbreaking opportunities for continuous context-aware applications that are capable of responding to the operating conditions of users and their environment. However, continuous context-aware applications involve high-energy consumption. A key challenge in tactical environments is to make the most effective use of scarce resources. There are numerous approaches for reducing energy consumption of continuous context-aware applications. This thesis examines two methods: Sensor Substitution and Triggering (SENST) and Acquisitional Context Engine (ACE). The goal of this thesis is to explore the capabilities and limitations of SENST and ACE for group context-awareness and provide a group energy-efficient sensor management strategy that enhances the dissemination of SSA in tactical environments.
Ljung, Marcus, and Vadin Adam Staf. "Säkerställning av mätprocessers tillförlitlighet : En fallstudie på Volvo Group Trucks Operations." Thesis, Tekniska Högskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, JTH, Maskinteknik, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-40906.
Full textFör att ett tillverkande företag ska kunna uppnå och bibehålla sin konkurrenskraft är kvalitetssäkring en viktig del av verksamheten. För att kunna uppmäta hur företagets processer presterar är det nödvändigt att företaget har tillförlitlig mätdata. Tillförlitlighet till mätdata är av naturliga skäl en avgörande och viktig faktor för att ett företag ska leverera rätt kvalitet till sina kunder. Utan tillit till mätdatan finns det en potentiell risk att defekta produkter hamnar hos kunden genom att tolka mätresultatet felaktigt. Detta examensarbete har utförts på Volvo Group Trucks Operations (GTO) i Skövde på vevaxels-avdelningen. Volvo GTO vill förstå hur väl deras tillverkningsprocess av vevaxlar presterar genom ett duglighetstal. Ett av kraven för att få ett pålitligt duglighetstal är att mätsystemet är tillförlitligt. Volvo anser idag att de inte har ett tillförlitligt mätsystem vid rundhetsmätning av vevaxlar. För att tydligare kartlägga de problem som idag finns med mätsystemet så identifierades ett antal felmöjligheter som analyserades djupare. Dessa felmöjligheter har försökts att motbevisas och de som inte har kunnat motbevisas kan vara en möjlig felorsak. Resultatet uppvisar att det finns brister i de grundförutsättningar som krävs för att en tillförlitlig mätning skall kunna utföras. I arbetets gång är det tydligt att det främst är de yttre faktorerna som skapar en osäkerhet i mätprocessen. Rapporten avslutas med en rekommendation kring hur företaget kan eliminera mätosäkerheten för att få en tillförlitligare mätprocess.
Junod, Fabien. "Unstable Adams operations on ρ-local compact groups." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2008. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.531931.
Full textHolland, Jane Caroline. "The development of a model to assist in the strategic management of operational research groups." Thesis, University of Hertfordshire, 1989. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.329051.
Full textByerline, M. Joleen. "How Kaizen Group Leader Selection Affects Group Participation." TopSCHOLAR®, 2013. http://digitalcommons.wku.edu/theses/1273.
Full textDuhaylongsod, Jose Benedicto. "Behavioral studies on individual and group decisions in supply chain planning." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, Ecole supérieure des sciences économiques et commerciales, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019ESEC0002.
Full textIn this dissertation, I study the sales and operations planning (S&OP), a cross-functional integration process in supply chain planning whose goal is to align a firm’s demand plan. In Chapters 2 and 3, I analyze group or aggregate demand forecasting in an S&OP where a sales planner and an operations planner create a joint demand forecast to build inventory before demand realization. In Chapter 4, I investigate how inventory managers learn from past decisions and examine the outcomes of those decisions in settings where stock outs lead to high disruption cost
Meyer, Rikard. "Beslutet om EU Battle Group : ett trendbrott?" Thesis, Försvarshögskolan, 2005. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:fhs:diva-1600.
Full textAvdelning: ALB - Slutet Mag 3 C-upps.Hylla: Upps. ChP 03-05
Malyon, Brett Edwin. "Planning for the strategic management of South Africa's West Coast rock lobster fishery : an integrated approach to group decision support." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/11427/9573.
Full textAs Bryson (1995) points out, strategic planning is particularly useful for assisting organisations and communities to deal with change. This study was carried out at a time of great change in South Africa, when a new fisheries policy was being formulated and negotiated. The research describes an intervention with a group of .fisheries managers, scientists, fishing company directors and other key stakeholders, in planning for the future management of the West Coast Rock Lobster fishery. The primary objective of the study was to consider an integrated approach to group decision support, incorporating a particular soft-OR approach, SODA, together with multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA). An integration of these two approaches has recently been suggested by researchers, for several reasons. Firstly, different phases of an intervention usually involve different tasks. Secondly, mixing methodologies will enable different aspects of the problem to be modelled and analysed. SODA was used at the outset, for divergent exploration and structuring of the problems surrounding the development of an operational management procedure (OMP) for the fishery, including more subjective and qualitative information. Several stakeholder groups opposed the idea of an OMP in the form in which it was proposed.
Jansson, Victor. "A Prioritization Model for Investments : A Case Study at Volvo Group Trucks Operations." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Industriell teknik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-387892.
Full textRees, Jeffrey Wilson. "Leading a local church to develop and implement team ministry in its structure and operation." Theological Research Exchange Network (TREN), 1999. http://www.tren.com.
Full textReddy, Chandupatla Surender. "The impact of product group forcing on individual item forecast accuracy." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 1991. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1055945658.
Full textCao, Wen Yuan. "Explore the role of QQ groups in Chinese tuishou operations." Thesis, University of Macau, 2011. http://umaclib3.umac.mo/record=b2525513.
Full textPastor-Nieto, Rosalia. "Familiarity and co-operation in spider monkeys : coping with group living in captivity." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 1997. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.577975.
Full textLi, Yue E. "The operation of repair in L2 learner conversation, group work and classroom discourse." Thesis, Aston University, 1992. http://publications.aston.ac.uk/14829/.
Full textDe, Cremer David. "Beyond self-interest in social dilemmas : a relational model of co-operation." Thesis, University of Southampton, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.299416.
Full textWilley, Max A. "Demonstrating the requirement for Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) replenishment in sea-based logistics operations." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 1997. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA341490.
Full text"December 1997." Thesis advisor(s): David A. Schrady. Includes bibliographical references (p. 39-41). Also available online.
Jansson, Sofie, and Frida Delin. "Process for preparing work instructions : A multiple case study at Volvo Group Trucks Operations." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Logistik- och kvalitetsutveckling, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-118904.
Full textEn studie gjord av Johansson, Fast-Berglund och Moestam (i tryck) visar variation i hur information hanteras i globala produktionsnätverk. För att komma närmre marknader har organisationer valt att globalisera sin verksamhet, vilket är en anledning till varför variation uppstår. Detta eftersom produkttyper och märken historiskt har varit annorlunda. Ett företag som för närvarande arbetar med att förbättra enhetligheten mellan processer är Volvo Group Trucks Operations (GTO). De vill utvärdera hur processen för framställning av monteringsarbetsinstruktioner ser ut på olika siter inom produktionsnätverket. Detta gör det möjligt för Volvo GTO att starta sitt arbete mot en standardiserad process och enhetlighet mellan siter. En början i detta arbete är att göra en nulägesanalys av processen för framställning av monteringsarbetsinstruktioner vid produktion av Volvo lastvagnar, motorer och växellådor i Sverige. Syftet är att identifiera nyckelaktiviteter inom processen och viktiga faktorer att tänka på när man standardisera processen. Detta sker på tre siter, en inom varje område. Volvo GTO är den del av Volvokoncernen som omfattar all tillverkning av motorer och växellådor samt produktion av Volvo, Renault, Mack och UD lastvagnar. År 2012 valde Volvokoncernen att omorganisera från varumärkesbaserad till organisatoriska enheter, till exempel utveckling, tillverkning etc. Detta har lett till ett ökat behov av en gemensam process för framställning av monteringsarbetsinstruktioner för att skapa enhetlighet mellan varumärkena. Resultatet av denna nulägesanalys visar att processen för framställning av monteringsarbetsinstruktioner utförs annorlunda beroende på siten som studerats. Trots detta är vissa aktiviteter i varje process liknande. Dessa visade sig vara: design, granskning, tidsättning, tidsanalys, balansering, stationsmärkning, skapa monteringsarbetsinstruktioner och dela information. Eftersom vissa aktiviteter faktiskt är lika skulle det vara möjligt att standardisera processen för framställning av monteringsarbetsinstruktioner i framtiden. Viktigt att tänka på när man standardisera en process är att skapa medvetenhet och engagemang bland medarbetarna. Det är också viktigt att ha ledningens engagement och stöd samt enhetlighet mellan IT system som används för att utföra processen. En sista sak att tänka på är att processen måste kunna anpassas då siter är placerade över hela världen och har olika kultur och lagar.
GAIS (Global Assembly Instruction Strategy)
Väänänen, André. "Smart Process for Automated Engineering Tasks : A case study at Volvo Group Trucks Operations." Thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Institutionen för teknikvetenskap och matematik, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-82773.
Full textKennedy, Chris A. "Construction of Maps by Postnikov Towers." The Ohio State University, 2018. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1533034197206461.
Full textVeitch, William. "Ideology and hearings system operations : the perceptions of five participating groups." Thesis, University of Stirling, 1993. http://hdl.handle.net/1893/21842.
Full textChoi, Daejeong. "Differentiated leader-member exchange and group effectiveness: a dual perspective." Diss., University of Iowa, 2013. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/2457.
Full textLindqvist, Jonas, and Linus Lund. "Emission allowance origination and trading : How does it affect ABB and its Group Treasury Operations?" Thesis, Linköping University, Linköping University, Production Economics, 2009. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-16570.
Full textThe purpose of the thesis is to determine how ABB’s treasury department (GTO) should respond to an increasing awareness and interest in the carbon credit markets. Emission caps have been introduced on national levels and also for certain industries in Europe as a consequence of the Kyoto Protocol. This allows for trading of certain carbon credits as well as for the creation of new credits. ABB is a company which has many solutions for efficient energy use; solutions that aim to reduce electricity cost and in the prolongation also emissions. The awareness of the carbon market is growing within ABB, but no carbon credit generating projects have been completed and the initiatives are scattered. The thesis describes the Kyoto Protocol and its implementation within EU, the markets available for trading by companies as well as what instruments and derivatives exist. With the underlying regulations described an empirical study of ABB’s involvement is conducted. The study shows that ABB has few installations with emissions caps and that the potential for generating new credits as a way to increase profit is quite big. However, there have been no carbon generating projects registered up to this point and there are many barriers to overcome before ABB receives any carbon credits.To ensure a thorough analysis, a model of factors affecting ABB’s carbon credit involvement is formed. The model is based on the available literature on the subjects organizational performance, transfer pricing, project- and financial risk and risk management.GTO’s immediate response should be to set up a pool to which subsidiaries with compliance requirements are to send their carbon credits. The pool will then redistribute the credits so that each subsidiary’s needs are fulfilled and finally settle the net remainder on the open market. A unit independent of GTO, called Group Carbon Operations (GCO) in the thesis, should be formed in the near future with responsibility to actively follow the progress of CDM pilot projects and to facilitate their implementation. Depending on the outcome of these pilot-projects ABB can then either, in case of a negative outcome, quickly end the direct CDM involvement and reach closure or, in case of a positive outcome, further develop the GCO department to profit from ABBs involvement in the CDM market. In case of a positive outcome, the GTO should be further involved regarding risk handling and internal pricing.
Key, Catherine Ann. "Co-operation, paternal care and the evolution of hominid social groups." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 1998. http://discovery.ucl.ac.uk/1383487/.
Full textCarr, Daniel. "The Effectiveness of Collaboration Within Supply Chain Management: A Case Study of Adidas Group." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2019. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/2078.
Full textAl-Mir, Atheer. "Eliminiation of bistable operation in the stabilisation of multi-group ALOHA systems with improved throughput." Thesis, University of London, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.394494.
Full textAndo, Matthew. "Operations in complex-oriented cohomology theories related to subgroups of formal groups." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1992. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/13230.
Full textDemmons, Elizabeth Rohlinger David Heiman Julie. "A strategic decision matrix for analyzing food service operations at Air Force Bases." Monterey, Calif. : Naval Postgraduate School, 2006. http://handle.dtic.mil/100.2/ADA460298.
Full textAdvisor(s): Howard, Randall ; Hudgens, Bryan. "December 2006." "MBA professional report"--Cover. Description based on title screen as viewed on June 18, 2009. DTIC Identifiers: Constraints, Group Dynamics, Decision Matrix, Air Force Bases. Author(s) subject terms: Services, Strategic Decision Matrix, Food Service, Mess Attendant, Tool for Decision Makers, Feeding Contract. Includes bibliographical references (p. 103-105).
Li, Christina S. "Fake it to make it: managing Person-Group fit with impression management." Diss., University of Iowa, 2019. https://ir.uiowa.edu/etd/6983.
Full textDhamankar, Sunil Yashwant. "An efficient group-theoretic algorithm for an assignment problem with a single knapsack constraint." Case Western Reserve University School of Graduate Studies / OhioLINK, 1991. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=case1055344390.
Full textCallegaro, Filippo. "Cohomology of finite and affine type Artin groups over Abelian representation /." Pisa, Italy : Edizioni della normale, 2009. http://bvbr.bib-bvb.de:8991/F?func=service&doc_library=BVB01&doc_number=017728632&line_number=0001&func_code=DB_RECORDS&service_type=MEDIA.
Full textHinson, William B. "A statistical analysis of individual success after successful completion of Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center Training." Thesis, Monterey, Calif. : Springfield, Va. : Naval Postgraduate School ; Available from National Technical Information Service, 2005. http://library.nps.navy.mil/uhtbin/hyperion/05Sep%5FHinson.pdf.
Full textMelo, Heather Aurora Florence de. "Totally real Galois representations in characteristic 2 and arithmetic cohomology /." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2005. http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd1048.pdf.
Full textTrochu, Morgan. "NH hotel group: road to operational efficiency…" Master's thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/35214.
Full textLIN, Tze-Min, and 林澤民. "Display Panel Business Strategy for Operational Business Models - Take Hon Hai Group as an Example." Thesis, 2018. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/jfhmh6.
Full text國立交通大學
Taiwan's FPD industry has experienced many years of development. The upstream and downstream output value of the display industry is more than 1.4 trillion US dollars, second only to South Korea. In 2017, the total output value of the display industry chain was about NT$1.4 trillion, with a market share of 27.6%. It is the second largest supplier of monitors in the world. The output value of the display industry is also the second largest electronic component industry in Taiwan, second only to the semiconductor industry. The output value of the display industry accounts for about 8% of Taiwan's GDP. In 2017, the overall industry chain of overall displays is estimated to exceed 200 companies in Taiwan, and the overall industry supply chain has created more than 150,000 jobs. Taiwan's largest display products are large-size panel products, accounting for 69%, followed by small-sized panel products accounting for 28%, and other (OLED, touch...) accounting for 3%. In recent years, the panel industry's production capacity has continued to invest, driving the development of key upstream components and forming a complete industrial cluster in Taiwan. The 2008 financial tsunami has challenged the panel industry's past high debt business model. From 2010 to the second quarter of 2015, the debt of four panel factories has decreased from NT$529.6 billion to NT$275.6 billion and debt relief of NT$250 billion. The Taiwanese currency has greatly reduced the operating pressure of Taiwanese manufacturers, but this has caused Taiwan's panel makers to build layouts for the next generation of LTPS and AMOLED production lines, which is not enough. At the same time, although Hon Hai is the last group in Taiwan to enter the panel industry (establishing Innolux), it has become the largest panel supplier in Taiwan through flexible acquisition and other strategies, and plays a pivotal role in the global panel industry. Shake up Samsung's panel supply. This research takes Michael Porter's Five Forces Model, BCG Model, Added Value Analysis, etc., A short, medium and long term panel industry trend is expected with the CQM model established by Prof. Lawrence R. Klein, a Nobel economist in 1980. Which points out that Hon Hai is using the correct product strategy to match the company's global layout and the advantages of upstream and downstream industries. Gradually build a huge panel empire across Taiwan, China, Japan and the United States. On the other hand, from the rising trend of the panel industry in Mainland China, we analyzed the corresponding strategies of Taiwan's panel industry and Hon Hai Group. Finally, it puts forward proposals for the panel industry players in Taiwan to move toward niche products, intelligent manufacturing and globalization.