Academic literature on the topic 'Ontology representation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ontology representation"
Cockayne, Daniel G., Derek Ruez, and Anna Secor. "Between ontology and representation." Progress in Human Geography 41, no. 5 (June 8, 2016): 580–99.
Full textAlbers, Albert, Hannes Schmalenbach, and Quentin Lohmeyer. "Ontology development for knowledge representation." International Journal of Product Development 14, no. 1/2/3/4 (2011): 53.
Full textAli, Abdullah, Siti Mariyam Shamsuddin, and Fathy E. Eassa. "Ontology-based Cloud Services Representation." Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology 8, no. 1 (July 5, 2014): 83–94.
Full textLi, Jia, Yun Bin Yang, and Li Fan Wei. "Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation for Mechanical Products." Advanced Materials Research 605-607 (December 2012): 365–70.
Full textKoten, Irianto Liko, and Cokorda Rai Adi Pramartha. "Semantic Representation of Balinese Traditional Dance." JELIKU (Jurnal Elektronik Ilmu Komputer Udayana) 8, no. 4 (February 4, 2020): 411.
Full textShi, Xin. "Construction of Design Process Ontology Database Based on Process Ontology." Applied Mechanics and Materials 263-266 (December 2012): 3352–56.
Full textGai, Ling. "Ontology-Based Knowledge Representation Model for E-Government." Advanced Materials Research 271-273 (July 2011): 281–84.
Full textTo, Hoai-Viet, Bac Le, and Mitsuru Ikeda. "An Ontological Approach for Representation of Educational Program." International Journal of Knowledge and Systems Science 5, no. 3 (July 2014): 18–35.
Full textShao, Wei Ping, Chun Yan Wang, Yong Ping Hao, Peng Fei Zeng, and Xiao Lei Xu. "Ontology-Based Workflow Semantic Representation and Modeling Method." Advanced Materials Research 129-131 (August 2010): 50–54.
Full textHong-guang, BO, Li Longlong, and Li Zhixiang. "HIGH-SPEED LOCOMOTIVE XBOM ONTOLOGY MODELING RESEARCH SUPPORTING MRO SEMANTIC KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION." International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research 5, no. 3 (February 10, 2020): 33–43.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ontology representation"
Sundström, Andreas. "Representing Performance | Performing Representation : Ontology in accounting practice." Doctoral thesis, Stockholms universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2015.
Full textAt the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Manuscript. Paper 3: Manuscript. Paper 4: Manuscript.
Meisel, Helmut. "Ontology representation and reasoning : a conceptual level approach." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2005.
Full textLe, Pendu Paea Jean-Francois 1974. "Ontology databases." Thesis, University of Oregon, 2010.
Full textOn the one hand, ontologies provide a means of formally specifying complex descriptions and relationships about information in a way that is expressive yet amenable to automated processing and reasoning. When data are annotated using terms from an ontology, the instances inhere in formal semantics. Compared to an ontology, which may have as few as a dozen or as many as tens of thousands of terms, the annotated instances for the ontology are often several orders of magnitude larger, from millions to possibly trillions of instances. Unfortunately, existing reasoning techniques cannot scale to these sizes. On the other hand, relational database management systems provide mechanisms for storing, retrieving, and maintaining the integrity of large amounts of data. Relational database management systems are well known for scaling to extremely large sizes of data, some claiming to manage over a quadrillion data. This dissertation defines ontology databases as a mapping from ontologies to relational databases in order to combine the expressiveness of ontologies with the scalability of relational databases. This mapping is sound and, under certain conditions, complete. That is, the database behaves like a knowledge base which is faithful to the semantics of a given ontology. What distinguishes this work is the treatment of the relational database management system as an active reasoning component rather than as a passive storage and retrieval system. The main contributions this dissertation will highlight include: (i) the theory and implementation particulars for mapping ontologies to databases, (ii) subsumption based reasoning, (iii) inconsistency detection, (iv) scalability studies, and (v) information integration (specifically, information exchange). This work is novel because it is the first attempt to embed a logical reasoning system, specified by a Semantic Web ontology, into a plain relational database management system using active database technologies. This work also introduces the not-gadget , which relaxes the closed-world assumption and increases the expressive power of the logical system without significant cost. This work also demonstrates how to deploy the same framework as an information integration system for data exchange scenarios, which is an important step toward semantic information integration over distributed data repositories.
Committee in charge: Dejing Dou, Chairperson, Computer & Information Science; Zena Ariola, Member, Computer & Information Science; Christopher Wilson, Member, Computer & Information Science; Monte Westerfield, Outside Member, Biology
Armas, Romero Ana. "Ontology module extraction and applications to ontology classification." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2015.
Full textMarin, Neto Antonio [UNESP]. "Ontologias na representação do conhecimento: uma ferramenta semântica para a ciência da informação." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2018.
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As ontologias surgiram a partir de discussões na Filosofia com o objetivo de discutir a essência das coisas, nos estudos da metafísica por Aristóteles, que dentre os diferentes ramos de investigação filosófica, tratava do conhecimento da essência de toda a realidade. A ontologia trata do estudo do “Ser” enquanto ser. O termo foi posteriormente utilizado em diferentes áreas como a Ciência da Computação (CC), Psicologia, Ciência da Informação (CI), entre outros. Nesse texto é apresentado um levantamento da utilização das ontologias na representação do conhecimento, identificando e destacando a forma de utilização da ontologia como ferramenta na CC e CI. Para tal, o trabalho inicial com uma contextualização do termo ontologia, desde a sua origem na Filosofia até a sua utilização em algumas das áreas do conhecimento. Em seguida é apresentado um levantamento sobre a representação do conhecimento, a destacar a CC e CI, bem como sobre a utilização da ontologia nesse contexto informacional. Afim de evidenciar a importância das ontologias para representação do conhecimento, também são listadas as principais metodologias de criação de ontologia, aprendizado de ontologia, bem como as ferramentas utilizadas para essas tarefas, além do gerenciamento e engenharia de ontologias. E por fim são apresentadas as considerações finais acerca da utilização das ontologias como ferramentas semânticas na CI e como as futuruas pesquisas podem se beneficiar desse trabalho como uma base para o entendimento das ontologias como ferramenta semântica na CI.
Ontologies come from discussions in Philosophy to debate the essence of things in Aristotle's studies of metaphysics, which among the different branches of philosophical inquiry dealt with the knowledge of the essence of all reality. Ontology deals with the study of "Being" as being. The term was later used in different areas such as Computer Science (CC), Psychology, Information Science (IS), andothers. This thesis presents a survey of the use of ontologies in knowledge representation, identifying and highlighting how ontology is used as a semantic tool in CC and IS. For this, is presented a contextualization of the term ontology, from its origin in Philosophy to its use in some of the areas of knowledge. Next, a survey is presented on the representation of knowledge, highlighting the CC and IS, as well as on the use of the ontology in this informational context. In order to demonstrate the importance of ontologies for knowledge representation, the main methodologies for ontology creation, ontology learning, as well as the tools used for these tasks, as well as the management and engineering of ontologies are also listed. Finally, it's present the final considerations about the use of ontologies as semantic tools in IS and how future researches can benefit from this work as a basis for the understanding of ontologies as a semantic tool in IS.
Paula, Felipe Cordeiro de. "MAS Ontology: uma ontologia de métodos orientados a agentes." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2014.
Full textA modelagem orientada a agentes surge como paradigma no desenvolvimento de software, haja vista a quantidade de iniciativas e estudos que remetem à utilização de agentes de software como solução para tratar de problemas mais complexos. Apesar da popularidade de utilização de agentes, especialistas esbarram na falta de universalidade de uma metodologia para construção dos Sistemas Multiagentes (MAS), pois estas acabam pecando pelo excesso ou falta de soluções para modelar o problema. Esta dissertação propõe o uso de uma Ontologia sobre Metodologias Multiagentes, seguindo os princípios da Engenharia de Métodos Situacionais que se propõe a usar fragmentos de métodos para construção de metodologias baseados na especificidade do projeto em desenvolvimento. O objetivo do estudo é sedimentar o conhecimento na área de Metodologias Multiagentes, auxiliando o engenheiro de software a escolher a melhor metodologia ou o melhor fragmento de metodologia capaz de modelar um Sistema Multiagentes.
The agent-oriented modeling emerges as a paradigm in software development, considering the amount of initiatives and studies that refer to the use of software agents as a solution to address more complex problems. Despite the popularity of using agents, experts bump in the lack of universality of a methodology for the construction of Multiagent Systems (MAS), as they end up sinning by excess or lack of solutions to model the problem. This thesis proposes the use of an Ontology based in Methodologies for Multi-Agent Systems, following the principles of Situational Method Engineering, which proposes to use fragments of methods for constructing methodologies based on the specificity of the development project. The aim of this work is to consolidate the knowledge in the area of Multiagent Methodologies by helping the software engineering to choose the best methodology or the best fragment method able to model a specific Multiagent System.
Chester, Ruth Marie. "Ethics, ontology and representation : the virtu-dynamic of Dante's Commedia." Thesis, University of Leeds, 2012.
Full textGaspar, Tiago Manuel dos Santos. "Methodology for collaborative enterprise reference ontology building." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2011.
Full textIn the actual competitive world, doing business globally has become critical to the survival of most enterprises. It is becoming each day more and more difficult for small enterprises to grow by operating alone in the market. Hence, most companies started feeling the need for joining collaborative environments becoming easier to manage their products and services, and where they can offer better products with low production costs. To achieve this, enterprises require the establishment of cooperation agreements among each other with the idea of expanding their business networks. Consequently there is a demand for intelligent solutions capable of reinforcing partnerships and collaborations between enterprises, organised groups or singular people. However, due to the worldwide diversity of communities, a high number of knowledge representation elements, such as ontologies, which are not semantically coincident, have appeared representing the same segment of reality. Even operating in the same domain, enterprises do not understand each other, making the communication among various systems parties more difficult and sometimes impracticable. This dissertation responds to the needs identified above, proposing a collaborative methodology for ontology building, enriched with qualitative information collection methods, to effectively improve the approach to elicit knowledge from business domain experts, towards interoperable intelligent systems. This methodology allows different individuals from enterprises or organisations working on the same field or area, to join a collaborative environment for building a common ontology specific to their ―Domain of Discourse‖. To accomplish this, several steps are taken including terms and definitions gathering, glossary and thesaurus building, and ontology mappings
Gomes, Ricardo Nuno Silva Cruz. "An ontology-based representation of an agent-based controlled robotic cell." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, 2010.
Full textCustomers demand for high product customization and differentiation, and short product life-cycle. As such, industries have to adapt their manufacturing systems more frequently in order to remain competitive. Changing manufacturing systems within a short period of time requires a huge effort in terms of time and money, reducing this effort would make industries more competitive. The proposed solution consists in developing an ontology-based multi-agent system to control manufacturing systems. Defining the ontology for the manufacturing system allows the control to perform its operation, and when changes arise, it is required to change the ontology so that the control became aware of the changes to control the manufacturing system. An ontology-based control allows for a smaller setup time since the control is not specific for one physical system and can be applied to different ones, therefore it reduces the effort in adapting manufacturing systems to required changes allowing industries to became more competitive. Flexibility is given by the multi-agent system that controls the physical system with the ontology. Stating this, the solution of an ontology-based control for manufacturing systems provides the required results.
Goasdoué, François. "Knowledge Representation meets DataBases for the sake of ontology-based data management." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2012.
Full textBooks on the topic "Ontology representation"
Anupama, Mallik, and Ghosh Hiranmay, eds. Multimedia ontology: Representation and applications. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 2016.
Find full textNussbaum, Charles O. The musical representation: Meaning, ontology, and emotion. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press, 2007.
Find full textOntology representation: Design patterns and ontologies that make sense. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2009.
Find full textGargouri, Faiez. Ontology theory, management and design: Advanced tools and models. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference, 2010.
Find full textCorcho, Oscar. A layered declarative approach to ontology translation with knowledge preservation. Amsterdam: IOS, 2005.
Find full textBachimont, Bruno. Ingénierie des connaissances et des contenus: Le numérique entre ontologies et documents. Paris: Hermès science, 2007.
Find full textC, Varzi Achille, and Vieu Laure, eds. Formal ontology in information systems: Proceedings of the third conference (FOIS-2004). Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2004.
Find full textFOIS (Conference) (6th 2010 Toronto, Canada). Formal ontology in information systems: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference (Fois 2010). Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2010.
Find full text(2006), FOIS (2006). Formal ontology in information systems: Proceedings of the fourth international conference (FOIS 2006). Amsterdam: IOS Press, 2006.
Find full textFOIS (Conference) (5th 2008 Saarbrücken, Germany). Formal ontology in information systems: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference (FOIS 2008). Amsterdam, Netherlands: IOS Press, 2008.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ontology representation"
Ashraf, Jamshaid, Omar K. Hussain, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, and Elizabeth J. Chang. "Representation Phase: Ontology Usage Ontology (U Ontology)." In Measuring and Analysing the Use of Ontologies, 171–203. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textGaševic, Dragan, Dragan Djuric, and Vladan Devedžic. "Knowledge Representation." In Model Driven Engineering and Ontology Development, 3–43. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.
Full textAlharbi, Eisa, John Howse, Gem Stapleton, and Ali Hamie. "Evaluating Diagrammatic Patterns for Ontology Engineering." In Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, 51–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textOnyshkevych, Boyan A., and Sergei Nirenburg. "Lexicon, ontology, and text meaning." In Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, 289–303. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.
Full textChen, Shan, and Aidan Delaney. "Diagrammatically Formalising Constraints of a Privacy Ontology." In Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, 672–79. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textSimou, Nikolaos, Carsten Saathoff, Stamatia Dasiopoulou, Evangelos Spyrou, Nikola Voisine, Vassilis Tzouvaras, Ioannis Kompatsiaris, Yiannis Avrithis, and Steffen Staab. "An Ontology Infrastructure for Multimedia Reasoning." In Visual Content Processing and Representation, 51–60. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006.
Full textLemanski, Jens. "Calculus CL as Ontology Editor and Inference Engine." In Diagrammatic Representation and Inference, 752–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.
Full textChebba, Asmaa, Thouraya Bouabana-Tebibel, and Stuart H. Rubin. "Context in Ontology for Knowledge Representation." In Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering, 311–20. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textTamma, Valentina A. M., and Trevor J. M. Bench-Capon. "Supporting Inheritance Mechanisms in Ontology Representation." In Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Methods, Models, and Tools, 140–55. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2000.
Full textNirenburg, Sergei, and Lori Levin. "Syntax-driven and ontology-driven lexical semantics." In Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, 5–20. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1992.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Ontology representation"
"ONTOLOGY-DRIVEN 3D RECONSTRUCTION OF ARCHITECTURAL OBJECTS." In 3D Model Aquisition and Representation. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2007.
Full textMing, Zhenjun, Yan Yan, Guoxin Wang, Jitesh H. Panchal, Chung Hyun Goh, Janet K. Allen, and Farrokh Mistree. "Ontology-Based Representation of Design Decision Hierarchies." In ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016.
Full textBenta, Kuderna-Iulian, Anca Rarău, and Marcel Cremene. "Ontology Based Affective Context Representation." In the 2007 Euro American conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2007.
Full textSun, Yu, and Zhiping Li. "Ontology-based domain knowledge representation." In Education (ICCSE). IEEE, 2009.
Full text"KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION THROUGH COHERENCE SPACES - A Theoretical Framework for the Integration of Knowledge Representations." In International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2009.
Full text"KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION FRAMEWORK FOR CURRICULUM DEVELOPMENT." In International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2010.
Full text"Prototypes Vs Exemplars in Concept Representation." In International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2012.
Full text"KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION FOR HUMAN-MACHINE INTERACTION." In International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2009.
Full text"Probabilistic Models for Semantic Representation." In The 1st International Workshop on Ontology for e-Technologies. SciTePress - Science and and Technology Publications, 2009.
Full textDong, Hai, Farookh Khadeer Hussain, and Elizabeth Chang. "Ontology-Based Digital Ecosystem Conceptual Representation." In Third International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems (ICAS'07). IEEE, 2007.
Full textReports on the topic "Ontology representation"
Fiorentini, Xenia, Iacopo Gambino, Vei-Chung Liang, Sudarsan Rachuri, Mahesh Mani, and Conrad Bock. An ontology for assembly representation. Gaithersburg, MD: National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2007.
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