Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Ondes sonores – Détection du signal'
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Rodriguez, Joaquin. "Traitement et analyse des structures dans les signaux : application aux signaux acoustiques émis lors de l'ébullition du sodium dans un réacteur nucléaire." Compiègne, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986COMPI216.
Full textThis work concerns a waveform recognition problem. The waveforms are structured patterns which are labelled by a class name : A or B. Within each class, almost all the waveforms look alike and differ from the waveforms of the other class. After being trained, people are able to assign an unknown waveform to a reference class. The goal of the recognition system is to compete with human learning and visual classification for a specific application. Our approach employs a logical representation. After seeing several examples of each class, the subject is able to classify other waveforms without further instruction. He describes the rules for this interpretation as relying upon relative positions between peaks and valleys ; only some peaks and valleys of the whole waveform are considered to be relevant to the structure. A signal is described by a set of logical variables associated to these rules. The description of each class is inferred with a generalisation rule from a set of examples and a set of counter examples. The logical class description must indicate both the location and the relationships among the relevant peaks and valleys. Recognition is achieved by comparing the unknown waveform to each mode, i. E. Each class description. Noisy and ambiguous data can be encountered during the analysis. The analyser is model-driven and linked to a signal processor which applies a sequence of transformations to the input waveform until it obtains an exact match between the input and one of the models. The se transformations are associated with costs. For each model, many sequences of transformation will lead to an exact match. The search for the best sequence of transformations is implemented using and ordered search strategy in a graph. The comparison of the costs of the best match for each model is used for the final decision. Data used as application are samples of acoustic signal during sodium ebullition
Jan, Didier. "Traitement numérique d'images de sonar latéral." Compiègne, 1985. http://www.theses.fr/1985COMPD007.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to show how computer-aided techniques could be applied to improve the interpretation of the data of side scan sonar and acoustical recognition of the seabed. Two different methods will be exposed. In both case, we take account of the duality of the backscattering characteristics which depend on the nature and the surface conditions. In the first method, the analysis of the shape of the probability density curve of bottom reverberation, can provide us measurements which, by including some assumptions, are intimately related to the surface roughness. We estimate the probability density curve with theorical probability density functions. The second method, which is based on digital image processing, use grey level dependency matrices. This statistical analysis of the image texture provide us segmentators to subdivide the image in "homogeneous" area and the recognition can be done by the knowledge of a reference area taken in situ
Juennard, Nicolas. "Détection et localisation de particules de très hautes énergies en acoustique sous-marine." Phd thesis, Université du Sud Toulon Var, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00295026.
Full textDans un second temps, plusieurs méthodes de détection sont étudiées, de la plus classique (étude du rapport de vraisemblance} à des méthodes plus récente (filtrage adapté, classification, etc.). La comparaison expérimentale en situation semi-réelle de celles-ci aboutit au choix de la méthode de détection suivante : le FASE (Filtrage Adapté Stochastique Etendu). Enfin, la position et la direction du neutrino sont estimés par un algorithme dérivé de Gauss-Newton, Cet estimateur se base sur la modélisation du déplacement du front d'onde acoustique et sur les informations temporelles de détection fournies par les hydrophones du télescope. De nombreuses configurations sont testées et les performances du système sont évaluées. Une structure d'hydrophone est proposée et une simulation dite « globale » finalisent cette thèse. Dans celle-ci, les étapes de détection et d'estimation sont basées sur les résultats obtenus précédemment. Les bruits de mer sont des bruits réels issus de campagnes de mesure et les résultats obtenus valident les travaux de cette thèse.
Courcoux-Caro, Milan. "Conception optimisée d’antenne pour de la localisation passive de sources acoustiques." Thesis, Brest, École nationale supérieure de techniques avancées Bretagne, 2022. http://www.theses.fr/2022ENTA0001.
Full textThe objective of this thesis work is to propose an approach of array design for the localization of aerial or underwater acoustic sources. First, we will see how to describe the propagation of waves emitted by the sources. Then we will draw up the different methods allowing to estimate the positions of the sources from the measurements acquired by the sensors and from the propagation model. The bibliographic work on the field of acoustic source localization will highlight the importance of the sensors’ positions in the performance of the source position estimators. This will lead to a second bibliographic work on antenna design, and more precisely on the selection of sensor positions. The state of the art on antenna design methods will allow us to propose the following method: a sequential Bayesian data-driven selection. This approach takes into account the information contained in the measurements previously acquired in the pre-designed antenna, in order to select the future sensors. The application of this approach is innovative in the context of acoustic source localization. In a second step, first results realized on synthetic data prove to be promising for the application of this approach in an underwater acoustic source localization context. The analyses provided in this manuscript will allow to judge the relevance of this approach in the tested context, as well as to evaluate and compare the performance of this antenna design with the literature. Finally, we will apply this approach on real data from an experiment set up during the thesis. The propagation environment will be aerial in a closed reverberant room with a large number of available sensors. Acquiring real data will allow, in addition to evaluating the performance of our approach, to provide a new antenna design. This is designed from synthetic data and then applied to real data
Guérard, Marc-André. "Estimation de la direction d'arrivée d'échos sonores à large bande noyés dans le signal direct." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/27005.
Full textCe mémoire présente deux algorithmes qui ont pour but d’améliorer la précision de l’estimation de la direction d’arrivée de sources sonores et de leurs échos. Le premier algorithme, qui s’appelle la méthode par élimination des sources, permet d’améliorer l’estimation de la direction d’arrivée d’échos qui sont noyés dans le bruit. Le second, qui s’appelle Multiple Signal Classification à focalisation de phase, utilise l’information dans la phase à chaque fréquence pour déterminer la direction d’arrivée de sources à large bande. La combinaison de ces deux algorithmes permet de localiser des échos dont la puissance est de -17 dB par rapport à la source principale, jusqu’à un rapport échoà- bruit de -15 dB. Ce mémoire présente aussi des mesures expérimentales qui viennent confirmer les résultats obtenus lors de simulations.
This memoir presents two algorithms which goal is to determine the direction of arrival of wideband acoustic sources. The first algorithm, called Source Elimination Method, eliminate the contribution of every source from the covariance matrix to improve the estimation of the direction of arrival estimate of echoes in a low echo-to-noise ratio. The second algorithm, called Multiple Signal Classification with Phase Focalisation, uses the information contained in the phase of every frequency to find the direction of arrival of wideband sources. The combination of the two algorithm permits to find the direction of arrival of two echoes, which power is - 17 dB compared to the main source, up to an echo to noise ratio of -15 dB. Experimental results confirming the precision of these algorithm are presented.
Dellandréa, Emmanuel. "Analyse de signaux vidéos et sonores : application à l'étude de signaux médicaux." Tours, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003TOUR4031.
Full textThe work deals with the study of multimedia sequences containing images and sounds. The analysis of images sequences consists in the tracking of moving objects in order to allow the study of their properties. The investigations have to enable the understanding of sounds when correlated to events in the image sequence. One generic method, based on the combination of regions and contours tracking, and one method adapted to homogeneous objects, based on level set theory, are proposed. The analysis of audio data consists in the development of an identification system based on the study of the structure of signals thanks to their coding and Zipf laws modeling. These methods have been evaluated on medical sequences within the framework of the gastro-oesophageal reflux pathology study, in collaboration with the Acoustique et Motricité Digestive research team of the University of Tours
Rossignol, Stéphane. "Segmentation et indexation des signaux sonores musicaux." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00010732.
Full text1) Le premier niveau de segmentation, appelé << sources >>, concerne la distinction entre la parole et la musique. Les sons considérés peuvent provenir par exemple de bandes-son de films ou d'émissions radiophoniques.
Des fonctions d'observation sont étudiées, qui ont pour objectif de mettre en évidence les propriétés différentes du signal de parole et du signal de musique. Plusieurs méthodes de classification ont été étudiées. Les performances du système avec des signaux réels sont discutées.
2) Le deuxième niveau de segmentation, appelé << caractéristiques >>, concerne ce type d'index : silence/son, voisé/non voisé, harmonique/inharmonique, monophonique/polyphonique, avec vibrato/sans vibrato, avec trémolo/sans trémolo. La plupart de ces caractéristiques donnent lieu à des fonctions d'observation utilisées par le troisième niveau de segmentation.
La détection du vibrato, l'estimation de ses paramètres (fréquence et amplitude) et sa suppression du trajet de la fondamentale ont été particulièrement étudiées. Un ensemble de techniques sont décrites. Les performances de ces techniques avec des sons réels sont discutées.
Le vibrato est supprimé du trajet de la fondamentale original afin d'obtenir une ligne mélodique << lissée >>. Alors, ce nouveau trajet de la fondamentale peut être utilisé pour la segmentation en notes (troisième niveau de segmentation) des extraits musicaux, et peut aussi être utilisé pour des modifications de ces sons.
La détection du vibrato est opérée seulement si, lors du premier niveau de segmentation, c'est la source << musique >> qui a été détectée.
3) Le troisième niveau de segmentation concerne la segmentation en << notes ou en phones ou plus généralement en parties stables >>, suivant la nature du son considéré : instrumental, voix chantée, parole, son percussif...
L'analyse est composée de quatre étapes. La première consiste à extraire un grand nombre de fonctions d'observation. Une fonction d'observation est d'autant plus appropriée qu'elle présente des pics grands et fins quand des transitions surviennent et que sa moyenne et sa variance restent petites pendant les zones stables. Trois types de transitions existent : celles en fréquence fondamentale, celles en énergie et celles en contenu spectral. En deuxième lieu, chaque fonction d'observation est automatiquement seuillée. En troisième lieu, une fonction de décision finale, correspondant aux marques de segmentation, est construite à partir des fonctions d'observation seuillées. Finalement, pour les sons monophoniques et harmoniques, la transcription automatique est effectuée. Les performances du système avec des sons réels sont discutées.
Les données obtenues pour un certain niveau de segmentation sont utilisées par les niveaux de segmentation de numéro d'ordre supérieurs afin d'améliorer leurs performances.
La longueur des segments donnés par le niveau de segmentation en << sources >> peut être de quelques minutes. La longueur des segments donnés par le niveau de segmentation en << caractéristiques >> est communément plus petite : elle est disons de l'ordre de quelques dizaines de secondes. La longueur des segments donnés par le niveau de segmentation en << zones stables >> est le plus souvent inférieure à une seconde.
Zimmermann, Céline. "Conception, réalisation et étude de micro-capteurs à ondes de Love pour applications en milieu gazeux : Cas de la détection de composés organophosphorés." Bordeaux 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002BOR12471.
Full textMillet, Nicolas. "Cavité résonnante pour la détection polarimétrique d'objets diélectriques dans le domaine des ondes millimétriques." Paris 6, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008PA066635.
Full textChauveau, Janic. "Caractérisation des pôles de résonance d'objets éclairés par une onde électromagnétique large bande." Nantes, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007NANT2059.
Full textIn resonance region, the radar scattering response of any object can be modelled by poles of resonance. The mapping of these poles in the complex plane gives useful information for the discrimination of a radar target, as its general shape, its characteristic dimension and its constitution. This thesis presents several studies such as: an analysis of the resonant behaviour of targets with the quality factor, a procedure for selecting the poles that actually contribute to the scattering response, the determination of characteristic dimensions of targets with the resonance poles, the characterisation of dielectric targets, etc
Toribio, Raphaël. "Méthodes d'extraction de pôles de résonance : application à la caractérisation de cibles." Nantes, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002NANT2079.
Full textChati, Farid. "Diffusion acoustique par des objets cylindriques comportant un matériau viscoélastique." Le Havre, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998LEHA0014.
Full textKhlaifi, Hajer. "Preliminary study for detection and classification of swallowing sound." Thesis, Compiègne, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019COMP2485/document.
Full textThe diseases affecting and altering the swallowing process are multi-faceted, affecting the patient’s quality of life and ability to perform well in society. The exact nature and severity of the pre/post-treatment changes depend on the location of the anomaly. Effective swallowing rehabilitation, clinically depends on the inclusion of a video-fluoroscopic evaluation of the patient’s swallowing in the post-treatment evaluation. There are other available means such as endoscopic optical fibre. The drawback of these evaluation approaches is that they are very invasive. However, these methods make it possible to observe the swallowing process and identify areas of dysfunction during the process with high accuracy. "Prevention is better than cure" is the fundamental principle of medicine in general. In this context, this thesis focuses on remote monitoring of patients and more specifically monitoring the functional evolution of the swallowing process of people at risk of dysphagia, whether at home or in medical institutions, using the minimum number of non-invasive sensors. This has motivated the monitoring of the swallowing process based on the capturing only the acoustic signature of the process and modeling the process as a sequence of acoustic events occuring within a specific time frame. The main problem of such acoustic signal processing is the automatic detection of the relevent sound signals, a crucial step in the automatic classification of sounds during food intake for automatic monitoring. The detection of relevant signal reduces the complexity of the subsequent analysis and characterisation of a particular swallowing process. The-state-of-the-art algorithms processing the detection of the swallowing sounds as distinguished from environmental noise were not sufficiently accurate. Hence, the idea occured of using an adaptive threshold on the signal resulting from wavelet decomposition. The issues related to the classification of sounds in general and swallowing sounds in particular are addressed in this work with a hierarchical analysis that aims to first identify the swallowing sound segments and then to decompose them into three characteristic sounds, consistent with the physiology of the process. The coupling between detection and classification is also addressed in this work. The real-time implementation of the detection algorithm has been carried out. However, clinical use of the classification is discussed with a plan for its staged deployment subject to normal processes of clinical approval
Chiumia, Jeremiah Gibson. "Diffusion acoustique par des coques cylindriques et axisymétriques : influence d'une hétérogénéité d'épaisseur interne." Le Havre, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998LEHA0009.
Full textLoyau, Thierry. "Traitement de l'information pour l'analyse des champs d'intensité acoustique et des sources sonores." Compiègne, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988COMPD098.
Full textJuennard, Nicolas Jauffret Claude Xerri Bernard. "Détection et localisation de particules de très hautes énergies en acoustique sous-marine." [S. l.] : [s.n], 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00252061/fr.
Full textRanta, Radu. "Traitement et analyse de signaux sonores physiologiques : application à la phonoentérographie." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2003. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00005906.
Full textGuillaume, Mathieu. "Analyse et synthèse de champs sonores." Phd thesis, Télécom ParisTech, 2006. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00002383.
Full textGrosdidier, Samuel. "Détection de cibles en milieu maritime par radar HF à ondes de surface." Brest, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010BRES2048.
Full textHigh Frequency Surface Wave (HFSW) radars (3-30MHz) provide largely better ranges than classical costal systems used for sea monitoring. HFSW radars make possible to get range further than line of sight and to monitor continuously and cheaply a large area of sea. But for different reason it is hard to process the received signal: a low spatial and temporal resolution and a strong tendency to be polluted by different kind of interferences and noises. The general topic of this PhD thesis is to deal with a very noisy signal for detection purpose. The first work deals with the development of a methodology to generate images obtained by HSWR radars (Range-Doppler images). This tool was developed taking into account most of the system parameters and leads to control entries parameters for the sea (wave height, wave directions. . . ), the radar (central frequency, bandwidth. . J, and target characteristics (radar cross section, range, velocity. . . ). For the detection task, from generated and real data, a source separation techniques called Morphological Component Analysis (MCA), initially proposed by Starck et al. 2005, is considered. The goal is to extract an image made of the target signature, the decision part being solved by using a common constant false alarm rate method. The selected methodology in this thesis in order to solve the detection problem by HFSW radars combines modeling and simulation aspects, and real data use
Touraine, Nicolas. "Diffusion acoustique par des coques cylindrico-hémisphériques immergées en incidence variable." Le Havre, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LEHA0003.
Full textMorvidone, Marcela. "Etude et comparaison d'algorithmes de détection optimale pour les signaux modulés en amplitude et en fréquence : applications aux ondes gravitationnelles." Aix-Marseille 1, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002AIX11063.
Full textGhozzi, Mohamed. "Détection cyclostationnaire des bandes de fréquences libres." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00355174.
Full textDeux méthodes de détection sont envisageables. La détection d'énergie est une méthode simple, de complexité de calcul réduite et n'exigeant aucune information sur le signal à détecter, mais elle nécessite une connaissance exacte de la variance du bruit supposé blanc gaussien. La détection cyclostationnaire est plus robuste vis-à-vis des incertitudes d'estimation de la variance du bruit et capable de détecter des signaux à faibles RSB. Nous avons proposé deux algorithmes de détection cyclostationnaire. Dans le premier, la fréquence cyclique dans le signal est supposée connue, alors que dans le deuxième la cyclostationarité est détecté de manière aveugle. Cependant, pour minimiser le temps de détection des bandes libres, nous proposons une architecture hybride de détection combinant les détections d'énergie et cyclostationnaire.
Kouyaté, Mansour. "Génération et détection par réseaux photo-induits d'impulsions acoustiques picosecondes de cisaillement." Phd thesis, Université du Maine, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00734973.
Full textPlanque, Sophie. "Contribution à l'étude de la propagation des signaux électrohystérographiques." Compiègne, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990COMPD242.
Full textKotenkoff, Cyril. "Détection d'objets enfouis sur le fond marin par ondes sismo-acoustiques de Scholte." Phd thesis, Grenoble INPG, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00248886.
Full textNous avons défini un système composé d'une antenne de capteurs multicomposante et d'un source impulsive disposés sur l'interface.
Le traitement du signal se décompose en deux temps: une étape d'estimation des caractéristiques de propagation des ondes est réalisée à partir de l'onde incidente sur l'antenne puis une image de détection est calculée par un traitement d'antenne adapté aux caractéristiques estimées, la dispersion et la polarisation.
Le traitement nécessite une modélisation fidèle du bruit sismo-acoustique, dont nous proposons des modèles.
Les performances ont une grande sensibilité au modèle de bruit, elles soulignent l'intérêt du traitement multicomposante.
La méthode a été favorablement validée par simulation d'ondes élastiques ainsi que sur des données réelles.
Elle demande à l'être expérimentalement en environnement contrôlé et en mer.
Chamseddine, Ahmad. "Conception et réalisation d'un système d'imagerie passive temps réel à détection directe en gamme millimétrique." Lille 1, 2001. https://pepite-depot.univ-lille.fr/RESTREINT/Th_Num/2001/50376-2001-267.pdf.
Full textNogues, Jean-François. "Identification et localisation spatiale de cibles sous-marines. Apport d'un noyau temps réel à la réalisation d'une instrumentation évolutive." Toulouse 3, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994TOU30115.
Full textEudeline, Yannick. "Diffusion acoustique par des cibles limitées : traitement numérique des signaux." Le Havre, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998LEHA0005.
Full textLin, Hao. "Analyse et conception de systèmes multi-porteuses pour la transmission par courant porteur en ligne." Paris, ENST, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009ENST0049.
Full textThis thesis aims at investigating an alternative MultiCarrier Modulation (MCM) scheme, named OFDM Offset QAM (OFDM/OQAM), in the Power Line Communications (PLC) context. The objective of this thesis is to illustrate the pros and cons of the OFDM/OQAM compared with the widely used OFDM scheme and further demonstrate the feasibility of using OFDM/OQAM in PLC. The main contributions of this thesis include: 1) PLC channel analysis: we analyze the PLC channel from an information theory point of view; 2) Analytical transmission model: we derive a theoretical transmission model for the OFDM/OQAM system over frequency selective channel; 3) Prototype filter design criteria discussion: different criteria of prototype filter design are discussed in this thesis for PLC; 4) Channel equalization methods: we present two channel equalization methods in this thesis and the efficiency of the presented methods is evaluated by simulations; 5) Capacity analysis: the transmission capacities of the OFDM and the OFDM/OQAM are analyzed/compared in this thesis and the fact that, under the most recent HomePlug AV specifications, the OFDM/OQAM system can, generally, provide higher capacity than the one of OFDM system is shown; 6) Flexibility: we point out two flexibilities in the PLC contex
Haumesser, Lionel. "Diffusion acoustique par des coques cylindriques limitées immergéesOndes hélicoi͏̈dales : analyse des réponses temporelles et identification complète des résonances." Le Havre, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2002LEHA0003.
Full textAcoustic pressure scattered by finite fluid loaded cylindrical shells, is experimentally and theoretically analyzed in Fourier spaces. Spectral and time domain signatures of such objects are interpreted in terms of resonance and propagation of surface waves. The scatterers are made of stainless steel, with inner over outer radii ratio equal to 0,83 and 0,97. They are excited under the far field conditions by broadband ultrasonic signals, for incidence angles comprised between 0ʿ (normal incidence to the shell main axis) and 50ʿ. Resonances present in backscattered spectral responses, associated to Sʿ and Tʿ helical waves, are identified. The associated vibration modes are experimentally determined by using two bistatic experimental arrangements. The first setup, in which the receiver transducer rotates in a plane normal to the shell axis, leads to the identification of cicumferential mode (n) ; the second, rather original setup, in which the receiver moves parallel to the shell axis, yields the identification of axial modes (m). The results are in agreement with those obtained with a hybrid modal theoretical approach combining elasticity theory and Kirchhoff diffraction integral. This information (resonance frequency, n, m) makes possible the evaluation of the phase velocity and the propagation angle of corresponding wave. The complete identification of target resonances is thus achieved (nature of the wave, n, m). Each resonance, expression of a finite length objet eigenmode selected by excitation conditions, is observed at a single frequency for a number of closely spaced incidence angles. A geometrical model depicting wave helical travel paths on the shell renders possible the analysis of time domain responses. Times at which echoes are observed, are related to the travel paths of the Tʿ. The influence on backscattering of the shell's characteristic dimensions (length and diameter) is studied in this way. The geometrical approach also enables the consideration of effects linked to the presence of an internal plate bulkhead : the role of the A wave (interface wave) becomes prominent
Fouan, Damien. "Détection et caractérisation d'embolies gazeuses : application à la prévention des accidents de décompression." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013AIXM4763.
Full textDecompression sicknesses (DCS) are a consequence of microbubbles formation in tissues during decompression. Many fields are affected by this issue: divers, astronauts, tunneling, hyperbaric medical staff... It is observed that these accidents can occur even if the decompression tables are respected. The detection and characterization of decompression bubbles have a diagnostic potential for the prevention of DCS. Today, the detection of microbubbles is performed by experienced health workers using Doppler systems. However, this approach has a high dependence on the operator and does not provide quantitative information (number, size) about the distribution of circulating bubbles. Moreover, it is not suitable for the detection of stationary bubbles (tissue bubbles).These limitations lead to the development of a bi-frequency ultrasonic method for microbubbles detection and characterization by setting them into resonance. The constraints as real-time measurements, size polydispersity ([1 to 200 μm]) and saturation of tissues require the use of very low powerful excitation but high bandwidth waves.The solutions implemented are aimed firstly to reduce the complexity of the instrumentation and secondly to consider the dynamics of the excitation. In addition, an original solution, protected by a patent, has been developed. It allows to overcome the measurement of resonance while maintaining a discriminating character between bubbles and tissues
Bigourd, Damien. "Etude et détection de polluants atmosphérique dans le domaine THz." Littoral, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006DUNK0152.
Full textTerahertz or Far Infrared radiation extends from 100 GHz to 10 THz. This frequency range was considered to be a “spectral gap” due to the considerable technological difficulties in producing a tunable source with reasonable emission powers. Two THz spectrometers have been developed and exploited. The first uses THz pulses and is based on Time Domain Spectroscopy. It is capable of providing a spectrum which extends from few GHz to 1,2 THz within few minutes and has a spectral resolution in the order of few GHz. The second instrument generates continous wave THz photomixing and can reach up to 3 THz with a spectral purity of 5 MHz. After presenting the analytical descriptions and experimentally characterizations of the instruments, we focus on the monitoring and detection of atmospheric pollutants, illustrated by the analysis of cigarette smoke which represents an example of hostile medium. This study reveals the presences of the hydrogen cyanide (HCN), carbon monoxideee (CO) and formaldehyde (H2CO) and allows their concentrations to be measured. This analysis is verified by comparison with standard chemichal methods. The fundamental part of this work is the study of the gas response after a subpicosecond excitation : the free induction decay of carbonyl sulphide that consists of a series of uniformly spaced subpicosecond commensurate transients. A theoretical model is used to understand the classical phenomena. The quasi exponential decrease of the reemitted pulses is linked to the spectral with of the rotational transition while the anharmonicity influences the pulse shape due to the propagation, dispersion and centrifugal distorsion
Liétard, Romain. "Influence de raidisseurs internes régulièrement espacés sur la diffusion acoustique par une coque cylindrique finie immergée : diffusion de Bragg et diffusion de Bloch-Floquet." Le Havre, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2006LEHA0007.
Full textThis work is devoted to the study of the influence of internal ribs on the acoustic scattering from a finite cylindrical shell, in order to explain results obtained for complex targets (submarines models). Thus, two cylinders ribbed by a set of evenly spaced rings are studied under two different configurations (monostatic and bistatic). Experimental results show two new scattering processes: Bragg scattering and Bloch-Floquet scattering. Bragg scattering is due to the interference of the geometrical reflections of the incident plane wave on the rings. Scattering from Bloch-Floquet waves results from the propagation of a surface wave which scatters each time it meets a rib. The interference of all reemissions gives rise to the phenomenon. A good agreement between numerical results (provided by a theoretical calculation) and experimental ones is obtained. Simple scattering/interference calculations are used to study the inverse problem. Thanks to the angular and frequential coordinates of the reinforcement points observed on experimental spectra, certain characteristics of the studied ribbed shells are estimated (rib spacing, shell thickness)
Davy, Matthieu. "Application du retournement en micro-ondes à l'amplification d'impulsions et l'imagerie." Phd thesis, Paris 7, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA077219.
Full textTime Reversal (TR) methods are applied in microwaves to pulse amplification and imaging. First, we use a reverberation chamber with an aperture on the front face and we take advantage of the pulse compression property of time reversal. High amplitude peaks are generated outside the chamber thanks to the long spreading time of the signals inside. Our device is auto-adaptive in position and in polarization. The second part of the manuscript deals theoretically and experimentally with the DORT method (decomposition of the TR operator). The method is first applied to characterize a dielectric cylinder and work out its parameters. Imaging of two close scatterers separated by a subwavelength distance is then considered. A criterion is especially extracted to deduce the noise level above which the resolution fails. Furthermore, we use thé DORT method to track experimentally people behind a wall. The wave propagation inside the wall is taken into account to localize a human being. This last part leads to the study of the invariants of the TR operator when a pointlike target is moving during the acquisition of the transfer matrix. Eventually, we introduce thé first wideband ambient noise cross-correlation experiment in microwaves. The cross-correlation yields the Green's function between two antennas and allows the passive detection and localization of targets. The analogy with a TR process is developed. Passive people localization is also achieved with the narrow bandwidth signals emitted by a WIFI router
Poirot, Samuel. "Des non-linéarités physiques à la perception sonore." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021AIXM0622.
Full textThe objective of the research work presented in this thesis is to design a model for environmental sound synthesis that takes into account the non-linear phenomena involved in the physical modelling of sound sources. We aim to propose a simplified model of the sound signal consistent with human perception. The methodology followed consists of : - generating a corpus by the physical simulation of sound sources whose non-linear behaviour is representative of previously classified sound percepts;- determining the corresponding sound morphologies from the analysis of the non-stationary signals of the corpus; - design a simplified signal model consistent with the perception; - evaluate and calibrate the transcription of the phenomenon in the signal model using listening tests. After having specified the context and the challenges of this subject, we present the generation of a corpus of sounds and the determinations of the associated sound morphologies for two typical cases of non-linear phenomena in the production of solid sounds: the perturbation of the vibrations of a stiff string by a rigid obstacle and the vibrations of a thin plate for large amplitudes of elastic vibrations. We deduce that one aspect common to these two cases is the energy transfers towards high frequency components.We then propose a signal model for the energy transfers between frequency components for the synthesis of sounds corresponding to non-linear phenomena and we evaluate the transcription of the phenomena by the signal model using listening tests
Carron, Henry. "Architectures dédiées à l'acquisition en temps réel de signaux acoustiques d'échosondage large bande." Toulouse 3, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004TOU30125.
Full textThis work carried out in the framework of research undertaken at the LAMI (Laboratoire d'Acoustique de Métrologie et d'Instrumentation) proposes a method of real time optimization of the directivity diagram of wide band circular and linear acoustic antennas. The effectiveness of a filtering method associated with each sensor is shown after highlighting the variation of the directivity diagram of the acoustic antennas with the frequency. The characteristics of these filters (frequency and phase response) are given by minimizing the least mean squares error between the real and the desired diagrams over the whole interval of the acoustic wave frequencies and angles. These filters are approximated thereafter by Finite Impulse Response (FIR) filters and then described in VHDL language for the implementation in a FPGA circuit. After the presentation of various types of hardware architectures with their performances in terms of processing time and devices resources used, we present in this work some experimental results which show the effects of directivity diagram compensation over a frequency band of three octaves
Accadia, Timothee. "Vérification de la reconstruction du signal d'onde gravitationnelle de Virgo à l'aide d'un dispositif d'étalonnage utilisant la pression de radiation laser." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00788599.
Full textFrémont, Bruno. "Etude et réalisation d'un système radar coopératif destiné aux systèmes de transport guidés." Valenciennes, 2003. http://ged.univ-valenciennes.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/14f77b48-2771-4688-bcdf-43c8a0c65a4b.
Full textThe aim of this work is to design a cooperative collision avoidance radar system for automated people movers. The goal is to reduce the trading loss for broken down trains. The sensor was cut in to couples of transmitter and receiver assemblies. The transmitter part in the first couple sends the signal, which is received and transmitted again by the second couple. Then this signal is received by the first train. The choice for the sensor is the correlation radar system. Some delay estimation algorithms, based on higher order statistics, have been tested. As this system has to be operative in a tunnel, a study of the propagation of signals in such a place has been carried out. The full system has been simulated and tested in its working environment and in a free space propagation environment. The use of a cooperative radar system allows to improve the range of a radar from 150 m to 800 m. In the tunnel, the maximal distance is 650 m, with good performances in terms of detection
Chaouch, Olfa. "Tomographie passive des ondes acoustiques : Prédiction et identification à partir du bruit ambiant." Thesis, Le Mans, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LEMA1035/document.
Full textThe work presented is in the domain of SHM. An identification method based on the cross correlations functions between piezoelectric sensors was proposed and gave birth to two criterion of identification. The first is a visual criterion, it is based on the superposition of the envelopes of the cross correlation functions obtained by Hilbert transform for two configurations, the first is a defect free configuration of reference and the other is with defect.The second criterion is numerical; it is the mean of the differences between two envelopes. The performance of these criterions was tested first on an aluminum plate in free edges conditions, using a source located in space; the intensity of this source was not controlled. The results of the first experiment has certainly shown the sensitivity of these criterion to the appearance of defects despite the randomness of the source, but also highly sensitivity to changes in the position of the source was found. In the second experiment a source not localized in space was used, and the plate was in clamped edges conditions. The proposed criterions have been tested using a single frequency sine signal as a source first and using a white noise filtered signal secondly. With the proposed criterion, the defect was certainly identified; however, it remains to find a way to locate and to characterize the defect
Blanchard, Torea. "Caractérisation de drones en vue de leur localisation et de leur suivi à partir d’une antenne de microphones." Thesis, Le Mans, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019LEMA1042.
Full textThis thesis work focuses on the acoustic identification of drones in order to design an array with few microphones (up to 10) and adapted to the frequencies emitted for localizing and tracking these devices. Characterization measurements have shown the inherent harmonic structure of the signal emitted by the UAV propulsion systems. A filtering step before the localization, adapted to this type of signal, is proposed. It consists of the detection of the fundamental frequency by the HPS (Harmonic Product Spectrum) algorithm and a series of bandpass filters to preserve the useful harmonics of the signal. Two methods of localization are compared through numerical simulations and experimental measurements. The first is beamforming in the time domain. Usually used for angular source localization, it is extended for localization in 3D space. The second, called acoustic goniometry, estimates the angular position of the target as a solution to an inverse problem. A Kalman filter is then used to track the target. An experimental measurement campaign made it possible to establish a database of the displacement of a small four-engine drone for different trajectories. Data analysis showed that a small number of harmonics (3 to 6) in the signal spectrum of the source to be located is sufficient to estimate the position of a source without significant loss in accuracy relative to a location without processing. The choice of this strategy is justified for localization and tracking in the presence of several drones
Accadia, Timothée. "Vérification de la reconstruction du signal d'onde gravitationnelle de Virgo à l'aide d'un dispositif d'étalonnage utilisant la pression de radiation laser." Thesis, Grenoble, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012GRENY060/document.
Full textGravitational waves are solutions to equations governing the dynamics of gravitation predicted from Einstein's theory of General Relativity in 1918. Gravitational waves describe ripples of space-time producing weak variations of distance between free masses along their propagation. Over the past two decades, an international array of ground-based, kilometer-scale Michelson interferometers has been developed to detect gravitational waves going through Earth and is now in operation. The gravitational wave signature is sought in a calibrated stream obtained from detector output measurements and giving the absolute signal of a gravitational waves going through it. A check of the procedure is required to avoid potential systematic calibration errors leading to an incorrect data stream and bias in its use by data analysis. Since severals years, a new calibration technique is developed for that purpose for each network's interferometer and uses the radiation pressure of a power-modulated laser to induce calibrated displacements of their mirrors. The associated setup, called Photon Calibrator, allows to mimic a gravitational waves passing the detector in order to verify its reconstruction in the detection channel. The scope of this thesis is the implementation of this technique for the French-Italian interferometer Virgo to check its gravitational wave signal reconstruction procedure. The operating principle of the setup installed is first described and its calibration is then detailed with measurement campaigns performed. Finally verifications performed for the two Virgo Science runs performed between 2010 and 2011 are presented. The conclusion of this study allowed to the validate the Virgo gravitational wave signal reconstruction with its uncertainties and has confirmed their negligeable impact on data analysis
Ziadé, Youmni. "Contribution à l'étude de la propagation en milieu forestier dans les bandes VHF-UHF : application de la méthode D.O.R.T. à la détection de cibles." Paris 6, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA066434.
Full textAubry, Alexandre. "Approche matricielle de l'opérateur de propagation des ondes ultrasonores en milieu diffusant aléatoire." Phd thesis, Université Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris VI, 2008. http://pastel.archives-ouvertes.fr/pastel-00004213.
Full textKosecki, Arkadiusz. "Optimisation d'une source vibratoire pour la détection des cavités souterraines par sismique réflexion haute résolution." Phd thesis, Ecole Centrale de Lille, 2009. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00579842.
Full textSoubsol, David. "Diffusion acoustique vers l'avant d'objets élastiques immergés dans l'eau." Thesis, Normandie, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018NORMLH17/document.
Full textForward acoustic scattering for solid spherical and LINE (limited cylinder bounded by hemispherical endcaps) objects immersed in water in bistatic configuration is the topic of this study. First, bistatic configuration analysis is carried out for a spherical object whose analytical theory has already been developped. Experimental and theoretical angular diagrams show, for differents frequencies, a peak of strong amplitude located in the shadow area. After the temporal analysis for a solid sphere in the shadow area, two important echoes revealing at least two different kind of waves are isolated. Then, the waves mainly responsible for these echoes are then identified comparing experimental results and theretical calculations. These are the Franz wave F0 and the whispering gallery wave l=2. Their propagation velocities on the object are calculated experimentally. Considering a solid LINE excited axially, on its spherical part, it is interesting to note that the physical mechanisms responsible for the wave generation are the same than for a solid sphere. It is then possible to find for a axially excited solid LINE the same kind of waves than for a solid sphere. Others waves are then identified (mainly caused by parasite difraction and by the cylinder/hemispherical discontinuity of the LINE). At last, the caracterization of the LINE as an acoustic target by the mean of a numerical simulation is performed, first with the target strenght standard, and then with the Rsn criterion. This last number allow us to assess the resonating contributions of the object and then to establish a map of resonance contributions
Nguyen, Van Quan. "Cartographie d'un environnement sonore par un robot mobile." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017LORR0172/document.
Full textRobot audition provides hearing capability for robots and helps them explore and understand their sound environment. In this thesis, we focus on the task of sound source localization for a single or multiple, intermittent, possibly moving sources using a mobile robot and exploiting robot motion to improve the source localization. We propose a Bayesian filtering framework to localize the position of a single, intermittent, possibly moving sound source. This framework jointly estimates the source location and its activity over time and is applicable to any micro- phone array geometry. Thanks to the movement of the robot, it can estimate the distance to the source and solve the front-back ambiguity which appears in the case of a linear microphone array. We propose two implementations of this framework based on an extended mixture Kalman filter (MKF) and on a particle filter, that we compare in terms of performance and computation time. We then extend our model to the context of multiple, intermittent, possibly moving sources. By implementing an extended MKF with joint probabilistic data association filter (JPDAF), we can jointly estimate the locations of two sources and their activities over time. Lastly, we make a contribution on long-term robot motion planning to optimally reduce the uncertainty in the source location. We define a cost function with two alternative criteria: the Shannon entropy or the standard deviation of the estimated belief. These entropies or standard deviations are integrated over time with a discount factor. We adapt the Monte Carlo tree search (MCTS) method for efficiently finding the optimal robot motion that will minimize the above cost function. Experiments show that the proposed method outperforms other robot motion planning methods for robot audition in the long run
Nasr, Abdelmottaleb. "Contribution à la caractérisation et à la modélisation des canaux MIMO." Thesis, Lille 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009LIL10037/document.
Full textMultiple- Input Multiple-output (MIMO) is a radio communication technique that is based on the use of antenna arrays at both the receiver and transmitter. This tedmique yields a higher throughput and robustness without increasing the ernitting power and allocated bandwidth, Nonetheless, the performance of this technique is strongly dependent to the channel propagation properties. Hence, improvement is only obtained with respect to classical mono-antennas for the case where a large number of paths are embedded within the propagation channel. Therefore, the characterization and modelling of the MIMO channel are the two critical steps necessary to alleviate the deployment ofMIMO systems. CUITent MIMO channel models such as the geometrical-based stochastic model have been shawn ta be difficult to exploit. The work aims at proposing a novel yet simple modelling scheme based on the decomposition of the channel transfer matrix into block-diagonal matrices. Because an accurate estimation of the channel characteristics is required, dedicated post-processing algorithms were developed ta estimate the number of sources, power of the coherent and diffuse components of the measured propagating paths. MIMO channel measurements were performed in train station, atrium, tunnels and office environments to validate the proposed scheme
Benvegnù, Agostino. "Trapping and Reliability investigations in GaN-based HEMTs." Thesis, Limoges, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIMO0064/document.
Full textGaN-based high electron mobility transistors (HEMTs) are promising candidates for future microwave equipment, such as new solid state power amplifiers (SSPAs), thanks to their excellent performance. A first demonstration of GaN-MMIC transmitter has been developed and put on board the PROBA-V mission. But this technology still suffers from the trapping phenomena, principally due to lattice defects. Thus, the aim of this research is to investigate the trapping effects and the reliability aspects of the GH50 power transistors for C-band applications. A new trap investigation protocol to obtain a complete overview of trap behavior from DC to radio-frequency operation modes, based on combined pulsed I/V measurements, DC and RF drain current measurements, and low-frequency dispersion measurements, is proposed. Furthermore, a nonlinear electro-thermal AlGaN/GaN model with a new additive thermal-trap model including the dynamic behavior of these trap states and their associated temperature variations is presented, in order to correctly predict the RF performance during real RF operating conditions. Finally, an advanced time-domain methodology is presented in order to investigate the device’s reliability and to determine its safe operating area. This methodology is based on the continual monitoring of the RF waveforms and DC parameters under overdrive conditions in order to assess the degradation of the transistor characteristics in the RF power amplifier
Sharabaty, Hassan. "Diagnostic de la somnolence d'un opérateur : analyse automatique de signaux physiologiques." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00197161.
Full textBazzali, Emmanuelle. "Résonances d’objets élastiques en géométries elliptique et sphéroïdale; symétrie et levée de dégénérescence." Thesis, Corte, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014CORT0015/document.
Full textResonances for the interior problem in elastodynamics and the acoustic scattering problem are considered in elliptical and spheroidal geometries. Interest is focused on the splitting up of resonances which occurs when the symmetry is broken in the transition from the circular disc to the elliptical one (2D), and from the sphere to the spheroid (3D). From the theoretical point of view, this physical phenomenon is studied and interpreted taking into account the symmetries of the object with the help of group theory. This approach is completed by a numerical modeling and an experimental part. As far as the two dimensional problems are concerned, the interior problem for an elliptical elastic disc (study of resonant modes) and the acoustic scattering problem for infinite elliptical elastic cylinders are studied combining modal formalism and group theory in the vectorial context of elastodynamics. The splitting up of resonances due to the circular symmetry breaking is not only theoretically observed but also experimentally for the scattering problem. The method significantly simplifies the numerical treatment of the problems studied, provides a full classification of resonances over the 4 irreducible representations of the symmetry group C2v (associated with the elliptical geometry) and gives a physical interpretation of the splitting up in terms of symmetry breaking of the symmetry group O(2) (invariance under rotation). An experimental part based on ultrasonic spectroscopy complements the theoretical study of the scattering problem. A series of tank experiments is carried out in the case of aluminum elliptical cylinders immersed in water, in the frequency range 0 ≤ kr ≤ 50, where kr is the reduced wave number in the fluid. The experimental results provide a very good agreement with the theoretical ones, the splitting up is observed on experimental form functions and the split resonant modes are identified on angular diagrams. The interior problem in 3D is studied by means of an experimental approach based on the optical generation and detection of elastic waves. A series of experiments is performed on three-dimensional objects in aluminium. These objects (sphere, prolate and oblate spheroids of various eccentricity) are excited by laser impacts, and the velocity and frequency measurements are carried out by laser vibrometry. Theory and experiments are qualitatively compared. The measurements are performed in both the frequency and time domains to highlight the splitting up of resonances on one hand, and the Rayleigh wave propagating on the surface of the objects on the other hand. We emphasize two paths for this surface wave in spheroidal geometry: a circular one in the equatorial plane and an elliptical one in the meridian plane. Finally, in the context of the interior problems in 2D and 3D, a physical interpretation of resonances in terms of geometrical paths is provided. Mode conversion is highlighted and the Rayleigh wave is identified on the periodic orbits lengths spectrum.In addition to the bifurcations of some periodic orbits, a phenomenon, new to our knowledge, appears. The orbits with mode conversion of the circular disc split in two orbits when the transition to the elliptic disc occurs. The lengths of these orbits are associated with the minimal and maximal travel paths. This observation is interpreted from Fermat's theorem.For the spheroid, orbits of the circular disc and those of the elliptical disc are recovered in the equatorial and meridian planes respectively. We also emphasize the peaks associated with the travel paths of Rayleigh wave in spheroidal geometry appearing on the periodic orbits spectrum