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Mason, Tony. "L’administration et l’organisation du sport au Royaume-Uni." Revue française d'administration publique 97, no. 1 (2001): 53–61.

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The Administration and Organisation of Sport in the United Kingdom. Right from the start, the organisation of British sport has resulted above all else from private initiatives on the part of sportsmen and women wanting to fix the rules relating to their disciplines. However, the United Kingdom came late to the organisation of sporting competition and has turned towards the models in place in other countries to perfect its own system. Nevertheless, in spite of developments which have led to increased state intervention in the organisation of sport, it still remains very much based upon voluntary principles.
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Gorce, Isabelle. "L’administration pénitentiaire française : l’évolution de ses publics et de ses missions." Revue française d'administration publique 99, no. 1 (2001): 405–16.

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French Prison Administration : Evolution of its Audience and Missions Often regarded as an essentially orderly administration, grappling with social conflicts, prisoners’ riots and dramatic escapes, the french prison administration is also seen as backward-looking. Nevertheless, it is one of the most secure penitentiary Systems of administration in Europe and one which has undergone sweeping changes over the last twenty years in its methods of handling prisoners as well as in its organisation and tasks. It is this reform which is traced in this article.
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König, Klaus. "Classicisme et modernisme de l’administration allemande." Revue française d'administration publique 78, no. 1 (1996): 251–66.

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Classicism and Modernism in German Administration. The German administrative System is at once both modem and classical. It is modern because it encompasses a distribution of functions via a series of sub-systems and contains autonomous areas of activity. It is classical because its mode of organisation has lasted despite political changes, because it is enriched by a legal culture which respects the principle of legality and because it is integrated into the world of economies. As in the rest of Europe, the scarcity of public resources dominates the question of the evolution of Germany’s administration. This does not necessarily mean a lesser role for the State, but involves a redeployment of State intervention in new areas of activity.
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Boisseau du Rocher, Sophie. "Crises et réformes de l’État en Asie du Sud-Est : l’ASEAN impuissante." Revue française d'administration publique 98, no. 1 (2001): 315–24.

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Crises and State Reform in South-East Asia ASEAN is an organisation dependant upon the States of which it is composed. The crisis faced by these States could not help but produce repercussions for this organisation. Therefore, while ASEAN initially lacked the power to respond to the crisis, then found itself blocked, rejected, and finally neglected, it seems, however, that today, it has found its second wind. In fact, certain political leaders within the region have realised that the crisis can only be resolved at the regional level and that ASEAN can play a role in this which will be useful to them.
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Julien, Germain. "Les comités de direction des ministères: rele, organisation et fonctionnement." Canadian Public Administration/Administration publique du Canada 31, no. 3 (October 1988): 408–21.

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Renauld, Guillaume. "Le Québec et le contrôle parlementaire de la gestion administrative et financière de l’État." Revue française de finances publiques N° 166, no. 2 (May 6, 2024): 151–63.

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Le système de gouvernement responsable dont a hérité le Québec au XIX e siècle confie à l’Assemblée nationale une place centrale dans le contrôle de la gestion administrative et financière de l’État. Face une administration gouvernementale qui se complexifie inévitablement, une nouvelle forme de reddition de comptes est apparue au début des années 2000, par l’implantation d’un régime d’imputabilité des sous-ministres et des dirigeants d’organisme public. Une commission parlementaire est désormais chargée exclusivement d’entendre ces individus sur la gestion administrative de leur organisation, cet exercice constituant une pratique parlementaire unique au Canada. Ce régime d’imputabilité, qui complète le contrôle financier traditionnel de l’action étatique par le Parlement, donne aujourd’hui davantage de poids au pouvoir de contrôle et de surveillance de l’Assemblée nationale et s’arrime harmonieusement avec le principe de gouvernement responsable.
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Tourneville, Julien. "La construction sociale et matérielle du temps de travail des enseignants : contribution à la compréhension du « malaise »." Revue française de pédagogie 222 (2024): 83–97.

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Derrière ce qui pourrait sembler être un sujet simple, celui du temps de travail des enseignants et de leur organisation du travail en dehors de la classe (préparation, corrections, administration, réunions, etc.), cette contribution interroge l’hétérogénéité des enseignants dans les manières qu’ils ont de vivre le temps de leur travail. La focale est ici faite sur les variables discriminantes des manières de vivre le temps qui contribuent à déterminer le ressenti des enseignants, indépendantes et exogènes aux enseignants eux-mêmes.
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Brassard, André, and Pierre Lapointe. "Le leadership associé à l’exercice de la fonction de dirigeant d’une organisation : de quoi s’agit-il?" Éducation et francophonie 46, no. 1 (June 6, 2018): 11–32.

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Le présent texte vise à recenser les différentes significations relatives à la nature du leadership associé à la fonction de dirigeant d’une organisation et qui ont émergé progressivement dans la documentation portant sur l’administration des organisations, dont l’administration de l’éducation. La documentation consultée, importante, quoique limitée, comprend des textes de différentes natures produits à partir des années 1930 jusqu’à 2015. Deux significations génériques du concept de leadership ressortent explicitement ou implicitement chez les auteurs : soit le leadership est un exercice d’influence concentré, soit il est un exercice d’influence distribué. Se situant à l’intérieur de l’une ou l’autre de ces significations génériques, sept significations spécifiques ont été trouvées. Elles se différencient en fonction de deux dimensions : la relation qui existe entre le leadership et l’exercice de la fonction de dirigeant d’une organisation, et le type de ressources mobilisées. Certaines des significations se subdivisent selon que l’exercice de l’influence s’appuie sur l’ensemble des ressources du pouvoir, ou selon qu’il mobilise des ressources autres que l’autorité et la contrainte. Deux des significations viennent de la distinction posée par plusieurs auteurs entre leadership et administration, ces deux modes d’action étant complémentaires chez les uns et incompatibles chez d’autres.
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Knudsen, Tim. "Les fonctionnaires danois et la définition des politiques." Revue française d'administration publique 86, no. 1 (1998): 293–300.

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Danish Civil Servants and Policy-Making. The tradition of the Danish civil service, a product of its historical heritage, is one of impartiality and independence with respect to political power. The recruitment of several political counsellors on the basis of their affiliation to a political party has not changed this broad picture but has brought about a number of developments. The domination of lawyers at the highest level has created a space for their association with economists and political scientists, reinforcing the capacity for policy making. Ministers will henceforth play a more active role of initiation at the heart of an increasingly competitive organisation.
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König, Walfried. "Le sport en Allemagne : un modèle libéral de relations entre les autorités publiques et les organisations sportives." Revue française d'administration publique 97, no. 1 (2001): 63–66.

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Sport in Germany : a liberal Model of Relations between Public Authorities and Sporting Organisations. The organisation of sport in Germany rests above all with clubs and federations. Given their large degree of autonomy, the development of sport is largely beyond the remit of the state. However, a change is in progress which is gradually weaving new relations between public authorities and sporting organisations. As the place of sport in society grows, the Länder have tended to develop a form of financing for sporting activities ; in the same way the federal state has put into place a number of public policies aimed at promoting sport at the highest level. In this way a real administrative organisation of sport has been constructed which is founded on the cooperation of a number of different bodies ; it reflects the existence of a liberal model of relations between public authorities and sporting organisations.
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Kamińska, Renata. "ORGANIZACJA ‘CURA URBIS’ W RZYMIE W POCZĄTKACH PRYNCYPATU." Zeszyty Prawnicze 13, no. 1 (December 14, 2016): 73.

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THE ORGANISATION OF THE ‘CURA URBIS’ IN ROME AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PRINCIPATESummaryWhen Augustus assumed power changes started to be implemented in the Roman public administration. Some of them affected the administration of the city. The cura urbis, which under the Republic had been one of the duties of the aedils and censors, now passed to the powers of the curators, who were liable for most of the business relating to the proper functioning of the City, its order and security. The curatores worked as a collegial body; they were appointed by the princeps and were accountable to him. The most important and characteristic curatorial colleges at the beginning of the principate were the curatores aquarum, the curatores riparum et alvei Tiberis, the curatores aedium sacrarum et operum locorumque publicorum and the curatores viarum.
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Alba, Carlos R. "Le gouverneur civil en Espagne : « un préfet pas comme les autres » — origine, développement et disparition." Revue française d'administration publique 96, no. 1 (2000): 609–21.

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The Civil Governor in Spain : ‘a Prefect who is Not Like the Rest’ Origins, Development and Disappearance The office of civil govemor in Spain had a number of precedents. Created in 1849 as the unique high civil authority in each province, the govemor had administrative and political functions. However, from the end of the 19th century, the corporate interests of each ministry progressively reduced the area of competences of civil govemors which became limited to matters of public order. The regime which succeeded the Spanish civil war reaffirmed the end of the govemors’ competence in administrative matters and reinforced their political role. While a representative of central power, the civil governor was also head of local administration. The Constitution of 1978, however, introduced a government delegate who was hierarchically superior, and then the 1997 statute on the organisation and functioning of State general administration dealt a fatal blow by replacing the civil govemor with a sub-delegate of the government, who is subordinate to the government delegate.
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Lange, Dierk. "Trois Hauts Dignitaires Bornoans du XVIeSiècle: Le Digma, Le Grand Jarma et Le Cikama." Journal of African History 29, no. 2 (July 1988): 177–89.

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Little attention has until now been directed to the rich information on title-holders contained in the two chronicles of the imām Aḥmad b. Furṭū written in 1576 and 1578 respectively. This neglect is partly due to the very confusing style of the imām's writing. In particular, he refers to the three highest ranking Bornoan officials by translating their Bornoan titles into Arabic: the Digma is called ‘al-wazīr al-kabīr’, the great Jarma ‘al-rā'id al-kabīr’, and the Cikama ‘al-ḥājib’. Once the meaning of these Arabic titles is decoded it appears that the political organisation of sixteenth century Borno owes very little to the Islamic model. Furthermore it becomes clear that the commander of the Bornoan corps of musketeers was the great Jarma, an official of Ngizim origin, and not a Turkish military instructor as one may have suspected.However, since Ibn Furṭū is mainly concerned with military activities, only a few functions of the three high-ranking court officials emerge from his account; others have to be inferred from the information provided by nineteenth-century European travellers and from more recent anthropological accounts. In Borno the political organisation of the Sayfuwa state fell to pieces in the first half of the nineteenth century, when al-Amīn al-Kānemī and his successors built up a new system of administration. This progressively supplanted the old system, which was based on a great number of court titles and attendant offices. Important elements of the political organisation of the Sayfuwa survive until the present day in some former vassal states of Borno which became independent in the course of the nineteenth century or earlier.
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Russo, Sophie. "L’expertise sous contrainte." Gouvernement et action publique VOL. 12, no. 3 (December 1, 2023): 53–76.

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Cet article interroge les effets de la pluralisation des acteurs du maintien de l’ordre sur le déploiement de l’action publique en matière de sécurité. À partir de la trajectoire du Citizens-Police Liaison Committee (CPLC), une organisation fondée en 1989 par des hommes d’affaires de Karachi (Pakistan) pour prêter main-forte à la police et dont les membres sont désormais reconnus comme des « experts » de la sécurité, l’article analyse les effets de l’implication d’acteurs économiques dans la formulation et la mise en œuvre des politiques publiques de sécurité. Quelles ressources des acteurs économiques peuvent-ils mobiliser pour se faire une place durable dans le champ de la sécurité ? Dans quelle mesure peuvent-ils ensuite influer sur l’action publique, et notamment sur le travail des forces de police ? La thèse de cet article est que, lorsque la seule mobilisation de capital économique ou social s’avère insuffisante pour assurer une place durable aux acteurs privés dans le champ de la sécurité, la constitution de savoirs experts, elle, peut permettre d’atteindre cet objectif. Dans le même temps, il montre, à partir de la notion de « situation d’expertise », que l’expertise fonde la participation d’acteurs privés à la sécurité tout en limitant leur capacité à orienter significativement l’action policière.
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Cet article est focalisé sur la place de l’Institut national de formation judiciaire dans l’administration de la justice en RDC. Il s’intéresse à la contribution de l’Institut pour le renforcement de l’efficacité de l’appareil judiciaire en tenant compte de son organisation, sa composition et ses missions tel que prévu par les instruments juridiques pertinents. L’article s’intéresse également aux institutions qui concourent à rendre possible l’accomplissement des missions de l’Instituts. Il s’agit ici de la collaboration entre l’Institut et le Ministère de la justice qui assure sa tutelle administration d’une part, et du conseil supérieur de la magistrature d’autre part. L’Institut se veut être une des solutions idoine pour remédier aux maux dont souffre l’appareil judiciaire en RDC. Il organise la formation initiale et continue des magistrats; des greffiers et secrétaires de parquet, des futurs agents des services pénitentiaires et autres agents du ministère de la Justice et Droits humains en vue du bon fonctionnement de la justice par le renforcement des capacités de ses ressources humaines.
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Develay, Aude-Emmanuelle, Michel Naiditch, and Gérard de Pouvourville. "Information médicale et régulation de la médecine générale : une approche comparative." Revue française d'administration publique 76, no. 1 (1995): 649–61.

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<i>Medical Information and Regulation of General Practice Medicine : A Comparative Approach </i> Most industrialised countries recently came to realise that an efficient regulation of health care services was no longer possible without an evaluation of the precise content of medical activity, particularly through the gathering of medical data. A comparative analysis has been carried out conceming the measures for controlling medical practices in the non-hospital sector in three countries : Germany, the United Kingdom and the United States of America. The study shows that the question of control over medical practices has arisen very differently in these three countries and that the response to this question depends upon the general organisation of the System of health care and particularly the mechanisms of macro-economic regulation of health expenditure as well as the mechanisms of micro-economic regulation of the medical profession.
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Clifford, Christopher. "Relations sociales et nouvelle gestion publique — le syndicalisme dans la fonction publique britannique de 1973 à 1996." Revue française d'administration publique 80, no. 1 (1996): 713–25.

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Social Relations and New Public Management Trade Unionism in the British Civil Service from 1973 to 1996 Christopher Clifford In the last few years, profound changes have been made to the civil service which have called into question some of its fondamental concepts such as that of the "model employer" and that of a unified public service. The new techniques of management which have been adopted by agencies short circuit the mechanisms form formai negociation. Trade unionism, which has been widely affected by this fragmentation in the public service, is being required to rethink its organisation.
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Rousset, Michel. "La nouvelle région marocaine : un espace de développement économique et politique." Revue française d'administration publique 84, no. 1 (1997): 619–33.

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The Creation of New Regions in Morocco : a Space for Economic and Political Development. Regional organisation carried out in 1971 made the region a space for economic development. A new stage introduced by the law of 2 April 1997 must bring a fresh dimension to this, by making the region a space for political development as well. This involves a redistribution of power in order to reverse the tradition of centralisation. In future the region will be a decentralised area with its own legal, administrative and financial status thereby guaranteeing its autonomy. For this purpose significant means have been allocated to the region. Relations between regions and state are developing at two levels : that of classic means of administrative control, and that of state adaptation to this new space. With regard to this latter point, it is important that all State services think of the regional platform as providing an essential level upon which state might pursue its activities.
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Charles-Le Bihan, Danielle. "La transformation du jeu social entre les services publics et leurs agents." Revue française d'administration publique 80, no. 1 (1996): 659–72.

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The Transformation of the Social Interplay Between Public Services and their Staff Danielle Charles-Le Bihan The opening up in France of the major public services to competition has been accompanied by a sensitive social agenda, which has generated real confusion between public services and the State. Changes in the status of companies charged with carrying out public services and in that of their personnel, are linked to the destiny of the concept of public service. From the point of view of personnel status, this period of transition calls into question the traditional criteria establishing civil servant status and basic concepts such as the "mission" and the "organisation" of public services. Socio-professional relations are tom between the logic of the general interest (which civil servants are charged with pursuing) and the logic of the market place (which strongly imbues the developing contract culture). This change in social relations as the heart of businesses charged with the task of carrying out public services leads us to rethink the notion of public service in order to construct a new social legitimacy.
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Khmelevskaya, Yulia. "La philanthropie entre business et pratiques militaires." Connexe : les espaces postcommunistes en question(s) 1 (July 12, 2015): 33–53.

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Les opérations menées par l’American Relief Administration contre la famine dans la Russie dans les années 1920 se distinguent tant par leur ampleur (près de 10 millions de personnes nourries chaque jour en août 1922) que par les méthodes qui ont été déployées. S’appuyant à la fois sur des sources américaines et russes, l’article montre comment la philanthropie a ici pris la forme d’un véritable « business of relief », combinaison de méthodes managériales (organisation, maximisation du profit, absence de compassion manifeste envers les bénéficiaires) et de pratiques militaires. L’ARA est en effet née de la Première Guerre mondiale : non seulement les premiers stocks distribués en sont issus, mais c’est là que ses dirigeants ont acquis une expérience et que les méthodes de gestion des populations ont été testées. L’article montre également comment l’ARA a su se ménager une véritable marge d’indépendance par rapport au pouvoir soviétique, malgré les tentatives de celui-ci de le contrôler, et suggère qu’une convergence de méthode, basée sur la mobilisation permanente de la population et une fascination pour le taylorisme, a pu contribuer à l’acceptation de l’ARA. L’article rappelle enfin la manière dont la population des campagnes a reçu les envoyés de l’ARA, et comment celle-ci a adapté son action, abandonnant certaines aspirations ou méthodes scientifiques face à l’état de dévastation du pays.
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Burgard, Antoine. "Le Congrès juif canadien et l’hostilité à l’immigration juive dans l’immédiat après-guerre (1945-1948)1." Globe 18, no. 1 (November 4, 2016): 111–30.

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La politique migratoire canadienne des années 1930 et 1940 est la plus restrictive et sélective de l’histoire du pays, notamment en raison de son hostilité envers les populations migrantes juives. La question de l’antisémitisme au Canada et au Québec ne peut donc se poser sans revenir sur la position d’Ottawa en matière migratoire. Dans cet article, nous souhaitons examiner non pas les manifestations de cette hostilité, mais la manière dont celle-ci fut perçue et combattue par le Congrès juif canadien (CJC), alors principale organisation de la communauté, entre 1945 et 1948. En effet, quelle image le CJC a-t-il vraiment de l’hostilité de l’opinion publique et des mécanismes discriminatoires de la politique migratoire canadienne ? Et comment cette perception façonne-t-elle durablement sa stratégie de lutte contre l’antisémitisme et l’hostilité à l’immigration juive ainsi que ses rapports avec le gouvernement King ? L’analyse fine du travail des principaux cadres du CJC sur cette question permet de jeter un éclairage nouveau sur la place de l’organisation au sein du judaïsme canadien, de mieux cerner ses relations avec la presse et, surtout, ses rapports avec un gouvernement et une administration pour le moins hostiles à l’entrée de migrants juifs au Canada.
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Nagendrakumar, Nagalingam, Naduni Madhavika, Yuresh Nadishan, Zakiya Ameen, Kasuni Kulatunga, Anuththara Perera, and Chamika Perera. "Revisiting Navarro et al.: A Double Tilt View- Students’ Satisfaction with Professional Accounting Education." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AUDITING AND ACCOUNTING STUDIES 4, no. 2 (2022): 183–209.

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The purpose of this study is to investigate the issue of why a significant gap exists between the number of students enrolled and the number of students who pass out as professional accountants taking Navarro et al. (2005) model as the theoretical lens. The study adopted a deductive approach, stratified random sampling, and distributed 500 questionnaires. The response rate was 80%. The study found that the course assessment and institutional image, teaching methods, teaching staff, course organisation and infrastructure facilities, and institutional administration, and efficiency significantly impact the student satisfaction. Next tilt argues that the students’ satisfaction significantly impacts the students’ loyalty. Also, the study extends Navarro et. al.’s model by adding two more constructs viz. commitment as alumni and commitment as a student. The findings have practical implications for Professional Accounting Education Institutions (PAEIs) which seek to retain their students. The students’ needs and the students’ loyalty are the two tilt of students’ satisfaction which lower students’ intentions to leave by nurturing their expectations met by the PAEIs.
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Akrich, Madeleine, and Bernike Pasveer. "La sécurité de la naissance en France et aux Pays-Bas : coordonner par la technique ou par l’organisation ?" Revue française d'administration publique 76, no. 1 (1995): 575–84.

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Safety in Child-Birth in France and Netherlands : Technical or Organisational Coordination ? In the last few years safety in child-birth has been the object of lively debate in France. At the time at which two reports have been requested from the High Committee of Public Health, it is possible to detect a reorientation in French conceptions of the issue of risk : thus there has been a shift from safety viewed as an accumulation of technical and human resources to safety viewed as the capacity to detect risks and to move women to a particular establishment in the light of the risks incurred. Influenced by the organisation of child-birth in the Netherlands, which is based upon this idea of selection, the article seeks to characterise these different conceptions of safety and their consequences, to evaluate the importance of the reforms envisaged in France and to specify the conditions necessary to their realisation.
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Tracol, Xavier. "Legal Risk Management in EU Organizations." European Public Law 20, Issue 4 (December 1, 2014): 711–44.

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English abstract: Legal risk management is a methodology to manage legal norms which apply to the activities of the organization. Lawyers have been applying it to human resources and business law to increase the efficiency of their functions. This methodology may be adapted to the framework of the EU and the specificities of EU organizations since in-house lawyers who work for them are expected to realistically assess legal risks run by the administration. French abstract: La gestion des risques juridiques peut être définie comme une méthodologie de traitement des normes juridiques qui s'appliquent aux activités d'une organisation. Les juristes l'appliquent aux ressources humaines et au droit des affaires afin d'accroître l'efficacité de leurs fonctions. Cette méthodologie peut être adaptée au cadre de l'U.E. et aux particularités des organizations de l'U.E., dans la mesure où les juristes qui travaillent au sein de ces organisations ont pour mission de fournir une évaluation réaliste des risques juridiques encourus par l'administration.
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Kristensen, Mette Lund, Ingo Winkler, Elke Weik, Richard Mee, and Simon Jebsen. "Introduction to the Special Issue." Learning and Teaching 16, no. 2 (June 1, 2023): 1–12.

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This Special Issue emerged as a reaction to changes in the organisation of academic work that authors variously refer to as the managerial university (e.g., Laiho et al. 2022; Lea 2011), the McUniversity (e.g., Nadolny and Ryan 2015; Parker and Jary 1995), the neoliberal university (e.g., Davies et al. 2006), the corporate university (e.g., Angus 2007) or the entrepreneurial university (e.g., Marginson and Considine 2000; Slaughter and Leslie 1997). Following the neoliberal idea of a smaller state and more market in conjunction with New Public Management ideology, universities are increasingly managed along the lines of marketisation, hierarchising, measurement, auditing and control. In that regard it is powerful external stakeholders (e.g., politicians, industry, media, general public) and internal stakeholders (e.g., management and administration) rather than academics that debate and decide the legitimacy of higher education or make various claims about the purposes and the preferred outcomes of academic work (Weik et al. 2022). At the same time, the perspective on academic work has shifted from a validation and certification by peers (Huff 2000) towards a validation focusing on the practical usability of academic knowledge production (Grey 2001; Gulati 2007; Learmonth et al. 2012).
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Lesage, Alain. "50 ans de service public pour les politiques et l’organisation de services de psychiatrie communautaire au Québec." Santé mentale au Québec 40, no. 2 (September 14, 2015): 121–35.

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Cet essai, rédigé en deux articles compagnons (Partie I & II), est destiné mettre en valeur le service public de cinq psychiatres du Département de psychiatrie de l’Université de Montréal ayant oeuvré au niveau du ministère de la Santé et des Services sociaux (MSSS) pour les politiques de désinstitutionnalisation et l’organisation des services de psychiatrie communautaire pour les personnes avec des troubles mentaux graves. Il s’agit des Drs Camille Laurin, Denis Lazure, Arthur Amyot, Luc Blanchet et André Delorme. Dans cette première partie, l’essai proposera comme grille de lecture de la recherche sur les services, quatre références, soit les arguments pour des soins dans la communauté des psychiatres et chercheurs britannique et italien, Thornicroft et Tansella ; Les enjeux systémiques dans toute réforme de l’infirmière et chercheure canadienne Paula Goering ; la proposition de régulation du système de santé du chercheur québécois en administration de la santé le Professeur André-Pierre Contandriopoulos ; et enfin la tension structurelle entre le secteur médical et social signalée par le sociologue américain de la santé Leutz. L’essai enchaînera avec un narratif des phases connues de la désinstitutionnalisation, soit la phase asilaire (pré-1960), communautaire (1960-2000) et différentiée (depuis 2000). L’essai signalera la marche inexorable vers un hôpital sans mur, un travail interdisciplinaire, des tensions entre le curatif et la réadaptation et le financement décroissant qui avec une organisation et un leadership contesté ou essoufflé, donne lieu à des déficits que sont la transinstitutionnalisation dans l’itinérance et dans le système judiciaire.
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Mengès-Le Pape, Christine. "Entre justice et administration: la cour des aides de Montauban contre l'intendant lors des crises de l'Ancien Régime français." Miscellanea Historico-Iuridica 22, no. 1 (2023): 41–57.

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The relations between the sovereign courts and the intendants contain a tormented and unsuccessful history, marked since the Grand Siècle by the difficult passage from the traditional jurisdictional management of the kingdom, considered inefficient, to an organisation that supports the triumph of the absolute and administrative monarchy. In these southern lands of the kingdom of France, torn apart by the Protestant reformation and the wars, the institutional upheaval which prepared the modern state and the Napoleonic granite masses, was carried out through strong embarrassments which opposed the intendant of the generality to the court of aids in Montauban. As soon as they were created, the magistrates of the jurisdictional company multiplied the manoeuvres against the intendant to safeguard their contentious attributions and the control of the municipal funds. Their particularistic actions were denounced by the intendant, who was there to make the king present everywhere in the kingdom and was zealous in his service. Since then, all the elements were in place for the outbreak of a noisy quarrel – the lawsuit against the intendant Gaspard Lescalopier – which worried the government at the turn of the reign of Louis XV, in the middle of the tax war in 1749, when King Louis XV, whom the subjects looked upon as a charming prince, became „Louis the Unloved”. These tumults prevented the modernisation of the French monarchy and led to the troubles of the Revolution.
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Vivo, Filippo De. "Cœur de l'État, lieu de tension." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 68, no. 3 (September 2013): 697–728.

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RésuméDepuis plusieurs années, une nouvelle tendance historiographique s’intéresse aux archives non pas comme simples réserves de documents, mais comme objets d’enquête à part entière. Certaines études analysent l’évolution de leur organisation et de leur administration, dans la mesure où s’y reflètent les présupposés politiques des institutions qui les contrôlent. Cet article prend acte de ce tournant documentaire et en offre une illustration tirée du célèbre cas de la Chancellerie vénitienne entre le XIVe et le XVIIe siècle, à un moment de fort développement de la gestion des archives. Il propose toutefois une approche plus large, replacée dans son contexte social, afin de montrer que les archives n’étaient pas seulement des instruments de pouvoir, mais aussi des lieux de conflits économiques, sociaux et politiques. Une lecture attentive fait apparaître, dans le document précis qui inspira l’image institutionnelle des archives vénitiennes comme « coeur de l’État », l’inquiétude des dirigeants patriciens concernant la fragilité de leurs archives et la fiabilité des notaires qui en avaient la charge. Cette perspective nous aide à expliquer la glorification des archives au Moyen Âge tardif et à l’époque moderne – représentation qui, dans son interprétation littérale, n’a cessé d’inspirer certaines analyses historiques, proposées encore aujourd’hui – en dévoilant les difficultés matérielles des pratiques de l’époque en matière de conservation. L’histoire des archives fait émerger un champ d’enquête prometteur, par sa capacité précise à éclairer à la fois l’histoire de l’État et le contexte social dans lequel ce dernier devait traiter.
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Aflaki, Inga Narbutaite. "Implementing Co-Creation as a Policy Norm in Sweden — Steering Strategies for a Robust Municipal Organisation." Polish Political Science Review 9, no. 2 (December 1, 2021): 89–106.

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Abstract Building upon findings from a strategically selected case study of a pioneering Swedish municipality, Jönköping, a participant in a Horizon2020 project on co-creating public service innovations in Europe (CoSIE), this paper illustrates how local municipalities may take a systemic approach to creating the necessary conditions for sustainable co-creation and assesses whether this illustrates an ongoing paradigmatic shift in service management and culture. The strategic change management efforts in adapting a public sector organisation to a co-creation culture, are assessed against a normative theoretical framework for such a transformative change (Finansdepartementet 2018; Torfing et al, 2016;). The study employs the concept of co-creation to highlight the paradigmatic shift in the approach to citizens as service end users from passive clients to active citizens with resources and capabilities to exert an impact on service design, delivery, and value creation. Th e article offers new insights into how a robust organisation may be moving towards a new public administration paradigm that accommodates co-creation, and especially how a new approach to management based on trust may be strategically implemented as a key factor in facilitating systemic change (Torfing et al, 2016). Against the background of a significant shortage of studies exploring how conditions for such a transformative change are created at different system levels, the article examines a longitudinal real-time study and illustrates new management approaches, strategies, and tools used. The study also contributes a normative framework to explore a shift to more trust-based steering and a more nuanced explanation of an ongoing managerial shift towards a ‘co-creation’ paradigm. It argues that achieving trust-based steering has major potential to facilitate a co-creation culture but that a paradigmatic shift towards such a culture requires congruence in discourses and actions on different system levels and a major transformation of approaches, roles, and relationship dynamics between senior and first-line management.
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Sarr, Bilal. "« Quand on parlait le berbère à la cour de Grenade » : quelques réflexions sur la berbérité de la taifa ziride (al-Andalus, xie siècle)." Arabica 63, no. 3-4 (May 26, 2016): 235–60.

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Using data provided by the written sources and the archaeology, this article aims at analysing the Zirid Taifa of Granada, studying its different elements (administration, organisation of the state, the succession to power and material culture) in order to discover its authentic Berber aspects. The Zirides, recently arrived in al-Andalus, offer us a unique opportunity to draw comparisons between the process of Islamisation in the Maghreb and in al-Andalus. The decisive power of the tribal ǧamāʿa, the important role of women, the persistence of a Berber onomastics and the use of Berber language are features of a group that maintains a North African identity. Other areas, such as the evolution of the city, the pottery and the administrative structure of the state are clearly borrowed from the Arab-Andalusian tradition. À partir des données fournies par les sources écrites et l’archéologie, cet article se propose d’analyser la taifa ziride de Grenade, en étudiant ses différents éléments (l’organisation de l’État, la désignation des émirs et la culture matérielle) afin de révéler leurs aspects authentiquement berbères. Les Zirides, récemment arrivés en al-Andalus, nous offrent une occasion unique d’établir des parallèles entre le processus d’arabo-islamisation au Maghreb et celui d’al-Andalus. Le pouvoir de décision important de la ǧamāʿa tribale, le rôle de la femme, la persistance d’une onomastique berbère et l’utilisation de la langue berbère sont caractéristiques d’un groupe qui conserve une identité nord-africaine. D’autres domaines comme l’évolution de la ville, le mobilier céramique et la structure administrative de l’État ont en revanche nettement emprunté à la tradition arabo-andalouse. This article is in French
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Gow, James I. "L'histoire de l'administration publique québécoise." Dossiers 16, no. 3 (April 12, 2005): 385–411.

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Depuis quelques années, on constate un regain d'intérêt pour l'histoire administrative dans les pays occidentaux, non seulement à cause de l'intérêt intrinsèque de la matière, mais aussi parce que l'histoire se révèle bon maître en science politique et administrative. Parmi les grandes questions qui se posent, tant aux citoyens du monde contemporain qu'aux chercheurs des sciences sociales, se trouve la question de l'inévitabilité de la grande organisation et de ses suites, à savoir son mode de fonctionnement bureaucratique ainsi que sa technostructure. Les immenses difficultés rencontrées dans le « développement » des pays du tiers monde ont eu comme conséquence, entre autres, de forcer les spécialistes de questions administratives à revoir leur science dans l'espoir de trouver dans le contexte politique, social et économique des facteurs d'explication trop longtemps négligés en Occident. On interroge l'histoire du développement des administrations des pays occidentaux afin de mieux comprendre les problèmes théoriques et pratiques posés par le développement ailleurs aujourd'hui. Si l'histoire administrative est peu développée la raison semble en être: «... la nature même du fait administratif qui est diffus au sein des activités humaines, intermédiaire entre projet et réalisation, entre politique et technique...» Phénomène diffus, mais cependant universel, l'administration se prête aussi à la controverse. Depuis des grands noms tels Max Weber et Karl Marx on propose des modèles contradictoires, les uns s'arrêtant aux aspects fonctionnels ou dysfonctionnels de la bureaucratie, les autres analysant surtout la place des fonctionnaires par rapport aux classes dominantes. Pour nous, l'histoire administrative ne peut être distinguée de l'histoire politique ; qui plus est, en tant que reflet de la vie politique, économique et sociale, l'histoire administrative se révèle même «un élément d'explication capitale» de cette dernière. Quels sont les faits administratifs que l'on peut interroger? En général, on peut s'intéresser aux textes (lois, règlements, rapports, etc.), aux personnes, (fonctionnaires, individus ou groupes), aux missions (tant de l'État que de l'administration) et au fonctionnement de l'administration (prise de décision, science administrative, etc.). D'après une conception étroite, l'administration n'est que la préparation et la mise en application des décisions de l'autorité politique. Par ailleurs, on peut aussi affirmer que «rien n'est étranger à l'histoire de l'Administration... », adoptant ainsi une conception large.'' Le choix des faits à privilégier reflète aussi bien l'approche méthodologique que théorique que l'on adopte. Nous avons adopté une approche «... à méthode régressive, l'historien remontant du présent au passé, l'expérience lui fournissant la grille d'interprétation nécessaire. ». Notre approche cherche à utiliser le langage des budgets-programmes ainsi que celui de l'analyse de système afin de dégager les différents extrants de l'administration, ses ressources, son organisation et son fonctionnement. Ce texte se concentre sur trois grands thèmes, soit le rôle de l'État québécois, l'organisation et le fonctionnement de son administration et la place de ses fonctionnaires au sein du système politique. Ces thèmes sont traités en deux temps: un examen chronologique permet d'abord de voir l'évolution du rôle de l'État et celle des structures de réalisation; ensuite, une analyse d'ensemble aborde les questions d'organisation et de fonctionnement ainsi que de la place des fonctionnaires dans la société politique.
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González Ibarra, Juan de Dios. "Administración, filosofía y epistemología en la globalización." Administración y Organizaciones 24, no. 47 (November 27, 2018): 11–34.

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A más de un siglo de la aparición de la obra del ingeniero norteamericano Frederich W. Taylor titulada The Principles of Scientific Management (1911) y cercanos los 100 años de la edición de la otra obra pionera escrita por el también ingeniero de origen francés Henri Fayol, Administration industrielle et générale; prévoyance, organisation, commandement, coordination, contrôle (1916), es pertinente reflexionar críticamente desde las perspectivas de la filosofía práctica, la epistemología administrativa y la globalización sobre el estado actual imperante en la Administración. Lo anterior como una manera de filosofar sobre nuestra vida material y espiritual, la ciencia y meta-ciencia, la teoría del conocimiento administrativo o epistemología. Al hacer este ejercicio, pudimos percatarnos de la necesidad de incorporar a la Administración, nuestro campo general de trabajo teórico y práctico, los conceptos de capital ético, entendido como la integración dinámica productora de acciones y actitudes morales, y de capital social en tanto red formada de confianza interpersonal que genera armonía social. El reto al que buscamos contribuir a responder en este artículo es ¿cómo humanizar a la Administración para que esté al servicio de una más justa comunidad mundial?
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AlHalaseh, Rula Hani. "Developing a financial literacy scale for Arab context: A case of university students." Journal of Governance and Regulation 13, no. 1, special Issue (2024): 362–76.

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The present study develops a tool to measure financial literacy in the era of the post-COVID-19 pandemic while recognizing the challenges and changes posed by the pandemic. Investigating and validating it in the Arab context that lacked such measurement and a dire need for further exploration. It employed new financial concepts that emerged during and post-COVID-19 (e.g., e-wallet, emergency funds), besides adjusting some items from previous instruments (e.g., Yanto et al., 2021; Organisation for Economic Co operation and Development [OECD], 2019). An electronic questionnaire was distributed among Jordanian universities students. 507 valid responses were retained. Of the sample, females, employed students, bachelor’s degrees, and business and social science majors represent 51.7 percent, 36 percent, 78.5 percent, and 36.3 percent, respectively. A quantitative approach was conducted using exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) via AMOS-SEM to validate the robustness of the model. The findings revealed that the EFA demonstrated 11 items with three factors retained for measuring financial literacy (FL) (knowledge, practice, and skills) agree with (Baistaman et al., 2020). Based on the CFA result, the model fits the indexes (CMIN/DF = 2.369, CFI = 0.985, GFI = 0.966, RMSEA = 0.052). Th developed tool is approved in its context, and it would assist policymakers in obtaining information necessary to enhance government strategies, namely, the National Financial Inclusion Strategy.
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AlHares, Aws, Noora AlEmadi, Tarek Abu-Asi, and Ruba Al Abed. "Environmental, social, and governance disclosure impact on cash holdings in OECD countries." Journal of Governance and Regulation 12, no. 2 (2023): 104–19.

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In this research, we investigate how cash holdings are affected by the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure practices of corporations. This research provides valuable insights into the ongoing discussion all across the world on ESG disclosure, and mainly 5 countries from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), which are the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Australia, over the period 2012–2021. We used Refinitiv Eikon database to measure the variables. The results show there is a significantly negative relation between ESG disclosure and cash holdings in the introduction, growth, and shake-out/decline stages. Lower cash holdings are associated with higher firm performance and a positive value of cash. In spite of using different econometric parameters, other measurements, extra control variables, propensity score matching, and an instrumental variable approach, our results remained unchanged (Arayssi et al., 2020). This paper has recommendations for policymakers, investors, and business organizations. Importantly, our study reveals how higher levels of ESG disclosure lead to better cash-holding practices (Buallay, 2022).
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Vallet, Matthieu. "Recensement et organisation civique à Ptolémaïs en Haute-Égypte à la fin du Ier s. ap. J.-C. Réflexions à propos de la provenance des données du P. Oxy. VI, 984." Cahiers du Centre Gustave Glotz 26, no. 1 (2015): 127–39.

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The census register P. Oxy. 984 became controversial among scholars since its first publication by R. S. Bagnall, B. W. Frier and I. C. Rutherford in 1997. The main problem that scholars had to face was the location of residence of the declarants who sent their census declaration – preserved in this roll – to the fiscal administration of Upper Egypt. R. S. Bagnall, B. W. Frier and I. C. Rutherford suggested the Greek city of Ptolemais in Upper Egypt as the place from where the census declarations had been gathered. On the contrary, O. Montevecchi and some of her students tried to demonstrate that the declarations comprised in the roll came from Lykopolis and not Ptolemais in Upper Egypt. The reopening of this debate is guided by a particular attention drew to onomastic, toponymic and institutional data gathered in the roll in a comparative perspective with data found in the corpus of Ptolemais. The questions raised by the papyrus do not only concern location issue, but also deal with the meaning of the term προξένοι βουλευτῶν, and even with the purpose of this census compilation.
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Gooding, Nigel, and Wilf Kelsall. "P25 Can electronic prescribing facilitate safe and measurable dose administration in children?" Archives of Disease in Childhood 103, no. 2 (January 19, 2018): e2.28-e2.

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AimA previous study identified that prescribed doses of liquid medicines could not always be measured using a single syringe.1 Our study aimed to identify whether electronic prescribing improves this and if so how different the prescribed dose would be compared to the BNFC/local dosage recommendations.MethodLiquid and parenteral medicine prescriptions prescribed using paper drug charts, with doses calculated manually, were reviewed on neonatal and paediatric wards during 2 days in July 2014. Electronic prescribing (Epic) was introduced in October 2014 with study observations repeated in April 2016. Patient weight, dose, strength and volume administered were recorded, with analysis of whether doses could be measured using a single syringe. Prescribed doses were compared with the exact calculated BNFC/local dose.Results381 liquid medicine doses were reviewed pre-electronic prescribing, and included 75 formulations. 99 (26%) doses were immeasurable. Of these, 42 (42.4%) doses would have been administered with less than 1% difference to the prescribed dose, 31 (31.3%) between 1%–2% difference and 26 (26.2%) between 2%–10% difference.134 (35.2%) doses were calculated and prescribed exactly using BNFC/local recommendations. 139 (36.5%) doses were adjusted and prescribed with less than 2% difference to the exact calculated dose, 70 (18.4%) between 2%–5% difference and 38 (10%) with >5% difference.365 liquid medicine doses were reviewed following electronic prescribing implementation, and included 105 formulations. 80 (21.9%) doses were immeasurable. Of these, 35 (43.8%) doses would have been administered with less than a 1% difference to the prescribed dose, 16 (20%) between 1%–2% difference and 29 (36.3%) between 2%–10% difference.Following introduction of electronic prescribing 166 (45.5%) doses were calculated and prescribed exactly using BNFC/local recommendations. 140 (38.3%) doses were adjusted and prescribed with less than 2% difference to the exact calculated dose, 34 (9.3%) between 2%–5% difference and 25 (6.8%) with >5% difference.ConclusionThere was a small improvement in numbers of measurable doses prescribed using electronic prescribing, with an improvement in the final calculation of prescribed doses compared with BNFC/local doses. Although more doses were measurable using electronic prescribing, there was also an increase in the number of doses with >2% difference between the prescribed and administered dose. The World Health Organisation provide guidance on dose rounding and if prescribed doses do not correspond to available formulations, then doses may be amended while maintaining safety and efficacy, reviewing the therapeutic index of the medicine and patient characteristics.2Further work now needs to be undertaken locally to identify specific drugs where the electronic prescribing build needs to be amended to allow measurable dose calculation which is as close as possible to the ideal calculated dose but still provides clinical efficacy.ReferencesMorecroft CW, Gill A, et al. Are prescribed doses of medicine for children measurable?Arch Dis Child2012;97:e1–21.Fiftieth report of the WHO expert committee on specifications for pharmaceutical preparations. WHO technical report series (No 996) 2016.
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Salihu, Vjollca, and Besnik Murati. "Harmonization of the legislation of foreign investments of the developing countries with that of the European." Journal of Governance and Regulation 12, no. 1, special issue (2023): 348–58.

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Foreign investment plays a crucial role in a country’s development. Seen from the perspective of the importance of the impact of foreign capital investment on the host and country of origin, the main purpose of this study is to analyze the compatibility of Kosovo’s foreign investment legislation with that of the European Union (EU) to further emphasize the importance of the judiciary and law enforcement as influential factors in attracting foreign investment in the case of Kosovo. Through descriptive, comparative, and analytical research, this study analyses the legal framework for foreign direct investment (FDI) in Kosovo in comparison with the EU. A new database of FDI incentives shows that providing financial incentives to foreign investors is quite common for countries trying to attract investors seeking efficiency (Andersen et al., 2017). The paper concludes that the absorption of foreign investment requires well-defined policies and strategies, continuous improvements in the legal and institutional framework, political stability and sustainable economic growth, improvement and modernization of infrastructure, as well as climate improvements for the business environment and investment. Based on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD, 2008), FDI is a key element in this rapidly evolving economic integration, also referred to as globalization, thus FDI provides a means of establishing direct, lasting links between economies.
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Kikanana Maguganduga, Emmanuel. "Essai d’analyse de la gestion des entités territoriales décentralisées par les autorités non élues face aux impératifs du développement local a la municipalité de Lemba de 2018-2023." Le Carrefour Congolais 9, no. 1 (June 25, 2024): 93–125.

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En vue de booster son développement à partir de l’échelon local, la RD Congo a adopté la décentralisation comme mode de gestion de l’Etat depuis l’avènement de la constitution du 18 février 2006 telle que modifiée à ce jour. Cette décentralisation comme mode de gestion a accordé aux provinces et aux Entités Territoriales Décentralisées la personnalité juridique et leur a reconnu la libre administration et l’autonomie de gestion de leurs ressources économiques, humaines, financières et technique. Il leur a confié ainsi la responsabilité de prendre en charge les affaires qui les concernent, notamment la planification du développement. Désormais, les entités locales (ville, commune, secteur et/ou chefferie) devront être animées par les autorités élues des élections urbaine, municipale et locale. Mais malheureusement depuis que ce mode de gestion s’expérimente à pas de doute, les élections urbaines, municipales et locales n’ont jamais eu lieu. Cependant, les entités territoriales décentralisées sont gérées par les 94 EMMANUEL KIKANANA MAGUGANDUGA autorités non élues c’est-à-dire nommés. Fort malheureux, dans leur mode de gestion l’on constate l’amateurisme caractérisé par l’absence d’un programme cohérent et concerté à la tête de l’entité ; l’improvisation due à la mauvaise planification des actions projetées ; la complaisance dans la prise des décisions et dans leur exécution ; l’érosion de la confiance des administrés à l’égard des autorités politico-administratives ; la corruption, l’arbitraire, la concussion, l’affairisme, la compromission et le tribalisme; l’irresponsabilité des animateurs, etc. qui s’accompagne du sous-développement par effets de la faible mobilisation des ressources propres, les tracasseries administratives et policières, les conditions de travail précaires (statut barémique dérisoire, irrégularité des subventions ou de la rétrocession...), la faible performance des animateurs et la mauvaise perception du contrôle, etc. devenus le caractère actuel de la municipalité de LEMBA. Par ailleurs, la gestion de cette entité est caractérisée par l’inadéquation des ressources aux compétences et mission dévolues à cette dernière. Or, l’administration territoriale, en sa qualité de cheville ouvrière du gouvernement devra, pour être efficace, efficiente et rationnelle, reposer sur les vertus cardinales traduites par les compétences (savoir, savoir-faire, savoir- faire-faire) des autorités territoriales qui sont requises pour mieux accomplir leur mission et attributions. Pour pouvoir améliorer la gestion de la municipalité de Lemba et booster son développement, il est souhaitable de se pencher sur les compétences managériales et le profil d’un cadre communal. Afin de relever les défis auxquels l’entité est actuellement confrontée, un cadre territorial de demain devra dépasser le stade d’un administrateur gestionnaire (bourgmestre gestionnaire), il devra devenir un manager des organisations. En effet, Les cadres communaux managers portent une compétence en : analyse de système, procédés de gestion, relations humaines; Un cadre imprégné de la culture ANALYSE DE LA GESTION DES ENTITÉS TERRITORIALES... 95 territoriale, s’intéresse aux problèmes sociaux de la population, animateur du développement, s’intéresse à la vie politique, souple en communication efficace. Bref, un manager est un cadre qui utilise harmonieusement les ressources humaines, matérielles et financières à sa disposition afin de satisfaire et les objectifs de son organisation et les besoins de ses collaborateurs et subordonnés. L’objectif de cet article est de démontrer comment les animateurs des entités territoriales décentralisées non élus ou élus soient-ils en leur qualité de cheville ouvrière du gouvernement devra se comporter comme manager des organisations utilisant la méthode de gestion axée sur le résultat. Il ne devra plus demeurer administrateur plaintif et attentiste de 40 % de rétrocession qualifié d’régulière.
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Burger, Georgina Suto. "Hungarian Report." European Review of Private Law 20, Issue 1 (February 1, 2012): 123–37.

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Abstract: This article focuses on how the transnational law is processed in Hungary. First, the author examines how the fragmentation of transnational sources is expressed in her country. In Hungary, practically, scholars and elite professionals were always at the forefront in resolving such problems in international context without any institutional framework set up or supported by the government. However, a new act has replaced recently the former act on the treaties, and there has been also a responsible body for decades for treaties. This latter is not a framework for the transnational sources, but at least, the treaties are handled on administration level. Where the complexity of transnational sources comes up is rather their application: the judgments. Therefore, the focus will be largely on this question in this study. Are the judges well educated for these complex cases? If not, how do they elude such a complexity? Is it possible to measure the efficiency of courts in dealing with such issues? Besides some positive answers, the effect of communism is still detectable in some chaos in the organization and in the poor education for the elder generation of judges. Résumé: Cet article analyse la réception du problèmeet aussi l'application des sources transnationales du droit en Hongrie. D'abord, l'auteur présente comment la fragmentation des sources transnationales est évoqué dans son pays. En Hongrie, pratiquement les savants et l'élite des professeurs s'occupent de ce problème á l'égard d'un contexte international mais toujours sans cadre institutionnel soutenu par le gouvernement. Toutefois, le parlement a voté récemment la nouvelle loi sur les traits qui succède la version communiste et il existe aussi,depuis longtemps, un organe gouvernemental responsable des traités. Même si ce dernier se s'occupe vraiment des sources transnationales, on peut affirmer que les traités sont bien gérés au niveau administratif. Où la complexité des sources internationales s'évoque, c'est plutôt leur application: la question de la jurisprudence. C'est pourquoi cet article a mis l'accent sur cette question. Sont les juges bien éduqués pour ces cas complexes? Si non, si et comment essayent-ils éviter les difficultés de cette complexité? Est-il possible de mesurer l'efficacité des tribunaux en ce qui concerne le jugement de ces cas? Même si l'on a des réponses positives á ces questions, le trace du communisme est toujours détectable, de même avec le petit chaos, de temps en temps, en organisation et bien en éducation des juges de la génération ainée.
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BackgroundThe TRial for Anti-B-Cell Therapy In patients with pSS (TRACTISS) is the largest multi-centre, placebo-controlled, phase-III trial with the administration of 2 cycles of Rituximab (RTX) or placebo at week 0 and 24, with trial clinical endpoints at week 48. Despite the primary endpoints (30% reduction in fatigue or oral dryness) were not met, RTX treated patients showed an improvement in secondary endpoints, such as unstimulated whole salivary flow (UWSF), and salivary gland (SG) total ultrasound score1,2. Additionally, recent post-hoc analysis of TRACTISS using novel CRESS composite endpoints3, highlighted a significantly increased response rate in the RTX vs placebo arm.ObjectivesTo perform the first longitudinal analysis of matched transcriptomic and histological data of SG biopsies of pSS patients treated with RTX vs placebo at 3 time points, over 48 weeks, from the TRACTISS cohort, in order to identify mechanisms of response/resistance to B cell depletion.Methods29 pSS patients randomised to RTX or placebo arm consented for labial SG biopsies at week 0, 16 and 48. Patients received two 1000mg cycles of RTX or placebo at week 0 and 24. SG focus score, inflammatory aggregate area fraction, B-cells (CD20+), T-cells (CD3+), follicular dendritic cells (FDCs) (CD21+) and plasma cells (CD138+) density were assessed using quantitative digital image analysis. RNA sequencing with deconvolution and pathway analysis was performed to identify genes signatures and consensus gene modules as biomarkers of disease evolution and response/resistance to therapy.ResultsPlacebo-treated SGs showed worsening of SG inflammation highlighted by the increment of aggregate size, B-cell density, development of new FDC networks, and a higher ectopic GC prevalence over 48 weeks, compared to RTX-treated patients. No difference in focus score, total T-cell and plasma cell infiltration was observed. RTX downregulated genes involved in immune cell recruitment and inflammatory aggregate organisation (e.g. CXCL13, CCR7 and PDCD1). Gene signature-based analysis of 35 immune cell types using XCell highlighted how RTX blocked class-switched and memory-B-cells accumulation in SGs over 48 weeks. Pathway analyses confirmed the downregulation of leukocyte migration, MHC-II antigen presentation, and T-cell co-stimulation immunological pathways, such as the CD40 receptor complex pathway. Among RTX-treated patients, only CRESS-responders demonstrated prevention of worsening B cell-driven molecular pathology signatures over time and a significant improvement in UWSF, in parallel with the upregulation of molecular pathways associated to SG restoration of the glandular epithelium. None of the above effects were observed at week 16 after the first RTX cycle.ConclusionTwo RTX infusions repeated at week 24 exerted beneficial effects on labial SG inflammatory infiltration in pSS by downregulating genes involved in immune cell recruitment, activation and organisation in ectopic GCs. Conversely, all the above parameters showed significant evolution in placebo treated patients over 48 weeks demonstrating progression of SG immunopathology. Clinical responders to RTX based on CRESS response criteria were characterised by preservation of exocrine function which appear driven by SG epithelial restoration.References[1]Fisher, B. A. et al. Effect of rituximab on a salivary gland ultrasound score in primary Sjögren’s syndrome: results of the TRACTISS randomised double-blind multicentre substudy. Ann. Rheum. Dis.77, 412–416 (2018).[2]Bowman, S. J. et al. Randomized Controlled Trial of Rituximab and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis in Treating Fatigue and Oral Dryness in Primary Sjögren’s Syndrome. Arthritis Rheumatol.69, 1440–1450 (2017).[3]Arends, S. et al. Composite of Relevant Endpoints for Sjögren’s Syndrome (CRESS): development and validation of a novel outcome measure. Lancet Rheumatol.3, e553–e562 (2021).Disclosure of InterestsNone declared
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Campbell, R., E. Nelson, J. Everall, N. Ash, J. Mountford, and J. Davies. "P815 Infliximab drug monitoring: proactive or reactive: a North West England NHS 3 trust retrospective study." Journal of Crohn's and Colitis 18, Supplement_1 (January 1, 2024): i1515.

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Abstract Background Therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) plays a vital role in the management of patients on Infliximab. (1) The British Society of Gastroenterology (BSG) recommends TDM assessment ideally takes place 2-4 weeks after the initial loading doses, however the European Crohns and Colitis Organisation (ECCO) do not make particular proactive or reactive recommendations for TDM. (1,2,3) Methods Three North West England NHS trusts retrospectively collected data on 75 patients who had Infliximab trough and antibody levels done within a 12 month time frame. The aim was to establish if collectively TDM was done proactively or reactively and the overall outcomes from the monitoring. Results The demographic profile gave us 37 females and 38 males with the disease distribution predominantly Crohns disease ( N=53). There were more participants in the 18-50 age range (N=53) with 22 patients being 31-40 years of age, less participants in the 51-70+ age range ( N=22). Dual therapy with either Mercaptopurine or Azathioprine accounted for 49 out of the 75 participants with a majority favouring Azathioprine. Clinical management and routine use of TDM was seen in 40.5% ( N= 54) of patients indicating proactive use of monitoring in this study. TDM was undertaken after induction and annually in 48 patients whilst the remaining 27 patients received monitoring as ‘maintenance’, this is similar to the BSG recommendations and in a study by Sagar et al in 2021 ( 4). Conclusion Although the three participating trusts may use differing assays for the TDM, the outcomes show that it is used proactively for the majority of patients after induction and annually in keeping with BSG recommendations (3). From the data collected a further examination of results regarding subcutaneous versus intravenous TDM outcomes is proposed as the trusts move towards providing patients with both modes of administration of Infliximab.
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Whitticase, Louise, Gemma Holder, Gillian Preston, and Sara Clarke. "P013 Developing standardised neonatal parenteral nutrition across a network." Archives of Disease in Childhood 104, no. 7 (June 19, 2019): e2.16-e2.

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Background and aimParenteral Nutrition (PN) forms the mainstay of nutritional support for extremely low birth weight (ELBW) infants immediately after birth to promote optimal growth and neurodevelopmental outcomes. The National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death (NCEPOD) published in 2010 indicated that only 24% of neonates received parenteral nutrition that was considered good practice1. NCEPOD, alongside the Paediatric Chief Pharmacists Group Report, highlighted issues with prescribing and administration of PN linked to unnecessary variation in practice between hospitals.1 2 This encourages use of standardised PN with associated guidelines for use and administration. The aim was to be able to provide nutritionally complete PN for preterm and sick term babies in a ready to use formulation, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week without access to an onsite aseptic service and for the nutrition a baby receives to be consistent across the network regardless of which hospital they are in.MethodsThere is a robust network neonatal nutrition group, comprising neonatologists, pharmacists, dietitians and nutrition nurses. The remit of the group was initially to audit their current practice and agree the new standardized formulations and develop guidelines for use. These were based on European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) and British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM) guidelines and expert opinion.3 4 Advice on stability and compounding was sought from commercial experts. Assistance to award a contract to supply the network was sought from a group purchasing organisation to ensure capacity planning and cost effectiveness.ResultsConsensus on four concentrated formulations was agreed by the network group and all six units within the network are now successfully using these.ConclusionThis has been a lengthy process but it was possible to establish agreement of a structured set of standard bags that would deliver nutritionally complete PN to the cohort of babies in our network. Re-audit is now underway in house to compare to previous practice and we hope to shortly roll this audit out across the network. Future aspirations are to devise a system to manage stock control across the entire network, work towards reaching national consensus, work with commercial partners to obtain extended expiry with peditrace addition and to work in partnership with commercial companies to formulate licensed products.ReferencesStewart J, Mason G, Smith N, et al. A mixed bag; an enquiry into the care of hospital patients receiving parenteral nutrition. National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death, 2010.Paediatric Chief Pharmacists Group. Improving practice and reducing risk in the provision of parenteral nutrition for neonates and children, 2011.Koletzko B, Goulet O, Hunt J, et al. Guidelines on Paediatric Parenteral Nutrition of the European Society of Paediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN) and the European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN), Supported by the European Society of Paediatric Research (ESPR). J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr 2005;41(Suppl 2):S1–87.British Association of Perinatal Medicine (BAPM). The Provision of Parenteral Nutrition within Neonatal Services - A Framework for Practice, 2016.
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Deslauriers, Jacques. "La Cour provinciale et l'art. 96 de l'A.A.N.B." Les Cahiers de droit 18, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 881–920.

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In the Province of Quebec, the Provincial Court constitutes one of the most important benches after the Court of Appeal and the Superior Court. At its beginning in 1869, the Provincial Court was termed the Magistrate's Court and its juridiction was very circumscribed. The constitutional problem arising from the existence of such a court was not obvious as it is today. In 1867, when the B.N.A. Act was drafted, the powers concerning the administration of justice in the Province, including the constitution, maintenance and organisation of provincial courts, both civil and criminal, and including procedure in civil matters, were conferred on the provinces by section 92(14). But by section 96, it was provided that the Governor General should appoint the judges of the Superior, District and County courts in each province. These provisions of the B.N.A. Act are extremely confused, so that more than 130 published cases have not succeeded in clarifying definitively the interpretation of sections 96 and 92(14), and such a situation imperils the stability of the judiciary in the Canadian provinces. For the analysis of section 96 of the B.N.A. Act, we must refer to some concepts in English Law about Superior Courts and Inferior Courts. The Magistrate's Court, now the Provincial Court in Quebec, has in fact replaced the Circuit Court whose competence was exercised by judges of the Superior Court appointed by the Federal Government. It is not obvious that in 1867 the Circuit Court was an inferior bench in the mind of the drafters of the B.N.A. Act. At that time the inferior courts in the Province of Quebec were the Commissary Courts and the Justices of the Peace. In 1869 when the Magistrate's Court was established, nobody was wandering about the constitutional question because the jurisdiction of the Court was limited to the collection of municipal and school taxes and to suits actions in which the amount was less than $ 25.00. But in 1888 and 1889 when the Provincial Legislature attempted to replace the Circuit Court in the District of Montreal with the Magistrate's Court, the Federal Government disallowed the laws because judges appointed by the Provincial Government were invested with powers which were up to that time exercised by judges appointed by virtue of section 96 of the B.N.A. Act. The Federal Government was then invited to appoint judges especially affected to the Circuit Court of Montreal, but the Magistrate's Court continued to exist in other judicial districts without extent of jurisdiction. In 1922, the Provincial Legislature tried agin to raise the powers of the Magistrate's Court by transferring to it all the functions exercised by Superior Court judges in the Circuit Court. But at this moment, the Federal Government did not intervene with it's disallowance power. So, once the delay for disallowance had expired, the Provincial Government continued to raise the competence of the Magistrate's court until the abolition of the Circuit Court in 1952. Since 1952, the powers of the Magistrate's Court have not ceased to grow. In 1965, with the adoption of the new Code of Civil Procedure, the name of Magistrate's Court was changed to become the Provincial Court. In spite of it's importance, the constitutional question is not yet settled, and whatever method we use, we cannot justify the constitutionality of the Provincial Court. Several methods have been elaborated by judges to interpret section 96 of the B.N.A. Act. The particularist method consists in appreciating if a board or a bench is invested with powers which, in 1867, were exercised by judges appointed by the Federal Government. If so, the bench is considered inconstitutional. Another method is the functionalist method by which it is presumed that the judicial function should be exercised only by judges appointed by virtue of section 96. This method is not very often used. Finally, there is the globalist method which is more comprehensive but also more abstract, which consists in the recognition of the fact by the growth of its jurisdiction the Provincial Court has become a superior, district or county Court. Whatever method is used, it is very difficult to establish the constitutionality of the Provincial Court in the Province of Quebec. This situation incites a reflexion about the opportunity of section 96 of the B.N.A. ACT which restrains the Province from adopting judicial reforms that are very necessary. If after 110 years, we are not clear about the interpretation that should be given to section 96, we shall never be. In the actual context, the arguments presented by the Fathers of the Confederation for the drafting of section 96 are not very pertinent. If we examine other federal constitutions in foreign countries, it appears that in every case the drafters of such constitutions carefully avoid the situation in which we are placed by section 96 of the B.N. A. Act. Perhaps the better solution for us is the abrogation of section 96 of the B.N.A. act.
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Sutherland, Adam, Denham Phipps, Steve Tomlin, and Darren Ashcroft. "P54 Mapping the prevalence and nature of drug related problems among hospitalised children in the United Kingdom: a systematic review." Archives of Disease in Childhood 105, no. 9 (August 19, 2020): e35.1-e35.

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AimsProblems with medication account for 10–20% of all adverse healthcare events in the NHS, costing between £200–400 million per year.1 Children are more likely to experience medication related harm.2 International reviews of the prevalence of drug-related problems are over ten years old.3 There is a need for a focussed and critical review of the prevalence and nature of drug-related problems in hospitalised children in the UK to support the development and targeting of interventions to improve medication safety.4MethodsNine electronic databases (Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PsychInfo, IPA, Scopus, HMIC, BNI, The Cochrane library and clinical trial databases) were searched from January 1999 to September 2018. Studies were included if they were based in the UK, reported on the frequency of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), adverse drug events (ADEs) or medication errors (MEs) affecting hospitalised children, and quality appraisal of the studies was conducted.Results26 studies were included; none of which specifically reported on the prevalence of ADEs. Three ADR studies reported a median prevalence of 28.3% of patients (IQR 13); >70% of reactions warranted withdrawal of medication. Sixteen studies reported on prescribing errors and the median prescribing error rate in all paediatric contexts was 10.7% of prescriptions (IQR 6) Seven studies explored prescribing errors in PICU and the prevalence was twice that in non-ICU areas (11.1% prescriptions; IQR 2.9 versus 6.5% prescriptions; IQR 4.3). The median rate of dose prescribing errors was 11.1% doses prescribed (IQR 10.6). Four studies reported administration errors of which three used consistent methods. Across these three studies, a median prevalence of 12.4% of administrations (IQR 7.3) was found. Administration technique errors represented 53% of these errors (IQR 14.7). Errors detected during medicines reconciliation at hospital admission affected 43% of patients, 33% (IQR 13) of prescribed medication with 70.3% (IQR 14) classified as potentially harmful. Medication errors detected during reconciliation on discharge from hospital affected 33% of patients and 19.7% of medicines, with 22% considered potentially harmful. No studies examined the prevalence of monitoring or dispensing errors.ConclusionsChildren are commonly affected by drug-related problems throughout their hospital journey. Given the high prevalence and risk of patient harm, there is an urgent need for outcome-focussed research on preventable ADEs in paediatric hospital settings in the UK. A deeper understanding of medication processes for children in hospital from a systems and theoretical perspective will also support the development and tragetting of effective interventions to improve patient safety.ReferencesChief Medical Officer. An Organisation With a Memory. London; 2000.Kaushal R, Bates DW, Landrigan C, et al. Medication errors and adverse drug events in pediatric inpatients. JAMA 2001;285:2114–2120.Ghaleb MA, Barber N, Franklin BD, Yeung VWS, Khaki ZF, Wong ICK. Systematic review of medication errors in pediatric patients. Ann Pharmacother 2006;40:1766–1776.
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Kern, Stefan, Thomas Lavergne, Dirk Notz, Leif Toudal Pedersen, and Rasmus Tonboe. "Satellite passive microwave sea-ice concentration data set inter-comparison for Arctic summer conditions." Cryosphere 14, no. 7 (July 28, 2020): 2469–93.

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Abstract. We report on results of a systematic inter-comparison of 10 global sea-ice concentration (SIC) data products at 12.5 to 50.0 km grid resolution from satellite passive microwave (PMW) observations for the Arctic during summer. The products are compared against SIC and net ice surface fraction (ISF) – SIC minus the per-grid-cell melt pond fraction (MPF) on sea ice – as derived from MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellite observations and observed from ice-going vessels. Like in Kern et al. (2019), we group the 10 products based on the concept of the SIC retrieval used. Group I consists of products of the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) Ocean and Sea Ice Satellite Application Facility (OSI SAF) and European Space Agency (ESA) Climate Change Initiative (CCI) algorithms. Group II consists of products derived with the Comiso bootstrap algorithm and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) SIC climate data record (CDR). Group III consists of Arctic Radiation and Turbulence Interaction Study (ARTIST) Sea Ice (ASI) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Team (NT) algorithm products, and group IV consists of products of the enhanced NASA Team algorithm (NT2). We find widespread positive and negative differences between PMW and MODIS SIC with magnitudes frequently reaching up to 20 %–25 % for groups I and III and up to 30 %–35 % for groups II and IV. On a pan-Arctic scale these differences may cancel out: Arctic average SIC from group I products agrees with MODIS within 2 %–5 % accuracy during the entire melt period from May through September. Group II and IV products overestimate MODIS Arctic average SIC by 5 %–10 %. Out of group III, ASI is similar to group I products while NT SIC underestimates MODIS Arctic average SIC by 5 %–10 %. These differences, when translated into the impact computing Arctic sea-ice area (SIA), match well with the differences in SIA between the four groups reported for the summer months by Kern et al. (2019). MODIS ISF is systematically overestimated by all products; NT provides the smallest overestimations (up to 25 %) and group II and IV products the largest overestimations (up to 45 %). The spatial distribution of the observed overestimation of MODIS ISF agrees reasonably well with the spatial distribution of the MODIS MPF and we find a robust linear relationship between PMW SIC and MODIS ISF for group I and III products during peak melt, i.e. July and August. We discuss different cases taking into account the expected influence of ice surface properties other than melt ponds, i.e. wet snow and coarse-grained snow/refrozen surface, on brightness temperatures and their ratios used as input to the SIC retrieval algorithms. Based on this discussion we identify the mismatch between the actually observed surface properties and those represented by the ice tie points as the most likely reason for (i) the observed differences between PMW SIC and MODIS ISF and for (ii) the often surprisingly small difference between PMW and MODIS SIC in areas of high melt pond fraction. We conclude that all 10 SIC products are highly inaccurate during summer melt. We hypothesize that the unknown number of melt pond signatures likely included in the ice tie points plays an important role – particularly for groups I and II – and recommend conducting further research in this field.
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Maturi, Bridget, Joseph R. Mikhael, William C. N. Dunlop, Dominic T. Tilden, and Lisa Wong. "Maintenance Therapy with Rituximab for Follicular Lymphoma Is Cost-Effective – A Canadian Perspective." Blood 108, no. 11 (November 16, 2006): 343.

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Abstract Background: Rituximab maintenance therapy has been shown to significantly improve overall survival (OS) (p<0.0111) and progression free survival (PFS) (p<0.0001) compared to observation alone in patients with relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma (van Oers MHJ et al, et al. Blood. 2006 [Epub ahead of print]).The objective of this analysis was to estimate the cost-effectiveness, from a Canadian perspective, of rituximab maintenance therapy versus observation alone (OA) in relapsed/refractory follicular lymphoma patients following response to induction therapy with or without rituximab, based on data from the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) 20981 study (Clinical Study Report 1016350). Methods: The impact of rituximab maintenance therapy (375 mg/m2 every 3 months until progression or for 2 years) compared with OA was evaluated using a lifetime, health-state transition model. All patients entered the model following response to chemotherapy +/− rituximab as induction therapy (progression-free health state [PFHS]). The model simulates the movement of patients from PFHS to either progressed health state (PHS) or death based on the data from the study. PFS and OS following rituximab maintenance were extrapolated from 2-year Kaplan-Meier curves from the study data using a Weibull distribution. In the base case model, the PFS and OS benefits of rituximab maintenance therapy were conservatively assumed to last only 5 years. Quality of life utility values for the health states in the model were derived from a study of 165 patients using the EQ-5D questionnaire. Direct annual medical costs including drug acquisition, administration and preparation were estimated from published sources. All costs are reported in 2005 Canadian dollars (CAD). Costs and outcomes were discounted at a rate of 5%. In order to address uncertainty in point estimates, one-way sensitivity analyses were also performed. Results: From the model, the estimated life-time incremental PFS for rituximab maintenance therapy was a 1.4 year increase over OA (3.1 vs 1.7 years). OS of rituximab maintenance patients was 0.9 years longer than in OA patients (5.6 vs 4.7 years). Total cost for rituximab maintenance therapy was estimated to be CAD34,748, with the majority of costs related to drug acquisition (CAD18,652). Rituximab maintenance resulted in a gain of 0.8 Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) (4.0 vs [OA] 3.2 QALYs) at an incremental cost of CAD17,136. The incremental cost effectiveness ratio (ICER) of rituximab maintenance vs OA is, therefore, estimated to be CAD20,428 per QALY gained. The ICER of rituximab maintenance was sensitive to the duration of treatment benefit and frequency of subsequent treatment. Conclusions: In patients responding to induction therapy, rituximab maintenance therapy improves overall survival and progression-free survival compared with observation alone. This pharmacoeconomic model demonstrates that maintenance therapy with rituximab is a cost-effective approach for the management of patients with follicular lymphoma.
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MAY, MARGARET. "S. Dex (2003), Families and Work in the Twentieth Century, York: Joseph Rowntree Foundation/Policy Press, 108 pp., £16.95 pbk, ISBN: 1-85-35095-X G. Neagele et al. (2003), A New Organisation of Time over Working Life, Dublin: European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, v + 160 pp., pbk, ISBN: 897-0222-2." Journal of Social Policy 33, no. 3 (July 2004): 508–10.

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Rao, D. N., and D. L. Gupta. "Immunology of COVID-19 and its clinical implications for therapy." Journal of Environmental Biology 41, no. 6 (November 15, 2020): XIII—XV.

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The world has already experienced several viral attacks in the 21st Century (Christou, 2011) have affected millions of people globally and caused substantial mortality and morbidity (Sutton, 2018). One that caused global pandemic and fear is newly emerged novel coronavirus (COVID-19) (Wilder-Smith et al., 2020). It is highly contagious, large enveloped, single-stranded, non-segmented, positive-sense RNA viruse that belong to coronaviridae family and genus Beta coronavirus (Yan et al., 2020). The viruses of coronaviridae family are further divided into two subfamilies; Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV) (Kindler et al., 2016). COVID-19 show close similarities to SARS-CoV due to phylogenetic relationship and genome structure. Word Health Organisation (WHO) has designated the current pandemic of SARS-CoV-2 infection as COVID-19 (Sohrabi et al., 2020). The virus shows high infectivity and mainly transmitted in the form of droplets with an incubation period of about 4-5 days. The onset of symptoms in patients is usually within 11-12 days (Linton et al., 2020). The most prominent symptoms seen in almost every patient includes dry cough, fever, fatigue, sore throat, lack of smell and taste, and severe patients suffer from breathing difficulties (Guan et al., 2019). We do not have any effective therapeutics or drugs approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to prevent or treat COVID-19 infections presently. The only treatment available for patients with COVID-19 is supportive care, including supplement oxygen and mechanical ventilator support. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop an effective therapy to treat patients infected with COVID-19. The present situation calls much attention on prophylactics and therapeutics approach. This virus contain four structural proteins viz. the spike (S), membrane(M),envelop (E) and nucleocapsid (N).The S protein is considered to be highly immunogenic and contribute protective immunity in contrast to N, M and E proteins(Saha et al., 2020). Many laboratories have confirmed the entry of virus into human cells after its fusion with cell membrane of target tissues. After fusion, the S protein undergoes proteolysis by host proteases and give rise to S1 and S2 fragments. Thus, S1 protein is ready to interact with angiotensin converting 2 (ACE2) receptors present on respiratory and intestine epithelia besides alveolar macrophages present in the lungs(Cheng et al., 2020). Few studies have confirmed that ACE2 receptors are present in other cells too. S1 protein has a domain that interacts specifically with a domain on the ACE2 receptor. This interaction is must to produce the symptoms of disease (Nadeem et al., 2020).One must understand the role of chloroquine analogues works here by inhibiting virus fusion into the cell membrane. Some laboratories have generated both polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies against S1 domain and inhibited the interaction (Ravichandran et al., 2020; Zhao et al., 2020). This is one of the areas of immunotherapy. Some key amino acids present on the S1 domain initiate this interaction with high affinity (Saha et al., 2020). If these amino acids are blocked by monoclonal antibodies or lacked by chance due to mutation, the rate of infection would be reduced and patients may show minimal symptoms. This protective effect can be seen by reduced affinity of viruses to ACE2 receptor that would result in decreased infection. As the virus is getting mutated, some infected persons shown critical symptoms and other escape the disease severity. If the virus continues to mutate to lower its pathogenicity, there is a high possibility that it might coexist with humans. Using computational and bioinformatics, few laboratories have predicted B cells, T cells and cytotoxic T cells epitopes on S protein as well as other structural proteins (Baruah et al., 2020). This will help us to develop virus specific neutralizing antibodies by gene cloning or peptide synthesis-based approach. We personally feel if we have antisera from recovered patients of COVID-19 infection, using panel of peptides from different regions of viral proteins will help us to develop diagnosis kits and peptide-based vaccine. Since immune response is based on individual Human Leukocytes Antigens (HLA), the above approach will help to identify immunodominant regions on viral proteins. In addition, we can identify the polymorphic loci on HLA genes among infected persons showing clinical symptoms and others escape the disease severity to confirm the susceptibility towards infection, immunity and outcomes. COVID-19 infection has led to inflammatory storm due to presence of hyper activated immune cells and over-production of pro-inflammatory cytokines that may determine the outcome (Ye et al., 2020). Several studies have shown the presence of elevated levels of serum pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1β and TNF-α) and increased immune inflammatory cells leading to cytokine storm, which could be partially responsible for immune mediated problems in the lungs of the patients(Ye et al., 2020; Felsenstein et al., 2020). Immune mediated, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) are commonly seen in ICU that are associated with poor outcome in patients with COVID-19 (Zhang et al., 2020).Therefore, specific blockade of inflammatory storm associated with hyper-inflammation during COVID-19 is an important therapeutic approach when compared to the systemic immunosuppression. To our knowledge, few clinical trials are ongoing to test the safety and efficacy of targeted therapies associated with IL-6, IL-1 receptor and Janus kinases (JAK) blockade in severe COVID-19 patients (Neurath, 2020; Russell et al., 2020). Like targeted therapies, several clinical trials of anti-viral drugs therapies such as Remdesivir, Lopinavin and Favipiravin are ongoing study (Şimşek and Ünal, 2020; Cao et al., 2020). The safety and efficacy of these trials are still unclear which need furthermore investigations in patients across the globe. Recently, few studies have confirmed blood clots in lungs and heart of patients with COVI-19 (Connors and Levy, 2020). We feel that treatment with blood thinner or low molecular weight heparin can reduce the problems of blood clots. Development of animal models of coronavirus infection are useful for testing vaccines and antiviral drugs. However, currently available animal models do not reproduce the inflammatory storm or pulmonary disease observed in individuals infected with SARS-CoV (Cleary et al., 2020). SARS-CoV viruses has been found to replicate in the lungs of domestic cats, hamsters, and mice. These animal models remain symptomatic (Tiwari et al., 2020). Therefore, we believe that development of animal models that establishes COVID-19 infections can show symptoms require a transgenic animal approach. The knowledge obtained from the study of animal models will help us in developing specific therapies, and vaccine would minimize pulmonary disease and optimise the inflammatory storm. Finally, we conclude that vaccine is the best for protection against COVID-19 infections, but development of antiviral drugs or targeted therapies are urgently required to cure COVID-19 patients.
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Mullen, L., C. Richardson, A. Gardner, T. Jones, and C. Tolley. "458 Medicines management of long-term conditions during the COVID19 pandemic: a narrative systematic review." International Journal of Pharmacy Practice 31, Supplement_1 (April 1, 2023): i14—i15.

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Abstract Introduction Due to lockdown measures associated with the COVID 19 pandemic (1), there were substantial changes to healthcare delivery, including the suspension of face-to-face medical appointments, expansion of telehealth and changes to medication protocols.(2) It is important to learn from the successes and challenges of this period to ensure we adapt and improve how we support people to take medicines in the future. Aim We sought to conduct a systematic review to explore the different approaches used to deliver medicines management services for people living with long term conditions (LTCs) during the pandemic and identify strategies that could be integrated into standard care. Methods We conducted a systematic review across 3 large databases: MEDLINE (OVID), EMBASE (OVID) and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL). Our research question and search strategy was developed using the PICO framework (Population: adults with LTCs, Intervention: medicines management during the COVID 19 pandemic; no comparison group. Outcome: any aspect relating to medicines management. Search terms relating to ‘long term conditions’, ‘medication management’ and ‘COVID-19’ were used. One reviewer (LM) screened all titles, abstracts, and full texts. We included studies discussing medication management of LTCs, in patients of all ages and healthcare settings, throughout the pandemic. Primary literature sources, feasibility studies and case studies, were included. We excluded studies solely focusing on disease monitoring, or the treatment of COVID/ ‘long Covid’. One reviewer performed a thematic analysis, synthesising the findings into themes and sub-themes, which were discussed with a further reviewer (CT). A critical appraisal was performed using the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme checklists. Results The search returned 2365 results. After deduplication, articles were removed at the title (n=1070) abstract (n=813) and full text (n=232) stages. 31 studies were included. Studies were conducted in India (n=6), US (n=5), international (n=4), France (n=2), Italy (n=2), and one each from China, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Spain, UK, UK and US, and location not specified. Most studies (n=17) employed subjective methods of data collection (surveys/ questionnaires). We identified 6 themes. These were: changes in consultation type, for instance using teleconsultations and smartphone apps to monitor glucose control and diabetic management. Studies described temporary changes to treatment protocols e.g., using oral chemotherapy to reduce the need for in-person appointments and reduce the infection risk associated with intravenous administration. Control of certain conditions for example epilepsy was reduced in some studies. Patients missed doses due to drug shortages associated with disruptions in the medication supply chain, particularly in low-income countries. Finally, we identified prescribing trend changes in certain classes of medicines (e.g. reduced biologic usage due to immunosuppression risk) and an increase in patients self-medicating conditions including anxiety and depression, with associated safety risks. Conclusion This review suggested that certain medical conditions such as diabetes and hypertension were more suited to remote monitoring with technological interventions such as smartphone apps. While other conditions e.g., cancer and epilepsy, demonstrated a greater need for in-person care. Countries of lower socioeconomic status were disproportionately affected by the pandemic. References 1. World Health Organisation (2020). WHO Director General's opening remarks at the media briefing on COVID 19 11 March 2020. Retrieved 22/11, 2021, from 2. Onyeaka, H., et al. (2021). COVID 19 pandemic: A review of the global lockdown and its far reaching effects. Science Progress 104(2): 003685042110198.
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Rothen, José Carlos. "O ensino superior e a Nova Gestão Pública: aproximações do caso brasileiro com o francês (Higher education and the new public management: comparisons between the Brazilian and French cases)." Revista Eletrônica de Educação 13, no. 3 (September 2, 2019): 970.

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With the aim of understanding the insertion of higher education into a new context of organization of society and State, which is managed according to the New Public Management, this work presents a comparative historical study of the organization of French and Brazilian higher education. It is concluded that the French adherence to the New Public Management is based on the knowledge economy, while the Brazilian one is based on State size reduction along the lines of the Washington Consensus; in addition, higher education institutions in both countries are organized to participate in competitions: in France, the international competition promoted by rankings, and in Brazil, the market competition.ResumoCom o objetivo de compreender a inserção do ensino superior dentro de um novo contexto de organização da sociedade e do Estado, gerido pela Nova Gestão Pública, o trabalho apresenta um estudo histórico comparativo da organização do ensino superior brasileiro e o francês. Conclui-se que a adesão francesa à Nova Gestão Pública tem como norte a economia do conhecimento, e a brasileira, a redução do Estado nos moldes do Consenso de Washington; e que as instituições de ensino superior nos dois países são organizadas para participarem de concorrências: na França, a internacional promovida pelos ranqueamentos, no Brasil, a mercantil.Palavras-chave: Ensino superior brasileiro, Ensino superior francês, Nova gestão pública, Universidade.Keywords: Brazilian higher education, French higher education, New public management, University.ReferencesAEBISCHER, S. Réinventer l'école, réinventer l'administration. Une loi pédagogique et managériale au prisme de ses producteurs. Politix, n. 98, n.2 p. 57-83 2012/2.AERES. Repères historiques. Agence d’évaluation de la recherche et de l’enseignement supérieur. Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 17 nov. 2016.AMARAL, N. C. O vínculo avaliação-regulação-financiamento nas IES brasileiras: desafios para a gestão institucional. 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