Academic literature on the topic 'Oiseaux de mer – Populations'
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Journal articles on the topic "Oiseaux de mer – Populations"
Cotter, Richard, and Jean-François Rail. "Third Census of Seabird Populations of the Gaspé Peninsula, Québec, 2002." Canadian Field-Naturalist 121, no. 3 (July 1, 2007): 274.
Full textRail, Jean-François, and Gilles Chapdelaine. "Fifteenth Census of Seabird Populations in the Sanctuaries of the North Shore of the Gulf of St. Lawrence, 1998-1999." Canadian Field-Naturalist 118, no. 2 (April 1, 2004): 256.
Full textLevesque, Anthony, and Pierre Yésou. "Black-capped Petrel (<em>Pterodroma hasitata</em>) occurrence near Guadeloupe, Lesser Antilles, 2001–2008." Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 31 (December 13, 2018): 20–22.
Full textPeery, M. Zachariah, Benjamin H. Becker, and Steven R. Beissinger. "Age Ratios as Estimators of Productivity: Testing Assumptions on a Threatened Seabird, The Marbled Murrelet (Brachyramphus Marmoratus)." Auk 124, no. 1 (January 1, 2007): 224–40.
Full textMadinier, Chantal. "Les populations de l'outre-mer français." Espace, populations, sociétés 11, no. 2 (1993): 401–8.
Full textDesrochers, André, and Bruno Drolet. "Le Programme de surveillance des oiseaux nicheurs de la Forêt Montmorency : une nouvelle source de tendances des populations d’oiseaux nicheurs pour la forêt boréale au Québec." Le Naturaliste canadien 141, no. 2 (May 4, 2017): 61–74.
Full textJuliana Coffey. "Marine litter incorporation into nest construction and entanglement of Brown Noddies (Anous stolidus) in the Grenadines, West Indies." Journal of Caribbean Ornithology 35 (July 26, 2022): 59–62.
Full textOcchietti, Serge, Michel ChartierH, Claude Hillaire-Marcel, Mario Cournoyer, Stephen L. Cumbaa, and Richard Harington. "Paléoenvironnements de la mer de Champlain dans la région de Québec, entre 11 300 et 9750 bp : le site de Saint-Nicolas." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 55, no. 1 (October 2, 2002): 23–46.
Full textBATELLIER, F., M. GOVOROUN, and J. P. BRILLARD. "Sex-ratio chez les oiseaux sauvages et domestiques." INRAE Productions Animales 17, no. 5 (October 5, 2004): 365–72.
Full textMurhabale, Bertin Cisirika, Blaise Cimira Irenge, Gabriel Kadahanwa Biringanine, Frank A. Bapeamoni, Charles M. Kahindo, and Dieudonné A. Upoki. "Evaluation des connaissances et de l’impact des pratiques des populations riveraines sur la conservation de l’avifaune de la Forêt de Burhinyi (Itombwe, Sud-Kivu, RD Congo)." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 14, no. 6 (October 6, 2020): 1999–2017.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Oiseaux de mer – Populations"
Beaubrun, Pierre-Christian. "Le goéland leucophée (Larus cachinnans michahellis) au Maroc : reproduction, alimentation, répartition et déplacements en relation avec les activités de pêche." Montpellier 2, 1988.
Full textDasnon, Anaïs. "Estimation des populations d'oiseaux marins à nidification hypogée ou en habitats complexes : optimisation des méthodes dans les Terres Australes Françaises." Electronic Thesis or Diss., La Rochelle, 2023.
Full textFacing the massive loss of biodiversity, it is crucial to increase our knowledge about populations in order to rapidly implement effective conservation measures. Seabirds are among the most threatened and little-known of all bird species. Many of their species nest in isolated territories, in burrows or in areas inaccessible to man. Traditional survey methods are mainly used to monitor seabird populations, but their effectiveness remains uncertain. In addition, new data acquisition and analysis tools offer new perspectives, but remain too untested.This thesis proposes, in the context of the Réserve naturelle nationale des Terres australes françaises, to explore the effectiveness of traditional methods for estimating the populations of two coastal-nesting species, to test bioacoustics as a new method for estimating burrowing seabirds populations, and to use count and demographic monitoring data from a declining population to test the effectiveness of implementing conservation measures.Traditional survey methods are the most robust and can be used effectively to estimate and monitor seabird populations. These methods can be supplemented by the use of new technologies, in particular bioacoustics for surveys of hypogean nesting species. The combination of these methods and a sound understanding of the biology and ecology of the species will enable them to be conserved effectively over the long term
Dupraz, Marlène. "Convergence dans l'évolution de la spécialisation d'hôte chez des tiques : modèle tiques-oiseaux de mer à distribution mondiale." Thesis, Montpellier, 2016.
Full textIntimate and repeated interactions between hosts and parasites can lead to parasite specialization to a given host via behavioral, morphological and/or genetic adaptations that act in combination with restricted gene flow. Specialization is a key process leading to the generation of parasite biodiversity and can help us understand the emergence of pathogenic organisms. Although little studied, host specialization has already been demonstrated to occur in previous studies of two nidicolous tick species: Ixodes uriae a hard tick parasitizing colonial seabirds in polar regions, and soft ticks of the complex Ornithodoros capensis sensu lato, that also exploit colonial seabirds, but this time in temperate and tropical zones. Both of these species act as vector to a wide variety of pathogenic organisms, including viruses, bacteria and protozoa. However, the factors involved in host specialization remain unknown. In this context, the aim of my thesis was to determine 1) whether the evolution of host specialization is always accompanied by the same phenotypic changes and 2) whether these changes could help to identify the selective factors that influence this phenomenon. In this context, tick collections were conducted during the breeding period of the host birds in different areas of their distribution and morphometric analyses, based on landmark and contour methods, were performed on each individual tick. Phylogenetic and population genetic analyses were also carried out using the same individuals. Overall, the results demonstrate that morphological convergence occurs within these systems, highlighting the role of selection in the divergence process. Indeed, the ecological characteristics of the hosts, but also their micro-habitat, may exert significant selective pressures on ticks and may cause the observed divergence among populations. Likewise, the biological characteristics of each tick species, particularly in relation to dispersal capacity, may also come into play and will greatly modify the epidemiology of associated infectious agents.Keywords: Argasidae, convergent evolution, host-parasite interactions, Ixodidae, transmission ecology, seabirds
Cornet, Cindy. "Les capacités d'adaptations des oiseaux marins face aux changements environnementaux : le rôle de l'hétérogénéité au sein des populations." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014.
Full textPopulation dynamics is driven by several life history traits shaped by the evolutionary history of the population. The alteration of one of these traits by environmental constraints may thus have effects on the population persistence. Individual adjustments of some phenotypic traits could then enable this population to rapidly respond to these constraints without the immediate necessity of genetic adaptations. During this PhD project, we identified variability in some of these traits in 3 sentinel species of polar ecosystems. These results allowed us to better understand the associations between these traits and the evolutionary pressures underlying these associations, as well as the importance of traits such as personality in the amount of variability in individuals’ fitness that remains unexplained. In the long term, we should then be able to better gauge the adaptive capacity of populations to face global changes
Quillien-Legrand, Marie-Christine. "Ectoparasitisme et arbovirus chez les oiseaux de mer, problèmes écologiques et de santé publique ? : étude de la population de mouettes tridactyles du Cap Sizun." Brest, 1989.
Full textCastège, Iker. "Evolution des populations d’oiseaux et de mammifères marins dans le Golfe de Gascogne en relation avec les changements environnementaux." Pau, 2009.
Full textThis Thesis report deals mainly with data processing of a long term data set (1976-2009) gathered from a long term survey of seabirds and sea mammals in the Bay of Biscay (France; East Atlantic). In this report we highlight some aspects of the spatio-temporal dynamics of those populations, and thus of the marine ecosystems in which they live. We emphasize the role of two major environmental forces. First of all, we investigated the direct influence of human-borne pollutions and accidental by-catches : recent oilspills (namely from the “Erika” and then the “Prestige” ships) had various and complex effects on seabird populations, but none on cetacean populations, given that stranding patterns were more likely linked by abundance and distribution of living animals at sea than by-catches or accidental oispills. Secondly, we adressed the influence of oceano-climatic variations on abundance of those top-predator populations. Overall results have important implications in species and ecosystem management (e. G. Marine Protected Areas design) as well as fundamental ecology (e. G. Ecosystem oceanography paradigm)
Barbraud, Christophe. "Forçage environnemental et prédateurs marins endothermes de l'Océan Austral: effets des changements climatiques récents et des pêcheries industrielles sur les populations." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2010.
Full textFay, Rémi. "De l’envol à la première reproduction : aspects écologiques et évolutifs des traits d’histoire de vie de jeunes oiseaux marins longévifs." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2017.
Full textTo date, early life demographic traits have been poorly studied compare to adult traits in the vast majority of animal species. Young individuals are usually more difficult to study due to their small size, their mobile behavior and the high mortality rate that characterizes their life stage. However, the full understanding of the demographic processes requires the integration of all life stages. This lack of knowledge toward early-life stages is particularly detrimental for long lived species. Indeed for these species, the immature component represents a substantial part of the total reproductive value, having a high influence on the whole population dynamics. Hence, such limitations affect the accuracy of population projections in the context of global change and more generally our understanding of life history trait evolution. In order to fill in this gap, this PhD project focuses on early life demographic traits in a seabird species : the wandering albatross Diomedea exulans. In this very long-lived species, the immature period lasts around 10 years. Based on long-term individual monitoring and capture-recapture analyses, we estimated early-life survival and the access to reproduction according to age and sex. We also investigates the respective effects of extrinsic (e.g. climate, fisheries) and intrinsic factors (e.g. density dependence, parental effects) on these parameters. Many relationships between early-life vital rates and environmental variables have been described. From a theoretical perspective, we tested several predictions such as the canalization of life-history traits and the existence of different life-history strategies within a population. In this work, special attention was paid to demographic variations at the individual scale. Our study showed that vital rates of individuals of the same age and sex could be very different. We have linked early-life demographic traits with subsequent adult performances and identified some causes of these individual variations
Gineste, Benoit. "Étude de la biologie et de la vulnérabilité au développement anthropique des oiseaux marins nocturnes à La Réunion." Thesis, La Réunion, 2016.
Full textThe biodiversity is currently threatened by human activities. As they depend both of marine and terrestrial habitats, seabirds are particularly exposed to human pressures. In Reunion Island, the consequences of the urbanization on populations are unknown. For conservation and environmental assessment purposes, accurate information on the species repartition, flight patterns and vulnerability to infrastructure is required. The goals of this thesis are to update biological information on species and to assess the vulnerability of nocturnal seabirds of Reunion Island exposed to infrastructure. We studied the evolution of the size and the repartition of the colonies of tropical shearwater Puffinus bailloni at the scale of the entire island over a 19-years period. The flight patterns of tropical shearwater and Barau's petrel Pterodroma baraui were described with radar technology at different spatial and temporal scales. Our results show an apparent stability of the tropical shearwater population despite an important light pollution. Tropical shearwater and Barau’s petrel present specific flight patterns. The estimated census of Barau's petrel suggests a population size higher than current estimation whereas the estimated census of tropical shearwater is reliable to current estimations. Barau's petrels' juveniles mostly take off during the first hours of the night. Decision making tools have been produced. Our study also highlights the need to conduct further fundamental and applied researches
Ruffino, Lise. "Ecologie, dynamique de population, comportement et impact d'un rongeur introduit Rattus rattus sur les îles de Méditerranée." Aix-Marseille 3, 2010.
Full textRats Rattus spp. Are considered as a main driver of seabird rarefactions and a leading cause of petrel and shearwater extinction risk. However, the functioning of insular rat populations and the factors likely to affect their impacts on island ecosystems are still poorly understood. Indeed, questionings have been recently raised on the real mechanisms and the magnitude of rat impact on some seabirds with so cryptic nesting behaviours. The general idea of this PhD work lies on the necessity to better understand the ecology, the population dynamics of invasive rodents, the mechanisms of rat impact on seabirds but also of species persistence. As a first research axis, we were interested in the temporal dimension of biological invasions. The analysis of a database of ca. 300 islands and islets from the western Mediterranean basin allowed to underline that the long-term persistence of petrels and shearwaters, despite the longstanding introduction of black rats on these islands, may have been facilitated by various biogeographical contexts. Secondly, the study of the mechanisms of interactions between rats and shearwaters, and more particularly the mechanisms of impact, revealed unexpected limited interactions, along with limited predation capacities on bird eggs. Finally, the study of the trophic ecology of black rats, combined with a long-term survey of the population dynamics and movement paterns on a small Mediterranean island, with a marked spatio-temporal variation in the availability of resources, allowed to underline the low individual diet plasticity of black rats compared to the population level, and the importance of the effects of fresh water inputs and those of allochthonous resources on the functioning of insular rat populations. Future research perspectives should focus on better understanding the processes involved in the impacts of rats on insular biotas, in species extinctions but also in their long-term coexistence
Books on the topic "Oiseaux de mer – Populations"
Roberge, Benoît. Suivi des impacts du déversement de pétrole du Gordon C.Leitch sur les populations d'oiseaux nicheurs de la réserve de parc national de l'Archipel-de-Mingan (Qc.), Canada. Ottawa, Ont: Région de Québec, Service canadien de la faune, Direction de la conservation de l'environnement, 2000.
Find full textDreff, Alain Le. Les oiseaux de mer de Guyane. [France]: Édition Roger Le Guen, 2004.
Find full textDreff, Alain Le. Les oiseaux de mer de Guyane. [France]: Édition Roger Le Guen, 2004.
Find full textBrown, Richard G. B. Atlas révisé des oiseaux de mer de l'est du Canada. Ottawa, Ont: Service canadien de la faune, 1986.
Find full text1955-, Cadman Michael D., Eagles, Paul F. J., 1949-, Helleiner Frederick M, Federation of Ontario Naturalists, and Long Point Bird Observatory, eds. Atlas of the breeding birds of Ontario. Waterloo, Ont., Canada: University of Waterloo Press, 1987.
Find full textJean-Claude, Thibault, Guyot Isabelle, and International Council for Bird Preservation., eds. Livre rouge des oiseaux menacés des régions françaises d'outre-mer. Saint-Cloud, France: Conseil international pour la protection des oiseaux, 1988.
Find full textMallory, M. L. Habitats marins clés pour les oiseaux migrateurs au Nunavut et dans les Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Ottawa: Service canadien de la faune, 2004.
Find full textDesGranges, Jean-Luc. Répartition des grands hérons nicheurs et tendances démographiques au Québec, 1977-2001. Ottawa, Ont: Service canadien de la faune, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Oiseaux de mer – Populations"
Running, Katherine L. D., and Justin D. Faris. "Rapid Cloning of Disease Resistance Genes in Wheat." In Compendium of Plant Genomes, 187–212. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
Full text"Oiseaux de mer." In Deuxième évaluation mondiale de l’océan, 211–23. United Nations, 2021.
Full textChadenas, Céline, and Dominique Sellier. "Les oiseaux de mer et les espaces maritimes dans le monde." In Géographie des mers et des océans, 65–100. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
Full textNystazopoulou-Pélékidou, Marie. "Mouvements de populations, migrations et colonisations en Serbie et en Bosnie (xiie-xve siècle)." In Chemins d'outre-mer, 607–18. Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2004.
Full textMarcil, Yasmine. "Entre « progrès de l’étude de l’homme » et mission de civilisation. Les populations dites « sauvages » dans le Journal encyclopédique et l’Année littéraire (1770-1790)." In Mer et montagne, 233–43. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2011.
Full textBorsa, Philippe, and Éric Vidal. "Chapitre 20. Fragiles et menacés : les oiseaux marins de la mer de Corail." In Nouvelle-Calédonie, 135–40. IRD Éditions, 2018.
Full textDumont, Gérard-François. "Chapitre 5. Les trajectoires diversifiées des populations des outre-mer." In Populations, peuplement et territoires en France, 90–111. Armand Colin, 2022.
Full textDumont, Gérard-François. "Chapitre 17. Les peuplements extrêmement variés des outre-mer français." In Populations, peuplement et territoires en France, 338–53. Armand Colin, 2022.
Full text"I. Description de l’état nutritionnel des populations." In Alimentation et nutrition dans les départements et régions d’Outre-mer/Food and nutrition in the French overseas departments and regions, 215–20. IRD Éditions, 2020.
Full textMucchielli, Laurent. "Environmental and Corporate Crimes." In Research Anthology on Business Law, Policy, and Social Responsibility, 520–34. IGI Global, 2023.
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