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Ostaszewska, Katarzyna. "Models of Landscape Units – Utopia or Necessity?" Miscellanea Geographica 12, no. 1 (December 1, 2006): 5–11.

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Abstract This paper is devoted to typology as the basic method of landscape research. The first part shows the cognitive, educational and practical roles of landscape typology models. Second part presents a new method of creating a universal model, independent of the charting scale. The results of the paper confirm the feasibility of creating a reference base of Earth’s landscapes and indicate the necessity to an international discussion on this topic.
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Gharari, S., F. Fenicia, M. Hrachowitz, and H. H. G. Savenije. "Land classification based on hydrological landscape units." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 8, no. 3 (May 2, 2011): 4381–425.

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Abstract. This paper presents a new type of hydrological landscape classification based on dominant runoff mechanisms. Three landscape classes are distinguished: wetland, hillslope and plateau, corresponding to three dominant hydrological regimes: saturation excess overland flow, storage excess sub-surface flow, and deep percolation. Topography, geology and land use hold the key to identifying these landscapes. The height above the nearest drain (HAND) and the surface slope, which can be readily obtained from a digital elevation model, appear to be the dominant topographical parameters for hydrological classification. In this paper several indicators for classification are tested as well as their sensitivity to scale and sample size. It appears that the best results are obtained by the simple use of HAND and slope. The results obtained compare well with field observations and the topographical wetness index. The new approach appears to be an efficient method to "read the landscape" on the basis of which conceptual models can be developed.
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Solecka, Iga, Dietmar Bothmer, and Arkadiusz Głogowski. "Recognizing Landscapes for the Purpose of Sustainable Development—Experiences from Poland." Sustainability 11, no. 12 (June 21, 2019): 3429.

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Landscape identification forms a base for landscape management and sustainable land use policy. According to the European Landscape Convention, each Member State needs to recognize the landscapes as an essential component of people’s surroundings. Poland developed a method for landscape auditing that will be conducted for landscapes in the whole country. The identification of landscape units is based on landscape type characteristics and spatial data that is layered and analyzed in order to identify landscape units. In this paper, we aim to test the possibilities of automatic landscape identification. We take the assumptions designed for landscape identification for the needs of the audit. Based on the “Typology of Poland’s current landscapes”, we design a process to identify landscape units with the use of the aggregation of land cover data and multivariable analysis. We use tools in an ArcGIS environment to design a process that will support human perception. Our approach is compared with the approach presented in the method designed for a landscape audit in order to be used for landscape unit identification at the municipal level. The case study area is the municipality of Siechnice within the suburban area of the city of Wrocław, an example of a changing landscape under suburbanization pressure. We conclude that both approaches can support each other in the landscape identification process.
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Mikulec, J., and M. Antoušková. "Landscape and tourism potential in the protected landscape areas." Agricultural Economics (Zemědělská ekonomika) 57, No. 6 (June 28, 2011): 272–78.

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Reasons to travel and to visit concrete destinations in the Czech Republic are especially the nature and cultural/historical sightseeing. The presented paper specializes on the first reason and it studies the specific landscape features together with the primary tourism potentials. It focuses on the protected landscape area of Kokořínsko, which is divided into 6 landscape units according to their landscape character. In these landscape units, the authors study the primary tourism potential and the elements of natural, cultural-historical and aesthetical characterization of landscape. The relation between the tourism potential and the landscape features is measured by the Spearman´s coefficient. Moreover, the expert's evaluation of landscape characteristics is confronted with the the landscape perception of tourists which were questioned in the PLA Kokořínsko.
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Anatolievna Ogneva, Elena. "Specificity of space landscape language units at the fiction conceptsphere." Journal of Language and Literature 5, no. 3 (August 30, 2014): 54–58.

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RAMDHAN, BILLYARDI, TATIK CHIKMAWATI, and EKO BAROTO WALUYO. "Perspektif Kultural Pengelolaan Lingkungan pada Masyarakat Adat Cikondang Kabupaten Bandung Jawa Barat." Jurnal Sumberdaya Hayati 1, no. 1 (October 22, 2015): 7–14.

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Peoples of Traditional Cikondang Village, located in the village of Lamajang, Pangalengan, Bandung City West Java have a very close relation to the environment along with its natural resources. This relation is expressed in the form of procedures and rules on the management and utilization of landscape units as well as the diversity of plants as a form of adaptation to the natural environment. This research was conducted through ethnographic method for photographing people’s lives and ethnobotany to know the biological resources that are important to Cikondang’s people’s daily lives. Descriptive and analytical methods are used through interviews with 87 respondents and 4 key informants. Results of research on landscape units that were identified by the community, indicates that in terms of the character, function, and its management there are 9 units of landscape that is both natural landscape and which has been modified by Cikondang community activities. Each unit of the landscape is characterized by vegetation cover according to the type of value in order for daily life. Meanwhile, cultural factors, economic, and political could be a trigger to the landscape transformation of one type of landscape into other landscapes.
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Zielinski, Seweryn, Celene B. Milanés, Elena Cambon, Ofelia Perez Montero, Lourdes Rizo, Andres Suarez, Benjamin Cuker, and Giorgio Anfuso. "An Integrated Method for Landscape Assessment: Application to Santiago de Cuba Bay, Cuba." Sustainability 13, no. 9 (April 24, 2021): 4773.

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Human activities often drive landscape degradation and the associated loss of value. This paper describes a method that, by integrating multiple factors, characterize landscape value to establish relevant and effective management practices. The new integrated method for landscape assessment (IMLA) is a four-step model that includes: (i) establishment of a general theoretical basis for sustainability relevant metrics; (ii) characterization of the landscape; (iii) landscape valuation; (iv) recommendations for landscape value management. Each step includes different interactive components of analysis. The new IMLA considers the potential range of values associated with each landscape unit and facilitates sustainable landscape management. The method is systematic and includes both inductive and deductive reasoning. Its articulation is represented in the conjunction and overlapping of all factors and variables considered. IMLA was tested in Santiago de Cuba Bay (Cuba) and used to determine five landscape scopes, eight first-order landscape units and 29 s-order units. It proved to be a useful tool to establish landscape values and sound management strategies. Application of IMLA in Cuba will help local authorities institute land-use plans and to establish decision-making processes that include valuation of cultural landscapes.
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Silva, Rossi Allan, José Aldo Alves Pereira, and Schirley Fátima Nogueira da Silva Cavalcante Alves. "As paisagens de Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais: decodificação no espaço e no tempo." Ornamental Horticulture 25, no. 1 (January 9, 2019): 9–17.

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Landscapes are formed by physical elements of material order and abstract elements of immaterial order, so their management and planning should consider these two aspects. Aiming to understand the landscapes of Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais State, the appropriation by the actors who work in the landscape was identified and classified, and also its dynamics from 1973 to 2015. The research analyzed the current landscape and its historical evolution, distinguishing material and immaterial dimensions, from field trips, soil types, relief, slope, drainage, conservation units, administrative zoning, urban areas, natural resources, transport and building infrastructure, satellite images, and semi-structured interviews. As a result, a map with the landscape units and their subunits, which have distinct characteristics, with their proper settings was obtained. The landscape has continuous boundaries with various operating scales, posing a major challenge for its proper management. The number of generated ecosystem services are difficult to measure, but its benefits are used by everyone. The dynamics of the landscape has been shaped by a slow evolution, set by mining activities, including revegetation areas after clear cuts and currently the inclusion of tourism in certain regions.
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Rotem, Dotan, and Gilad Weil. "Natural Ecosystem-Units in Israel and the Palestinian Authority - Representativeness in Protected Areas and Suggested Solutions for Biodiversity Conservation." Journal of Landscape Ecology 7, no. 1 (January 1, 2014): 91–109.

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Abstract The geographic location of Israel and the Palestinian Authorityon the border between Mediterranean and desert climate, and the strong topographic and geomorphological variation resulting from its position on the Great African Rift Valley, combine to sustain a great diversity of landscapes in a very small country. The purpose of this study is to determine whether the protected areas in Israel and the Palestinian Authority adequately represent the range of landscapes and ecosystems in the region. Altogether, we defined 23 natural ecosystem-units in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, of which 17 are terrestrial landscapes and 6 are aquatic systems. In considering the adequacy of coverage in protected areas, we mapped Israel and the Palestinian Authority landscapes according to a set of environmental factors (climatic, geomorphological, geological and botanical) that we believe most effectively distinguish landscape types in this region. When the separation between adjacent units relies on sharp topographic or edaphic change in the landscape, the mapped units can be separated by a clear and sharp line. When adjacent units are actually a gradient of continuous environmental conditions the separation lines relied mostly on botanic characteristics. The main land use categories in this analysis were urban areas, agricultural areas, nature reserves, national parks and forest reserves. For the first time in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, we quantified the different landscape types under the different categories of land use. This process, known as systematic conservation planning, allowed us to detect natural landscapes that are underrepresented in protected areas, and can guide decision makers to establish or improve management for the better representation of biodiversity.
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The aim of the research is to do metrization and evaluation of the biocentric-networking configuration of landscapes on the example of the foreststeppe complexes of the Left Bank of Ukraine research area as a key basis for the landscape planning implementation by using GIS-parcel MapInfo Professional 15.0. Specificity of the biocentric-networking configuration of landscapes of the research area is taken into account according to the hierarchic, structural morphometric and landscape presentivness principles, and due to the concept of landscape diversity, biocentric-networking structure of landscape of a skeleton type, landscape-planning skeleton, and from the functional landscape features evaluation point of view. For the first time detachment, metrization, graphic and mapping modelling of the biocentric-networking configuration of the forest-steppe landscapes complexes of the Left Bank of Ukraine research area was done according to its division into the geniuses and units, its elements differentiation establishing; evaluation of the specificity of their formation and typization according to its environment stabilizing function and landscape-topological territory structure was done for the purpose of future landscape-planning activities elaboration and implementation.
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Grodzynskyi, M. "Representation of soils in the landscapes maps." Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, no. 39 (December 11, 2011): 113–21.

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Series (succession sequences) of soils that change each other over time and within the landscape units are proper objects for landscape mapping. The soil series give an idea of both retrospective state of a soil before its anthropogenic transformations and of tendencies of soil development in landscape complexes of various types. The names of soils as they are appeared in soil nomenclature of Soil science should not be duplicated in the legends of landscape maps. "Landscape" names for soils have to stress on their features and attributes that are of primary importance for vegetation, water, thermal and other ecological regimes of landscapes. The "landscape" names for different types of Albeluvisols and Phaeozems of Ukraine are suggested. Key words: soil, landscape, landscape map, landscape science.
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Pinheiro, H. S. K., P. R. Owens, L. H. C. Anjos, W. Carvalho Júnior, and C. S. Chagas. "Tree-based techniques to predict soil units." Soil Research 55, no. 8 (2017): 788.

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Quantitative soil–landscape models offer a method for conducting soil surveys that use statistical tools to predict natural patterns in the occurrence of particular map units across a landscape. The aim of the present study was to predict soil units in a watershed with wide variation in landscape conditions. The approach relied on a modelling of soil-forming factors in order to understand the variability of the landscape components in the region. Models were generated for landscape attributes related to pedogenesis, specifically elevation, slope, curvature, compound topographic index, Euclidean distance from stream networks, landforms map, clay minerals index, iron oxide index and normalised difference vegetation index, along with an existing geology map. The soil classification was adapted from the World Reference Base System for Soil Resources, and the predominant soil taxonomic orders observed were Ferrasols, Acrisols, Gleysols, Cambisols, Fluvisols and Regosols. The algorithms used to predict the soil units were based on decision tree (DT) and random forest (RF) methods. The criteria used to evaluate the models’ performance were statistical indices, coherence between predicted units and the legacy map, as well as accuracy checks based on control samples. The best performing model was found to be the RF algorithm, with resulting statistical indices considered excellent (overall=0.966, kappa=0.962). The accuracy of the map as determined by control points was 67.89%, with a kappa value of 61.39%.
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Sysuev, Vladislav V. "Geophysical analysis of landscape polystructures." GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY 13, no. 1 (April 1, 2020): 200–213.

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The objective identification of landscape cover units is very important for sustainable environmental management planning. The article proposes a method-algorithm for describing the formation of landscape structures, which is based on the classic landscape analysis and applies the parameters of geophysical fields. The main driving forces of all structure-forming processes are the gradients of gravitational and insolation fields, parameters of which were calculated using the digital elevation models and the GIS-technologies. A minimum number of principal parameters are selected for typological and functional classification of landscapes. The number and importance of parameters were identified basing on the results of numerical experiments. Landscape classifications elaborated on the basis of standard numerical methods take a fundamental geophysical value. In this case, a concept of polystructural landscape organization is logical: by selecting different structure-forming processes and physical parameters, different classifications of landscapes could be elaborated. The models of geosystem functioning are closely related to their structure through boundary conditions and relations between parameters. All models of processes and structures are verified by field experimental data obtained under diverse environmental conditions.
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Rocha, Yuri Tavares, and Felisberto Cavalheiro. "Landscape units the Botanic Garden of São Paulo." GEOUSP: Espaço e Tempo (Online), no. 7 (June 6, 2000): 91.

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Dentre os jardins criados pelo homem , destaca-se o jardim botânico, que possui funções científica, educacional, social, estética, histórica e ecológica. O Jardim Botânico de São Paulo, fundado oficialmente em 1938 e administrado pelo Instituto de Botânica, apresenta essas funções, além de ser considerado um jardim histórico (abriga parte das nascentes do riacho Ipiranga). Objetivou-se resgatar o histórico do tratamento paisagístico, avaliar os processos de intervenção ocorridos e definir e avaliar as unidades de paisagem que o compõem . Propuseram-se cinco unidades de paisagem , estabelecidas por critérios paisagísticos, históricos e funcionais, utilizando-se processos gráfico e fotográfico, bem como referências bibliográficas, dentro de uma abordagem geográfica da paisagem
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Chust, Guillem, Joan L. Pretus, Danielle Ducrot, Anne Bedòs, and L. Deharveng. "Identification of landscape units from an insect perspective." Ecography 26, no. 3 (June 2003): 257–68.

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Soto, Sandra, and Josep Pintó. "Delineation of natural landscape units for Puerto Rico." Applied Geography 30, no. 4 (December 2010): 720–30.

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Bae, Min-Ki, Chang-Sug Park, and Chung-Hyun Oh. "Aesthetic Landscape Assessment Based on Landscape Units in the Han River Riparian Area." Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture 40, no. 1 (February 29, 2012): 43–56.

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Hastrup, Frida. "Natural Resources and their Units." Anthropological Journal of European Cultures 29, no. 1 (March 1, 2020): 63–79.

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Dating back to medieval times, fruit cultivation in Hardanger in western Norway is rooted in what is portrayed as a perfect microclimate naturally yielding the best apples in the world. However, the viability of the comparatively minute Norwegian fruit trade is continuously threatened by competition from outside, spurring all kinds of initiatives and policies to make it sustainable. The Norwegian fruit landscape, in other words, is both the natural and perfect home of world-class fruit and a site for continuous, often state-driven interventions to make it so; indeed, the perfection of the place accentuates the need to do what it takes to make it thrive. The necessary means to accomplish such viability, however, make up a complex terrain, as the resourcefulness of the Norwegian fruit landscape is ‘measured’ according to very different units.
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Fornal-Pieniak, Beata Elżbieta, and Barbara Żarska. "Assessment of natural values and environmental threats – a case study: Eastern part of the Góra Kalwaria commune, Poland." Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Administratio Locorum 19, no. 3 (September 8, 2020): 149–59.

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Natural evaluation is carried out in order to assess or update the assessment of the natural values of studied area. This method is necessary when implementing investments as well as when planning conservation measures and shaping the landscape and minimalize negative impact of environmental threats. The purpose of this work was perform natural evaluation and diagnose environmental threats on east-part of Góra Kalwaria commune for regional and local planning policy. It was used natural assessment according to Żarska (2006) and Fornal-Pieniak et al. (2018) with modification. Modification in whole process of assessment was connected with purpose and character of studied area. The purpose of this paper was to present assessment of natural values and environmental threats of the eastern part of the Góra Kalwaria commune in middle part of Poland. East part of Góra Kalwaria commune is characterized by very diversified landscape form natural forests, wet meadows, water and rushes plants along Vistula river up to anthropogenic areas as villages, towns and agriculture areas as fields, orchards. The stages of natural evaluation were included: field researches, divided areas into spatial-landscape units, formulated criteria to assessment, evaluation, distinguished areas with diversified types of natural values. It was distinguished four types of spatial-landscape units as: L – spatial-landscape units with forest dominated; S – spatial-landscape units with orchards and agricultural areas (fields) dominated; Z – spatial-landscape units with built-up areas dominated; W – spatial-landscape units with surface waters dominated. From the whole spatial-landscape units (areas) 10 areas are represented high natural values, 17 areas with medium values and 8 areas with low natural values. It was recognized threats, which have got negative impact on values of landscape. It was presented possibility of solutions how to minimalize negative impact of threats. Used natural evaluation is usefulness for shaping landscape by planners, ecologists and landscape architects including mosaic character of landscape elements of commune.
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Manning, G., L. G. Fuller, R. G. Eilers, and I. Florinsky. "Soil moisture and nutrient variation within an undulating Manitoba landscape." Canadian Journal of Soil Science 81, no. 4 (August 1, 2001): 449–58.

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The use of discrete management units for variable-rate N fertilization requires that factors influencing grain yield response to N fertilizer are adequately characterized by delineating landscapes into such management units. The objective of this study was to compare the use of topographically derived landform element complexes (LEC) and the use of individual soil series as management units. Soil volumetric moisture content, nitrate-N, exchangeable ammonium-N, extractable phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, and sulphate-sulphur were studied in 10 intensively sampled transects in an undulating glacial till landscape near Miniota, Manitoba. The study site was delineated into upper, mid and lower LEC using a digital elevation model derived from relative elevation data. The LEC were useful in capturing gross variability at a manageable landscape scale. Among LEC there was a general trend of lower > mid > upper for median values of soil moisture, nitrate, phosphate, potassium and sulphate, as these attributes generally increased with convergent landscape character. Differences among LEC were often statistically significant, and relative distributions exhibited temporal persistence. The site was also stratified by soil series, including Newdale, Varcoe and Angusville soils (Black Chernozems), which were identified by examination of individual soil cores at each sample point. Stratifying the site into management units using soil genetic information, which is reflective of historical moisture conditions and biomass production, was expected to be superior. There was little advantage, however, in using soil series rather than LEC. Spatial distributions of the most agronomically relevant attributes (soil moisture and nitrate) were expressed at a landscape scale broader than that at which soil series occurred within the site. While there were important differences among soil series with respect to nutrients such as phosphate and sulphate, the site was better stratified by LEC with respect to soil moisture and nitrate. Key words: Soil-landscape, soil series, soil moisture, soil residual nitrate, extractable phosphorus
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Cullum, Carola, Gary Brierley, George LW Perry, and Ed TF Witkowski. "Landscape archetypes for ecological classification and mapping." Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 41, no. 1 (October 24, 2016): 95–123.

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We propose the use of archetypes as a way of moving between conceptual framings, empirical observations and the dichotomous classification rules upon which maps are based. An archetype is a conceptualisation of an entire category or class of objects. Archetypes can be framed as abstract exemplars of classes, conceptual models linking form and process and/or tacit mental models similar to those used by field scientists to identify and describe landforms, soils and/or units of vegetation. Archetypes can be existing taxonomic or landscape units or may involve new combinations of landscape attributes developed for a specific purpose. As landscapes themselves defy precise categorisation, archetypes, as considered here, are deliberately vague, and are described in general terms rather than in terms of the details that characterise a particular instance of a class. An example outlining the use of archetypes for landscape classification and mapping is demonstrated for granitic catenas in Kruger National Park, South Africa. Some 81% of the study area can be described in terms of archetypal catenal elements. However, spatial clustering of two classes that did not correspond to the archetypes prompted development of new archetypes. We show how the archetypes encoded in the map can be used to frame further knowledge in an ongoing, iterative and adaptive process. Building on this, we reflect on the value of vagueness in conservation science and management, highlighting how archetypes that are used to interpret and map landscapes may be better employed in the future.
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Serrano Giné, David. "A Renewed Approach to the ABC Landscape Assessment Method: An Application to Muntanyes d’Ordal, Barcelona Metropolitan Area." Landscape Online 56 (February 22, 2018): 1–13.

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The aim of this paper is to describe a renewed approach to the ABC landscape assessment method, a procedure that undertakes landscape approach considering abiotic (A), biotic (B) and cultural (C) elements shaping the landscape. This new method is organized in three nested multi-scaled levels defined with high accuracy (1:10,000; 1:20,000; 1:25,000), it combines holistic and parametric approaches and it delineates landscape units from both a typological and chorological point of view. The procedure is based on field work, congruently integrates physical, cultural and perceived landscape components and focuses on the spatial dimension of landscape. Landscape units are hierarchised and classified, leading to a landscape taxonomy. An example is given for Muntanyes d’Ordal, in the Barcelona metropolitan area, with 36 units and 1,019 delineations at Level I, 8 units and 74 delineations at Level II and 14 units at Level III. Overall, 42.5% of Level I delineations are defined by biotic elements and 32.4% by anthropic elements, which shows the peri-urban nature of the area studied. The main interest and originality of the method lies in the fact that the holistic and parametric approaches are integrated using a systematic procedure that can be easily replicated anywhere so that results from different areas can be compared.
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Němeček, J., and J. Kozák. "Approaches to the solution of a soil map of the Czech   Republic at the scale 1:250 000 using SOTER methodology." Plant, Soil and Environment 49, No. 7 (December 10, 2011): 291–97.

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Soil map at the scale 1:250 000 was set up by means of transformation of the published and later digitised soil map of theCzechRepublic. The legend to this map reflects a new classification system of Czech soils that can easily be correlated with the reference international classification system FAO-WRB. In the next step this map was converted into the SOTER system, which links the soil cover to the geomorphology. The modification of the original SOTER procedure consisted in the abandoning of the consequent hierarchy geomorphology – lithology – soil associations. Only in territories characterised by rather shallow transported slope deposits over compact or consolidated rocks was this principle observed in the SOTER unit delimitation. In flat landscapes covered with deep sediment deposits the prevailing soil cover (mosaics of taxonomic units and their parent materials) determines the borders of SOTER units. Ten major landscape units were delineated. They are based on relief intensity and hypsometry. The slope gradient map enables a detailed insight into the landscape geomorphology. 158 SOTER units are defined by the combination of 10 major landscape units, 21 grouped soil parent materials and 19 grouped soil units. The single factors and their combinations are reflected in GIS layers that can be matched with the map of soil associations. The major soil regions, which are conceptually close to the SOTER units, will be delimited as homogeneous mosaics of the individual SOTER units with respect to regionally integrating factors (climate, vegetation). The interconnection of the geometric and attribute data generates the soil information system. This system is anticipated to be used for the soil policy regulation both in the Czech Republic (PUGIS) and within the EU (EUSIS).  
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Venturi, Martina, Francesco Piras, Federica Corrieri, Beatrice Fiore, Antonio Santoro, and Mauro Agnoletti. "Assessment of Tuscany Landscape Structure According to the Regional Landscape Plan Partition." Sustainability 13, no. 10 (May 12, 2021): 5424.

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The landscape is considered a strategic asset by the Tuscan regional government, also for its economic role, meaning that a specific Landscape Plan has been developed, dividing the region into 20 Landscape Units and representing the main planning instrument at the regional level. Following the aims of the Landscape Plan and the guidelines of the European Landscape Convention, it is necessary to develop an adequate assessment of the landscape, evaluating the main typologies and their characteristics. The aim of this research is to carry out an assessment of the landscape diversity in Tuscany based on 20 study areas, analyzing land uses and landscape mosaic structures through the application of landscape metrics: number of land uses, mean patch size (MPS), Hill’s diversity number, edge density (ED), patch density (PD), land use diversity (LUD). The results highlight a correlation between the landscape typologies (forest, agricultural, mixed, periurban) and the complexity of the landscape structure, especially in relation to MPS and PD, while the combination of PD and LUD calculated on the basis of a hexagonal grid allows obtaining landscape complexity maps. Despite the phenomena of reforestation and urban sprawl of recent decades, Tuscany still preserves different landscape typologies characterized by a good level of complexity. This is particularly evident in mixed landscapes, while agricultural landscapes have a larger variability because of different historical land organization forms. The methodology applied in this study provided a large amount of data about land uses and the landscape mosaic structure and complexity and proved to be effective in assessing the landscape structure and in creating a database that can represent a baseline for future monitoring.
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Cracknell, M. J., and A. L. Cowood. "Construction and analysis of Hydrogeological Landscape units using Self-Organising Maps." Soil Research 54, no. 3 (2016): 328.

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The Hydrogeological Landscape (HGL) framework divides geographic space into regions with similar landscape characteristics. HGL regions or units are used to facilitate appropriate management actions tailored to individual HGL units for specific applications such as dryland salinity and climate-change hazard assessment. HGL units are typically constructed by integrating data including geology, regolith, soils, rainfall, vegetation and landscape morphology, and manually defining boundaries in a GIS environment. In this study, we automatically construct spatially contiguous regions from standard HGL data using Self-Organising Maps (SOM), an unsupervised statistical learning algorithm. We compare the resulting SOM-HGL units with manually interpreted HGL units in terms of their spatial distributions and attribute characteristics. Our results show that multiple SOM-HGL units successfully emulate the spatial distributions of individual HGL units. SOM-HGL units are shown to define subregions of larger HGL units, indicating subtle variations in attribute characteristics and representing landscape complexities not mapped during manual interpretation. We also show that SOM-HGL units with similar attributes can be selected using Boolean logic. Selected SOM-HGL units form regions that closely conform to multiple HGL units not necessarily connected in geographic space. These SOM-HGL units can be used to establish generalised land management strategies for areas with common physical characteristics. The use of SOM for the construction of HGL units reduces the subjectivity with which these units are defined and will be especially useful over large and/or inaccessible regions, where conducting field-based validation is either logistically or economically impractical. The methodology presented here has the potential to contribute significantly to land-management decision-support systems based on the HGL framework.
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Swanson, David K. "Landscape Classes: Higher-level Map Units for Soil Survey." Soil Horizons 31, no. 2 (1990): 52.

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Moro, Rosemeri Segecin, Ingrid Aparecida Gomes, and Tiaro Katu Pereira. "Selecting ecotonal landscape units on Meridional Plateau, Southern Brazil." Bosque (Valdivia) 33, no. 3 (December 2012): 23–24.

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Batista, Teresa, Paula Mendes, Carlos Vila-Viçosa, Mafalda Veigas, Joana Cavaco, José Cabezas, Luis Pozo, Natalia Arancibia, Rodrigo Paiva-Ferreira, and Carlos Pinto-Gomes. "Contribution to Local Landscape Units definition in OTALEX II." Acta Botanica Gallica 159, no. 2 (June 2012): 169–75.

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Jasiewicz, Jaroslaw, Pawel Netzel, and Tomasz F. Stepinski. "Landscape similarity, retrieval, and machine mapping of physiographic units." Geomorphology 221 (September 2014): 104–12.

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PRASETYO, BUDI, TATIK CHIKMAWATI, EKO BAROTO WALUJO, and ERVIZAL AMZU. "Ethnoecology: The traditional landscape of Osing Tribe in Banyuwangi, Indonesia." Biodiversitas Journal of Biological Diversity 19, no. 6 (October 9, 2018): 2003–9.

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Prasetyo B, Chikmawati T, Walujo EB, Amzu E. 2018. Ethnoecology: The traditional landscape of Osing Tribe in Banyuwangi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 19: 2003-2009. There is a concern that the decreasing area of Osing tribe in Banyuwangi may cause the decline of the farming culture that has been rooted in their daily lives. This research aimed to analyze the traditional knowledge of Osing tribe in the management and utilization of landscape units generated from farming activities and the benefit assessment of landscape units based on gender perception. The research used explorative method with emic and ethic approaches. The importance of each landscape element is assessed through MLA (Multidisciplinary Landscape Assessment) by scoring with Pebble Distribution Method (PDM) in Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The respondents consisted of females and males with three age categories: 11-17 years, 18-45 years, and ≥ 46 years. The results of PDM showed that the Osing tribes in the three villages of study sites considered their yards as the most important landscape unit in their lives (PDM = 42.82), followed by paddy field (PDM = 26.05), garden (PDM = 16.12), and finally field (PDM = 15.01). Based on gender perception, a house with a yard had higher importance (PDM = 45.09) in female’s perception than in male’s (PDM = 40.55). Three canopy strata or layerswere found in village landscapes, namely yard, paddy field, garden, and field.
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Dreslerová, Jaromíra. "Memorial Trees in The Czech Landscape." Journal of Landscape Ecology 10, no. 2 (November 1, 2017): 79–108.

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Abstract The aim of the article is to assess the extensive database of memorial trees operated by AOPK CR (Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic) and to determine the occurrence and abundance of the most monumental trees in chosen biogeographical units, (altitudinal vegetation zone, altitude, ecological series (Buček & Lacina, 2002), province, subprovince, bioregion (Culek et. al., 1996)) and the maximum size and age they can reach in these units. This assessment of monumental trees at a national level was made possible based on the provision of two extensive databases containing the information about the trees (AOPK CR Database of Memorial Trees) and about the biogeographical units of the Czech Republic (Biogeographical Registry of the Czech Republic). Basic unit of both databases is cadastral area and the fact allowed to link the data and to evaluate them. The occurrence rate of memorial trees and species in individual cadastral areas and in biogeographical regions is presented in the map outputs.
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Valchuk-Orkusha, Oksana. "Geochemical patterns of road landscapes." Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, no. 48 (December 23, 2014): 215–19.

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The possibilities of distinguishing the structure of road landscapes geochemical sections, units and areas given their characteristics, showed that these geochemical patterns are not always consistent with the types of areas, but require detailed studies because they determine the environmental condition of the modern road landscapes not only skirts, but any region of Ukraine. Key words: skirts, road landscape geochemical structure, segments, sites, areas, economic condition.
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Buzzi, Rueter, Ghermandi, and Lasaponara. "The Extent of Infrastructure Causing Fragmentation in the Hydrocarbon Basin in the Arid and Semi-Arid Zones of Patagonia (Argentina)." Sustainability 11, no. 21 (October 25, 2019): 5956.

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Fragmentation is a disruption in the connectivity of landscapes. The aims of this paper are (i) to quantitatively assess the fragmentation rates in three landscape units located in a hydrocarbon basin, and (ii) to model their behavior between 2001 and 2013 using landscape metrics at different scales of resolution. The following metrics were selected using principal component analysis (PCA): The Clumpiness Index (CLUMPY), patch density (PD), perimeter-area fractal dimension (PAFRAC) and effective mesh size (MESH). Results from our investigations pointed out that hydrocarbon activity increased the fragmentation at the sites. In particular, the CLUMPY index increased in all three landscape units, the average of PD decreased from 60 to 14 patches per 100 hectares, whereas the mean of MESH was quite constant, however, due to oil production, it decreased mainly in the coastal valleys. Finally, the PAFRAC also decreased at sites with oil production, being more evident in the plateau and coastal canyons. As a whole, outputs from our analyses clearly pointed out that the monitoring of landscape fragmentation trends in arid and semi-arid zones can be successfully achieved using metrics derived from satellite spectral information.
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Alexandre, Fernando Da Silva, Ana Lúcia Bezerra Candeias, and Daniel Dantas Moreira Gomes. "Modelagem cartográfica para a delimitação das paisagens da bacia hidrográfica do Alto Curso do Rio Mundaú - Pernambuco/Alagoas, Nordeste, Brasil." Revista Brasileira de Geografia Física 12, no. 7 (January 31, 2020): 2489.

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A noção de paisagem está presente na memória do ser humano antes mesmo da elaboração do conceito. As sínteses naturalistas concebem a natureza através de uma ordem natural que promove a organização da superfície terrestre a partir dos elementos internos e externos do globo, essa ordem está passível de analise, já que se espacializa em áreas naturais homogêneas, dotadas de uma hierarquia. A bacia hidrográfica é uma excelente opção de investigação, é um sistema aberto, dinâmico, onde ocorrem trocas constantes de matéria e energia. As bacias hidrográficas, na condição de unidades funcionais de planejamento, esguardam paisagens. Assim para a delimitação das paisagens do alto curso, buscou-se correlacionar os fatores geológico-geomorfológico com a climatologia da bacia, o que resultou na delimitação de 8 unidades de paisagens, sendo elas: caatingas secas em relevo dissecado em ravina, caatingas subúmidas em relevo dissecado convexo, matas úmidas em relevo convexo, matas úmidas em relevo dissecado aguçado, matas úmidas em relevo pediplano degradado inumado, matas úmidas em relevo tabular, atas subúmidas em relevo tabular e matas úmidas em relevo dissecado aguçado. Cartographic modeling of the delimitation of landscapes in watershed of the high course of the Mundaú River – Pernambuco / Alagoas, Northeastern, Brazil A B S T R A C TThe notion of landscape is present in human memory even before the elaboration of this concept. Naturalistic syntheses conceive nature through a natural order that promotes the organization of the earth's surface from the inner and outer elements of the globe. This order is subject to analysis, since it is spatialized in homogeneous natural areas, endowed with a hierarchy. The watershed is an excellent research option. It is an open, dynamic system where constant exchanges of matter and energy occur. Watersheds, as functional planning units, protect landscapes. Thus, for the delimitation of the landscapes of the upper course, we sought to correlate the geological-geomorphological factors with the climatology of the basin, which resulted in the delimitation of 8 landscape units, namely: dried dry caatingas in ravine, submerged caatingas in convex dissected relief, convex embossed wetlands, sharp dissected embossed wetlands, smoked degraded pediplane embossed woods, tabular embossed wetlands, tabular embossed wetlands and thickened dissected embossed wetlands.Keywords: landscape cartography, landscape units, geosystems, landscape mapping.
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Gábor, Marián, Vladimír Falťan, and František Petrovič. "Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches of Delineation in Detailed Mapping of Vineyard Landscape. Case Study: Vicinity of Pezinok (Slovakia)." Ekológia (Bratislava) 35, no. 3 (September 1, 2016): 240–52.

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AbstractThe main goal of this paper is the application of qualitative and quantitative free available data for geographical delineation based on reconnaissance research in vineyard landscape. The results of delineation are useful in agricultural management or environmental planning. Our delineation may serve as the basic information on site conditions of vineyards near Pezinok (Slovakia), with historical use from the beginning of 13th century. We have studied the actual land cover and classified physiotopes of the study area into a set of relatively homogenous and coherent landscape units. The landscape units defined in this work consist of homogenous physiotopes in terms of their structural and functional characteristics, which have been shaped by natural factors (land-forms, soil type and subtype, geological base, elevation, slope, aspect, solar radiation and normal different vegetation index (NDVI)). The characteristics were used to define 23 landscape units in qualitative delineation (based on both qualitative and quantitative data). Only quantitative characteristics – elevation, aspect, slope, solar radiation and NDVI, were used in a K-means cluster analysis to define the 17 landscape units. The number of landscape units was computed by WB-index, and standardisation of data was computed by factor analysis. The whole classification process was statistically significant. The strength of the grouping procedure was tested by using Discriminant Analysis, which found that 92.70% of objects in qualitative and 98.50% of objects in quantitative delineation were correctly classified.
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Parece, Tammy E., Jie Li, James B. Campbell, and David Carroll. "Assessing Urban Landscape Variables’ Contributions to Microclimates." Advances in Meteorology 2016 (2016): 1–14.

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The well-known urban heat island (UHI) effect recognizes prevailing patterns of warmer urban temperatures relative to surrounding rural landscapes. Although UHIs are often visualized as single features, internal variations within urban landscapes create distinctive microclimates. Evaluating intraurban microclimate variability presents an opportunity to assess spatial dimensions of urban environments and identify locations that heat or cool faster than other locales. Our study employs mobile weather units and fixed weather stations to collect air temperatures across Roanoke, Virginia, USA, on selected dates over a two-year interval. Using this temperature data, together with six landscape variables, we interpolated (using Kriging and Random Forest) air temperatures across the city for each collection period. Our results estimated temperatures with small mean square errors (ranging from 0.03 to 0.14); landscape metrics explained between 60 and 91% of temperature variations (higher when the previous day’s average temperatures were included as a variable). For all days, similar spatial patterns appeared for cooler and warmer areas in mornings, with distinctive patterns as landscapes warmed during the day and over successive days. Our results revealed that the most potent landscape variables vary according to season and time of day. Our analysis contributes new dimensions and new levels of spatial and temporal detail to urban microclimate research.
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Bata, Teodóra, and Gábor Mezősi. "Assessing Landscape Sensitivity Based on Fragmentation Caused by the Artificial Barriers in Hungary." Journal of Environmental Geography 6, no. 1-2 (April 1, 2013): 37–47.

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Abstract Artificial barriers significantly disturb the landscape unit. Roads split the contiguous landscape units, thus basically modi fying their ecological characters. The more artificial barriers are constructed in the landscape, the more fragmented it is. Theref ore, the contiguous landscape unit is divided into two or more patches, weakening resilience and stability of ecological systems. During decrease in patch size, the stability reduces until the patch size is at its minimum viable or effective population size. In current study analysing the degree of fragmentation caused by artificial barriers in meso-scale landscape units (meso-regions) we can get an overall picture about changes in their stability and sensitivity. The major aims of this study is to investigate the fragmentation of landscape units caused by three types of artificial barriers (roads, railways and settlements) in micro-regions, and to measure the degree of fragmentation and its spatial-temporal (1990, 2011 and future scenario to 2027) changes using mathemat ical/ statistical analysis and landscape metrics (Number of Patches, Division, Landscape Splitting Index and Effective Mesh Size). By calculating landscape fragmentation metrics, the micro-regions are identified, which must be protected with high priority in the future. In the planning processes, type and position of artificial barriers could be more properly determined by calculation of these landscape metrics.
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Martins, Isabela, Raphael Ligeiro, Robert M. Hughes, Diego R. Macedo, and Marcos Callisto. "Regionalisation is key to establishing reference conditions for neotropical savanna streams." Marine and Freshwater Research 69, no. 1 (2018): 82.

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Areas with minimal anthropogenic influences are frequently used as reference sites and represent the best ecological state available in a region. Streams in such conditions are necessary for evaluating the conservation status of aquatic ecosystems of a region and to monitor them, taking natural environmental variability into consideration. Therefore, the aim of the present study was to analyse whether hydrological units are reliable regional units for aggregating reference sites. To this end, reference sites were studied in three different landscape units of the same hydrological unit. The study tested the hypothesis that water quality, physical habitat structure and the composition and structure of macroinvertebrate assemblages will be more similar for sites in the same landscape unit than for sites located in different landscape units in the same hydrological unit. The study showed that taxonomic richness and composition of the macroinvertebrate assemblages were negatively affected by site slope and positively affected by the presence of leaf packs on the streambed. The three landscape units supported significantly different macroinvertebrate assemblages and indicator taxa. Therefore, a hydrological unit does not constitute a homogeneous entity in terms of environmental variables and biological composition if it incorporates high landscape heterogeneity. These results should improve and facilitate the selection of reference sites for biomonitoring programs and for managing tropical headwater streams.
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Flores, Lilian Maria Araujo, Lorenzo Roberto Sgobaro Zanette, Danilo Boscolo, and Francisca Soares Araújo. "Landscape Structure Effects on Bee and Wasp Assemblages in a Semiarid Buffer Zone." Landscape Online 76 (October 25, 2019): 1–17.

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Understanding the effects of anthropogenic changes on groups that perform key ecosystem services, such as pollination and pest control, is essential for conservation and maintenance of these groups in landscapes. We aimed to understand how landscape heterogeneity and the natural vegetation loss affect the diversity of bees, wasps and their parasitoids in a resource limited semiarid environment. We sampled bees and wasps that nest in pre-existing cavities in 20 landscapes, for two years, in Ubajara National Park, in northeastern of Brazil. We recorded eleven species of bees, nine of wasps and six of parasitoids in 657 trapnests. Landscape heterogeneity had different effects on bees, wasps and their parasitoids. Landscape configuration had stronger effect than composition. Bee abundance decreased according to the complexity of the spatial arrangement of landscape units, while wasp abundance increased. Our study shows that in semiarid regions some species may have different responses to landscape structure from those found in other regions. The spatial patterns described here have important implications for conservation of these essential biological groups, indicating that conservation actions for these groups should associate both landscape composition and configuration to increase the provision of resources and to facilitate the access to resources throughout the year.
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Khudoba, V. "Representation analysis of large reserves units network in Western Volyn-Podillia region." Visnyk of the Lviv University. Series Geography, no. 39 (December 15, 2011): 364–70.

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The article is dedicated to the analysis of the network of reserves, national parks and regional landscape parks in Western Volyn-Podillia region. The research has determined their level of representation of nature-territorial complexes of the region itself. It has been suggested in the article to optimize these objects in order to increase their representation by means of creating more regional landscape parks. Key words: nature reserves stock, natural reserve, national park, regional landscape park, natureterritorial complexes.
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Alvioli, Massimiliano, Ivan Marchesini, Paola Reichenbach, Mauro Rossi, Francesca Ardizzone, Federica Fiorucci, and Fausto Guzzetti. "Automatic delineation of geomorphological slope units with <tt>r.slopeunits v1.0</tt> and their optimization for landslide susceptibility modeling." Geoscientific Model Development 9, no. 11 (November 9, 2016): 3975–91.

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Abstract. Automatic subdivision of landscapes into terrain units remains a challenge. Slope units are terrain units bounded by drainage and divide lines, but their use in hydrological and geomorphological studies is limited because of the lack of reliable software for their automatic delineation. We present the r.slopeunits software for the automatic delineation of slope units, given a digital elevation model and a few input parameters. We further propose an approach for the selection of optimal parameters controlling the terrain subdivision for landslide susceptibility modeling. We tested the software and the optimization approach in central Italy, where terrain, landslide, and geo-environmental information was available. The software was capable of capturing the variability of the landscape and partitioning the study area into slope units suited for landslide susceptibility modeling and zonation. We expect r.slopeunits to be used in different physiographical settings for the production of reliable and reproducible landslide susceptibility zonations.
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Bar Massada, Avi, Rafi Kent, Lior Blank, Avi Perevolotsky, Liat Hadar, and Yohay Carmel. "Automated segmentation of vegetation structure units in a Mediterranean landscape." International Journal of Remote Sensing 33, no. 2 (October 27, 2011): 346–64.

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Ламзин, Roman Lamzin, Пономарев, and Viktor Ponomarev. "Problems of the World Linguistic Landscape and Foreign Languages Teaching." Socio-Humanitarian Research and Technology 4, no. 2 (June 17, 2015): 7–13.

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The article reviews various interpretationsof the linguistic view of the world.Linguistic world-images are exemplified on terminological units, phraseological units, and proverbs of various languages.
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Perevolotsky, Avi, and Efrat Sheffer. "Integrated management of heterogeneous landscape—Mediterranean Israel as a study case." Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 57, no. 1-2 (May 6, 2011): 111–28.

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Natural and semi-natural landscapes usually serve varied land uses, including grazing, forestry, recreation, and nature or biodiversity protection. In most cases areas with differing land uses are managed by different agencies, with differing perspectives, goals, and operating methodologies. In his teaching, Imanuel Noy-Meir emphasized the ecological basis of the management of principal land-use practices (forests, rangelands, nature reserves) in Mediterranean Israel, and advocated ecological thinking to achieve better management and to minimize inter-agency conflicts. We propose a broader framework for integrated management of multiple uses by adoption of a landscape perspective that cuts across administrative lines. The reasoning for taking such an approach is based on the newly developing understanding of the impact of dynamic processes that occur spontaneously on a large scale in Mediterranean Israel. Landscape-scale interactions—oak woodland succession and pine colonization—may interfere or even conflict with some management goals set by the agencies involved. Attempts to mitigate these interactions may be very costly or ineffective. We propose coordinated management, planning, and implementation, based on common ecological criteria. We base this paper on observations and on perceptions gained from analyzing landscape dynamics of the predominant ecosystems in Mediterranean Israel: dense oak woodland and planted pine forests. The small size of Israel and the consequently small size of different land-use units, as well as their close proximity to each other, call for coordination of the organizational perspectives that relate at present independently to the various units. The new perspective should be broader, regional, landscape-oriented, and should take into consideration ecological processes that integrate neighboring units. As a first step, all agencies involved should accept the pine-oak interaction and dynamics as part of the local succession and should adapt their management schemes accordingly.
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Hermosilla Pla, J., and S. Mayordomo Maya. "A methodological system for hydraulic heritage assessment: a management tool." Water Supply 17, no. 3 (November 21, 2016): 879–88.

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Traditional irrigation systems are spatial units with a remarkable cultural and heritage value, which in turn generate water landscapes. They are part of hydraulic heritage, which includes material, ideational and symbolic assets. However, the assets related to historical irrigation systems and their landscape units have been poorly studied and evaluated. This paper develops a methodological system for the assessment of hydraulic heritage which combines basic and multi-criteria quantitative techniques. The authors conducted an evaluation of water heritage assets and their associated systems for the purpose of establishing a hierarchy for devising appropriate heritage management actions.
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Carlson, Brian, Deane Wang, David Capen, and Elizabeth Thompson. "An evaluation of GIS-derived landscape diversity units to guide landscape-level mapping of natural communities." Journal for Nature Conservation 12, no. 1 (July 2004): 15–23.

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Bluestone, Daniel. "Framing Landscape While Building Density:." Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 76, no. 4 (December 1, 2017): 506–31.

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In the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, Chicago developers, architects, and residents defined a new residential vernacular: brick courtyard apartments, which massed units in low-rise buildings around landscaped courtyards, often open to the street. These buildings accommodated higher levels of residential density and seemingly did the opposite as well—preserved and cultivated nature. The Chicago courtyard apartment creatively negotiated the social and cultural tension between reverence for the iconic single-family house and an urban society increasingly occupying multiple-unit dwellings. The designs drew upon the interest in sunlight, air circulation, and natural landscape that influenced contemporary tenement house reform, urban hospital design, the small park and playground movement, and the rethinking of the dimensions and possibilities of residential lawns and gardens. In Framing Landscape While Building Density: Chicago Courtyard Apartments, 1891–1929, Daniel Bluestone looks closely at specific Chicago courtyard apartments, unpacking the design and cultural logic at play in their construction.
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Chakraborty, Shamik, and Abhik Chakraborty. "Satoyama Landscapes and Their Change in A River Basin context: Lessons for Sustainability." Issues in Social Science 5, no. 1 (June 14, 2017): 38.

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'Satoyama' denotes a mosaic of different landscape-types that has sustained agrarian societies for millennia in Japan. These landscapes have undergone degradation during the past few decades. While satoyama is a consistently referred term in landscape management in Japan, little attention is given to how such landscapes undergo change in large spatial units such as river basins. This study, based on documents and interviews, reviews how watershed level changes affect the functioning of such socioecological systems in the Kuma River Basin in Kyushu. Watershed properties of the Kuma River Basin changed during pre-modern and modern times and each phase left a lasting legacy on the landscape. The article analyzes how ecological connectivity became fragmented by identifying changes in ecosystem services, and concludes that while socio-ecological landscapes have a long history of human use; the human component cannot outgrow the fundamental biophysical processes that maintain ecosystem services and system resilience; these systems can undergo swift and irreversible degradation when ecological connectivity is fragmented. The main lesson for sustainable development is that consideration of historical changes in land use is vital for understanding the connectivity of different components in satoyama landscapes; this insight is important not only for rivers but also for the wider landscapes they connect and the associated integrity.
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Campos-Campos, Oswaldo, Gustavo Cruz-Cárdenas, Roque Juan Carrasco Aquino, Rodrigo Moncayo-Estrada, Martha Alicia Velázquez Machuca, and Luis Arturo Ávila Meléndez. "Historical Delineation of Landscape Units Using Physical Geographic Characteristics and Land Use/Cover Change." Open Geosciences 10, no. 1 (March 21, 2018): 45–57.

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Abstract Landscape units are conceived as a part of the territory that share similar physical and geographic characteristics. Their delineation can contribute to identify the physical and social dynamics that emerge in the spatial environment and to propose strategies of planning and management of the territory. The main objective was to make a historical delineation of landscape units in the Duero river basin that demonstrate the dynamics of changes in the territory, the description of the actors involved, and the affectations in the natural and social environment. We analyzed the vegetation change and urban growth from 1983 to 2014, incorporating climatic, edaphic, and topographic variables. A Principal Component Analysis was performed with the information and results were used in Maximum Likelihood procedure to define different clusters based on environmental characteristics. We defined five categories from the Landsat images. Results showed landscape units with homogeneous environmental characteristics and some differences in the units’ delineation were mainly influenced by political and socioeconomic factors. Temporally there was an increased tendency of landscape units, three in 1983, nine in 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2011, and eight in 2014. This increase resulted from territory fragmentation because of berries and avocado cultivars expansion over wooded area.
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Jahani, Ali. "Forest landscape aesthetic quality model (FLAQM): A comparative study on landscape modelling using regression analysis and artificial neural networks." Journal of Forest Science 65, No. 2 (March 5, 2019): 61–69.

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Today, the landscape aesthetic quality assessment is more technical and quantitative in environmental management. We aimed at developing artificial neural network (ANN) modelling and multiple regression (MLR) analysis approaches to predict the perceptional aesthetic quality of forest landscapes. The methodology, followed in this paper, can be divided into six distinct parts: (i) selection of representative study sites, (ii) mapping of landscape units, (iii) quantification of naturalness indicators, (iv) visibility analysis, (v) assessment of human perceptions, (vi) ANN and MLR modelling and sensitivity analysis. The results of ANN modelling, especially its high accuracy (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.871) in comparison with MLR results (R<sup>2</sup> = 0.782), introduced the forest landscape aesthetic quality model (FLAQM) as a comparative model for an assessment of forest landscape aesthetic quality. According to sensitivity analysis, the values of livestock density, tree harvesting, virgin forest, animal grazing, and tree richness were identified as the most significant variables which influence FLAQM. FLAQM can be used to compare the classes of aesthetic quality of forests.
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