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Tätte, Tanel. "High viscosity sn(OBu)₄ oligomeric concentrates and their applications in technology /." Online version, 2006.

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Obu, Jaroslav [Verfasser], and Hugues [Akademischer Betreuer] Lantuit. "Effect of mass wasting on soil organic carbon storage and coastal erosion in permafrost environments / Jaroslav Obu ; Betreuer: Hugues Lantuit." Potsdam : Universität Potsdam, 2015.

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Matshidiso, Mekube Norah. "Educators' perceptions of Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) assessment / Mekube Norah Matshidiso." Thesis, North-West University, 2007.

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Dias, João Miguel Requeijo. "Sistema para pagamento de portagens baseado em smartphone." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013.

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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Desde a década de 60 que a criação de sistemas de pagamento em infraestruturas rodoviárias tem suscitado interesse entre os governos dos países desenvolvidos, dadas as suas vantagens económicas no que toca à amortização dos investimentos incorridos e à implementação de políticas baseadas no princípio do utilizador pagador. Com a crescente utilização das redes rodoviárias como meio de transporte de mercadorias e pessoas, as questões ambientais, de segurança e de fluidez de trânsito começaram a tornar-se temas relevantes para o desenvolvimento sustentado das sociedades modernas. Assim, o investimento em inovação e tecnologia dos sistemas eletrónicos de pagamento de portagens, tem sido constante nos últimos anos. Hoje em dia, a maioria dos membros da União Europeia possuem serviços de pagamento de portagens eletrónicas, pois comprovou-se que estes acarretam não só benefícios económicos, mas também benefícios para o cidadão comum, em termos de segurança e qualidade de vida. Contudo, cada país criou os seus sistemas ou serviços, aplicados a circunstâncias específicas e seguindo estratégias díspares, o que levou à proliferação de sistemas de portagem incompatíveis, alguns a nível tecnológico, o que torna a interoperabilidade destes, um desafio atual. O esforço desenvolvido pela Comissão Europeia para superar este desafio levou à criação do Sistema Eletrónico Europeu de Portagem (SEEP). Na presente dissertação elaborou-se um estudo dos sistemas eletrónicos de pagamento de portagem utilizados na União Europeia, no qual se identificaram algumas limitações para além da falta de interoperabilidade, tal como a ausência de um interface entre o utilizador e os operadores de portagens, que dificultam a utilização dos sistemas eletrónicos de portagem em determinados cenários, como o de car sharing, por exemplo. No sentido de atacar esta questão, desenvolveu-se um sistema denominado Charge Collector System (C2S). Para além da conceptualização da estrutura e do modo de funcionamento, ainda se produziu uma prova de conceito. Esta congrega uma unidade de bordo, ou On Board Unit (OBU) baseada em Linux, capaz de comunicar com um smartphone, para o qual se criou uma aplicação móvel, baseada em Android. A aplicação disponibiliza um interface gráfico onde o utilizador poderá consultar os registos de portagem incorridos e submetê-los para pagamento. Foram ainda realizados testes de estrada e exibidos os seus resultados. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos, no âmbito desta dissertação, resultam num modelo ilustrativo, ou prova de conceito, de uma unidade de bordo e de uma aplicação móvel, capaz de expressar toda a experiência de utilização inerente ao funcionamento do sistema C2S, demonstrando o registo de portagens, a posterior transmissão destas para o smartphone e a consulta das mesmas em formato de aplicação móvel.
Since the 60’s, the implementation of the toll collection systems has raised interest by the governments of developed countries, due to its economical benefits in terms of the amortization of the incurred investments and the execution of laws based in the user pays principle. The high increasing of road networks, to transport people and goods, put the environmental and security issues, as well as the traffic flow concerns, much more relevant to enhance the sustainable development of modern societies. Thereby, the investment in innovation and technology of electronic toll collection has been a constant on the last years. Nowadays, most of the European Union members have electronic toll collection on their road networks, because it was proved that its usage leads, not only economical benefits, but also benefits directly to the people, promoting security and quality of life. However each country developed and applied their services or systems in di↵erent circumstances, following disparate strategies that led to dissemination of incompatible ETC systems, some of them at the technological level, which makes the implementation of the interoperability feature a real challenge. The European Commission e↵orts have been developed near the creation of the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS), trying to surpass this pitfall. On this dissertation, it was developed a study about electronic toll collection used in the European Union, where it was highlighted some of their limitations beyond the interoperability feature, such as the lack of the user interface that difficult the use of ETC services in some scenarios, for instance in the car sharing business. Moreover, it was developed a system, named Charge Collector Sytem (C2S), where it was elaborated all the structure and the operating mode, as well produced a proof of the concept. This model proof gathers one On Board Unit (OBU) based in Linux systems, able to communicate with a smartphone, for which it was developed an Android mobile application. This mobile application provides a user interface where it is shown the incurred toll logs and where it is possible to send them to a payment system. It was also developed several tests and showed some results. The project developed under this dissertation resulted in the proof of the concept, constituted by the OBU and the mobile application, where the user can experience the functions of the system C2S, related with the tolling registration, the logs transmission to the smartphone and the logs query on the mobile application.
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Lundie, Samuel. "Ondersoek na uitkomsgebaseerde assessering in Suid-Afrikaanse skole / deur Samuel Lundie." Thesis, North-West University, 2009.

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The implementation of outcomes-based education (OBE) in South African schools brought radical changes to the teaching profession. The transition to an OBE curriculum exerted a great impact on teachers' assessment practices and required a major revision of teaching and learning activities. Outcomes-based assessment (OBA) does not only require of teachers to design appropriate assessment plans, assessment programmes and assessment strategies, but it also implies that learners should be provided with expanded and 89Propriate opportunities to achieve in accordance with their abilities. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that the training of teachers should not only focus on the demands that OBA make on the learner, but specifically on what OBA expects from the teacher. The main aim of assessment is to promote teaching and learning, which implies that teachers must assess in such a way that quality information about learner performance will be produced. The teacher must record and interpret this information carefully, in order to enable professional and accountable decisions about learner performance and to give constructive feedback to learners and their parents. Easier said than done! The implementation of OBE and specifically OBA elicited serious debates and fierce criticism from a variety of sources. Since the implementation of OBE, quite a number of newspaper reports reflected the negativity of teachers, educationists and other role players towards OBE and particularly OBA. OBE and OBA have become problematic and controversial issues in South Africa. In light of the above mentioned the purpose of this study was to determine the nature, scope and causes of the problems experienced with OBA in South African schools and come forward with practical, supportive recommendations that could alleviate and/or improve the situation. In order to determine the difficulties experienced with OBA empirical, quantitative and qualitative research methods were utilised. A structured questionnaire, with closed and open items, was sent to a representative sample of South African public schools. The resultant data was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed and the following main findings emerged from the research: 1. The training that teachers receive from the education department is inadequate for the successful implementation of OBA in South African schools. 2. Teachers' knowledge of OBE, and more specifically OBA, is too superficial to implement OBA successfully. 3. The assessment practices of teachers reflect that they have not yet made the transition from traditional and conventional types of assessment to authentic OBA. Assessment is primarily used for summative purposes and not for formative purposes, as is supposed to be the case. 4. The education department do not adequately support and empower teachers for the successful implementation of OBA. In light of the research findings, recommendations were made to promote the implementation of OBA in schools.
Die implementering van uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys (UGO) in Suid-Afrikaanse skole het radikale veranderinge vir die onderwysprofessie teweeggebring. Die oorgang na 'n UGOkurrikulum het 'n diepgaande impak op onderwysers se assesseringspraktyke gehad en het grootskaalse wysigings van onderrig-en leeraktiwiteite ingehou. Uitkomsgebaseerde assessering (UGA) verlang nie net van onderwysers om toepaslike assesseringsplanne, assesseringsprogramme en assesseringstrategiee te ontwerp nie, maar ook om aan leerders uitgebreide en toepaslike geleenthede te bied om volgens hulle vermoe te presteer. Dit is dus uiters belangrik dat daar in die opleiding van onderwysers nie net gelet sal word op wat UGA van die leerder vereis nie, maar spesifiek op wat UGA van die onderwyser verwag. Die hoofdoel van assessering is om onderrig en leer te bevorder en onderwysers moet dus op so 'n wyse assesseer dat dit kwaliteitinligting oor leerderprestasie lewer. Die onderwyser moet hierdie inligting noukeurig rekordeer en interpreteer, sodat professionele en verantwoordbare besluite oor leerderprestasie geneem kan word en op 'n konstruktiewe wyse aan leerders en hulle ouers oorgedra kan word. Makliker gese as gedaan! Die implementering van UGO, en in besonder UGA, het 'n hewige debat en felle kritiek uit verskillende oorde ontlok. Talle koerantberigte het sedert die implementering van UGO die negatiwiteit van onderwysers, opvoedkundiges en ander rolspelers teenoor UGO en in die besonder UGA weerspieel. UGO en UGA het 'n problematiese en kontroversiele aangeleentheid in Suid-Afrika geword. Teen die agtergrond van bogenoemde, was die doel van hierdie ondersoek om die aard, omvang en oorsake van die UGO-assesseringsknelpunte in Suid-Afrikaanse skole te bepaal en om met praktykgerigte, hulpverlenende aanbevelings na vore te kom om die situasie te verlig en/of te verbeter. Ten einde die problematiek van UGA empiries te bepaal is daar van beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gebruik gemaak. 'n Gestruktureerde vraelys (met geslote en oop items) is aan 'n verteenwoordigende steekproef van Suid-Afrikaanse staatskole gestuur. Die ingesamelde data is kwalitatief en kwantitatief geanaliseer en die volgende hoofbevindinge het uit die ondersoek voortgespruit: 1. Die opleiding wat onderwysers van die onderwysdepartement ontvang, is ontoereikend vir die suksesvolle implementering van UGA in Suid-Afrikaanse skole. 2. Onderwysers se kennis van UGO, en meer spesifiek UGA, is te oppervlakkig om UGA prakties suksesvol te implementeer. 3. Die assesseringspraktyke van onderwysers weerspieel dat hulle nog nie van die tradisionele en konvensionele tipes van assessering wegbeweeg het, na outentieke UGA toe nie. Assessering word ook oorwegend vir summatiewe doeleindes aangewend en nie vir formatiewe doeleindes, so os dit veronderstel is om te gebeur nie. 4. Onderwysers word ook nie toereikend deur die onderwysdepartement ondersteun en bemagtig om UGA suksesvol te implementeer nie. Aan die hand van die bevindinge is aanbevelings, te, bevordering van UGA-implementering in skole, gemaak.
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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Böhm, Jannic. "Regulation der BOB. 1-OBF. 1-Expression und der BOB. 1-OBF. 1-Proteinstabilität." [S.l. : s.n.], 2001.

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Bockondas, Serge. "L' ONU et l'assistance électorale." Paris 1, 2002.

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Jadis le choix des gouvernants par leurs citoyens n'était pas une question qui relevait du droit international public, parce que ce droit ne reconnaissait que les Etats et était indifférent aux régimes politiques que ceux-ci incarnaient, pourvu qu'ils soient effectifs. Ainsi, à part quelques exceptions, l'attitude traditionnelle de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en matière d'assistance électorale était de pas s'immiscer dans les affaires intérieures des Etats, par respect du principe de souveraineté des Etats. Or, aujourd'hui avec l'émergence de l'assistance électorale, les Nations Unies, non seulement, font de l'élection des gouvernants par les gouvernés un moyen pour régler et prévenir nombre de conflits au sein des Etats, mais également un procédé par lequel la démocratie pluraliste peut s'enraciner sur le plan interne. Si dans sa forme de règlement et de prévention de conflit, l'assistance électorale est très ancienne et plus conforme à la vocation des Nations Unies, dans sa forme d'assise à la démocratie pluraliste, elle est d'apparition récente. Aussi avec ce processus de démocratisation de l'Etat, n'apparaît-il pas également un principe de légitimité démocratique qui, certes, est encore à l'état embryonnaire mais que l'ONU doit conforter.
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Pavlů, Karel. "Řešení proudění v lidském oku." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2008.

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The vitreous cavity, the largest chamber of the eye, is delimited anteriorly by the lens and posteriorly by the retina and is filled by the vitreous humour. Under normal conditions the vitreous humour has the consistency of a gel, however, typically, with advancing age a disintegration of the gel structure occurs, leading to a vitreous liquefaction. Moreover, after a surgical procedure called vitrectomy the vitreous body may be completely removed and replaced by tamponade fluids. Besides allowing the establishment of an unhindered path of light from the lens to the retina, the vitreous also has important mechanical functions. In particular, it has the role of supporting the retina in contact to the outer layers of the eye, and of acting as a diffusion barrier for molecule transport between the anterior and the posterior segments of the eye. Studying the dynamics of the vitreous induced by eye rotations (saccadic movements) is important in connection of both the above aspects. On the one hand indications exist that the shear stress exerted by the vitreous on the retina may be connected with the occurrence of retinal detachment. On the other hand, if the vitreous motion is intense enough (a situation occurring either when the vitreous is liqueed or when it has been replaced with a uid after vitrectomy), advective transport may be by far more important than diffusion and may have complex characteristics. Advection has indeed been shown to play an important role in the transport phenomena within the vitreous cavity, but, so far, only advection due to the slow overall fluid ux from the anterior to the posterior segments of the eye has been accounted for, while fluid motion due to eye rotations, even if it is generally believed to play an important role, has been invariably disregarded. Some recent contributions have pointed out the importance of accounting for the real vitreous cavity shape in studying uid motion induced by eye rotations. Modelling the vitreous cavity as a deformed sphere, showed that the flow field displays very complex three- dimensional characteristics to which effective fluid mixing is likely to be associated. The purpose of the thesis is to model numerically the motion of the liqueed vitreous within the vitreous cavity induced by different eye movements. Create the model in the Comsol interface, compare the results with theoretical, experimental measurements and do some ow visualizations. Finally show the dependence of the streaming intensity from the amplitude of rotations and the Womersley number .
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Lyder, David A. "Star formation in camelopardalis, Cam OB1." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Kechrtová, Kristýna. "Certifikovaná dětská obuv a její propagace." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou současné nabídky dětské obuvi v prodejní síti v Praze a porovnává ji s nabídkou ve Zlínském kraji. Jednak byla mapována situace v oblasti nabídky přímo v prodejní síti a dále byly analyzovány názory a připomínky rodičů k současné nabídce dětské obuvi. Z tohoto důvodu byly vytvořeny dva různé dotazníky. Jeden pro prodejce dětské obuvi a druhý pro nakupující. Na základě získaných informací byla vyhodnocena osvětová činnost k dobrovolně certifikované obuvi ?Žirafa? a navrhnut další postup v marketingové propagaci formou podpory prodeje.
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Martins, Inês Isabel Tomé Ramos. "O toque do Obô na cidade." Master's thesis, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitetura, 2019.

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Dissertação de Mestrado Integrado em Arquitetura, com a especialização em Arquitetura apresentada na Faculdade de Arquitetura da Universidade de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre.
Viajando por uma ilha onde a Arquitetura colonial constrói os espaços juntamente com a Arquitetura vernacular, onde a estrutura verde envolve os espaços construídos, surge o exemplo de uma das cidades mais pequenas, situada na ilha do Príncipe, em São Tomé e Príncipe. Pousada num vale e envolta por um panorama totalmente natural, uma paisagem endémica e uma baía que a apresenta ao resto do mundo, a cidade de Santo António ergue-se como cenário do Projeto Final de Mestrado. A necessidade em reestruturar esta cidade surge da carência de infraestruturas e de espaços qualificados, com um objetivo crescente no melhoramento das condições de vida da sua população. Uma população que vive do espaço exterior e do cruzamento deste com o espaço habitacional, com um claro sentido de comunidade, onde o convívio e as vivências do dia-a-dia se traduzem no espaço da rua. A visita à cidade clarificou essas vivências e a urgência em criar um espaço arquitetónico que, complementado por um novo plano urbano que promovesse as ligações dentro e fora da cidade e os espaços públicos qualificados, unisse o sentido comunitário e o recreativo. Num espaço central da cidade, onde os aglomerados populacionais são facilmente verificados, surge uma nova centralidade através da zona já existente de mercado, complementando-a com um novo espaço de comércio e um edifício que visasse a promoção de novas atividades recreativas e performativas. Um espaço ligado à identidade da cidade, completando-a com premissas sociais e de sustentabilidade, onde as pessoas são os atores principais do palco da Arquitetura.
ABSTRACT: together with the vernacular Architecture, where the green structure surrounds the constructed spaces, we come across the example of one of the smallest cities, located in the island of Príncipe, in São Tomé and Príncipe. Situated in a valley and surrounded by a totally natural background, an endemic landscape and a bay that presents it to the rest of the world, the city of Santo Antonio rises as the scenario of the of this Master’s degree Final Project. The need to restructure this city arises from the lack of infrastructures and qualified spaces, with a growing objective in improving the living conditions of its population. A population that lives from the outer space and its intersection with the living space, with a clear sense of community, where the way of living and the day-by-day is translated into the space of the street. The visit to the city clarified these experiences and the urgency to create an architectural space that, complemented by a new urban plan that promoted the connections inside and outside the city and the public spaces qualified, could gather the sense of community with the recreational one. In the central area of the city, where the population clusters are easily verified, a new centrality emerges through the existing market zone, complemented by a new commercial space and a building that aims to promote new recreational and performative activities. A space linked to the identity of the city, completing it with social and sustainability premises, where people are the main actors of the Architecture stage.
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Kaminski, Anelise Gomes Vaz. "As Limitações das intervenções humanitárias da ONU." Florianópolis, SC, 2011.

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Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia Política, Florianópolis, 2011
Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-26T04:36:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 296099.pdf: 1380148 bytes, checksum: a4e02bdd775460ea8b7e4ec2784b4c70 (MD5)
O objetivo deste trabalho é realizar uma avaliação das ações da MINUSTAH no Haiti, desde seu início, em 2004 até as eleições presidenciais de 2010. A MINUSTAH (Missão de Estabilização das Nações Unidas no Haiti) é uma operação de imposição da paz das Nações Unidas que busca restaurar a estabilidade política do país e auxiliar o governo haitiano a criar condições sustentáveis de autogovernança. A missão adquiriu especial importância após o terremoto de janeiro de 2010, quando as fragilidades do Estado haitiano se tornaram mais evidentes. O mandato da MINUSTAH divide suas funções em três áreas principais: segurança, processo político e direitos humanos. A avaliação é feita, neste trabalho, por meio de uma análise das ações da MINUSTAH em cada uma dessas áreas, apontando suas conquistas e seus fracassos. A pesquisa inicia com uma contextualização do processo de valorização dos direitos humanos no âmbito internacional, principalmente com o surgimento da ONU e de seus mecanismos de defesa desses direitos, como a Declaração Universal de Direito Humanos e as operações de paz. As mudanças sofridas pelo Estado-nação nas últimas décadas e as características dos conflitos do pós-Guerra Fria levaram a ONU a relativizar o conceito de soberania e a autorizar o uso da força em suas operações de paz de forma mais freqüente, de forma a evitar violações massivas dos direitos humanos. Crises humanitárias geralmente ocorrem em Estados Fracos e Falidos, e o trabalho explica em que medida o Haiti pode ser considerado um desses Estados, e quais os motivos que levaram o país a requisitar uma intervenção da ONU. Por meio de uma análise das ações da MINUSTAH desde sua criação até o final de 2010, constata-se que a Missão tem sido bem-sucedida nos campos da segurança e do processo político, mas tem encontrado dificuldades em traduzir essas conquistas para o campo dos direitos humanos. Percebe-se ainda que, para produzir melhorias sustentáveis nas condições sócio-econômicas dos haitianos, a Missão deve concentrar-se em funções de construção de Estado e de desenvolvimento de capacidade local, de forma a garantir resultados permanentes.
This paper aims to conduct an assessment of MINUSTAH.s actions in Haiti, since its inception in 2004 until the 2010 presidential elections. MINUSTAH (United Nations Stabilization Mission in Haiti) is a UN.s peace enforcement operation that seeks to restore the country's political stability and to assist the Haitian government on creating sustainable conditions for self-governance. The mission acquired special importance after the earthquake of January 2010, when the weaknesses of the Haitian state became more evident. MINUSTAH.s mandate divides its functions into three main areas: security, political process and human rights. The assessment made in this work is through an analysis of the actions of MINUSTAH in each area, highlighting its achievements and its failures. The research starts by contextualizing the growing importance of human rights internationally, especially after the emergence of the UN and its mechanisms to defend those rights, such as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and its peace operations. The changes undergone by the nation-state in the recent decades and the characteristics of the conflicts of the post-Cold War led the UN to consider the concept of sovereignty as relative and to authorize the use of force in its peacekeeping operations more often, in order to avoid serious violations of human rights. Humanitarian crises generally occur in Weak and Failed States, and this study explains the extent to which Haiti can be considered one of those States, and the reasons that led the country to request a UN intervention. An analysis of MINUSTAH.s actions since its establishment until the end of 2010 made it clear that the Mission has been successful in the fields of security and the political process, but has had difficulties in translating these achievements into the field of human rights. It was also noted that, to produce sustainable improvements in the socioeconomic conditions of Haitians, the Mission should focus on state-building projects and on developing local capacity, in order to ensure permanent results.
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Jonaitienė, Vaida. "Oru tekstūruotų siuvimo siūlų kūrimas ir savybių analizė." Doctoral thesis, Lithuanian Academic Libraries Network (LABT), 2005.

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The aim of the study is to develop air-textured threads for sewing working clothes with high speed sewing machines; also to study and forecast mechanical and other indicators of sewing threads being produced through the creation of mathematical models that define the association between yarn indicators and technological parameters of production.
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Mendoça, Pedroso Pedro Miguel. "GMPLS-OBS interoperability and routing acalability in internet." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2011.

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The popularization of Internet has turned the telecom world upside down over the last two decades. Network operators, vendors and service providers are being challenged to adapt themselves to Internet requirements in a way to properly serve the huge number of demanding users (residential and business). The Internet (data-oriented network) is supported by an IP packet-switched architecture on top of a circuit-switched, optical-based architecture (voice-oriented network), which results in a complex and rather costly infrastructure to the transport of IP traffic (the dominant traffic nowadays). In such a way, a simple and IP-adapted network architecture is desired. From the transport network perspective, both Generalized Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) and Optical Burst Switching (OBS) technologies are part of the set of solutions to progress towards an IP-over-WDM architecture, providing intelligence in the control and management of resources (i.e. GMPLS) as well as a good network resource access and usage (i.e. OBS). The GMPLS framework is the key enabler to orchestrate a unified optical network control and thus reduce network operational expenses (OPEX), while increasing operator's revenues. Simultaneously, the OBS technology is one of the well positioned switching technologies to realize the envisioned IP-over-WDM network architecture, leveraging on the statistical multiplexing of data plane resources to enable sub-wavelength in optical networks. Despite of the GMPLS principle of unified control, little effort has been put on extending it to incorporate the OBS technology and many open questions still remain. From the IP network perspective, the Internet is facing scalability issues as enormous quantities of service instances and devices must be managed. Nowadays, it is believed that the current Internet features and mechanisms cannot cope with the size and dynamics of the Future Internet. Compact Routing is one of the main breakthrough paradigms on the design of a routing system scalable with the Future Internet requirements. It intends to address the fundamental limits of current stretch-1 shortest-path routing in terms of RT scalability (aiming at sub-linear growth). Although "static" compact routing works fine, scaling logarithmically on the number of nodes even in scale-free graphs such as Internet, it does not handle dynamic graphs. Moreover, as multimedia content/services proliferate, the multicast is again under the spotlight as bandwidth efficiency and low RT sizes are desired. However, it makes the problem even worse as more routing entries should be maintained. In a nutshell, the main objective of this thesis in to contribute with fully detailed solutions dealing both with i) GMPLS-OBS control interoperability (Part I), fostering unified control over multiple switching domains and reduce redundancy in IP transport. The proposed solution overcomes every interoperability technology-specific issue as well as it offers (absolute) QoS guarantees overcoming OBS performance issues by making use of the GMPLS traffic-engineering (TE) features. Keys extensions to the GMPLS protocol standards are equally approached; and ii) new compact routing scheme for multicast scenarios, in order to overcome the Future Internet inter-domain routing system scalability problem (Part II). In such a way, the first known name-independent (i.e. topology unaware) compact multicast routing algorithm is proposed. On the other hand, the AnyTraffic Labeled concept is also introduced saving on forwarding entries by sharing a single forwarding entry to unicast and multicast traffic type. Exhaustive simulation campaigns are run in both cases in order to assess the reliability and feasible of the proposals.
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Margulis, Michael Scott. "Star formation in the Monoceros OB1 dark cloud." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1987.

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A survey of the Monoceros OB1 dark cloud has been made for molecular outflows and young stellar objects. In all, nine molecular outflows and thirty far-infrared sources were identified in a portion of the cloud composed of about 3 x 10⁴ M(⊙)of material. Statistical arguments suggest that 90% of the far-infrared sources actually are young stellar objects embedded in the cloud. If the star formation rate in the Mon OB1 cloud is roughly constant with time then molecular outflows in the cloud should be able to support it against collapse due to gravity. This suggests that the birthrate of outflows in the solar neighborhood is very high. In fact, regardless of considerations of cloud support, the large number of outflows identified in the Mon OB1 cloud and the propensity of the youngest stellar objects in the cloud to be associated with outflows suggest that outflows have a high birthrate in the solar neighborhood and are part of a common stage in early stellar evolution. The young stellar objects identified in the cloud can be fit into a spectral classification system. In fact, in terms of spectral slopes, far-infrared luminosity, and source size the properties of the objects are consistent with expectations if the system represents an evolutionary sequence. It is also found that the outflow phase in early stellar evolution tends to occur at about the time that young stellar objects lose a large fraction of their circumstellar envelopes. As a result it seems likely that outflows play an important role in sweeping out the circumstellar gas around many young stellar objects and may, in fact, play an important part in the evolutionary transition between the protostellar and stellar stages of evolution.
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Askar, Shavan K. "Classified cloning for QoS provisioning in OBS networks." Thesis, University of Essex, 2012.

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This thesis investigates the challenges underlying QoS provisioning over OBS networks, considering both absolute and relative cases. Novel QoS provisioning schemes are proposed, and their effectiveness in minimizing loss probability is demonstrated in a range of network scenarios, while either minimizing or maintaining latency. Firstly, the important aspects of optical network evolution are discussed, and justification is provided for the deployment of WDM telecommunication systems in backbone networks. Insight is provided into the contention problem, facilitating the discussion and categorisation of loss reduction mechanisms and how they deal with contention. Our novel scheme for burst loss reduction, referred to as CCS, is then introduced. Comprehensive simulation results are presented which evaluate CCS and compare it to other proposals, demonstrating the superiority of CCS. Furthermore, two novel schemes to improve the quality of streamed video over OBS are introduced. The first of these yields an average PSNR gain over existing proposals of 4.2 dB and 2.4 dB with 10% and 30% network loads respectively. The second scheme is less affected by the increased percentage of video traffic, and an average improvement of 5 dB is obtained in the worst- case scenario with 50% video traffic and medium/high network loads. Finally, the relationship between loss rate, ETE-delay and the aggregation parameters are studied in detail in order to inform the design of a novel absolute QoS provisioning scheme. Adaptive aggregation is combined with admission control at the ingress nodes, together with the CCS scheme, to produce the ACCS scheme, which is evaluated through extensive simulations. It exhibits superior loss rate and maintains acceptable bounds on ETE-delay when compared to CCS, basic cloning, and standard OBS.
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Christensen, Ludvig, and Daniel Dannberg. "Ethical hacking of IoT devices: OBD-II dongles." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2019.

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The subject area of this project is IT security related to cars, specifically the security of devices connected through a cars OBD-II connector. The aim of the project is to see the security level of the AutoPi OBD-II unit and to analyse where potential vulnerabilities are likely to occur when in use. The device was investigated using threat modeling consisting of analysing the architecture, using the STRIDE model to see the potential attacks that could be implemented and risk assessments of the attacks using the DREAD model. After modelling the system, attempts of implementing attacks, with the basis in the threat modelling, were carried out. No major vulnerabilities were found in the AutoPi device but a MITM attack on the user was shown to be possible for an attacker to succeed with. Even though no major vulnerability was found IoT devices connected to cars might bring security concerns that needs to be looked into by companies and researchers.
Ämnesområdet för detta projekt är ITsäkerhet relaterad till bilar, mer specifikt säkerheten gällande enheter som kopplas in i en bils OBD-II-kontakt. Syftet med uppsatsen är att bedöma säkerhetsnivån på en OBD-II-enhet av modell AutoPi och att analysera var potentiella sårbarheter kan finnas i systemet. Enheten kommer att undersökas med hjälp av hotmodellering som består av att analysera arkitekturen, använda STRIDE-modellen för att upptäcka potentiella attackmetoder samt bedöma riskerna för attackerna med hjälp av DREAD-modellen. Efter det steget görs attackförsök utifrån resultaten från hotmodelleringen. Inga större sårbarheter hittades i AutoPi-enheten men en MITM-attack på användaren visades vara möjlig för en angripare att lyckas med. Ä ven fast inga större sårbarheter hittades kan IoT-enheter kopplade till bilar medföra säkerhetsbrister som företag och forskare måste se över.
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Vergna, José Daniel Gatti. "O novo sistema do tribunal administrativo da ONU." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.

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O presente trabalho propõe-se a discutir sobre os Tribunais Administrativos de Organizações Internacionais, sua dimensão jurídica no contexto da expansão do Direito Internacional contemporâneo, seus objetivos jurisdicionais, suas características específicas, seus procedimentos internos e seu conceito, a partir da análise dos fundamentos e elementos jurídicos que preenchem o conteúdo dos tribunais internacionais. Nesse sentido, o estudo remonta ao exame do vínculo existente entre as organizações internacionais, os órgãos de organizações internacionais, os funcionários internacionais que prestam serviços laborais às organizações internacionais e os Tribunais Administrativos. Por fim, será apresentado o novo sistema administrativo de solução de controvérsias da Organização das Nações Unidas, de modo a revelar o significado e as consequências que a sua reforma introduz para o futuro dos Tribunais Administrativos e para a evolução do Direito Internacional na proteção dos indivíduos.
The following essay intends to discuss the International Administrative Tribunals of International Organizations, their legal dimension in the context of contemporary International Law expansion, its jurisdictional goals, their detailed characteristics, their internal procedures and its concept, by analyzing the reasons and legal aspects that fulfill the content of the international tribunals. To this end, the study relies on the examination of the existing connection between international organizations, the organs of international organizations, the international officials who render labor services to international organizations and the Administrative Tribunals. Finally, an approach in the new administrative dispute resolution system of the United Nations will be done, aiming to reveal the meaning and the consequences that the reform introduces to the future of the Administrative Tribunals and to the evolution of the International Law on the protection of individuals.
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Correa, Renato Pereira. "História e memória do terreiro Axé Ilê Obá." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2014.

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Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T20:21:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Renato Pereira Correa.pdf: 6103015 bytes, checksum: 7ad15a3e7e3dec21f887bed992640b6a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-05-12
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
The objective of this research is to rescue the history of terreiro Axé ilê Obá. For the analysis we use political, social and economic aspects, the basis for the understanding of possible ruptures and continuities. The study of memory from the life stories of those involved has privileged lived. Therefore, the articulation in areas besides religion by the current religious leadership, 'Mother' Sylvia of Oxalá, provided the historical stumbling of the terreiro, guaranteeing the continuity and consolidation of the territory as a place of collective sociability. Despite segregationist and racist policies structured in the postabolition affecting blacks territories, we concentrate on the movement of the terreiro by the city and how it became a place of reference for the african-Brazilian culture in São Paulo
O objetivo desta pesquisa é resgatar a história do terreiro Axé Ilê Obá. Para a análise utilizamos aspectos políticos, sociais e econômicos, base para a compreensão de possíveis rupturas e continuidades. O estudo da memória a partir das histórias de vida dos sujeitos envolvidos privilegiou o vivido. Assim, a articulação em âmbitos além do religioso por parte da atual liderança religiosa, Mãe Sylvia de Oxalá, possibilitou o tombamento histórico do terreiro, garantindo assim, a continuidade e a consolidação desse território enquanto lugar de sociabilidade coletiva. A despeito das políticas segregacionistas e racistas estruturadas no período do pós-abolição que afetaram os territórios negros, nos debruçamos sobre o movimento do terreiro pela cidade e como se tornou em lugar de referência para a cultura afro-brasileira em São Paulo
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PEREIRA, Zuleica Dantas. "O Terreiro Oba Ogunté: Parentesco, Sucessão e Poder." Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, 1994.

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Submitted by Caroline Falcao ( on 2016-05-24T19:45:03Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) 39P436t Dissertação.pdf: 6010995 bytes, checksum: af46ba9537a82e20f50677d4d54f47e0 (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-05-24T19:45:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) 39P436t Dissertação.pdf: 6010995 bytes, checksum: af46ba9537a82e20f50677d4d54f47e0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 1994
Partindo da historiografia do Terreiro Obá Ogunté, analiso as lutas pelo poder imbricadas em sua hierarquia, procurando entender tanto as influências do parentesco sagrado, quanto do parentesco profano. Focalizo particularmente o processo de sucessão de pais e mães de santo do terreiro, na tentativa de entender a importância do parentesco nesse contexto. Neste sentido tento estabelecer a ligação entre o parentesco sagrado e o profano.
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Kunnuji, Joseph Olanrewaj. "Renewal of Ogu Musical Culture Through Jazz Intervention." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2016.

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This thesis instigates the discussion of the broad implications of cultural marginalization on Ogu music of Badagry, Lagos State Nigeria. Owing to the manner in which African States were carved out, without consideration for cultural boundaries, Ogu people were split through colonial delineation schemes with a minority within the Nigerian borders and the majority in Benin Republic. The same delineation process of the British and French administrations led to a multicultural Nigeria with over two hundred ethnic groups. In the ensuing battle for supremacy among the ethnic groups, in which number plays no minor role, the cultural integrity of the Ogu people began to wane. The complexity of social interactions in Nigeria witnessed the more populated and dominant ethnic groups casting their shadows on the smaller ones. The far-reaching consequence of such marginalization and social ostracism is cultural erosion and a xenocentric world-view of Ogu youths. Whilst elucidating the consequences of cultural marginalization, low self-esteem and the condescending mannerism of Ogu youths toward their traditional music, this thesis concomitantly discusses a possible method of forestalling the musical decay and restoring the integrity of Ogu music through the intervention of the jazz genre. Given the reality of globalization, mass transculturation, and the adoption of Western educational system by African States, musical syncretism cannot be evaded. Thus, this dissertation concludes by examining a method of documentation and reestablishment of Ogu musical integrity, which employs the adoption of jazz elements in creating a new Ogu musical style. Jazz is favoured as it is deemed with the potency of arousing the interest of the western-musicallytrained younger generation of Ogu people for whom jazz represents the highest level of harmonic complexity.
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Warnich, Pieter Gabriël. "Uitkomsgebaseerde assessering van geskiedenis in graad 10 / Pieter Gabriël Warnich." Thesis, North-West University, 2008.

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In 2006, Outcomes Based Education (OBE) was introduced into Grade 10 (as part of the FET band) for the first time. For the Grade 10 History teacher, this new teaching approach implied modified assessment practices, setting new demands and challenges. It brought about an adjusted assessment strategy through which the focus of formal assessment was shifted to an interactive and learner-centred approach of "doing" History rather than "facts" simply being assessed. Whether outcome based assessment (OBA) is executed meaningfully, is determined by the Grade 10 History teacher's ability to develop learning and assessment strategies that can integrate the critical outcomes, the development outcomes, the learning outcomes and the assessment standards meaningfully with the facilitation of the historic content. The overarching aim of this research was to investigate the assessment practices of History teachers in Grade 10. It was undertaken within the framework of an extensive literature study on OBE and OBA as teaching processes - internationally and nationally. In order to determine the assessment practices of Grade 10 History teachers, an empirical investigation was undertaken that was based on both quantitative and qualitative research methods, with a view to: • establish to what extent the Grade 10 History teacher followed the guidelines/ prescriptions of OBA; • determine the Grade 10 History teacher's knowledge, attitudes and skills regarding OBA; • identify deficiencies and problems that prevent the Grade 10 History teacher from implementing OBA effectively; and • design an OBA model for the Grade 10 History teacher. A random sample of schools was drawn nationally. A structured questionnaire was sent to the Grade 10 History teachers of these schools [n = 424], of which a total of 122 was received back. The results were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively and the following are but a few findings of this research: • Most of the teachers were positively inclined towards OBA because it is aimed at developing the entire learner. • Most of the teachers had sufficient knowledge of the assessment documents made available to them, and it was comprehensible. • Most of the teachers were convinced that the training they had received, had not sufficiently empowered them professionally speaking for implementing OBA. • Most of the teachers expressed the need for more support from the Department of Education concerning better in-service training programmes, more support from subject and curriculum advisors and more resources and learning and teaching support material being made available. • Generally speaking, the theoretical knowledge of OBA of most of the teachers was good, but they desired more and longer practice oriented in-service training in specific aspects regarding OBA. Based on the results proceeding from the research, recommendations were made in order to promote the practical implementation of OBA in schools. A holistic OBE quality model for teaching History was also designed that will empower the History teacher to implement OBA effectively to then especially complement the critical outcomes.
Thesis (Ph.D. (Education))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Putro, Fitrix Primantoro. "Strategies for detecting poor coupling in an OBS experiment." Texas A&M University, 2003.

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We present a method for detecting and correcting poor coupling in an Ocean Bottom Seismic (OBS) experiment. The basic idea of our method is that the normal component (with respect to the seafloor) of particle velocity is continuous at the water-solid interface. A comparison of the normal component of particle velocity just above and below the seafloor allows us to assess poor coupling. In other words, our method for detecting poor coupling consists of analyzing vertical particle velocities measured just above and below the seafloor. The normal component of particle velocity above the water is measured using either a vertical receiver array or a vertical source array (dipole source), whereas the normal component of particle velocity below the water is directly measured in this OBS experiment. In general, the quantities recorded in the OBS experiment are vertical and horizontal components of particle velocity, but continuity of the boundary is based on the normal component of particle velocity being oriented perpendicularly to the seafloor. For a flat seafloor, the vertical component of particle velocity values just above and below the seafloor must be almost equal according to the continuity condition at the water-solid boundary. However, for a dipping seafloor this is not the case. We have established that we can differentiate a poor coupling effect from a dipping-seafloor effect by using the vertical component of particle velocity. We have tested our method on real (Eugene Island) data and synthetic (finite-difference) data. For finite-difference synthetics, we have used a grid spacing 0.25 meters to properly simulate the water-solid interface. By examining the uniformity (with respect to offset) of cross-correlation between the vertical component of particle velocity just above and below the seafloor, we were able to detect poor coupling and to differentiate it with any dipping effect at the seafloor. The energy of data just above and below the seafloor were also used for detecting poor coupling and for differentiating it from dipping-seafloor effect.
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Sveno, Josefina. "Utveckling av OBD-II-gränssnitt för fjärrdiagnostik av fordon." Thesis, Linköping University, Department of Electrical Engineering, 2003.

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This Master Thesis documents the development of an On Board Diagnosis (OBD-II) interface for remote diagnosis of vehicles. The Master Thesis is part of a project at the company Wayfinder Systems in Lund.

The purpose of this thesis was to design a scantool that communicates with a vehicle through its OBD-II port using relevant standards.

In order to make the OBD-II interface development easier, a car simulator was first built. Both the car simulator and the OBD-II interface were implemented using a linux computer running a C-program with serial communication with an external electrical interface. When the OBD-II interface was working satisfactory, tests were also made in a car – with good results.

The most difficult thing in the project was to meet the timing requirements in the standard specifications.

To be able to communicate with all cars that have an OBD-II port, further development of the OBD-II interface is required, because the OBD-II interface does not use all standards.

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Kuo, Shrin Paul. "Characterization of the Bacillus subtilis protein Obg : a dissertation /." San Antonio : UTHSC, 2007.

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Bezerra, Neto Bianor Arruda. "O papel da ONU na construção dos direitos humanos." Universidade Federal da Paraí­ba, 2011.

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Made available in DSpace on 2015-05-07T14:27:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 1629174 bytes, checksum: c666435a3a5bfe0ca3374c68e2a8e371 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-03-28
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
The value of culture as a primordial element, which is conditioned by the worldview of the people who build it. The idea that every cultural product has its relevance attested in the sense that life has in every worldview, which is always part of a launching point that gives it meaning, hypothetical, mythical, while totally based on hard facts. The value as a basis for ethical norms, moral norms, legal rules. Human rights as an expression of ethics founded on human dignity. The human rights law as a branch of law whose phenomenology is conducted internationally. The UN as a cultural product of an Era, founded on truth contained in the worldview of those who created it. The UN as an institution that synthesizes values of various cultural expressions of the planet, a catalyst for awareness on human rights, promoting the creation of official human rights law.
O valor como elemento primordial da cultura, elemento condicionado pela cosmovisão do povo que a constrói. A idéia de que todo produto cultural tem sua relevância atestada com base no sentido que a vida tem em cada cosmovisão, a qual sempre parte de um ponto inaugural que lhe dá sentido, hipotético, mitológico, mesmo que totalmente baseado em fatos concretos. O valor como base das normas éticas, das normas morais, das normas jurídicas. Os direitos humanos como expressão da ética fundada na dignidade da pessoa humana. O direito dos direitos humanos como ramo do direito, cuja fenomenologia se processa no plano internacional. A ONU como produto cultural de uma época, fundada na verdade contida na cosmovisão dos que a criaram. A ONU como instituição promotora da síntese dos valores das várias expressões culturais do planeta, catalisadora da consciência em direitos humanos, agente fomentadora da criação do Direito dos Direitos Humanos.
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Lumbwe, Lwabanji Tony. "Development of an onboard computer (OBC) for a CubeSat." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2013.

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Over the past decade, the satellite industry has witnessed the birth and evolution of the CubeSat standard, not only as a technology demonstrator tool but also as a human capacity development platform in universities. The use of commercial off the shelf (COTS) hardware components makes the CubeSat a cost effective and ideal solution to gain access to space in terms of budget and integration time for experimental science payloads. Satellite operations are autonomous and are essentially based on the interaction of interconnected electronic subsystems exchanging data according to the mission requirements and objectives. The onboard computer (OBC) subsystem is developed around a microcontroller and plays an essential role in this exchange process as it performs all the computing tasks and organises the collection of onboard housekeeping and payload data before downlink during an overpass above the ground station. The thesis here presented describes the process involved in the development, design and implementation of a prototype OBC for a CubeSat. An investigation covering previously developed CubeSat OBCs is conducted with emphasis on the characteristics and features of the microcontroller to be used in the design and implementation phases. A set of hardware requirements are defined and according to the current evolution on the microcontroller market, preference is given to the 32-bit core architecture over both its 8-bit and 16-bit counterparts. Following a well defined selection process, Atmel’s AT91SAM3U4E microcontroller which implements a 32-bit Cortex-M3 core is chosen and an OBC architecture is developed around it. Further, the proposed architecture is implemented as a prototype on a printed circuit board (PCB), presenting a set of peripherals necessary for the operation of the OBC. Finally, a series of tests successfully conducted on some of the peripherals are used to evaluate the proposed architecture.
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Bortoncello, Cristiane Flôres. "Tradução e adaptação do obsessional-beliefs questionnaire – OBQ-44." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2011.

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O objetivo do presente projeto foi traduzir e adaptar o Obsessional Beliefs Questionnaire – OBQ-44 ao Português Brasileiro e verificar suas propriedades psicométricas em pacientes com Transtorno Obsessivo-Compulsivo (TOC). Na primeira etapa, traduziu-se e adaptou-se o OBQ-44 ao Português Brasileiro, aplicou-se essa versão inicial a 20 pacientes com TOC, observando sua compreensão e adequações linguísticas. Retro-traduzido, gerou-se uma versão final aprovada pela autora. Sua versão brasileira mostrou-se de fácil compreensão e apto a pacientes de classes sócioeconômicas diversas e na identificação dos domínios de crenças em pacientes com TOC, auxiliando na compreensão da origem e manutenção do transtorno. Na segunda etapa, avaliaram-se suas propriedades psicométricas em 104 pacientes com TOC, dos quais 48 realizaram 12 sessões semanais de Terapia Cognitivo Comportamental em Grupo (TCCG) e 56 permaneceram em lista de espera, no Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Pela análise fatorial, identificaram-se 3 domínios de crenças da escala original, consistência interna muito boa e reprodutibilidade boa. Após intervenção, a sensibilidade à mudança foi boa e quanto ao tamanho de efeito padronizado, verificouse forte intensidade. A versão brasileira do OBQ-44 apresentou boas propriedades psicométricas, mostrando-se útil ao estudo de crenças disfuncionais em pacientes com TOC e sua modificação com o tratamento.
The aim of this present Project was to translate and adapt the Obsessional Beliefs Questionnaire – OBQ-44 to the Brazilian Portuguese, and to verify its psychometric properties in patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). During the first stage, the OBQ-44 was translated and adapted to the Brazilian Portuguese, and it was administrated to 20 patients with OCD to observe its comprehension and linguistic accuracies. After being back-translated, a final version was developed and approved by the author. Its Brazilian version presents to be easily comprehended and suitable to be used with patients belonging to several socio-economic classes, and to identify the belief domains in patients with OCD, assisting the understanding of the origin and maintenance of the disorder. During the second stage, its psychometric properties were evaluated in 104 patients with OCD, of whom 48 underwent 12 weekly sessions of cognitive-behavioral group therapy (CBGT), and 56 remained on the waiting list, at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre. Through factor analysis, 3 belief domains from the original scale were identified, very good internal consistence, and good reproducibility. After intervention, the sensitiveness to changes was good and, regarding the standardized measures of effect, a strong intensity was verified. The Brazilian version of the OBQ-44 presented good psychometric properties and value to the study of dysfunctional beliefs in patients with OCD and the alterations after treatment.
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Chen, Yu-Tong, and 陳禹彤. "The Role of OBU in Taiwan Banking Industry." Thesis, 2007.

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Tsao, Chieh-Kuang, and 曹捷光. "The Comparison of Research between Taiwan and Singapore OBU." Thesis, 1995.

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Hung, Wen-Yu, and 洪文佑. "Factors Affecting the Performance of OBU Branches of Taiwanese." Thesis, 2009.

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Abstract In recent years, the Mainland has attracted a large number of Taiwanese businessmen’s investment with the rise of China. Offshore Banking Units (OBU) have many advantages such as duty-free and privacy. Further, the exchange rate fluctuations and foreign exchange regulations would not affect the operations of OBU. This study employs the methodology of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) to evaluate the performance of the OBUs of Taiwan’s banks. The period of the study starts from 2004 to 2008. Based on the intermediary approach, the input variables include salary expenses, interest expenses, capital and number of branches; and the output variables are interest revenue, total loans, and net worth. Further, we use sensitivity analysis to examine the most efficient units, and how to keep the operations efficient for each bank by proposing a management decision matrix. The major findings are: 1.The reasons of operational inefficiency primarily come from the scale inefficiency. 2.For the period from 2007 to 2008, 23 banks were growing in their total productivity and 10 banks were declining. The average productivity exhibits an upward trend in recent years. The overall productivity decline was due to technology improvement recession (65%). 3.Most of the inefficient units belong to government-owned banks, such as Changhua Bank, Huanan Bank, Cooperative Bank, and Taiwan Business Bank. Also, Cooperative Bank merged with the Farmers Bank, and made overflow of branches.
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Tasi, Shih-Chuan, and 蔡蒔銓. "OBU Operation Efficiency and Government Policy ffect in Taiwan." Thesis, 1996.

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O我國金融改革既定的方向,將台灣地區發展成為亞太金融中心,更是政 府坐@。其中,擴大境外金融中心之規模乃是不容忽視的關鍵。本篇論文 之目Q境外金融中心之相關問題,以作為政府主管機關及OBU經理人員之參 考。 膍s可分為二部份:第一個主題探討台灣地區OBU之經營績效,採問 卷調查亢①A以獨立樣本T檢定、Mann-Whitney-Wilcoxon檢定、因素分析 、關聯程垓尬④尷R、區別分析、迴歸分析等多變量統計技巧進行資料之 整理與實證元g營成果之重要變數,以推論適當之經營策略,最後並與實 務界人士作深姻珛痕G。所歸納之影響重要經營變數的動因有:(1)經營態 度(2)專業人才(立時間(5)政策配合。 F府開放政策之效果,採時間序列 模型及介入分析之技巧、透過鑑定、估計b建立介入前OBU資產總額之時間 序列模型後,選取適當之介入型態,建立中J因子,以探討央行從寬解釋 OBU業務範圍對OBU資產總額之影響。結果發略W不顯著,表示政府之開放 政策對OBU資產總額並無明顯的正面影響。最後w測模式,預估在民國八十 七年九月,OBU之資產總額將為417億美元。
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賴憲基. "The Research on Developing OBU Branch into a Capital Transfer Center for Taiwanese Businessmen in China by De-regulation on Taiwan''s OBU Policy." Thesis, 2004.

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The Ministry of Finance, on November 2001,promulgated the amendments of OBU''s policy. The amendments allow direct transaction between offshore banking units (OBUs) of banks located in Taiwan and banks located in Mainland China. On 8 August 2002, The Ministry of Finance promulgated the further amendments, allow OBU branch to run the Loan businesses and Factoring businesses. The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate the policy effects of developing OBU branch into the capital transaction center of Taiwanese businessmen in China The thesis uses the method by questionnaire to the OBU branches whom had been permitted to run the direct transaction businesses between Taiwan and China including local banks and local branches of foreign banks, to collect the variation data of capital transaction in OBU branches of Taiwanese businessmen in China, Through the analyze of the variation data, The major findings are: 1. The total environment and conditions of Taiwan are advantage to developing OBU branch into the capital transaction center of Taiwanese businessmen in China. 2. The aforethought of risk will affect the intention of OBU bankers to run the Loan businesses and Factoring businesses. 3. The preventions to OBU bankers running the Loan businesses and Factoring businesses which set by Government did not achieved the total risk management. 4. The amendments of OBU''s policy allow direct transaction between offshore banking units (OBUs) of banks located in Taiwan and banks located in Mainland China is advantaged to developing OBU branch into the capital transaction center of Taiwanese businessmen in China. 5. To increase the convenient of capital transaction for Taiwanese businessmen in China, The Government should promulgated further de-regulation on OBU''s policy
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Liao, Ming-Cheng, and 廖銘正. "A Study of OBU Operation and Tax Issues in Taiwan." Thesis, 1999.

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Financial liberalization and internationalization are Taiwan government''s stated financial policies, and also become an increasingly trend all over the world. The OBU (Off-Shore Banking Unit) plays an important intermediary role on the channeling of international funds. This study investigates the structural changes in the OBU''s assets and liabilities since its inception. Further, we discuss the role OBU played in Taiwan''s banking industry. Finally, we analyze the impact of the revision of "the Statute for the OBU" (in Oct. 1997) on the expansion of local OBUs'' customers and business scope. Finally, we discuss the OBU-related tax issues. The conclusions of this study are as follows: (1). The percentage of OBU''s local customers to foreign customers is still very low. (2). The percentage of OBU''s earnings to total earnings for local banks were below 5% in the past five years; however, the percentage for foreign banks were about 20%. Apparently, foreign banks were more aggressive in expanding OBU business. (3). Although after October 1997, OBUs were allowed to serve local citizens, 80% of OBU, until now, do not engage in this practice, due to the lack of profits. Apparently, the liberalization policy does not work well so far. (4). The main reason for foreign customers to open accounts on OBUs is related to tax incentives. (5). The current tax laws and regulations related to the OBU tax issues are still quite ambiguous, and, therefore, the tax policy-maker need to take actions to clear up this tax gray area.
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Jhang, Wei-Syuan, and 張偉鉉. "Design and Implementation of an OBU Code Generator for Telematics." Thesis, 2010.

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In recent years, a controller area network bus (CAN bus [28]) has been applied in many popular applications, such as automotive and industry. The bus can be used to connect the on-board unit (OBU) on a vehicle with other electronic devices. In the applications of telematics, we will encounter some problems, including how to design an OBU which fetch information from a vehicle; how to select an appropriate communication interface to send the fetched information to a server installed the Internet; how to shorten the time to market on software and hardware development; how to ensure the accuracy of software and hardware operations. We know to develop an OBU for an engineer. He spends a lot of time on study datasheets and reference many documents. Hence, the development time of OBUs needs a longer development time. In this thesis, we provide a faster method for automobile application engineers to develop an OBU and ensure the OBU operation to be correct. The engineers just focus in application development and do not care how to design drivers, an operation system, and hardware circuits. We had implemented a hardware and software platform in this thesis. The platform integrated communication interfaces including CAN, Bluetooth, and USB. We also develop a higher level scheme to generate the framework automobile telematics applications. The engineer can select features which he want and build the software framework in shortest time. These features are designed in modular. The engineers just modify the main program to implement their applications. Hence, a shorter development time is provided to design the automobile applications for telematics. In order to enhance the performance on an OBU, we also implement a tiny real-time operation system in the platform. Finally, we will verify the performance of the OBU in simulation by the tool of PRISM. The tool is a probabilistic model checker. We can create an abstract model of the platform, to verify the correctness of the proposed scheme by the tool. We compare the device with/without a real-time operation system. Experimental results show that OBU with an operation system has a better performance than the OBU without an operation system.
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Ząbecki, Krzysztof. "Przestrzenny wymiar współczesnej polityki państw obu Ameryk wobec języków rdzennych." Doctoral thesis, 2019.

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W Ameryce Północnej i Południowej żyje ponad 20 milionów osób posługujących się językami rdzennymi, a za sprawą działalności tubylczych ruchów społecznych oraz rosnącej grupy badaczy władze poszczególnych państw i organizacji międzynarodowych coraz częściej podnoszą problem ochrony języków tubylczych. Mimo to zarówno badania obecnego statusu języków tubylczych, jak i sytuacji ich użytkowników wciąż należą do rzadkości. Niniejsza rozprawa ma wypełnić jedną z luk w obrębie aktualnych publikacji na ten temat. Jej celem jest określenie i ocena przestrzennych aspektów współczesnej polityki wobec języków tubylczych w państwach i terytoriach zależnych Ameryki Północnej i Południowej w kontekście postępującego wzrostu liczby ludności rdzennej w miastach oraz globalnych zmian zachodzących w politykach wobec ludności tubylczej. Zgodnie z przyjętymi hipotezami badawczymi polityki językowe na badanym obszarze w coraz większym stopniu chronią języki rdzenne, szczególnie w państwach o znacznej liczbie i odsetku tubylczej populacji i użytkowników języków rdzennych, ale ich zasięg nie jest dostosowany do zmian rozmieszczenia ludności tubylczej, zwłaszcza w państwach unitarnych. Przyjęto również, że odsetek osób posługujących się językami rdzennymi jest wyższy na obszarach słabiej zaludnionych oraz takich, gdzie mieszka wyższy odsetek ludności tubylczej. Ponadto sformułowano dwie hipotezy badawcze dotyczące sytuacji języków rdzennych w mieście Meksyk, stanowiącej przedmiot studium przypadku: zgodnie z nimi oficjalna polityka językowa w mieście nie jest skutecznie realizowana, a w rezultacie sytuacja języków rdzennych uzależniona jest głównie od oddolnych działań ludności tubylczej. W pierwszym rozdziale pracy przedstawiono jej cel i zakres, podstawowe pojęcia dotyczące analizowanych zagadnień, przegląd najważniejszych badań nad językami rdzennymi i ludnością tubylczą, a także opis metod badawczych i charakterystykę źródeł danych. W rozdziale drugim podjęto próbę określenia liczby i rozmieszczenia ludności tubylczej oraz użytkowników języków rdzennych w poszczególnych państwach i terytoriach zależnych obu Ameryk w oparciu o dane ze spisów powszechnych. Uzyskane informacje przedstawiono w formie opisowej z pomocą sporządzonej w tym celu serii map, zaś do porównania danych statystycznych dla poszczególnych obszarów zastosowano podstawowe metody statystyczne. W rozdziale trzecim w oparciu o teksty aktów prawnych przeanalizowano historyczne i współczesne polityki formułowane wobec języków tubylczych w obu Amerykach od okresu kolonialnego do czasów współczesnych. Uzyskane dane posłużyły do oceny stopnia ochrony języków rdzennych w każdym z analizowanych państw i terytoriów zależnych. W rozdziale czwartym zbadano przestrzenne aspekty sytuacji języków rdzennych w mieście Meksyk, posługując się danymi jakościowymi uzyskanymi podczas wywiadów i obserwacji prowadzonych w ramach badań terenowych, uzupełnionymi o dane zastane. Przestawiono informacje na temat użytkowników języków rdzennych w mieście Meksyk, wskazano założenia oficjalnej polityki językowej miasta, a także określono główne czynniki wpływające na żywotność języków tubylczych na jego obszarze. Uzyskane wyniki pozwoliły stwierdzić, że od lat 80. XX wieku na niemal całym badanym obszarze doszło do znacznego rozwoju oficjalnych polityk chroniących języki rdzenne, także w miastach oraz w państwach o stosunkowo małej liczbie i odsetku ludności tubylczej, bez wyraźnej różnicy między państwami federalnymi i unitarnymi. Ze względu na brak wystarczających danych nie można było w pełni zweryfikować hipotez o wyższym odsetku użytkowników języków rdzennych na obszarach słabiej zaludnionych oraz takich, gdzie wyższy był też odsetek tubylczej populacji. W przypadku miasta Meksyk jednoznacznie potwierdzono nieskuteczność oficjalnej polityki językowej, natomiast jako główny czynnik wpływający na kondycję języków rdzennych wskazano napływ ludności tubylczej z obszarów wiejskich, podczas gdy ruchy oddolne odgrywają w tej kwestii bardzo ograniczoną rolę.
In North and South America, more than 20 million people speak indigenous languages. Thanks to indigenous social movements and a growing number of researchers, the need to protect those languages is more and more often discussed both on national and international level. Nevertheless, research concerning the current status of indigenous languages and the situation of their speakers is still scarce. This dissertation seeks to fill one of the gaps in existing literature on this topic. It aims at identifying and assessing spatial aspects of present-day policies towards indigenous languages in North and South American countries and dependent territories, in the context of increasing urbanization of autochthonous populations and global changes in policies regarding indigenous people. The research hypotheses are that language policies in the Americas are increasingly protecting indigenous languages, especially in countries with a higher number and percentage of native people and indigenous language speakers, but the policies’ scope is not adapted to changes in spatial distribution of autochthonous populations, particularly in unitary states. It is also assumed that the percentage of indigenous language speakers is higher in less populated areas and in regions where the percentage of indigenous people is higher. Two additional hypotheses regarding the situation of indigenous languages in Mexico City, described in a case study, state that the official language policy in the city is not being successfully implemented, and as a result the situation of indigenous languages depends primarily on grassroots initiatives of autochthonous people. The first chapter presents the aim and scope of the dissertation, basic concepts regarding the analyzed subject, an overview of most relevant studies on indigenous people and languages, as well as a description of research methods and data sources. In the second chapter an attempt to determine the number and spatial distribution of indigenous people and indigenous language speakers in countries and dependent territories of the Americas has been made, based on census data. This information is presented in the form of descriptions and a series of maps; the comparison concerning different countries and regions has been done, with the application of basic statistical methods. The third chapter analyzes historical and modern policies towards indigenous languages in the Americas from the colonial era to the present, on the basis of corresponding legal acts. The data is used to assess the level of protection of indigenous languages in each analyzed country and dependent territory. The fourth chapter studies spatial aspects of the situation of indigenous languages in Mexico City, based primarily on qualitative data obtained from interviews and observations carried out during field research. Information on indigenous language speakers in Mexico City is presented, objectives of the city’s official language policy are indicated, and main factors that influence the vitality of indigenous languages in the case study area are determined. The results obtained allow to conclude that since the 1980s in almost all of the Americas there has been a significant development of official policies that protect indigenous languages, including their presence in cities and in the countries with a relatively small number and percentage of indigenous population, without much difference between federal and unitary states. Due to lack of sufficient data it is not possible to verify fully whether the percentage of indigenous language speakers is higher in less populated areas and in regions where the percentage of indigenous people is higher. In the case of Mexico City, the ineffectiveness of the official language policy has been confirmed, whereas it is the migration of indigenous people from rural areas that proves to be the main factor affecting the condition of indigenous languages rather than grassroots initiatives, which turn out to have a very limited role.
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Chen, Yifang, and 陳怡芳. "Cross Strait Banking Strategies under ECFA:Harmonizing OBU, HK and Mainland Operations." Thesis, 2011.

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Since the signing of Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA) at the end of June 2010, both sides of the Taiwan Strait have closely exchanged opinions and thought on a variety of issues and continued to establish consensus on mutually agreed agenda. In light of the soon to be established mainland branches of Taiwan banks, the trend of international financial development, as well as the cross-strait political and economic uncertainty, the impact of ECFA on banking in Taiwan (including OBU), Mainland China and Hong Kong forms the main focus of this thesis. The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of ECFA on business developments and strategies of Taiwan banks in Mainland and Hong Kong through an evaluation of differences in macroeconomic factors, such as the degree of deregulations and the current state of financial environment. It utilizes S.W.O.T. analysis to investigate the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of Taiwan, Mainland and Hong Kong banking industries under the ECFA structure. Based on current situation and future potential, this study proposes some development strategies for Taiwan banks’ cross-strait operations. Major findings are as follows. In the early stage of cross-strait exchanges, it is still in a probation period, banking developments in Taiwan, Mainland and Hong Kong have a complementary effect in the short-run. As the Mainland operation gains momentum, the effect will likely turn to mutually exclusive in the mid- to long-run. However, according to the SWOT analysis, profitability analysis and macroeconomic analysis, banking operations in Taiwan, Mainland and Hong Kong can still share mutual benefits through the enforcement of some particular harmonizing strategies. Hence, this study proposes to “apply the experience of Hong Kong and the agility of Taiwan (including OBU) to the development of Mainland market” as a conclusion.
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韋立森. "Applying DEA To The Performance Measurement of OBU Branch In Taiwan." Thesis, 2004.

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Abstract Following the close activities of economic entities of the two straits, the volume of foreign exchange business has been increased in multiple figures. In addition, government continues to liberalize the financial business resulting a prosperous development of OBU business. Since of establishment of OBU branch, it cannot actually become a role as the center of Asia Pacific Operation for Taiwan and that is expected by the government in the beginning. In addition, the operation scale cannot grow rapidly. Furthermore, after large capital has been moved to Mainland China as investment, the characteristics of OBU branch tax exemption and tax evasion attracted a large number of customers. The derived high profit of this department progressively is being emphasized by various banks and consecutively they put in more manpower and resource in OBU branch. Therefore, the operation efficiency of various banks is the important point that we want to research on. This essay will first utilize the data comprehensive analysis method and will base on the twenty-seven OBU branches as units to be tested to conduct efficiency analysis on a total of twenty-two quarters from the first quarter in 1998 to the second quarter in 2003. The adopted variables are: personnel expense, interest payment, asset and number of branches. In addition, the variables produced are: interest income, non-interest income, lending and cash discount and deposit. Furthermore, the actual proof analysis result shows that: 1. Banks that can all be positioned as correspondingly efficient bank in each quarter include Bank of Overseas Chinese, The International Commercial Bank of China, Union Bank, Far East Bank , Fubon Bank and China Trust Bank. 2. The operation efficiency of private bank is more superior to public bank. 3. The operation efficiency of OBU branch that does not have overseas branch is more superior to OBU branch that has overseas branch. 4. The size of the asset scale has no direct relationship with the operation efficiency. 5. After establishment of financial holding, there is positive effect on the efficiency value of the OBU branch. In the second stage, Tobit regression model is utilized to analyze other variables that will affect the efficiency performance of OBU branch. The result shows that amongst OBU branches, private bank has a significant positive effect on efficiency and net worth has significant positive effect on efficiency. Profit from trading of notes also has positive effect on efficiency. It can be known that the ratio of various derivative commodities in OBU branches continue to grow and non-interest income receives important attention by bank progressively. In addition, whether in the financial holding bank, there is significant positive effect on efficiency on OBU branch of financial holding company? Finally, this research presents a few suggestions, especially in recent years the efficiency of public bank is more inferior to private bank. Therefore operators of public banks should have deep thoughts on this problem and should seek for the way of improvement. This essay also prepares banks with better efficiency that can be provided to banks with more inferior efficiency as targets of imitation so as to facilitate operators of various banks to serve as a reference.
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陳惠貞. "OBU在國際租稅規劃之應用." Thesis, 2002.

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Using case study method and by interviews with field experts, this thesis studies the application of OBU (off-shore banking unit) in international tax planning. Planning to decrease tax costs has long been an important task for multinational companies to compete in the international market. To avoid paying domestic taxes, companies can structure transactions by the name of offshore subsidiaries and receive commissions through their OBU accounts. Consequently, profits are reserved in the offshore companies but costs of running business are claimed in Taiwan’s tax returns. Under certain circumstances, commissions earned from this kind of triangle trading are tax-free, causing substantial losses of tax revenues to Taiwanese government. The thesis discusses this controversial issue relating to commissions from triangle trading. To encourage remitting back profits generated in overseas, the tax law for taxes on investment income should be changed. This thesis suggests the use of equity method for recognizing investment income for tax purposes. Further, the regulation on banking operations between Taiwan and China also needs to be revised to expedite the transfer of fund across the strait. The thesis suggests the opening of direct remittance between Taiwan’s OBUs and China’s banks. In summary, in devising an effective tax planning, companies should take into account both tax and nontax costs, and keep abreast of the risks of changes in tax laws and governmental policies. As for the government to develop Taiwan as the headquarter of global operation, promotion of the international tax agreements is essentially important to help firms avoid double taxation. Further, to attract more international companies investing in Taiwan, the government should evaluate the feasibility and impacts of shifting the taxation principle of corporations from worldwide taxation to territorial taxation.
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Wang, Yu-Fen, and 王愉雰. "The Influence of Macroeconomic Factor and Banking Fragility on Offshore Banking Units (OBU)." Thesis, 2007.

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Offshore financial center, so called Offshore banking Unit (OBU), dealt with international financial activities, and located in a country, a region or a city with lower-taxed and less restrictions to attract nonresident financial business. The conveniences of OBU could attract international capital transactions for both demanders and suppliers. There are many factors would affect the development of OBU, including macroeconomic factors, invest environment and domestic financial system. Therefore, this study adopts OBU asset (and liability) as dependent variable, and include GDP Growth Rate, Import/GDP, Financial Deepening, Lending-Deposit Rate Difference, Banking Sector Fragility (BSF), M2/Reserve, M2 Multiplier, Real Exchange Rate and Asian Financial Crisis (a dummy) as independent variables, the author use SUR (Seemingly Unrelated Regression) model to examine the OBU of Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia and Thailand. Furthermore, This study introduces SUR model to examine the differences of the asset and liabilities of OBU. At same time, this paper uses bank competition (H-statistic) to separate both monopolistic competition (H1) and perfect competition (H2) from six OBUs. The empirical results of this study showed the main factors are Import/GDP, Financial Deepening, Lending-Deposit Rate Difference, BSF, M2 Multiplier and Real Exchange Rate. By testing SUR model, the author found that the restricted function was applicable to all six OBUs. Therefore, if regional crisis occurred, the spillover effect could be more easily avoided by a country having more restriction on OBU’s loans. For instance, Thailand and Malaysia have a loosely expansionary financial system leading the crisis occurrence. Therefore, expansionary financial system could attract more foreign banks to set up branches, but there will be a negative impact if a weakly financial system existed. Therefore, a sound financial system is more important than macroeconomic fundamentals and trade linkages. To improve implementation of OBU, one shall consider that the problem of expansionary credit and excessive dependence on foreign funds. When problems happened in financial system, OBU lending channel could indirectly affect domestic financial system and spillover to other economies.
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Chen, Chin-Jao, and 陳錦饒. "The Effects on OBU Operations of Cross-Strait MOU on Financial Industry Supervison." Thesis, 2010.

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China takes a lion’s share of Taiwan's investment abroad, yet the cross-strait political situation keeps domestic banks from been able to provide financial services in China to local Taiwan business enterprises. Either the KMT or the DPP has long been aware that the proportion of and economic dependence on cross-strait trades are increasing and the necessity to adopt an open policy. As an alternative to facilitate overseas and Mainland Taiwanese enterprises on fund raising as well as reducing costs and improving timing efficiency of funds, banks are encouraged to expand the functions of their international business branches (OBUs), resulting in OBUs continuously achieving record high total assets and deposit and loan balances of non-financial institutions, making OBUs the dominant financial center for overseas Taiwanese firms. Now Taiwan has signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in financial supervisory cooperation with China, Taiwan's financial sector would be able to follow the most favored nation and national treatment principles of WTO to setup branches and subsidiaries in China. This thesis discusses the potential effects of signing MOU on OBUs. Emphasis is placed on the competitive and complementary nature of OBUs and China and Hong Kong operations of Taiwan banks.
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Li, Chuan-Chuan, and 李娟娟. "The Impact of the Establishment of Vietnam Branch on the Performance of OBU." Thesis, 2009.

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In recent years, more and more Taiwanese finance bankers are extending their branches following the tendency to transfer investment abroad of domestic enterprises. Since the thriving development of economy in the Asia-Pacific area, Mainland China has lost the priority in the list of Taiwanese investors. Instead, Vietnam is emerging as a potential market, and attracting more investment from Taiwanese enterprises. This study investigates the relationship between the effectiveness of the branches established in Vietnam and (Offshore Banking Unit) OBU of local commercial banks in Taiwan. Twenty-six commercial banks are included in the sample. Stepwise regression and non-parametric tests are employed to select relevant variables, including capital sufficiency, effectiveness, liquidity, profitability and growth. The empirical results show that: (1) the establishment of branches in Vietnam is one of the influential variables on OBU performance. (2.) The influence of branches established in the early stage and those in recent stage on the performance of OBU is different. The banks which established branches in Vietnam in the early stage perform better in deposit interest rate, interest expense, interest revenue, and operating revenue. Meanwhile, the banks establishing branches in the recent stage perform better in loan interest rate.
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Yang, Yi-Tzu, and 楊亦慈. "The Impact of OBU''s Development on Taiwanese Businessman between China and Taiwan." Thesis, 2013.

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Chiu, Yueh-Ying, and 邱岳瑩. "The Feasibilby of Taiwanese Bank’s OBU as a Funding Center for Taiwanese Businesses in Mainland." Thesis, 2009.

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For the past decade, both Taiwan’s economy and the investment environment have changed rapidly due to the frequent international trades in the globalization era, and the evolution of the government’s policies to gradually set loose originally restricted China investment. Money invested in foreign countries has increased dramatically each year. Above all, it has not been a small potato for the money invested in China via the third country by Taiwanese businessmen. In order to strengthen their competition with the coming of globalization, multi-nation enterprises tend to utilize some tax paradises for their overall arrangement. They even make up their “perfect” tax plans by utilizing the different tax policies among different countries and regions. A large percentage of Taiwanese enterprises in China via a third place do their businesses bridged by the tax paradise. What are the incentives tax paradises can offer? Besides providing enterprises with tax-exempts, tax-free paradises also play a large part in many things such as how to configure a finance and cash flow plan, what procedures and requirements are needed to set up companies in such places, how to set loose the economics and trade restrictions, how to safeguard the investments and diverse the political risks, and how to react to the deficient tax treaty. As the Taiwanese business scale in China continues to expand, the demand for diversified services offered by banks is increasing. But Taiwanese banks still cannot set up branches or official offices in China pending the unstable political and economical environment, and the consensus not yet reached through financial negotiations. There is no choice but to go through the OBU. This is the major reason why the OBU continues to make profits. Owing to the numerous restrictions of Taiwan’s laws, Taiwanese enterprises in China choose to do business with the OBU of foreign banks or Chinese banks. The Taiwanese enterprises have further started to obtain financial services from the local banks in China. It is the front burner for the Taiwanese government to manage to have the capital and financial services stay in Taiwan’s OBU, and permit Taiwan’s banks to establish branches and official offices in China to uplift their own competition strength. If our government could, under the circumstances where the safety is guaranteed, promptly and effectively continue and support the local OBU business, or even allow Taiwanese enterprises in China to be listed in the Taiwan’s stock market, only then can it become possible for Taiwanese enterprises in China to consider the OBU as their banking facilities. This way, the government’s slogan to support Taiwanese enterprises in China can be fulfilled, and the risks of “debt in Taiwan” can be alleviated. The financing market for Taiwanese enterprises in China is growing nonstop. There’s been keen competition for the financial market between foreign banks and Chinese banks, leaving Taiwanese banks cool-shouldered. Normally, Taiwan banks have histories doing business with Taiwanese enterprises in China. They know better about their financial and credit status, as well as their operation models to a certain degree. Based on this, if our government could further assist the banking industry by not restricting its OBU business development, the OBU could then offer the Taiwanese enterprises in China a more diversified and more convenient financial service, and a better risk control. This way, they are well backed up in their globalization plan. Ultimately, it’s bound to lead to a triple win situation for the government, the banking industry, and the production industries.
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Shen, Ya-Ping, and 沈雅萍. "An Analysis The Performance of OBU Branch Affecting by Hong Kong Branch-A DEA Application." Thesis, 2005.

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Abstract This study aims to understand whether the banks which have Hong Kong branch can perform better? We select 12 banks with Hong Kong branch and 21 banks without Hong Kong brahch as our samples to compare their performances. The data covers quarterly data from January 2001 to September 2004. Based on the input and output factors from the Intermediation Approach, we select interest payment, non interest payment, networth and deposit as the input variables and also the interest income, non interest income and loan as the output variables. First, we manipulate the DEA (Data Enve- lopment Analysis) model to apply the CCR and BCC models to evaluate the technical feeiciency (TE), pure technical efficiency (PTE), and scale technical efficiency (SE) respectively. Then we use Malmpuist Productivity Index (MPI) to evaluate the trend of productivity change. The main findings are as following: First, almost the main banks are the best overall efficiency banks and the business concerntrate in traditional banking, in which the main income resource is the interest income received. Second, we find that the local banks with Hong Kong branch perform better than those without Hong Kong branch from the aspects of technical efficiency (TE), pure technical efficiency (PTE), and scaletechnical efficiency (SE).Third, for the banks with hong Jong branch, we find only two local banks reduce their averave efficiency value after the opening of foreign exchange between Mainland China and Taiwan through Hong Kong branch while the other ten local banks increase or maintain the previous suiations. For the local banks without Hong Kong branch show a decreased efficiency tendency around the third quarter 2002 due to the influency of new foreign policy between Taiwan and Mainland China. On the other hand, we also find the scale of assets can affect the performance of OBU directly. Finally,using Malmquist Prodectivity Index to evaluate banks’trend of productivity change in different period between local bank with and without Hong Kong branch, we find, the bank with Hong Kong branch perform better at the arrangement and using of capital,the promotion of the production management technology or product innovation than the banks without Hong Kong branch. Key Word: OBU、Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)、technical efficiency(TE) 、 pure technical efficiency(PTE)、scale efficiency(SE) 、Malmpuist Productivity Index(MPI)
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Chou, Tien-Chi, and 周天祺. "Design and Measurement of An On-Board Unit (OBU) for The Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC)." Thesis, 2000.

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In the thesis, a 5.8 GHz passive On-Board Unit (OBU) for the Dedicated Short-Range Communication (DSRC) is developed. The front side of the two—side OBU consists of 4 left-circularly polarized (LCP) microstrip antennas and binary amplitude shift keying (ASK) modulation circuits; the back side of the OBU contains a slot antenna, a mixing diode circuit, and a 8-bits binary encoding circuit. To enhance the battery life, the OBU is designed as a passive one with a size of about 12.5 ×5.5 cm2. The Van Atta retrodirective array design is used for the routing of the antenna feed lines. On the path of each microstrip line is a bilateral diode switch controlled by the encoding circuit output from the back side of the OBU. During the downlink, the encoding signal sent from the roadside unit (RSU) is received by the slot antenna, and decoded by the mixing diode circuit. During the uplink, the RSU sends a continuous wave to the OBU. The wave received by each antenna of the OBU, after encoding, is directly fed to the antenna of the same pair and is re-radiated to the RSU to be decoded. By the retrodirective design, the field radiated back to the RSU from the four antenna elements is coherently added. The echo strength is 12dB, and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is thus 6dB, higher than the conventional one-antenna-element design
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Chang, Chao-chun, and 張朝鈞. "On the Study of the Profit Factors to Taiwan Banking Industry ─ and the Effect of OBU Development." Thesis, 2014.

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This study aims to explore the key profit factors to Taiwan banking industry. After experiencing a variety of changes of the overall environment, the banking industry in Taiwan begins to focus on expanding new high spreads financial instruments instead of traditional deposit and loan business. Besides, the industry also increases income by expanding fee-related business, which is thought of a kind of risk-free business. To keep pace with international standards recently, the banking industry starts to expand territory to the world, as a result, the OBU business increases quickly and becomes to be one of the core profit sources of banking industry. This study takes OBU''s influence into consideration, reviews and organizes the literature to summarize the major factors affecting profitability of the banking industry in Taiwan. We use multiple regression analysis to find out whether those factors remain vital to Taiwan banking industry nowadays. The results show that the fee and the operations of OBU have a significant positive impact to the bankers in Taiwan, while the overdue loans have a significant negative one. In view of this, one of the key factors to earn profits is to improve the loan quality actively. In addition, the bankers should strictly control the credit risk, examine and verify the credit ratings of the borrowers, and measure their own financial abilities, so that they could earn more profits from the interest and the fee-related income of high spread commodities like credit cards and cash cards. Besides, in order to improve competitiveness and increase profitability, Taiwan''s bankers should expand the OBU business actively and open the gates to the international market in the near future.
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Huang, Yuan-ching, and 黃媛靖. "Research of the Taiwanese businessman three places across two shore OBU financingTake the S bank as the example." Thesis, 2010.

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ABSTRACT In the past decades, the investment of Taiwan enterprises in mainland China, cross-strait trade and banking intercourse were required in indirect ways in view of economic security by the government due to the special political cross-strait relationship, which was the reason that the government could not get over exact amount of capital flowing into mainland China precisely. On the other hand, because of the various constraints on investment in mainland China, some companies transfer capital to mainland through various circuitous channels for the reasons of more flexible operations and avoiding government’s regulations, which makes the cross-strait capital flow more complicated. No matter how cross-strait political situation goes, mutual business relationship is getting prosperous, we can tell from the fast growth of investment in mainland China, where is still the first choice to transplant for Taiwan''s industrialists. Comparing y2000 and 2008’s prime index statistics of cross-strait business collected from Mainland Affairs Council and Ministry of Economic affairs, the total volume of cross-strait trade (including Hong Kong) increased from US dollar 31.24 billion up to 105.37 billion that represented 3.4 times’ growth; Taiwan’s trade surplus against Mainland China was US dollar 18.78 billion increasing to 42.58 billion that represented 2.3 times’ growth; Taiwan’s export volume to mainland China (including Hong Kong) took 24.4% of total export volume in 2000 and then the percentage grew up to 38.5% in 2008, it was 1.6 times’ expansion; the investment amount in mainland China was increased by 4.1 times from US dollar 2.607 billion to 10.61billion; the investment in mainland China took 33.9% of total outward investment in 2000 and then it grew up to 57.1% in 2008, it was 1.7 time’s growth. Based upon the phenomenon the said statistics revealed, this study conducts deeper analysis in a practical way in capital flow across strait for solving investors’ problems of fund raising and financial operation especially in the financial cash flow issues derived by trade, it tries to give financial layout advices for those who invested in mainland China or traded across strait. This study conducts analysis with SWOT and Porter’s five forces model for reviewing an enterprise’s Strength, Weakness, industrial’s Opportunities and Threats from competitor it confronts. This study analyses chosen subject’s (bank) strength and opportunities with SWOT model. Porter’s five forces model is conducted for stress analysis on five kinds of impact on enterprises’ operation. From conducting analysis on chosen subject, we discover that Porter’s five forces model is interesting because it can spread and extend. For example, from the aspect of cooperation (ex strategic alliance) instead of competition, a lot of cooperative opportunities may emerge among the global competitive banking institutes. In the other way, verifying chosen bank through Porter’s five forces model can also apply to discuss the issues of vertical and horizontal integration of banking industry. An analysis through this model concludes that applying offshore banking financing is the most favorable to enterprises and their operation flexibility. Banking industry in Taiwan will ultimately face the impact of competition from mainland China’s banks after the MOU is signed. No matter being the banks’ share holders in mainland China’s banks, or setting up branches there directly, all banks include ones from Taiwan or cross nation banks cannot compete with the top four big state-run banks in mainland China according the conclusion of this study. This study tries to offer proper advices to the banks in Taiwan for making good operation strategies.
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LIAO, DE-CHUNG, and 廖德忠. "影響國內銀行OBU分行業務經營績效因素評估." Thesis, 2005.

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Offshore banking units (OBU) enable businesses to move capital freely between Taiwan and Mainland China under the recent government policy. This thesis uses regression analysis to evaluate the performance of the OBUs of thirty four domestic banks. The study covers the period from 2000 to 2004. The results show that (1) the growth rate of sales and the amount of foreign exchange business have positive impacts on performance; (2) whether the bank is part of a financial holding company has no effect; (3) the number of branches has no effect either; and (4) owning a branch in Hong Kong or Singapore weakens the performance of OBU. Our study suggests that the government should maintain stable OBU policies, establish a mechanism for monetary clearance, and make more efforts to attract foreign experts to work in Taiwan.
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Cai, Shi Quan, and 蔡蒔銓. "臺灣地區OBU經營績效及政府開放政策效果之探討." Thesis, 1996.

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