Academic literature on the topic 'OBU'

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Journal articles on the topic "OBU"


Chang, Xin, Haijian Li, Jian Rong, Zhufei Huang, Xiaoxuan Chen, and Yunlong Zhang. "Effects of on-Board Unit on Driving Behavior in Connected Vehicle Traffic Flow." Journal of Advanced Transportation 2019 (February 6, 2019): 1–12.

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Connected vehicle technology has potentials to increase traffic safety, reduce traffic pollution, and ease traffic congestion. In the connected vehicle environment, the information interaction among people, cars, roads, and the environment is significantly enhanced, and driver behavior will change accordingly due to increased external stimulation. This paper designed a Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) on-board unit (OBU) based on driving demand. In addition, a simulation platform for the interconnection and communication between the OBU and simulator was built. Thirty-one test drivers were investigated to drive an instrumented vehicle in four scenarios, with and without the OBU under two different traffic states. Collected trajectory data of the subject vehicle and the vehicle in front, as well as sociodemographic characteristics of the test drivers were used to evaluate the potential impact of such OBUs on driving behavior and traffic safety. Car-following behavior is an essential component of microsimulation models. This paper also investigated the impacts of the V2V OBU on car-following behaviors. Considering the car-following related indicators, the k-Means algorithm was used to categorize different car-following modes. The results show that the OBU has a positive impact on drivers in terms of speed, front distance, and the time to stable regime. Furthermore, drivers’ opinions show that the system is acceptable and useful in general.
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Czakler, Matthias, Christine Artner, Christian Maurer, and Ulrich Schubert. "Calix[4]arene Derivatives of Titanium and Zirconium Alkoxides." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung B 69, no. 11-12 (December 1, 2014): 1253–59.

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Abstract Reaction of Ti(OBu)4 or Zr(OBu)4 with tbutyl-calix[4]arene, calixtBu(OH)4, led to the formation of Ti2(OBu)2[calixtBuO3(OH)]2 and Zr3(OBu)8(calixtBuO4), respectively. Upon in situ generation of water in the reaction with Zr(OBu)4, the partially hydrolyzed compound Zr4O(OBu)6(calixtBuO4)2 (BuOH)2 was isolated.
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Polanowska-Sygulska, Beata. "Pluralizm wartości i holizm prawniczy." Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 81, no. 3 (September 30, 2019): 281–93.

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Celem artykułu jest skonfrontowanie ze sobą dwóch stanowisk, przynależnych do różnych obszarów szeroko rozumianej refleksji filozoficznej – pluralizmu etycznego, którym od lat zajmuje się autorka niniejszego tekstu, oraz holizmu prawniczego, zaproponowanego przez Adama Zienkiewicza w jego niedawno wydanej książce. Punktem wyjścia do zestawienia obu pozycji jest ich charakterystyka, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem uwikłanych w nich założeń. Przeprowadzona analiza pozwala wysunąć tezę o zaskakującej przystawalności obu wchodzących w grę stanowisk. Nie tylko bowiem harmonizują one ze sobą, lecz także wzajemnie się dopełniają. W efekcie oba zyskują: pluralizm wartości przełożenie na idee, które mają stricte praktyczne zastosowanie, zaś holizm prawniczy – mocne ugruntowanie w etyce.
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Draguła, Andrzej. "Przepowiadanie do niewierzących a dialog z niewierzącymi." Teologia Praktyczna, no. 19 (December 15, 2018): 7–24.

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Dialog i ewangelizacja to dwie strategie Kościoła w odniesieniu do niewierzących. Wzajemną relację obu strategii można ujmować wykluczająco bądź komplementarnie. Celem artykułu jest wykazanie różnicy pomiędzy obiema strategiami. Punktem wyjścia jest wydarzenie przemówienia św. Pawła na ateńskim areopagu, gdzie został nazwany „spermologos”. Termin ten oznacza kogoś, kto „zbiera słowa”. Dialog można nazwać „zbieraniem słów”, ewangelizację – analogicznie –„zasiewem słów”. Oba te procesy mają inny cel i powinny być stosowane adekwatnie do sytuacji i kompetencji tego, kto podejmuje kontakt z niewierzącymi. W obu jednak przypadkach istotnym elementem jest wiara człowieka Kościoła, którego ten niewierzący spotyka. Ona bowiem stanowi o tożsamości zarówno tego, kto podejmuje dialog, jak i tego, kto ewangelizuje.
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Ibrahim, Maged Hamada. "Noninteractive, Anonymously Authenticated, and Traceable Message Transmission for VANETs." International Journal of Vehicular Technology 2009 (January 24, 2009): 1–14.

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Unlike sensor and other ad-hoc wireless networks, vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANETs) are characterized by its high mobility which allows a very short communication interval among onboard units (OBUs) and between an OBU and road-side units (RSUs). This major characterization motivates the design of communication protocols that are noninteractive or at least require a very limited number of rounds between units. The challenging issue is that such protocols must satisfy a number of security services that could be complex by their nature. In secure VANETs protocols, anonymity and traceability are two important services, yet, achieving a satisfactory security level for both of them—with acceptable complexity—is not an easy task due to the contradicting requirements: anonymous transmission must not be traceable by any individual while if a transmission is traceable, then anonymity is threatened. Existing secure VANETs protocols for anonymous and traceable transmissions either, provide unconditional anonymity where traceability and revocation are impossible, or grant trust to a thirdparty not to reveal the identity of a unit unless there is a legal reason. In this paper, we propose the first secure VANET protocol that allows authenticated transmission among OBUs and RSUs and at the same time enjoys the following properties. (i) The transmission among OBUs and RSUs is noninteractive (i.e., a one-move transmission without any interactive setup requirements). (ii) The authenticated transmission between any pair of units is anonymous (i.e., no single authority knows any information about the identity of the communicating OBU). (iii) In serious road crimes (e.g., hit-and-run, road rage, etc.) and under court order, an OBU could be traced to its clear identity. We also show how our protocol could be used to setup a confidential session between any pair of units without relying on extensive number of interactive rounds.
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Kim, Dong-Young, Choon-Ho Lee, and Soon Ja Park. "Preparation of zirconia thin films by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition using ultrasonic nebulization." Journal of Materials Research 11, no. 10 (October 1996): 2583–87.

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Zirconia (ZrO2) thin films were prepared by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) using ultrasonic nebulization with new source materials, Zr(OBu)4, Zr(OBu)3(acac), Zr(OBu)2(acac)2, and Zr(OBu) (acac)3. This process is a simple and economic method to prepare oxide thin films. Zr(OBu)4 was successfully reacted with acetylacetone at a molar ratio of 1: 3. Polycrystalline thin films were deposited at a substrate temperature range from 300 to 550 °C. The substitution of alkoxy radicals by acetylacetone made the deposition rate higher and insensitive to substrate temperature. The films deposited below 450 °C mostly had a monoclinic structure, and those deposited above 450 °C had a tetragonal structure. The measured optical energy band gap of zirconia film was 5.32 eV.
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Drobiec, Łukasz. "Stan techniczny dwóch żelbetowych kominów o wysokości około 300 m." BUILDER 297, no. 4 (March 23, 2022): 28–30.

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Artykuł dotyczy stanu technicznego dwóch najwyższych kominów w Polsce, zlokalizowanych w Jaworznie oraz w Warszawie. Oba kominy mają konstrukcję żelbetową. Na obu obiektach przeprowadzono liczne prace diagnostyczne. Wykonywano nieniszczące i niszczące badania betonu i zbrojenia. Przeprowadzono szczegółowe oględziny z wykorzystaniem technik alpinistycznych. Określano ponadto stopień karbonatyzacji betonu. Wykonano obliczenia sprawdzające. Na podstawie uzyskanych wyników badań oraz analiz podano wytyczne dotyczące dalszej eksploatacji
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Michalski, Maciej. "Współczesne użycia dyskursu filozoficznego i literatury." Rocznik Filozoficzny Ignatianum 26, no. 2 (December 23, 2021): 125–42.

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W artykule omówiono trzy różne współczesne sposoby użycia filozofii i literatury w tekstach niefilozoficznych i nieliteraturoznawczych. Najczęściej oba dyskursy wykorzystuje się narzędziowo, przywołując je instrumentalnie (na przykład za sprawą cytatu) między innymi w piśmiennictwie popularyzatorskim czy dydaktyce. Filozofia i literatura mogą też zostać potraktowane jako źródło – punkt wyjścia refleksji poza macierzystym obszarem (na przykład w teorii literatury), a nawet przyczyna różnych procesów społecznych i politycznych (jak ma to miejsce w Drogach do niewolności Timothy’ego Snydera i Wojnach nowoczesnych plemion Michała Pawła Markowskiego). Najbardziej interesującym użyciem obu dyskursów jest odniesienie się do nich jako do symptomu – znaku czasu pozwalającego na stawianie diagnoz dotyczących współczesności (tak dzieje się między innymi w Po roku 1945. Latencja jako źródło współczesności Hansa Ulricha Gumbrechta czy Rysach na tafli. Teoria w polu psychoanalitycznym Andrzeja Ledera, a w wypadku literatury u Agaty Sikory w Wolności, równości, przemocy oraz esejach Zygmunta Baumana i Przemysława Czaplińskiego). Te sposoby wykorzystania obu dyskursów pokazują podobieństwa literatury i filozofii w wymiarze wyłącznie pragmatycznym, ale zarazem istotnym dla ich współczesnego funkcjonowania w sferze pozaspecjalistycznej. Zbieżność w tym zakresie jest świadectwem przemian pozycji obu dyskursów we współczesnej humanistyce polegających na utracie przez nie uprzywilejowanej (choć coraz bardziej marginalnej) pozycji. Zarazem literatura i filozofia w tej kryzysowej dla nich sytuacji zyskują nowe obszary oddziaływania w dyskursie publicznym, realizując swój poznawczy i refleksyjny potencjał za pomocą użytkowego ich wykorzystania.
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Kamiński, Marcin. "Kto strzeże konkurencji na rynku energetycznym? Między Prezesem URE a Prezesem UOKiK — wybrane zagadnienia." Prawo 329 (July 22, 2020): 299–310.

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Artykuł jest omówieniem wybranych zagadnienień dotyczących wzajemnych relacji między Prezesem URE i Prezesem UOKiK w kontekście zapewniania konkurencji w sektorze energetycznym. W pracy przedstawiono zarys rozdzielenia uprawnień obu organów wynikający z orzecznictwa Sądu Najwyższego oraz poglądów doktryny. Na przykładzie zasady dostępu stron trzecich oraz postanowień rozporządzenia REMIT autor starał się dowieść tezy o komplementar-ności zakresu zadań obu organów oraz niezbędności ich współpracy. Wskazano, że mnogość po-tencjalnych działań stosowanych przez przedsiębiorstwa energetyczne wymaga współdziałania ze strony organów w ramach podzielonych kompetencji. W celu udowodnienia, że do zbliżonych sta-nów faktycznych zastosowanie mogą mieć zarówno przepisy regulacji sektorowych, jak i przepisy o ochronie konkurencji, autor przytoczył praktykę decyzyjną Komisji oraz organów w innych pań-stwach członkowskich UE. Podsumowując rozważania podjęte w niniejszym artykule, stwierdzono, że kluczem do realizacji celu polegającego na zapewnieniu skutecznych mechanizmów ochrony konkurencji jest współpraca i chęć wykonywania istniejących kompetencji przez oba organy strze-gące konkurencji w sektorze energetycznym.
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Nugroho, Wibowo Harso, Nanang J. H. Purnomo1, Ogi Ivano, and S. Handoyo. "Rekayasa Desain dan Analisis Struktur perangkat dasar laut Ocean Bottom Unit (OBU) untuk INA – TEWS." Rekayasa Energi Manufaktur 1, no. 2 (April 11, 2017): 49.

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This paper briefly describes the design and analysis of the structure of ocean bottom units (OBU) as a pair of surface buoys to detect tsunami early. This engineering work such as any other marine construction is based on naval architecture. The design concept OBU is firstly made then the stability calculation is conducted, finally the structural strength is calculated for load case of hydrostatic and impact as the OBU landed on approximately 2000m of ocean depths.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "OBU"


Tätte, Tanel. "High viscosity sn(OBu)₄ oligomeric concentrates and their applications in technology /." Online version, 2006.

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Obu, Jaroslav [Verfasser], and Hugues [Akademischer Betreuer] Lantuit. "Effect of mass wasting on soil organic carbon storage and coastal erosion in permafrost environments / Jaroslav Obu ; Betreuer: Hugues Lantuit." Potsdam : Universität Potsdam, 2015.

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Matshidiso, Mekube Norah. "Educators' perceptions of Outcomes-Based Education (OBE) assessment / Mekube Norah Matshidiso." Thesis, North-West University, 2007.

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Dias, João Miguel Requeijo. "Sistema para pagamento de portagens baseado em smartphone." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013.

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Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e Telecomunicações
Desde a década de 60 que a criação de sistemas de pagamento em infraestruturas rodoviárias tem suscitado interesse entre os governos dos países desenvolvidos, dadas as suas vantagens económicas no que toca à amortização dos investimentos incorridos e à implementação de políticas baseadas no princípio do utilizador pagador. Com a crescente utilização das redes rodoviárias como meio de transporte de mercadorias e pessoas, as questões ambientais, de segurança e de fluidez de trânsito começaram a tornar-se temas relevantes para o desenvolvimento sustentado das sociedades modernas. Assim, o investimento em inovação e tecnologia dos sistemas eletrónicos de pagamento de portagens, tem sido constante nos últimos anos. Hoje em dia, a maioria dos membros da União Europeia possuem serviços de pagamento de portagens eletrónicas, pois comprovou-se que estes acarretam não só benefícios económicos, mas também benefícios para o cidadão comum, em termos de segurança e qualidade de vida. Contudo, cada país criou os seus sistemas ou serviços, aplicados a circunstâncias específicas e seguindo estratégias díspares, o que levou à proliferação de sistemas de portagem incompatíveis, alguns a nível tecnológico, o que torna a interoperabilidade destes, um desafio atual. O esforço desenvolvido pela Comissão Europeia para superar este desafio levou à criação do Sistema Eletrónico Europeu de Portagem (SEEP). Na presente dissertação elaborou-se um estudo dos sistemas eletrónicos de pagamento de portagem utilizados na União Europeia, no qual se identificaram algumas limitações para além da falta de interoperabilidade, tal como a ausência de um interface entre o utilizador e os operadores de portagens, que dificultam a utilização dos sistemas eletrónicos de portagem em determinados cenários, como o de car sharing, por exemplo. No sentido de atacar esta questão, desenvolveu-se um sistema denominado Charge Collector System (C2S). Para além da conceptualização da estrutura e do modo de funcionamento, ainda se produziu uma prova de conceito. Esta congrega uma unidade de bordo, ou On Board Unit (OBU) baseada em Linux, capaz de comunicar com um smartphone, para o qual se criou uma aplicação móvel, baseada em Android. A aplicação disponibiliza um interface gráfico onde o utilizador poderá consultar os registos de portagem incorridos e submetê-los para pagamento. Foram ainda realizados testes de estrada e exibidos os seus resultados. Os trabalhos desenvolvidos, no âmbito desta dissertação, resultam num modelo ilustrativo, ou prova de conceito, de uma unidade de bordo e de uma aplicação móvel, capaz de expressar toda a experiência de utilização inerente ao funcionamento do sistema C2S, demonstrando o registo de portagens, a posterior transmissão destas para o smartphone e a consulta das mesmas em formato de aplicação móvel.
Since the 60’s, the implementation of the toll collection systems has raised interest by the governments of developed countries, due to its economical benefits in terms of the amortization of the incurred investments and the execution of laws based in the user pays principle. The high increasing of road networks, to transport people and goods, put the environmental and security issues, as well as the traffic flow concerns, much more relevant to enhance the sustainable development of modern societies. Thereby, the investment in innovation and technology of electronic toll collection has been a constant on the last years. Nowadays, most of the European Union members have electronic toll collection on their road networks, because it was proved that its usage leads, not only economical benefits, but also benefits directly to the people, promoting security and quality of life. However each country developed and applied their services or systems in di↵erent circumstances, following disparate strategies that led to dissemination of incompatible ETC systems, some of them at the technological level, which makes the implementation of the interoperability feature a real challenge. The European Commission e↵orts have been developed near the creation of the European Electronic Toll Service (EETS), trying to surpass this pitfall. On this dissertation, it was developed a study about electronic toll collection used in the European Union, where it was highlighted some of their limitations beyond the interoperability feature, such as the lack of the user interface that difficult the use of ETC services in some scenarios, for instance in the car sharing business. Moreover, it was developed a system, named Charge Collector Sytem (C2S), where it was elaborated all the structure and the operating mode, as well produced a proof of the concept. This model proof gathers one On Board Unit (OBU) based in Linux systems, able to communicate with a smartphone, for which it was developed an Android mobile application. This mobile application provides a user interface where it is shown the incurred toll logs and where it is possible to send them to a payment system. It was also developed several tests and showed some results. The project developed under this dissertation resulted in the proof of the concept, constituted by the OBU and the mobile application, where the user can experience the functions of the system C2S, related with the tolling registration, the logs transmission to the smartphone and the logs query on the mobile application.
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Lundie, Samuel. "Ondersoek na uitkomsgebaseerde assessering in Suid-Afrikaanse skole / deur Samuel Lundie." Thesis, North-West University, 2009.

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The implementation of outcomes-based education (OBE) in South African schools brought radical changes to the teaching profession. The transition to an OBE curriculum exerted a great impact on teachers' assessment practices and required a major revision of teaching and learning activities. Outcomes-based assessment (OBA) does not only require of teachers to design appropriate assessment plans, assessment programmes and assessment strategies, but it also implies that learners should be provided with expanded and 89Propriate opportunities to achieve in accordance with their abilities. Thus, it is of the utmost importance that the training of teachers should not only focus on the demands that OBA make on the learner, but specifically on what OBA expects from the teacher. The main aim of assessment is to promote teaching and learning, which implies that teachers must assess in such a way that quality information about learner performance will be produced. The teacher must record and interpret this information carefully, in order to enable professional and accountable decisions about learner performance and to give constructive feedback to learners and their parents. Easier said than done! The implementation of OBE and specifically OBA elicited serious debates and fierce criticism from a variety of sources. Since the implementation of OBE, quite a number of newspaper reports reflected the negativity of teachers, educationists and other role players towards OBE and particularly OBA. OBE and OBA have become problematic and controversial issues in South Africa. In light of the above mentioned the purpose of this study was to determine the nature, scope and causes of the problems experienced with OBA in South African schools and come forward with practical, supportive recommendations that could alleviate and/or improve the situation. In order to determine the difficulties experienced with OBA empirical, quantitative and qualitative research methods were utilised. A structured questionnaire, with closed and open items, was sent to a representative sample of South African public schools. The resultant data was qualitatively and quantitatively analysed and the following main findings emerged from the research: 1. The training that teachers receive from the education department is inadequate for the successful implementation of OBA in South African schools. 2. Teachers' knowledge of OBE, and more specifically OBA, is too superficial to implement OBA successfully. 3. The assessment practices of teachers reflect that they have not yet made the transition from traditional and conventional types of assessment to authentic OBA. Assessment is primarily used for summative purposes and not for formative purposes, as is supposed to be the case. 4. The education department do not adequately support and empower teachers for the successful implementation of OBA. In light of the research findings, recommendations were made to promote the implementation of OBA in schools.
Die implementering van uitkomsgebaseerde onderwys (UGO) in Suid-Afrikaanse skole het radikale veranderinge vir die onderwysprofessie teweeggebring. Die oorgang na 'n UGOkurrikulum het 'n diepgaande impak op onderwysers se assesseringspraktyke gehad en het grootskaalse wysigings van onderrig-en leeraktiwiteite ingehou. Uitkomsgebaseerde assessering (UGA) verlang nie net van onderwysers om toepaslike assesseringsplanne, assesseringsprogramme en assesseringstrategiee te ontwerp nie, maar ook om aan leerders uitgebreide en toepaslike geleenthede te bied om volgens hulle vermoe te presteer. Dit is dus uiters belangrik dat daar in die opleiding van onderwysers nie net gelet sal word op wat UGA van die leerder vereis nie, maar spesifiek op wat UGA van die onderwyser verwag. Die hoofdoel van assessering is om onderrig en leer te bevorder en onderwysers moet dus op so 'n wyse assesseer dat dit kwaliteitinligting oor leerderprestasie lewer. Die onderwyser moet hierdie inligting noukeurig rekordeer en interpreteer, sodat professionele en verantwoordbare besluite oor leerderprestasie geneem kan word en op 'n konstruktiewe wyse aan leerders en hulle ouers oorgedra kan word. Makliker gese as gedaan! Die implementering van UGO, en in besonder UGA, het 'n hewige debat en felle kritiek uit verskillende oorde ontlok. Talle koerantberigte het sedert die implementering van UGO die negatiwiteit van onderwysers, opvoedkundiges en ander rolspelers teenoor UGO en in die besonder UGA weerspieel. UGO en UGA het 'n problematiese en kontroversiele aangeleentheid in Suid-Afrika geword. Teen die agtergrond van bogenoemde, was die doel van hierdie ondersoek om die aard, omvang en oorsake van die UGO-assesseringsknelpunte in Suid-Afrikaanse skole te bepaal en om met praktykgerigte, hulpverlenende aanbevelings na vore te kom om die situasie te verlig en/of te verbeter. Ten einde die problematiek van UGA empiries te bepaal is daar van beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodes gebruik gemaak. 'n Gestruktureerde vraelys (met geslote en oop items) is aan 'n verteenwoordigende steekproef van Suid-Afrikaanse staatskole gestuur. Die ingesamelde data is kwalitatief en kwantitatief geanaliseer en die volgende hoofbevindinge het uit die ondersoek voortgespruit: 1. Die opleiding wat onderwysers van die onderwysdepartement ontvang, is ontoereikend vir die suksesvolle implementering van UGA in Suid-Afrikaanse skole. 2. Onderwysers se kennis van UGO, en meer spesifiek UGA, is te oppervlakkig om UGA prakties suksesvol te implementeer. 3. Die assesseringspraktyke van onderwysers weerspieel dat hulle nog nie van die tradisionele en konvensionele tipes van assessering wegbeweeg het, na outentieke UGA toe nie. Assessering word ook oorwegend vir summatiewe doeleindes aangewend en nie vir formatiewe doeleindes, so os dit veronderstel is om te gebeur nie. 4. Onderwysers word ook nie toereikend deur die onderwysdepartement ondersteun en bemagtig om UGA suksesvol te implementeer nie. Aan die hand van die bevindinge is aanbevelings, te, bevordering van UGA-implementering in skole, gemaak.
Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2010.
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Böhm, Jannic. "Regulation der BOB. 1-OBF. 1-Expression und der BOB. 1-OBF. 1-Proteinstabilität." [S.l. : s.n.], 2001.

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Bockondas, Serge. "L' ONU et l'assistance électorale." Paris 1, 2002.

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Jadis le choix des gouvernants par leurs citoyens n'était pas une question qui relevait du droit international public, parce que ce droit ne reconnaissait que les Etats et était indifférent aux régimes politiques que ceux-ci incarnaient, pourvu qu'ils soient effectifs. Ainsi, à part quelques exceptions, l'attitude traditionnelle de l'Organisation des Nations Unies en matière d'assistance électorale était de pas s'immiscer dans les affaires intérieures des Etats, par respect du principe de souveraineté des Etats. Or, aujourd'hui avec l'émergence de l'assistance électorale, les Nations Unies, non seulement, font de l'élection des gouvernants par les gouvernés un moyen pour régler et prévenir nombre de conflits au sein des Etats, mais également un procédé par lequel la démocratie pluraliste peut s'enraciner sur le plan interne. Si dans sa forme de règlement et de prévention de conflit, l'assistance électorale est très ancienne et plus conforme à la vocation des Nations Unies, dans sa forme d'assise à la démocratie pluraliste, elle est d'apparition récente. Aussi avec ce processus de démocratisation de l'Etat, n'apparaît-il pas également un principe de légitimité démocratique qui, certes, est encore à l'état embryonnaire mais que l'ONU doit conforter.
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Pavlů, Karel. "Řešení proudění v lidském oku." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta strojního inženýrství, 2008.

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The vitreous cavity, the largest chamber of the eye, is delimited anteriorly by the lens and posteriorly by the retina and is filled by the vitreous humour. Under normal conditions the vitreous humour has the consistency of a gel, however, typically, with advancing age a disintegration of the gel structure occurs, leading to a vitreous liquefaction. Moreover, after a surgical procedure called vitrectomy the vitreous body may be completely removed and replaced by tamponade fluids. Besides allowing the establishment of an unhindered path of light from the lens to the retina, the vitreous also has important mechanical functions. In particular, it has the role of supporting the retina in contact to the outer layers of the eye, and of acting as a diffusion barrier for molecule transport between the anterior and the posterior segments of the eye. Studying the dynamics of the vitreous induced by eye rotations (saccadic movements) is important in connection of both the above aspects. On the one hand indications exist that the shear stress exerted by the vitreous on the retina may be connected with the occurrence of retinal detachment. On the other hand, if the vitreous motion is intense enough (a situation occurring either when the vitreous is liqueed or when it has been replaced with a uid after vitrectomy), advective transport may be by far more important than diffusion and may have complex characteristics. Advection has indeed been shown to play an important role in the transport phenomena within the vitreous cavity, but, so far, only advection due to the slow overall fluid ux from the anterior to the posterior segments of the eye has been accounted for, while fluid motion due to eye rotations, even if it is generally believed to play an important role, has been invariably disregarded. Some recent contributions have pointed out the importance of accounting for the real vitreous cavity shape in studying uid motion induced by eye rotations. Modelling the vitreous cavity as a deformed sphere, showed that the flow field displays very complex three- dimensional characteristics to which effective fluid mixing is likely to be associated. The purpose of the thesis is to model numerically the motion of the liqueed vitreous within the vitreous cavity induced by different eye movements. Create the model in the Comsol interface, compare the results with theoretical, experimental measurements and do some ow visualizations. Finally show the dependence of the streaming intensity from the amplitude of rotations and the Womersley number .
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Lyder, David A. "Star formation in camelopardalis, Cam OB1." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.

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Kechrtová, Kristýna. "Certifikovaná dětská obuv a její propagace." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2008.

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Tato diplomová práce se zabývá analýzou současné nabídky dětské obuvi v prodejní síti v Praze a porovnává ji s nabídkou ve Zlínském kraji. Jednak byla mapována situace v oblasti nabídky přímo v prodejní síti a dále byly analyzovány názory a připomínky rodičů k současné nabídce dětské obuvi. Z tohoto důvodu byly vytvořeny dva různé dotazníky. Jeden pro prodejce dětské obuvi a druhý pro nakupující. Na základě získaných informací byla vyhodnocena osvětová činnost k dobrovolně certifikované obuvi ?Žirafa? a navrhnut další postup v marketingové propagaci formou podpory prodeje.
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Books on the topic "OBU"


Abūev, Pūlod. Obu otash. Dushanbe: Kishovarz, 2010.

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Tēsuto obu nigamushi. Tōkyō: Chūō Kōron Shinsha, 2007.

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Lamb, John Lowry. Endo obu samā. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 1995.

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Tōdō, Shizuko. Songu obu sandē. Tōkyō: Bungei Shunjū, 2000.

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L, James E. Fifuti sheizu obu gurei. Tōkyō: Hayakawa Shobō, 2012.

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Nakajima, Ramo. Bando obu za naito. Tōkyō: Kōdansha, 2000.

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Po obu stronach twarzy. Rzeszów: Krajowa Agencja Wydawnicza, 1986.

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Wójcik, Piotr. Cyganie z obu stron Karpat. Warszawa: Wydawn. Książkowe Twój Styl, 2000.

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Edimoh, Florence. Olumba Olumba Obu: The universal leader. Calibar, Nigeria: Brotherhood of the Cross and Star, 1990.

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Obu, O. O. Unique teachings of leader O.O. Obu. [Calabar, Nigeria: Brotherhood Executives (BEC), 1991.

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Book chapters on the topic "OBU"


Kayasth, Bhavin A., and Rachna M. Patel. "ITS Based OBU: A Fallback Mechanism in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Network." In Communications in Computer and Information Science, 196–209. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Ganeshkumar, N., and Sanjay Kumar. "OBU (On-Board Unit) Wireless Devices in VANET(s) for Effective Communication—A Review." In Computational Methods and Data Engineering, 191–202. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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Kirchner, Claude, Hélène Kirchner, and Aristide Mégrelis. "OBJ for OBJ." In Advances in Formal Methods, 307–30. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Gooch, Jan W. "OBP." In Encyclopedic Dictionary of Polymers, 497. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2011.

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Johannessen, Janne Bondi, Kristin Hagen, André Lynum, and Anders Nøklestad. "OBT+stat." In Exploring Newspaper Language, 51–66. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2012.

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Eickhoff, Jens. "OBC Development." In Onboard Computers, Onboard Software and Satellite Operations, 75–80. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.

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Buhr, Maylin de. "Postma, Obe." In Kindlers Literatur Lexikon (KLL), 1. Stuttgart: J.B. Metzler, 2020.

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Goguen, Joseph A., Timothy Winkler, José Meseguer, Kokichi Futatsugi, and Jean-Pierre Jouannaud. "Introducing OBJ." In Advances in Formal Methods, 3–167. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.

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Gao, Hua, Volker Lantzsch, Bodo Odendall, Matthias Kötter, Andreas Pungs, Bernd Wolkenar, Chris Louen, et al. "Session OBD – OBD für Pkw und Nfz." In Internationaler Motorenkongress 2015, 469–564. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2015.

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Matera, Marc, Misty L. Bastian, and Susan Kingsley Kent. "The Ogu Umunwaanyi." In The Women's War of 1929, 132–62. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "OBU"


Sun, Fukang, Qiansheng Fang, and Hao Meng. "Research of OBU in ETC Based on ARM." In 2008 4th International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing (WiCOM). IEEE, 2008.

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Yang, Cheng-xiang, and Xiao-han Guan. "Design of 5.83GHz Microstrip Antenna Used in the OBU." In 2nd International Conference on Information, Electronics and Computer. Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2014.

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Liu, Yunxiang, Jianlin Zhu, Xinxin Yuan, Yu Zhang, Qi Xu, Chunya Wang, and Qianxun Guan. "Simulation of Automatic Overtaking Based on OBU and RSU." In 2021 3rd International Conference on Computer Science and Technologies in Education (CSTE). IEEE, 2021.

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Kihei, Billy, and Robert Kwiecinski. "Best Practices in OBU Antenna Procurement for Connected Vehicle Deployments." In WCX World Congress Experience. 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA, United States: SAE International, 2018.

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Zhang Wei, Li Yue-hui, and Jing Wei-ping. "A study on MAC sublayer of OBU in ETC system." In 2010 International Conference on Computer Application and System Modeling (ICCASM 2010). IEEE, 2010.

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Sassi, Aymen, Faiza Charfi, Lotfi Kamoun, Yassin Elhillali, and Atika Rivenq. "Experimental measurement for vehicular communication evaluation using OBU ARADA System." In 2015 International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC). IEEE, 2015.

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Sun, Ling, and Ya-meng Li. "OBU Identified Traffic Flow Characteristics Research Based on ITS SPOT Data." In 15th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. Reston, VA: American Society of Civil Engineers, 2015.

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Yi, Wenxiong, Fei Ma, Bowen Rao, Xiaofan Yu, Guoping Tan, and Siyuan Zhou. "A HIL platform for evaluating OBU performance in C-V2X scenarios." In 2021 International Conference on Intelligent Traffic Systems and Smart City, edited by Fengxin Cen and Guoping Tan. SPIE, 2022.

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Zou, Jingjing, Siheng Zhu, Kun Feng, Chao Guo, Jun Hu, and Xin Lv. "Design of low power wake-up circuits applied to OBU system chip." In 2012 International Conference on Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology (ICMMT). IEEE, 2012.

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Kong, Haiyang, Wei Chen, Shuaizhi Fu, Hongjiang Zheng, Luyao Du, and Yan Mao. "OBU Design and Test Analysis with Centimeter-Level Positioning for LTE-V2X." In 2019 5th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS). IEEE, 2019.

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Reports on the topic "OBU"


Długosz, Piotr, Liudmyla Kryvachuk, and Olena Shyyan. Praktyki społeczne w czasie pandemii covid-19 wśród polskiej i ukraińskiej młodzieży. Academicon Press, February 2021.

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Abstrakt: Raport prezentuje wyniki badań dotyczące polskich i ukraińskich uczniów przebywających w domach podczas lockdownu. Głównym celem badawczym była próba odpowiedzenia na pytanie o to, w jaki sposób sobie radzą uczniowie z zagrożeniem pandemią COVID-19, a także czy pojawiają się różnice między młodzieżą polską i ukraińską w zakresie stosunku do pandemii, dobrostanu psychologicznego, reakcji na zagrożenie, wykorzystywania internetu w kwarantannie, form spędzania czasu wolnego oraz oceny zdalnego nauczania i jego wpływu na szanse życiowe i edukacyjne. Badania w obu krajach zostały przeprowadzone za pomocą ankiety online. W Polsce zrealizowano badania na próbie 1768, a na Ukrainie na próbie 2291 respondentów. Wyniki badań pokazują, że młodzież jest zainteresowana problematyką pandemii, śledzi jej przebieg. Poziom obaw uczniów przed zarażeniem się koronawirusem jest niski. Młodzież cechuje się dobrostanem psychologicznym i preferuje aktywne strategie walki z zagrożeniem. Większość swojego czasu spędza w internecie. Wykorzystuje go głównie do zdalnej edukacji, komunikacji z rówieśnikami oraz rozrywki. W czasie offline uczniowie najczęściej słuchają muzyki, uprawiają aktywność fizyczną i spacerują po okolicy. Niewielka część respondentów angażuje się w pomoc seniorom. Negatywnie oceniają zdalne nauczanie i uważają, że kwarantanna nie wpłynie zbyt silnie na ich szanse życiowe.
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Demir, Abdullah. Oku Okut Derneği Faaliyet Raporu-2021. Oku Okut Yayınları, February 2022.

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Öğrencilerin okuma becerilerini geliştirmek ve topluma okuma alışkanlığı kazandırmak amacıyla projeler üretmeyi ve bu alanda ücretsiz hizmet sunmayı görev edinen Oku Okut Derneği, 07 Aralık 2020 tarihinde Ankara’da kuruldu. Kanunlar çerçevesinde faaliyet gösteren bir sivil toplum kuruluşu olan Derneğimiz, toplum yararı için eğitim alanında sahip olduğu programlarla, okuma alışkanlığının artırılması amacıyla faaliyetler yürütmektedir. Oku Okut Derneği’nin misyonu; kendini, tarihini, kültürünü ve dünyayı bilme yolunda olan öğrencilerimize, bilimsel veriler ve uluslararası başarılı uygulama örnekleri perspektifinde okuma alışkanlığı kazandırmak ve bu alışkanlığın tüm toplumda yaygınlaşmasını sağlamaktır. Oku Okut Derneği’nin hedef kitlesi; öncelikle öğrencilerimiz, vatandaşlarımız ve yurt dışında yaşayan soydaşlarımızdır. Oku Okut Derneği’nin kapsama ve hizmet alanı; yapay zekâ ve çevrim içi teknolojik imkânlarla yakın planda Türkiye, gelecekte tüm dünyadır. Oku Okut Derneği’nin vizyonu; okuma alışkanlığı kazandırmada ve kitap okumayı desteklemede Türkiye’nin KIZILAY’ı olmaktır. Oku Okut Derneği’nin amacı, öğrencilere “kitap okuma alışkanlığı” kazandırmak ve bu alışkanlığı toplumda yaygınlaştırmak amacıyla kapsamlı akademik araştırmalar yaparak her durum için özel “okuma projeleri” üretmektir. Yürütülecek projelerle eğitim-öğretimin her kademesindeki öğrenciler için kitaplarla buluşma imkânları oluşturulacaktır. Okuma-anlama becerilerinin geliştirilmesi için her okuyucuya yapay zekâ ve eğitim danışmanları aracılığıyla rehberlik hizmeti verilecektir. Ayrıca alanında uzman öğretim üyelerinin danışmanlığında ilkokul, ortaokul, lise, lisans, yüksek lisans ve doktora öğrencilerine yönelik çevrim içi okuma kulüpleri oluşturularak öğrencilerin yazarlarla buluşması sağlanacaktır. Proje kapsamında gayretli ve başarılı olan öğrencilerin ödüllendirilmesi; maddi imkânı kısıtlı olan ilkokul, ortaokul ve lise öğrencilerine yönelik ücretsiz çevrim içi canlı destek kurslarının düzenlenmesi de hedeflenmektedir. Oku Okut Derneği’nin projelerine ve sunduğu hizmetlere katılım tamamen ücretsizdir ve adresinden kayıtla gerçekleşmektedir. Oku Okut Akademi, 27 Mart 2021 tarihinde Oku Okut Derneği tarafından kurulmuş online akademik eğitim platformudur. Oku Okut Akademi, uzaktan eğitimin getirdiği teknolojik imkanlarla Oku Okut Derneği tarafından yürütülen bir uzaktan eğitim projesidir. Oku Okut Akademi: Online Akademik Eğitim Platformu Projesi'nde tüm seviyelerdeki öğreciler ile çeşitli sebeplerden dolayı eğitimini tamamlayamamış vatandaşlarımızın desteklenmesi, katılımcılara uzaktan eğitim teknolojisi ile öğretmen ve materyal desteği sağlanması öngörülmektedir. Projeyle; ihtiyaç duyduğu bilgiyi arayan öğrencilerin ve dezavantajlı grupların desteklenmesi ve kendini geliştirmek isteyen bireylere imkân sağlanması amaçlanmaktadır. Oku Okut Akademi'nin hedefi, bireylerde oluşan deneyim ve uzmanlık bilgilerinin diğer bireylere ücretsiz olarak aktarılabilmesine imkân sağlayacak dijital eğitim platformunun hayata geçirilmesidir. Tüm bireyler; “öğrenen” veya “öğreten” olarak projede yer alabilmektedir. Oku Okut Akademi; içerisinde uzaktan eğitim (LMS) ve canlı yayın sistemleri, video, doküman ve haber portalları gibi bilgi üretim ve aktarım teknolojilerini içeren güçlü bir altyapıyı ile tüm katılımcılara ücretsiz olarak hizmet sunmaktadır.
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Baker, Scott E., Kenneth S. Bruno, Mark G. Butcher, James R. Collett, David E. Culley, Ziyu Dai, Jon K. Magnuson, and Ellen A. Panisko. PNNL Fungal Biotechnology Core DOE-OBP Project. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), November 2009.

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MARTIN MARIETTA SPACE SYSTEMS INC DENVER CO. Technical Progress for IDDGA - OBP Upgrade. Revision. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, November 1991.

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MARTIN MARIETTA SPACE SYSTEMS INC DENVER CO. Technical Progress for IDDGA - OBP Upgrade. Revision. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, September 1990.

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Tate, G., N. J. Cagle, J. Moersch, I. Jun, A. C. Martin, and L. M. Martinez Sierra. Near-field infrared spectroscopy of monolayer MnPS3 (OBJ file) - Near-field infrared spectroscopy of monolayer MnPS3 (OBJ file). University of Tennessee, Knoxville, January 2018.

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Neal, Sabine N., and Janice Musfeldt. Near-field infrared spectroscopy of monolayer MnPS3 (OBJ file) - Near-field infrared spectroscopy of monolayer MnPS3 (OBJ file). University of Tennessee, Knoxville, October 2019.

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Higginbotham, J. F. OSU Reactor Sharing Program FY 1995 annual report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1996.

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Brown, Donald W., Bjorn Clausen, Thomas A. Sisneros, and Maria A. Okuniewski. Neutron Diffraction Measurement of Residual Stresses in ?OSU Plate.? Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2013.

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Lee, T. H., and R. C. Rudduck. Microwave Antenna Technology: OSU Reflector Antenna Code. User's Manual. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 1987.

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