Academic literature on the topic 'Observatoire de la tactique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Observatoire de la tactique"
Picard, Gilbert. "Tactique hellénistique et tactique romaine : le commandement." Comptes-rendus des séances de l année - Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres 136, no. 1 (1992): 173–86.
Full textBarazer, Claude. "« Tactique russe »." Champ psychosomatique 27, no. 3 (2002): 113.
Full textMaudet, Nolwenn. "Design tactique." Tèque N° 3, no. 1 (March 13, 2023): 40–69.
Full textVerneuil, Henri Laurent. "Tactique et politique." Commentaire Numéro67, no. 3 (1994): 700.
Full textFernandez, Irène. "« Tactique du diable »." Communio N° 261, no. 1 (January 1, 2019): 95–100.
Full textDecosse, Michel Henri. "Éthique et tactique." International Orthodontics 2, no. 1 (March 2004): 5–6.
Full textGrataloup, Christian. "La tactique moustique." La Géographie N° 1579, no. 4 (October 1, 2020): 66–67.
Full textLablanche, J. M., P. Amouyel, and S. Hoden. "Observatoire OSCAR. Observatoire des syndromes coronaires aigus." Annales de Cardiologie et d'Angéiologie 52, no. 4 (August 2003): 205–11.
Full textLévy, Patrick. "Observatoire MICI." Acta Endoscopica 34, S1 (October 2004): 409.
Full textYerlès, Pierre. "Pour une tactique didactique." Spirale. Revue de recherches en éducation 8, no. 1 (1992): 77–84.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Observatoire de la tactique"
Mortelier, Alexis. "Οbservatοire de la tactique en (e-)spοrt cοllectif." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Full textThis thesis explores game dynamics and collective performance by alternating between analyses of traditional sports, such as handball, and e-sports, such as DotA2 and OverWatch. The aim is to segment the data processing process into several stages, each providing a specific understanding. By adopting a comparative approach between sport and e-sport, this work not only distinguishes the different stages of data processing, but also offers an overview of (e-)sport analysis. The first contribution is the development of techniques for representing handball matches using dynamic graphs, and the simplification of trajectories in DotA2 using geometric indices. The second contribution focuses on the definition and calculation of performance metrics, essential for machine learning. Expected goal (xG) models for handball and commitment factors in OverWatch have been developed as targets for algorithms. The third contribution is the creation of a tactical observatory dedicated to handball, and the study of geometric configurations in DotA2 that lead to key events. These analyses deepen our understanding of the tactics that influence the course of matches
Chauhan, Satyaveer singh. "Chaîne d'approvisionnement: approaches stratégique et tactique." Phd thesis, Université de Metz, 2003.
Full textDans la seconde partie de la thèse, des problèmes de recherche opérationnelle liés aux chaînes d'approvisionnement vues au niveau stratégique sont exposés. Il s'agit en particulier de problèmes relatifs à la sélection des partenaires d'une chaîne d'approvisionnement.
Enfin, la dernière partie de la thèse est dédiée à des problèmes sensibles au niveau tactique dans l'environnement des chaînes d'approvisionnement. Il s'agit d'ordonnancement en temps réel d'assemblage lorsque les composants sont sous-traités et de la conception d'un processus de partage des bénéfices et des pertes entre partenaires.
Chauhan, Satyaveer Singh. "Chaînes d'approvisionnement : approches stratégique et tactique." Metz, 2003.
Full textThis thesis is divided in three parts: The first part is devoted to the design of a supply chain at the strategic level. A systematic approach is proposed based on five macro-activities. Software has been developed to support this approach. It is presented in detail. In the second part of the thesis, solutions of O. R. Problems related to supply chains at the strategic level are proposed. In particular, models related to the selection of partners are developed. The last part of the thesis is dedicated to problems that are the most sensitive in a supply chain environment: real time scheduling, assembly problem when components are outsourced and definition of a sharing process in a specific example
Chauhan, Satyaveer Singh Proth Jean-Marie. "Chaînes d'approvisionnement approches stratégique et tactique /." Metz : Université Metz, 2008.
Full textGianessi, Paolo. "Optimisation Stratégique et tactique en logistique urbaine." Thesis, Paris 13, 2014.
Full textUrban freight transport is a matter of increasing concern in the economic, commercial, social and environmental operations of our cities, due to the constantly increasing growth and urbanization of the civilization. An improved managem ent of the traffic related to the freight transport can have a positive impact in many respects : security, congestion of the road network, noise and air pollution, costs. City Logistics studies the dynamic management of urban freight transport in order to deliver distribution systems solutions that may be suitable for both the community and freight carriers. This thesis originates from the ANR Project MODUM, which proposes a freight distribution system based on a ring of Urban Distribution Centers (UDCs) located in the outskirts of a city. In the first part, this system is studied from both a strategic and a tactical point of view. The Multicommodity-Ring Location Routing Problem (MRLRP) considers long-term decisions, i.e. the installation of the UDCs and the ring connection, without disregarding more tactical aspects. The MRLRP has been tackled by three solution methods, which proved effective on a large set of test instances. In the second part of the thesis, the Vehicle Routing Problem with Intermediate Replenishment Facilities (VRPIRF) is studied. The VRPIRF is a more tactical problem that arises in City Logistics each time both the multi-trip and the multi-depot features, i.e. the possibility for a vehicle to be reloaded at one of a set of facilities, are present. Several exact algorithms, namely two of type Branch&Cut and two of type Branch& Price, have been developed for this problem. computational experiments on benchmark instances taken from the literature have been conducted to assess their performance, leading to very promising results
Menif, Alexandre. "Planification d'actions hiérarchique pour la simulation tactique." Thesis, Paris Sciences et Lettres (ComUE), 2017.
Full textThis thesis explores the application of HTN planning to the animation of an infantry platoon in a real-time simulation software. In order to achieve online planning for nearly 40 soldiers, we show that it is possible to optimize the planner for one HTN domain with a compilation of planning elements into C++ static structures and procedures. Then, we demonstrate that the problem structure lends itself to a combination of HTN planning with abstraction planning, achieved with the modelisation of abstract effects for compound tasks. In some conditions, we can detect those task networks that never lead to any executable solution, and therefore improve the search. Eventually, we show that the problem structure enables to formulate evaluation functions that can be input into a non admissible heuristic search algorithm, and that near optimal solutions can be obtained within a short run-time
McCoy, Eric. "Allocation tactique : : le rôle du portefeuille répliquant d'options." Nice, 2004.
Full textMarion, Grégory. "Design tactique ? Recherche sur les pratiques de formes incidentes." Thesis, Paris 1, 2016.
Full text« Designing is not a profession but an attitude », as de László Moholy-Nagy wrote, is an object and environment growth field, which, both in terms of its practice and that of its theory, is not without some difficulties in its definition. This preliminary finding raises the question of the ways in which producing the artifacts that come to take place — among us — at the heart of a world already designed. While the absence of fixed classification and the non-disciplined attitude, from which the word « design » historically refers, put in crisis — problematically yet nevertheless fruitful — the expectations from the consuming society, the reading of The Practice of everyday Life (De Certeau) opens the possibility of investigating the various procedures of ordinary (and every day) culture, known widely as « ways of operating » or « arts of doing ». In keeping with this idea, the question raised is : what does design concretely do? Where and how does it operate vividly, in a more fundamentally useful manner, than just in an effective and creative way? It's about accepting and even embracing the practices that cross and transcend specific frameworks commonly accepted in places such as offices, firms, media or even by academia; thwarting recognized strategies, and working, incidentally, by « tactical tricks ». Those innumerable anonymous facts have already been apprehended, themed, recovered. A critical consideration in setting a conceptual perspective and historical contexts, considering some cases, should allow to assert the meditation of the designer, but also to authenticate to a wider public, the non-negligible and non-heroic, but always productive part of those ars
Cordier, Hélène. "Projet de création d'un observatoire des établissements de santé." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2001.
Full textKernani, Samir. "Risques psychosociaux & démocratie organisationnelle : un observatoire pour l'Algérie." Thesis, Paris, CNAM, 2016.
Full textThese last years, Algeria began an ambitious national plan on housing construction of all types. For example, 1,6 million homes are registered for realization under the five-year period 2015-2019. However and due to lack of skilled labor, companies in charge to build these homes used a workforce from abroad: China, Japan, Spain, Egypt, etc. In front of this situation, it was noticed that the sector of building and public works currently represents about a third of occupational accidents and professional diseases at national scale. However, no indication is provided on the question of emergence of psychosocial risks due to the organization of work. This is why a study was initiated in this direction, of whom the realization of a doctoral thesis in France. This thesis thus consists in acquiring theories on psychosocial risks and those of organizations. To do this, it was necessary in particular to put the accent on history of these risks in Europe and especially in France, the agenda setting on the emergence of psychosocial risks, particularly via the case of suicides and suicide attempts at France Télécom. In this wake and dig on this question, we put two hypotheses of worsening of psychosocial risks. Firstly, psychosocial risks aggravate by imbalance between regulation of control (managerial) too high, and autonomous regulation (by workers who organize their activity of the way which seems the best indicated) in reference to the theory of J.D. Reynaud. In the second place, psychosocial risks aggravate by deficit of organizational democracy of participative form, which joins and completes the first hypothesis. That being said, we indicate that the chapter that we devoted to epistemology (six schemes of intelligibility of J.M. Berthelot, which were taken, amended and operationalized by Pascale De Rozario within the framework of the study of the phenomenon of suicide) allowed us to make the inventory of theories dedicated to psychosocial risks and to evaluate them taking into consideration model which they carry on the relation between organization and individual.It should also be noted that we opted for a constructivist approach, object of the last chapter of the thesis. While starting initially with a top-down approach; we took our review of theoretical literature (J.D. Reynaud, Marie-Hélène Bacqué, Yves Sintomer and others authors) and we confronted it with a practical and managerial review of 4 observatories (observatories analyzed with regard to the contents on diffused psychosocial risks and in the manners of which they diffuse, interpret, clarify the reports between psychosocial risks, organization and managerial regulation of the activity) and then we followed a bottom-up approach. And It's at this moment there that we made constructivism. This last chapter represents our theoretical, methodological and operational proposal once return in Algeria to initiate a national public policy of sensitizing, management and prevention of psychosocial risks, in particular with through the implementation of an observatory of psychosocial risks adapted to the sector of building and public works
Books on the topic "Observatoire de la tactique"
Gallery, Farideh Cadot, and Observatoire de Paris, eds. L' Observatoire. New York, NY: Farideh Cadot Gallery, 1988.
Find full textHomet, Jean-Marie. L' Observatoire de Haute-Provence. Aix-en-Provence: Edisud, 1995.
Find full textBonnargent, Eric. Atopia, petit observatoire de littérature décalée. Lyon: Vampire actif, 2011.
Find full textGroupe d'études et de recherches sur la démocratie et le développement économique et social en Afrique. Observatoire de la démocratie en Afrique. [S.l.]: GERDDES Afrique, 1995.
Find full textBongrain, Gilles. Histoire technique & tactique du projectile. Chaumont: Crépin-Leblond, 2005.
Find full textPierre-Joseph, Givre, and Le Nen Nicolas, eds. Guerre en montagne: Renouveau tactique. 2nd ed. Paris: Economica, 2010.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Observatoire de la tactique"
Sereni, Constance. "La tactique kamikaze – Une invention fondamentalement japonaise ?" In L’Asie-Monde – III, 659–63. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2024.
Full textRovera, G. D., S. Bize, B. Chupin, J. Guéna, Ph Laurent, P. Rosenbusch, P. Uhrich, and M. Abgrall. "Real-Time Realization of UTC at Observatoire de Paris." In Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, 119–22. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textLoiseau, Sylvain. "Affinités entre sens et positions: tactique sémantique et corpus." In Actas del XXVI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística y Filología Románica, edited by Emili Casanova and Cesáreo Calvo, 261–70. Berlin, Boston: DE GRUYTER, 2013.
Full textBulst, Neithard. "La procédure électorale aux états généraux de 1484 : une manœuvre tactique ?" In Les états généraux de France de 1468 et 1484, 489–504. Paris: Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2022.
Full textMartin, Serge. "The “Observatoire de 1a Qualité des Sols”: an example of ecosystem monitoring." In Soil & Environment, 77–81. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.
Full textFloquet, M., and Brigitte Schmieder. "The Role of the Observatoire de Paris, Meudon in Providing Astronomical Information." In Stargazers, 224. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1988.
Full textPelon, J., and G. Megie. "Lidar Ozone Measurements in the Troposphere and Stratosphere at the Observatoire de Haute Provence." In Atmospheric Ozone, 325–29. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1985.
Full textSwanson, Randy S. "Practical and Theoretical Applications of Geometry at Claude Perrault’s Observatoire de Paris (1667–1672)." In Architecture and Mathematics from Antiquity to the Future, 269–85. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textSauvage, Jean-Pierre. "Tactique diagnostique." In Vertiges, 97–106. Elsevier, 2020.
Full text"La Tactique." In Oeuvres complètes de Voltaire (Complete Works of Voltaire) 75A, edited by John R. Iverson, 341–86. Liverpool University Press, 2009.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Observatoire de la tactique"
Dyachenko Olga, Viktorovna, and Andrey Petrovich Mazurenko. "LA POLITIQUE LÉGISLATIVE EN TANT QUE STRATÉGIE ET TACTIQUE LÉGISLATIVE." In Themed collection of papers from Foreign International Scientific Conference «Science and innovation in the framework of the strategic partnership between Algeria and Russia» by HNRI «National development» in cooperation with the University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene. April 2024. Crossref, 2024.
Full textGodin, Sophie. "Ozone DIAL at Observatoire de Haute Provence." In Optical Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1990.
Full textRabbia, Yves, Djamel Mekarnia, and Jean Gay. "Infrared interferometry at Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur, France." In San Dieg - DL Tentative, edited by Irving J. Spiro. SPIE, 1990.
Full textZine, Mohammed Chaouki. "L’instant littéraire. Une « tactique » dans la configuration du savoir moderne d’après Michel de Certeau." In Michel de Certeau et la littérature. Fabula, 2018.
Full textArtigau, Etienne, Rene Doyon, Daniel Nadeau, Philippe Vallee, and Simon Thibault. "A wide-field infrared camera for the Observatoire du mont Megantic." In Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, edited by Masanori Iye and Alan F. M. Moorwood. SPIE, 2003.
Full textArtigau, Étienne, Robert Lamontagne, René Doyon, and Lison Malo. "Queue observing at the Observatoire du Mont-Mégantic 1.6-m telescope." In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation, edited by David R. Silva, Alison B. Peck, and B. Thomas Soifer. SPIE, 2010.
Full textAchkar, J., P. Uhrich, P. Merck, and D. Valat. "Recent time and frequency transfer activities at the Observatoire de Paris." In 2005 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium and Exhibition. IEEE, 2005.
Full textHernandez, Olivier, Jean-Luc Gach, Claude Carignan, and Jacques Boulesteix. "FaNTOmM: Fabry Perot of New Technology for the Observatoire du mont Megantic." In Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation, edited by Masanori Iye and Alan F. M. Moorwood. SPIE, 2003.
Full textArtigau, Etienne, Rene Doyon, Philippe Vallee, Martin Riopel, and Daniel Nadeau. "CPAPIR: a wide-field infrared camera for the Observatoire du Mont Megantic." In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation. SPIE, 2004.
Full textDébarbat, Suzanne, Vasile Mioc, Cristiana Dumitrache, and Nedelia A. Popescu. "Astronomy at the Observatoire de Paris at the time of Notara’s visit." In EXPLORING THE SOLAR SYSTEM AND THE UNIVERSE. AIP, 2008.
Full textReports on the topic "Observatoire de la tactique"
Veliz, O. Magnétomètre à inducteur terrestre de Sokkisha (observatoire magnétique de Huancayo, Pérou). Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1988.
Full textAnne, Abdoulaye, Elisa Gagnon, Esli Osmanlliu, Esma Aïmeur, Florent Michelot, Florie Brangé, Georges-Philippe Gadoury-Sansfaçon, et al. Abécédaire de l’IA. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l'intelligence artificielle et du numérique, September 2024.
Full textSucksdorff, C., and M. Kuwashima. Quelle précisions est-il possible d'atteindre dans un observatoire magnétique de première classe comprenant un personnel complet? Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1988.
Full textMörch, Carl-Maria, Pascale Lehoux, Marc-Antoine Dilhac, Catherine Régis, and Xavier Dionne. Recommandations pratiques pour une utilisation responsable de l’intelligence artificielle en santé mentale en contexte de pandémie. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l’intelligence artificielle et du numérique, December 2020.
Full textVeilleux-Lepage, Yannick, and Emil Archambault. Étude comparative de l’usage des drones par des groupes armés non étatiques au Moyen-Orient. ICCT, May 2023.
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