Academic literature on the topic 'O.P.P'

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Journal articles on the topic "O.P.P"


Timbrell, Martin. "Book Review: The Reform of Social Security." Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics 1, no. 1 (January 1985): 61.

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&NA;. "Microwave in the O.R.P." AJN, American Journal of Nursing 90, no. 3 (March 1990): 28E.

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del Pino Perales, Julio. "MANUEL PINILLOS, POETA DE LA O.P.I.-NIKÉ." Philologia hispalensis 2, no. 34 (2020): 109–31.

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Manuel Pinillos es, junto a Ildefonso Manuel Gil y Miguel Labordeta, uno de los grandes poetas aragoneses del siglo xx. A lo largo de los años 50 y 60 formó parte de la tertulia cultural reunida en el desaparecido café Niké, e integró el grupo de poetas que conformó la Oficina Poética Internacional (O.P.I.), una entelequia de Miguel Labordeta que impulsó a la generación de autores más importantes de la historia literaria de Aragón. En este artículo trataré de exponer la vida del autor, comentando a lo largo del mismo su producción poética.
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Talukdar, Prasenjit, Ranjan Das, and Rishiraj Goswami. "Estimation of Coal Bed Methane Potential of Coal Seams of Margherita Coal Field, Assam, India." International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology 3, no. 2 (June 25, 2015): 232–35.

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The rapid industrialization and growing energy needs have put a great stress on the conventional energy resources. This is even more concerning for a country like India which is a net importer of oil. To meet the ever increasing need for energy, it is essential that the search for unconventional energy is intensified. This paper deals with the estimation of coal bed methane potential of the Margherita Coal Field of Assam, India. For this purpose, eight coal samples were collected from Tirap O.C.P., Ledo UG Incline and Tikak O.C.P collieries of the Margherita coal field. Proximate analysis, megascopic study and finally qualitative analysis of these eight samples was undertaken. After analysis, the inferred reserves of CBM at Margherita Coalfield, was found to be in the range of 42.5-49.04 Billion Cubic Meter.Int J Appl Sci Biotechnol, Vol 3(2): 232-235DOI:
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Boucaud, Ph, F. De Soto, A. Donini, J. P. Leroy, A. Le Yaouanc, J. Micheli, H. Moutarde, O. Pe`ne, and J. Rodri´guez-Quintero. "An instanton picture O.P.E.〈A2〉 condensate?" Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements 119 (May 2003): 694–96.

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Krifa, Hadjila. "Caractéristiques et logiques des O.P.A .en France." Revue d’économie industrielle 53, no. 1 (1990): 37–53.

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Bhaveshaikh, Nachiket, Sangita Sukumaran, and Upal Vyas. "Drug prescribing patterns in elderly patients in a tertiary level hospital." International Journal of Basic & Clinical Pharmacology 6, no. 4 (March 25, 2017): 759.

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Background: Elderly people have multiple co morbidities and are often prescribed potentially inappropriate medications (PIMs). As there is paucity of information about the prescribing practices in elderly this study was undertaken to assess drug utilization patterns in elderly patients.Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted in a tertiary care hospital. A total of 576 prescriptions of elderly patients were included in the study. Prescribing patterns among elderly patients attending OPD and admitted to wards of departments of Medicine, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Pulmonary Medicine, General Surgery, E.N.T., Ophthalmology, Orthopaedics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology were analysed using the prescribing indicators (WHO criteria). The PIMs were identified as per the Beers 2012 criteria.Results: The average number of drugs per patient was 3.91±1.93 for O.P.D and 7.37 ±2.22 for I.P.D. patients. 37.76% patients in I.P.D. and 26.87% patients in O.P.D. received a medication which was potentially inappropriate as per Beers 2012 criteria. 7.58% (234/3088) of total medications prescribed to patients in the study were potentially inappropriate. There was a significant increase in the number of PIMs (p value ˂0.05) as the total number of drugs prescribed increased.Conclusions: Educational programmes are needed to reinforce rational prescribing by physicians and precautions should be taken while prescribing potentially inappropriate drugs to elderly patients.
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Sola, Valeria de las Mercedes. "La ineludible tutela preventiva en materia de discapacidad / The unavoidable preventive guardianship regarding disability." Revista Derecho y Salud | Universidad Blas Pascal, no. 3 (October 31, 2019): 172–87.

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En el siguiente artículo se analiza la causa “O.P.E. y otra c/ Buenos Aires, Provincia de y otros s/ daños y prejudicios”, en la cual el día 11 de diciembre de 2018, la Corte Suprema de la Justicia de la Nación, si bien se declaró incompetente para entender en el caso en instancia originaria, hizo lugar –por mayoría de votos– a la medida cautelar innovativa consistente en la provisión de una silla de ruedas motorizada. Dicha medida fue solicitada en el marco de un reclamo de indemnización por daños y perjuicios derivados de una supuesta mala praxis donde se encontraba involucrada una persona con discapacidad. The following article analyzes the cause “O.P.E. and another c / Buenos Aires, Province of and other s / damages and prejudices ”, in which on December 11, 2018 the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation, although it declared itself incompetent to understand in the case in instance originally, it took place - by majority vote - to the innovative precautionary measure consisting of the provision of a motorized wheelchair. This measure was requested in the context of a claim for compensation for damages arising from an alleged malpractice where a person with disabilities was involved.
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García, O., S. Camarero, J. F. Colom, Á. T. Martínez, M. J. Martínez, R. Monje, and T. Vidal. "Optimization of a Laccase-Mediator Stage for TCF Bleaching of Flax Pulp." Holzforschung 57, no. 5 (August 20, 2003): 513–19.

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SummaryFlax pulp obtained by anthraquinone-soda pulping, resulting in a kappa number of 11.1, a viscosity of 950 ml/g and 36.7% ISO brightness, was bleached in a totally chlorine-free sequence using the enzyme laccase from the fungusPycnoporus cinnabarinusand 1-hydroxybenzotriazole (HBT) as redox mediator (stage L), followed by a hydrogen peroxide stage (P). The laccase treatment was optimized using a three-variable sequential statistical plan over the following ranges: 1–20 U/g o.d.p. (oven-dried pulp) laccase dose, 0.5–7.5% o.d.p. HBT dose and 1–24 h reaction time. The influence of these variables on several pulp properties after the P stage of the LP sequence was examined. The models defined from the results obtained predicted variations in ISO brightness, viscosity and kappa number of 57.6–74.8%,590–955 ml/g and 0–6.2, respectively. The variables most strongly influencing these pulp properties were found to be the reaction time and the enzyme dose. A compromise was adopted as regards the operating conditions in order to ensure optimum results. The study was completed by conducting a biobleaching assay in a pressurized reactor (590 kPa) to assess the effect of oxygen pressure. The high pressure level resulted in improved pulp properties by the laccase-mediator system.
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Chinnéide, Mairéad ní. "Oidhreacht: Caomhnú na Hoidhreachta: Forbairt ar Ról O.O.P." Comhar 55, no. 7 (1996): 19.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "O.P.P"


Tumová, Martina Bc. "Místní akční skupina Jemnicko, o.p.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2007.

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Diplomová práce analyzuje činnosti Místní akční skupiny Jemnicko, o.p.s. Teoretická část práce obsahuje základní, zákonem upravené, formy spolupráce obcí a také jejich praktické příklady v praxi. Text uvádí problematiku financování místních akčních skupin na národní a evropské úrovni. Praktická část analyzuje investiční a neinvestiční projekty, které zrealizovala MAS Jemnicko, o.p.s. v minulých letech. Analýzy hodnotily její úspěšnost v získávání finančních prostředků, využitelnost a obsazenost jednotlivých projektů a byly doplněny o výsledky dotazníkového šetření.
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Čížek, Michal. "Využití Competitive Intelligence v organizaci Kroužky o.p.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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The focus of my work will be the company called "Krouzky o. p. s.". I have been working here for the past four years. I will concentrate on their understanding of competition and practices against it. I will explain the concept of CI by breaking it into processes and cycles. I will also provide the needs for CI specialists, who focuses on the competitive intelligence. The practical part will consist of a detailed analysis of the competition. I will use a linked database system Albertina for the data collection. My goal is to compare the competitiveness of companies that exist in the common market. In the decision process I will be using different factors and metrics. I will show all results clearly in form of a table. In the fifth chapter I will focus purely on strategic approaches and methodologies of the company "Krouzky". I will put together a questionnaire for the owner of the company "Krouzky" Mrs. Marie Ruzickova. My questions will be about the perception of competition, analysis of the company, the use of ICT and also identifying the strategic processes and methodologies that the company uses to differentiate itself from the competition. This chapter is a secret part, because Mrs. Ruzickova, the owner and director of the company does not wish to reveal her strategic processes and know-how of the company. As a professional CI specialist I will create a second questionnaire for the employees of the company, to obtain multiple views for myself and based on my findings to be able to make CI recommendations for the company. I will be able to filter out the questionnaires from the employees, from the management personnel. I will also be using freely accessible information available through the public database of commercial companies. My goal is to create a list of the best CI recommendation, based on the obtained data, to allow the company "Krouzky" to be more competitive.
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Chlupatá, Kristýna. "Strategická analýza organizace Domov Sue Ryder, o.p.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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The aim of the thesis is implementation of the strategic analysis for the non-governmental organization Domov Sue Ryder, o.p.s. and to identify all the factors which have impact on its economy. The work deals with the effects of the external environment and the internal resources, which are available for the organization. There was used PEST analysis for analysis of the micro-environment. I have identified all the factors that affect the firm's ability to satisfy customer needs in section related to the micro-environment. These are members in the sector of social services for elderly. They form competition or support for the organization. The important part is also the synthesis of the results of the strategic analysis. There are listed strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. The conclusion summarizes the most important information. There are suggested recommendations to management for improving.
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Nováková, Kateřina. "Terapie dětské obezity v Olivově dětské léčebně, o.p.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2009.

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This diploma thesis analyses children's obesity treatment as it is applied in the Oliva children medical institution (ODL), Říčany. Managerial-economical methods were used to evaluate the benefits of the children's obesity therapy. The study hypotheses were that a) the ODL obesity treatment works well and b) the financial results are stable. Based on analysis of incomplete data from 2009, this study found that mean percentage loss of initial weight reached 5.8% (6.1% for boys, 5.6% for girls), a satisfactory result. In order to maximise individual weight loss, the length of one stay should exceed a month (30 days). The second part of the hypothesis, the financial analysis of the weight loss program, was not supported by the data. If economical stability (break even point) is to be achieved, the sanatorium must operate 350 days per year having 163 occupied beds. However, there were only 108 beds available in 2009 and the number of the beds continues to decrease. There are other, external factors that suggest long-term economic difficulties, such as changes in the national health-care system, pending property relations, and difficulties with both salaries and staff. In conclusion, recommendations are offered that can improve the program, given the constraints imposed on it by factors within and without the ODL.
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Korbelová, Jaroslava. "Účetnictví a výkaznictví organizace Člověk v tísni o.p.s." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013.

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The thesis is focused on accounting and reporting public benefit corporation in specific conditions of the People in Need. The work first characterized public benefit corporation, especially their funding and accounting specifics. In the second part of the thesis is illustrated problems of accounting and funding of public benefit corporation in specific conditions of the People in Need. Further is work focused on settlement of funds in public benefit corporation. Accounting of People in Need is described also in terms of project accounting and accounting specifics on a foreign mission.
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Drápal, Dušan. "Návrh a realizace projektu pro vytvoření online marketingu Event teamu společnosti Unifer o.p.s." Master's thesis, Vysoké učení technické v Brně. Fakulta podnikatelská, 2015.

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This master’s thesis describes the use of project management for a design and implementation of the project to create web portal for event team of the company UNIFER o.p.s. The thesis descibes in detail the pre-project, project and post-project phase according to project management methods.
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Valdová, Kateřina. "Dopad dotačního programu LEADER v území Místní akční skupiny Království – Jestřebí hory, o.p.s." Master's thesis, Česká zemědělská univerzita v Praze, 2016.

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First part of this theses deals with theoretical knowledge about local action group (LAG), their way of functioning, strategical documents and project management within the life cycle of LAG projects. On the other hand it introduces a theory about monitoring project, monitoring indicators and setting their in and out values. Second, practical, part of two the theses has also two spectrums. First part alleges from data collected during monitoring projects in LAG Království Jestřebí hory o.p.s. Data are focused at most on fulfilling monitoring indicators during last program period in between 2007 and 2013 and they are summed up as a recommendation for the new programming period. Programming period 2014 and 2020 has so far introduced a new method of setting up indicators, which is also described in this theses, including the restrictions that LAG has to deal with. Practical part is ended by commentary on setted values and their actual possibility of fullfillment in real life. The entire theses ends the final summery in which the author states her own reccomendations and tips regarding the setting or evaluation of monitoring indicators.
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Bai, Lijun. "Determination of the adsorption behaviour of O.P.D. H species in the cathodic hydrogen evolution reaction." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1986.

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Kočová, Martina. "Financování, účetnictví a specifika obecně prospěšných společností působících v rozvojových zemích." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2013.

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This thesis aims to describe the specific situation of non-profit organizations operating in the specific conditions of Angola, developing country, which is slowly recovering from the consequences of a protracted civil war. The first part gives an overview about the situation in the Czech Republic and other countries of the European Union, and a few selected developing countries. Then follows the approach of specific situation in Angola, including a brief translation of the Angolan accounting legislation. The last part is devoted to the Angolan mission of People in Need.
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Garan, Frédéric. "Itinéraires photographiques, de la Chine aux "Missions catholiques"(1880-1940) : perception de la Chine à travers les archives photographiques des O.P.M. et la revue des Missions Catholiques." Lyon 2, 1999.

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Le point de depart de cette etude est la revue << missions catholiques >>. Nous avons etudie les illustrations de cette derniere, concernant la chine entre 1880 et 1940, afin de mettre en evidence l'image que les missionnaires voulaient donner aux lecteurs europeens de la chine, des chinois et des evenements concernant ce pays, le tout a travers le prisme de l'action missionnaire. Mais, au-dela de cela, le principal interet de cette etude est que nous avions egalement a disposition les archives photographiques des oeuvres pontificales missionnaires (rue du plat, lyon 2eme) ou se trouve, dans le fond ancien, l'essentiel des photographies envoyees en europe par des missionnaires (principalement m. E. P. , scheutistes, maryknoll, franciscains. . . ). Apres avoir presente les archives et les missionnaires qui les ont constituees, nous avons pu nous livrer a une comparaison entre la collection archivee et la collection publiee par les missions catholiques. Il apparait alors des differences importantes entre le message que voulaient faire passer par leurs photographies les missionnaires et celui qui ressort du choix des redacteurs. Les differences sont particulierement sensibles dans les domaines suivants : - place du clerge indigene au sein des missions - presence des laics chinois dans l'eglise - rapport aux problemes politiques de la chine de la premiere moitie du xxeme siecle - relations avec les chinois non catholiques. . . Etc. Au final, les archives revelent des missionnaires beaucoup plus impliques et integres dans les monde chinois. Les archives photographiques mettent globalement en valeur des domaines de l'action missionnaire que les missionnaires ont eux-memes negliges dans leurs ecrits.
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Books on the topic "O.P.P"


O.P.P. London: X Press, 1993.

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O.P.G.: Criminal asylum. [Palermo]: 89books, 2021.

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Barella, Dominique. O.P.A. sur la justice. Paris: Hachette litteratures, 2007.

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Levaillant, Denis. O.P.A. mia: Opéra (opus 40). [Arles, France]: Actes sud, 1990.

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Barthélemy, Bertrand. Les O.P.A. et après?: Fusions-acquisitions. Paris: Eyrolles, 1991.

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Barsi, Guy. Les O.P.A. en France: Droit et pratique. Paris: Nathan, 1988.

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Ramblers, O. P. D. Selected records ofthe O.P.D. Ramblers, 1870-1880. [Edinburgh]: H. Richardson, 1992.

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Barsi, Guy. Les O.P.A. en France: Droit et pratique. [Paris]: Nathan, 1988.

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Driessche, Martine vanden. Poker d'enfer: O.P.A. sur la Générale de Belgique. [Paris]: Fayard, 1988.

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Feredj, Roland. O.P.A. sur la viticulture: Entre fatalité et espoir. Bordeaux: Éditions Féret, 2007.

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Book chapters on the topic "O.P.P"


"O.I.P." In Dictionary Geotechnical Engineering/Wörterbuch GeoTechnik, 929. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.

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Conference papers on the topic "O.P.P"


Hloušek, Jan, Martin Smutek, and Zuzana Hloušková. "SOCIAL COUNSELLING CHATBOT - PILOT TESTING." In NORDSCI Conference Proceedings. Saima Consult Ltd, 2021.

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Counselling chatbot - The innovative way of communication with the client within the field of social work. The current development of modern technological possibilities of machine learning software enabled the Institute of Social Work of the Philosophical Faculty of the University Hradec Králové in cooperation with the Občanské poradenské středisko, o.p.s. (Civic Counselling Center) in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic to develop content for a new platform of communication with the client in the field of social counselling. Such an innovative tool in the field of social work is intended to be the initial contact of clients with professional social counselling organization in the web interface of the Internet. There is the first experience and initial conclusions from the pilot testing presented now. Innovative counselling chatbot is not in active service yet, so the pilot testing was managed in a „controlled environment“ of university students in the field of Social Work in May and June 2021. The topic of work/employment (which was chosen as the first of many topics that social counselling typically deals with), investigate the initial reactions of respondents to communication with a chatbot, the preferred style of communication etc.
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