Journal articles on the topic 'Nuclear colonialism'
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PHILLIPS, RICHARD. "Settler colonialism and the nuclear family." Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien 53, no. 2 (June 2009): 239–53.
Full textJacobs, Robert. "Nuclear Conquistadors: Military Colonialism in Nuclear Test Site Selection during the Cold War." Asian Journal of Peacebuilding 1, no. 2 (November 30, 2013): 157–77.
Full textG.M., Smagulova, Kakenova Z.A., Tuleuova K.T., and Zipatolla S.K. "Nuclear test sites marked as a “secret”: yesterday and today." Bulletin of the Karaganda university History.Philosophy series 108, no. 4 (March 30, 2022): 164–71.
Full textDressler, Harrison. "Canada’s Nuclear Colonialism: Capitalist Realism and the Neoliberal Public Sphere." Canadian Journal of Communication 49, no. 1 (March 1, 2024): 5–37.
Full textEdwards, Nelta. "Nuclear Colonialism and the Social Construction of Landscape in Alaska." Environmental Justice 4, no. 2 (June 2011): 109–14.
Full textRunyan, Anne Sisson. "Disposable waste, lands and bodies under Canada’s gendered nuclear colonialism." International Feminist Journal of Politics 20, no. 1 (February 5, 2018): 24–38.
Full textHarris, Jeffrey Ryan. "Polynesia against Paris: Indigenous Anti-Nuclear Literature and the French Colonial Origins of Oceanian Reintegration." Journal of World History 35, no. 4 (December 2024): 623–50.
Full textHurley, Jessica. "Nuclear Settler Colonialism at Sea, or How to Civilize an Ocean." American Quarterly 74, no. 4 (December 2022): 969–95.
Full textFrías-Sánchez, Aitor, Joaquín Perailes-Santiago, Elena Orap, and Diego Jiménez López. "Learning from Chernobyl: Reverse Colonialism and Feral Architectures." HipoTesis Serie Numerada 11 (December 30, 2023): 39–51.
Full textGoodall, Heather. "Solidarity and Dilemmas: Tranby, Indenture and the Nuclear-Free and Independent Pacific Campaigns, 1980s." Labour History 126, no. 1 (May 2024): 73–95.
Full textGómez, Myrriah M. "Toward a Chola Consciousness: Examining Nuclear Colonialism in Lunar Braceros, 2125-2148." Science Fiction Studies 48, no. 3 (2021): 500–516.
Full textPretorius, Joelien. "Africa–India nuclear cooperation: Pragmatism, principle, post-colonialism and the Pelindaba Treaty." South African Journal of International Affairs 18, no. 3 (November 16, 2011): 319–39.
Full textLopesi, Lana, and Moeata Keil. "Promiscuous Possibilities: Regenerating a Decolonial Genealogy of Samoan Reproduction." Genealogy 8, no. 3 (June 29, 2024): 81.
Full textSurbrug, Robert. "African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism and the Black Freedom Movement." Social History 40, no. 4 (October 2, 2015): 578–80.
Full textEndres, Danielle. "The Rhetoric of Nuclear Colonialism: Rhetorical Exclusion of American Indian Arguments in the Yucca Mountain Nuclear Waste Siting Decision." Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies 6, no. 1 (March 2009): 39–60.
Full textLieberman, Robbie. "Vincent J. Intondi.African Americans against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement." American Historical Review 121, no. 1 (February 2016): 267–68.
Full textHill, Christopher R., and Clémence Maillochon. "‘Stealing fire from heaven’: Odette du Puigaudeau and French nuclear colonialism in the Algerian Sahara." International Review of Environmental History 9, no. 2 (February 21, 2024): 99–122.
Full textRunyan, Anne Sisson. "Indigenous women's resistances at the start and end of the nuclear fuel chain." International Affairs 98, no. 4 (July 4, 2022): 1149–67.
Full textSaima Yousaf Khan, Saman Salah, and Rubina Masum. "Ecocriticism and the Postcolonial Landscape: War, Displacement, and Environmental Devastation in Kamila Shamsie’s Burnt Shadows." Journal of Arts and Linguistics Studies 3, no. 1 (February 11, 2025): 307–23.
Full textRamirez, Jacobo, and Steffen Böhm. "For more pluralistic critiques of colonialism: A response to Dunlap." Energy Research & Social Science 82 (December 2021): 102303.
Full textMorgan, George. "Assimilation and resistance: housing indigenous Australians in the 1970s." Journal of Sociology 36, no. 2 (August 2000): 187–204.
Full textHarvey, Kyle. "African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement by Vincent J. IntondiAfrican Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement, by Vincent J. Intondi. Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2015. xi, 224 pp. $24.95 US (paper)." Canadian Journal of History 51, no. 2 (January 2016): 394–96.
Full textDunlap, Alexander. "More wind energy colonialism(s) in Oaxaca? Reasonable findings, unacceptable development." Energy Research & Social Science 82 (December 2021): 102304.
Full textGlitz, Henry. "Shahs and Sanctions: The Story of Past, Present, and Future Tensions with Iran." Pitt Political Review 12, no. 1 (October 24, 2017): 28–36.
Full textKiczkowski, Adriana. "'Glocalization' in post-9/11 literature. "Burnt shadows" by Kamila Shamsie." Journal of English Studies 14 (December 16, 2016): 125.
Full textVarghese Manimala, Varghese Manimala. "Sacred Secularity as Spirituality and Holiness." MEΘEXIS Journal of Research in Values and Spirituality III, no. I (May 30, 2023): 42–61.
Full textMatsumoto, Ikuko Takagi. "Healing the Collective Grief: A Story of a Marshallese Pastor from Okinawa." Religions 13, no. 2 (January 18, 2022): 90.
Full textHofmann, Murad Wilfried. "Has Islam Missed Its Enlightenment?" American Journal of Islam and Society 19, no. 3 (July 1, 2002): 1–10.
Full textPolak, Iva. "Native Apocalypse in Claire G. Coleman’s The Old Lie." Humanities 9, no. 3 (July 28, 2020): 69.
Full textKarakır, İrem Aşkar. "China’s Conflict Management in the Middle East: Involvement without Impact?" Contemporary Review of the Middle East 9, no. 2 (February 28, 2022): 240–57.
Full textMizuno, Hiromi. "Okinawa Agriculture and the Sterile Insect Technique." Agricultural History 98, no. 4 (November 1, 2024): 541–71.
Full textPedro, Dina. "“I Used to Think We Were the Same Person:” Disrupting the Ideal Nuclear Family Myth through Incest, Adultery and Gendered Violence in Taboo (2017-)." Revista Alicantina de Estudios Ingleses, no. 38 (January 30, 2023): 23.
Full textRobie, David. "Tanah Papua, Asia-Pacific news blind spots and citizen media: From the ‘Act of Free Choice’ betrayal to a social media revolution." Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa 23, no. 2 (November 30, 2017): 159–78.
Full textInayatullah, Sohail. "THE FUTURE OF SCIENCE IN THE ISLAMIC WORLD." American Journal of Islam and Society 14, no. 3 (October 1, 1997): 77–81.
Full textIndriyanto, Kristiawan. "Positioning the Pacific as a Disabling Environment: Reading of Kiana Davenport�s the House of Many Gods." Indonesian Journal of English Language Studies (IJELS) 6, no. 2 (September 25, 2020): 84–92.
Full textRamchandani, R. R. "Rationalising India-Africa Economic Relations: The Role of Production Cooperation." India Quarterly: A Journal of International Affairs 42, no. 3 (July 1986): 247–73.
Full textRay, James Lee. "The abolition of slavery and the end of international war." International Organization 43, no. 3 (1989): 405–39.
Full textShandookh, Safa Qasim, Sarab Dalaf Khalaf, and Maan Hasan Sallih. "Effect of Smoking Habit on the Frequency of Micronuclei in in Exfoliated Oral Epithelial Cells and Comparative Image Analysis." Journal of Prevention, Diagnosis and Management of Human Diseases, no. 45 (August 1, 2024): 1–9.
Full textMartínez-San Miguel, Yolanda. "Caribbean Confederations as Relationalities." Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 32, no. 1/2 (November 5, 2024): 27–48.
Full textRamirez, Jacobo, and Steffen Böhm. "Transactional colonialism in wind energy investments: Energy injustices against vulnerable people in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec." Energy Research & Social Science 78 (August 2021): 102135.
Full textKehrt, Christian, and Daniel Brandau. "Introduction." Journal of Educational Media, Memory, and Society 14, no. 1 (March 1, 2022): 1–13.
Full textKazanjian, David, and Anahid Kassabian. "Mass Mediating Diaspora: Iranian Exile Culture in Los Angeles." Diaspora: A Journal of Transnational Studies 5, no. 2 (September 1996): 317–31.
Full textLeshoele, Moorosi. "Power Lies in the Barrel of a Gun: Diplomacy Without Strategic Military Capability Is Futile." African and Asian Studies 20, no. 1-2 (April 27, 2021): 77–99.
Full textFulani, Abdu Auwalu Sarkin. "ADAPTING TRADITIONS: AN EXAMINATION OF THE EVOLUTION OF THE FULƁE KINSHIP STRUCTURE IN JIGAWA STATE, NIGERIA." Gusau Journal of Sociology 4, no. 2 (May 20, 2024): 128–37.
Full textMoura, Hudson. "Hollywood’s Viral Outbreaks and Pandemics: Horror, Fantasy, and the Political Entertainment of Film Genres." Revista Légua & Meia 13, no. 1 (January 26, 2022): 97–129.
Full textMrozewicz, Anna. "Rendering slow ecological crisis in a popular medium: Hyperobjects and Sámi resistance in the Swedish-French TV series Midnight Sun." Images. The International Journal of European Film, Performing Arts and Audiovisual Communication 31, no. 40 (January 17, 2023): 37–59.
Full textFoley, Barbara. "African Americans against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism, and the Black Freedom Movement by Vincent J. Intondi, and: F. B. Eyes: How J. Edgar Hoover’s Ghostreaders Framed African American Literature by William J. Maxwell." African American Review 48, no. 1-2 (2015): 215–18.
Full textOta, Osamu. "Korean Atomic Bomb Survivors Who Crossed Borders and Japan's Solidarity Movement: Focusing on Son Gwi-dal's Stowaway and the Attempted Treatment of Eom Bun-ryeon and Im Bok-sun in Japan." Korean Association For Japanese History 60 (April 30, 2023): 5–45.
Full textJohnson, Joyce Blackwell. "Carol Anderson. Bourgeois Radicals: The NAACP and the Struggle for Colonial Liberation, 1941-1960. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2015.Vincent J. Intondi. African Americans Against the Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Colonialism and the Black Freedom Moveme." Peace & Change 41, no. 3 (June 24, 2016): 410–13.
Full textChoi, Shine, and Catherine Eschle. "Rethinking global nuclear politics, rethinking feminism." International Affairs 98, no. 4 (July 4, 2022): 1129–47.
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