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Moore, Kenneth. Alternative fire extinguishing agents: Non-violatile precursors to olefinic bromofluorocarbons. Lowell, Mass: Toxics Use Reduction Institute, University of Massachusetts Lowell, 1993.

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A, Reckhow David, AWWA Research Foundation, and United States. Environmental Protection Agency., eds. Long-term variability of BDOM and NOM as precursors in watershed sources. Denver, Colo: Awwa Research Foundation, 2007.

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Crawford, Alec. Alternative fire extinguishing agents: Non-volatile precursors to olefinic bromofluorocarbons : final report. Lowell, Mass: Toxics Use Reduction Institute. University of Massachusetts Lowell, 1994.

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Curinga, Luisa, and Marco Rapetti, eds. Skrjabin e il Suono-Luce. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2019.

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Skrjabin, figura eccentrica nel panorama musicale di inizio secolo, ha spesso suscitato tanto i più accesi entusiasmi quanto le critiche più feroci. Importanti ricerche effettuate negli ultimi decenni in Italia e all’estero hanno tuttavia condotto a una visione più equilibrata dell’uomo e della sua opera. I contributi ospitati nel presente volume provengono in buona parte dal convegno Svetozvuk, il ‘Suono-Luce’ (Conservatorio Cherubini di Firenze, 2015), e intendono apportare un tassello significativo agli studi skrjabiniani affrontando tematiche diverse e complementari. Lo sfaccettato caleidoscopio che ne risulta mette in luce il ruolo chiave di Skrjabin nel Novecento, non solo in quanto precursore della multimedialità, ma soprattutto come creatore di un linguaggio originalissimo destinato a influenzare generazioni di musicisti di differente formazione.
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Fernández-Armesto, Felipe. Amerigo: The man who gave his name to America. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2008.

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Fernández-Armesto, Felipe. Amerigo: The man who gave his name to America. New York: Random House, 2007.

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Fernández-Armesto, Felipe. Amerigo: The man who gave his name to America. New York: Random House Trade Paperbacks, 2008.

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Rees, Paula L., Klaus Nusslein, Gladys Makdissy, Greg Devine, and David A. Reckhow. Long-Term Variability of BDOM and NOM as Precursors in Watershed Sources. American Water Works Association, 2007.

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Long-Term Variability of BDOM and NOM As Precursors in Watershed Sources. IWA Publishing, 2008.

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Deegan, Patrick. Porphyria. Edited by Patrick Davey and David Sprigings. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter discusses six diseases caused by inborn errors of metabolism affecting the biosynthesis of haem. Haem is a tetracyclic metal-binding compound involved in oxygen transport (in haemoglobin and myoglobin) and redox reactions (e.g. in the cytochrome P450 system). Each of these conditions is caused by a single gene defect in one of the enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of haem. Inheritance is usually autosomal dominant with incomplete penetrance. The enzyme defect results in disease, not as a result of deficiency of the reaction product, but as a result of accumulation of precursors. Early, soluble precursors, 5-aminolaevulinic acid, and porphobilinogen (not porphyrins as such) are neurotoxic and, when present in great excess, as occurs when flux through the haem synthetic pathway is increased in response to particular medications or hormones, lead to acute neurovisceral crises. Later cyclical precursors (porphyrins) in the pathway are also water soluble and excreted in urine, but are susceptible to activation by electromagnetic radiation in the visible spectrum and are converted to free-radical metabolites that cause pain, inflammation, and tissue damage in the skin. The final haem precursors (also porphyrins) are hydrophobic and excreted in the bile and faeces and are also activated by light to toxic metabolites.
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Baetge, Gregory. Transient expression of catecholaminergic phenotype by the vagal neural crest-derived precursors of non-catecholaminergic enteric neurons. 1990.

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Jakovljević, Branislav. Not Made by Hand, or Arm, or Leg. Edited by Mark Franko. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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In this chapter, the author takes the gesture as a basic building element of Happenings, seen as a precursor of live performance of the final decades of the twentieth century, such as body art and postmodern dance. Building on a comparison with nineteenth-century Kopienkritik, Jakovljević argues that recent theories of reenactment are inseparable from the modernist idea of uniqueness. Arguing against the political economy of originality, the author suggests that gesture in Happenings does not “originate” from a privileged source but from a complex intersection of forces, the artist being just one of them. If a Happening repeats, it is often something that has never existed as an aesthetic object, idea, or act.
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II, Melvin C. Pohlkotte. Nothing Works ... If You're Not Willing To!: A Precursor to a Series of Diy - How to Do _____ ! Xlibris US, 2020.

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Bijleveld, Catrien, Chantal van den Berg, and Jan Hendriks. The juvenile sex offender. Edited by Teela Sanders. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Juvenile sexual offending is often regarded as a precursor of serious and continued sexual offending in adulthood, but there has been little empirical evidence supporting this assumption. Could juvenile sexual offending be just a ‘passing phase’? The study discussed in this essay follows the criminal career about 1,600 juvenile sex offenders from early adolescence into adulthood. A comprehensive view of the entire criminal career is presented to establish whether juvenile sexual offending is a precursor of continued (sexual) offending in adulthood or if (sexual) offending is non-chronic for most. The sexual recidivists in the sample are identified, and this group is used to establish the risk factors associated with continued sexual offending. These risk factors are compared to the ones used in risk assessment instruments for (juvenile) sex offenders. This study holds crucial information for policy and theory regarding juvenile sex offenders.
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Shattuck, Debra A. Conclusion. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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Baseball did not become gendered as a man’s sport overnight nor did any single group dominate the cultural metanarrative of baseball as it matured from infancy to adolescence during the nineteenth century. Baseball has been used to symbolize “Americanism,” middle-class, Judeo-Christian values, and “manliness.” Though many vied to control the narrative of America’s national pastime, not every group had equal influence on the ultimate character and culture of baseball. By the end of the nineteenth century, men held almost exclusive control of the narrative of “official” baseball, while women controlled a parallel narrative for the baseball-surrogate called “women’s baseball.” This game became the precursor of softball which emerged in its official form during the 1930s.
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Robinson, Cedric J., Avery F. Gordon, and H. L. T. Quan. An Anthropology of Marxism. University of North Carolina Press, 2019.

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An Anthropology of Marxism offers Cedric Robinson’s analysis of the history of communalism that has been claimed by Marx and Marxists. Suggesting that the socialist ideal was embedded both in Western and non-Western civilizations and cultures long before the opening of the modern era and did not begin with or depend on the existence of capitalism, Robinson interrogates the social, cultural, institutional, and historical materials that were the seedbeds for communal modes of living and reimagining society. Ultimately, it pushes back against Marx’s vision of a better society as rooted in a Eurocentric society, and cut off from its own precursors. Accompanied by a new foreword by H.L.T. Quan and a preface by Avery Gordon, this invaluable text reimagines the communal ideal from a broader perspective that transcends modernity, industrialization, and capitalism.
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Joshi, Mahesh K., and J. R. Klein. Is Globalization Killing Local Business? Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The fact that the influence of globalization has been driven by dramatic changes is not one of those “blinding flashes of the obvious” that seems to sneak up on us. It is very evident and even predictable. Advances in technology, markets, and environments were precursors to the big changes we are now talking about. Advances in technology have led to the current global grid driven by information. The primary mission of business is to provide solutions, and this technology explosion has provided opportunities and market applications for those solutions. Local businesses now have an opportunity to move beyond their restricted geography of the past into the global arena with the use of technology. A local store in a remote village in Kentucky has the same opportunity as a large store in London to access global customers. These could be exciting times for local businesses if they use technology to their advantage.
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Nieder, Andreas. Neuronal Correlates of Non-verbal Numerical Competence in Primates. Edited by Roi Cohen Kadosh and Ann Dowker. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Non-verbal numerical competence, such as the estimation of set size, is rooted in biological primitives that can also be explored in animals. Over the past years, the anatomical substrates and neuronal mechanisms of numerical cognition in primates have been unravelled down to the level of single neurons. Studies with behaviourally-trained monkeys have identified a parietofrontal network of individual neurons selectively tuned to the number of items (cardinal aspect) or the rank of items in a sequence (ordinal aspect). The properties of these neurons’ numerosity tuning curves can explain fundamental psychophysical phenomena, such as the numerical distance and size effect. Functionally overlapping groups of parietal neurons represent not only numerable-discrete quantity (numerosity), but also innumerable-continuous quantity (extent) and relations between quantities (proportions), supporting the idea of a generalized magnitude system in the brain. Moreover, many neurons in the prefrontal cortex establish semantic associations between signs and abstract numerical categories, a neuronal precursor mechanisms that may ultimately give rise to symbolic number processing in humans. These studies establish putative homologies between the monkey and human brain, and demonstrate the suitability of non-human primates as model system to explore the neurobiological roots of the brain’s non-verbal quantification system, which may constitute the phylogenetic and ontogenetic foundation of all further, more elaborate numerical skills in humans.
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Todorović, Dejan. The Geometric-Optical Illusions of J. J. Oppel. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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J. J. Oppel is usually credited for initiating the scientific study of illusions in the mid-nineteenth century. However, his actual work remains largely unknown. This chapter presents a number of his designs and argues that they are precursors of several later published and now classical illusions. Oppel’s related works include papers published in Jahresbericht des physikalischen Vereins zu Frankfurt am Main in the 1850s and 1860s, as well as in Annalen der Physik in 1871. Concepts discussed include geometrical-optical illusions; the Müller-Lyer illusion; position illusions of Thiéry, Wundt, and Judd; and the Zöllner illusion. Oppel’s work is further described through various figures and diagrams that illustrate these points.
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Kleihues, Paul, Elisabeth Rushing, and Hiroko Ohgaki. The 2016 revision of the WHO classification of tumours of the central nervous system. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The revised fourth edition of the WHO classification of Tumours of the Central Nervous System, published in 2016, comprises several newly recognized tumour entities, and a significant restructuring of the classification, mainly based on genetic profiling. Glioblastomas are now classified into two major types. Isocitrate dehydrogenase (IDH)-wildtype glioblastoma (primary glioblastoma IDH-wildtype) develops rapidly de novo without a recognizable precursor lesion. IDH-mutant glioblastoma (secondary glioblastoma IDH-mutant) develops more slowly through malignant progression from diffuse or anaplastic astrocytoma. Medulloblastomas are now defined by combining histological patterns (classic, desmoplastic/nodular, extensive nodularity, anaplastic) and genetic hallmarks (WNT-activated; SHH-activated, TP53-mutant; SHH-activated, TP53-wildtype; non-WNT/non-SHH). Other newly recognized tumour entities include diffuse midline glioma, H3 K27M-mutant; ependymoma, RELA fusion-positive; and embryonal tumour with multilayered rosettes. The new classification is a significant step forward and will facilitate the development of novel targeted therapies of brain tumours.
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Paica, Corina-Ioana. Dinamica relatiei mama-copil de la sarcina la copilaria timpurie. Editura Universitara, 2020.

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Lucrarea de fata reprezinta un ansamblu de studii longitudinale care vizeaza aspecte ale fundamentarii teoretice din domeniul psihologiei prenatale si postnatale si studii actuale cu privire la problematica dinamicii relatiei dintre mama si copil, incepand din etapa prenatala si pana in copilaria timpurie. In prezent, exista un interes deosebit pentru analiza interactiunilor mama-copil ca precursor al dezvoltarii emotionale si comportamentale sanatoase a fiintei umane. In acest sens au aparut domenii noi, precum psihologia prenatala sau maternologia interesate de aspecte referitoare la relatia dintre mama si copil inca din perioada fetala.
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Waldmann, Michael R. Causal Reasoning. Edited by Michael R. Waldmann. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Although causal reasoning is a component of most human cognitive functions, it has been neglected in cognitive psychology for many decades. To date, textbooks on cognitive psychology do not contain chapters on causal reasoning. The goal of this Handbook is to fill this gap, and to offer state-of-the-art reviews of the field. This introduction to the Handbook provides a general review of different competing theoretical frameworks modeling causal reasoning and learning. It outlines the relationship between psychological theories and their precursors in normative disciplines, such as philosophy and machine learning. It reviews the wide scope of tasks and domains in which the important role of causal knowledge has been documented. In the final section it previews the chapters of the handbook.
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Morrell, Kit. Cato, Stoicism, and the provinces. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter considers the content and context of the extortion law passed by Julius Caesar as consul in 59, the lex Julia de pecuniis repetundis. Cicero describes it as a ‘perfect law’, but its innovations should not be exaggerated. Many of its important features, such as the detailed prescription of a governor’s entitlements and the inclusion of maiestas-type offences, had precursors in a long series of previous extortion laws. Neither should the law be seen as solely Caesar’s project. The chapter draws a link between the lex Julia of 59, the trials of Gaius Antonius and Lucius Flaccus the same year, and Pompey’s interest in provincial reform. Indeed, even Caesar’s opponent Cato seems to have helped shape Caesar’s law, which incorporated new regulations decreed by the senate the previous year on Cato’s initiative.
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Davies, Michael. Bunyan and Religious Allegory. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter re-examines John Bunyan's religious allegories, and in particular The Pilgrim's Progress (1678), as works that complicate what might be thought of as novelistic habits of reading and writing. It seeks to approach them not simply as precursors to the novel but as radically different kinds of fiction. One might wish to treat Bunyan's allegories as ‘entertainment machines’ similar to other kinds of early modern literature, such as chivalric romance or the rogue biography, but they resist and arguably seek to reform ‘the fiction reading impulse’. To this degree, Bunyan's major allegorical works are sometimes like novels and at the same time nothing like them. Should Bunyan still hold a place in the history of the novel, it could be despite rather than because of the narrative methods he adopts.
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Poplawski, Paul. Encyclopedia of Literary Modernism. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 2003.

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Modernism is still widely acknowledged as perhaps the most important and influential artistic and cultural phenomenon of the 20th century. Written by expert scholars from around the world and covering hundreds of different topics in a clear, incisive, and critical manner, this reference maps the complex field of modernism in a fresh and original way. The principal focus of the book is on English-language literary modernism and the period 1890-1939, yet many entries extend beyond those parameters to include important precursors and successors of the movement. The book also covers the crucial European and interdisciplinary dimensions of modernism and provides complementary comparative perspectives from countries and regions not usually included in traditional accounts of the subject. Entries cite works for further reading, and the volume closes with a selected, general bibliography.
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Perdue, William. Modernization Crisis. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., 1995.

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This book is an enlightening, inspiring, and sobering account of the social and economic transformation of Poland. A multinational and interdisciplinary group of scholars examine the historical precursors that gave shape to the Solidarity movement, then focus on the institutional change that today presents challenges even more daunting than those of the earlier drama of resistance. The contributors have uncovered episodes of political domination, debt, and dependency that are not well known or well understood. These have important implications for economic development in general and for the reconstruction of the deindustrializing economies of Eastern Europe in particular. If Poland is to survive the crisis of the early 1990s, a new and authentic program of economic and human development must be adopted by West and East alike. The book concludes with a new discourse on development.
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Prinz, Jesse. Hume and Cognitive Science. Edited by Paul Russell. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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This contribution is concerned with the relevance of Hume’s empirical approach to the study of the mind for contemporary cognitive science. It is argued that Hume’s views, empirically founded as they were on observation and introspection and concerning ideas and concepts, passion and sympathy, and moral sentimentalism, find considerable support in the findings of contemporary research. To this extent, Hume may well be considered a precursor to many of today’s cognitive scientists, even though they do not generally draw directly from his work. The fundamental significance of Hume’s own work is that it shows that philosophy has always had an empirical dimension.
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Javaid, Kassim. Osteomalacia. Edited by Patrick Davey and David Sprigings. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Osteomalacia is a disorder of bone mineralization and is due to a lack of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a prohormone formed by the action of UV radiation on the vitamin’s precursor (7-dehydrocholesterol) in the skin. It undergoes two hydroxylation steps to become an active hormone. The commonest cause of osteomalacia is vitamin D deficiency due to a lack of UVB skin exposure. Other causes include malabsorption (coeliac disease and pancreatic insufficiency), obesity, and chronic kidney disease. The typical symptoms of osteomalacia are non-specific bone pain, proximal myopathy, fatigue, and polyarthralgia. This chapter addresses the causes, diagnosis, and management of osteomalacia.
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Axel-Tober, Katrin. Origins of verb-second in Old High German. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter investigates the characteristics of the left sentence periphery in Old High German. In the earlier OHG prose texts we still find some archaic characteristics of a non- or pre-verb-second grammar. These include residual and partly productive features of a non-conflated C-domain arguably inherited from Proto-Germanic or even Proto-Indo-European. On the other hand, there is ample evidence that the precursor of the so-called prefield position already existed in OHG and that it was already a target for both operator movement and Stylistic Fronting. All these phenomena shed interesting light on the question of which syntactic steps the language had to take in order consolidate its verb-second grammar.
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Vandrei, Martha. ‘A great deal of historical claptrap’. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter’s focus is the later nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, during which Boudica was immortalized in Thomas Thornycroft’s statue on Westminster Bridge. This chapter seeks to provide a thick and thorough contextualization of this event and its precursors, focusing in particular on Boudica’s role in the history of London, but also on Thornycroft’s own motivations and preoccupations, which have been overlooked by historians. This chapter also explores the first novelization of Boudica’s deeds, a firmly imperialistic account by Marie Trevelyan. This period has been read as the climax of Boudica’s association with imperial greatness—a connection I do not seek to wholly refute. However, Thornycroft’s own understanding of his statue challenges this, while Trevelyan’s conviction was met with credulity by contemporaries. Focusing on these hitherto overlooked points of view sheds light on the complicated relations between pasts and presents.
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Pollard, Tanya. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The Introduction, “Recovering Greek Tragic Women,” establishes the book’s key premises by documenting the habitual early modern identification of tragedy and comedy with their Greek origins, and linking emerging conceptions of these genres with the Greek plays most frequently published, translated, performed, and discussed in the period. It explores the model of theatrical sympathy that emerges in early modern responses to these plays through examining commentaries on and translations of the period’s most popular Greek play, Euripides’ Hecuba, and reflects on their broader implications for understanding the period’s responses to classical literary precursors. The Introduction argues that responses to tragic icons such as Hecuba from playwrights including Shakespeare offer a specifically theatrical model for intertextual engagement, challenging assumptions not only about the nature of Greek reception in the period but also about the nature of dramatic collaboration.
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Whaley, John, John Sloboda, and Alf Gabrielsson. Peak experiences in music. Edited by Susan Hallam, Ian Cross, and Michael Thaut. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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Musical-peak experiences are a significant component of the lives of many people. They are powerful, valued, have lasting effects, and – for some – are a reason for continued engagement with music. This article highlights research on the peak experience, emphasizing literature focusing on music-specific peaks. After outlining four studies fundamental to the study of peaks in music, a section discusses precursors to peaks and proposed differences between those who have achieved peaks and those who have not. A section on the cognitive, perceptual, emotional, and physical phenomena associated with peak experiences is thenfollowed by an investigation on the after-effects of peaks. Next, a section discussing methodologies for the investigation of musical-peak experiences highlights the possibilities and difficulties of this work. Finally, a brief section summarizes the contents of the article and looks towards the future of research in this field.
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Bhopal, Raj S. Interrelated concepts in the epidemiology of disease: Natural history and incubation period, time trends in populations, spectrum, iceberg, and screening. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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The natural history of disease is the uninterrupted progression of disease from its initiation to either spontaneous resolution, containment by the body’s repair mechanisms, or to a clinically detectable problem. Related concepts include the changing pattern of disease in populations and levels of severity (spectrum) of disease. Often the number of cases identified is exceeded by those not discovered. An illustrative metaphor for this is the iceberg. The pyramid of disease develops this into a population concept. Screening is the application of tests to diagnose disease (or precursors) in an earlier phase of the natural history of disease, often in well people, or in a less severe part of the disease spectrum than is achieved in routine medical practice. The potential of screening is vast but there are important limitations, such as the inability to influence the natural history of many diseases.
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Lu-Adler, Huaping. Kant on the Way to His Own Philosophy of Logic. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter considers how Kant, from the mid-1760s through the mid-1770s, navigated between existing accounts of logic before finding his own voice. It highlights two breakthroughs that would contribute most to his mature theory of logic. The first breakthrough concerns Kant’s division of logic into two essentially different though complementary branches: a logic for the learned understanding and one for the common human understanding (to make it healthy), precursors to “pure logic” and “applied logic” respectively. This distinction not only marks a clear departure from the Leibnizian-Wolffian take on the relation between artificial and natural logics, but also pays homage to the humanist and Lockean practices of emphasizing certain ethical dimensions of logic. The second breakthrough is the emergence of “transcendental logic” from Kant’s efforts to secure metaphysics—particularly the first part thereof, ontology—as a proper science.
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Bentley, Nick. The Novel Sequence. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter examines the novel sequence. The novel sequence has been an important part of British and Irish literary output in the period since 1940, with examples in all the major genres and modes of fiction. The post-Second World War period represents a revival of the novel sequence as a particularly appropriate literary form to assimilate the processes of historical duration. It is, however, nothing new, and most of its practitioners in the post-war period can be linked to specific precursors. In addition, the Victorian three-decker novel and the serialization of fiction in the literary magazines has had an influence on what we now recognize as the novel sequence. In fact, the idea of individual novels being part of a sequence goes back to the origins of the form in the eighteenth century.
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Babor, Thomas F., Jonathan Caulkins, Benedikt Fischer, David Foxcroft, Keith Humphreys, María Elena Medina-Mora, Isidore Obot, et al. Supply control for illegal markets. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Supply control approaches to drug problems focus on the production, distribution, and sale of illicit psychoactive substances, and include alternative development programmes in producer nations, control of precursor chemicals used to produce certain drugs (e.g. methamphetamines) interdiction at national borders, and the incarceration of drug dealers at all levels. There is no evidence that promoting alternative development as part of global drug control strategy has a noticeable effect on use. Other interventions far up the distribution chain have produced transient market disruptions sufficient to affect drug use and related health outcomes The little evidence that exists suggests that policies focused on apprehension and extended periods of incarceration for high-level drug dealers have diminishing returns. Nor is local or street-level enforcement a viable strategy for reducing drug use because of the large numbers drug dealers involved. Nevertheless, supply-control interventions absorb the bulk of drug control spending in most nations.
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Scholar, Richard. Montaigne on Free-Thinking. Edited by Philippe Desan. Oxford University Press, 2016.

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This essay suggests that free-thinking is an important and often misunderstood context for the venture—and adventure—of Montaigne’s Essays. Where free-thinking is now generally understood to indicate a principled independence from the dogmas of any church or creed, it is argued here that Montaigne belongs to a different age, in which free-thinking was a much wider anti-authoritarian and experimental cast of mind that he and his contemporaries could bring to bear on all kinds of questions. That kind of free-thinking was both a Renaissance inheritance of the libertas philosophandi of the ancients and a contemporary trend among certain French humanist-statesmen admired by Montaigne. Montaigne’s response to his precursors and contemporaries, in “Of the education of children” (I, 26) and elsewhere, nonetheless, confirms that his thinking floats free from any determinations of context and remains irreducible to the expression of an “-ism.”
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Francisco, Louçã, and Ash Michael. China, A New Global Player. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Chapter 12 provides a look at China, which has not been included in our analysis of largely developed economies. Chinese growth has been extraordinary with stunning effects, largely improvements, although pollution has worsened for a substantial share of the world's lower-income population. The Chinese model may well be unique, a complicated mix of socialist structures, state ownership of some large enterprises and much of finance, dirigiste state-led and state-financed development of the private sector, and some outright privatization at both the small and grand scale. But China faces the challenge of financialization that has some commonalities with financialization in the rest of the world yet with some uniquely Chinese features. There have been some precursors of financial trouble and ambiguity about the state as the final guarantor of private debt. Some of the key players and episodes as Chinese capitalism enters its financialized stage are profiled.
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Burrell, James R., and John R. Hodges. Dementia. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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Cognitive neurology has exploded over the last century, and especially over the last 20 years. From the distinction of dementia as a pathological entity, rather than just ‘normal’ ageing, to more sophisticated sub-classification of dementia syndromes, much has been learned, though great challenges remain. From an incredible array of worthy research studies, ten landmark papers in the field of dementia are presented in this chapter. With regard to Alzheimer’s disease, the following are discussed: the initial description of the disease, both clinically and pathologically; the development of meaningful clinical assessment measures; the early clinical manifestations and genetic causes; the precursors to symptomatic treatment; the use of neuroimaging to identify amyloid pathology in vivo; and the staging of Alzheimer’s pathology. The clinical features and genetic causes of frontotemporal dementia, an important non-Alzheimer’s primary dementia syndrome seen especially in younger patients, are also discussed.
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Williams, Paul. Memorial Museums. Bloomsbury Publishing, 2007.

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The past 25 years has seen an extraordinary boom in a new kind of cultural complex: the memorial museum. These seek to research, represent, commemorate and teach on the subject of dreadful, violent histories. With World War and Holocaust memorials as precursors, the kinds of events now recognized include genocide in Armenia, Cambodia, Rwanda and the Balkans, state repression in Eastern Europe, apartheid in South Africa, terrorism in the United States, political “disappearances” in Chile and Argentina, massacres in China and Taiwan, and more. This book is the first of its kind to “map” these new institutions and cultural spaces, which, although varying widely in size, style and political situation, are nonetheless united in their desire to promote peace, tolerance and the avoidance of future violence. Moving across nations and contexts, Memorial Museums critically analyzes the tactics of these institutions and gauges their wider public significance.
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Murison, Justine S., ed. American Literature in Transition, 1820–1860. Cambridge University Press, 2022.

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The essays in American Literature in Transition, 1820-1860 offer a new approach to the antebellum era, one that frames the age not merely as the precursor to the Civil War but as indispensable for understanding present crises around such issues as race, imperialism, climate change, and the role of literature in American society. The essays make visible and usable the period's fecund imagined futures, futures that certainly included disunion but not only disunion. Tracing the historical contexts, literary forms and formats, global coordinates, and present reverberations of antebellum literature and culture, the essays in this volume build on existing scholarship while indicating exciting new avenues for research and teaching. Taken together, the essays in this volume make this era's literature relevant for a new generation of students and scholars.
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Fiddian, Robin. Conclusion. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The chapter offers a concluding synthesis of Borges’s geopolitical and postcolonial thinking, organized around the concepts of i) Argentine culture; ii) personal, national, and regional perspectives on identity; iii) history; iv) East and West; and v) creole ethnicity. It calls for recognition of Borges as not only a precursor, but in fact as a prototype of the postcolonial intellectual in the mould of Joyce, Césaire, or Said. In tandem with, for example, Uruguayan intellectuals Eduardo Galeano and Joaquín Torres García, Borges articulates a postcolonialism that speaks for the River Plate. At the same time, he remains a distinctive, individual voice; a creative writer who is instantly recognizable in his mastery of many forms and kinds of verse and prose.
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Gossai, Anala, Dorothea T. Barton, Judy R. Rees, Heather H. Nelson, and Margaret R. Karagas. Keratinocyte Cancers. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Keratinocyte cancers (KC) include basal and squamous cell carcinomas that arise from keratinocytes or their precursors. KCs are the most common malignancies in humans. Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) has higher incidence rates, but squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) causes most deaths. Despite increasing incidence rates, the mortality rates have not changed markedly in recent years. The geographic and demographic features of these tumors have remained consistent over the past several decades, with a gradient of increasing incidence rates with proximity to the equator, predominantly affecting fair-skinned populations. Risk increases with age, is higher in men than women, and is associated with artificial as well as natural exposure to UV light. There is emerging evidence that these malignancies, particularly BCCs, may be increasing in younger adults and among women. While basal and squamous cell carcinomas share etiological factors, the relative importance of these factors, pattern of exposure, molecular alterations, and even the factors themselves differ.
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Morawetz, Klaus. Quantum Kinetic Equations. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The gradient approximations of the Kadanoff and Baym equations are derived up to first order. The off-shell motions responsible for the satellites are shown to ensure causality. The cancellation of off-shell motions from the drift and correlation part of the reduced density provides a precursor of the kinetic equation for the quasiparticle distribution which leads to a functional between reduced and quasiparticle distribution, named the extended quasiparticle picture. Virial corrections appear as internal gradients in the selfenergy and therefore in the considered processes. With this extended quasiparticle picture, the non-Markovian kinetic equations are transformed into Markovian ones for proper defined quasiparticles without neglect showing the exact cancellation of off-shell parts. Alternative approaches are discussed for comparison.
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Owen, Kenneth. The Persistence of Political Community, 1795–1799. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter analyses Pennsylvanian and American politics in the late 1790s, focusing particularly on the Jay Treaty debates, the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Fries Rebellion, and the Pennsylvania gubernatorial election of 1799 (a key precursor to the Adams–Jefferson election of 1800). In each episode, Pennsylvanians adopted a different set of political practices, all nevertheless predicated on some form of representative action. In all these episodes, Pennsylvanians argued the right of popular political engagement did not end at election time, but instead was a continuous factor that should shape the governmental decision-making process. The outpouring of popular political activism in a variety of forms underscored the importance of a participatory political culture that could be seen to represent the people as a whole.
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Geslani, Marko. The Ritual Culture of Appeasement. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter details how the śānti ritual was politicized in the arena of kingship (rājadharma). It examines a collection of ritual manuals (the Appendices of the Atharvaveda) for the royal chaplain (purohita) that evince the growth of Atharvan engagement with divination, and a consequent multiplication of occasions for śānti. Forming an early precursor to the Hindu calendar, these texts delineate the king’s ritual regime, which comes to be dominated by forms of repetitive bathing that incorporate other modes of ritual, such as gifting and sorcery. The Appendices thus represent the apex of a broader culture of ritual appeasement in the Atharvan tradition. This culture not only involves the technical expansion of śānti, but also its discursive potential as part of an encompassing theory of the state.
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Perelstein, Berta. Positivismo y antipositivismo en Argentina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, 2022.

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El positivismo en la Argentina tuvo en su momento una influencia preponderante sobre el pensamiento de muchos intelectuales y a través de ellos, en la propia formación cultural del país. De ahí que resulte por demás interesante el enfoque de esta obra que somete a las corrientes del positivismo y del antipositivismo a un serio examen crítico. Al ubicar el papel que tuvieron unas y otras dentro del pensamiento argentino, y más aún, al aclarar esas influencias, señala las derivaciones no solo en la cultura, sino también en nuestro proceso histórico. Su autora, Berta Perelstein, fue una pedagoga e intelectual comunista cuyos aportes desbordan el pensamiento y la reflexión educativa y se proyectan a los grandes debates culturales como el que propone en una obra precursora y hasta ahora no reeditada.
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Wolfson, Todd, ed. Social Movement Logics—Past, Present, and Future. University of Illinois Press, 2017.

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This concluding chapter reexamines the Cyber Left against the backdrop of informational capitalism and history. Through this lens, it discusses indymedia as a precursor to Occupy Wall Street and many of the emergent social movements that have developed since the economic crisis of 2008. It also explains how the core logic and strategy of the Cyber Left played a significant role in the inability of the Global Social Justice Movement to build long-term power. It identifies four interrelated, core problems: (1) a retreat from class and capitalism as analytic and political categories; (2) a tendency toward technological determinism; (3) an anti-institutional bias; and (4) no emphasis on political education and leadership development.
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Keum, Nana, Kana Wu, Edward Giovannucci, and David J. Hunter. Colorectal Cancer. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Colorectal cancer (CRC), typically adenocarcinoma, arises from epithelial cells lining the large bowel or intestine. Colorectal adenomas are well-established precursor lesions for the majority of CRCs. Relatively uncommon prior to 1900, CRC has become the third most commonly diagnosed cancer, as well as the fourth leading cause of malignant death globally. Modifiable causes are demonstrated by the large variation in incidence across countries, rapid changes in incidence within some populations, and the transition in disease risk for immigrants toward that of the host country in migration studies. A number of lifestyle and dietary factors are now established as convincing or probable causes. In addition, the ability to access and remove adenomas can lower cancer incidence through secondary prevention. Thus, a combination of primary and secondary prevention can greatly lower incidence and mortality from CRC.
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James, Philip. Physiological and behavioural changes. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Faced with novel environments animals adapt their genotypes, phenotypes, and behaviours in many different ways. This chapter focuses on birds, as these have been the most intensely studied animal group with regard to their adaptability to urban environments. Examples of adaptions include animals that change colour or size. Adaptations to the noisy urban environments cause changes to the amplitude, frequency, and timing of songs. Then a discussion of the impact of one of the most fundamental environmental shifts resulting from urbanization: the use of artificial lights at night (ALAN) and how animals adapt to a phenomenon that has no precursor in the history of the planet. The final section of the chapter is an examination of evolutionary traps: what they are and how they might be avoided.
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