Academic literature on the topic 'Nouvelles classes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Nouvelles classes"
Dubar, Claude. "Sociétés sans classes ou sans discours de classe ?" Lien social et Politiques, no. 49 (June 30, 2004): 35–44.
Full textBélanger, Marc. "Les nouvelles classes moyennes." IV. Les titulaires du pouvoir 7, no. 1-2 (April 12, 2005): 151–63.
Full textFranco, Millena Miranda. "apropriação das classes nouvelles francesas." RIDPHE_R Revista Iberoamericana do Patrimônio Histórico-Educativo 7 (January 18, 2022): e021036.
Full textSchnapper, Dominique. "La progression des nouvelles classes moyennes." Commentaire Numéro 139, no. 3 (September 1, 2012): 924.
Full textBraun, Serge. "Thérapies géniques de l’amyotrophie spinale infantile." médecine/sciences 36, no. 2 (February 2020): 141–46.
Full textCollin, Jean-Pierre, and Jacques Léveillée. "Le pragmatisme des nouvelles classes moyennes et l’urbain." International Review of Community Development, no. 13 (January 15, 2016): 95–102.
Full textCARBONI, Carlo. "État, marché du travail et classes sociales dans l’Italie des années 70." Sociologie et sociétés 15, no. 1 (September 30, 2002): 57–76.
Full textMaurin, Éric. "La mobilité sociale des nouvelles classes moyennes." Idées économiques et sociales N° 175, no. 1 (2014): 25.
Full textImsand, Christiane. "Assurance-maladie : de nouvelles classes d’âge nécessaires ?" Revue Médicale Suisse 8, no. 349 (2012): 1527.
Full textNasri, I. "Impact économique des nouvelles classes thérapeutiques en diabétologie." Annales d'Endocrinologie 82, no. 5 (October 2021): 330.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Nouvelles classes"
Munier, Pascal. "Synthèses et propriétés de nouvelles classes d'osides." Lyon 1, 1994.
Full textGombert, Philippe. "Pragmatisme, éducation, nouvelles classes moyennes : le cas des associations de parents d'élèves." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2006.
Full textThe Topic of my research deals with the connection between the Parent’s Associations and the ideological transformations of society. It deals, more precisely, with the system of values which is promoted by new middle classes and the way in which these classes are involved in the educational process. With this research, I try to demonstrate that the new middle classes promote a new ideology, which I call pramgatism
Martin, Alexandre. "Théorie de Mourre et opérateurs de Schrödinger : De nouvelles classes d'opérateurs conjugués." Thesis, Cergy-Pontoise, 2018.
Full textIn this thesis, we are interested in the study of the essential spectrum of Schrödinger operators and more particulary in the obtention of a Limiting Absorption Principle for these operators. This Limiting Absorption Principle consists on the existence of a limit for the resolvent operator when the spectral parameter is near the essential spectrum and permits to know some properties about the group generated by the Schrödinger Hamiltonian we study. A technique to prove this Limiting Absorption Principle is to use the Mourre theory. This theory needs to use an other operator called the conjugate operator. When we want to apply the Mourre theory to Schrödinger operators, we usually used a conjugate operatornamed the generator of dilations. This operator implies some conditions of decay on the derivatives of the potentials which can be a problem in certain cases. In this thesis, we will apply the Mourre theory with other types of conjugate operators wich, for some of them, does not imply any conditions on the derivatives of the potential.In a first part, we will be interested in Schrödinger operators on the euclidian space. We will show a Limiting Absorption Principle at positive energy, a Limiting Absorption principle at zero energy and the absence of eigenvalue embedded in the essential spectrum. In a second part, we will be interested in Schrödinger operators on wave guides for which we will prove a Limiting Absorption Principle far thresholds and near thresholds
Badarau, Eduard. "Conception, synthèse et évaluation biologique de nouvelles classes de ligands sérotoninergiques 5-HT7." Phd thesis, Université d'Orléans, 2009.
Full textBadarau, Eduard Guillaumet Gérald Fînaru Adriana. "Conception, synthèse et évaluation biologique de nouvelles classes de ligands sérotoninergiques 5-HT7." S. l. : S. l. : Orléans ; Université de Bacau, 2009.
Full textTitre provenant de l'écran-titre.
Tapie-Grime, Muriel. "L'éternel étudiant : présentation de soi et pratiques résidentielles des nouvelles couches moyennes." Paris 10, 1988.
Full textThose that sociology calls the new middle social levels have - and mostly assert they have - specific relationship with town and housing conditions. Can this specificity be possibly assumed to exist? How is it usually expressed? Can its foundations be explained or at least clarified? In order to answer these three questions, a whole lot of "ethnographic" material (direct observation, photographs, and interviews) was collected in Besancon, Doubs, in 1986. This investigation which was conducted in a micro-social perspective favored observation of the displays of self-presentation through dwelling, a term that includes the representation of urban space, the criteria of habitability of a flat, sociability, as well as fitting out and decorating practices. Interactionism has been used as a conceptual structure for this survey. The categories of analysis have been borrowed from G. H. Mead, H. S. Becker, E. C. Hughes, A. V cicourel, H. Garfinkel, E. Goffman
Reinaud, Olivia. "Nouvelles methodes d'alkylation regioselective d'orthoquinones originales : synthese de differentes classes de produits naturels quinoniques." Paris 6, 1987.
Full textReinaud, Olivia. "Nouvelles méthodes d'alkylation régiosélective d'orthoquinones originales accès à différentes classes de produits naturels quinoniques /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.
Full textBennasroune, Amar. "Récepteurs à tyrosine kinase en tant que cibles thérapeutiques : vers de nouvelles classes d'inhibiteurs ?" Strasbourg 1, 2003.
Full textDao, Thi Mai Lan. "Découverte des nouvelles classes d'éléments cis-régulateurs par une approche gène-rapporteur à haut débit." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2016.
Full textThe initial step of gene expression is the transcription of genomic DNA of the gene into RNA. The transcription can only be initiated by the assembly of RNAPII machinery around transcription start site of a gene, known as core promoter. However, transcription also requires other gene-distal regulatory DNA regions, known as enhancers. Enhancers and promoters are traditionally distinguished by their histone modifications. Recently, there has been increasing number of studies revealing broad similarities between enhancers and promoters. Previous findings have suggested the possibility that some gene promoters display enhancer activity. However, the questions of how can we identify this type of promoter in genome-wide and whether they actually function to regulated the expression of distal genes are remained elusive.My project has carried out aiming to answer these above questions. Firstly, I have optimized the technique that has developed in the lab, named CapStarr-seq, which used as an approach to exploiting a high-throughput enhancer activity. Performing CapStarr-seq in human cell lines, I unraveled an underestimated proportion of promoter displaying enhancer activity, defined as Epromoters. They display distinct properties as compared to distal enhancers and classical promoters, are associated with stress response genes and interact more frequently with other promoters. Moreover, by using comprehensive CRISPR/Cas9 genomic deletion approach, I demonstrated that Epromoters are generally involved in the activation of distal genes. Taken together, our results first identify a new category of promoters with dual promoter and enhancer functions
Books on the topic "Nouvelles classes"
Eric, Maurin, ed. Les nouvelles classes moyennes. [Paris]: Seuil, 2012.
Find full textJean, Lojkine, Cours-Salies Pierre, Vakaloulis Michel, and International Marx Congress (4th : 2004), eds. Nouvelles luttes de classes. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2006.
Find full textMichel, Pialoux, ed. Violences urbaines, violence sociale: Genèse des nouvelles classes dangereuses. Paris: Fayard, 2003.
Find full textGombert, Philippe. L'école et ses stratèges: Les pratiques éducatives des nouvelles classes supérieures. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2008.
Find full textauthor, Penissat Étienne, and Spire Alexis author, eds. Les classes sociales en Europe: Tableau des nouvelles inégalités sur le vieux continent. Marseille: Agone, 2017.
Find full textTarrius, Alain. Les fourmis d'Europe: Migrants riches, migrants pauvres et nouvelles villes internationales. Paris: L'Harmattan, 1992.
Find full textde, Saint Martin Monique, and Lancien Didier, eds. Anciennes et nouvelles aristocraties de 1880 à nos jours. Paris: Maison des sciences de l'homme, 2007.
Find full textBarker, Ann. A gift for a rake. Bath: Chivers, 2007.
Find full textMiller, Miranda. Smiles and the millennium. London: Virago, 1987.
Find full textBacharan, Nicole, and Marc-Olivier Bherer. États-Unis: Nouvelle lutte des classes. Montreuil: Omniscience, 2012.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Nouvelles classes"
Randoll, Garry. "With the Chinks de Daryl Klein : ou écrire contre l’histoire." In Les travailleurs chinois en France dans la Première Guerre mondiale, 445–58. Paris: CNRS Éditions, 2012.
Full textBellien, J., V. Richard, L. Monassier, T. Bejan-Angoulvant, and D. Angoulvant. "Nouvelles classes pharmacologiques." In Pharmacologie Cardio-Vasculaire et Respiratoire, 219–26. Elsevier, 2016.
Full textGroux, Guy. "16. Des « classes moyennes » aux « nouvelles classes »." In Cadres : la grande rupture, 303–13. La Découverte, 2001.
Full textBonhomme, Éric. "« Couches nouvelles » et classes moyennes." In Les territoires du politique, 149–56. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2012.
Full textYUN-ROGER, Soyoung. "Les temporalités dans les télécollaborations entre classes de langues étrangères." In Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures, 55–64. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textDebroux, Josette. "Le « choix » d’une localisation résidentielle en zone périurbaine : une analyse par les trajectoires sociales." In Sociologie des mondes ruraux en Pologne et en France : terrains et études. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego, 2023.
Full textArborio, Anne-Marie. "Entre escalier à petites marches et pente savonneuse, la VAE du diplôme d’aide-soignante pour des femmes des classes populaires." In Trajectoires et carrières contemporaines : nouvelles perspectives méthodologiques, 15–29. Céreq, 2022.
Full textHoerner, Jean-Michel. "Mon identification des nouvelles classes moyennes supérieures, les miduppers, n’est-elle pas imaginaire ?" In Transports, 537–44. Presses universitaires de Perpignan, 2012.
Full textBouffartigue, Paul. "« Travailleurs sans papiers » et « assistés » Nouvelles figures du précariat et dynamiques des classes populaires." In Travail, compétences et mondialisation, 211. Armand Colin, 2012.
Full textBaussard, Louise, and Florence Cousson-Gélie. "La fatigue associée au cancer." In Pratiques et interventions en psychologie de la santé, 105–18. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Nouvelles classes"
Leahy, W. F. "EM analysis, classic or nouvelle." In International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility. IEEE, 1992.
Full textRimbert, Victoria. "« De Prudentia et Castitate ». Exemples de stratégies d’évitement du harcèlement sexuel dans les nouvelles italiennes de la Renaissance." In Webinaire AVISA (Historiciser le harcèlement sexuel). MSH Paris-Saclay Éditions, Université Paris-Saclay, 2023.
Full textALLENBACH, Michel, Morgan MANGEAS, and M. TOURAIVANE. "Le suivi environnemental du dragage de Vavouto (Nouvelle-Calédonie). Un chantier de dimension mondiale à la porte d'un site classé au patrimoine mondial." In Journées Nationales Génie Côtier - Génie Civil. Editions Paralia, 2010.
Full textFilhol, Benoit. "La Méditerranée, un trésor pédagogique." In XXV Coloquio AFUE. Palabras e imaginarios del agua. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2016.
Full textMilosavljevic, Misa, Philippe Degeilh, Stephane Venturi, Fabrice Le Berr, Samy Laabidi, Gianluca Zito, Sebastien Magand, and Francois Raymond. "Innovative Approach and Tools to Design Future Two-Wheeler Powertrain." In JSAE/SAE 2015 Small Engine Technologies Conference & Exhibition. 10-2 Gobancho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan: Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, 2015.
Full textAbbad El Andaloussi, Hamza, Luc Mouton, Firas Sayed Ahmad, Stéphanie Mahérault-Mougin, Stéphane Paboeuf, and Xabier Errotabehere. "World First Fatigue S-N Curve for Bonded Reinforcements for FPSO Application." In ASME 2019 38th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2019.
Full textReports on the topic "Nouvelles classes"
Naffi, Nadia, Chris Isaac Larnder, Viviane Vallerand, and Simon Duguay. Éduquer contre la désinformation amplifiée par l’IA et l’hypertrucage : une recension d’initiatives de 2018 à 2024. Observatoire international sur les impacts sociétaux de l'intelligence artificielle et du numérique, October 2024.
Full textMeloche, Jean-Philippe, Jérôme Dupras, Andrew Gonzales, Justin Leroux, and François Vaillancourt. Étude sur la mise en œuvre d’outils d’écofiscalité au service de la conservation et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent. CIRANO, June 2023.
Full textMeloche, Jean-Philippe, Cédric Bourbonnais, Arnaud Dragicevic, Tejasvi Hora, Noémie Lacroix, Julie Lebert, Justin Leroux, et al. Étude sur la mise en œuvre d’outils d’écofiscalité au service de la conservation et de l’adaptation aux changements climatiques dans les basses-terres du Saint-Laurent. CIRANO, June 2023.
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