Academic literature on the topic 'Nouvelles américaines – 19e siècle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Nouvelles américaines – 19e siècle"
Krech III, Shepard. "Le passé recomposé?" Anthropologie et Sociétés 28, no. 2 (March 10, 2005): 19–39.
Full textSanfilippo, Matteo. "Les voyageurs italiens et le fait français au Canada (17e-21e siècles)." Recherche 54, no. 2 (September 6, 2013): 251–67.
Full textLarin, Robert. "Note de recherche. La reproduction nobiliaire dans la lignée de René Gédéon Potier de Pommeroy, du 17e au 19e siècle. Étude généalogique." Revue d’histoire de l’Amérique française 75, no. 3 (September 8, 2022): 69–89.
Full textMacFarlane, John. "Les miasmes, les microbes et les médecines. La diffusion des idées anciennes et nouvelles dans l’Union médicale du Canada : le cas de la fièvre typhoïde (1872-1900)." Scientia Canadensis 26 (June 18, 2009): 59–77.
Full textHardy, René, Jean Roy, and Normand Séguin. "Une recherche en cours : le monde rural mauricien au 19e siecle." Cahiers de géographie du Québec 26, no. 67 (April 12, 2005): 145–54.
Full textMaisonneuve, Daniel. "Structure familiale et exode rural." Articles 14, no. 2 (October 31, 2008): 231–40.
Full textDrache, Daniel. "À la recherche de l’Amérique du Nord : l’économie politique vis-à-vis de l’espace et de l’identité lorsque les frontières semblent caduques." Cahiers de recherche sociologique, no. 36 (April 28, 2011): 135–61.
Full textKeating, Michael. "Les nationalités minoritaires d'Espagne face à l'Europe." Études internationales 30, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 729–43.
Full textFolbre, Nancy. "Women on their own: residential independence in Massachusetts in 1880." Continuity and Change 6, no. 1 (May 1991): 87–105.
Full textMast, Jason L., Antoine Gauthier, and Jonathan Roberge. "De l’essor de la performativité dans la politique-spectacle des démocraties de masse." Cahiers de recherche sociologique, no. 51 (March 26, 2013): 157–80.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Nouvelles américaines – 19e siècle"
Deroo, Caroline. "Crise du sujet, crise de la représentation dans les nouvelles fantastiques, au tournant du siècle : domaine français, anglais et américain." Lille 3, 2003.
Full textHenry, Monica Ana. "Vers une Amérique ? : Les relations entre les Etats-Unis et les nouvelles républiques hispano-américaines, 1810-1826." Paris 7, 2004.
Full textAfter the War of 1812 the United States turned its attention to its expansion towards the West and its relations with Spanish America. Between 1810 and 1826 commercial interests, territorial ambitions, geopolitical considerations and ideological sympathies are all components of the relations between the two Americas. My aim has been to evaluate the importance and the weight of each one of these components throughout the first years of the history of early inter-american relations and to assess the process of creation of an American hemisphere
Garrait-Bourrier, Anne. "Edgar Allan Poe et la modernité du conte : texte et sujet." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 1997.
Full textFabre, Blondel Catherine. "L'image de la femme dans la vie et l'oeuvre d'Edith Wharton." Paris 4, 1987.
Full textThe originality of Edith Wharton’s novels and short stories lies in her presentation of the image of woman. Partaking simultaneously of the genteel heroine, the realist heroine and the feminist heroine without belonging exclusively to one of these categories, the Wharton heroine is first and foremost the account given by a human being of her fight against the sufferings of woman in a country, a moment and a social clan where it was particularly difficult to be a woman, and what is worse, a woman-writer
Vallier, Elise. "Pour la défense des femmes : étude d’écrits d’Africaines-Américaines, de 1860 jusqu’au début des années 1920»." Thesis, Paris Est, 2017.
Full textIn the nineteenth century, African American women’s womanhood was denied and constantly under attack. After emancipation (1865), they crafted their own definition of what it meant to be a woman of color in the United States. At the turn of the century, as Victorianism was gradually yielding ground, the model of the modern, “new woman” emerged. In this context, African American women went on redefining the meaning of black womanhood. This dissertation examines how some African American women activists, clubwomen and intellectuals belonging to the middle and upper-classes reflected upon being a woman and asserted their womanhood between the 1860s and the early 1920s.This study analyzes the attitudes and strategies they adopted, in their life writings, – such as their autobiographies, diaries and letters – their articles, essays and speeches and in their club work, to defend the image of women of color in the rapidly changing society of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. This dissertation also explores the importance of the notions of region and nation in the definition of womanhood. This interpretive collective biography particularly examines the lives and thoughts of four major activists of the time period: Fannie Barrier Williams (1855-1944), Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1862-1931), the famous crusader against lynching, Mary Church Terrell (1863-1954), and Anna Julia Cooper (1858-1964), one of the first black feminists in America
Roudeau, Cécile. "Pays, pages, paysages : écriture du lieu : la Nouvelle-Angleterre de Sarah Orne Jewet, Mary E. Wilkins Freemen, Alice Brown et Rose Terry Cooke." Paris 4, 2007.
Full textThe thesis argues that New England women writers, and Sarah Orne Jewett principally among them, rewrote New England as a literary locus and territorial muse. Their rewriting is placed within the larger context of New England’s transition from a normative and synecdochic center of the nation to a region among others. By choosing a genre and a literary object which had been classified as minor, these women-writers transformed the place to which they had been assigned in the world of letters into a site of creation (lieu)–that is a site of continuous invention. They used the malleability of the margins to reshape the tropes of the New England imaginary in their own words. In lieu of a New England which has been interpreted alternatively as either a site of local color or, more recently, a deterritorialized region, the thesis reterritorializes the life and shape, history and memory of this locus which both framed the work of women writers at the turn of the twentieth century and was reinvented by them
Durieux, Catherine. "Femmes et genre dans les utopies britanniques et américaines du XIXe sècle." Paris 3, 2004.
Full textHow did utopians who purported to look sympathetically at the « Woman’s Question » construct gender in their utopias ? Did the women utopians do it differently from the male writers ? What has changed and what has remained the same in the « chain of utopias » throughout the long period under consideration ? Equality would seem to have been the basis of early-XIXth century utopias written by Robert Owen and Owenites such as William Thompson and Anna Wheeler. By contrast, mid-XIXth century Fourierites – Fourier and his American disciples Albert Brisbane, Marie Howland and Jane Appleton – seem to have been preeminently taken with the idea of liberty. American Fourierism both carried on Owen’s tradition of « material feminism » and fed « Free Love feminism ». In the late XIXth century, Edward Bellamy and William Morris – though they reacted against each other on a range of other issues – both based their utopias on the assuption that women were morally superior beings and as such should be confined to their own separate sphere where they could exercise their benevolent influence. At the turn of the century, Charlotte Perkins Gilman provided a synthesis of previous lines of thought and opened the way for some of the issues that defined the XXth century
Chartier, Cécile. "Déplacements, projections, obsessions, l'interprétation des nouvelles de Fitz-James O'Brien." Thesis, Paris 3, 2014.
Full textBetween the 1970’s and the early years of the 21st century, Fitz-James O’Brien’s short stories have been analysed with reference to his Irish birth. This dissertation aims to examine the mechanisms of re-nationalisation at work in the interpretation of his stories: by means of semantic displacements and linguistic projections, the critic runs the risk of being haunted by Irish history. It is thus necessary to reconstruct O’Brien’s literary and journalistic career, from his early anonymous contributions to the “correspondence” column of the Irish nationalist newspaper The Nation, to the creation of the American satirical magazine Vanity Fair, and his death from a wound he recieved in a skirmish during the American Civil War. This dissertation will analyse particularly the part that literary Bohemia played in creating an artistic ideal of “borderlessness,” and the part that the press played in circulating this idea, all the while partaking in the construction of a specifically American literary field. I will then examine the reception of O’Brien’s stories and how they were adapted throughout decades in various media. Finally, I will study interpretative mechanisms which place Ireland and Irishness at the centre of text-reading and I will highlight the rhetorical effects allowing such a reading, both in the critical texts and in O’Brien’s stories themselves. Because of the highly referential nature of his magazine writing, the symbolical, sometimes satirical or even allegorical meaning of his stories eludes today’s reader, who has no choice but to embark on a laborious hermeneutic quest
Préveraud, Thomas. "Circulations mathématiques franco-américaines : transferts, réceptions, incorporations et sédimentations (1815-1876)." Nantes, 2014.
Full textAt the beginning of the nineteenth century, Harvard College, West Point Military Academy and other american institutions teaching, producing and diffusing scientific knowledge sought to reform and modernize their curricula which had failed to keep up with the developing needs of scholars, scientists and engineers. To achieve this, they broke withtraditional educatioanl practices informed by english contents, pedagogical methods and media of diffusion and sought inspiration from french textbooks and school structures. However, the introduction of these new practices represented a rupture in learning methods. To minimize this change, American mathematicians adapted french mathematics, making them more relevant to local uses. As a consequence, in the following decades the United States became the meeting and mixing place of two mathematical styles that barely interacted in Europe. These mutual transformations produced new and original knowledge, which had the potential to be communicated back to France in a process of backward circulation. The ongoing scientific exchange was enabled by the articulation of complementary activities of American institutions (universities, learned societies, journals) and also by diverse individuals at local and international levels. The contribution these librarians, booksellers, students and travelers made to the material process of the transfer of knowledge is highlighted in this thesis. This study of mathematical exchanges between France and the United States therefore investigates te building of mathematics as a discipline, by analysing multiple sources and historical approaches, in order to better understand the complex and interactive processes through which an American research and scientific curriculum emerged
Crebs, Francie. "Tracés de l'arabesque avec Edgar Allan Poe. Histoires à contretemps." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2023.
Full textAlthough Poe scholarship has paid significant attention to his use of the term “arabesque,” there is no consensus on exactly what he means by it, and it remains enigmatic in his writings, especially in the preface to the Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque, where it is linked to a “species of writing.” This dissertation aims to read the arabesque in Poe through the lens of expression from the preface. To do so, the first part of my dissertation provides an overview of the decorative traditions of the arabesque (European, “Oriental” and American), as well as of the attempt in Friedrich Schlegel to transpose these traditions onto narrative, an attempt which gives us clues as to what Poe suggests at with his “species of writing.” In particular, the link Schlegel establishes between arabesque and parabasis (a notion appropriated from Athenian comedy, which designates moments when the coryphaeus transgresses the space of the stage and speaks directly to the audience) is identified as particularly useful. Parts II, III and IV are devoted to Poe’s writing practice, zeroing in ever more closely on what might be the “species of writing” that is “arabesque,” and what it might imply for the history of writing. Part two examines practices of framing in Poe, and the transgression of theses frames. Part III examines the effects these transgressions have on temporality in Poe. Part IV, finally, studies how parabasis occurs at the heart of writing itself in certain Poe texts, thus revealing a species of writing that is arabesque through and through. These studies reveal ever more clearly a temporality that is proper to writing, a temporality that also calls for an other history, a history proper to writing
Books on the topic "Nouvelles américaines – 19e siècle"
Edgar, Wideman John, and Kenison Katrina, eds. The best American short stories, 1996: Selected from U.S. and Canadian magazines. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.
Find full textNeil, Cornwell, ed. The society tale in Russian literature: From Odoevskii to Tolstoi. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1998.
Find full textPasco, Allan H. Nouvelles françaises du 19e siècle. Anthologie. Rookwood Press, 2006.
Find full text(Editor), John Edgar Wideman, and Katrina Kenison (Editor), eds. The Best American Short Stories 1996 (Best American Short Stories). Houghton Mifflin, 1996.
Find full textReports on the topic "Nouvelles américaines – 19e siècle"
Rousseau, Henri-Paul. Gutenberg, L’université et le défi numérique. CIRANO, December 2022.
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