Academic literature on the topic 'Nouvelle technologie et données empiriques'
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Journal articles on the topic "Nouvelle technologie et données empiriques"
LAKS, BERNARD. "Pour une phonologie de corpus." Journal of French Language Studies 18, no. 1 (March 2008): 3–32.
Full textGacono, Carl B., and J. Reid Meloy. "Rorschach Research and the Psychodiagnosis of Antisocial and Psychopathic Personalities." Rorschachiana 22, no. 1 (January 1997): 130–48.
Full textDionne, Frédérick, Thanh-Lan Ngô, and Marie-Claude Blais. "Le modèle de la flexibilité psychologique : une approche nouvelle de la santé mentale." Santé mentale au Québec 38, no. 2 (March 21, 2014): 111–30.
Full textCrespo, Manuel. "Une nouvelle révolution universitaire ?" Articles 29, no. 2 (July 4, 2005): 375–96.
Full textLima, Jacob Carlos, Felipe Rangel, and Carole Yerochewski. "La nouvelle informalité et la flexibilité du travail au Brésil." Sociologie et sociétés 47, no. 1 (January 11, 2016): 47–72.
Full textAvanzi, Mathieu, and André Thibault. "Réflexions épistémologiques sur de nouveaux apports méthodologiques et empiriques à l’étude géolinguistique des français d’Amérique." SHS Web of Conferences 46 (2018): 02001.
Full textHeiniger-Castéret, Patricia, and Mathilde Lamothe. "Du canot à glace sur le Saint-Laurent au parapluie de berger des Pyrénées : les inventaires du patrimoine culturel immatériel au Québec et en Aquitaine." Études, no. 30 (March 4, 2019): 57–75.
Full textKopp, Christophe, Stéphane Bernabe, Mohand Achouche, and Sébastien Le Beux. "Photonique sur silicium : des réseaux à fibres au traitement optique de données." Photoniques, no. 98 (September 2019): 24–27.
Full textDUHAIME, Gérard. "Loi de l’ascension des corps dans l’espace professionnel." Sociologie et sociétés 21, no. 2 (September 30, 2002): 208–11.
Full textBédard, Jean-Luc, and Vincent Mirza. "La géométrie variable de la haute qualification. Pour une approche contextualisée1." Recherche 52, no. 2 (August 24, 2011): 317–34.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Nouvelle technologie et données empiriques"
Maximin, Grégory. "Les formes organisationnelles hybrides dans le secteur des télécommunications et des nouvelles technologies." Thesis, Antilles, 2022.
Full textThe aim of the thesis is to show what are the means and strategic and organizational processes the firms of the sectors highly intense in new IT and innovation use to cope with to asset specificity and to the dynamics of the globalisation of the economy. The New Institutional Economics (NIE) leads our work thanks to the conception of the firm used which is based essentially on a contractualist approach which uses the works of the transaction cost economics and of theory of the incomplete contracts; however other approaches of the firms are evocated in order to enrich the academical view of our thesis. Moreover, the notion of strategic alliance is very important for our work, and it allows us to operate an articulation between the concepts of Organization and the Market for put in the light some firm’s dynamics in a market economy. Furthermore, the thesis concerns the strategic alliances under two other following perspectives: the first one is the multinationalization of the innovative firms, and the second one concerns the organizational response that establish the strategic alliances to cope with the specificities of the innovative sectors. The game theory and the concept of Nash equilibrium can help us to model ou describe the dynamic of the firms belonging the sector of telecommunications. The dynamic of other innovative sectors is studied through the notion of strategic alliance. The influence of the decisions and the public policies concerning the telecommunication regulation and the impulse of the innovation is evocated too. The influence of public policies can be seen particularly concerning the competition when the public regulator allows in the innovative sectors the competing firms to cooperate in upstream (for example research and development joined). Some research and developments models are presented in the thesis. It is important to note that the thesis has empirical data highlighting the weight of the sectors highly intense in research and development and so showing the weight of the innovation in the economy. The geographical field covers by these data is international The thesis thanks to the notion of strategic alliance enables to retail the organizational processes and the behavioral strategies (models of game) strengthening the innovation, enabling to cope with to a strong asset specificity and explaining the firms’ responses in a globalized economy. We finish in providing the organizational forms the most adapted for cope with to the strong specificity of the sector of telecommunications. There are the firm (post-merger) and the relational joint venture concerning this latter we demonstrate that the presence of relational contracts enables to reduce the will to renege and is a protection against the contractual opportunism