Academic literature on the topic 'North-west France'

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Journal articles on the topic "North-west France"


D'Hem, P., A. Fevre, R. Hiernaux, and J. Holef. "Stabilisation of chalk in North-west France." International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts 28, no. 6 (November 1991): A376.

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Nielsen, Aileen. "The Algerian wife or “l’amour n’a pas d’age”." MIGRATION LETTERS 6, no. 2 (October 28, 2009): 185–93.

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Young male immigrants from North Africa come to France as much to defy a sense of globally structured exclusion as to escape the effects of other geopolitical stresses. While most anthropological work on Islam and North African youth in France documents a return to conservative Islam, this letter discusses another response to this same experience by illegal North African immigrants living in France. The response described here is one of humour, romance, and a continued desire to join the West rather than a rejection or challenge to French society. This letter provides ethnographic data on the phenomenon described above and so gives a view from the street of how romance may be one of the most important preoccupations of the clandestine male.
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Hryniewicz, Janusz. "Jakość rządzenia usługami publicznymi, kapitał społeczny a społeczno-kulturowe zróżnicowanie Unii Europejskiej." Athenaeum Polskie Studia Politologiczne 74, no. 2 (2022): 181–94.

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The aim of the paper is the analysis of impact of the historically shaped socio-cultural divisions of the European Union on social capital and quality of governance (EQI) in the context of the distribution of public services. Social capital is more important for quality of governance than financial resources. The highest level of social capital and quality of governance is observed in North-West Europe, the lowest in Central East Europe. Since 2010, the quality of public services and corruption have improved (except Poland and Hungary), and in South Europe it has worsened. In North-West Europe, the quality of services has deteriorated, most severely in France. Division East–North West is of greater significance for social capital and quality of governance than affiliation to catholic- protestant cultural circles and North–South division.
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Kovaleva, Olga, and Kseniia Lukina. "Characteristics of the Western European ecological group barley varieties in the North-Western region of the Russian Federation." BIO Web of Conferences 36 (2021): 01025.

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In the North-West region, spring barley is the main grain fodder crop. The variety is an effective and most affordable means of increasing the harvest and quality of the grain. The studying selection material for breeding ensures success in the creation of new varieties. European varieties are characterized by resistance to powdery mildew, which is a limiting factor of breeding in the North-West region. This work aimed to find new sources of agrobiological valuable traits. In 2016-2018, which differed in weather conditions, 32 varieties of spring barley were studied on the field of the Pushkin Laboratory of VIR. As a result of studying a set of samples of the Western European ecological group, according to the main agrobiological valuable traits sources for breeding in the North-West region were identified: early maturing, semi-dwarf, large-grain variety – “Brucefield” (к-31555, parallelum, Germany); semi-dwarf, large-grain variety – “Brennus” (к-31331, nutans, France); middle-maturity, high-yielding, large-grain, semi-dwarf, resistant to lodging, with an adaptation coefficient more than 1 – “Niagara” (к-31334, nutans, France), “Tocada” (к-31341, deficiens, Germany), “Juhata” (к-31346, nutans, Germany), “KWS Alciana” (к-31348, nutans, Germany).
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Walther, Fridolin M. R. "The Swiss Legal System A Guide for Foreign Researchers." International Journal of Legal Information 29, no. 1 (2001): 1–24.

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Switzerland is a federal state that lies in the heart of Europe and is bordered by Germany (to the north), Austria and the Principality of Liechtenstein (to the east), Italy (to the south) and France (to the west).
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Wegge, Njord. "Arctic Security Strategies and the North Atlantic States." Arctic Review on Law and Politics 11 (2020): 360.

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New uncertainties in international relations have presented several states in the West with important choices regarding their national strategies for the Arctic. This article analyzes security challenges in the Arctic and North Atlantic region, as understood by some key North-Atlantic states, namely: the USA, Canada, Denmark, Norway, the UK, Germany and France. By analyzing how, or to what degree, the colder east-west security landscape since 2014 is reflected in these selected North Atlantic states’ Arctic security strategies, this article seeks to improve our understanding of how the security situation in the northernmost part of the world is developing and being understood. Through applying a traditional understanding of security, the article identifies similarities but also significant differences among the Arctic and North-Atlantic states. Most notable when comparing the strategies is the rather unique global perspective laid out in the US security strategy for the region. The British, Norwegian, Danish and Canadian perspectives, on the other hand, stand out as more regional in nature. Germany displays a rather low profile in its approach to international security in the Arctic, considering its economic status in Europe. France reveals a strong concern for Arctic shipping and freedom of navigation, a perspective similar to the USA’s, but with less global ambition.
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Day, John J., and A. John Richards. "Taraxacum pseudomarklundii, a south-western European species, native in South Devon (v.c.3)." British & Irish Botany 2, no. 1 (February 26, 2020): 73–76.

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An enigmatic dandelion first collected in the UK in 2014 from a lanebank on Dartmoor (v.c.3) has been determined as Taraxacum pseudomarklandii (Soest), previously only known from north-west Spain and south-west France, an unusual biogeographic alliance in our Taraxacum-flora. It is triploid (2n = 24). This taxon has now been confirmed from several locations in South Devon and one site in Ireland (Meath, v.c.H22).
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Zaidman, M. D., H. G. Rees, and A. R. Young. "Spatio-temporal development of streamflow droughts in north-west Europe." Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 6, no. 4 (August 31, 2002): 733–51.

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Abstract. This paper examines the spatial and temporal development of streamflow droughts in Europe over the last 40 years, differentiating the climatic factors that drive drought formation from catchment controls on drought manifestation. A novel approach for quantifying and comparing streamflow and precipitation depletion is presented. This approach considers atypical flow or rainfall events, as well as more severe droughts, regardless of the season in which they occur (although unlikely to constitute drought in an operational sense, sustained atypical flows are important with regard to understanding how droughts arise and develop). The amount of flow depletion is quantified at daily resolution based on the standardised departure from the mean day d flow, or flow anomaly. The index was derived for 2780 gauging points within north-west Europe using data from the FRIEND European Water Archive for the 1960-1995 period. Using a simple interpolation procedure these data were used to produce a time-series of grids, with a cell size of 18 km2, showing the spatial distribution of flow anomaly over the study area. A similar approach was used to characterise monthly precipitation anomalies, based on existing grid data (see New et al., 2000). The grids were analysed chronologically to examine the spatial and temporal coherency of areas showing large flow and/or precipitation anomalies, focussing on drought development during the 1975-1976 and 1989-1990 periods. Using a threshold approach, in which an anomaly of 2 standard deviations represents the onset of drought conditions, indices were developed to describe the time-varying extent and areal-severity (flow deficit) of streamflow and precipitation drought. Similar indices were used to describe how the magnitude and temporal variation of flow depletion varied spatially. In terms of streamflow depletion, the 1976 drought was found to be a highly coherent event, having a well defined start (in January 1976) and end (in September 1976). The worst and most persistent streamflow droughts occurred in southern England and northern France. Central parts of Europe experienced only severe streamflow depletion during the ‘height’ of the drought in June, July and August when there was negligible precipitation across large areas of Europe. In contrast, the 1989/90 period was characterised by a series of shorter and less severe droughts, with much greater variability over time. The relationship between precipitation drought and streamflow drought was less clear, which might have resulted from periods of precipitation depletion occurring randomly in time. Particularly high levels of streamflow drought were again observed in southern England and northern France. Several possible explanations for the increased drought occurrence over southern England and northern France were investigated using data from the 1976 event. However, immediately antecedent precipitation deficits could not explain the level of streamflow depletion which appears to have been enhanced by decreased discharge of groundwater into the river networks in this region. This can probably be attributed to large precipitation deficits during autumn 1975 and spring 1976: the consequent reduction in groundwater recharge ultimately led to depressed groundwater levels. Keywords: drought, streamflow depletion, streamflow drought, low-flow regimes, Drought Index
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Bonsall, Clive, Mark G. Macklin, David E. Anderson, and Robert W. Payton. "Climate change and the adoption of agriculture in north-west Europe." European Journal of Archaeology 5, no. 1 (2002): 9–23.

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Farming can be shown to have spread very rapidly across the British Isles and southern Scandinavia around 6000 years ago, following a long period of stasis when the agricultural ‘frontier’ lay further south on the North European Plain between northern France and northern Poland. The reasons for the delay in the adoption of agriculture on the north-west fringe of Europe have been debated by archaeologists for decades. Here, we present fresh evidence that this renewed phase of agricultural expansion was triggered by a significant change in climate. This finding may also have implications for understanding the timing of the expansion of farming into some upland areas of southern and mid-latitude Europe.
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Scarre, Chris. "Contexts of Monumentalism: regional diversity at the Neolithic transition in north-west France." Oxford Journal of Archaeology 21, no. 1 (February 2002): 23–61.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "North-west France"


De, Jersey Philip. "La Tène and early Gallo-Roman north-west France." Thesis, University of Oxford, 1992.

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The basis of this research is the compilation of a gazetteer of sites and finds of the La Tène and early Gallo-Roman periods (c. 475 BC - c. 31 BC) in north-west France. Two aspects of the evidence thus collected are examined in detail: settlement and coinage. For the early La Tène period, burial evidence provides the only significant source of information, and at present it is not of sufficient quality or quantity to do more than shed light on a few specific aspects of regional development. Similarly, the settlement evidence from the later periods is also relatively scarce. However the introduction of coinage in the middle La Tène, probably via mercenaries returning from service in the Greek world, provides a much more substantial body of information on developments between the third and first centuries BC. Following a consideration of the theoretical aspects of coin use and function, all the major types of coinage in north-west France are examined in detail, and a number of problems of attribution and interpretation are discussed. It is apparent from the study of settlement and coinage that several traditional interpretations of aspects of the La Tène and early Gallo-Roman periods in north-west France need to be reassessed, in particular questions concerning the development of oppida, and the function of coinage. In the concluding chapter a model of the development of coinage in the region is suggested, illuminated where possible by the application of settlement evidence. The result demonstrates clearly the extraordinarily cohesive nature of this area, which has been termed "greater Armorica", throughout the later Iron Age and into the Gallo-Roman era.
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Jennings, Joe. "A petrogenetic study of granitoids in north-west Finistere, Brittany, France." Thesis, Keele University, 1996.

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Probst, Jeanne. "Les crues rapides en terres de grandes cultures (nord-ouest du bassin parisien)." Thesis, Normandie, 2022.

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Dans le nord-ouest du Bassin parisien (Eure, Seine-Maritime, Somme, Oise, Aisne, Nord, Pas-de-Calais), certains espaces, dont le Pays de Caux, subissent fréquemment des coulées de boue aux conséquences matérielles et financières de plus en plus graves, ouvrant droit à la reconnaissance de l’état de « Catastrophe Naturelle ». Différents lieux sont plus ou moins concernés dans une région dominée par les grandes cultures mais où les autres activités sont inégalement réparties. Des recherches variées ont progressivement permis de connaître ce phénomène de coulées de boue, qui est complexe. De nombreux facteurs sont en jeu, déclenchants, prédisposants ou aggravants, modifiables ou non. En effet, l’occurrence de telles catastrophes dépend de la géographie (pluviométrie, morphologie, nature des sols) et de l’occupation humaine (pratiques agricoles, urbanisation et artificialisation). Cette étude a pour but une observation de ces phénomènes, de leurs causes et de leur évolution sur une période de trente années d’histoire récente (1983 – 2012), de poursuivre les travaux précédemment engagés et de faire une synthèse sur la question. Pour cela, l’historique officiel des déclarations de « catastrophes naturelles », restreint aux coulées de boue ponctuelles dans le temps, sert de point de départ. Ces « CatNat » sont étudiées en deux saisons distinctes : le « printété » (avril à septembre) et l’ « authiver » (octobre à mars). Plusieurs sources de données permettent de comparer leur évolution et leur répartition à celles de différents facteurs : la pluviométrie, l’évolution des pratiques agricoles et l’étendue des constructions. Le risque est de mieux en mieux connu et pris en compte (parades face à l’aléa, réduction de la vulnérabilité) par différentes incitations ou lois concernant les assurances, les pratiques agricoles, l’urbanisation, la prévention des risques
In the north west of the Paris basin (Eure, Seine-Maritime, Somme, Oise, Aisne, Nord, Pas-de-Calais), some regions, such as the Pays de Caux, are frequently affected by sudden flows with increasing material and financial consequences, which opens right to “natural disaster” classification. In this area of farmed lands, other activities are unevenly distributed and different places are not concerned in the same way. Various studies have gradually enabled to have knowledge about those sudden flows which are a complex phenomenon because various causes must be considered : triggering, predisposing and aggravating factors, modifiable or not. The occurrence of those disasters depends on geography (rainfall, morphology, soil nature) and human occupation (land use and agricultural practices, growing urbanisation and artificialisation). The aim of this study is to know flows, their causes and evolution over a recent period of thirty years (1983 – 2012), in relation to precedent studies and to make a synthesis about the question. The official list of “natural disasters”, restricted to rapid flows, is the entry. Those disasters are studied in two specific seasons : from April to September and from October to March. Different data bases are used in order to compare the evolution and the repartition of flows with some of the following factors : rainfalls, land practices and occupation and urban sprawl. Risks are gradually better known and laws take them into account (hazard facing defence, reduction of vulnerability) with different measures regarding insurance, land practices, urbanisation, risk prevention
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Gueben-Veniere, Servane. "Vers une gestion renouvelée du littoral nord-ouest européen : des ingénieurs néerlandais, anglais et français de plus en plus "verts" ?" Thesis, Paris 1, 2014.

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Qu’ils soient néerlandais, anglais ou français, les ingénieurs du génie civil ont toujours fait autorité en matière d’aménagement du littoral. A travers la recherche constante d’innovations techniques, ils ont contribué à modeler le littoral – voire à le créer de toute pièce aux Pays-Bas – et imposé une vision techniciste de ce territoire entre terre et mer. Le tournant écologique et social qui a caractérisé les années 1970 a remis en question cette vision imposée par les ingénieurs, créant un véritable bouleversement pour la profession. Cette étude comparée tente d’expliquer comment les ingénieurs se représentent aujourd’hui le littoral qu’ils aménagent, et comment, en concertation avec d’autres scientifiques, ils élaborent désormais des solutions innovantes en adéquation avec une gestion intégrée du littoral. Il ressort que l’opposition entre vision linéaire et statique du littoral, longtemps imputée aux ingénieurs, et celle, plus large et systémique, généralement attribuée aux autres scientifiques, s’estompe. Des différences culturelles entre les trois pays semblent plus pertinentes pour expliquer les avancées observées. Par ailleurs, les ingénieurs semblent être en train de dépasser et de s’approprier le mouvement « vert » des dernières décennies pour saisir de nouvelles opportunités, tant professionnelles que territoriales
Whether Dutch, English or French, civil engineers have long been a recognized authority on coastal management. Through their relentless search for technical innovations, engineers have been instrumental in both shaping the coast – in the case of the Netherlands creating it almost entirely – and imposing on it a technical vision. The social and ecological movement which characterized the 1970’s brought this engineering vision into question. This change in outlook would create real turmoil for the profession. This comparative study attempts to explain how nowadays engineers envision the coast they manage and how, in collaboration with other scientists, they now derive innovative solutions in line with an integrated coastal management. It appears that the classical opposition, between a vision long imputed to engineers of a static and linear coast and one attributed to other scientists who view the coast as something larger and more systemic, has become blurred. Cultural differences between the three countries are more relevant to explain the differences observed. Into the bargain engineers seem to have overtaken the “green” movement of the last decades to seize new opportunities, professional ones as well as territorial
Of ze nu Nederlands, Engels of Frans zijn, de waterbouwers zijn autoriteit als het aankomt op het beheren van de kust. Met hun niet aflatende zoektocht naar innovatieve technieken hebben ze een bijdrage geleverd aan het vormen van de kustlijn – of om het even welke deel van Nederland dan ook – en hebben ze de kustlijn gevormd op een technocratische wijze. De ecologische en sociale omwenteling, kenmerkend voor de jaren ’70, heeft vraagtekens gezet bij deze, door ingenieurs opgelegde, visie en veroorzaakte een serieuze omwenteling in het vakgebied. Deze studie probeert uit te leggen hoe de ingenieur vandaag de dag de kust behartigt en hij hoe tegenwoordig in overleg met andere wetenschappen nieuwe oplossingen ontwikkelt die in lijn zijn met een integraal kustbeheer. Het blijkt dat het onderscheid tussen de rechtlijnige en statische visie over de kust, lang toegeschreven aan ingenieurs, en de bredere en systematische aanpak, over het algemeen toegeschreven aan andere wetenschappers, vervaagt. Culturele verschillen tussen de drie landen lijken een belangrijkere reden te zijn voor de geconstateerde ontwikkelingen. Daarnaast lijken de ingenieurs zich de "groene" kennis in de afgelopen decennia eigen gemaakt te hebben om nieuwe kansen te grijpen, zowel voor hun vak als voor hun omgeving
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Adroit, Stéphanie. "Pratiques funéraires et sociétés de la Garonne à l'Èbre (Xe s. - Ve s. av. J.-C.)." Thesis, Toulouse 2, 2015.

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Les communautés du Bronze final et du Premier âge du Fer (Xe s.-Ve s. av. J.-C.), situées entre Garonne et Èbre, sont essentiellement connues par leurs nécropoles à crémation. Cette recherche, qui repose sur une abondante documentation de plus de 400 nécropoles, entend aborder la question des pratiques funéraires sous un nouvel angle, en réalisant une synthèse des données archéologiques sur une vaste échelle géographique afin d’avoir une vision d’ensemble des pratiques funéraires et de leurs dynamiques dans le temps. Après avoir introduit des notions historiographiques importantes et discuté les éléments relatifs au cadre chronologique de l’étude (proposition d’un système chronologique inter-régional), nous proposons d’étudier une sélection de nécropoles bien documentées. Ces nécropoles seront analysées suivant une grille d’analyse précise qui permettra de réaliser des analyses statistiques afin d’étudier d’éventuels groupes funéraires. Les résultats de ces analyses sont exposés de manière chronologique ce qui nous donnera l’occasion, dans un second temps, de discuter la répartition géographique de ces groupes funéraires et leur évolution dans le temps et l’espace
Final Bronze Age and First Iron Age communities (10th - 5th century B. C.), situated between the Garonne and the Ebro Rivers are essentially known though their cremation burial cemeteries. This work, based on an abundant documentation of more than 400 cemeteries, intends to approach the question of the funeral practices under a new point of view, by realizing a synthesis of the archaeological data on a large geographical scale to get an overall view of the funerary practices and their dynamics throughout time. After introducing the important background notions and discussing the chronological elements (proposal of an inter-regional chronological system), we suggest studying a selection of cremation burial cemeteries well documented. These cemeteries will be studied according to a grid of analysis which will allows us to realize statistical analyses to study possible funeral groups. The results of these analyses are explained in a chronological way which give us the opportunity, in a second time, to discuss the geographical distribution of these funeral groups and their evolution in time and space
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Little, Andrew Ross. "British personnel in the Dutch navy, 1642-1697." Thesis, University of Exeter, 2008.

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An international maritime labour market study, the thesis focuses on the Dutch naval labour market, analysing wartime Zeeland admiralty crews. The research is based primarily on unique naval pay sources. Analysis of crew compositions has not been made on this scale in the period before. The 1667 Dutch Medway Raid is the starting point, where a few British played a leading role – amongst many others reported on the Dutch side. Pepys and Marvell primarily blamed their joining the enemy on the lure of superior Dutch payment. The thesis asks how many British there were really, how they came to be in Dutch service, and whether this involvement occurred, as indicated, at other times too. Part One is thematic and explores the background mechanisms of the maritime environment in detail, determining causation. First, the two naval recruitment systems are compared and completely reassessed in the light of state intervention in the trade sphere. Two new sets of ‘control’ data – naval wages and foreign shipping – are amongst the incentives and routes determined. British expatriate communities are examined as conduits for the supply of naval labour and civilian support. British personnel are compared and contrasted with other foreigners, against the background of Anglo-Dutch interlinkage and political transition from neutrality through conflict to alliance. Part Two is chronological, covering four major wars in three chapters. Micro-case studies assembled from the scattered record streams enable analysis of the crews of particular officers and ships. Seamen were an occupation that made them a very little known group: the thesis examines the different career types of British personnel of many different ranks, shedding light on their everyday lives. The thesis shows that British personnel were an integral part of Dutch crews throughout the period, even when the two nations were fighting each other. The basic need of subsistence labour for employment took precedence over allegiance to nation/ideology, demonstrating limitations in state power and the continual interdependence forced on the maritime powers through the realities of the labour market.
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Deperne, Marcel. "La Belle Rivière dans l'espace atlantique, 1783-1815 : migrations commerciales francophones entre Pittsburgh (PA) et Henderson (KY)." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2019.

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L’historiographie a souvent négligé la place occupée par les migrants francophones au sein de la jeune république américaine, se bornant à suivre l’itinéraire des exilés politiques les plus célèbres, bannis par la Révolution Française ou la Restauration, ou celui des utopistes rêvant d’instaurer une société nouvelle au Nouveau Monde. Au cœur de la Jeune Amérique confrontée à l’épineux problème de l’esclavage, à l’agonie des empires coloniaux et à la naissance de l’esprit d’entreprise et du capitalisme, ils furent nombreux à tenter la fortune outre atlantique entre 1783 et 1815, établissant dans le corridor créole de puissants liens commerciaux, culturels et religieux entre côte Est, Nouvelle-Orléans, Antilles et espace atlantique. Tel est l’objet de la présente réflexion qui emprunte la voie ouverte par l’histoire atlantique, et propose, en tirant parti de la correspondance et des ressources archivistiques, une écriture novatrice de l’histoire des migrations commerciales francophones entre Pittsburgh et Louisville à l’époque des révolutions atlantiques
Historiography often neglects the part of Francophone migrants in the young American republic, merely following the route of the most famous political exiles banished by the French Revolution and the Restoration, or the Utopians dreaming to establish a new society in the New World. In the Early Republic faced with the thorny problem of slavery, the agony of colonial empires and the birth of entrepreneurship and capitalism, many migrants tried fortune beyond the Atlantic Ocean, between 1783 and 1815, establishing in the “Creole corridor” powerful commercial, cultural and religious ties between east coast, New Orleans, West Indies and Atlantic space. This is the purpose of this discussion that borrows the path opened by the Atlantic history, and proposes, through the study of correspondence and archival resources, an innovative history of francophone business migrations from Pittsburgh to Louisville in the age of the Atlantic Revolutions
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Leonard, Douglas. "Networks of Knowledge: Ethnology and Civilization in French North and West Africa, 1844-1961." Diss., 2012.

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The second French colonial empire (1830-1962) challenged soldiers, scholars, and administrators to understand societies radically different from their own so as to govern them better. Overlooking the contributions of many of these colonial officials, most historians have located the genesis of the French social theory used to understand these differences in the hallowed halls of Parisian universities and research institutes. This dissertation instead argues that colonial experience and study drove metropolitan theory. Through a contextualized examination of the published and unpublished writings and correspondence of key thinkers who bridged the notional metropolitan-colonial divide, this dissertation reveals intellectual networks that produced knowledge of societies in North and West Africa and contemplated the nature of colonial rule. From General Louis Faidherbe in the 1840s to politician Jacques Soustelle and sociologist Pierre Bourdieu in the 1950s, a succession of soldiers and administrators engaged in dialogue with their symbiotic colonial sources to translate indigenous ideas for a metropolitan audience and humanize French rule in Africa. Developing ideas in part from a reading of native African written and oral sources, these particular colonial thinkers conceived of social structure and race in civilizational terms, placing peoples along a temporally-anchored developmental continuum that promised advancement along a unique pathway if nurtured by a properly adapted program of Western intervention. This perspective differed significantly from the theories proposed by social scientists such as Emile Durkheim, who described "primitivity" as a stage in a unilinear process of social evolution. French African political and social structures incorporated elements of this intellectual direction by the mid-twentieth century, culminating in the attempt by Jacques Soustelle to govern Algeria with the assistance of ethnological institutions. At the same time, Pierre Bourdieu built on French ethnological ideas in an empirically grounded and personally contingent alternative to the dominant structuralist sociological and anthropological perspective in France.

Approached as an interdisciplinary study, this dissertation considers colonial knowledge from a number of different angles. First, it is a history of French African ethnology viewed through a biographical and microhistorical lens. Thus, it reintroduces the variance in the methods and interpretations employed by individual scholars and administrators that was a very real part of both scientific investigation and colonial rule. Race, civilization, and progress were not absolutes; definitions and sometimes applications of these terms varied according to local and personal socio-cultural context. This study also considers the evolution of French social theory from a novel perspective, that of the amateur fieldworker in the colonies. Far from passive recipients of metropolitan thought, these men (and sometimes women) actively shaped metropolitan ideas on basic social structure and interaction as they emerged. In the French science de l'homme, intellectual innovation came not always from academics in stuffy rooms, but instead from direct interaction and dialogue with the subjects of study themselves.

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Turner, Dennise M. "Race, Culture, and French National Identity: North African, West African, and Antillean Communities in Paris, 1950-1990." 2017.

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Examining the place of immigrants in French society between 1950 and 1990, this dissertation traces both official policies and public reactions toward immigration, and immigrant responses to their treatment. Increased negative perceptions of North Africans during the 1970s and 80s, and escalating acts of violence and discrimination against them, sparked a national debate on the compatibility of Islam with French identity. North Africans’ presence in France seemed to throw into question common notions of “Frenchness” because the practices that characterized Islamic culture differentiated Muslims from other ethnic and religious minorities. I investigated North African, West African, and Antillean immigrant communities in Paris through the intersection of race, religion, and culture in order to explore changing French attitudes toward ethnic minorities and their cultural identities. My dissertation focuses on how these communities were or were not accepted into the French “nation,” and what their integration or lack thereof said about conceptions of what it meant to be “French.” In addition to offering a study of the government’s role in establishing or modifying perceptions about French identity, I also evaluate race and culture from the perspective of the immigrants themselves. This project thus offers an analysis of immigrants of color and the discourses and policies of the institutions that helped define certain ethnic groups encoded as “racially other” as also culturally inassimilable. The dissertation argues that the state’s construction of racially distinct citizens and immigrant communities as different limited their access to the nation and their acceptance by the general public. In the 1980s, the growing popularity of extreme right political rhetoric glorifying the nation and its supposed heritage gave voice to racism and fears of losing a uniquely French culture. An implicit racial hierarchy prevented immigrant groups and ethnic minorities from fully integrating into the nation. At the same time, ethnic groups from North Africa, West Africa, and the Antilles worked to redefine “Frenchness” along more inclusive lines in order to minimize tensions and improve relations between these groups and those who seemed more unquestionably “French.”
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Mafete, Lefora France. "Investigation into the role of the North-West Water Board in water service delivery management in municipalities : the case of Mafikeng Central District Municipality / Lefora France Mafete." Thesis, 2005.

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This study is based on investigation into the role of the North West Water supply (which changed the name to Botshelo Water Board during the period of study in water service delivery management in municipalities. The case of Mafikeng Central District municipality. The major findings area as follows: In South Africa the role of regional water supply services providers, typically water boards, is changing. Historically they were established with the primary function of supplying large urban canters with bulk water. Their emphasis has thus been on developing and running large, technically complex systems. Most importantly they have generally been selling bulk water to financially strong municipalities. With the new imperative to rapidly increase the provision of water services to all South Africans, these regional services providers are facing new challenges of management integration and provision of 6 kl free basic water to poor of the poorest in our country. The South African White Paper on Water and Sanitation policy proposed that Local Authorities to take over the functions of water provision and sanitation services. There is an urgent need to co-ordinate local development needs and integrate them into optimal development and operation plans . at regional level which will take advantage for involving all parties affected. The Water Service Act of (1997) defines the roles for various parties involved in water service delivery and will have a profound impact on the relationship between the parties. The Act recommended that close working relationship between water boards and local authorities must be maintained. Chapter 3 of the Constitution describes Government in South Africa as consisting of National, Provincial and Municipal Spheres which are not only distinctive but also interdependent and interrelated. It provides that all spheres of Government and all · organs of State must trust and good faith by co-ordinating their actions and legislation with each other. Co-operative governance and integration are not only policy matters they are constitutionally mandated. The recommendation from this study is that, awareness campaign be made in the areas to encourage people to pay for services and take responsibility for meter reading on their own like it is happening in Denmark. In Denmark each household reads its own meters for both water and electricity and. submits the readings to the municipality for billing. As a result the municipality did not employ special meter readers thus saves on salaries. Greater resource allocation is made to cover the shortfalls experienced due to lack of management capacity and other resources that would enable Central District municipality to run the functions on their own. Capacity building and support for professionals be streamline on the current Botshelo Water staff for future absorption by municipality. Promotion of community based development be continued to encourage community ownership on water management functions. This could be done through the formation of water committees associations. While community-based approaches are now accepted as the norm, the necessary capacity to support them in most cases does not generally exist at higher levels (National, district and local) and central needs to look at this. If the municipal cannot handle these functions on its own, then joint venture, synergy, merger and acquisition of all affected institution be considered.
(MBA) North-West University, Mafikeng Campus, 2005
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Books on the topic "North-west France"


Robert, Weiss. Enemy north, south, east, west: A recollection of the "Lost Battalion" at Mortain, France. Portland, Or: Strawberry Hill Press, 1998.

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Destination D-day: Preparations for the invasion of North-west Europe 1944. Solihull, West Midlands: Helion, 2014.

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Association, Consumers', ed. The Which? guide to Brittany and Normandy: The all-in-one guideto touring, walking, camping and beach holidays in North-West France. London: Consumers' Association and Hodder & Stoughton, 1993.

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Office, Great Britain Hydrographic. Channel pilot: Isles of Scilly and south coast of England, from Cape Cornwall to Bognor Regis, and north-west and north coasts of France, from Pointe de Penmarc'h to Cap d'Antifer. 4th ed. Taunton, Somerset [England]: Hydrographer of the Navy, 1999.

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Welch, James. The heartsong of Charging Elk: A novel. New York: Doubleday, 2000.

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The winning of the West. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1995.

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The 56th Infantry Brigade and D-day: An Independent Infantry Brigade and the Campaign in North West Europe 1944-1945. London: Continuum, 2012.

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Gitlin, Jay. The bourgeois frontier: French towns, French traders, and American expansion. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2009.

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The Comanche code talkers of World War II. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002.

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Frantz Fanon: Interdisciplinary perspectives. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.

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Book chapters on the topic "North-west France"


Fouracre, Paul. "Marmoutier: Familia versus Family. The Relations between Monastery and Serfs in Eleventh-Century North-West France." In Studies in the Early Middle Ages, 255–73. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2006.

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Morén-Alegret, Ricard, and Dawid Wladyka. "North-West Europe: Comparing the Cases of South Warwickshire in Central England, UK, and of Poitou-Charentes in New Aquitaine, West France." In Migration, Diasporas and Citizenship, 207–91. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2019.

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Marcigny, Cyril, and Rebecca Peake. "My Home Is My Castle! Field Systems and Farms: Rhythm and Land Appropriation During the Bronze Age in North-West France (2300–800 BCE)." In Themes in Contemporary Archaeology, 131–41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Marcigny, Cyril, and Rebecca Peake. "My Home Is My Castle! Field Systems and Farms: Rhythm and Land Appropriation During the Bronze Age in North-West France (2300–800 BCE)." In Themes in Contemporary Archaeology, 131–41. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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Börjesson, Mikael, and Pablo Lillo Cea. "World Class Universities, Rankings and the Global Space of International Students." In Evaluating Education: Normative Systems and Institutional Practices, 141–70. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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AbstractThe notion of World Class University suggests that this category of universities operates at a global and not national level. The rankings that have made this notion recognised are global in their scope, ranking universities on a worldwide scale and feed an audience from north to south, east to west. The very idea of ranking universities on such a scale, it is argued here, must be understood in relation to the increasing internationalisation and marketisation of higher education and the creation of a global market for higher education. More precisely, this contribution links the rankings of world class universities to the global space of international student flows. This space has three distinctive poles, a Pacific pole (with the US as the main country of destination and Asian countries as the most important suppliers of students), a Central European one (European countries of origin and destination) and a French/Iberian one (France and Spain as countries of destination with former colonies in Latin America and Africa as countries of origin). The three poles correspond to three different logics of recruitment: a market logic, a proximity logic and a colonial logic. It is argued that the Pacific/Market pole is the dominating pole in the space due to the high concentration of resources of different sorts, including economic, political, educational, scientific and not least, linguistic assets. This dominance is further enhanced by the international ranking. US universities dominate these to a degree that World Class Universities has become synonymous with the American research university. However, the competition has sharpened. And national actors such as China and India are investing heavily to challenge the American dominance. Also France and Germany, who are the dominant players at the dominated poles in the space, have launched initiative to ameliorate their position. In addition, we also witness a growing critique of the global rankings. One of the stakes is the value of national systems of higher education and the very definition of higher education.
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Cousseau, Florian. "Megalithic constructional techniques in north-west France:." In The Megalithic Architectures of Europe, 39–48. Oxbow Books, 2015.

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"Strategic Marginalisation and Coping Mechanisms: Farm Households in North West France." In Community Development on the North Atlantic Margin, 105–22. Routledge, 2017.

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Marchand, Grégor. "Neolithic fragrances: Mesolithic-Neolithic interactions in western France." In Going Over: The Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in North-West Europe. British Academy, 2007.

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This chapter considers the Neolithic transition of western France through the relationships between communities of hunter-gatherers and those of farmers. The intention is not so much to place farming pioneers and natives in opposition, but rather to reflect on the traces left by the interactions between technical systems during the ‘availability’ phase. The area considered stretches from the Seine to the Garonne, during the period in broad terms from 5500 to 4700 cal bc. The meeting of the two main currents of the west-European Neolithic expansion, coupled with the continued existence (chronologically ill defined) of Mesolithic groups, created a mosaic process that we are only beginning to analyse, region by region.
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Bradley, Richard, Colin Haselgrove, Marc Vander Linden, and Leo Webley. "Regional Monumental Landscapes (3700–2500 BC)." In The Later Prehistory of North-West Europe. Oxford University Press, 2015.

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By about 3700 BC every region of the study area had been settled by farmers (Fig. 3.1), although there must have been local differences between the areas that were colonized by immigrants and those where the indigenous population had changed its way of life. The expansion of agriculture would extend little further and, when it did so, it would be mainly a feature of Fennoscandia. In some of the regions discussed here farming had already been practiced for between a thousand and fifteen hundred years. That was certainly true in the Rhineland, the southern Netherlands, and parts of France, but in other areas it had been adopted only recently. Such was the case in the northern Netherlands, Jutland, Britain, and Ireland, but by the period considered in this chapter the process was virtually complete. Not only did these parts of the study area have different histories, there were significant contrasts in the roles played by local monuments. For the most part such structures were not a feature of the earliest Neolithic period, although even here there were significant contrasts. In the Rhineland, the earthwork enclosures of the LBK were associated with the last settlements in that tradition, and in certain cases may even have taken the place of houses that had been abandoned. In Brittany, on the other hand, the first stone monuments seem to be closely related to the oldest evidence of farming. There was a significant difference between developments in those two regions. From the beginning, the LBK had been associated with enormous longhouses, but on the Atlantic coast of France early settlers may not have occupied such impressive structures. Here stone monuments, especially menhirs, could have been erected from the outset. A similar contrast was found in other regions studied in Chapter 2, but it is even more apparent in the phase considered now, for this was a time when enclosures and mounds were built at an increasing pace. There is little evidence of houses except in Scandinavia, Ireland, and the Northern Isles of Scotland.
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Scarre, Chris. "Changing places: monuments and the Neolithic transition in western France." In Going Over: The Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in North-West Europe. British Academy, 2007.

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The suggestion that monuments were not a feature of the initial Neolithic poses anew the question of the Mesolithic contribution to the earliest Neolithic of Atlantic Europe. Put bluntly, are these monuments the consequence of contact and acculturation between incoming farmers and indigenous hunter-gatherers, as was envisaged twenty years ago? If so, what was the nature of the Mesolithic contribution? Was it the forms of the monuments themselves, or did it lie more generally in attitudes to materials, places, and landscape? This chapter suggests that the craggy landscapes of Atlantic Europe may have inspired the construction of megalithic monuments. The new monumentality could as well have been the response of incoming farming communities to these landscapes, however, as a transformation in the behaviour of indigenous foraging groups, who may have envisaged these landscapes in entirely different ways. The landscape beliefs of Mesolithic communities might have played a role in the inception of megaliths, but the scarcity of Mesolithic monuments and the presence of a ‘premonument’ Neolithic suggests that it was the advent of farming groups or farming ideologies that laid the crucial foundations.
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Conference papers on the topic "North-west France"


Veyron, Mathilde, Fabrice Renaude, Daniel Mugnier, and Marc Clausse. "Dynamic exergoeconomic analysis of a solar district heating system located in the North West of France." In 34th International Conference on Efficiency, Cost, Optimization, Simulation and Environment Impact of Energy Systems. Tokyo, Japan: ECOS 2021 Program Organizers, 2022.

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Article has survey character and is based on the discussion on technologies for teaching computer and engineering Sciences through the use of modern digital tools and best practices to engineering courses in the period of the pandemic. Experts from Finland, Croatia and France took part in the discussion. The discussion was held within the framework of a foresight session organized by the Foundation “center for strategic research” North-West “ in partnership with the International scientific and methodological center of MEPhI. The article deals with the following topics: collecting a digital trace, features of interaction with students online, psychological aspects of distance learning. also, attention is paid to various platforms and SOFTWARE for providing a remote learning process.
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Rahmonov, T., and S. Ermakov. "VARIETY OF LANGUAGES IN SWITZERLAND." In Manager of the Year. FSBE Institution of Higher Education Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies named after G.F. Morozov, 2022.

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Switzerland is located at the junction of western, central and southern Europe, is landlocked and borders Italy to the south, France to the west, Germany to the north, and Austria and Liechtenstein to the east. The country is geographically divided between the Alps, the Swiss plateau and the Jura, covering a total area of 41,285 km². While the Alps occupy most of the territory, Switzerland’s population of approximately 8.5 million people is mainly concentrated on the plateau, where the largest cities are located, including two global ones – Zurich and Geneva. Switzerland is at the crossroads of Germanic and Romance Europe and has four main linguistic and cultural regions: German, French, Italian and Romansh.
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Vu, B. T., and J. A. Zysko. "A CFD Analysis of Easterly Wind Flow Impacting the Vehicle Assembly Building." In ASME 2005 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. ASMEDC, 2005.

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In an attempt to explain the high loss of panels from the south face of the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) during Hurricane Frances, a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (3-D CFD) model was developed to simulate local velocity and pressure distributions resulting from such a storm. A preconditioned compressible Navier-Stokes flow solver1 was used to compute the flow field around the VAB complex, including the Launch Control Center, the Low and High Bays of the VAB, and several outbuildings in the immediate LC-39 area. The mapping of the forces and velocities on and along the affected faces of the VAB correlated surprisingly well with the extensive damage areas realized on both on the south face and on the southeast section of the roof. The model results were also consistent with the minimal damage seen on the east, north, and west faces of the structure.
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Ngadiman, Helmi. "Installation of Conductor Supported Platform CSP at X Field." In SPE/IATMI Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract This technical paper presents the offshore installation execution work of Conductor Supported Platforms (CSP) at ‘X’ field. The knowledge sharing was based on the successful installation of three (3) numbers of CSP for ‘X’ development project. The platforms were installed at approximately of 70m water depth and encountered technical challenges during offshore execution. ‘X’ field is located about approximately 45km North West of Miri, Sarawak. The CSPs were installed by Derrick Barge (DB) via double blocks crane upending method for the substructures and conventional lifting method for the topsides. The CSP was designed for 70 meters water depth with four (4) numbers of vertical legs, four (4) numbers of skirt piles, and one (1) number of pin pile. The weight of the topside was about 600MT, meanwhile the substructure was about 1100MT respectively. These CSPs marked as a pioneer in the installation of its kinds at 70m water depth in COMPANY. The concept required high accuracy of detailed offshore installation engineering. This configuration however had caused some challenges during installation. Among the major challenges were issues on the pin-pile verticality, substructure levelness and upending activities via double blocks crane upending method. The effective strategies were adopted to improve the on-bottom stability by installing pin pile prior to substructure set down. The pin pile was installed by utilizing Subsea Fast Frame (SFF), in order to achieve pin pile's verticality. The crucial part during pin pile installation was to ensure meeting the verticality accuracy and minimum tolerance may high potentially impact the substructure install ability and meeting level requirement. However, due to a big annulus gap at pin pile sleeve of the substructure had caused prolong in levelling operation. In order to improve subsequent platforms levelling operations, a set of centralizers were introduced and installed after confirming the pin pile verticality result, in order to reduce the annulus gap. Despite all the challenges aforementioned, the installation of CSPs were completed successfully and most importantly with Zero Lost Time Injury (LTI).
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Hejazi, Rasoul, Andrew Grime, Mark Randolph, and Mike Efthymiou. "A Bayesian Machine Learning Approach for Efficient Integrity Management of Steel Lazy Wave Risers." In ASME 2020 39th International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2020.

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Abstract In-service integrity management (IM) of steel lazy wave risers (SLWRs) can benefit significantly from quantitative assessment of the overall risk of system failure as it can provide an effective tool for decision making. SLWRs are prone to fatigue failure within their touchdown zone (TDZ). This failure mode needs to be evaluated rigorously in riser IM processes because fatigue is an ongoing degradation mechanism threatening the structural integrity of risers throughout their service life. However, accurately evaluating the probability of fatigue failure for riser systems within a useful time frame is challenging due to the need to run a large number of nonlinear, dynamic numerical time domain simulations. Applying the Bayesian framework for machine learning, through the use of Gaussian Processes (GP) for regression, offers an attractive solution to overcome the burden of prohibitive simulation run times. GPs are stochastic, data-driven predictive models which incorporate the underlying physics of the problem in the learning process, and facilitate rapid probabilistic assessments with limited loss in accuracy. This paper proposes an efficient framework for practical implementation of a GP to create predictive models for the estimation of fatigue responses at SLWR hotspots. Such models are able to perform stochastic response prediction within a few milliseconds, thus enabling rapid prediction of the probability of SLWR fatigue failure. A realistic North West Shelf (NWS) case study is used to demonstrate the framework, comprising a 20” SLWR connected to a representative floating facility located in 950 m water depth. A full hindcast metocean dataset with associated statistical distributions are used for the riser long-term fatigue loading conditions. Numerical simulation and sampling techniques are adopted to generate a simulation-based dataset for training the data-driven model. In addition, a recently developed dimensionality reduction technique is employed to improve efficiency and reduce complexity of the learning process. The results show that the stochastic predictive models developed by the suggested framework can predict the long-term TDZ fatigue damage of SLWRs due to vessel motions with an acceptable level of accuracy for practical purposes.
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