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Lacchini, Luigi. E-business: Profili normativi. Padova: CEDAM, 2002.

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Rocca, Paolo Morozzo della. Immigrazione: Profili normativi e orientamenti giurisprudenziali. Torino: UTET giuridica, 2005.

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Grandi, Roberto. La comunicazione pubblica: Teorie, casi, profili normativi. Roma: Carocci, 2001.

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Cortese, Wanda. I beni culturali e ambientali: Profili normativi. Padova: CEDAM, 1999.

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Grigoli, Michele. Profili del diritto dei trasporti nell'attuale realtà normativa. Bologna: Zanichelli, 2003.

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Rocca, Paolo Morozzo della, and Gloria Carroccio. Immigrazione e cittadinanza: Profili normativi e orientamenti giurisprudenziali. Torino: UTET giuridica, 2009.

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Lizza, Fiorenzo. L'economia del G.E.I.E.: Profili di strategia normativi ed informativi. Milano: Giuffrè, 1997.

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Adinolfi, Giovanna. L' organizzazione mondiale del commercio: Profili istituzionali e normativi. Padova: CEDAM, 2001.

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Guedes, Gisela Sampaio da Cruz. Lucros cessantes: Do bom-senso ao postulado normativo da razoabilidade. São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2012.

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Bartashevich, Aleksandr, Vladimir Onegin, Sergey Trofimov, and Sergey Gayduk. Design furniture. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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Reviewed all types of furniture and the basic requirements to it, the history of its development, structural and style features modern furniture, basics of design engineering design. A General characteristic properties of production materials and normative-reference data necessary for the development of interiors and furniture. In detail the questions of automation of designing of furniture. Considered furniture in the interior and analyzed all aspects of engineering products for various purposes for premises of residential and public buildings. For students of higher educational institutions trained on specialities "Technology of logging and wood processing industries" and "Design". Will be useful to students of colleges, higher and secondary vocational and technical schools woodworking profile. Can serve as a reference book for architects, designers, and all production workers in the furniture industry.
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Lykova, L. N. Ot normativov k nalogooblozhenii͡u︡: Raspredelenie dokhodov predprii͡a︡tiĭ. Moskva: "Nauka", 1991.

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Risicato, Lucia. Gli elementi normativi della fattispecie penale: Profili generali e problemi applicativi. Milano: A. Giuffrè, 2004.

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Pokazateli i normativy v novykh uslovii͡akh khozi͡aĭstvovanii͡a: Ot͡senka dei͡atelʹnosti predprii͡atii͡a. Moskva: "Finansy i statistika", 1989.

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Resta, Federica. Il delitto di furto: Profili sostanziali e strategie processuali alla luce delle più recenti evoluzioni normative. Padova: CEDAM, 2010.

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Ferrajoli, Luigi. La normativa antiriciclaggio: Repressione penale, adempimenti amministrativi degli intermediari finanziari, strumenti e tecniche di investigazione, profili internazionali. 3rd ed. Milano: Pirola, 1994.

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Pòlcari, Eugenio. Aziende agricole e liquami zootecnici: Profili interpretativi della normativa statale e della regione del Veneto, in materia ambientale. [Padova]: CEDAM, 1993.

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Seagris, Susan. Differences in personality profiles between sexual offenders, general psychiatric patients, and physically and emotionally abusive fathers, and as compared to normative data. Sudbury, Ont: Laurentian University, Department of Psychology, 1987.

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Gibson, James L., and Michael J. Nelson. Judicial Elections. Edited by Lee Epstein and Stefanie A. Lindquist. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Most judges in the United States retain their judgeships through periodic popular elections. In recent years, these judicial elections have become more salient, with high-profile television advertising becoming commonplace. This chapter discusses the effects of judicial elections, particularly in an age of salient campaigning, on the choices judges make. It reviews existing findings about the influences other institutions of state government, interest groups, and the public have on judges, before discussing the effects of high-profile judicial elections on the information available to voters and the institutional legitimacy of the judiciary. Throughout, the chapter discusses the normative controversies inherent in the use of judicial elections as well as potentially fruitful avenues for future inquiry.
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Paolo, Morozzo della Rocca, and Bonini Roberta, eds. Immigrazione e cittadinanza: Profili normativi e orientamenti giurisprudenziali. Torino: UTET giuridica, 2008.

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Paolo, Morozzo della Rocca, and Bonini Roberta, eds. Immigrazione e cittadinanza: Profili normativi e orientamenti giurisprudenziali. Torino: UTET giuridica, 2008.

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Grimm, Stephen R., ed. Varieties of Understanding. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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According to a long historical tradition, understanding comes in different varieties. In particular, it is said that understanding people has a different epistemic profile than understanding the natural world—it calls on different cognitive resources, for instance, and brings to bear distinctive normative considerations. Thus in order to understand people we might need to appreciate, or in some way sympathetically reconstruct, the reasons that led a person to act in a certain way. By comparison, when it comes to understanding natural events, like earthquakes or eclipses, no appreciation of reasons or acts of sympathetic reconstruction is arguably needed—mainly because there are no reasons on the scene to even be appreciated, and no perspectives to be sympathetically pieced together. In this volume some of the world’s leading philosophers, psychologists, and theologians shed light on the various ways in which we understand the world, pushing debates on this issue to new levels of sophistication and insight.
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Gianni, De Luca, and Verrilli Antonio, eds. Dizionario economico, finanziario e contabile: Corredato da riferimenti normativi, confronti interdisciplinari e profili delle maggiori società italiane. Napoli: Simone, 1992.

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Gordon, Peter E. Migrants in the Profane. Yale University Press, 2020.

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Migrants in the Profane explores the concept of secularization in the thought of three key figures in the classical phase of critical theory, Walter Benjamin, Max Horkheimer, and Theodor W. Adorno. Following Adorno’s dictum that theological concepts must undergo a “migration into the profane,” the book asks whether it is possible for secular modernity to draw instruction from the normative resources of religion without violating its own principle of modern independence. It pursues this question in three chapters, examining how each author proposed distinctive answers. Interlacing philosophical and historical criticism, the book also addresses the history of Frankfurt School critical theory in its early years. It concludes with broader reflections on the relationship between religion and secular society, and the challenge of ethno-religious pluralism in an era of migration.
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Le Società di capitali a partecipazione degli enti locali nell'ordinamento spagnolo: Profili comparativi con la realtà italiana : normativa, bibliografia. Torino: G. Giappichelli, 1993.

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Italy. Ministero di grazia e giustizia., ed. La Criminalità economica: Analisi del fenomeno sotto il profilo penalistico, anche di diritto comparato, e proposte sul piano normativo ed organizzativo. [Roma]: Ministero di grazia e giustizia, 1987.

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Italy. Ministero di grazia e giustizia., ed. La Criminalità economica: Analisi del fenomeno sotto il profilo penalistico, anche di diritto comparato, e proposte sul piano normativo ed organizzativo. [Roma]: Ministero di grazia e giustizia, 1987.

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Kellner, Menachem. Maimonides on Holiness. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Two views of the nature of holiness are outlined in this chapter. According to one, which we may call ontological or essentialist, holy places, persons, times, and objects are ontologically distinct from (and religiously superior to) profane places, persons, times, and objects. This distinction is part of the universe. On the second view, holy places, persons, times, and objects are in no objective way distinct from profane places, persons, times, and objects; holiness is a status, not a quality of existence. It is a challenge, not a given; normative, not descriptive. It is institutional (in the sense of being part of a system of laws) and hence contingent. This sort of holiness does not reflect objective reality, it helps constitute social reality. On this view, holy places, persons, times, and objects are indubitably holy, and must be treated with all due respect, but they are, in and of themselves, like all other places, persons, times, and objects. What is different about them is the way in which the Torah commands that they be treated. It is argued here that Maimonides adhered to the second, non-essentialist, view of holiness.
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Decoeur, Henri. Confronting the Shadow State. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This book examines the rules and mechanisms of international law relevant to the suppression of state organized crime, and provides a normative justification for developing international legal mechanisms specifically designed to address this phenomenon. State organized crime refers to the use by senior state officials of the resources of the state to facilitate or participate in organized crime, in pursuit of policy objectives or personal profit. This concept covers diverse forms of government misconduct, including partnerships with organized criminal groups involved in drug trafficking, the plundering of a country’s resources by kleptocratic rulers, and high-level corruption schemes. The book identifies the distinctive criminological characteristics of state organized crime, and analyses the applicability, potential, and limits of the norms and mechanisms of international law relevant to the suppression of state organized crime. In particular, it discusses whether the involvement of state organs or agents in organized crime may amount to an internationally wrongful act giving rise to the international responsibility of the state, and highlights a number of practical and normative shortcomings of the legal framework established by relevant crime-suppression conventions. The book also sketches proposals to develop an international legal framework designed to hold perpetrators of state organized crime accountable. It presents a normative justification for criminalizing and suppressing state organized crime at the international level, proposes draft provisions for an international convention for the suppression of state organized crime, and discusses the potential role of the UN Security Council and of international criminal courts and tribunals, respectively, in holding perpetrators accountable.
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Deshpande, Ashwini. The Dividend of Diversity for India’s Corporate Sector. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter argues the normative case for greater diversity in the workforce of private corporations in the specific context of caste disparities in India. It offers evidence from the literature which indicates a positive association between profits and more diverse workforce teams as well as management boards for large firms. This suggests that ensuring greater diversity, in addition to enabling social inclusion especially of marginalized groups, would make good business sense. However, the discussion on diversity might be more relevant to large corporations. Small and micro-enterprises that are owned and populated by members of marginalized groups might face discrimination on account of their identity, adversely affecting their performance. This indicates that discrimination based on social identity manifests itself in different ways in different segments of the market depending on the size of the firm.
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Specter, Matthew G. What’s “Left” in Schmitt? Edited by Jens Meierhenrich and Oliver Simons. Oxford University Press, 2014.

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Since the mid-1980s, the Western Left has split on how to evaluate the political and constitutional theory of Carl Schmitt. The analysis traces and historicizes a movement from aversion to appropriation of Schmitt’s writings in contemporary political theory. In the first half of the chapter Habermas is presented as developing his own positions in part through deep engagements with Schmitt’s thought. In the second half of the chapter, three contemporary political philosophers who are grouped under the label “left-Schmittian” are profiled. Contemporary left-Schmittians try to circumvent the Schmitt compromised by the “Third Reich,” but sometimes by diluting him beyond recognition. Close readings of Gopal Balakrishnan, Andreas Kalyvas, and Chantal Mouffe support the argument that contemporary left-Schmittians create a theory of domestic and international politics that are either normatively or institutionally deficient.
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de Melo-Martín, Inmaculada, and Kristen Intemann. Bad-Faith Dissent. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter explores whether the presence of bad-faith motive is a reliable criterion to identify normatively inappropriate dissent (NID). Rather than appropriate epistemic motives to help advance scientific knowledge, bad-faith motives involve some other objectionable goal: to confuse the public, stall policies that the dissenters dislike, promote particular ideological views, or safeguard profits. This chapter evaluates various ways to explain why bad-faith motives could result in dissent that fails to promote or that impedes scientific progress and it assesses their plausibility. It concludes that in spite of the intuitive appeal of attending to motivations, they cannot serve as a criterion to reliably identify NID.
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Jasper, Alison. Reflections on Reading the Bible. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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Looking back over two decades, the author recalls her appropriation of theoretical tools from the French poststructuralist philosopher, Julia Kristeva: first to read women and the feminine-identified flesh back into biblical texts and to resist older readings that viewed these presences as inferior agents or contaminants. Secondly Kristeva’s idea of female genius gives theoretical support to the case that women continually challenge orthodox biblical readings in inauspicious male-normative circumstances by reading the Bible for themselves. Illustrating the concept of female genius, the chapter returns to Jane Leade, a seventeenth-century visionary. She exemplifies the capacity of women to bring something singular and authentic—such as her descriptions of the biblical figure of Wisdom as female and her dream-visions of bodily restorations—to their readings of the Bible. The author continues to pose the question as to whether or not women (and other genders) can continue to profit from reading the Bible.
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Carayannis, Tatiana, and Thomas G. Weiss. The "Third" United Nations. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This book is about the Third UN: the ecology of supportive non-state actors—intellectuals, scholars, consultants, think tanks, NGOs, the for-profit private sector, and the media—that interacts with the intergovernmental machinery of the First UN (member states) and the Second UN (staff members of international secretariats) to formulate and refine ideas and decision-making at key junctures in policy processes. Some advocate for particular ideas, others help analyze or operationalize their testing and implementation; many thus help the UN “think.” While think tanks, knowledge brokers, and epistemic communities are phenomena that have entered both the academic and policy lexicons, their intellectual role remains marginal to analyses of such intergovernmental organizations as the United Nations. The Third UN in this volume connotes those working toward knowledge and normative advances for the realization of the values underlying the UN Charter; the book does not discuss armed belligerents and criminals, the main focus of previous analyses of non-state actors and the UN system.
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Hayward, Tim. Global Justice & Finance. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Can global justice be promoted by distributing money more equitably? Could even relatively small financial sacrifices by the affluent work, through benign leverage, to achieve that goal? This book casts new light on such questions by considering what is presupposed about finance. Redistributive proposals assume money to be a reliable measure, store of value, and medium of exchange. Yet maintaining stable interest, inflation and exchange rates in a dynamic capitalist economy is a considerable achievement involving a complex financial system. Such global coordination could, if so directed, contribute immensely to humanity’s betterment, yet under the direction of a profit seeking elite it leaves a majority disempowered, impoverished, and indebted. To pay debts, ever more desperate measures to wrest value from the world’s natural resources increase ecological pressures to harmful extremes, and those pressures do not stop short of driving wars. The profit seeking economy is held in place by the complex legal arrangements that constitute finance. Globally, there has developed, unannounced and unaccountably, what amounts to a privatized constitution—binding agreements that transcend sovereign jurisdictions. Hopes of redirecting the financial assets created within this system, by means of modest reforms, towards objectives of social justice and ecological sustainability may prove illusory. To achieve such objectives arguably requires the constitution of a global normative order guided by public and political decision-making. The achievement of a publicly accountable constitutional order that is superordinate to the financial system might be regarded as a revolutionary transformation.
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Dallari, Filippo. Vincoli espropriativi e perequazione urbanistica. Bononia University Press, 2021.

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Il volume ricostruisce in un’ottica evolutiva la teoria dei vincoli urbanistici, approfondendo l’analisi dei connessi istituti della perequazione e della compensazione urbanistica. Attraverso un’organica ricostruzione dell’elaborazione dottrinale e giurisprudenziale, si è rilevato che la questione posta dalla teoria dei vincoli urbanistici – l’eccessiva discrezionalità, discriminatorietà delle scelte urbanistiche – è tuttora irrisolta: le prescrizioni urbanistiche sono ancora oggi sottoposte ad un sindacato giurisdizionale debole, è vincolo espropriativo esclusivamente la prescrizione puntiforme e l’indennità di esproprio dipende da come l’Amministrazione ha previamente qualificato il bene da espropriare. A fronte del mancato intervento statale, le regioni hanno affrontato le problematiche imposte dalla teoria dei vincoli, disciplinando autonomamente la materia: è stato ridisegnato il sistema dei piani, è stato attribuito un ruolo primario alla cd. urbanistica negoziata e sono stati introdotti istituti nuovi (perequazione e compensazione) che tuttavia mancano di un idoneo substrato dogmatico ricostruttivo. Si è quindi cercato di individuare le condizioni e i limiti di tali innovazioni normative anche alla luce della teoria dei vincoli. Sotto altro profilo si è ricercato il punto di equilibrio tra la teoria dei vincoli e l’affermazione del nuovo principio del contenimento del consumo di suolo. In questo senso il fulcro del diritto di proprietà è stato rinvenuto non più nella facoltà di costruire, bensì nella facoltà di utilizzare in modo produttivo ed economico i beni anche modificandone la destinazione. In caso di superamento di tale limite, la sanzione dovrebbe consistere nell’illegittimità della prescrizione e non nell’imposizione dell’indennizzo
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Mantovani, Marco. Contributo ad uno studio sul disvalore di azione nel sistema penale vigente. Bononia University Press, 2021.

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Il lavoro si incentra sul tema del rapporto fra disvalore di azione e disvalore di evento nella cornice della dimensione sostanziale e [i ]strutturale dell’illecito penale. Sotto il primo profilo, distaccandosi dall’opinione più sedimentata e dominante che, in nome dell’identificazione nel reato in un fatto lesivo di un bene giuridico, tende a estromettere qualsiasi rilevanza al disvalore della condotta e delle note soggettive che la contrassegnano, l’autore approfondisce, mettendone in luce limiti e incongruenze, quello che è il retroterra assiologico e normativo di questo orientamento, vale a dire il principio di offensività. Di quest’ultimo viene ricostruita la storia, tutta peculiarmente italiana, così da evidenziare le ragioni in forza delle quali in altre esperienze non si è avvertita l’esigenza di enuclearlo. Sempre in una prospettiva sostanziale, l’attenzione viene quindi focalizzata su campi di materia che sono in grado di mettere in discussione il primato del disvalore di evento, in senso sostanziale, rispetto al disvalore di azione. Sotto l’angolazione strutturale , vengono trattati gli aspetti concernenti tipologie di reato, o di sue manifestazioni, che, pur polarizzate su un evento o su un fatto naturalistico causalmente collegato alla condotta umana, hanno risentito del peso preminente attribuito dalla giurisprudenza al disvalore della condotta. Operato un raffronto ultimo con le istanze promananti dal principio di offensività, il lavoro si chiude con una breve postilla , nella quale l’autore suggerisce possibili alternative, de lege ferenda , atte a rimpiazzare le prestazioni che il principio di offensività non è in grado di adempiere.
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Rasia, Carlo. La crisi della motivazione nel processo civile. Bononia University Press, 2021.

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La crisi della motivazione diventa un nuovo e diverso fenomeno di “patologia giudiziaria”, in quanto i rimedi apprestati dalle recenti riforme normative – sulla struttura, sul contenuto e sul controllo motivazionale delle sentenze – non riescono a fornire una soluzione al problema generale dell’aumento del carico giudiziario, il quale continua a trovare il principale “collo di bottiglia” nel momento della redazione della parte motiva della decisione. L’idea di riconoscere uno stretto legame tra completezza argomentativa e correttezza della motivazione – frutto di una cultura crociana ispirata all’eleganza estetico-letteraria – non risulta più attuale ed è destinata al tramonto, poiché non giova innanzitutto all’efficacia e ai tempi della giustizia. Si sta facendo oggi avanti l’idea di una motivazione che punta più al rafforzamento del proprio profilo funzionale che di quello formale: flessibile, deformalizzata ed improntata a conciliare i bisogni di effettività della tutela delle parti con le esigenze di efficienza del sistema. Si cerca, infatti, di rendere una motivazione comprensibile ed idonea ad esplicitare il ragionamento decisorio ma, al contempo, di giungere alla conclusione della lite in tempi ragionevoli. In questo volume, l’autore, dopo un’attenta analisi della disciplina vigente e della giurisprudenza di legittimità, propone una lettura sistematica della motivazione all’interno di una più ampia visione del nostro sistema processuale contemporaneo, giungendo al risultato che essa è, da un lato, in crisi, ma dall’altro, comincia a rinascere a nuova vita, ponendosi più in linea con le molteplici forme e contenuti che caratterizzano oggi la decisione giudiziaria. Un costrutto motivazionale, dunque, sempre più vicino a un processo civile prossimo a lasciare modelli rigidi per schemi flessibili e semplificati, nel quale si affida al giudice e alla sua sensibilità il potere di calibrare anche il momento decisorio, rendendolo più aderente allo scopo del singolo processo
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Stefano, Burchi, and International Association for Water Law., eds. Il diritto e l'amministrazione delle acque: Profili di diritto comparato, di diritto comunitario e stato della normativa in Italia : atti del convegno internazionale, promosso dalla sezione italiana dell'Associazione internazionale per il diritto delle acque, con il patrocinio del CNR, della FAO e del Ministero dell'ambiente, FAO, Roma 15 e 16 marzo 1994. Padova: CEDAM, 1995.

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