Academic literature on the topic 'Normative profile'

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Journal articles on the topic "Normative profile"


Oh, Hyun Sung, and Sukanlaya Sawang. "Qualitative differences in the mindsets associated with dual nature of normative commitment." PLOS ONE 16, no. 6 (June 17, 2021): e0251193.

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This study aims to o uncover how employees’ normative commitment (sense of obligation) to their organization is experienced in terms of dual normative commitment (moral imperative or indebted obligation) and to describe the potential for different mindsets arising through the dynamic combination of the various components in the commitment profile. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 16 participants. The interviews were designed to identify the respondents’ perceptions of obligation to their organisation, and their underlying motivational mindset associating with dual nature of normative commitment The interview findings for the affective-normative commitment dominant and the continuance commitment dominant participants were consistent with normative commitment experienced as either moral imperative or an indebted obligation, depending on the relative levels of affective and continuance commitment. All participants irrespective of their commitment profile noted that they had commitment to multiple foci, however, the alignment between commitment to these various foci differed by commitment profile. The qualitative differences among the commitment profiles indicated that the interaction of the commitment components is more complex than current commitment profile propositions suggest and that further theory development beyond the mindsets associated with continuance commitment and affective-normative commitment dominant profiles is required.
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Moore, Kathleen, Robb Stanley, and Graham Burrows. "Profile of Mood States: Australian Normative Data." Psychological Reports 66, no. 2 (April 1990): 509–10.

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The Profile of Mood States was administered to 90 Australian women, 30 depressed, 30 anxious, and 30 nonpsychiatric controls. Both clinical groups scored higher than the McNair, Lorr, and Droppleman (1971) normative samples on the negative mood states and scored lower on Vigor. The means for these groups are presented and compared with the 1971 normative data of McNair, Lorr, and Droppleman.
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Rosik, Christopher H., Meg M. Slivoskey, Katie M. Ogdon, Tiffany M. Kincaid, Ian K. Roos, and Mandalyn R. Castanon. "Toward Normative MMPI-2 Profiles for Evangelical Missionaries in Candidate and Clinical Settings: Examining Differences by Setting, Generation, and Marital Status." Journal of Psychology and Theology 44, no. 4 (December 2016): 315–28.

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In order to replicate and expand the work of Dimos (2013), we compiled the largest samples to date of MMPI-2 standard scale profiles among evangelical Christian missionary candidates (n =1227; 530 men and 696 women) and outpatients (n = 1431; 643 men and 788 women). Results indicated our candidate scale scores were remarkably similar to those reported by Dimos and together these datasets appear to converge on a reliable normative profile for this population. We also present a potential outpatient normative profile for our clinical sample. In distinguishing our samples from the MMPI-2 normative sample, we found that validity scale differences were most salient for the missionary candidates and several clinical scales provided the clearest contrasts for missionary outpatients. Potential profile shifts among successive generations were evident in the form of somewhat less defensiveness and, specific to outpatients, slightly more sensitivity and feelings of grievance. Finally, while the profiles of married and single candidates were essentially similar, among the clinical sample married missionaries appeared slightly more guarded and less distressed than their single counterparts.
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John, Jeena, Kanaka Ganapathy, Sunila John, and Bellur Rajashekhar. "Normative for Motor Speech Profile in Kannada-Speaking Adults." Journal of Voice 28, no. 1 (January 2014): 7–13.

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Rauthmann, John F., and Ryne A. Sherman. "Normative and Distinctive Accuracy in Situation Perceptions." Social Psychological and Personality Science 8, no. 7 (February 28, 2017): 768–79.

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To what extent do people achieve accuracy in judging others’ situations? Based on interpersonal perception models, we propose that ex situ raters may attain accuracy by judging the psychological characteristics of a situation that in situ raters have experienced according to a normative and distinctive characteristics profile. Biesanz’ social accuracy model (SAM) provides a flexible crossed-effects random coefficient modeling framework that can be applied to situation perception data. By targeting characteristics profiles with the analytical unit of the ex situ rater-situation dyad, the extent of and variation in normative and distinctive accuracy of ex situ raters can be estimated and explained by personality correlates to quantify “the good ex situ rater.” We demonstrate an SAM approach to situational accuracy with real in situ and ex situ data (402 ex situ raters judged 10 situations on 8 characteristics) and sketch future research.
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Ferrazza, Daniele Andrade. "Psicologia e políticas públicas: desafios para superação de práticas normativas / Psychology and puclib policies: challenges to overcoming normative practices." Revista Polis e Psique 6, no. 3 (February 7, 2017): 36.

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ResumoO presente trabalho tem o objetivo de estudar a história daconstituição de um saber psicológico normativo e da reflexão sobre a inserção da psicologia no âmbito da Saúde Coletiva, com destaque a alguns pontos norteadores para a profissão no sentido de garantir a formação de profissionais com um perfil condizente para atuação no âmbito das Políticas Públicas de Saúde. Será adotado o enfoque histórico social inspirado na perspectiva genealógica foucaultiana na tentativa de propor transformações atuais de discursos e práticas. Na atualidade, algumas práticas psi vinculadas às concepções individualistas e normativas, historicamente influenciadas pelo movimento higienista, poderiam constituir novos tipos de subjetividadesdespolitizadas. Assim, conclui-se que os indivíduos deixariam de implicar-se em suas próprias condições de sujeitos devido o reducionismo aos discursos psicopatologizantes, regradospor concepções que guardam pouca ou nenhuma relação com a promoção de saúde e as propostas dos projetos brasileiros de Reforma Sanitária e Psiquiátrica.Palavras-chave: Psicologia normativa; Políticas Públicas de Saúde; Reforma Sanitária e Psiquiátrica.AbstractThis article studies the history of the constitution of normative psychological knowledge and offers reflection on the role of psychology within Social Health. We foreground variousguidelines for the profession to ensure the training of professionals towards an apposite profile for practice in accordance with Public Health Policies. We adopt a social history approach informed by a Foucauldian genealogical perspective in our attempt to propose actual transformations to discourses and practices. Currently, some of the psy practices related toindividualist and normative conceptions - historically influenced by the hygienist movement - could constitute new types of depoliticized subjectivities. Thus, we posit that individuals willno longer involve themselves in their own conditions assubjects due to reductionist psychopathologizing discourses which are regulated by concepts that bear little or no relationto the promotion of health and the Brazilian Health and Psychiatric Reform project.Keywords: Normative Psychology; Public Health Policies; Health and Psychiatric Reform.
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Gillet, Nicolas, Alexandre J. S. Morin, Frédéric Choisay, and Evelyne Fouquereau. "A Person-Centered Representation of Basic Need Satisfaction Balance at Work." Journal of Personnel Psychology 18, no. 3 (July 2019): 113–28.

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Abstract. This study examines how a global overarching need satisfaction construct, together with three specific dimensions (autonomy, competence, and relatedness needs satisfaction) combine within different profiles of workers among two independent samples ( n = 1,419 and n = 677). In addition, this research investigates the role of job demands and resources in the prediction of profile membership, and documents the relation between these profiles and maladaptive outcomes (anxiety and physical fatigue). The results revealed four distinct profiles. Job resources (e.g., participation, organizational support, and work scheduling autonomy) predicted an increased likelihood of membership in the normative profile in both samples. The globally dissatisfied yet moderately autonomous profile was also associated with the highest anxiety levels relative to all other profiles.
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Masciuch, Sonia W., Lissa S. E. McRae, and Jeffrey D. Young. "The Harter Self-Perception Profile: Some Normative and Psychometric Data." Psychological Reports 67, no. 3_suppl (December 1990): 1299–303.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Normative profile"


Бутенко, Юлія Іванівна. "Онтологічні моделі та методи формування нормативного профілю при сертифікації програмного забезпечення." Thesis, Національний аерокосмічний університет ім. М. Є. Жуковського "Харківський авіаційний інститут", 2015.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.13.06 – інформаційні технології. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський технічний інститут", Харків, 2015. Дисертаційна робота присвячена вирішенню науково-прикладної задачі підвищення ефективності розроблення програмного забезпечення шляхом синтезу формальних моделей і методів інформаційної технології формування нормативного профілю вимог до програмного забезпечення. Розроблено модель текстів стандартів, яка, на відміну від відомих моделей, ґрунтується на онтологічному поданні їх лінгвістичних об'єктів, що забезпечує адекватність нормативного профілю. Удосконалено модель ядра семантичної цілісності мови стандартів, шляхом подання у формі онтології, що забезпечує повноту семантичного аналізу. Удосконалено метод розроблення лінгвістичних моделей стандартів шляхом урахування композиційної структури стандарту, що забезпечує структурованість процесу інформаційного пошуку в текстах стандартів. Дістав подальшого розвитку метод синтезу онтологічної системи шляхом її реалізації у вигляді діалогової системи підтримки прийняття рішень аудитора сертифікаційного центру. Практичне значення отриманих результатів полягає у створенні науково-методичної основи у вигляді конкретних інженерних методик, методів і програмних засобів для підтримки прийняття рішень при сертифікації програмного забезпечення.
The thesis on competition of an academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.06 – information technologies. – National Polytechnical University "Kharkiv Technical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. Dissertation work is devoted to efficiency improvement of software development by means of automation of normative profile forming of requirements to software. It is developed formal model of standard, which, in contrast to the known models, is based on ontology representation of linguistic objects that provides the sufficiency of the normative profile. It is improved the model of semantic integrity core for language of standards by giving it in the form ontology that ensure the fulfillment of semantic analysis. It is improved the method of development of linguistic models by taking into accout the compositional structure of standards that provides the structured process of information retrieval in texts of standards. It is further developed of a method of forming an ontological system by its implementation as an intellectual core in the dialogue decision-making support system for auditor of certification centre. The practical significance of the obtained results is in the creation of scientific-methodical bases in the form of specific engineering techniques, methods and software tools for decision support in the certification of critical systems applications.
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Бутенко, Юлія Іванівна. "Онтологічні моделі та методи формування нормативного профілю при сертифікації програмного забезпечення." Thesis, Національний технічний університет "Харківський політехнічний інститут", 2015.

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Дисертація на здобуття наукового ступеня кандидата технічних наук за спеціальністю 05.13.06 – інформаційні технології. – Національний технічний університет "Харківський технічний інститут", Харків, 2015. Дисертаційна робота присвячена вирішенню науково-прикладної задачі підвищення ефективності розроблення програмного забезпечення шляхом синтезу формальних моделей і методів інформаційної технології формування нормативного профілю вимог до програмного забезпечення. Розроблено модель текстів стандартів, яка, на відміну від відомих моделей, ґрунтується на онтологічному поданні їх лінгвістичних об'єктів, що забезпечує адекватність нормативного профілю. Удосконалено модель ядра семантичної цілісності мови стандартів, шляхом подання у формі онтології, що забезпечує повноту семантичного аналізу. Удосконалено метод розроблення лінгвістичних моделей стандартів шляхом урахування композиційної структури стандарту, що забезпечує структурованість процесу інформаційного пошуку в текстах стандартів. Дістав подальшого розвитку метод синтезу онтологічної системи шляхом її реалізації у вигляді діалогової системи підтримки прийняття рішень аудитора сертифікаційного центру. Практичне значення отриманих результатів полягає у створенні науково-методичної основи у вигляді конкретних інженерних методик, методів і програмних засобів для підтримки прийняття рішень при сертифікації програмного забезпечення.
The thesis on competition of an academic degree of Candidate of Technical Sciences in the specialty 05.13.06 – information technologies. – National Polytechnical University "Kharkiv Technical Institute", Kharkiv, 2015. Dissertation work is devoted to efficiency improvement of software development by means of automation of normative profile forming of requirements to software. It is developed formal model of standard, which, in contrast to the known models, is based on ontology representation of linguistic objects that provides the sufficiency of the normative profile. It is improved the model of semantic integrity core for language of standards by giving it in the form ontology that ensure the fulfillment of semantic analysis. It is improved the method of development of linguistic models by taking into accout the compositional structure of standards that provides the structured process of information retrieval in texts of standards. It is further developed of a method of forming an ontological system by its implementation as an intellectual core in the dialogue decision-making support system for auditor of certification centre. The practical significance of the obtained results is in the creation of scientific-methodical bases in the form of specific engineering techniques, methods and software tools for decision support in the certification of critical systems applications.
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OSELLINI, ALICE. "Normative dell'Unione Europea e sistema penale. Profili di tutela dell'ambiente." Doctoral thesis, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, 2012.

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La tesi dottorale indaga l'articolato sistema di interferenze che la normativa dell'Unione europea esercita sul diritto penale interno, di cui il settore ambientale è parso emblematico. Dal punto di vista sistematico, la tesi può idealmente essere suddivisa in due parti. La prima di queste è dedicata al più generale interrogativo circa l’atteggiarsi del dialogo tra ordinamento interno e sovranazionale alla luce delle novità determinatesi con la riforma dei Trattati del 2009 (e segnatamente; l'eliminazione della divisione in pilastri dell'Unione, la previsione di una competenza penale indiretta dell'Unione, l'attribuzione di valore giuridicamente vincolante alla Carta dei diritti fondamentali e la prevista adesione alla CEDU) in una prospettiva critica “costituzionalmente orientata”. La seconda è più specificamente rivolta alla materia ambientale, quale banco di verifica del funzionamento della nuova potestà punitiva sovranazionale, nonché della competenza redazionale del legislatore comunitario.
The enquiry aims to explore the relationships between European Legislation and National Criminal Law. The thesis is composed of two parts: the first one relates to questions pertaining to the National Criminal Law in light of the innovations of the Lisbon Treaty (i.e. the abolition of the three-pillar structure of the EU, the EU Criminal Law Competence, the Charter of Fundamental Rights that was given binding legal effect equal to the Treaties, the legal basis for the accession of the Union to the European Convention on Human Rights). The analysis is done assuming a constitutional-oriented approach. The second part relates to Environmental Law as a test case for the EU Criminal Competences.
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Consorte, Francesca <1976&gt. "Principio di precauzione e profili penali. La normativa degli organismi geneticamente modificati." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2007.

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Demers, Valérie. "Déterminants de l'identité amoureuse et modèle inductif des processus d'influences normatives et individuelles : une perspective profane." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2018.

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Les influences infléchissant l’identité amoureuse (ou l’image de soi comme partenaire amoureux) sont susceptibles de prendre diverses formes. La littérature atteste amplement des influences intrapersonnelles (p. ex., Andersen & Chen, 2002) et, par le biais des théories de l’attachement (p. ex., Zeifman & Hazan, 2008), des influences interpersonnelles (p. ex., parents et partenaires amoureux). Cependant, les niveaux d’analyse des phénomènes proposés par Doise (1982, 1984) invitent à considérer, en plus de sources intrapersonnelles et interpersonnelles, des influences positionnelles, associées à l’appartenance à des groupes sociaux (dont le sexe et l’orientation sexuelle) et idéologiques, telles les normes sociales. En effet, la théorie de l’identité sociale (p. ex.,Tajfel & Turner, 1979) et une conception bioécologique des influences sur le développement humain (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) suggèrent que de telles influences peuvent s’exercer sur l’identité amoureuse. Adoptant une perspective profane, la thèse vise à répertorier les éléments des divers niveaux d’analyse que des individus non spécialistes en sciences sociales identifient comme influençant l’identité amoureuse. Il s’agit aussi de déterminer si ces éléments sont associés au sexe et à l’orientation sexuelle, des influences positionnelles susceptibles de les influencer. De plus, la thèse vise à comparer cette conception profane aux perspectives expertes (c.-à-d., littérature). Enfin, la thèse ambitionne d’identifier des normes sociales influençant l’identité amoureuse et de comprendre les processus par lesquelles elles exercent leur influence. Des entrevues individuelles semi-structurées ont été réalisées auprès de 20 adultes, dont dix s’identifient comme non hétérosexuels et dix s’identifient comme hétérosexuels (5 femmes et 5 hommes dans chaque groupe). Les questions portent sur les forces qu’ils considèrent influencer l’identité amoureuse en général, sur les forces positionnelles et idéologiques, puis plus spécifiquement, sur le sexe et l’orientation sexuelle. Issus d’analyses de contenu qualitatives, les résultats indiquent que les participantes et les participants ont une vision complexe et nuancée des influences jouant sur l’identité amoureuse. En cohérence avec la littérature, toutes et tous mentionnent des éléments intrapersonnels (p. ex., identité générale) et un seul n’évoque pas d’éléments interpersonnels. La majorité évoque également des éléments positionnels (p. ex., statut social) et idéologiques (p. ex., rôles sexuels) ainsi que des médias de masse. Le sexe et l’orientation sexuelle ne paraissent pas associés à l’évocation d’éléments de certains niveaux d’analyse plutôt que d’autres, mais semblent moduler l’évocation d’éléments spécifiques à l’intérieur des niveaux. D’autres analyses de contenu révèlent que les normes sociales évoquées par les participantes et participants peuvent être regroupées en deux types de conceptions des relations amoureuses. La conception dominante comprend des normes qui décrivent et valorisent les relations hétérosexuelles, à l’intérieur desquelles les partenaires adoptent des rôles sexuels différenciés, et dévalorisent ce qui s’en écarte. Les conceptions alternatives sont formées de normes qui décrivent et valorisent plutôt des rôles non différenciés selon le genre, ainsi que des relations amoureuses homosexuelles, gaies et lesbiennes. Les processus par lesquels les normes dominantes ou alternatives influencent l’identité amoureuse sont présentés sous forme de modèle intégratif, s’appliquant aux femmes et aux hommes non hétérosexuels et hétérosexuels. Ces normes servent de standards auxquels les individus comparent leurs caractéristiques personnelles et leurs expériences. Bien que ces comparaisons puissent se solder par un sentiment de consonance, de cohérence, et des émotions positives, la plupart des individus éprouvent un sentiment de dissonance, d’incohérence, avec certaines normes dominantes, accompagné d’émotions négatives (p. ex., honte, colère) et d’atteintes à l’estime de soi. Cette dissonance les pousse à explorer les conceptions alternatives, à tenter de la gérer en utilisant des stratégies comportementales ou cognitives (p. ex., la justifier, la cacher, remettre les normes en question) ou à développer des critères d’autoévaluation favorisant une meilleure estime de soi. Les individus au statut social moins élevé ou appartenant à des groupes marginalisés ou défavorisés (p. ex., femmes et individus non hétérosexuels) sont particulièrement susceptibles de questionner, de critiquer, de rejeter ou de réviser les normes sociales. Bref, la thèse amène une compréhension élargie et nuancée des influences s’exerçant sur l’identité amoureuse. Elle informe sur les processus intrapersonnels, impliquant des cognitions, des émotions et des comportements, par lesquels les normes sociales dominantes et alternatives infléchissent l’identité amoureuse de tout individu, qui peut les accepter, les questionner ou les réviser afin d’atteindre une image positive de soi comme partenaire amoureux.
The forces influencing romantic identity (or self-image as a romantic partner) can take different forms. The scientific literature gives ample evidence of intrapersonal influences (e.g., Andersen & Chen, 2002), and, through attachment theories (e.g.,Zeifman & Hazan, 2008), of interpersonal influences (e.g., parents or romantic partners). However, the levels of analysis proposed by Doise (1982, 1984) suggest that positional influences, stemming from affiliations to social groups (including sex and sexual orientation), and ideological influences, such as social norms, should be considered in addition to those from intrapersonal and interpersonal sources. Indeed, both social identity theory (e.g., Tajfel & Turner, 1979) and a bioecological conception of influences on human development (Bronfenbrenner, 1979) suggest that such factors can influence romantic identity. Embracing a layperson’s perspective, this thesis seeks to identify the elements from Doise’s levels of analysis that individuals, who are not social science specialists, consider as determinants of romantic identity. Another objective is to verify if these elements are associated to sex and sexual orientation, positional influences that are likely to influence them. The thesis also aims to compare the layperson’s perspective emerging from the results to the expert perspectives (i.e., literature). Finally, the thesis endeavors to identify social norms influencing romantic identity and to delineate the processes by which they exert their influence. Semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with 20 adults, of which ten identify as non heterosexual and ten identify as heterosexual (5 women and 5 men in each group). Participants were questioned about the forces that they perceive to influence romantic identity in general, those of positional and ideological nature, and more specifically, about sex and sexual orientation. Results from qualitative content analyses reveal participants’ complex and nuanced outlook on the forces influencing romantic identity. Coherent with the literature, all participants mention intrapersonal elements (e.g., general identity) and all but one cite interpersonal elements. Most of them also evoke positional (e.g., social status) and ideological elements (e.g., sexual roles) as well as mass media. Sex and sexual orientation do not seem associated with a propensity to report elements from a given level of analysis, but they seem to modulate the evocation of specific elements within these levels of analysis. Other content analyses reveal that the social norms evoked by participants can be distinguished into two types of conceptions of romantic relationships. The dominant conception includes norms that describe and value heterosexual relationships, within which partners abide by differentiated sexual roles, and devalue anything that differs from it. In contrast, alternative conceptions of romantic relationships comprise norms that describe and value undifferentiated gender roles, as well as homosexual, gay, and lesbian romantic relationships. An integrative model, applicable to nonheterosexual and heterosexual women and men, describes the processes by which dominant or alternative norms influence romantic identity. Social norms act as standards against which individuals compare their personal characteristics and experiences. Although these comparisons can result in a feeling of consonance, harmony, and positive emotions, most individuals experience feelings of dissonance or incoherence with some dominant norms, negative emotions (e.g., shame, anger) and self-esteem issues. This dissonance pushes them to explore alternative conceptions, to try to reduce it through behavioral or cognitive dissonance management strategies (e.g., justification, clandestinity, questioning the norms) or to develop self-evaluation criteria that promote better self-esteem. Low status individuals, those who belong to disadvantaged or marginalized groups are particularly likely to question, criticize, reject, or revise social norms. In sum, the thesis proposes a broadened and nuanced understanding of the forces influencing romantic identity. It informs on the intrapersonal processes (involving cognitions, emotions, and behaviors) by which social dominant and alternative norms influence the romantic identity of individuals who can accept, question or revise them to favor a positive view of themselves as romantic partner.
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Scotton, Josiane Anderle. "Análise da velocidade incremental em morros : comparação entre procedimentos normativos e estudo experimental em túnel de vento." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2016.

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A formação do perfil de velocidades do vento é influenciada pela rugosidade e topografia do terreno; em um terreno plano, por exemplo, as velocidades são diminuídas conforme a sua proximidade com a superfície terrestre, determinando a constituição da camada limite atmosférica (C.L.A.). O escoamento do vento em terrenos complexos, ou seja, terrenos que possuem morros e taludes, sejam isolados ou múltiplos, possui o perfil de velocidades modificado, fazendo com que para cotas mais próximas da superfície se observe um aumento das velocidades. A este incremento de velocidades dá-se o nome de speed-up. Esta pesquisa tem como foco a investigação da estrutura do escoamento do vento, analisando minuciosamente o perfil de velocidades em um escoamento turbulento, para topografias isoladas e complexas. Para tanto, foram utilizados dois métodos para obtenção do perfil de velocidades: ensaios experimentais em túnel de vento e aplicação de normas e modelos analítcos de carregamento do vento. O plano experimental engloba nove topografias dentre as quais estão: quatro morros bidimensionais (2D) isolados, quatro morros tridimensionais (3D) isolados e um morro 3D de uma topografia complexa. Os modelos foram ensaiados para duas categorias de terreno, conforme a Norma Brasileira NBR 6123 (ABNT, 1988): I – superfícies lisas de grandes dimensões e III-IV – terreno coberto por obstáculos, no túnel de vento Prof° Joaquim Blessmann. Após a execução do plano experimental aplicou-se modelos analíticos com as mesmas parametrizações do modelo experimental e por fim foram comparados entre si. Os modelos analíticos estudados foram: Jackson e Hunt (1975, Lemelin, Surry e Davenport (1988) e as normas estudadas são: NBR 6123 (ABNT, 1988), Eurocode 1 (CEN-TC, 2010), AIJ (AIJ, 2004), NBCC (NRCC, 2010), AS/NZS (AS/NZS, 2011), ASCE (ASCE, 2010). O estudo comparativo entre os modelos analíticos e normas revela a inexistência de uma homogeneidade entre os modelos, visto que a formulação de cálculo é distinta, quando temos uma topografia em análise. Além disso, os modelos analíticos, quando comparados com os ensaios experimentais, tendem a ser mais conservadores tanto para modelos 2D ou 3D, para pontos à barlavento, no cume e à sotavento do morro. A NBR 6123 apresentou os maiores incrementos de velocidades em comparação com os demais modelos e com os dados experimentais.
The formation of the wind speed profile is influenced by the roughness and topography of the ground; on a flat ground, for example, the speeds are reduced according to their proximity to the earth’s surface, determining the constitution of the atmospheric boundary layer (C.L.A.). The wind flow in complex terrain, in other words, whether single or multiples, has the modified wind speed profile, causing closest to the surface dimensions is observed increased speeds. To this increase speeds gives the name of speed-up. This research focuses on the investigation of the wind flow structure, thoroughly analyzing the speeds profile in turbulent flow, for isolated and complex topographies. For this purpose, two methods for obtaining the speed profile were used: experimental tests in a wind tunnel and application standards or wind loading codes. The experimental plan includes nine topographies among which are: four 2D hills (2D) isolates, four 3D hills (3D) isolates and a complex topography hill. The models were tested for two roughness according to the Brazilian standard NBR 6123 (ABNT, 1988): I – smooth surfaces large dimensions and III-IV – ground covered by obstacles, in the wind tunnel Prof° Joaquim Blessmann. After the execution of the experimental tests were applied analytical models with the same parametrization of the experimental model and finally were compared. The analytical models studied were: Jackson e Hunt (1975, Lemelin, Surry e Davenport (1988), NBR 6123 (ABNT, 1988), Eurocode 1 (CEN-TC, 2010), AIJ (AIJ, 2004), NBCC (NRCC, 2010), AS/NZS (AS/NZS, 2011), ASCE (ASCE, 2010. The compararative study between the analytical models and standards reveals the lack of homogeneity between the models, since the calculation formulation is different when we have a topography analysis. Furthermore, analytical models, compared with the experimental tests tend to be more conservative for both 2D and 3D models, points to the windward, top of the hill and leeward. The NBR 6123 showed the largest increases in speed compared to the other models and experimental data.
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Bold, Lisa Clare. "Cumulative mild head injury in contact sport: a comparison of the cognitive profiles of rugby players and non-contact sport controls with normative data." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2000.

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This study investigates the effects of cumulative mild head injury on the cognitive functioning of elite rugby players. A comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests was administered to top national (Springbok) rugby players (n=26), national Under 21 rugby players (n= 19), and a non-contact sport control group of national hockey players (n=21). The test results of the Total Rugby group (Springbok Rugby and Under 21 Rugby players), the Under 21 Rugby group, the hockey controls, and the Total Rugby and Under 21 Rugby forward and backline players respectively, were each compared with established normative data. Results showed significant differences in the direction of a poorer performance relative to the norms for the Total Rugby and Under 21 Rugby groups, and for the Total Rugby Forwards and Under 21 Rugby Forwards, on tests sensitive to the effects of diffuse brain damage. On the other hand, the Hockey Control group and the Total Rugby Backs and Under 21 Rugby Backs tended to perform within the normal range or better than the norm on some tests. These results confirm the hypothesis that rugby players, and the forward players in particular, are at risk of adverse cognitive effects consequent on cumulative mild head injury. The theoretical implications are that the aggregate effects of multiple exposures to mild head injuries in the rugby players served to reduce their brain reserve capacities and acted as a threshold-lowering influence associated with symptom onset.
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Portolese, Giovana Camila <1975&gt. "I profili fiscali delle operazioni di riorganizzazione societaria transfrontaliere nell'Unione Europea: Il regime fiscale comune della direttiva 2009/133/CE e le prospettive di sviluppo normativo." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013.

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La tesi affronta le problematiche fiscali della riorganizzazione societaria e la soluzione adoperata nell’Unione europea per le operazioni di carattere transfrontaliere. Si parte dalla definizione del termine “riorganizzazione societaria”, evidenziando le sue matici economiche e la varietà del suo contenuto secondo l’ordinamento giuridico e la branca del diritto di riferimento. Si prosegue sulla correlazione fra l’ampliazione del contenuto della libertà di stabilimento, dovuta maggiormente all’attività interpretativa della Corte di giustizia, e l’allargamento del concetto di riorganizzazione societaria nel quadro normativo dell’Unione. Si procede dunque all’analisi del regime fiscale comune della direttiva 2009/133/CE intravedendosi i suoi sviluppi successivi. In sede di conclusioni, si apporta un breve riassunto sullo stato della questione in Brasile e si riflette sull’attendibilità del modello impositivo dell’Unione quale parametro per una futura riforma fiscale in Brasile.
The thesis deals with the fiscal problems related to corporate reorganisation and the solutions provided by relevant EU legislation applicable to cross-border operations . The analysis starts with the definition of the term corporate reorganisation, highlighting its economic aspects and its various interpretations in different legal systems and law sectors of reference. This is followed by a discussion of the correlation between the enrichment of freedom of establishment content, primarily resulting from relevant EU Court of Justice rulings, and the enlargement of the concept of corporate reorganization under the EU legal framework. Subsequently, there is an analysis of the common system of taxation adopted by Directive 2009/133/EC, anticipating the tendencies for its future development. Finally, in the thesis’ conclusion, there is a brief summary of the current Brazilian corporate reorganisation tax framework, followed by a discussion of the suitability of applying the EU common system of taxation as a model for tax reform in Brazil.
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Minor-Corriveau, Michèle. "Étude normative sur le développement de la parole et du langage chez l'enfant franco-ontarien : normalisation et validation du Profil de la langue, du langage et de la parole (PLLP)." Thesis, Laurentian University of Sudbury, 2013.

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Braglia, Luca. "Studio di parametri superficiali come metodo di valutazione della resistenza allo scivolamento delle pavimentazioni." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017.

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Le caratteristiche superficiali influenzano molte proprietà di un materiale. Nel caso dei materiali da pavimentazione le proprietà superficiali influiscono sulla scivolosità e sulla sicurezza delle persone. A fronte di un panorama internazionale caratterizzato da una varietà di metodi di valutazione della resistenza allo scivolamento, l’obiettivo del presente studio di tesi è quello di individuare un metodo univoco e oggettivo per la valutazione della scivolosità basato sullo studio della tessitura superficiale. Questa ricerca, effettuata presso il Centro Ceramico di Bologna, parte dall'indagine di campioni di piastrelle di ceramica tramite strumenti di profilometria ottica. Tramite l'analisi dei profili di rugosità e di ondulazione sono stati individuati quei parametri più significativi che meglio descrivono la struttura superficiale. Questi dati sono stati successivamente confrontati con i vari metodi di prova di resistenza allo scivolamento previsti da normativa al fine di ricercare eventuali correlazioni. I risultati ottenuti convalidano altre ricerche in merito alla resistenza allo scivolamento e mostrano come i parametri più idonei risultino essere "Rz" e "sPk". I risultati ottenuti sono particolarmente promettenti sia dal punto di vista scientifico che tecnico e aprono strade interessanti alla progettazione di superfici con resistenza allo scivolamento predeterminata.
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Books on the topic "Normative profile"


Lacchini, Luigi. E-business: Profili normativi. Padova: CEDAM, 2002.

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Rocca, Paolo Morozzo della. Immigrazione: Profili normativi e orientamenti giurisprudenziali. Torino: UTET giuridica, 2005.

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Grandi, Roberto. La comunicazione pubblica: Teorie, casi, profili normativi. Roma: Carocci, 2001.

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Cortese, Wanda. I beni culturali e ambientali: Profili normativi. Padova: CEDAM, 1999.

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Grigoli, Michele. Profili del diritto dei trasporti nell'attuale realtà normativa. Bologna: Zanichelli, 2003.

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Rocca, Paolo Morozzo della, and Gloria Carroccio. Immigrazione e cittadinanza: Profili normativi e orientamenti giurisprudenziali. Torino: UTET giuridica, 2009.

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Lizza, Fiorenzo. L'economia del G.E.I.E.: Profili di strategia normativi ed informativi. Milano: Giuffrè, 1997.

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Adinolfi, Giovanna. L' organizzazione mondiale del commercio: Profili istituzionali e normativi. Padova: CEDAM, 2001.

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Guedes, Gisela Sampaio da Cruz. Lucros cessantes: Do bom-senso ao postulado normativo da razoabilidade. São Paulo, SP, Brasil: Editora Revista dos Tribunais, 2012.

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Bartashevich, Aleksandr, Vladimir Onegin, Sergey Trofimov, and Sergey Gayduk. Design furniture. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.

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Reviewed all types of furniture and the basic requirements to it, the history of its development, structural and style features modern furniture, basics of design engineering design. A General characteristic properties of production materials and normative-reference data necessary for the development of interiors and furniture. In detail the questions of automation of designing of furniture. Considered furniture in the interior and analyzed all aspects of engineering products for various purposes for premises of residential and public buildings. For students of higher educational institutions trained on specialities "Technology of logging and wood processing industries" and "Design". Will be useful to students of colleges, higher and secondary vocational and technical schools woodworking profile. Can serve as a reference book for architects, designers, and all production workers in the furniture industry.
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Book chapters on the topic "Normative profile"


Mazzola, Roberto. "Modifications et Contradictions de la Réalité Socioreligieuse en Italie. Profiles Juridiques et Sociales." In Religious Rules, State Law, and Normative Pluralism - A Comparative Overview, 229–49. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Meng, Fan-Hua, Xiao-Ming Tian, Tien-Hui Chiang, and Yi Cai. "The State Role in Excellent University Policies in the Era of Globalization: The Case of China." In Evaluating Education: Normative Systems and Institutional Practices, 197–217. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2020.

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AbstractIn order to obtain considerable amounts of capitalist profit available in a globalized market, individual countries need to enhance their own international competitiveness – a goal that can be achieved through the channel of schools by cultivating human capital. The linear linkage among globalization, international competitiveness, human capital and higher education has convinced many countries to engage in the expansion of higher education institutes. The notion of international competition further generates the idea of university ranking and, in turn, many countries have viewed the world class university as the top priority on the political agenda. As neo-liberalism has become a prevailing new world value, constructed by America, the private sector that addresses efficiency is defined as the best mode of running the higher education market. Therefore, this mode functions as the gateway of achieving this political mission. However, this approach may jeopardize state sovereignty because if the state is unable to balance the relation between capital accumulation and social justice, it cannot win people’s trust. The interactive principle between social cultures and education policies also rejects the universal practicality of free market logic. In order to overcome these challenges, individual countries may adopt transformative strategies, allowing them to improve the international reputation of their own top universities. This essay sets out to shed some light on this issue through examining the case of the Double-First-Class-Universities initiative in China.
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Teubner, G. C. M. "Autopoiesis and Steering: How Politics Profit from the Normative Surplus of Capital." In Autopoiesis and Configuration Theory: New Approaches to Societal Steering, 127–41. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.

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Dodd, Julian. "The Normative Profile of Interpretive Authenticity." In Being True to Works of Music, 143–68. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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The book’s final chapter focuses squarely on interpretive authenticity’s place in our practice of work performance. It is pointed out, first, that interpretive authenticity is a performance value and, second, that, no less than score compliance, it is valued for its own sake. Crucially, however, it is argued, in addition, that interpretive authenticity is the practice of work performance’s most fundamental value. This is because interpretive authenticity, and not score compliance authenticity, is the practice’s constitutive norm: that is, it belongs to the nature of the activity of performing works of Western classical music that performances both ought to maximize, and are trying to maximize, interpretive authenticity. The chapter gives examples in which the norms of interpretive authenticity and score compliance authenticity conflict with each other. It follows from the proposed account of the practice’s normative profile that such conflict should be resolved by sacrificing textual fidelity for the sake of increasing a performance’s interpretive authenticity.
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Davis, Shannon N., and Theodore N. Greenstein. "Housework and socialization." In Why Who Cleans Counts, 99–124. Policy Press, 2020.

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Power dynamics in one’s family of origin shape internalized notions of normative family relationships. Therefore, the division of housework in one’s family of origin socializes children to hold specific attitudes and beliefs about how relationships should work. We examine this hypothesized empirical relationship in Chapter 9 of the book by using Latent Profile Analysis to identify profiles for the adult children of the NSFH couples used to construct the five housework classes (Ultra-traditional, Traditional, Transitional Husbands, Egalitarian, and Egalitarian High Workload). We found three classes for adult female children (Ultra-traditional, Traditional, and Nontraditional) and three classes for adult male children (Traditional, Transitional, and Nontraditional). Children responded to their parental division of labor in gendered ways, providing evidence for not only the parental socialization of housework behaviors but also the challenges faced by women and men in the changing cultural climate of the United States around gender and family responsibilities.
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Minganti, Pia Karlsson. "Religion as a resource or as a source of exclusion? The case of Muslim women’s shelters." In Religion and Welfare in Europe. Policy Press, 2017.

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This chapter demonstrates, through a case study on women's shelters in Sweden, that it is not only the north–south divide that stands out in Europe, but also the conflictual notions of religion, and especially Islam, and secularity. It points to an assimilationist discourse that is widespread in Europe, which results in Muslim women being treated as victims of an oppressive religion. Such a normative secularism is dissolving religion as a resource and turning it into a source of exclusion. The shelter known as Somaya in Stockholm has been obliged to ‘tone down’ its Muslim profile by emphasising the idea of intersectionality as its political goal. The chapter then raises interesting questions about two frequently competing human rights, namely the freedom of religion and the rights of women—including those from minority religions.
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Kittilaksanawong, Wiboon. "Institutional Perspective on the Drivers of Green Innovations in Firms." In Green Business, 1009–19. IGI Global, 2019.

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In recent years, firms have increasingly engaged in green innovations in response to mounting pressures on environmental protection. Regulative and normative institutions are the main drivers of this response, while its strength is contingent upon a firm's deficiency gap and resource profile. The entry into this emergent industry of diversifying incumbents is usually determined by regulative and economic opportunity while the entry of entrepreneurial start-ups is more influenced by the sociocultural environment. Under the industry deregulation, most incumbents tend to become more focused on their core competencies developed during the regulated period unless they have prior experience in green innovations. Corporate governance plays an important role in implementing green innovations because these environmental initiatives go beyond compliance and require substantial long-term resource commitment that has significant strategic implications.
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Kittilaksanawong, Wiboon. "Institutional Perspective on the Drivers of Green Innovations in Firms." In Practice, Progress, and Proficiency in Sustainability, 440–50. IGI Global, 2016.

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In recent years, firms have increasingly engaged in green innovations in response to mounting pressures on environmental protection. Regulative and normative institutions are the main drivers of this response, while its strength is contingent upon a firm's deficiency gap and resource profile. The entry into this emergent industry of diversifying incumbents is usually determined by regulative and economic opportunity while the entry of entrepreneurial start-ups is more influenced by the sociocultural environment. Under the industry deregulation, most incumbents tend to become more focused on their core competencies developed during the regulated period unless they have prior experience in green innovations. Corporate governance plays an important role in implementing green innovations because these environmental initiatives go beyond compliance and require substantial long-term resource commitment that has significant strategic implications.
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Londoño, Johana. "Urban Designers and the Politics of Latinizing the Built Environment." In Critical Dialogues in Latinx Studies, 279–90. NYU Press, 2021.

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This chapter focuses on the career of urban developer and former Secretary of the Department of Housing and Urban Development, Henry Cisneros, in order to open up a larger discussion on the role that Latinxs and their barrio spaces play in shaping the built environment of the United States. Construction workers, community organizers, artists, and muralists have long been included, and rightfully so, in Latinx studies scholarship as key producers of Latinized built environments. This chapter extends that conversation by grappling with the rarely discussed figure of the professional urban designer. Cisneros, I suggest, is a high-profile example, though not entirely representative, of how professional urban designers imagine a Latinization of US cities. His work, I argue, uses design to socially engineer Latinx belonging to cities in a way that underscores anti-poor, normative housing aesthetics and spaces.
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Dowie, Jack, Mette Kjer Kaltoft, and Vije Kumar Rajput. "Measures of Decision Aid Quality Are Preference-Sensitive and Interest-Conflicted – 2: Empirical Measures." In Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. IOS Press, 2020.

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Empirical measures of ‘decision aid quality’, like normative ones, are of a formative construct and therefore embody interest-conflicted preferences in their criteria selection and weighting. The preferences of the International Patient Decision Aid Standards consortium distinguish the quality of the decision-making process and the quality of the choice that is made ‘(i.e., decision quality)’. The Decision Conflict Scale features heavily in their profile measure of the former and Decision Quality Instruments (DQIs), have been developed by members of the consortium to measure the latter. We confirm that both of these, and other components, like the higher-level measures, are preference-sensitive and interest-conflicted. Non-financial interest-conflicted preferences are endemic in healthcare research, policy-making, and practice. That they are inevitable means the main problem lies in the denial of this and attitude to and behaviour towards alternatives, equally interest-conflicted.
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Conference papers on the topic "Normative profile"


Borchard, Justine, Wilshaw Stevens, Kelly Jeans, Kirsten Tulchin-Francis, and Lane Wimberly. "Gait Profile Score of Children with Cerebral Palsy Can Differ Based on Normative Data from Different Institutions." In 26th Annual Meeting of the GCMAS. GCMAS, 2021.

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Khrustaleva, Yuliya. "Taking into account the biological factor when conducting a special assessment of the working conditions of the teaching staff of departments of medical and biological profile." In Issues of determining the severity of harm caused to human health as a result of the impact of a biological factor. ru: Publishing Center RIOR, 2020.

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Special assessment of working conditions is a single set of consistently implemented measures to identify harmful and (or) dangerous factors of the production environment and the labor process and assess the level of their impact on the employee. Conducting a special assessment of working conditions is regulated by certain normative documents (Federal law, labor code, orders of departments). The greatest difficulty is caused by the attribution of working conditions in the workplace of medical and other workers to the class (subclass) of working conditions under the influence of a biological factor. Teachers can carry out medical activities, while they are subject to the rights, duties and responsibilities of medical professionals. The implementation of the components of the concept of medical activity is the basis for assigning working conditions based on the influence of a biological factor, taking into account pathogenicity groups, to a class (subclass) of working conditions without conducting research (tests) and measurements.
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Butenko, I. I. "Ontology approach to normative profiles forming at critical software certification." In XLIII ACADEMIC SPACE CONFERENCE: dedicated to the memory of academician S.P. Korolev and other outstanding Russian scientists – Pioneers of space exploration. AIP Publishing, 2019.

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Potanina, A. M., and V. I. Morosanova. "Individual-typological profiles of stylistic features of conscious self-regulation in middle and high school students." In INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL ONLINE CONFERENCE. Знание-М, 2020.

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The article analyzes individual-typological profiles of conscious selfregulation of learning activity in three age periods: 5–6 grades; 7–8 grades; 9–11 grades. An introduction gives a brief description of the current state of typological approach and its application in Russian and foreign psychology. The relevance and novelty of the presented research is justified. The results of the analysis of individual-typological profiles of conscious self-regulation in middle and high school students are presented. We analyzed the frequency of occurrence of harmonious and accentuated profiles in students of three age periods (N = 943) with different development of conscious self-regulation of learning activity. We found a differentiation of the regulatory system from middle to high school, as evidenced by the appearance of structurally new profiles in each subsequent age period and an increase in their variability. At the same time the results showed a significant but small decrease in the average level of conscious self-regulation of learning activity across the samples. Apparently, it is due to a more normative behavior and attitude to educational activities in grades 5–6, as well as the predominant use of regulatory resources for personal self-determination in middle adolescents and for solving problems of professional self-determination in the final grades.
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Vergeest, Joris S. M., Imre Horváth, and Sander Spanjaard. "A Methodology for Reusing Freeform Shape Content." In ASME 2001 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2001.

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Abstract The reuse of precedent designs is a significant profit factor in new product development. In industry there is a tendency to enhance the reuse process by applying digital scanning of 3D parts, sampling imported, normative CAD models or by deploying a digital library of design concepts. The data thus obtained should be inserted into the design model. The available techniques typically originate from reverse engineering applications. However, to support shape reuse during conceptual design a dedicated methodology and workflow are needed. Using our methodology, the designer selects existing products, or parts, or portions of them. Then he/she specifies where and how the selected portion should be inserted into the new design. The key issue of the methodology is the explicit distinction between the variables that the designer does or does not wants to control. The underlying technology, including shape matching, shape parameter fitting and shape merging must be mostly invisible to the user, except for those controls that intrinsically affect the resulting shape. One application of the methodology is a freeform feature copy-and-paste facility based on 3D scanning and fitting of existent designs. The technical feasibility of such an approach will be addressed.
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Nzoutchoua, Degaul Nana, Carl R. Johnson, Armelle Boukoulou Mounguele, Chibuzor Onyia, Giovanni Rizza, Giuliano Sinibaldi, and Elpidio Gravante. "Mud-Sealing Cement System Delivers Notable Cement Bond Log Result in a Challenging Offshore Horizontal 4 ½-in Liner: A New Technology Case Study." In SPE/IADC Middle East Drilling Technology Conference and Exhibition. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract A 1575m [4922-ft] offshore horizontal 4-½-in. liner cemented using a mud-sealing cement system (MSCS) resulted in an outstanding cement bond log result. The decision to use the MSCS was taken after realizing that four offset liners, previously cemented using conventional cement systems, did not yield acceptable cement bond log results despite following oil and gas cementing industry best practices, including pipe rotation. This paper documents a comparison of six offset horizontal liners, focusing on the impact of the MSCS technology. The paper focuses on several 4-½-in. liners in the same field. The wells were drilled by a similar rig and had similar well profiles. The drilling bit, directional drilling tool, drilling fluids system, logging tool, centralizer type and pumping sequences were comparable across all wells. In addition, the logging company performing the cement bond log evaluation was not the same company performing the cementing service. After the first MSCS-cemented well, the subsequent well used a conventional cement system to isolate the 4-½-in. liner and tighten the cementing best practices. This was initiated to irrefutably confirm the impact of MSCS technology on the quality of cement bond log recorded on the earlier well. The cement bond log recorded from the well isolated with MSCS is easily identified among the six comparison wells even though the cementing operation faced several well challenges, includinga single dart liner system implementation (for all liners), which can promote the intermixing of slurry with fluid ahead while travelling down the pipemud losses in the drilling phase, which resulted in a reduction of the displacement rate to control ECD during cement placement. The bond log results of the other wells were qualified as poor or fair, even though significant precautions were taken to optimize zonal isolation. These efforts included batch mixing the spacer and slurry, using more than one centralizer per casing joint, and implementing pipe rotation during pre-job circulation and job execution when the torque limit allowed. This multi-well comparison based on field results brings solid evidence of the MSCS technology interacting with the residual layer of nonaqueous fluid (NAF) when well conditions reach or exceed the practical normative limitations for mud removal. This in-situ interaction generates a viscous paste that positively impacts the bond log response and bolsters the isolation between zones of interest. The result has yielded a step forward in the provision of a dedicated barrier technology for horizontal or highly deviated sections.
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Reports on the topic "Normative profile"


Montgomery, Doug, Mark Carson, Timothy Winters, Michayla Newcombe, and Timothy Carlin. USGv6 Profile. National Institute of Standards and Technology, November 2020.

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This profile establishes a basic taxonomy of IPv6 capabilities, defined in terms of IETF specifications, resulting in specific capability labels for common network functions and usage scenarios. The profile maps each such labeled capability to one or more specific technical specifications, or parts of specifications. Each labeled capability adopts by reference the normative requirements of the cited specifications. In rare cases the profile may augment or modify the normative requirements of a base specification. The defined capability labels effectively form a vocabulary for expressing IPv6 requirements for, and documenting the IPv6 capabilities of, specific products. It is expected that this profile, when combined with the USGv6 Test Program, can facilitate the efficient adoption of IPv6 technologies in Federal information systems.
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Montgomery, Doug, Mark Carson, Timothy Winters, Michayla Newcombe, and Timothy Carlin. NIST IPv6 Profile. National Institute of Standards and Technology, November 2020.

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This profile establishes a basic taxonomy of IPv6 capabilities, defined in terms of IETF specifications, resulting in specific capability labels for common network functions and usage scenarios. The profile maps each such labeled capability to one or more specific technical specifications, or parts of specifications. Each labeled capability adopts by reference the normative requirements of the cited specifications. In rare cases the profile may augment or modify the normative requirements of a base specification. The defined capability labels effectively form a vocabulary for expressing IPv6 requirements for, and documenting the IPv6 capabilities of, specific products. It is expected that, when combined with specific acquisition and product testing programs, this profile can facilitate the efficient adoption of IPv6 technologies in many industry sectors.
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Kawar, Mary. Gender and generation in household labor supply in Jordan [Arabic]. Population Council, 2000.

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This paper examines gender and age differences in the labor supply of households in Jordan, and the impact of young women’s employment on gender and generation relations. The objective of the study is to address the issues of gender and generation as factors influencing accessibility to labor markets, and to provide a broader understanding of female employment by exploring age-related factors. Empirically, the study looks at the disproportionate workforce participation of young urban single women in Amman, Jordan, and argues that this generation of working women is evidence of a new stage in the lives of Jordanian women: single employed adulthood. It looks at a specific “time” in the social and economic lives of households and individuals. Within this context, the paper constructs a profile of employment characteristics of adult household members to explore the intersecting influences of age and gender and the specific positions of young women. It then addresses how normative gender and generation hierarchies within households respond to these phenomena of young women’s work, their prolonged single status, and their expanding horizons.
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Kawar, Mary. Gender and generation in household labor supply in Jordan. Population Council, 2000.

Full text
This paper examines gender and age differences in the labor supply of households in Jordan, and the impact of young women’s employment on gender and generation relations. The objective of the study is to address the issues of gender and generation as factors influencing accessibility to labor markets, and to provide a broader understanding of female employment by exploring age-related factors. Empirically, the study looks at the disproportionate workforce participation of young urban single women in Amman, Jordan, and argues that this generation of working women is evidence of a new stage in the lives of Jordanian women: single employed adulthood. It looks at a specific “time” in the social and economic lives of households and individuals. Within this context, the paper constructs a profile of employment characteristics of adult household members to explore the intersecting influences of age and gender and the specific positions of young women. It then addresses how normative gender and generation hierarchies within households respond to these phenomena of young women’s work, their prolonged single status, and their expanding horizons.
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