Academic literature on the topic 'Nordic/Northern Europe'

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Journal articles on the topic "Nordic/Northern Europe"


Aavitsland, P., and S. Andresen. "Communicable disease epidemiology training in Northern Europe." Eurosurveillance 6, no. 3 (March 1, 2001): 47–50.

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The five Nordic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden) have a long tradition of collaboration in communicable disease epidemiology and control. The state epidemiologists and the immunisation programme managers have met regularly to discuss common challenges and exchange experiences in surveillance and control of communicable diseases. After the three Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) regained independence in 1991 and the Soviet Union dissolved, contacts were made across the old iron curtain in several areas, such as culture, education, business, military and medicine. Each of the Nordic communicable disease surveillance institutes started projects with partners in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania or the Russian Federation. The projects were in such diverse areas as HIV surveillance and prevention (1), vaccination programmes and antibiotic resistance. In the mid 1990s the Nordic state epidemiologists noted that there was duplication of efforts and only slow progress towards controlling communicable diseases in the region. Thus, to use the resources more efficiently and to improve the relationships with the Baltic partners, the state epidemiologists set out to co-ordinate their bilateral efforts. They felt that the Nordic network, which had worked so well, could easily be extended eastwards.
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Simoulin, Vincent. "La dynamique de coopération nordique : Norden, Baltikum, Barents." Revue française d'administration publique 79, no. 1 (1996): 553–63.

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The Dynamics of Nordic Co-operation : Norden, Baltikum Barents. The countries of Northern Europe have not remained unaffected by the profound changes which have occurred in Europe over the last ten years. The policy of Nordic co-operation, conducted amongst the Nordic countries, has suffered the repercussions of the acceleration of West European integration and the upsets of Eastern Europe. Hence the Nordic countries have been obliged to reformulate their policy of co-operation. This process has involved a redefinition of the position of these countries vis-à-vis the European Union, but also necessitated taking into account the Baltic question, which has led to a new expression of closeness amongst the countries of Northern Europe, notably with the creation of a counsel of the Baltic States.
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Voronov, K. "Security Modus Operandi of the Northern Europe." World Economy and International Relations 65, no. 1 (2021): 82–89.

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The article analyses the complex influence of dangerous changes, which took place after 2014 in the international political environment in Europe, on the ongoing transformations, suggests essential revision of national policies of the five Nordic countries (Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Sweden and Finland) in the field of their security and defenсe. The degree of military and political tension in the North of Europe has increased significantly after 2014. The conflict is escalating due to additional deployment within the so-called reinforcement of the “eastern flank” of the Alliance with three allied battalions, and NATO weapons in the Baltic States and Poland. However, great strategic stability in the zone of direct contact between NATO and Russia is still possible to maintain. The international political situation in the subregion has also deteriorated markedly as a result of the U.S., NATO and EU sanctions policy against Russia, strengthening of transatlantic relations of the Nordic countries, and reinforcement of allied ties within the framework of the Western bloc policy as a whole. It noted signified not only a revision in favor of further strengthening of transatlantic ties in the policy of bloc allegiance of the Nordic countries – members of NATO (Denmark, Norway, Iceland), but also an obvious intensification of practical cooperation between formally non-aligned states (Sweden and Finland) with the Alliance structures. The Nordic Defenсe Cooperation (NORDEFCO) has also started to acquire a risky pro-Atlantic style, losing its previous autonomous subregional nature. Apparently, in the present complex situation, the Nordic Five is disposed to solve security and defence problems by: 1) having a greater many-sided cooperation with NATO; 2) giving a real, limited meaning to the European Union in the military-political sphere; 3) continuing to bear pressure upon Russia for the purpose of limiting Russian influence in the subregion, especially in the Baltic region. In the near future, the problem of NATO accession for Sweden and Finland may remain in the same precarious condition unless some dangerous force majeure circumstances occur in the Baltic region.
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Voronov, K. "Peacekeeping of Northern Europe Countries: Responses to Challenges." World Economy and International Relations, no. 12 (2011): 57–68.

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The author explores the post-bipolar period in the Nordic countries and their relation to peacekeeping operations, as well as their practical participation. The sub-region’s heads of states are forced to admit that their missions abroad turned into a necessary condition of strengthening their national security. Despite the discrepancies between their bloc and integration policies, as well as a number of other factors, through the peacekeeping activities each Nordic country attempted to reach strategic objectives while achieving its own specific objectives and special advantages.
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Steinbock, Dan. "NATO and Northern Europe: From Nordic Balance to Northern Balance." American Foreign Policy Interests 30, no. 4 (August 15, 2008): 196–210.

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Wæver, Ole. "Nordic nostalgia: Northern Europe after the Cold War." International Affairs 68, no. 1 (January 1992): 77–102.

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Allardt, Erik. "A political sociology of the Nordic countries." European Review 8, no. 1 (February 2000): 129–41.

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The Nordic countries of Europe have many common traits. They are small countries in Northern Europe, they have been Lutheran since the Reformation, and they had, for centuries, a strong landholding peasantry but a weak aristocracy. They developed a comprehensive welfare state after the Second World War, and they are more sceptical about European integration than people from other countries in Western Europe. Despite attempts to create a Nordic union and the existence of a Nordic Council, their joint Nordic orientation has been subordinated to the national interests of the individual Nordic countries. They are clear-cut nation states with a nationalism that is not fierce, but represents a kind of official, controlled and uniform national spirit. With respect to parliamentary politics and social policy the main features of the countries have been called the Nordic Model. The model still exists, but rests on shakier ground than before.
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ØSTERGÅRD, UFFE. "The history of Europe seen from the North." European Review 14, no. 2 (April 12, 2006): 281–97.

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The Nordic or Scandinavian countries represent variations on general European patterns of state and nation-building and political culture. Denmark and Sweden rank among the oldest and most typical of nation-states together with France, Britain and Spain and should be studied with the same questions in mind. Today, however, a sort of trans-state common Nordic identity coexists with independent national identifications among the Scandinavians. Nordic unity is regarded as a viable alternative to European culture and integration by large numbers of the populations. There has never existed a ‘Scandinavian model’ worthy of the name ‘model’. Because of a series of changes in great power politics in the 18th and 19th centuries, the major conflicts in Europe were relocated away from Northern Europe. This resulted in a virtual ‘neutralization’ of the Scandinavian countries north of the Baltic Sea. Today, the much promoted ‘Nordic identity’ reveals itself only through the nation-states. The ‘Association for Nordic Unity’ (Foreningerne Norden) was set up in 1919 only after all five Nordic countries had achieved independent nationhood: Norway in 1905, Finland in 1917, and Iceland in 1918 (the latter only as home rule to be followed by independence in 1944). The very different roads to independent nationhood among the Nordic countries and the idea of a common Nordic identity can be traced back to its beginnings in the 19th century
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Bai, Suyoun, and Byung Soo Kim. "A Study on the Correlation Between Bang&Olufsen Audio Product Design and Product Design Characteristics of the Nordic Region." Korea Institute of Design Research Society 9, no. 3 (September 30, 2024): 305–20.

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At some point in modern daily life, Nordic design began to rapidly increase as a home design preferred by people. Northern Europe has developed a unique culture due to its geographical conditions, such as adapting to nature or being friendly, focusing on indoor life, and practicality through simplicity. In this study, the characteristics of Northern European Design were derived into four types through analysis of design cases of representative Northern European countries. Nordic countries are traditionally based on practicality, and are characterized by nature-friendly purity, aesthetics of cultural background, and sustainable simplicity. Bang & Olufsen was selected as the target to examine specifically how these Nordic design characteristics were applied to actual product design and how they changed over time. Bang & Olufsen is a world-renowned audio company in Northern Europe with a 99-year history. In this study, a case study of 66 representative Bang & Olufsen products from 1926 to 2023 was conducted, and the results showed that Bang & Olufsen's audio design generally maintains the characteristics of Nordic design over time. Among the characteristics of Nordic design, simplicity and aesthetics still remain strong over time, and purity is relatively low but appears to be increasing slowly as technology advances. Despite the lack of samples of target products for case analysis and some limitations in the expert survey, this study is significant in that it presents a method for analyzing design characteristics by examining the geographical characteristics and temporal changes in product design.
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Bezhina, Yuliya Viktorovna. "Nordic Defence Cooperation in the Post-Bipolar World." Мировая политика, no. 2 (February 2023): 53–70.

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The author examines the specific features of defense cooperation in Northern Europe and considers its future prospects amid the transformation of the global political landscape. The author regards the Nordic sub-region as a regional security complex (RSC) and scrutinizes historical similarities and dissimilarities in the Nordic approaches to security issues; distinctive features of the Nordic integration in general and sub-regional defence cooperation in particular; structure and possible prospects of the NORDEFCO. The author concludes that defenсe cooperation deepened the integration model in Northern Europe significantly, thus highlighting the ability of the Nordic states to cooperate in matters of security. Nevertheless, the aspirations of Finland and Sweden for NATO membership overshadow the NORDEFCO as a local security mechanism. The author contributes to the study of the issue by suggesting possible scenarios of the Nordic defence cooperation development. It is highly likely that NORDEFCO will be marginalized within the framework of Nordic cooperation, since NATO will meet almost all needs of the Nordic states in the field of defense and security. The scientific novelty of the research results from the revision of the Nordic domestic and foreign policy priorities in the field of security after 2014 and 2022, the impact of the deteriorating relations between Russia and Western countries on defence cooperation in the sub-region and the political and military relevance of the issue for the future of Russia.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Nordic/Northern Europe"


Roberts, Dylan W. "Create, Establish, Maintain: Comparing Zones of Peace in the Nordic Area and the Southern Cone." FIU Digital Commons, 2014.

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In the wake of the Cold War, regional organizations have proliferated and are now a dominant theme in global politics. This study tests whether explanations for the Nordic peace can help to understand or construct other zones of peace in these increasingly important regional settings. With that in mind, this study compares the Nordic area of Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden with the Southern Cone region–here defined as Argentina, Chile, Paraguay, and Uruguay–and both are treated as regional, subsystemic zones of peace. Its significance lies in analysis of two developmentally disparate regions not yet compared in zones of peace literature. Using structured, focused comparison, this study is guided by fundamental questions about each region that assess the relationship between explanations for regional peace and their respective historical records. Understanding the conditions that permit the endurance of peace in today’s global context has far-reaching empirical and theoretical implications.
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Štofková, Zuzana. "Severná Európa: ekonomika a postavenie na medzinárodnom trhu cestovného ruchu." Master's thesis, Vysoká škola ekonomická v Praze, 2012.

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Diploma thesis deals with the Northern Europe region, its economical situation and its position in the international tourism market. Thesis is mainly focused on two countries -- Finland and Sweden. The aim is to analyze Finnish and Swedish potential for tourism development and their share in the global tourism market. Beside that it is also focused on the economic situation in both countries. Thesis defines basic terms connected with Northern Europe region in the first chapter. Then there are two chapters with similar structure, one dealing with Finland and the other one dealing with Sweden. In both chapters there is a detailed analysis of the country's economy, study of conditions for tourism development and different forms of tourism, which have been or might be developed regarding these conditions. Both chapters contain the SWOT analysis with a few recommendations for the future progress.
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Azzouni, Anis. "Politique énergétique et énergies renouvelables en Europe du nord, dans le cadre du développement durable." Thesis, Paris 4, 2015.

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Notre nouveau défi est de protéger l’environnement. Pour réussir cette tâche, beaucoup considèrent qu'il faut réduire notre consommation énergétique. Le développement des énergies renouvelables permettra la réduction des gaz à effet de serre ainsi que notre consommation énergétique. Les pays nordiques ont mis en place des politiques énergétiques différentes selon leurs ressources et leurs expériences. Mais il n'est pas facile de réduire la consommation d’énergie quand les besoins augmentent et qu'il est nécessaire de conserver un haut niveau de vie. Les choix politiques sont très importants surtout pendant ces temps de crise. Il est cependant possible d'utiliser cette nouvelle révolution verte pour relancer l’économie, créer des emplois et bâtir un développement durable respectueux de l’environnement. C'est le défi auquel sont notamment confrontées les économies de l'Europe du nord. Les pays scandinaves partagent la même culture et la même histoire, mais leurs politiques énergétiques sont différentes. Ainsi, la Norvège exploite les hydrocarbures, le Danemark a opté pour l’énergie éolienne, la Suède et la Finlande recourent à l’énergie nucléaire et l’Islande développe son potentiel géothermique. Les choix énergétiques y ont souvent été argumentés par la réduction des gaz à effet de serre, même si la réalité est parfois divergente, les pays nordiques sont sur le bon chemin pour constituer un modèle dans le monde pour le développement durable et pour montrer une nouvelle façon de vivre et une nouvelle façon de penser aux générations futures
Our new challenge is to succeed in protecting the environment; we have to reduce our energy consumption. The development of renewable energies will decrease greenhouse gases and our energy consumption. The Nordic countries have set up a different energy policy, depending on their own natural resources and know-how. It’s not easy to reduce energy consumption when needs are increasing. Political choices are very important, especially during this crisis period. We must use this new green revolution to revitalize the economy, create employment and build a good sustainable development, which respects the environment and society. The Nordic countries share the same culture, history and language, but their energy policies are different. Norway has chosen hydrocarbons, Denmark wind power, Sweden and Finland nuclear power and Iceland geothermal energy. These choices have always been an argument for the reduction of greenhouse gases, even if the reality is sometimes different. The Nordic countries are setting a good example to the world in sustainable development and showing a new way of life and thinking for the next generations
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Salvadori, Pierre. "Des cartes, des humains et des glaces. Savoirs, empires et mondes sous les latitudes d'un Nord global (vers 1530-vers 1610)." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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Cette thèse est consacrée à la place des plus hautes latitudes du globe dans les opérations impériales et savantes européennes au cours d'un long XVIe siècle. Loin d'avoir été périphériques, elles se présentèrent à la fois comme un enjeu impérial et comme un objet voire un terrain du savoir. Dans ces espaces inconnus des « Anciens », mais dont les frontières n'avaient pas été beaucoup repoussées depuis, à part au nord et autour de la Scandinavie, il y avait de l'espace pour expérimenter. Les puissances européennes écartées du partage ibérique du globe (Français, Anglais, Danois, Suédois, puis Néerlandais) cherchèrent ainsi des mondes et des empires en pariant sur les hautes latitudes contre les logiques cartographiques adverses d'un « englobement » du monde longitudinal, qui avait circuit le monde pour le déplier sur un axe Est-Ouest. En Espagne, au Portugal ou à Anvers, on ne négligea pas de leur répondre, ni d'anticiper le problème de ces latitudes qui trouaient toujours le globe ibérique, alors qu'on avait éprouvé ailleurs toutes les grandeurs de cette nouvelle Terre devenue globe homogène et connectable. À travers un double questionnaire d'histoire des empires et d'histoire des savoirs, accompagné de réflexions d'histoire matérielle et d'anthropologie historique, cette thèse envisage une série d'opérations avec les espaces et les environnements des hautes latitudes autant qu'avec le globe même. Elle restitue les problématisations de ces espaces troubles de « l’englobement du monde » (A. Romano), et ce à deux échelles d'observation : l'Europe savante et les empires européens d'une part, les mondes du savoir en Suède et le premier impérialisme des Vasas de l'autre. En saisissant le Nord, l'empire et les savoirs en train de se faire, dans une série de lieux (en particulier Anvers, Stockholm, Venise, Paris, Londres et Amsterdam), mais aussi sur le terrain, dans le Nord de la mission romaine ou par l'espionnage savant loin de chez soi, ce travail s'attache à reconstruire les mondiations originales que permettent les médiations septentrionales du globe. S'observent également des politiques des savoirs particulières qui ne séparent que relativement les différents domaines de leur appréhension, mêlant géographie, histoire (sacrées comme profanes), philosophie naturelle, art de la navigation, droit ou encore astrologie et étymologie. Terrain d'expérimentation épistémologique permettant d'appréhender la nature comme l'empire, le Nord global offre alors un point d'observation des heurts de l'englobement autant que des techniques du désangoissement savant et impérial. Alors qu'une première partie cherche à montrer de quoi la dialectique du passage arctique et du grand pont terrestre transatlantique est le nom, une seconde envisage la construction des savoirs et des empires du Nord au moment de l'acclimatation savante des glaces, en se demandant si, absentes des cartes à première vue, elles ne seraient pas en fait bien là, ressources négligées de la mise en globe. Cette thèse réinterroge alors, par une histoire socio-culturelle des savoirs, la première projection impériale du royaume de Suède, dans les années 1560-1570. À partir d'un étrange globe terrestre, et de longues listes inscrites par Erik XIV (r. 1560-1568) dans les marges de ses livres de captivité, après avoir été déposé par ses frères, on pourrait paradoxalement observer l'empire suédois en train de s'inventer, lorsque, poussant plus loin les dynamiques de son règne, le corps du roi de Suède prend un tournant global, utilisant les savoirs géographiques comme agents de sa charge sacrale, non sans entrer alors en conflit avec le « constitutionnalisme aristocratique » de la noblesse. Ainsi l'empire suédois achopperait-il une première fois, lorsque Erik XIV fut déposé en 1568 après avoir tenté de rendre son corps politique coextensif aux nouvelles grandeurs de la terre, écart aux pratiques qui posa un précédent dans la recherche ultérieure de l'empire
This dissertation examines the role of the globe's highest latitudes in European imperial and knowledge manoeuvres throughout a long 16th century. Far from being a peripheral space, these regions emerged both as an imperial stake and as an object - indeed, a field - of knowledge. In these spaces unknown to the ‘Ancients', whose boundaries had not been significantly pushed back except northward and around Scandinavia, there was room for experimentation. European powers excluded from the Iberian partition of the colonial globe (France, England, Denmark, Sweden, then the Netherlands) sought new worlds and empires by wagering on high latitudes against their rivals' cartographic reasoning of a longitudinal ‘englobing of the world', as the latter had circumnavigated the globe and unfolded it along an East-West axis. In Spain, Portugal, or Antwerp, efforts were made to address these challenges, or to anticipate the problem posed by these latitudes that punctured the Iberian globe, whose magnitudes had yet been experienced elsewhere as a homogeneous and connectable space. Using a double questionnaire in both imperial history and history of knowledge, together with reflections on material history and historical anthropology, this dissertation examines a series of operations involving both the spaces and environments of the high latitudes and the globe itself. It recovers the problematizations of these troubled spaces of ‘world englobement' (A. Romano), from two vantage points: learned Europe and European empires on the one hand, and the Swedish worlds of knowledge and the Vasas' early imperialism on the other. By capturing the North, empire, and knowledge in the making, across various sites (particularly Antwerp, Stockholm, Venice, Paris, London, and Amsterdam), but also in the field (whether that of Roman missionaries in the North or that of knowledge espionage far from home), this work aims to reconstruct the original world-making processes enabled by the globe's northern mediations. It also reveals particular politics of knowledge that only relatively separate different domains of learning, blending geography (sacred of profane), history (idem), natural philosophy, the art of navigation, law, as well as astrology or etymology. As an epistemological testing ground for both nature and empire, the global North affords a glimpse of both the hiccups of ‘world englobement' and the techniques of learned and imperial anxiety-relief. While the first part seeks to demonstrate what the dialectic between the Arctic passage and the great transatlantic land bridge stands for, the second part sets the construction of northern knowledge and empires against the backdrop of ice scholarly acclimatization, questioning whether ice, though absent from maps at first glance, might actually be present as a neglected resource for globe-makings. Building upon the logics observed in the earlier sections, while observing them in a Swedish context, this work ultimately re-examines, through the lens of a social and cultural history of knowledge, the first Swedish imperial projection in the 1560s-1570s. Using a peculiar terrestrial globe and the extensive lists inscribed by Erik XIV (r. 1560-1568) in the margins of his prison books after his deposition by his brothers, one can paradoxically observe the Swedish empire in the making. Pushing the dynamics of his reign further, the body of the Swedish king took a global turn, harnessing geographical knowledge as agents of his ‘recharge sacrale', thereby coming into conflict with the nobility's ‘aristocratic constitutionalism'. Thus the Swedish empire would start with a stumble, as Erik XIV was deposed in 1568, after attempting to make his political body coextensive with the new magnitudes of the earth—a deviation from established practices that would set a precedent in subsequent imperial pursuits
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Hille, Jochen. "Gute Nation oder Europa?" Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Philosophische Fakultät III, 2005.

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Norwegen und die Schweiz sind keine EU-Mitgliedstaaten, weil die Bevölkerungen die Integration mehrheitlich in Referenden ablehnte. Die enorme Mobilisierung und Emotionalisierung in den nationalen Integrationsdebatten kann weder durch ökonomische noch durch politische Umstände hinreichend erklärt werden, zumal die Eliten beider Länder mehrheitlich die Integration unterstützen. Die Hauptmobilisierungsressource von Euroskeptikern liegt vielmehr darin, tief verwurzelte nationale Selbst- und Fremdbilder zu reaktivieren. Diese Diskursanalyse beschreibt vergleichend, auf welche Art und Weise die größten euroskeptischen Akteure der Schweiz und Norwegens diesen Rückgriff auf das Nationale in Integrationsdebatten herstellen. Gefragt wird, wie die „Aktion für eine Unabhängige und Neutrale Schweiz“ (AUNS) und die eng mit ihr verbundene „Schweizerische Volkspartei“ (SVP) einerseits, und die norwegische Bewegung „Nein zur EU“ (norwegisch: Nei Til EU) andererseits, ihren Integrationswiderstand mittels nationaler Narrationen und Bildersprachen als sinnvoll darstellen. Hierzu werden umfangreiche euroskeptische Bild- und Textquellen referiert und gedeutet. Damit wird ein Beitrag zur Forschung über das Selbstverständnis, die Denkweise, die Rhetorik und das Tugendsystem anti-integratorischer Bewegungen geleistet. Denn Euroskeptiker verstehen sich primär als Verteidiger der guten nationalen Gemeinschaft. Diese Gemeinschaft und dessen Nationalstaat beschreiben sie als wärmer, natürlicher, näher, gerechter, effizienter, friedlicher und demokratischer als das integrierte Europa, welches als ferner, kalter, bürokratischer Superstaat EU dargestellt wird.
Norway and Switzerland are not member states of the EU, since the majority of the people rejected integration in several referenda. The emotionality and the enormous mobilisation in national debates on integration cannot sufficiently be explained by economic and political reasons, since the majority of the elites are supporting integration. Instead, the main resource of mobilisation for Eurosceptics lies in reactivating deeply rooted descriptions of national self and other. For carving out these collective images, this discourse-analysis compares how the major Eurosceptical actors of Switzerland, the “Action for an Independent and Neutral Switzerland” (AUNS) together with the tightly connected “Swiss People’s Party” (SVP), on one hand, and the Norwegian movement “No To EU” (NEI TIL EU), on the other hand, describe their actions as meaningful in their iconography and narrations. In doing so, the study refers to and interprets extensive material from Eurosceptical actors and contributes to the understanding of Eurosceptical self-perception, ways of thinking, rhetoric and virtue system. Here Eurosceptics perceive themselves mainly as defenders of the national community and its nation-state, which are regarded as warm, natural, close, justified, efficient, peaceful and democratic, while Europe is perceived as the cold, distant, bureaucratic superstate EU.
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Girault, Camille. "Construire la naturalité nordique à la lumière de la ville. La production des espaces naturels protégés comme composante de l’urbanité à Oslo (Norvège), Göteborg, Stockholm (Suède), Copenhague (Danemark) et Helsinki (Finlande)." Thesis, Université Grenoble Alpes (ComUE), 2017.

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Par un regard géographique sur les espaces protégés urbains, cette thèse propose d’appréhender les politiques de protection comme des choix de production de naturalité métropolitaine. Le propos, qui s’appuie sur l’étude de cinq métropoles nordiques (Oslo, Göteborg, Stockholm, Copenhague, Helsinki) situées dans quatre contextes nationaux différents (Norvège, Suède, Danemark, Finlande), développe un raisonnement sur les fondements, les pratiques et les représentations relatifs aux espaces et aux spatialités de la protection. La thèse ne propose pas une compilation monographique, et c’est de manière transversale et critique qu’elle invite à considérer l’espace protégé comme un espace urbain à part entière. À l’aune de la nordicité, elle questionne l’existence, les modalités et les spécificités d’un supposé modèle scandinave qui transparaîtrait à travers les politiques de protection. La démonstration suggère surtout un renversement des schèmes habituels de la protection : ici, la ville n’est pas comprise comme une menace pour la nature, elle est au contraire questionnée comme un facteur protecteur. En retour, la protection peut renforcer certaines fonctions urbaines et peut même apparaître comme un levier de métropolisation. En mobilisant différentes formes d’observation et divers matériaux, ce travail de géographie sociale et politique de l’environnement est aussi une réflexion épistémologique plus large sur les notions de ville et de nature, et sur les liens qu’elles entretiennent. En confirmant l’indispensable dépassement des dualismes issus de la modernité, cette thèse questionne les formes spatiales hybrides produites par l’instauration de réglementations protectrices au sein des espaces métropolitains. Alors que la protection peut apparaître comme un moyen de régulation de l’urbanisation, elle est surtout un vecteur de valorisation de certains espaces urbains et, à ce titre, elle renforce souvent l’urbanité. Parmi la diversité des situations rencontrées, l’urbanité des espaces naturels devient même parfois la raison d’être de la protection. En somme, certains espaces protégés urbains sont davantage des espaces urbains protégés. Initiée politiquement, la protection se doit néanmoins d’être validée socialement pour vraiment exister. En portant une attention particulière aux pratiques des habitants, ce travail constate des décalages entre les assignations politiques de la protection et leur réception par les citadins. Ainsi, l’espace protégé peut déborder du simple périmètre réglementaire de protection ou être condensé en certains lieux : les limites normalement bien établies de cet objet spatial se meuvent et les lignes de la protection s’avèrent labiles. Étudier les politiques de production et de protection des espaces naturels et les modalités d’appropriation des espaces protégés s’avère donc être un angle d’approche original et fécond du fait urbain et des logiques métropolitaines. En filigrane, cette thèse est aussi une réflexion sur la mise en œuvre d’une démarche géographique et sur la construction d’un regard de géographe.Mots-clés : espaces protégés urbains, politiques de protection, ville, urbanisation, métropolisation, urbanité, nature, environnement, naturalité, Europe du Nord, nordicité
Through a geographical approach to urban protected areas, this doctoral dissertation proposes to consider conservation policies as production choices of metropolitan naturality. Based on the study of five northern European metropolises (Oslo, Gothenburg, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki) in four different national contexts (Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland), it develops a reasoning on the foundations, practices and representations relating to spaces and spatialities of conservation. We do not propose a monographic compilation, and it is in a transversal and critical way that we invite to consider the protected space as an urban space in its own right. In the light of nordicity, this doctoral thesis questions the existence, the modalities and the specificities of a supposed Scandinavian model which would show through the conservation policies. The demonstration suggests above all a reversal of the usual patterns of conservation: here, the city is not understood as a threat to nature; rather, it is questioned as a protective factor. In return, conservation can strengthen some urban functions and may even appear to be a leverage of metropolisation. By mobilizing different forms of observation and various materials, this work of social and political geography of the environment is also a wider epistemological reflection on the notions of city and nature and on the links they maintain. By confirming the necessary overcoming of the dualisms resulting from modernity, this dissertation questions the hybrid spatial forms produced by the introduction of protective regulations within metropolitan spaces. Thus, conservation may appear as a means of regulating urbanization, but it is above all a means of enhancing the value of certain urban spaces and, as such, it can often strengthen urbanity. Among the diversity of situations encountered, preserving the urbanity of natural spaces sometimes becomes the primary objective of protection. In short, some urban protected areas are more protected urban spaces. Conservation is politically initiated, but it must nevertheless be socially validated in order to truly exist. Thus, by paying close attention to the practices of the inhabitants, this work has observed mismatches between the political objectives of conservation and their reception by city dwellers. As a result, the protected space may extend beyond the ordinary protective perimeter or be condensed in certain places: the normally established boundaries of such an object move and the lines of conservation are labile. Studying the policies for the production and conservation of natural spaces and the ways in which protected areas are appropriated thus proves to be an original and fruitful approach to urban development and metropolitan logics. Finally, this doctoral dissertation is also implicitly a reflection on the implementation of a geographical approach and on the construction of a way of being a geographer
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Malbos, Lucie. "Les relations entre les emporia et leurs hinterlands en Europe du Nord-Ouest du VIIe au Xe siècle." Thesis, Paris 1, 2015.

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Les emporia, sites commerciaux abritant des activités artisanales, apparaissent aux VIIe et VIIIe siècles sur les rives des mers du Nord, Baltique et Manche, alors que le centre de gravité économique se déplace de la Méditerranée vers le Nord, que les échanges se font plus massifs et que les pouvoirs politiques se recomposent. Situés à la fois à la périphérie des royaumes en train de se constituer et au centre des réseaux d'échanges, ce sont des lieux de rencontre (économique, politique, culturelle), où marchands anglo-saxons, francs, frisons, scandinaves et slaves échangent marchandises et idées, ainsi que des centres de consommation, de production, d'échange, de stockage et de transit. Leurs caractéristiques communes permettent de comparer les sites scandinaves (Birka, Kaupang, Hedeby, Ribe), anglo-saxon (Hamwic) et francs (Quentovic et Dorestad), en les resituant par rapport aux changements politiques, économiques et sociaux entre le VIIe et le Xe siècle. Pour cela, cette étude s'appuie sur des sources à la fois textuelles et archéologiques, dans le cadre d'une approche interdisciplinaire, sollicitant l'archéologie, la géographie, l'anthropologie. On se demandera comment les emporia et leurs hinterlands interagissaient, en termes d'approvisionnement, de diffusion des monnaies et objets, et quelles relations entretenaient ces ports avec les différents pouvoirs, en abordant leurs fonctions fiscales, administratives, juridiques et même religieuses, pour esquisser des réseaux sociaux, à des échelles différentes (du local aux réseaux d'échanges à longue-distance), tout en s'interrogeant sur les liens entre les différents emporia en Europe du Nord-Ouest, voire au-delà
The emporia, trading-stations with manufacturing activities, appear during the 7th and 8th centuries on the North Sea, Baltic and Channel shores, when the economic axis moved from the Mediterranean Sea towards the North, when the exchanges become more important and the political powers are remodeled. On the periphery of kingdoms being set up and at the heart of exchange networks, they are meeting places, with economic, political and cultural aspects and where Anglo-Saxon, Frankish, Frisian, Scandinavian and Slav traders mingle with each other. They are also consumption centers and producing sites where exchanges, storage and transit can take place. Thanks to their common characteristics we can compare Scandinavian sites (Birka, Kaupang, Hedeby, Ribe), Anglo-Saxon site (Hamwic) and Frankish sites (Quentovic and Dorestad), in a context of political, economic and social changes during the 7th-10th centuries. To this end, this study rests on both written and archaeological sources, in an interdisciplinary approach using archaeology, geography, anthropology. We will wonder how the emporia and their hinterlands interact, as regards supply issues, coinage, importations and craft productions circulation. We will also examine the relationships between the emporia and various authorities, and elaborate on the fiscal, administrative, juridical and even religious functions of these trading ports, to outline social networks, on different scales (from local insertion to integration in the long-distance trade networks), while examining the links between the different emporia in Northwestern Europe and even beyond
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Roman-Binois, Annelise. "L'archéologie des épizooties : mise en évidence et diagnostic des crises de mortalité chez les animaux d’élevage, du Néolithique à Pasteur." Thesis, Paris 1, 2017.

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Les épizooties du passé, malgré leur impact économique, sanitaire et social sur les sociétés agro-pastorales anciennes, sont particulièrement mal documentées en archéologie, et leurs millions de victimes semblent n’avoir laissé aucune trace matérielle. Cette thèse s’attache donc à démontrer qu’il est non seulement possible de mettre en évidence des dépôts animaux consécutifs à des crises de mortalité, mais aussi d’identifier les causes spécifiques des décès. Elle adopte une démarche interdisciplinaire, mêlant méthodes et données de l’archéologie, de l’histoire et de la médecine vétérinaire. Deux outils méthodologiques y sont développés. Le premier est une grille d’analyse permettant l’identification des crises de mortalité animales parmi tous les dépôts de faune rencontrés en archéologie. Le second est une démarche de diagnostic différentiel de la nature des crises, reposant sur la confrontation entre les caractéristiques épidémiologiques des dépôts animaux et celles des principales causes de mortalité identifiées aux époques étudiées. Des examens complémentaires ciblés permettent alors la validation des hypothèses diagnostiques obtenues. Une cinquantaine de dépôts animaux témoignant vraisemblablement de crises de mortalité passées sont ainsi identifiés dans la bibliographie, corpus faisant l’objet d’une analyse multicritère diachronique et spécifique. Six assemblages ovins datés de l’Antiquité à la période Moderne font ensuite l’objet d’une étude archéologique et ostéologique approfondie. L’application du protocole d’analyse permet la formulation d’hypothèses diagnostiques dans cinq cas sur six, et dans un cas sa confirmation par la mise en évidence du pathogène incriminé
Acute episodes of animal mortality had severe impacts on past societies, with lasting economical, sanitary and social consequences. They remain however largely undocumented, in particular in archaeology, where the millions of animal victims described in historical texts appear to have left no material evidence. This dissertation thus strives to explore this discrepancy and to demonstrate that not only is it possible to identify archaeological deposits of mass animal mortality, but that it is also possible to diagnose the specific cause of the deaths. Theses aims are addressed by an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on methods and data from the fields of archaeology, history and veterinary science, and leading to the development of two methodological tools. The first tool allows the identification of animal mass mortality deposits through a flow chart based on objective archaeological criteria. The second presents as a protocol allowing the differential diagnosis and those of the main causes for animal mortalities in that time and place. Selected diagnostic hypotheses are then tested by targeted analyses. This allows us to identify fifty-one archaeological animal deposits probably resulting from mass mortality events in the bibliographical record, and to carry out a multi-criteria analysis of the resulting corpus in a diachronic and a species-specific perspective. Six ovine assemblages dating from the Roman period to the Modern period are then selected for an in-depth archaeological and osteological study. Likely diagnostic hypotheses are identified through our protocol in five cases out of six, one of which is confirmed by the paleoparasitological identification of the suspected pathogen
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Taton, Floris. "Le féminisme dans les vies et les oeuvres d'artistes de la performance en Europe et en Amérique du Nord entre 1980 et 2010." Thesis, Angers, 2020.

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Depuis les années 1970, le féminisme inspire les artistes de la performance. Cette décennie pionnière est très documentée, mais qu’en est-il pour les trois décennies suivantes ? Le féminisme dans les vies et les oeuvres d'artistes de la performance en Europe et en Amérique du Nord entre 1980 et 2010 propose, par le biais de vingt-cinq artistes dans dix-sept pays un état des lieux du féminisme de la deuxième et de la troisième vague. L’objectif de la recherche est d’éclairer les artistes de la performance et leurs productions au regard d’enjeux féministes. Trois volets sont abordés : les prémices des parcours des artistes, les sources et formes de l’influence féministe et sa place dans les oeuvres. La recherche concerne les artistes suivant.e.s : Lorraine O’Grady, Esther Ferrer, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Kirsten Justesen, Marina Abramović, Maria Klonaris et Katerina Thomadaki, Pauline Cummins, Anne Bean, Ody Saban, Annie Abrahams, Vlasta Delimar, Verena Kyselka, Nieves Correa, Katarzyna Kozyra, Annika Ström, Iris Selke, Malin Arnell, Victoria Stanton, Carole Douillard, Eivind Reierstad, Mariuccia Pisani, Sands Murray-Wassink, Marijs Boulogne et Mara Maglione
Since the 1970s, performance artists have been inspired by feminism. This pioneering decade is well documented, but what about the three following decades? “Feminism in the lives and work of performance artists in Europe and Northern America between 1980 and 2010” will study twenty-five artists in seventeen countries to review second and third wave feminism through their work. The aim of this research is to shine some light on these performance artists and their work with regard to feminist issues. Three aspects will be discussed : the first steps in the artists’careers, the various sources and shapes of the influence of feminism and the place this influence had in their works.The research is about the following artists : Lorraine O’Grady, Esther Ferrer, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Kirsten Justesen, Marina Abramović, Maria Klonaris et Katerina Thomadaki, Pauline Cummins, Anne Bean, Ody Saban, Annie Abrahams, Vlasta Delimar, Verena Kyselka, Nieves Correa, Katarzyna Kozyra, Annika Ström, Iris Selke, Malin Arnell, Victoria Stanton, Carole Douillard, Eivind Reierstad, Mariuccia Pisani, Sands-Murray Wassink, Marijs Boulogne and Mara Maglione
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Dalla, Longa Elisa. "La media e bassa pianura veneta a sud dell'antico Adige nell'età del bronzo. Popolamento ed evoluzione socio-politica di un territorio a cavallo tra Europa, Italia e Mediterraneo." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2015.

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Aim of this thesis is the reconstruction of Bronze Age settlement dynamics of the part of low and middle Veneto plain lying between ancient Adige river and present Po river. The research was structured in the following phases: the study of published data on paeleoidrographical aspects, in order to understand the settlement choices in relation with ancient environment; the study of all published archaeological Bronze Age contexts; the re-reading of material culture from these context, in order to redefine chronological and cultural aspects; the chrono-typological analysis of two groups of archaeological materials: the published sample of conformed handles, and the unpublished material from Fondo Paviani RBA and FBA embanked settlement. The main tools of the research are a database and GIS. The sample of all considered sites is composed by 288 contexts. The principal results regarding settlement dynamics are: 1) In the EBA a gradual stable occupation of the Northern Po Valley is attested, especially along riverbeds and wetlands, according to a process of “colonization” from Garda Lake pile-dwelling system to the plain. From the cultural point of view, the territory is characterized by Polada culture (EBA1) and Barche di Solferino aspect (EBA2), with the presence of some elements referable to Danubian-Carpathian area. 2) In MBA, an increase in settlement number is attested for MBA1, while in MBA2 the evidences clearly decrease, probably according to the simultaneous colonization of the Southern Po Valley; in MBA3 another small increase is registered. Already since MBA1, and in MBA2 and 3, settlements with bank and moat are known for the area. The cultural aspects are strictly related to the Southern Po Valley ones, even if we notice some independent characters. External relationships are attested, both with peninsular Italy - Grotta Nuova and Appenino cultural aspects – and continental Europe. 3) In the Recent Bronze Age, and specially in its advanced phase, a generalized and outstanding increase in the number of settlements is attested, together with the development of socio-political complex structures, as it is the polity of Valli Grandi Veronesi. This polity, whose central place is Fondo Paviani, is the key area for the wide exchange system that connects the examined territory with continental Europe, peninsular and North-Western Italy and the Aegean-Mediterranean area. 4) In the Final Bronze Age, a general contraction in the number of settlements is attested in FBA1-2, while we cannot record a collapse, but a general rearrangement of territorial pattern with the development of Frattesina, the new key context for the exchange system that connects continental Europe and Mediterranean world. In FBA3 a new process of territory occupation is attested, related to the centers of Gazzo Veronese, Oppeano, Montagnana, Este and Villamarzana
La presente tesi ha come obiettivo la ricostruzione delle dinamiche insediamentali dell’età del bronzo nella fascia di media e bassa pianura veneta compresa tra l’antico ventaglio di divagazione dell’Adige a nord e l’attuale corso del Po a sud. La ricerca si è articolata in varie fasi: lo studio dei dati paleoidrografici antichi dell’area, al fine di analizzare le scelte locazionali in relazione all’ambiente; lo studio di tutte le occorrenze di rinvenimenti archeologici noti per l’età del bronzo; il riesame della cultura materiale edita proveniente dai contesti in esame, al fine di ridefinire le caratteristiche cronologiche e culturali dei rinvenimenti; l’analisi tipocronologica di due lotti di materiale: il campione di tutte le apofisi di anse edite, e il materiale inedito dallo scavo di un settore dell’insediamento arginato dell’età del BR e BF iniziale di Fondo Paviani. I principali strumenti utilizzati per l’analisi territoriale sono stati un database e il GIS. Il campione di siti individuati è di 288. L’analisi del popolamento ha messo a punto i seguenti risultati: 1) Nel BA è attestata una progressiva occupazione stabile della pianura, con strategie insediamentali che prediligono le sedi perifluviali, soprattutto a partire dal BA 2, secondo quella che è nota come una “colonizzazione” della pianura dal bacino gardesano. Dal punto di vista culturale, il territorio si inquadra nell’ambito delle facies di Polada (BA1) e Barche di Solferino (BA2), con la presenza di elementi allogeni che rimandano alle coeve facies del bacino danubiano-carpatico. 2) Nel BM, si assiste ad un progressivo incremento quantitativo del numero delle attestazioni per il BM1, a un decremento nel BM2 - probabile riflesso della colonizzazione in atto nella pianura sud-padana, e a un probabile incremento nella fase di BM3. Già a partire dal BM1, e poi nel corso di BM2 e 3, emergono i primi esempi di abitati con aggere e fossato. Dal punto di vista culturale il territorio appare omogeno con i caratteri delle facies sud-padane, seppure con delle specificità locali. Si individuano inoltre relazioni con l’area peninsulare adriatica - facies di Grotta Nuova e Appenninica - e una connessione con l’Europa continentale. 3) Nel BR e soprattutto nel BR2 si assiste ad un esponenziale aumento del numero dei siti, con la formazione di sistemi insediativi unitari come la polity delle Valli Grandi Veronesi - incentrata attorno al central place di Fondo Paviani - snodo-chiave del complesso sistema di scambi che collega in questo momento il territorio con l’Europa continentale, l’Italia peninsulare e nord-occidentale, l’Egeo e il Mediterraneo. 4) Nel BF, infine, il popolamento registra una contrazione - ma non un sistematico crollo - del numero di siti nel BF1-2 - quando si assiste a un processo di radicale riassetto del popolamento con la nascita, sull’asse del Po, di Frattesina, nuovo snodo-chiave nelle direttrici dello scambio tra Europa continentale e Mediterraneo - e ad una nuova rioccupazione del territorio, con la concentrazione esclusiva del popolamento, tra BF3 e IFe1, attorno ai poli di Gazzo Veronese, Oppeano, Montagnana, Este e Villamarzana
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Books on the topic "Nordic/Northern Europe"


Kenneth, Olwig, ed. Nordic landscapes: Region and belonging on the northern edge of Europe. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2008.

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Strang, Johan. Rhetorics of Nordic democracy. Helsinki, Finland: Finnish Literature Society / SKS, 2010.

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Jakobson-Obolenski, Sergei. Security problems in Northern Europe: Cooperation and conflict in the Nordic/Baltic region. Tampere: University of Tampere, International School of Social Sciences, 1999.

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Österlin, Lars. Churches of northern Europe in profile: A thousand years of Anglo-Nordic relations. Norwich: Canterbury, 1995.

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Clive, Archer, and University Association for Contemporary European Studies., eds. New security issues in Northern Europe: The Nordic and Baltic states and the ESDP. New York, NY: Routledge, 2007.

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ROOTS (Conference) (5th 2002 Matarenki-Övertorneå, Sweden). Finno-Ugric people in the nordic countries: ROOTS V, The roots of peoples and languages of Northern Europe. Edited by Winsa Birger. Hedenäset: Lumio förlag & skrivbyrå, 2005.

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Maassen, Peter A. M. Internationalization of higher education institutions in Northern Europe in the light of Bologna: Rethinking Nordic cooperation in higher education. Oslo: NIFU STEP, 2004.

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Lehtonen, Tuomas, and Linda Kaljundi, eds. Re-forming Texts, Music, and Church Art in the Early Modern North. NL Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2016.

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Our historical understanding of the Reformation in northern Europe has tended to privilege the idea of disruption and innovation over continuity - yet even the most powerful reformation movements drew on and exchanged ideas with earlier cultural and religious practices. This volume attempts to right the balance, bringing together a roster of experts to trace the continuities between the medieval and early modern period in the Nordic realm, while enabling us to see the Reformation and its changes in a new light.
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David, Tustin, and Furberg Tore, eds. Together in mission and ministry: The Porvoo common statement with Essays on church and ministry in Northern Europe : conversations between the British and Irish Anglican Churches and the Nordic and Baltic Lutheran Churches. London: Church House Pub., 1993.

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1947-, Hansen Karin, and International ECE/EU Intercalibration Course for Northern Europe (4th : 1998 : Hørsholm, Denmark), eds. Monitoring forest damage in the Nordic countries 1998: Proceedings from a combined SNS Ad hoc group meeting on Monitoring of Forest Damage and the 4th International ECE/EU Intercalibration Course for Northern Europe, Denmark, 1998. Hoersholm: Danish Forest and Landscape Research Institute, 1998.

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Book chapters on the topic "Nordic/Northern Europe"


Layher, William. "Three Nordic Queens." In Queenship and Voice in Medieval Northern Europe, 13–28. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2010.

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Saunders, Robert A. "Northern places, dark spaces." In Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir, 54–77. London; New York: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Popular culture and world politics: Routledge, 2020.

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Beach, Hugh. "Nordic Reflections on Northern Social Research." In A Companion to the Anthropology of Europe, 32–50. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2012.

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Saunders, Robert A. "Beyond Norden." In Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir, 163–90. London; New York: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Popular culture and world politics: Routledge, 2020.

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Saunders, Robert A. "Co-constituting the world." In Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir, 1–25. London; New York: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Popular culture and world politics: Routledge, 2020.

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Saunders, Robert A. "Why Norden? Why now?" In Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir, 26–53. London; New York: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Popular culture and world politics: Routledge, 2020.

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Saunders, Robert A. "It's the little things." In Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir, 78–103. London; New York: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Popular culture and world politics: Routledge, 2020.

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Saunders, Robert A. "In/Out/In-between." In Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir, 104–32. London; New York: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Popular culture and world politics: Routledge, 2020.

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Saunders, Robert A. "Ideology versus idylls." In Geopolitics, Northern Europe, and Nordic Noir, 133–62. London; New York: Routledge, 2021. | Series: Popular culture and world politics: Routledge, 2020.

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Toft Hansen, Kim, and Valentina Re. "Nordic Noir and Arctic Peripherality in Northern Europe." In Palgrave European Film and Media Studies, 51–79. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Conference papers on the topic "Nordic/Northern Europe"


Vuoristo, P., and P. Nylén. "Industrial and Research Activities in Thermal Spray Technology in the Nordic Region of Europe." In ITSC2009, edited by B. R. Marple, M. M. Hyland, Y. C. Lau, C. J. Li, R. S. Lima, and G. Montavon. ASM International, 2009.

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Abstract This paper provides an overview of thermal spray activities in Finland, Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. In Finland, thermal spray technology has widest use in pulp and paper processing, protecting various types of rolls and cylinders. In Sweden, the technology is of great importance in the manufacture of aero engines and industrial gas turbines. In Norway, thermal spraying is widely used in offshore applications, including subsea oil drilling enterprises, and in Denmark, thermal spraying is used in boilers, maritime diesel engines, and for wear resistance of machine tool components. Development and innovation in thermal spray technology in northern Europe is dominated by research conducted in Finland and Sweden, followed by Denmark and Norway.
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Cheon, Dae-Sung, Kwangmin Jin, You Hong Kihm, Won-Kyong Song, and Jae-Yong Park. "Geoscientific investigation for the site selection of high-level radiowaste disposal in South Korea." In The IV Nordic Symposium on Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. Jarðtæknifélag Íslands og Jarðgangafélag Íslands, 2023.

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According to the 2nd master plan for high-level radioactive waste(HLW) announced by the South Korean government in 2021, the operation of the HLW disposal repository from site selection is planned to be carried out within 37 years. In particular, the site selection was decided within 13 years after the start of the project through a step-by-step process like other countries. Unlike Northern Europe such as Sweden and Finland, where crystalline rocks are the main composition, South Korea has various rock types similar to Switzerland. The Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources published 8 types of geoenvironmental information maps, including rock types, lineament, faults, and geothermals etc., which can be used in the national screening stage. Geoscientific researches are being conducted for each rock type in consideration of the distribution area of rock types in the South Korea obtained from the geoenvironmental information map. Considering the depth of HLW disposal repository, drillings are performed at a depth of 750 m according to the rock types, and evaluation parameters for each research field used in basic and detailed investigations are obtained. Investigations using deep boreholes, which began in 2020, were conducted in granite, sedimentary rocks including mudstone and sandstone, and gneiss. Another investigation is planned for volcanic rocks next year. The evaluation parameters obtained during the geoscientific investigation include geological parameters such as lithology, joint and fault, hydraulic parameters such as hydraulic conductivity and storage coefficient, geochemical parameters such as hydrochemistry, sorption and nuclides, and geothermal parameters such as thermal conductivity and geothermal gradient. There are also mechanical parameters such as strength, and in-situ stress. These data are expected to be used as basic data for site selection for HLW disposal in Korea in the future.
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Цурцумия, М. "The Evolution of the Shields Reinforced with Metal in the Middle Ages." In Военная археология. Сборник материалов научного семинара. Crossref, 2018.

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В статье рассмотрены укрепленные металлом щиты из грузинских музеев и их эволю- ция в средние века. Установлено, что такие щиты появляются в Грузии и Византии в XI в. Усиление щитов металлом, видимо, происходило под влиянием Скандинавии, где существова- ла длительная традиция усиления щитов металлом. Металлические детали на щитах являются характерной чертой скандинавского и древнегерманского вооружения VI–VII вв. Распространение таких щитов в Византии нужно связывать с созданием варяжской гвардии в конце X в. С конца X в. массовое пребывание скандинавов в империи популяризировало щиты усиленные металлом и это нашло широкое отражение в изображениях XI в. Статья опровергает мнение, что грузинские щиты являются дериватами монгольского кал- кана и показывает, что калкан распространился в западной Грузии только в XVII в. из Турции. Утверждается, что типы щитов усиленных металлическими накладками существовали в Грузии до калкана и не связаны с монгольскими вторжениями. Роль итальянских колоний в распростра- нении подобных щитов нужно считать преувеличенной. Как видно, система усиления щитов ме- таллом распространилось в Грузии из Византии, а затем дошла до Северного Кавказа, откуда его заимствовали в Золотой Орде. The present article discusses shields reinforced with metal preserved in the museums of Georgia and particularly the evolution of these types in the Middle Ages. It is ascertained that shields reinforced with metal appeared in Georgia and Byzantium in the 11th century. Presumably, it was the Nordic region, which influenced the Byzantine oikumene and caused such modification. In Northern Europe there was a long tradition of strengthening the shields with metal. Archaeological excavations revealed that attaching the metal parts to the shields had been typical for the Scandinavian and Germanic equipment since the 6th–7th centuries. The spreading of Scandinavian shields in Byzantium should have been connected with the establishment of Varangian Guard at the end of the 10th century. Supposedly, the mass presence of Scandinavians in the empire made reinforced shields popular reflected in the representations of the 11th century. Beginning from the 10th century and, especially, in 11th century, the Georgians had frequent contact with the Scandinavian warriors, which would have facilitated the exchange of weaponry and the establishment of reinforced shields in Georgia. The article rejects the notion that the Georgian shields were derivatives of the Mongolian shield kalkan and shows that kalkan spread in West Georgia only in 17th century from the Ottoman Empire. According to the article, the shields reinforced with metal had existed in Georgia before the appearence of kalkan and had not been linked with the Mongol invasions. Moreover, the role of the Italian Black Sea colonies seems exaggerated in the dissemination of the reinforced shields in northern Caucasus and Golden Horde. Presumably, the reinforced shields were spread from the Byzantine Empire to Georgia, and then penetrated through the Caucasian Mountains in the North Caucasus (especially its north-western part), from where it was acquired by the Mongols of Golden Horde.
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Agache, Liliana. "About studying the specialized lexicon from the old Romanian language." In Conferință științifică internațională "FILOLOGIA MODERNĂ: REALIZĂRI ŞI PERSPECTIVE ÎN CONTEXT EUROPEAN" cu genericul G. Călinescu. 125 ani de la naştere, Ediţia a 18-a, 253–58. “Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu” Institute of Romanian Philology, Republic of Moldova, 2024.

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The present paper presents the elements of structure and method used in the realization of a larger project that aims to analyze the specialized vocabulary in the Nordic area from the ancient era. The objective is to create a working tool in the research of the specialized lexicon that belongs to the legal-administrative register in the period 1601–1780. The research focuses mainly on the Moldavian subdialect, but covers the entire northern area. The most interesting aspect of the paper concerns the particularly sensitive character of the lexicon to historical-social mutations. Constant oppositions and historically determined oppositions are registered. They represent the reflection of a real situation and are characterized by a limited circulation and validity. A certain stage of development of the lexicon of a language is thus individualized, within a regional subsystem of it.
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Reports on the topic "Nordic/Northern Europe"


Schmitz, Wiebke. Gender still determines how, and how long, we work. Linköping University Electronic Press, December 2023.

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Female-coded family work keeps women away from late working life – but it makes a difference where in Europe they live because Nordic countries do not recognize this divide. Key Findings Childcare impacts upon late working life – women tend to be employed part time or outside paid labor if they engaged in childcare during earlier life stages; men with children are more likely to be in full-time employment. Women are more affected by early working life decisions – previous labor-market participation or a reduction in working hours due to childcare obligations have a greater impact on late working life. A North–South divide in Europe – it is mostly in southern and western Europe that women’s domestic work or part-time employment prevents full-time employment in late working life, but in northern Europe, female employment in late working life is barely affected by previous family obligations. This research on gendered late-working-life trajectories is part of the research programme EIWO. Schmitz, W., Naegele, L., Frerichs, F., & Ellwardt, L. (2023): Gendered late working life trajectories, family history and welfare regimes: Evidence from SHARELIFE. European Journal of Ageing, 20, 5. (open access). The paper received the "Best Paper Award 2023 for Early Career Researchers" from the German Gerontological Association (see
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Arora, Sanjana, and Olena Koval. Norway Country Report. University of Stavanger, 2022.

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This report is part of a larger cross-country comparative project and constitutes an account and analysis of the measures comprising the Norwegian national response to the COVID-19 pandemic during the year of 2020. This time period is interesting in that mitigation efforts were predominantly of a non-medical nature. Mass vaccinations were in Norway conducted in early 2021. With one of the lowest mortality rates in Europe and relatively lower economic repercussions compared to its Nordic neighbours, the Norwegian case stands unique (OECD, 2021: Eurostat 2021; Statista, 2022). This report presents a summary of Norwegian response to the COVID-19 pandemic by taking into account its governance, political administration and societal context. In doing so, it highlights the key features of the Nordic governance model and the mitigation measures that attributed to its success, as well as some facets of Norway’s under-preparedness. Norway’s relative isolation in Northern Europe coupled with low population density gave it a geographical advantage in ensuring a slower spread of the virus. However, the spread of infection was also uneven, which meant that infection rates were concentrated more in some areas than in others. On the fiscal front, the affluence of Norway is linked to its petroleum industry and the related Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund. Both were affected by the pandemic, reflected through a reduction in the country’s annual GDP (SSB, 2022). The Nordic model of extensive welfare services, economic measures, a strong healthcare system with goals of equity and a high trust society, indeed ensured a strong shield against the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Yet, the consequences of the pandemic were uneven with unemployment especially high among those with low education and/or in low-income professions, as well as among immigrants (NOU, 2022:5). The social and psychological effects were also uneven, with children and elderly being left particularly vulnerable (Christensen, 2021). Further, the pandemic also at times led to unprecedented pressure on some intensive care units (OECD, 2021). Central to handling the COVID-19 pandemic in Norway were the three national executive authorities: the Ministry of Health and Care services, the National directorate of health and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. With regard to political-administrative functions, the principle of subsidiarity (decentralisation) and responsibility meant that local governments had a high degree of autonomy in implementing infection control measures. Risk communication was thus also relatively decentralised, depending on the local outbreak situations. While decentralisation likely gave flexibility, ability to improvise in a crisis and utilise the municipalities’ knowledge of local contexts, it also brought forward challenges of coordination between the national and municipal level. Lack of training, infection control and protection equipment thereby prevailed in several municipalities. Although in effect for limited periods of time, the Corona Act, which allowed for fairly severe restrictions, received mixed responses in the public sphere. Critical perceptions towards the Corona Act were not seen as a surprise, considering that Norwegian society has traditionally relied on its ‘dugnadskultur’ – a culture of voluntary contributions in the spirit of solidarity. Government representatives at the frontline of communication were also open about the degree of uncertainty coupled with considerable potential for great societal damage. Overall, the mitigation policy in Norway was successful in keeping the overall infection rates and mortality low, albeit with a few societal and political-administrative challenges. The case of Norway is thus indeed exemplary with regard to its effective mitigation measures and strong government support to mitigate the impact of those measures. However, it also goes to show how a country with good crisis preparedness systems, governance and a comprehensive welfare system was also left somewhat underprepared by the devastating consequences of the pandemic.
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