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Kallip, Kadri, and Mati Heidmets. "Varakult haridussüsteemist lahkumine: trendid, mõjurid ja meetmed Eestis." Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education 5, no. 2 (October 28, 2017): 155–82.

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Varakult haridussüsteemist lahkunud noorte puhul on tegemist õpinguid mittejätkavate 18–24aastaste noortega, kellel on põhiharidus või sellest madalam haridustase. Kuigi nende hulk Eestis näitab viimasel kümnendil vähenemistendentsi, on varakult haridussüsteemist lahkunud noori jätkuvalt liiga palju. Nende osakaal Eestis on ka vähenenud aeglasemalt kui enamikus teistes Euroopa Liidu (EL) riikides. Artikli eesmärk on anda ülevaade varakult haridussüsteemist lahkumise trendidest Eestis ajavahemikul 2000–2015 ja kirjeldada haridustee katkestamise peamisi mõjureid ning ennetus-, sekkumis- ja tagasitoomismeetmeid. Andmete metaanalüüs tugineb nii Eesti ja ELi statistikaameti (Eurostati) tööjõu-uuringute andmetele kui ka Eesti hariduse infosüsteemi (EHIS) ning Eesti statistikaameti andmebaasidele. Tulemused näitavad, et Eestis on varakult haridussüsteemist lahkunud isikute seas suur noormeeste osakaal ning peamisteks haridustee katkestamise riskiteguriteks võib pidada nii maa-asulas elamist kui ka muu riigi kodakondsuse omamist. Lisaks ilmneb, et põhiharidusega või sellest madalama haridusega piirdunud 18–24aastased noored elavad võrreldes oma eakaaslastega, kellel on kõrgem haridustase, suuremas sotsiaalse tõrjutuse või vaesusohus, kogevad enam suhtelist ja absoluutset vaesust ning materiaalset ilmajäetust ja osalevad vähem tööturul. Samuti selgub artiklist, et kuigi Eestis ei ole varakult haridussüsteemist lahkunud noorte sihtrühmale välja töötatud eriprogramme, on nii riikliku, kohaliku omavalitsuse kui ka kooli tasandil olemas üleüldisi meetmeid ja teenuseid, mida kasutatakse haridustee katkestamise ohus õpilaste aitamiseks. Summary
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Sun, Li, Liang Fang, and Yun Wang. "Three-Step Method with Fifth-Order Convergence for Nonlinear Equation." Advanced Materials Research 524-527 (May 2012): 3824–27.

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We present a fifth-order iterative method for the solution of nonlinear equation. The new method is based on the Noor's third-order method, which is a modified Householder method without second derivatives. Its efficiency index is 1.4953 which is better than that of Newton's method and Noor's method. Numerical results show the efficiency of the proposed method.
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O’Neill, Brian. "Ökoloogilised vaatenurgad ja laste internetikasutus: sissevaade mikro- ja makrotasandi analüüsi." Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education 3, no. 2 (November 1, 2015): 10–31.

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Igivanad arutelud, milles käsitletakse laste kokkupuudet meediatehnoloogiaga, toovad kommunikatsiooni ja meediauuringute suunal esile erimeelsusi ja vaidlusi põhjustanud pikaajalise traditsiooni. Olgugi et meediatarbimise mõju lastele on uuritud juba ringhäälingu algusaegadest peale, on selle üle endiselt vähe teoretiseeritud ja seda on kirjanduses harva käsitletud, samuti on see meediapoliitika debattides pälvinud vaid vähest mõistmist. Laste ja internetiuuringute puhul on vanad vaidlused süvenenud. Lähtudes ühelt poolt hoiatavatest teadetest riskide, ülemäärase arvutikasutuse ja selle kahjuliku mõju kohta ning teiselt poolt kiidu laulust "digimaailma päriselanikele" ja tehnoloogia võimele muuta maailma, seadis EU Kids Online endale eesmärgiks koguda andmeid, mis aitavad luua terviklikumat pilti veebikeskkonnast, milles noored tegutsevad. Siinses artiklis paigutan selle valdkonna tööd ökoloogilisse raamistikku, lähtudes nii Bronfenbrenneri bioökoloogilisest käsitlusviisist, mis on olnud tähtsal kohal uutes lapsepõlve sotsioloogilistes käsitlustes, kui ka üldisemalt defineeritud meediaökoloogia teoreetilisest raamistikust. Viimast seostatakse peamiselt McLuhani ja hiljem Postmani töödega, kus kirjeldatakse meediakeskkonda kui keerulise vastastikuse mõjutamise süsteemi tehnoloogia ja ühiskonna vahel, kus mitmesugused suhtlusviisid ja vahendatud vastastikune mõjutamine kujundavad oluliselt inimkäitumist ja ühiskondlikku elu. Selline vaatenurk on mõningate põletavate probleemidega tegelemisel väga vajalik, kui kõne all on teadusuuringutel põhinev poliitikakujundamine, mis on seotud interneti haldamise ja reguleerimisega ning noorte kaitsmisega internetikeskkonnas. Full text
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Kruus, Priit. "The Currency of Youth. The "Young Author" and the "Literary Group" in the 2000s." Methis. Studia humaniora Estonica 8, no. 11 (June 2013): 48–63.

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Fan, Shunhou, Shin Min Kang, Muhammad Aslam Noor, and Yonghong Yao. "Modified Noor's Extragradient Method for Solving Generalized Variational Inequalities in Banach Spaces." Abstract and Applied Analysis 2012 (2012): 1–11.

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Motivated and inspired by Korpelevich's and Noor's extragradient methods, we suggest an extragradient method by using the sunny nonexpansive retraction which has strong convergence for solving the generalized variational inequalities in Banach spaces.
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Kurniawan, Muhammad Ilham. "PEMBENTUKAN CITRA POSITIF H. SAHBIRIN NOOR MELALUI GELAR PAMAN BIRIN." An-Nida : Jurnal Komunikasi Islam 13, no. 2 (December 6, 2021): 97–106.

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Democracy is a system that makes the people as holders of power, Indonesia is a democratic country that determines leaders through general elections for both president and regional head. In the 2015 election, a candidate for governor of South Kalimantan Province H. Sahbirin Noor used the title Paman Birin as an Empathy and Homophily approach to build a positive image of himself, it is interesting to research with the title "The Formation of H. Sahbirin Noor's Positive Image through the Title of Paman Birin", with the formula problem: How is H. Sahbirin Noor's Positive Image Formed through Paman Birin's title. The research objective: To see how the formation of H. Sahbirin Noor's positive image through the title of Paman Birin. With a qualitative approach and descriptive analysis, this study is aimed at analyzing or interpreting written material based on its context. Data is taken from observations, namely making direct observations from studies from books, journals, related news that are published through electronic mass media, or other sources that support this research. Based on the results of the analysis, it was found that, said Paman, it is commonplace in the ears of the public, the embedding of the title of Paman Birin succeeded in building a positive image, reducing distance and causing communication intimacy towards the person of H. Sahbirin Noor for the community, making the majority ethnic group and the wider community accept and making him the winner in the 2015 South Kalimantan Provincial elections.
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Merilai, Arne. "Muusapoja pojad: Nooruse kihermeid II." Keel ja Kirjandus 60, no. 3 (March 2017): 211–19.

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ㅤ. "Noords / Everink (TvAR 2002/5146)." Tijdschrift voor Agrarisch Recht 62, no. 12 (December 1, 2002): ㅤ.

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Saks, Katrin, and Janeli Virnas. "Õpilasfirmade programmi mõju noorte sotsiaalsetele oskustele." Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education 6, no. 2 (November 1, 2018): 66–90.

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Uurimuse eesmärk on välja selgitada, milline on õpilasfirmade programmi roll noorte sotsiaalsete oskuste ja isiksusomaduste arendamisel. Uuring tehti 2016.−2017. aastal õpilasfirmade programmis osalenud noortega, kes olid pärit Tartu-, Põlva- ja Võrumaalt. Eel- ja järeltestimise käigus koguti enesekohase küsimustikuga andmeid sotsiaalsetele oskustele ja ettevõtlikkusega seotud olulisimatele isiksusomadustele antud hinnangute kohta. Tulemustest selgus, et õpilasfirmade programmis osalemine toetab noorte hinnangul nende enesejuhtimisoskust, akadeemilisi oskusi ja enesekehtestamisoskust ning ettevõtlikkuse, loovuse ja paindlikkuse arengut. Statistiliselt olulised muutused avaldusid vaid Põlva- ja Tartumaa noortel, kellele pakuti peale õpilasfirmade üldise programmi ka lisategevusi ja -tuge. Võrumaa noorte hinnangul ei avaldunud nende sotsiaalsete oskuste ja isiksus omaduste arengus suuri muutusi, mille põhjus võib olla liiga suur õpilaste arv ühe juhendaja kohta. Samuti ei olnud Võrumaa õpilasfirmadel kaasatud õppesse mentoreid ning nad ei osalenud toetavates tegevustes. Summary
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ㅤ. "Everink / Everink-Noords (TvAR 1993/4636)." Tijdschrift voor Agrarisch Recht 53, no. 8 (August 1, 1993): ㅤ.

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Kitsnik, Mare, and Jekaterina Petuhhova. "Mutual attitudes of Estonian and Estonian Russian basic school students before and after participating in the gamified cooperation activities." Eesti Haridusteaduste Ajakiri. Estonian Journal of Education 9, no. 1 (May 1, 2021): 274–303.

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Sotsiaal- ja kodanikupädevuse üks komponent on oskus suhelda teisest rahvusest inimestega. Selle oskuse olulised mõjutajad on hoiakud teiste rahvusrühmade suhtes. Omavahelise vähese suhtlemise tulemusena tekivad teise rahvusrühma suhtes sageli stereotüüpsed negatiivsed hoiakud, mis suhtlemist takistavad. Artiklis käsitletavas uuringus võrreldi 8.–9. klassi eesti ja eestivene õpilaste vastastikuseid hoiakuid enne ja pärast mängustatud koostöötegevuste projektis osalemist. Uuriti Integratsiooni SA tellimisel firma Game Club 2018. aasta sügisel korraldatud neljas neli päeva kestnud lõimumisprojektis osalenud noorte (n = 80) hoiakuid teise rahvusrühma suhtes. Projektis osalejad täitsid enne ja pärast projekti ankeetküsitluse (Likerti tüüpi skaalaküsimused, vabad vastused), millega mõõdeti nende hoiakuid teise rahvusrühmaga suhtlemise suhtes. Ankeetküsitluse tulemusi analüüsiti kvantitatiivselt ja kvalitatiivselt. Uuringu tulemusena selgus, et noorte hoiakud teise rahvusrühma suhtes olid pärast projekti positiivsemad, kuid eri rahvusrühmadel ja eri aspektides eri määral. Teadlikult ja täpselt korraldatud intensiivsetel mängustatud koostöötegevustel võib olla potentsiaali eri rahvusest noorte lähendamisel. Summary
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Zhao, Ming-Jie, and Herbert Jaeger. "Norm-Observable Operator Models." Neural Computation 22, no. 7 (July 2010): 1927–59.

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Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are one of the most popular and successful statistical models for time series. Observable operator models (OOMs) are generalizations of HMMs that exhibit several attractive advantages. In particular, a variety of highly efficient, constructive, and asymptotically correct learning algorithms are available for OOMs. However, the OOM theory suffers from the negative probability problem (NPP): a given, learned OOM may sometimes predict negative probabilities for certain events. It was recently shown that it is undecidable whether a given OOM will eventually produce such negative values. We propose a novel variant of OOMs, called norm-observable operator models (NOOMs), which avoid the NPP by design. Like OOMs, NOOMs use a set of linear operators to update system states. But differing from OOMs, they represent probabilities by the square of the norm of system states, thus precluding negative probability values. While being free of the NPP, NOOMs retain most advantages of OOMs. For example, NOOMs also capture (some) processes that cannot be modeled by HMMs. More importantly, in principle, NOOMs can be learned from data in a constructive way, and the learned models are asymptotically correct. We also prove that NOOMs capture all Markov chain (MC) describable processes. This letter presents the mathematical foundations of NOOMs, discusses the expressiveness of the model class, and explains how a NOOM can be estimated from data constructively.
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Raval, Noopur. "Noopur Raval." Interactions 27, no. 5 (September 2020): 12–13.

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Tayyaba Nighat, Shazia Adnan, and Shaziz Andleeb. "نور الحسن نور کی نعت میں سیرت نگاری." Al-Qamar 4, no. 2 (June 30, 2021): 235–44.

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Na ̒t is considered as the most sacred tribute of a poet to Prophet Mohammad and thus involves an emotional attachment rather than a critical approach, yet as to the extent of Noor-ul-Hassan Noor Nawabi Azizi's Na̒tiya poetry, it encapsulates marvelous tradition of novel subjects on the character, mental and physical behavior of the Holy Prophet. This article tends to explore the variety of subjects in a more to the point approach. Noor's Na ̒t comprise over a wonderful array of character objectivity.
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Gibbons, Michael, Camille Limoges, and Peter Scott. "Revisiting Mode 2 at Noors Slott." Prometheus 29, no. 4 (December 2011): 361–72.

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Merilai, Arne. "Kaval-Ain ja Vanapagan: Nooruse kihermeid I." Keel ja Kirjandus 59, no. 7 (July 2016): 489–502.

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Bnouhachem, Abdellah, Muhammad Aslam Noor, and Eman H. Al-Shemas. "On Self-Adaptive Method for General Mixed Variational Inequalities." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2008 (2008): 1–13.

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We suggest and analyze a new self-adaptive method for solving general mixed variational inequalities, which can be viewed as an improvement of the method of (Noor 2003). Global convergence of the new method is proved under the same assumptions as Noor's method. Some preliminary computational results are given to illustrate the efficiency of the proposed method. Since the general mixed variational inequalities include general variational inequalities, quasivariational inequalities, and nonlinear (implicit) complementarity problems as special cases, results proved in this paper continue to hold for these problems.
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Hochstenbach, Ron, Harry Harhangi, Karin Schouren, Petra Bindels, Ron Suijkerbuijk, and Wolfgang Hennig. "Transcription of gypsy Elements in a Y-Chromosome Male Fertility Gene of Drosqbhila hydei." Genetics 142, no. 2 (February 1, 1996): 437–46.

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Abstract We have found that defective gypsy retrotransposons are a major constituent of the lampbrush loop pair Nooses in the short arm of the Y chromosome of Drosophila hydei. The loop pair is formed by male fertility gene Q during the primary spermatocyte stage of spermatogenesis, each loop being a single transcription unit with an estimated length of 260 kb. Using fluorescent in situ hybridization, we show that throughout the loop transcripts gypsy elements are interspersed with blocks of a tandemly repetitive Y-specific DNA sequence, ay1. Nooses transcripts containing both sequence types show a wide size range on Northern blots, do not migrate to the cytoplasm, and are degraded just before the first meiotic division. Only one strand of ay1 and only the coding strand of gypsy can be detected in the loop transcripts. However, as cloned genomic DNA fragments also display opposite orientations of ay1 and gypsy, such DNA sections cannot be part of the Nooses. Hence, they are most likely derived from the flanking heterochromatin. The direction of transcription of ayl and gypsy thus appears to be of a functional significance.
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Armstrong, Adrian. "Self-Translation in the Northern Renaissance: Jan van der Noot’s French Verse." Magnificat Cultura i Literatura Medievals 7 (December 8, 2020): 211.

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The Brabantian poet Jan van der Noot (1539-95?) wrote in both Dutch and French, and composed several works in both languages. Sometimes the two versions were published separately: the Dutch collection Het Theatre and its French counterpart, Le Theatre, were each printed in London in 1568. More often, the versions appeared alongside each other in bilingual editions: Cort begryp der XII boeken Olympiados / Abregé des douze livres Olympiades (1579), Lofsang van Braband / Hymne de Braband (1580), and various short pieces reproduced in anthologies of Van der Noot’s poetry (1580-95). The present study contends that Van der Noot’s self-translations should be read as translations from Dutch to French, rather than from French to Dutch as scholars have commonly assumed. It examines Van der Noot’s self-translational strategies, focusing in particular on his handling of form and versification, and the role played by paratext and illustrations. In doing so, it offers an alternative perspective on a figure whose translational activity is generally considered to have operated in the opposite direction, introducing innovations into Dutch poetry by imitating the work of Ronsard and the Pléiade.
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Deregnoncourt, Marine. "Le parlé-chanté dans Phèdre de Jean Racine et Partage de midi de Paul Claudel." Quêtes littéraires, no. 6 (December 30, 2016): 46–55.

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In this article we will seek to answer how, in Phèdre to Jean Racine and Noon’s Sharing to Paul Claudel, the « parlé-chanté » is particularly significant. To do so, this article will be divided in three parts. In the first part, the « parlé-chanté » will be defined and linked to Arnold Schoenberg’s Sprechgesang. While the second part will issue on Phèdre by Jean Racine, the third and final part will focalize on Paul Claudel's Noon’s Sharing. By focusing on the two aforesaid plays we will try to prove that the operatic voice is always present in the acting choices and that the two playwrights accustomed the dramatic rules of their time.
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Xue, Zhiqun, and Ruiqin Fan. "Some comments on Noor’s iterations in Banach spaces." Applied Mathematics and Computation 206, no. 1 (December 2008): 12–15.

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Sosin, I., Y. Babenko, O. Sergienko, G. Mysko, O. Honcharova, and I. Lisova. "Alcohol addiction complicated with comorbid amnestic disorders: The search for innovative approaches to treatment." European Psychiatry 64, S1 (April 2021): S563.

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IntroductionAlcohol amnesia and palimpsests belong to understudied areas in addictology concerning the pathogenesis, risk factors, and development of effective integrated, targeted modalities of therapy, prevention, and after-treatment care.ObjectivesDevelopment of a new integrated, pathogenetically grounded approach to the emergency and routine therapy for immediate and long-term consequences of amnestic alcohol intoxication.MethodsModern complex clinical-psychopathological, pathopsychological, laboratory, electrophysiological, biochemical examination; method of analogues and prototype analytical examination.ResultsIntegrated anti-amnestic pharmacotherapeutic triad: Noobut IC (Phenibut) orally, before meals, for 6 days, twice a day: 250 mg in the morning, 500 mg at night, within days 7-14 250 mg twice: in the morning and at night; Vitaxon 2.0 ml daily, intramuscularly, No10 totally; ozone therapy for 10 days (ozone dissolved in olive oil, 6 mg/100 ml concentration), 5 ml orally 3 times a day. Complex therapy is concurrent with synergistic psychotherapeutic potentiation. Supportive anti-relapse prevention of alcohol-induced amnesia, palimpsests with Noobut IC: 1 tablet (250 mg) orally in the morning for 2 months. The pathogenetic support of the pharmacotherapeutic triad in treatment for alcohol addiction, comorbid with amnestic disorders, is pathogenetically focused on pharmacological properties of each component of the triad and their potentiating effects, involving most pathogenetic mechanisms of this disease.ConclusionsRelieving and prophylactic efficacy of the proposed pharmacological triad (Noobut, Vitaxon, ozone and concurrent psychotherapeutic potentiation) is proven by the statistical reliability method and illustrated by clinical examples of patient-specific research.
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Schmitz, Pascalle. "Jong en dement in Noord-Holland-Noord." Denkbeeld 16, no. 6 (December 2004): 191–93.

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Lutovský, Michal. "Between Sutton Hoo and Chernaya Mogila: barrows in eastern and western early medieval Europe." Antiquity 70, no. 269 (September 1996): 671–76.

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This complement to Van de Noort's 1993 contribution to ANTIQUITY extends the pattern in early medieval barrows seen on the British Isles and neighbouring portions of the European continent out to its central and towards its eastern zones.
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Vasudevan, Pavithra. "Love Letters to My Child in These Hate-Filled Times." Desirable Futures 23, no. 2 (May 9, 2024): 120–24.

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<p>In a series of three letters, Pavithra describes to their unborn child what it’s like to be pregnant. The first conveys the terror of carrying a new being into a violently homophobic and racist world. The second and third letters recall the desire and beauty that the unborn child sparks in them. In the fourth letter, Pavithra writes to Noor Momo, now six years old, reflecting on the realities of parenting amidst ongoing violence and the uncertainties of the COVID-19 pandemic. In this final letter, Pavithra invokes Noor’s aunts: her sister Raksha, and her dear friends Kriti, Batool, Mabel, and Marie. The words Chitthi, Masi, Khala and Chyama refer to “mother’s sister” in Tamil, Hindi, Urdu, and Nepali, respectively.</p>
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Sims, Angela D. "Nooses in Public Spaces." Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 29, no. 2 (2009): 81–95.

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Lintrop, Aado. "Vana traditsioon, noored esitajad." Mäetagused 35 (2007): 7–26.

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Kirss, Tiina A., and Jaan Undusk. "Kuum: Lugu noorest armastusest." World Literature Today 65, no. 2 (1991): 332.

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van de Weijenberg, Astrid. "Inpluggen op Noorse kwaliteit." Management Kinderopvang 25, no. 5 (September 2019): 10–14.

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CHEMYREVA, VASILISA G., and VICTOR A. KOLYADA. "The description of five new species of the genus Pantolyta (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae) from Africa." Zootaxa 5325, no. 2 (August 8, 2023): 261–73.

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The genus Pantolyta is recorded for the first time from Africa. Five new species: Pantolyta gabonica sp.n., P. mostovskii sp.n., P. natalensis sp.n., P. noorti sp.n., and P. platycephala sp.n. are described from South Africa and Gabon. All species are keyed and illustrated.
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TEULE, Herman G. B. "Noord-Irak." Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 47, no. 1 (January 1, 1995): 140–47.

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TEULE, H. "Noord-Irak." Journal of Eastern Christian Studies 50, no. 1 (January 1, 1998): 132–37.

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Teule, Herman. "Noord-Irak." Het Christelijk Oosten 50, no. 1-2 (November 29, 1998): 132–37.

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Teule, Herman G. B. "Noord-Irak." Het Christelijk Oosten 47, no. 1-2 (November 29, 1995): 140–47.

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 . "436 Groeiend Personeelstekort In Zorgsector Noord-Holland Noord." Zorg en Financiering 8, no. 3 (March 2009): 101.

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Lapthorn, A. J., Robert W. Janes, N. W. Isaacs, and B. A. Wallace. "Cystine nooses and protein specificity." Nature Structural & Molecular Biology 2, no. 4 (April 1995): 266–68.

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Mulder, Luuk. "Medicijnvrij behandelen in Noorse psychiatrie." Skipr 10, no. 11 (November 2017): 29–30.

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 . "Noorse les in twee dagen." Huisarts en Wetenschap 51, no. 8 (August 2008): 420.

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Marycz, Adam, and Angelica Celinska. "professional Nooks Reviews." Early Years Educator 23, no. 13 (August 2, 2022): 40.

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From social impact to a play-based curriculum in Key Stage 1, the professional books should spark both reflection and action. The picture books are also thought-provoking, from diversity to evolution.
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Niit, Ellen. "Noore muhulase keelekasutusest." Lähivõrdlusi. Lähivertailuja, no. 18 (October 1, 2008): 144.

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Siimets, Ülo. "Noore põdra püha." Mäetagused 19 (2001): 191–207.

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AGORA, Redactie. "Thema: Noord-Nederland." AGORA Magazine 8, no. 1 (May 1, 1992): 3.

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Groenewald, P. S. "Noord-Sotholetterkunde geskryf." South African Journal of African Languages 5, no. 4 (January 1985): 120–27.

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Groenewald, P. S. "Die Noord-Sothoverhaalkuns." South African Journal of African Languages 8, no. 4 (January 1988): 102–8.

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Falih Noori, Ibrahim. "Ibrahim Falih Noori." Basrah Journal of Surgery 23, no. 2 (December 28, 2017): 76–80.

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Norberg, Anna-Maija. "Literacyskrymslen i idrottshallen – rumsliga aspekter av skriftpraktiker i skolans idrottsämne." Journal for Research in Arts and Sports Education 7, no. 3 (December 31, 2023): 95–110.

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Att läsa och skriva är av tradition vanliga praktiker i skolan och förknippas främst med teoretiska ämnen och klassrum med bord och stolar. Att elever engageras i skriftliga praktiker, eller literacy, i ämnet idrott och hälsa har av flera skäl blivit allt vanligare på senare tid, vilket innebär att sådana praktiker även äger rum i lokaler som inte designats för läsande och skrivande. Syftet med den här artikeln är att undersöka rummets betydelse för lärande genom skriftliga praktiker i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Den rumsliga aspekten kopplad till skriftliga praktiker undersöks utifrån begreppet literacyskrymsle som kort kan beskrivas som en utskild del av rummet där någon form av literacyaktivitet pågår eller kan pågå. Studien bygger på etnografiska data i form av fotografier, fältanteckningar, texter och transkriptioner av lärar- och elevintervjuer. Studien utgår från ett ekologiskt perspektiv på literacy och data analyserades med geosemiotiska begrepp. Resultaten visar att literacyskrymslen (kan) skapas i alla rum där idrottsämnets olika aktiviteter pågår, dvs. både i inomhus- och utomhusmiljöer. Rummens möjligheter och begränsningar att inhysa literacyskrymslen varierar beroende på rummens olika materiella villkor, och därmed skapas situerade respektive överskridande literacyskrymslen i olika rum. De olika typerna av literacyskrymslen har olika potential för elevers lärande i idrott och hälsa. ENGLISH EBSTRACT Literacy nooks in the gym - spatial aspects of literacy practices in physical education and health Reading and writing are traditionally common practices in school and mainly associated with theoretical subjects and classrooms with chairs and tables. However, reading and writing, or literacy practices, have become more common in Physical education and health (PEH), resulting in literacy practices even taking place in spaces which are not designed for reading and writing. The aim of this study was to investigate the significance of space for learning through literacy practices in PEH. The spatial aspect connected to literacy practices was investigated with the concept literacy nook, i.e., a separate part of the room where some kind of literacy activity is going on. Ethnographic data, such as photographies, field notes, texts, and transcripts of interviews, were analyzed drawing on an ecological view on literacy and with geosemiotic concepts. The results show that literacy nooks are (or can be) created in all indoor and outdoor spaces where PEH-activities take place. The opportunities and constraints of the different spaces to house literacy nooks vary according to the material terms of the spaces. Thus, situated and transgressive literacy nooks are created in the different spaces. These different types of literacy nooks have different potential for students’ learning in PEH.
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Küün, Elvira. "Mitte-eestlastest noorte kohanemine eestikeelses töökeskkonnas." Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Ühingu aastaraamat Estonian Papers in Applied Linguistics, no. 2 (2006): 119–30.

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van Vliet, Annette. "Veel Noorse vrouwen dood door tabak." Tijdschrift voor praktijkondersteuning 9, no. 1 (February 2014): 5.

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Tabili, Laura. "Empire is the Enemy of Love: Edith Noor's Progress and Other Stories." Gender History 17, no. 1 (April 2005): 5–28.

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Groenewald, P. S. "Die Noord-Sotho ontredder." South African Journal of African Languages 6, no. 1 (January 1986): 11–17.

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