Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Nonlocal equations in time'
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Hariz, Belgacem Khader. "Higher-order Embedding Formalism, Noether’s Theorem on Time Scales and Eringen’s Nonlocal Elastica." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Pau, 2022. https://theses.hal.science/tel-03981833.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to deal with the connection between continuous and discrete versions of a given object. This connection can be studied in two different directions: one going from a continuous setting to a discrete analogue, and in a symmetric way, from a discrete setting to a continuous one. The first procedure is typically used in numerical analysis in order to construct numerical integrators and the second one is typical of continuous modeling for the study of micro-structured materials.In this manuscript, we focus our attention on three distinct problems. In the first part, we propose a general framework precising different ways to derive a discrete version of a differential equation called discrete embedding formalism.More precisely, we exhibit three main discrete associate: the differential, integral or variational structure in both classical and high-order approximations.The second part focuses on the preservation of symmetries for discrete versions of Lagrangian and Hamiltonian systems, i.e., the discrete analogue of Noether's theorem.Finally, the third part applies these results in mechanics, i.e., the problem studied by N. Challamel, Kocsis and Wang called Eringen's nonlocal elastica equation which can beobtained by the continualization method. Precisely, we construct a discrete version of Eringen's nonlocal elastica then we study the difference with Challamel's proposal
Figueroa, Iglesias Susely. "Integro-differential models for evolutionary dynamics of populations in time-heterogeneous environments." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019TOU30098.
Full textThis thesis focuses on the qualitative study of several parabolic equations of the Lotka-Volterra type from evolutionary biology and ecology taking into account a time-periodic growth rate and a non-local competition term. In the initial part we first study the dynamics of phenotypically structured populations under the effect of mutations and selection in environments that vary periodically in time and then the impact of a climate change on such population considering environmental conditions which vary according to a linear trend, but in an oscillatory manner. In both problems we first study the long-time behaviour of the solutions. Then we use an approach based on Hamilton-Jacobi equations to study these long-time solutions asymptotically when the effect of mutations is small. We prove that when the effect of mutations vanishes, the phenotypic density of the population is concentrated on a single trait (which varies linearly over time in the second model), while the population size oscillates periodically. For the climate change model we also provide an asymptotic expansion of the mean population size and of the critical speed leading to the extinction of the population, which is closely related to the derivation of an asymptotic expansion of the Floquet eigenvalue in terms of the diffusion rate. In the second part we study some particular examples of growth rates by providing explicit and semi-explicit solutions to the problem and present some numerical illustrations for the periodic model. In addition, being motivated by a biological experiment, we compare two populations evolved in different environments (constant or periodic). In addition, we present a numerical comparison between stochastic and deterministic models modelling the horizontal gene transfer phenomenon. In a Hamilton-Jacobi context, we are able to numerically reproduce the evolutionary rescue of a small population that we observe in the stochastic model
Belin, Théo. "On the free boundary of a forward-backward parabolic equation." Electronic Thesis or Diss., université Paris-Saclay, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UPASM040.
Full textIn this thesis, we focus on a forward-backward parabolic problem and the free boundary arising from it. The equation models a phase change driven by a Stefan problem coupled with a time nonlocal hysteresis operator. Our study deals with some theoretical and numerical aspects raised by this type of time nonlocal equation, in particular regarding the free boundary.First, we establish an equivalence between entropy inequalities associated with the problem and a weak formulation of the hysteresis operator. This discovery motivates the construction of a finite-volume numerical scheme whose convergence to a solution is shown. The compactness of the sequence of approximate solutions is based on Hilpert's inequality. Numerical experiments in dimensions 1 and 2 support these results and illustrate the behaviour of the free boundary.Next we establish a general framework of viscosity solutions for front propagation problems which are nonlocl in space and time. They may include a coupling with a bulk evolution equation. A strict comparison theorem and an existence theorem derived from Perron's method are proved. The Stefan problem and some variations of it fall within this general framework.Finally, motivated by the study of parabolic equations in time-varying domains appearing in couplings of front propagation problems, we prove new results of maximal regularity in Lebesgue spaces. Of particular interest is the precise estimation of the regularity constant for nonautonomous and relatively continuous operators. These results lead to new growth conditions guaranteeing the existence of strong global solutions to abstract quasi-linear problems on a bounded time interval
Freitas, Pedro S. C. de. "Some problems in nonlocal reaction-diffusion equations." Thesis, Heriot-Watt University, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/10399/1401.
Full textBegg, Ronald Evan. "Cell-population growth modelling and nonlocal differential equations." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Mathematics and Statistics, 2007. http://hdl.handle.net/10092/1165.
Full textWang, Ying. "Contributions to local and nonlocal elliptic differential equations." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2015. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/134657.
Full textEsta tesis doctoral está dividida en cuatro partes. La primera parte está dedicada al estudio de la simetría radial y las propiedades de monotonicidad de soluciones positivas de ecuaciones elípticas fraccionarias en la bola unitaria o en todo el espacio, usando el método de planos móviles. En la segunda parte, se consideran propiedades de decaimiento y simetría de las soluciones positivas para ecuaciones integro-diferenciales en todo el espacio. Estudiamos el decaimiento, construyendo super y subsoluciones apropiadas y usamos el método de los planos móviles para probar las propiedades de simetría. La tercera parte es investigar la existencia y unicidad de soluciones débiles de la ecuación del calor fraccionaria, involucrando medidas de Radon. Más aún, analizamos el comportamiento asintótico de la solución débil cuando la medida de Radon es la masa de Dirac. En la cuarta parte, estudiamos la existencia de soluciones a problemas elípticos no lineales que provienen del modelamiento de dispositivos de sistemas micro-electromecánicos en el caso en que la membrana elástica entra en contacto con la placa inferior en la frontera. Mostramos, en este caso, como el decaimiento de la membrana afecta la existencia de soluciones y la tensión pull-in.
Felsinger, Matthieu [Verfasser]. "Parabolic equations associated with symmetric nonlocal operators / Matthieu Felsinger." Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1042557322/34.
Full textWu, Lijiang. "Nonlocal Interaction Equations in Heterogeneous and Non-Convex Environments." Research Showcase @ CMU, 2015. http://repository.cmu.edu/dissertations/474.
Full textHollender, Julian. "Lévy-Type Processes under Uncertainty and Related Nonlocal Equations." Doctoral thesis, Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2016. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-211795.
Full textTopp, Paredes Erwin. "Some results for nonlocal elliptic and parabolic nonlinear equations." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2014. http://www.repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/129978.
Full text\quad Esta tesis est\'a dedicada al estudio de propiedades cualitativas de ecuaciones el\'ipticas degeneradas donde la difusi\'on es puramente no local, y se lleva a cabo en el contexto de la teor\'ia de soluciones viscosas. La primera parte de la tesis trata el estudio de propiedades de compacidad de una familia de \textsl{operadores no locales de orden cero}, es decir, operadores el\'ipticos no locales definidos a trav\'es de una medida finita. Consideramos un familia uni-param\'etrica de operadores de orden cero de la forma \begin \mathcal_\epsilon(u, x) = \int_ [u(x + z) - u(x)]K_\epsilon(z)dz, \end donde, para cada $\epsilon \in (0,1)$, $K_\epsilon \in L^1(\mathbb^N)$ es una funci\'on radialmente sim\'etrica y positiva. Configuramos nuestro problema de manera que $\mathcal_\epsilon$ aproxime el Laplaciano fraccionario cuando $\epsilon \to 0^+$, lo que implica que la norma $L^1$ de $K_\epsilon$ es no acotada a medida que $\epsilon \to 0^+$. Como primer resultado de esta parte obtenemos un m\'odulo de continuidad en espacio-tiempo para la familia de soluciones acotadas de la ecuaci\'on del calor no local en el plano asociada a $\mathcal_\epsilon$ que es independiente de $\epsilon \in (0,1)$. El segundo resultado de esta parte considera un problema de Dirichlet en un dominio acotado $\Omega \subset \mathbb^N$ asociado a $\mathcal_\epsilon$, y concluimos la compacidad de la familia de soluciones acotadas $\_\epsilon$ para estos problemas de Dirichlet encontrando un m\'odulo de continuidad com\'un en $\bar$ para $\_\epsilon$, que es independiente de $\epsilon$. \medskip La segunda parte de la tesis est\'a relacionada con la existencia y unicidad, regularidad y comportamiento a grandes tiempos para ecuaciones no locales con t\'erminos de gradiente dominantes. Comenzamos con la existencia y unicidad de una ecuaci\'on de Hamilton-Jacobi de la forma \begin{equation*} \begin{array}{rll} \lambda u - \mathcal{I}(u) + H(x, Du) & = 0 \quad & \mbox{en} \ \Omega \\ u & = \varphi \quad & \mbox{en} \ \Omega^c, \end{array} \end{equation*} donde el Hamiltoniano $H$ tiene una \textsl{forma de Bellman}. Estructuramos el problema de manera que el operador no local $\mathcal{I}$ es de orden menor que $1$ y por lo tanto puede aparecer una p\'erdida de la condici\'on de borde. En la segunda secci\'on de esta parte, consideramos $H$ coercivo con un crecimiento en el gradiente m\'as fuerte que el orden de la difusi\'on del operador no local. El resultado principal en este caso es la continuidad H\"older para \textsl{subsoluciones} para este problema. Estabilidad de las estimaciones de regularidad cuando $\lambda \to 0$ permiten concluir el comportamiento asint\'otico erg\'odico cuando $t \to \infty$ para el problema parab\'olico asociado en el toro. En esta tarea, principios del m\'aximo fuertes son de importancia mayor en el an\'alisis asint\'otico. Finalmente, adaptamos los resultados obtenidos en las primeras dos secciones de esta parte de la tesis para obtener el comportamiento a grandes tiempos para el problema de Cauchy-Dirichlet asociado a $H$ en las formas Bellman y coercivo. En este caso, la influencia del dato exterior en la ecuaci\'on a trav\'es del t\'ermino no local hace que el problema parab\'olico aproxime al correspondiente problema estacionario cuando $t \to \infty$.
REMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1260127.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1256047.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1263903.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1259927.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1256106.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1259887.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1264045.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1259907.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1263963.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1263925.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1260134.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1260141.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1264186.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1263985.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1265363.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1264023.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1266687.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1265263.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1265283.
Full textREMONATO, FILIPPO. "Analytical and numerical bifurcation methods for nonlocal wave equations." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Pavia, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11571/1256126.
Full textBalagué, Guardia Daniel. "Qualitative properties of stationary states of some nonlocal interaction equations." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/120508.
Full textIn this dissertation, we study the stability of stationary states for some interaction equations and for fragmentation and swarming models. All these models share the common property of nonlocality and the existence of a Lyapunov functional. In the case of the interaction equations and the models for swarming that we consider, they have in common the nonlocal interaction term ∇𝑊�∗𝜌� where 𝑊� is the interaction potential, and 𝜌� the density of particles in space. The case of the fragmentation equations is a bit different: they are integro-differential equations, with the nonlocal term given by the fragmentation operator, an integral of a kernel against the density of particles. We start with an introduction to aggregation equations, with repulsive-attractive radial interaction potential. We derive some existence results and convergence to spherical shell stationary states. We look for local minimizers of the interaction Lyapunov functional in order to find stable stationary states of the equation. We study radial ins/stability of these particular stationary states. For these aggregation models we will make use of the gradient flow structure that they have. Confinement properties of solutions of aggregation equations under certain conditions on the interaction potential are studied in Chapter 3. We show that solutions remain compactly supported in a large fixed ball for all times. We continue our research in aggregation equations in Chapter 4, where we characterize the dimensionality of local minimizers of the interaction energy. Another problem that we study is the asymptotic behavior of growth-fragmentation models. In Chapter 5, we give estimates on asymptotic profiles and a spectral gap inequality for growth-fragmentation equations. These models are not a gradient flow of a particular energy functional. However, they have a Lyapunov functional that we use to prove exponentially fast convergence of solutions to the asymptotic profiles by showing an entropy - entropy dissipation inequality. This technique gives us stability of the stationary states proving convergence to the local minimizers and it allows for estimates on the rate of convergence to equilibrium. We finish this thesis with the results in Chapter 6, where we study two second order particle systems for swarming. We refer to these systems as individual based models (IBMs), which is the common language used in swarming. We prove the stability of two particular solutions: flock rings and mill rings. We relate the stability of these ring solutions of the second order models with the stability of the rings of a first order model, the discrete version of the aggregation equation of Chapter 2.
Rang, Marcus [Verfasser]. "Regularity results for nonlocal fully nonlinear elliptic equations / Marcus Rang." Bielefeld : Universitätsbibliothek Bielefeld, 2013. http://d-nb.info/103805026X/34.
Full textElghandouri, Mohammed. "Approximate Controllability for some Nonlocal Integrodifferential Equations in Banach Spaces." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024SORUS189.
Full textControl theory is an interdisciplinary field that addresses the behavior of dynamical systems with the primary goal of managing their output. A specialized subset of this is mathematical control theory, which focuses on utilizing mathematical methods to analyze system behavior and design controllers. This involves applying differential equations, linear algebra, optimization, and various mathematical tools to comprehend, model, and regulate system behavior. These systems have extensive applications across robotics, automation, aerospace, electrical engineering, mechanical systems, robotics, biological and social systems, among others. Described by complex models such as partial differential equations, functional differential equations, and other infinite-dimensional models, these systems pose intricate challenges, rendering the analysis of their behavior a pivotal and intricate area of research. In recent years, the application of control theory to analyze and regulate the behavior of these systems has attracted significant attention. This thesis aims to investigate the approximate controllability of certain infinite-dimensional dynamical systems described by integrodifferential equations. The thesis is structured into three chapters, each addressing the problem of achieving approximate controllability in integrodifferential evolution equations equipped with nonlocal conditions. The first chapter introduces fundamental tools critical to establishing our main findings, including the theory of resolvent operators, multi-valued maps, duality mapping, mathematical control theory, and other essential concepts. Chapter 2 specifically focuses on the approximate controllability of semilinear integrodifferential evolution equations with nonlocal conditions of the form w(0)=w0+g(w). Here, assuming the linear part is precisely null and approximately controllable, we employ resolvent operator theory to present our main results. Chapter 3 centers on investigating the existence of mild solutions and the approximate controllability of integrodifferential evolution systems with multi-valued nonlocal conditions (w(0) belongs w0+g(w)). By using resolvent operator theory, we establish sufficient conditions for both existence and controllability. Introducing a general Kalman controllability criterion, we examine approximate controllability in linear cases and subsequently demonstrate it in nonlinear cases. Throughout these chapters, we provide illustrative examples to support our main findings
Garbin, F., F. Garbin, A. Levano, and R. Arciniega. "Bending Analysis of Nonlocal Functionally Graded Beams." Institute of Physics Publishing, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10757/651836.
Full textEndal, Jørgen. "Nonlinear fractional convection-diffusion equations, with nonlocal and nonlinear fractional diffusion." Thesis, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet, Institutt for matematiske fag, 2013. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:no:ntnu:diva-22955.
Full textSerra, Montolí Joaquim. "Elliptic and parabolic PDEs : regularity for nonlocal diffusion equations and two isoperimetric problems." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/279290.
Full textLa tesi està dividida en dues parts. La primera part es centra principalment en questions de regularitat per equacions integro - iferencials (o no locals) el·líptiques i parbòliques. De la mateixa manera que les densitats de partícules amb un moviment Brownià resolen equacions el·líptiques o parbòliques de segon ordre, les densitats de partícules amb una difusió de tipus Lévy resolen aquestes equacions no locals més generals. En aquest context, les equacions completament no lineals sorgeixen de problemes de control estocàstic o "differential games''. L'exemple típic d'operador el·liptic no local és el laplacià fraccionari, el qual és l'únic d'aquests operadors que és invariant per translacions, rotacions, i reescalament. Hi ha molts resultats clàssics de regularitat per el laplacià fraccionari --- "l'invers'' del qual és el potencial de Riesz. Per exemple, el nucli de Poisson (explícit) per la bola és un resultat "vell'', així com la teoria de resolubilitat en espais L^p. No obstant això, se sabia ben poc sobre la regularitat a la vora per a aquests problemes. Un tema principal d'aquesta tesi és l'estudi d'aquesta regularitat a la vora, que és qualitativament molt diferent de la de les equacions de segon ordre . A la tesi s'estableix una nova teoria regularitat a la vora per completament no lineals ( i lineals ) equacions integro - diferencials el·líptiques . Les nostres demostracions requeixen una combinació de tècniques originals i versions apropiades de les clàssiques equacions de segon ordre ( com ara el mètode de Krylov ). També obtenim nous resultats de regularitat interior per equacions parabòliques no locals completament no lineals i amb "rough kernels''. A tal efecte, desenvolupem un mètode de blow-up i compacitat per a equacions completament no lineals que en permet provar regularitat a partir de teoremes de tipus Liouville. Aquest mètode és una contribució principal de la tesi. Els nous resultats de regularitat a la vora esmentats anteriorment són essencials en la prova d'un altre resultat principal de la tesi: la identitat Pohozaev per al Laplacià fraccionari. Aquesta identitat recorda a una fórmula d'integració per parts, però amb el Laplacià fraccionari. La novetat important és que apareix un terme de vora locals (això era inusual amb equacions no locals) . A la segona part de la tesi que donem dos exemples d'interacció entre isoperimetria i Equacions en Derivades Parcials. En el primer, s'utilitza el mètode d'Alexandrov- Bakelman-Pucci per a EDP el·líptiques a fi d'obtenir noves desigualtats isoperimètriques en cons convexos amb densitats, generalitzant una prova de la desigualtat isoperimètric clàssica de X. Cabré. Els nostres nous resultats contenen com a casos particularsla desigualtat clàssica de Wulff i la desigualtat isoperimètrica en cons de Lions-Pacella. En el segon exemple s'utilitza la desigualtat isoperimètrica i la identitat Pohozaev clàssica per establir un resultat de simetria radial per equacions de reacció-difusió de segon ordre. La novetat en aquest cas és que s'inclouen no-linealitats discontínues. Per a provar aquest resultat, estenem un argument en dues dimensions de P.-L. Lions de 1981 i podem obtenir ara resultass en dimensions superiors.
Fu, Xiaoming. "Reaction-diffusion Equations with Nonlinear and Nonlocal Advection Applied to Cell Co-culture." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019BORD0216/document.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the study for a class of reaction-diffusion equations with nonlocal advection. The motivation comes from the cell movement with segregation phenomenon observed in cell co-culture experiments. The first part of the thesis mainly develops the theoretical framework of our model, namely the well-posedness and asymptotic behavior of solutions in both single-species and multi-species cases.In Chapter 1, we show a single scalar equation with a step function kernel may display Turing and Turing-Hopf bifurcations with the dominant wavenumber as large as we want. We find the bifurcation properties of the homogeneous steady state is closed related to the Fourier coefficients of the nonlocal kernel.In Chapter 2, we study a two-species nonlocal advection model with contact inhibition when the viscosity equals zero. By employing the notion of the solution integrated along the characteristics, we rigorously prove the well-posedness and segregation property of such a hyperbolic nonlocal advection system. Besides, under the framework of Young measure theory, we investigate the asymptotic behavior of solutions. From a numerical perspective, we find that under the effect of segregation, the nonlocal advection model admits a competitive exclusion principle.In the last Chapter, we are interested in applying our models to a cell co-culturing experiment. To that aim, we choose a hyperbolic Keller-Segel model on a bounded domain. By utilizing the experimental data, we simulate a 6-day process of cell growth in a circular petri dish and discuss the impact of both the segregation property and initial distributions on the finial population proportions
Nguyen, Thi Tuyen. "Comportement en temps long des solutions de quelques équations de Hamilton-Jacobi du premier et second ordre, locales et non-locales, dans des cas non-périodiques." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016REN1S089/document.
Full textThe main aim of this thesis is to study large time behavior of unbounded solutions of viscous Hamilton-Jacobi equations in RN in presence of an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck drift. We also consider the same issue for a first order Hamilton-Jacobi equation. In the first case, which is the core of the thesis, we generalize the results obtained by Fujita, Ishii and Loreti (2006) in several directions. The first one is to consider more general operators. We first replace the Laplacian by a general diffusion matrix and then consider a non-local integro-differential operator of fractional Laplacian type. The second kind of extension is to deal with more general Hamiltonians which are merely sublinear
Ma, Ding Henderson Johnny. "Uniqueness implies uniqueness and existence for nonlocal boundary value problems for fourth order differential equations." Waco, Tex. : Baylor University, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/2104/3577.
Full textGray, Michael Jeffery Henderson Johnny L. "Uniqueness implies uniqueness and existence for nonlocal boundary value problems for third order ordinary differential equations." Waco, Tex. : Baylor University, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2104/4185.
Full textSchley, David. "The effects of time delays and nonlocal nonlinearities in population models." Thesis, University of Surrey, 1999. http://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/844051/.
Full textZhang, You-Kuan. "A quasilinear theory of time-dependent nonlocal dispersion in geologic media." Diss., The University of Arizona, 1990. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/185039.
Full textLorz, Alexander Stephan Richard. "Partial differential equations modelling biophysical phenomena." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2011. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.609381.
Full textPagliardini, Dayana. "Fractional minimal surfaces and Allen-Cahn equations." Doctoral thesis, Scuola Normale Superiore, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11384/85738.
Full textZhang, Chaoen. "Long time behaviour of kinetic equations." Thesis, Université Clermont Auvergne (2017-2020), 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019CLFAC056.
Full textThis dissertation is devoted to the long time behaviour of the kinetic Fokker-Planck equation and of the McKean-Vlasov equation. The manuscript is composed of an introduction and six chapters.The kinetic Fokker-Planck equation is a basic example for Villani's hypocoercivity theory which asserts the exponential decay in large time in the absence of coercivity. In his memoir, Villani proved the hypocoercivity for the kinetic Fokker-Planck equation in either weighted H^1, weighted L^2 or entropy.However, a boundedness condition of the Hessian of the Hamiltonian was imposed in the entropic case. We show in Chapter 2 how we can get rid of this assumption by well-chosen multipliers with the help of a weighted logarithmic Sobolev inequality. Such a functional inequality can be obtained by some tractable Lyapunov condition.In Chapter 4, we apply Villani's ideas and some Lyapunov conditions to prove hypocoercivity in weighted H^1 in the case of mean-field interaction with a rate of exponential convergence independent of the number N of particles. For proving this we should prove the Poincaré inequality with a constant independent of N, and rends a dimension dependent boundeness estimate of Villani dimension-free by means of the stronger uniform log-Sobolev inequality and Lyapunov function method. In Chapter 6, we study the hypocoercive contraction in L^2-Wasserstein distance and we recover the optimal rate in the quadratic potential case. The method is based on the temporal derivative of the Wasserstein distance.In Chapter 7, Villani's hypoercivity theorem in weighted H^1 space is extended to weighted H^k spaces by choosing carefully some appropriate mixed terms in the definition of norm of H^k.The McKean-Vlasov equation is a nonlinear nonlocal diffusive equation. It is well-Known that it has a gradient flow structure. However, the known results strongly depend on convexity assumptions. Such assumptions are notably relaxed in Chapter 3 and Chapter 5 where we prove the exponential convergence to equilibrium respectively in free energy and the L^1-Wasserstain distance. Our approach is based on the mean field limit theory. That is, we study the associated system of a large numer of paricles with mean-field interaction and then pass to the limit by propagation of chaos
Morian, Christina. "Partial differential equations on time scales /." free to MU campus, to others for purchase, 2000. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/mo/fullcit?p9974665.
Full textCao, Xinlin. "Geometric structures of eigenfunctions with applications to inverse scattering theory, and nonlocal inverse problems." HKBU Institutional Repository, 2020. https://repository.hkbu.edu.hk/etd_oa/754.
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