Academic literature on the topic 'Non-proportionality'
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Journal articles on the topic "Non-proportionality"
Vasil'ev, Andrey N. "From Luminescence Non-Linearity to Scintillation Non-Proportionality." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55, no. 3 (June 2008): 1054–61.
Full textGill, Peter N. G. "Non‐linear proportionality in science problems." International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology 24, no. 3 (May 1993): 365–71.
Full textBeretta, M., S. Capelli, L. Gironi, E. Previtali, and M. Sisti. "Non proportionality dependence on shaping time." Journal of Instrumentation 12, no. 04 (April 10, 2017): P04007.
Full textMoses, W. W., G. A. Bizarri, R. T. Williams, S. A. Payne, A. N. Vasil'ev, J. Singh, Q. Li, J. Q. Grim, and W. Choong. "The Origins of Scintillator Non-Proportionality." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 59, no. 5 (October 2012): 2038–44.
Full textKapusta, M., P. Szupryczynski, C. L. Melcher, M. Moszynski, M. Balcerzyk, A. A. Carey, W. Czarnacki, M. A. Spurrier, and A. Syntfeld. "Non-proportionality and thermoluminescence of LSO:Ce." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 52, no. 4 (August 2005): 1098–104.
Full textNassalski, A., M. Moszynski, A. Syntfeld-Kazuch, L. Swiderski, and T. Szczeniak. "Non-Proportionality of Organic Scintillators and BGO." IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55, no. 3 (June 2008): 1069–72.
Full textMORENO-TERNERO, JUAN D. "PROPORTIONALITY AND NON-MANIPULABILITY IN BANKRUPTCY PROBLEMS." International Game Theory Review 08, no. 01 (March 2006): 127–39.
Full textTRIGUEIROS, DUARTE. "NON-PROPORTIONALITY IN RATIOS: AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH." British Accounting Review 29, no. 3 (September 1997): 213–30.
Full textRuoff, Dieter. "Once More: Proportionality in the Non-Euclidean Plane." Mathematics Magazine 72, no. 4 (October 1, 1999): 319.
Full textKlamra, W., M. Balcerzyk, W. Czarnacki, V. Kozlov, M. Moszyński, A. Syntfeld-Każuch, and T. Szcześniak. "Light yield non-proportionality of undoped YAP scintillator." Journal of Instrumentation 4, no. 05 (May 15, 2009): P05006.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Non-proportionality"
Davey, Samantha M. "The proportionality of non-consensual adoption in England and Wales under s52(1)(b) of the Adoption and Children Act 2002." Thesis, University of Essex, 2016.
Full textMenezes, Antonia. "Developing states' long walk to freedom: an examination of the principle of non-discrimination, substantive equality and proportionality in investor-state disputes." Thesis, McGill University, 2009. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=40845.
Full textLe principe de non-discrimination est très présent tant dans les traités bilatéraux d’investissement que dans les sentences arbitrales. Pourtant, l’analyse approfondie de ce principe révèle que sa signification réelle et, par voie de conséquence, son application pratique sont moins évidentes qu’il n’y paraît. Cette thèse étudie la manière selon laquelle le traitement discriminatoire est défini en droit des investissements internationaux et cherche à élaborer un test plus cohérent fondé sur les principes d’égalité substantive et de proportionnalité. En examinant un litige opposant actuellement un investisseur à un Etat, en l’occurrence le gouvernement d’Afrique du Sud, cette thèse souligne l’importance de la notion d’égalité. En outre, elle démontre que les arbitrages en matière d’investissement présentent un risque accru de conflits entre les politiques publiques des Etats et la protection des investisseurs, conflits qu’il revient aux arbitres de trancher. Cette question est peut-être révélatrice de problématique plus large concernant l’équilibre des pouvoirs entre les parties à un traité d’investissement bilatéral.
Kombila, Ibouanga Hilème. "L'interaction des principes de proportionnalité et de non-discrimination dans le système juridique de l'Union européenne." Thesis, Paris Est, 2013.
Full textKjerrman, Asta Marie. "Civilians as a direct target of violence : How modern warfare challenges International Humanitarian Law." Thesis, Malmö universitet, Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS), 2021.
Full textOliveira, Neto Celio Pereira. "Cláusula de não concorrência no contrato de emprego: efeitos do princípio da proporcionalidade." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2013.
Full textAlthough there isn‟t a specific rule in the native law, the application of the non concurrence clause profits from the constitutional protection, which is based on the free initiative, private property, free concurrence, property law, consumer defense and general freedom law. Due to constitutional propagation, it enjoys equally of protection in the general clauses of the objective good faith and social function, besides the lawfulness presumption of the contract. On the other hand, there are some directives that can‟t be disregarded when having to limit the freedom right of the work. Indeed, the economical order must be based on the importance of the human work, as well as the reduction of the social inequalities and in the search of the perfect job. Moreover, the private property is established on the basis of the free exercise of any work, occupation or profession, that is to say, it must be observed the social right of the worker in choosing the developed activity, this means that any act that disrespect the importance of the work can be understood as unconstitutional. There is a clear confront between the non concurrence clause and the freedom work both under the constitutional protection in the articles 5° and 170 of the CF. The solution of this conflict is coped with the principles of proportionality, which it justifies and limits the application of the non concurrence clause. However, to reach such point, it‟s necessary the constitutional passage about the traditional methods of constitutional interpretation getting to the pos-positivist moment, taking care of the constitutional‟s principles of interpretation reading as a leading of the whole arrangement, differing from the rules relating them with the principle of proportionality use and its sub-principles of adequacy, necessity and proportionality in the strict way
Although there isn‟t a specific rule in the native law, the application of the non concurrence clause profits from the constitutional protection, which is based on the free initiative, private property, free concurrence, property law, consumer defense and general freedom law. Due to constitutional propagation, it enjoys equally of protection in the general clauses of the objective good faith and social function, besides the lawfulness presumption of the contract. On the other hand, there are some directives that can‟t be disregarded when having to limit the freedom right of the work. Indeed, the economical order must be based on the importance of the human work, as well as the reduction of the social inequalities and in the search of the perfect job. Moreover, the private property is established on the basis of the free exercise of any work, occupation or profession, that is to say, it must be observed the social right of the worker in choosing the developed activity, this means that any act that disrespect the importance of the work can be understood as unconstitutional. There is a clear confront between the non concurrence clause and the freedom work both under the constitutional protection in the articles 5° and 170 of the CF. The solution of this conflict is coped with the principles of proportionality, which it justifies and limits the application of the non concurrence clause. However, to reach such point, it‟s necessary the constitutional passage about the traditional methods of constitutional interpretation getting to the pos-positivist moment, taking care of the constitutional‟s principles of interpretation reading as a leading of the whole arrangement, differing from the rules relating them with the principle of proportionality use and its sub-principles of adequacy, necessity and proportionality in the strict way
Embora inexista regra específica no direito pátrio, a aplicação da cláusula de não concorrência goza de amparo constitucional, fundado na livre iniciativa, propriedade privada, livre concorrência, direito de propriedade, defesa do consumidor e direito geral de liberdade. Por irradiação constitucional, usufrui igualmente de amparo nas cláusulas gerais da boa-fé objetiva e função social do contrato, além da presunção de licitude do contrato. Por outro lado, há diretrizes que não podem ser desconsideradas quando se trata de limitar o direito de liberdade ao trabalho. Com efeito, a ordem econômica deve ser fundada na valorização do trabalho humano, bem como na redução das desigualdades sociais, e na busca do pleno emprego. Ademais, a propriedade privada é estabelecida com base no livre exercício de qualquer trabalho, ofício ou profissão ou seja, deve ser observado o direito social do trabalhador de escolher a atividade desenvolvida, o que significa que qualquer ato que desrespeite a valorização do trabalho poderá ser entendida como inconstitucional. Há nítido confronto, pois, entre a cláusula de não concorrência e a liberdade ao trabalho ambas com amparo constitucional nos arts. 5º e 170 da CF. A resolução desse conflito é enfrentada à luz do princípio da proporcionalidade, que justifica e limita a aplicação da cláusula de não concorrência. Porém, para se chegar a tal ponto, antes se faz necessária passagem constitucional, acerca dos tradicionais métodos de interpretação constitucional chegando ao momento pós-positivista, cuidando-se da leitura dos princípios de interpretação constitucional como vetores de todo o ordenamento, diferenciando-os das regras, e relacionando-os com o uso do princípio da proporcionalidade e seus subprincípios da adequação, necessidade e proporcionalidade em sentido estrito. Daí se observa que a Constituição Federal preserva ambos os bens, e a interpretação constitucional deve ser levada a efeito de modo a harmonizar o conflito, de sorte que um direito ceda ao outro no caso concreto, sem que isso represente a completa exclusão do direito preterido, conservando-se a unidade do sistema e promovendo-se a concordância prática através da ponderação de bens. O princípio da proporcionalidade passa a ser conceituado e aferido em todas as suas nuances, demonstrando-se os prós e contras de seu uso como critério para resolução de conflitos na sociedade contemporânea. Passa-se à análise do direito contratual contemporâneo, em que a autonomia da vontade é mitigada frente à defesa dos direitos sociais, e a responsabilidade pós-contratual é inserida com fulcro nas cláusulas gerais. Com o uso de todos os fundamentos apontados, torna-se ao debate original, justificando e limitando a cláusula de não concorrência, apresentando as possibilidades de uso da cláusula de não concorrência pós pactum finitum em uma relação de desigualdade como é o caso da relação de emprego, valendo-se do princípio da proporcionalidade e seus subprincípios, indicando-se as posições da doutrina e jurisprudência, sem olvidar do direito estrangeiro
Embora inexista regra específica no direito pátrio, a aplicação da cláusula de não concorrência goza de amparo constitucional, fundado na livre iniciativa, propriedade privada, livre concorrência, direito de propriedade, defesa do consumidor e direito geral de liberdade. Por irradiação constitucional, usufrui igualmente de amparo nas cláusulas gerais da boa-fé objetiva e função social do contrato, além da presunção de licitude do contrato. Por outro lado, há diretrizes que não podem ser desconsideradas quando se trata de limitar o direito de liberdade ao trabalho. Com efeito, a ordem econômica deve ser fundada na valorização do trabalho humano, bem como na redução das desigualdades sociais, e na busca do pleno emprego. Ademais, a propriedade privada é estabelecida com base no livre exercício de qualquer trabalho, ofício ou profissão ou seja, deve ser observado o direito social do trabalhador de escolher a atividade desenvolvida, o que significa que qualquer ato que desrespeite a valorização do trabalho poderá ser entendida como inconstitucional. Há nítido confronto, pois, entre a cláusula de não concorrência e a liberdade ao trabalho ambas com amparo constitucional nos arts. 5º e 170 da CF. A resolução desse conflito é enfrentada à luz do princípio da proporcionalidade, que justifica e limita a aplicação da cláusula de não concorrência. Porém, para se chegar a tal ponto, antes se faz necessária passagem constitucional, acerca dos tradicionais métodos de interpretação constitucional chegando ao momento pós-positivista, cuidando-se da leitura dos princípios de interpretação constitucional como vetores de todo o ordenamento, diferenciando-os das regras, e relacionando-os com o uso do princípio da proporcionalidade e seus subprincípios da adequação, necessidade e proporcionalidade em sentido estrito. Daí se observa que a Constituição Federal preserva ambos os bens, e a interpretação constitucional deve ser levada a efeito de modo a harmonizar o conflito, de sorte que um direito ceda ao outro no caso concreto, sem que isso represente a completa exclusão do direito preterido, conservando-se a unidade do sistema e promovendo-se a concordância prática através da ponderação de bens. O princípio da proporcionalidade passa a ser conceituado e aferido em todas as suas nuances, demonstrando-se os prós e contras de seu uso como critério para resolução de conflitos na sociedade contemporânea. Passa-se à análise do direito contratual contemporâneo, em que a autonomia da vontade é mitigada frente à defesa dos direitos sociais, e a responsabilidade pós-contratual é inserida com fulcro nas cláusulas gerais. Com o uso de todos os fundamentos apontados, torna-se ao debate original, justificando e limitando a cláusula de não concorrência, apresentando as possibilidades de uso da cláusula de não concorrência pós pactum finitum em uma relação de desigualdade como é o caso da relação de emprego, valendo-se do princípio da proporcionalidade e seus subprincípios, indicando-se as posições da doutrina e jurisprudência, sem olvidar do direito estrangeiro
Dufour, Maxime. "Clauses contractuelles et non-concurrence : approche de droit des affaires." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2016.
Full textIn the modern world, to guard themselves from damage and to protect at best their economical interests, companies use contractual techniques developed by usage such as non-compete clauses,confidentiality clauses, non-reaffiliation clauses and non-solicitation clauses. These clauses cover many fields of contractual legality, mixing contract law, labor law and business law. Their aim is to prohibit the co-contractor to practice a professional activity, to disclose secret information, or even to employ specific colleagues, or contributors. Thus, they are brought to restrict a fundamental freedom, specifically the freedom of trade and of industry. As a result, it appears necessary to formulate a common legal system for all these clauses so as to preserve on one side the protection of the economic activity of the companies et on the other side the safeguard of the economic freedom of the co-contractors subject to these clauses. The benefit of a common legal system is the anticipation of the conditions of validity and implementation of this type of clause. In this way, the cocontractants will not lack in foresight. The development of this common right is in two steps. This includes confirming their autonomy relative to the contracts in which they may be inserted and draw the necessary conclusions regarding their validity. The second step is relative to the implementation of these clauses. Their application is sensitive because it depends for the most part on the precision of their content. In case of a breach of contract, a large array of legal remedies is available to the aggrieved contractor to penalize the breach of contract
Torres, Zuñiga Natalia. "Justiciability of regressive measures of social rights. Some reflections about their judicial protection in Latin America." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015.
Full textEl presente artículo tiene por propósito plantear una reflexión sobre la protección jurisdiccional que reciben los derechos sociales frente a la adopción de medidas regresivas en Latinoamérica por parte de los Estados, así como de los diversos grados de tutela jurisdiccional que aquellos reciben. El artículo desarrolla la noción de regresividad y los alcances del principio de prohibición de regresividad, así como la experiencia de las Cortes Constitucionales de Perú y Colombia y de los órganos el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos en torno a la protección de los derechos sociales.
Bittencourt, Bruno Ramon Chaves. "Princípios da liberdade econômica e da igualdade face à tributação : limites constitucionais às discriminações tributárias." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2015.
Full textThis paper aims to verify which are the constitutional limitations to the influence of taxation over taxpayers’ economic activities, in the light of the principles and postulates of freedom of enterprise, free competition, equality, proportionality and the prohibition of excessive influence. The general enquiry that will guide this research is the following: can taxation, indistinctly, determine how taxpayers shall act when choosing and directing their economic activities, or are there some limitations that compel the government to not influence taxpayers' economic choices? What are the norms resulting from interactions between tax law and economic law? What limits does equality imposes to the use of behavior influent taxation? Which are the tools available to the judges to promote economic freedom and equality? How does the thesis of negative legislative power represents an obstacle to the achievement of such principles and postulates by the courts? What are the paradigms behind such thesis? More specifically, we are going to examine some cases that illustrate the problems abovementioned and allow us to go deeper in points discussed in this research. The first case is the exclusion of companies from tax benefit program called SIMPLES (for small business), whose exclusion is determined by the simple fact of exercise of a specific economic activity. We are going to exam it in order to elucidate if Brazilian law sustains such discrimination, considering the following: if the law choses one criteria to grant the tax benefits of SIMPLES (company's economic size measured by gross income), can the legislator choose another criteria (company's economic activity) to exclude it from the tax benefit program? Is it grounded in Brazilian Constitution the discrimination based upon the simple adoption of an economic activity? If freedom of enterprise is a limitation to such discrimination, which are its elements and legal effectiveness? The second case, which implies similar questions, is the exclusion of the possibility of crediting the labor of natural persons used as an input for taxpayers of non-cumulative PIS and COFINS (social contributions over gross income - VAT).
Martinez, Neto Aldo Augusto. "Cláusula de não concorrência no contrato de trabalho: licitude e direitos fundamentais." Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, 2012.
Full textThe overcoming of legal positivism, as well as recognition of the normative force of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil, led the incidence of human rights in private relations, among them labor relations with emphasis on employment agreement. As employees and employers are both holders of human rights, there are situations in which it checks for collision between the opposing fundamental rights. In order to solve the contradiction of human rights it is necessary to apply the principle of proportionality (adequacy, necessity and proportionality in the strict sense). We applied the principle of proportionality to reexamine the assumptions of non-compete clause to be effective after employment agreement termination in view of the collision between employees‟ human rights of freedom of work and employer's human rights of property. Applying the principle of proportionality it is possible to conclude that non-competition clause is in compliance with Brazilian labor legislation if the agreement observes the following assumptions: (i) justification for the restriction cause, (ii) temporal and geographical limitations, (iii) description of the activities and constraint of the object and (iv) financial compensation
A superação do positivismo jurídico, bem como o reconhecimento da força normativa da Constituição da República Federativa do Brasil (CRFB), propiciaram a incidência dos direitos fundamentais nas relações privadas, dentre elas as relações trabalhistas, com ênfase no contrato individual do trabalho. Como empregados e empregadores são ambos titulares de direitos fundamentais, há situações em que se verifica a existência de colisão entre os direitos fundamentais opostos. Para solucionar esta antinomia de direitos fundamentais recorre-se ao princípio da proporcionalidade (adequação, necessidade e proporcionalidade em sentido estrito). Aplicou-se o princípio da proporcionalidade para examinar os pressupostos de licitude da cláusula de não concorrência com vigência após o encerramento do contrato individual do trabalho em vistas à colisão entre os direitos fundamentais de liberdade de trabalho do empregado e de propriedade do empregador. Através do princípio da proporcionalidade chega-se à conclusão da licitude da cláusula de não concorrência desde que observados os seguintes pressupostos: (i) motivação da restrição, (ii) limitação temporal e geográfica, (iii) descrição das atividades objeto da restrição e (iv) compensação financeira
Leivas, Paulo Gilberto Cogo. "A correção e a fundamentação de decisões jurídicas, em bases pragmático-universais, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2009.
Full textThe justification and correction of legal decisions in the application of general equality principle demands the fullfilment of rules and forms of legal discourse founded on a universal-pragmatic basis. The linguistic and pragmatic turn, by Frege, Wittgenstein, and Peirce, established the foundations of a theory of speech acts, by Austin and Searle, of a theory of reasoning, by Toulmin, and a communicative and discoursive theory on truth and correctness in Habermas. The habermasian proceduralism and cognitivism ethics reconstructs the principle of universability in discoursive ways. Alexy states a non-positivistic and moral inclusive concept of law grounded in the claim to legal correction and argues that the legal discourse must be understood as a special case of general practical discourse. A correct legal decision must be justified on the rules and forms of internal and external justification of discourse. The justification for the decisions by means of arguments of principle sets the demand of applying the partial requirements of proportionality. German and Brazilian legal theory and jurisprudence, in applying the right to general equality, apply initially a formula of prohibition of arbitrary and correlational logic, where there is a weak attachment of the legislature, and start adopting a formula based on proportionality, where there is severe attachment of the legislature, especially in the case of discrimination against individuals with special features listed in the Constitution. The rationality of a decision which uses the structure of proportionality depends on the external justification of each of the premises used in the internal justification. There is a necessary link between proportionality, legal discourse and fundamental rights legal theory.
Books on the topic "Non-proportionality"
Tesón, Fernando R. Proportionality in Humanitarian Intervention. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textCohen, Amichai, and David Zlotogorski. Proportionality in International Humanitarian Law. Oxford University Press, 2021.
Full textSime, Stuart. 46. Costs. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textSime, Stuart. 46. Costs. Oxford University Press, 2016.
Full textSime, Stuart. 46. Costs. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textWright, A. G. Linear performance. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textJeffery, Commission, and Moloo Rahim. 3 Provisional Measures. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textMichael, Wood. 2 The Caroline Incident—1837. Oxford University Press, 2018.
Full textTretkoff, Paula. Complex Surfaces and Coverings. Princeton University Press, 2017.
Full textStirn, Bernard. European and Domestic Law. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Non-proportionality"
Lecoq, Paul, Alexander Gektin, and Mikhail Korzhik. "Energy Resolution and Non-proportionality of Scintillators." In Inorganic Scintillators for Detector Systems, 175–96. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textSkibicki, Dariusz. "Load Non-Proportionality in the Computational Models." In SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 59–123. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textSkibicki, Dariusz. "The Phenomena of Non-Proportionality in Loading Fatigue." In SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 9–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textSkibicki, Dariusz. "The Sensitivity of Materials to Load Non-Proportionality." In SpringerBriefs in Applied Sciences and Technology, 49–57. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.
Full textMuñoz, Alvaro, Alison G. Abraham, Matthew Matheson, and Nikolas Wada. "Non-proportionality of Hazards in the Competing Risks Framework." In Risk Assessment and Evaluation of Predictions, 3–22. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2013.
Full textSmith, Eric E. "Proportionality (ad Bellum)." In Just War Theory and Non-State Actors, 57–69. New York : Routledge, 2020. | Series: Justice, international law and global security: Routledge, 2020.
Full textSmith, Eric E. "Proportionality (in Bello)." In Just War Theory and Non-State Actors, 85–91. New York : Routledge, 2020. | Series: Justice, international law and global security: Routledge, 2020.
Full textDi Chiara, Giuseppe. "The Protection of the Right of Freedom on the European Union Level: The European Arrest Warrant and Non-custodial Pre Trial Measures. The Guideline of the Principle of Proportionality: An Interpretive Perspective." In Transnational Inquiries and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in Criminal Proceedings, 241–52. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2012.
Full textIgnovska, Elena. "Mandatory Vaccination Against COVID-19 in Europe: Public Health Versus ‘Saved by the Bell’ Individual Autonomy." In European Union and its Neighbours in a Globalized World, 283–303. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2023.
Full text"Proportionality and Non-discrimination." In Compulsory Mental Health Interventions and the CRPD. Hart Publishing, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Non-proportionality"
Syntfeld-Kazuch, Agnieszka, Lukasz Swiderski, Marek Moszynski, and Alexander V. Gektin. "Non-proportionality components in doped CsI." In 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). IEEE, 2014.
Full textSyntfeld-Kazuch, Agnieszka, Lukasz Swiderski, Wieslaw Czarnacki, Michal Gierlik, Wlodzimierz Klamra, Marek Moszynski, and Paul Schotanus. "Non-proportionality and Energy Resolution of CsI(Tl)." In 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record. IEEE, 2006.
Full textYan, Bing. "Non-Proportionality Analysis on Chinas Regional Economic Growth Efficiency." In 2012 Fifth International Joint Conference on Computational Sciences and Optimization (CSO). IEEE, 2012.
Full textMoszynski, M., M. Balcerzyk, W. Czarnacki, M. Kapusta, W. Klamra, A. Syntfeld, and M. Szawlowski. "Intrinsic energy resolution and light yield non-proportionality of BGO." In 2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium. Conference Record (IEEE Cat. No.03CH37515). IEEE, 2003.
Full textSkibicki, Dariusz. "Analysis of the Tanaka non-proportionality parameter under fatigue loadings." In INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC SESSION ON APPLIED MECHANICS XI: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Applied Mechanics. AIP Publishing, 2023.
Full textLi, Qi, Xinfu Lu, and R. T. Williams. "Toward a user's toolkit for modeling scintillator non-proportionality and light yield." In SPIE Optical Engineering + Applications, edited by Arnold Burger, Larry Franks, Ralph B. James, and Michael Fiederle. SPIE, 2014.
Full textBrylew, Kamil, Pawel Sibczynski, Marek Moszynski, Winicjusz Drozdowski, and Jaroslaw Kisielewski. "Non-proportionality and Energy Resolution of LuXY1-XAG:Pr and LuAG:Pr,Mo Crystals." In 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC). IEEE, 2017.
Full textMorris, L. G., J. D. Collard, Z. H. Sharpe, and M. P. Taggart. "Modular Compton Coincidence NaI Array for Scintillator Light Yield Non-Proportionality Characterisation." In 2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Medical Imaging Conference and International Symposium on Room-Temperature Semiconductor Detectors (NSS MIC RTSD). IEEE, 2023.
Full text"Non-proportionality and energy resolution of Xe gas scintillator in gamma-rays spectrometry." In 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2013 NSS/MIC). IEEE, 2013.
Full textSwiderski, L., R. Marcinkowski, M. Szawlowski, M. Moszynski, W. Czarnacki, A. Syntfeld-Kazuch, T. Szczesniak, G. Pausch, C. Plettner, and K. Roemer. "Non-proportionality of electron response and energy resolution of Compton electrons in scintillators." In 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (2010 NSS/MIC). IEEE, 2010.
Full textReports on the topic "Non-proportionality"
Aberg, Daniel, Babak Sadigh, and Fei Zhou. FInal Report: First Principles Modeling of Mechanisms Underlying Scintillator Non-Proportionality. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), January 2015.
Full text