Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'No mutation identified'
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Kozusko, Kristina. "Molecular mechanisms of Perilipin-1 action : characterisation of a novel PLIN1 mutation identified in patients with familial partial lipodystrophy." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2015. https://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.709005.
Full textChen, Tao [Verfasser]. "Identification and functional characterization of a de novo point mutation identified in a patient with non-syndromal microcephaly and intellectual disability / Tao Chen." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1108270913/34.
Full textLi, Jia. "Identifier les variations conduisant au cancer dans le génome non codant et du transcriptome." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015SACLS161/document.
Full textFunctional annotation of somatic mutations have been a consistent hotspot of cancer genomics studies. In the past, researchers preferentially focused on mutations in the coding fraction of the genome, for which ample bioinformatics tools were developed to distinguish cancer-driver mutations from neutral ones. In recent years, as an increasing number of variants were being identified as disease-associated in the non-coding genome, interpreting non-coding cancer mutations has become an urgent task. The completion of large scale projects such as ENCODE, has made functional interpretation of cancer variants achievable, and several programs were produced based on this functional information. However, there still exists some limitations as to these prediction tools, such as low prediction accuracy, lack of cancer mutation information and significant ascertainment bias. In chapter 2 of this thesis, in order to functionally interpret non-coding mutations in cancer, we developed two independent random forest models, referred to as SNP and SOM. Given a combination of features at a given genome positions, the SNP model predicts the expected fraction of rare SNPs (a measure of negative selection), and the SOM model predicts the expected mutation density at this position. We applied our two models to score these non-coding disease-associated clinvariant and HGMD variants and a set of random control SNPs. Results showed that disease-associated variants were scored higher than control SNPs with the SNP model and lower than control SNPs with the SOM model, supporting our hypothesis that purifying selection as measured by fraction of rare SNPs and mutation density is informative for the evaluation of the functional impact of cancer mutations in the non-coding genome. In the past, researchers have preferentially considered protein-coding genes as critical to the initiation and progression of cancers. However, recent evidences have shown that ncRNAs, in particular lncRNAs, are actively implicated in various cancer processes. A chapter of this thesis is devoted to this class of non-coding transcripts. Similar to protein coding genes, there might be a large number of lncRNAs with cancer-driving functions. The development of bioinformatics tools to prioritize them has become a new focus of research for computational oncologists.The last part of this thesis is devoted to the implementation of methods for discovering potential cancer-driving non-coding elements in lncRNA and protein-coding genes. We applied three scoring tools, CADD, funSeq2, GWAVA, together with our SNP and SOM scoring systems to prioritize cancer-associated elements using a permutation-based algorithm. For each locus, we compute the average score of all observed variants using one of the models, and we randomly take the same number of variants and compute their average score 1 million times to form a null distribution and obtain a P value for this locus. To validate our hypothesis and permutation model, we tested this system on 61 cancer-related lncRNA and 452 cancer genes using somatic mutation data from liver cancer, lung cancer, CLL and melanoma. We observed that both cancer lncRNAs and protein-coding genes had significantly lower average P values than total lncRNAs and protein-coding genes in all cases. Applying the permutation test to lncRNAs with five different scoring systems enabled us to prioritize hundreds to thousands of cancer-related lncRNA candidates. These candidates can be used for future experimental validation
Duff, Jennifer. "Characterisation of androgen receptor mutations identified from prostate cancer patients." Thesis, University of Aberdeen, 2005. http://digitool.abdn.ac.uk/R?func=search-advanced-go&find_code1=WSN&request1=AAIU200888.
Full textDempsey, Nunez Laura. "Spectrum of mutations in MMAA identified by high resolution melting analysis." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=110535.
Full textLe produit génique du MMAA est nécessaire pour le métabolisme de la cobalamine intracellulaire (Cbl). Des mutations dans ce gène conduisent à la classe de maladies cblA, caractérisé par l'acidurie méthylmalonique isolée. Nous avons été concernés que les méthodes de diagnostic de cellules somatiques peuvent manquer les patients atteints phénotypes cellulaires moins sévère. Une teste de fusion à haute résolution a été développé pour balayer rapidement les exons codantes et les régions introniques adjacentes du gène MMAA pour des variantes. Nous avons testé l'ADN à partir de 96 personnes de référence qui ne sont pas touchés, 72 patients atteints de cblA confirmé par complémentation et 181 patients présentant une élévation de l'acide méthylmalonique isolée, qui ne pouvaient pas être diagnostiquée à l'aide d'analyse de complémentation. Les variantes suspectes ont été confirmées à l'aide de séquençage Sanger. Dans la cohorte cblA, l'analyse de fusion à haute résolution a correctement identifié toutes les mutations connues antérieurement, ainsi que 22 autres variantes, dont 10 n'avaient pas été signalés précédemment. Nouveaux variantes inclus une duplication (C.551dupG, p.C187LfsX3), une délétion (c.387delC, p.Y129YfsX13), une mutation du site d'épissage (c.440-2A> G, site d'épissage), 4 mutations faux-sens (c. 748G> A, p.E520K; c.820G> A, p.G274S; c.627G> T, p.R209S; c.826A> G, p.K276E), et 3 mutations non-sens (c.960G> A, p.W320X; c.1075C> T, p.E359X; c.1084C> T, p.Q362X). Toutes les variantes faux-sens nouveaux, énumérés ci-dessus, affectent des résidus hautement conservés et sont prévus pour être endommageant. L'analyse de MMAA dans les 181 échantillons non diagnostiqués a révélé un seul changement faux-sens hétérozygote (c.821G> A, p.G274D).
Illson, Margaret. "Spectrum of mutations in MMAB identified by high resolution melting analysis." Thesis, McGill University, 2012. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=110564.
Full textDes variantes pathogéniques dans le gène MMAB (OMIM 607958) sont responsables de la classe cblB d'acidurie méthylmalonique (AMM) respondant à la cobalamine (OMIM 251110). MMAB encode cobalamine adénosyltranférase, une enzyme mitochondriale responsable de la formation de l'adénosylcobalamine (AdoCbl). AdoCbl fonctionne par la suite en tant que cofacteur pour méthylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM) durant l'isomérisation de L-méthylmalonyl-CoA vers succinyl-CoA. Des analyses sur des cellules somatiques ont été utilisées pour évaluer des échantillons de patients pour des troubles reliés à la cobalamine. En raison de niveaux de base élevés d'incorporation de propionate, certains patients présentant des phénotypes biochimiques bénins d'AMM ne peuvent être diagnostiqués par analyse de complémentation. Une analyse de fusion à haute résolution (AFHR) a été développée pour balayer rapidement les exons codants et les régions introniques avoisinnantes pour des variantes dans le gène MMAB.Trois cohortes d'échantillons ont été balayées par AFHR : une population de référence non-affectée, 42 échantillons assignés au groupe cblB par analyse de complémentation et 181 patients avec une AMM isolée sans diagnostique. L'AFHR a correctement identifié toutes les mutations précédemment rapportées dans la cohorte cblB ainsi que sept variantes additionelles, incluant une nouvelle variante non-sens (c.12C>A, p.C4X). Le balayage de la cohorte avec de l'AMM isolée a identifié six échantillons contenant des variantes dans MMAB. Deux échantillons, WG3948 et WG4034, étaient des porteurs de variantes hétérozygotes composés. Ils partageaient la mutation c.572G>A (p.R191Q). WG3948, le cas index pour cette étude, était porteur du c.398C>T (p.S133F) pour la deuxième mutation et WG4034, le deuxième patient, contenait une nouvel variante c.394C>T (p.C132R). Les échantillons provenant de quatre autres patients atteints contenait une seule variante. Le c.572G>A (p.R191Q) a été trouvé dans WG3546 et WG4090. WG3759 contenait une substitution c.52C>T (p.S174L), et WG4029 contenait une nouvelle substitution c.185C>T (p.T62M).L'identification de deux patients avec des variantes hétérozygotes composées dans le gène MMAB suggère l'existence d'un phénotype rare mais distinct de cblB. Cette sous-classe est charactérisée par des niveaux d'incorporation de propionate et de synthèse d'AdoCbl dans les valeurs normales, empêchant le diagnostique par analyse des cellules somatiques.
Mori, Minako. "Pathogenic mutations identified by a multimodality approach in 117 Japanese Fanconi anemia patients." Kyoto University, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/243302.
Full textSchröder, Michael, Rainer Winnenburg, and Conrad Plake. "Improved mutation tagging with gene identifiers applied to membrane protein stability prediction." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2015. http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-qucosa-177379.
Full textSchröder, Michael, Rainer Winnenburg, and Conrad Plake. "Improved mutation tagging with gene identifiers applied to membrane protein stability prediction." BioMed Central, 2009. https://tud.qucosa.de/id/qucosa%3A28888.
Full textBevan, Charlotte Lynne. "Functional analysis of androgen receptor gene mutations identified in patients with androgen insensitivity syndrome." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.364640.
Full textAlYami, Nasher. "Characterization of mutations identified in patients historically diagnosed with type 1 von Willebrand disease." Thesis, University of Sheffield, 2014. http://etheses.whiterose.ac.uk/7301/.
Full textBurn, Philip. "Functional analysis of the BRCA1 protein through mutation & complex formation identifies a novel BRCA1 interacting protein." Thesis, Queen's University Belfast, 2016. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.705901.
Full textGrampa, Valentina. "Characterization of the pathophysiological mechanisms associated with NEK8/NPHP9 mutations identified in patients with severe renal ciliopathies." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCB099.
Full textCiliopathies are a group of genetic multi-systemic disorders related to dysfunction of the primary cilium, a sensory organelle present at the cell surface that regulates key signaling pathways during development and tissue homeostasis. In order to identify novel genes whose mutations would cause severe developmental ciliopathies, ~500 patients/fetuses were analyzed by a targeted high throughput sequencing approach allowing exome sequencing of > 1200 ciliary genes. We have identified eight novel mutations in NEK8/NPHP9 in five independent families with severe overlapping syndromic disorders. NEK8/NPHP9 encodes a NIMA-related kinase that localizes at the inversin compartment of the primary cilium and acts as a regulator of Hippo signaling, a pathway that is essential for control of organ size during development. We show for the first time that NEK8 mutations are associated with renal agenesis and hypodysplasia, and our work highlights a genotype/phenotype correlation with NEK8 loss-of-function mutations leading to enlarged cystic kidney, pancreas and liver, whereas NEK8 gain-of-function (missense) mutations cause renal hypodysplasia, cardiopathy and paucity of bile ducts. The first part of my thesis project focuses on the study of the impact of these NEK8 missense mutations on various cellular processes and NEK8-dependent signaling pathways. We demonstrate that NEK8 missense mutations impair the Inversin (INVS) compartment composition and ciliogenesis, and also alter the nuclear localization of the main Hippo signalling effector, YAP, as well as expression of its target genes in patient fibroblasts and renal cell lines. We also demonstrated that this Hippo pathway imbalance causes epithelial morphogenesis defects in 3D matrigel culture. Indeed, mIMCD3 cells depleted for NEK8 showed persistent YAP and Ki-67 staining and formed bigger spheres compared to control cells. Abnormal sphere volume was also observed in cells re-expressing NEK8-GFP mutations, suggesting their pathogenicity. We confirm these data in vivo in Jck mice, a model of polycystic kidney disease bearing a Nek8 missense mutation. Finally, treatment with Verteporfin, a specific inhibitor of YAP transcriptional activity, improves the mutant phenotype of both cellular models and zebrafish embryos overexpressing human NEK8, further supporting the involvement of YAP dysregulation in the pathogenic cellular mechanisms. Surprisingly, in patient fibroblasts, we showed that mutated NEK8 accumulates at the Golgi that appeared dispersed. NEK8 recruitment at the Golgi apparatus is dependent on ARF1 (Brefeldin A sensitive), a small GTPase involved in protein trafficking between Golgi compartments and ER. We notably demonstrated that NEK8 mostly interacts and localizes with the dominant negative form of ARF1 (T31N), suggesting that NEK8 could act as an activator (GEF) of ARF1 to promote vesicular trafficking of ciliary proteins. The second part of my project focuses on a new candidate gene for which a missense homozygous mutation has been identified in 3 individuals presenting a late onset NPH with hepatic fibrosis. This gene encodes ANKS3, an evolutionarily conserved protein whose function is still poorly characterized. Interestingly, ANKS3 has been reported to be a partner of NEK8, even though we showed it does not localize at the INVS compartment with NEK8 but is rather present at the base of cilia in fibroblasts. We showed that the missense mutation does not affect ANKS3 localization but leads to longer cilia and abnormal accumulation of NEK8 at the cilium base in patient fibroblasts and kidney tubules. Altogether, my work focused on NEK8 and its partners, ANKS6 and ANKS3, each of whose related gene is mutated in patients presenting a broad clinical spectrum of phenotypes. (...)
Jambaljav, Byambatseren. "Whole-exome sequencing in a Japanese family with highly aggregated diabetes identifies a candidate susceptibility mutation in ADAMTSL3." Kyoto University, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/232467.
Full textRomey, Marie-Catherine. "Pathologie moléculaire de la mucoviscidose et première caractérisation fonctionnelle d'une variation de séquence identifiée dans le promoteur minimal du gène CFTR." Montpellier 1, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999MON1T026.
Full textBurg, Elyssa D. "Tetramerization domain mutations in KCNA5 Identified in pulmonary arterial hypertension patients affect channel kinetics and cause abnormal subcellular localization." Diss., [La Jolla] : University of California, San Diego, 2009. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/ucsd/fullcit?p3356425.
Full textTitle from first page of PDF file (viewed June 16, 2009). Available via ProQuest Digital Dissertations. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (p. 142-172).
MUNISWAMY, RANJITH. "Identification of mutations in the GLI2 gene in CPHD (combined pituitary hormone deficiency) patients. Functional analysis of the identified variants." Doctoral thesis, Università del Piemonte Orientale, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11579/115150.
Full textAubanelle-Antiphon, Laurent. "Err1, une mutation isolée chez Arabidopsis thaliana (L. ) Heynh, identifie une nouvelle classe de mutants activateurs des réponses à l'éthylène." Amiens, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000AMIE0106.
Full textJohnson, Benny, Laurence Cooke, and Daruka Mahadevan. "Next generation sequencing identifies ‘interactome’ signatures in relapsed and refractory metastatic colorectal cancer." PIONEER BIOSCIENCE PUBL CO, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/623288.
Full textAbe, Junya. "A nationwide survey of Aicardi-Goutieres syndrome patients identifies a strong association between dominant TREX1 mutations and chilblain lesions: Japanese cohort study." Kyoto University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2433/188647.
Full textLopez, Estelle. "Caractérisation fonctionnelle d'altérations moléculaires naturelles présentes dans des régions non codantes du gène CFTR, identifiées chez les patients atteints de mucoviscidose ou de pathologies associées." Montpellier 1, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009MON1T018.
Full textCystic fibrosis (CF), the most frequent lethal genetic disease in Caucasian population, is characterized by a great variability in disease presentation from a classical CF to monosymptomatic forms such as congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens (CBAVD). More than 1,600 molecular alterations have hitherto been identified on the CFTR (Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance regulator) gene. Because the large majority of them are rare mutations, the establishing of their pathogenecity is problematic. Evaluating the effect of molecular alterations in untranslated CFTR region (UTR) is poorly documented. Some studies allowed characterizing news cis- and trans regulatory elements on the CFTR gene. To elucidate the impact of rare variants located in on-coding regions identified in either CF or CBAVD patients, we investigated their role on the CFTR gene expression by using molecular and cellular biology approaches. Our results indicate that sequence variations (-94>T et -33G>A) identified in the minimal promoter, repress the CFTR transcriptional activity, perturbing the binding of ubiquitous (Specificity protein : Spl et Uspstream Stimulatory Factore : USF) and tissue-specific (Forkhead Box proteins:FOX) transcription factors. A complex regulatory mechanism involving threr proteins including the tissue-specific C/EBP (CAAT/enhancer binding proteins) factor has been showed. In addition, we demonstrated that the decrease in the number of (TAAA)n motif repeat located in the CFTR into 9, alters the expression of this gene. Identification of trans-regulatory elements through the charactérization of the deleterious effect of naturally occuring variants within CFTR UTR parts may shed light on molecular mechanism controlling tissue-specific expression of the CFRT gene
Alali, Abdulaziz. "Study of the Role of mutations identified in the M27, M36, m139, m141, and m143 ORFs of the murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV) temperature-sensitive mutant tsm5." Thesis, University of Birmingham, 2011. http://etheses.bham.ac.uk//id/eprint/1703/.
Full textDecaudin, Camille. "Impacts fonctionnels et conséquences sur la différenciation hématopoïétique d’une mutation somatique récurrente du gène PU.1/SPI1 identifiée dans la macroglobulinémie de Waldenström A Recurrent Activating Missense Mutation in Waldenström Macroglobulinemia Affects the DNA Binding of the ETS Transcription Factor SPI1 and Enhances Proliferation." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020UPASL004.
Full textThe ETS transcription factor PU.1/SPI1 is a major regulator of hematopoiesis. It is implicated in HSC, myeloid but also lymphoid biology and has been described as a tumor suppressor in human myeloid malignancies. We identified a PU.1 activating missense mutation in Waldenström macroglobulinemia (Q226E), a B-cell lympho-proliferative neoplasm, highlighting new oncogenic features for this transcription factor. This mutation affects the DNA-binding affinity of the protein and allows the mutant to more frequently bind to promoter regions with respect to wild-type protein, resulting in transcriptional activation of gene sets typically regulated by other ETS factors, such as ETS1, resulting in enhanced proliferation in model cell lines and murine primary B-cells. To analyze the properties of the mutant protein in physiological conditions, I developed mouse model carrying a Pu.1 Q226E Knock-In conditional allele. The use of a CD19-Cre transgene triggers the expression of the mutated protein in the B lymphoid lineage. Analysis of the early B cells development shows an increase response of pre-B cells to IL-7, associated to the accumulation of this population in vivo. I confirmed that the mutant protein stimulates B cell proliferation and showed that it also increases the differentiation of B cells into plasma cells (CD138+). Specifically, Pu.1 mutant induce an early increase of the expression of plasma-specific transcription factors, such as Blimp1 or Xbp1, and increases activation of the UPR pathway, which likely increases differentiation of mature B cells into plasma cells. These results describe a mechanism of oncogenic subversion of the function of a transcription factor as a result of the subtle modification of the DNA binding specificity of the protein, which affects proliferation and differentiation
WOJCIK, JEROME. "Etude du recepteur de l'hormone de croissance : nouvelles mutations identifiees dans le syndrome de laron et mecanisme d'interaction du recepteur avec jak2. modelisation des boucles des proteines." Paris 7, 1999. http://www.theses.fr/1999PA077249.
Full text"Novel recurrent point mutation and gene fusion identified by new generation sequencing in colorectal cancer." 2013. http://library.cuhk.edu.hk/record=b5884462.
Full textThesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2013.
Includes bibliographical references (leaves 136-156).
Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web.
Abstract also in Chinese.
Thao, Tou Sue. "Functional study of ROBO2 missense mutation identified in patients with congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract (CAKUT)." Thesis, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/2144/30911.
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Leite, Ana Maia dos Santos. "Characterization of Mps1 mutations identified in cancer samples." Master's thesis, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/30740.
Full textMitosis is the phase of the cell cycle in which the cell divides into two genetically identical daughter cells. The spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), also known as mitotic checkpoint, safeguards the transition from metaphase to anaphase and is responsible for correct chromosome segregation by delaying the onset of anaphase until the chromosomes are properly attached to the mitotic spindle. The SAC is comprised of the mitotic checkpoint complex (MCC), which is formed by Mad2, BubR1, Bub3 and Cdc20. Apart from the MCC many more proteins are essential for the proper function of the SAC, including the kinases Aurora B and Mps1. Mps1 is an essential threonine/tyrosine kinase that not only controls the recruitment of SAC proteins to unattached kinetochores starting the SAC signal but also monitors the formation of correct kinetochore-microtubule attachments. Depletion of Mps1 causes shortening of the time cells spend in mitosis due to the premature satisfaction of the SAC. This results in errors in chromosome segregation, which is associated with aneuploidy and chromosomal instability (CIN). Although aneuploidy and CIN have often been associated with tumorigenesis and tumor progression, cells can only cope with a certain level of chromosome imbalances. Overexpression of Mps1 has already been described as a protective mechanism against aneuploidy in several cancer types. These observations led to the development of small molecule inhibitors against cell cycle kinases, such as Mps1, which explore the concept that increased missegregation rates are detrimental for cell survival. Although described to exhibit promising results in cell culture and xenograft models, resistance to some of the developed inhibitors, such as Aurora B and PLK1, has already been reported. On the other hand, resistance to Mps1 inhibitors has not been described so far and is a very relevant point to be addressed. After characterization of four mutations present in the kinase domain of Mps1 and identified in tumor samples, we show that certain mutations can confer tumors resistance to specific Mps1 inhibitors. Besides this, two more mutations also identified in tumor samples are studied to better understand Mps1 contribution to tumorigenesis. However, characterization of these two new Mps1 mutations did not confer new insights on the role of this kinase in the process of tumorigenesis.
A mitose é a fase do ciclo celular na qual a célula divide-se em duas células-filhas idênticas. O ponto de controlo mitótico controla a transição de metáfase para anáfase e é responsável pela correta segregação de cromossomas ao atrasar a entrada em anáfase até garantir que todos os cromossomas estão corretamente ligados ao fuso mitótico. O ponto de controlo mitótico é composto por um complexo formado pelas proteínas Mad2, BubR1, Bub3 e Cdc20. Além deste complexo, muitas outras proteínas são essenciais para o seu correto funcionamento, incluindo a Aurora B e a Mps1. A Mps1 é uma quinase treonina/tirosina essencial que não só controla o recrutamento de proteínas do ponto de controlo mitótico para os cinetócoros livres dando início ao sinal ativador deste mas também monitoriza a formação das ligações corretas entre os cinetócoros e os microtúbulos. Depleção da Mps1 leva ao encurtamento do tempo que a célula passa em mitose devido à satisfação prematura do ponto de controlo mitótico. Isto resulta em erros de segregação dos cromossomas, o que está associado a aneuploidia e instabilidade cromossómica (IC). Apesar da aneuploidia e a IC estarem associados a tumorigénese e progressão tumoral, as células conseguem apenas lidar com certos níveis de desequilíbrios cromossómicos. Sobrexpressão da Mps1 já foi descrita como sendo um mecanismo protetor para a aneuploidia em vários tipos de tumores. Estas observações levaram ao desenvolvimento de inibidores contra várias quinases do ciclo celular, entre as quais a Mps1, que pretendem explorar o conceito de que elevados níveis de erros de segregação são prejudiciais para a sobrevivência das células. Apesar de terem mostrado resultados promissores em cultura de células e modelos xenográficos, resistência contra alguns dos inibidores, como contra a Aurora B e PLK1, já foi reportada. No entanto, resistência a inibidores da Mps1 não foi ainda descrita e parece um ponto bastante relevante que deve ser endereçado. Após caracterização de quatro mutações no domínio quinase da Mps1 identificadas em amostras tumorais, é aqui mostrado que certas mutações conferem aos tumores resistência a inibidores da Mps1. Duas outras mutações, também identificadas em amostras tumorais, são estudadas para melhor compreender a contribuição da Mps1 para a tumorigénese. No entanto, caracterização destas duas mutações não contribuiu para o melhor conhecimento do papel desta quinase neste processo.
Lu, Yi-Fan. "Functional Evaluation of Causal Mutations Identified in Human Genetic Studies." Diss., 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10161/12106.
Full textHuman genetics has been experiencing a wave of genetic discoveries thanks to the development of several technologies, such as genome-wide association studies (GWAS), whole-exome sequencing, and whole genome sequencing. Despite the massive genetic discoveries of new variants associated with human diseases, several key challenges emerge following the genetic discovery. GWAS is known to be good at identifying the locus associated with the patient phenotype. However, the actually causal variants responsible for the phenotype are often elusive. Another challenge in human genetics is that even the causal mutations are already known, the underlying biological effect might remain largely ambiguous. Functional evaluation plays a key role to solve these key challenges in human genetics both to identify causal variants responsible for the phenotype, and to further develop the biological insights from the disease-causing mutations.
We adopted various methods to characterize the effects of variants identified in human genetic studies, including patient genetic and phenotypic data, RNA chemistry, molecular biology, virology, and multi-electrode array and primary neuronal culture systems. Chapter 1 is a broader introduction for the motivation and challenges for functional evaluation in human genetic studies, and the background of several genetics discoveries, such as hepatitis C treatment response, in which we performed functional characterization.
Chapter 2 focuses on the characterization of causal variants following the GWAS study for hepatitis C treatment response. We characterized a non-coding SNP (rs4803217) of IL28B (IFNL3) in high linkage disequilibrium (LD) with the discovery SNP identified in the GWAS. In this chapter, we used inter-disciplinary approaches to characterize rs4803217 on RNA structure, disease association, and protein translation.
Chapter 3 describes another avenue of functional characterization following GWAS focusing on the novel transcripts and proteins identified near the IL28B (IFNL3) locus. It has been recently speculated that this novel protein, which was named IFNL4, may affect the HCV treatment response and clearance. In this chapter, we used molecular biology, virology, and patient genetic and phenotypic data to further characterize and understand the biology of IFNL4. The efforts in chapter 2 and 3 provided new insights to the candidate causal variant(s) responsible for the GWAS for HCV treatment response, however, more evidence is still required to make claims for the exact causal roles of these variants for the GWAS association.
Chapter 4 aims to characterize a mutation already known to cause a disease (seizure) in a mouse model. We demonstrate the potential use of multi-electrode array (MEA) system for the functional characterization and drug testing on mutations found in neurological diseases, such as seizure. Functional characterization in neurological diseases is relatively challenging and available systematic tools are relatively limited. This chapter shows an exploratory research and example to establish a system for the broader use for functional characterization and translational opportunities for mutations found in neurological diseases.
Overall, this dissertation spans a range of challenges of functional evaluations in human genetics. It is expected that the functional characterization to understand human mutations will become more central in human genetics, because there are still many biological questions remaining to be answered after the explosion of human genetic discoveries. The recent advance in several technologies, including genome editing and pluripotent stem cells, is also expected to make new tools available for functional studies in human diseases.
坂口, 大俊, and Hirotoshi Sakaguchi. "Exome sequencing identifies secondary mutations of SETBP1 and JAK3 in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia." Thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2237/18974.
Full textGonzalez, Antonio 1973. "Molecular genetic analysis of TTG1-dependent cell fate pathways identifies a combinatorial Myb/bHLH transcription factor network in Arabidopsis." 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2152/18349.
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Zolj, Sanda. "The arabidopsis ALF3-1 mutation causes autoimmunity in the root and identifies a TIR domain protein." Thesis, 2019. https://hdl.handle.net/2144/37061.
Full text2020-07-12T00:00:00Z