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Kasotaki-Gatopoulou, Argyro. "Nikos Kazantzakis." International Journal of Foreign Studies 4, no. 1 (December 31, 2011): 57.

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Panajotopulos, Nikos, and Lara Unuk. "Nikos Panajotopulos." Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 23, no. 2 (December 29, 2021): 223–28.

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Sodobni grški avtor Níkos Panajotópulos je, čeprav po izobrazbi inženir, vsestranski ustvarjalec na področjih scenske in literarne umetnosti, okrog katerih se vrti vse njegovo poklicno življenje. Slovenskemu bralstvu se je doslej predstavil z romanom Gen za dvom, antiutopičnο pripovedjo o iznajdbi testa, ki naj bi s pomočjo znanosti v ljudeh odkrival gen za ustvarjanje umetnosti. Ta test postane orodje cenzure in represije umetnosti, saj dokazilo o prisotnosti gena šteje več kot umetniški izdelek ali talent. Gen za dvom je kot očitna družbena satira s primesjo avtobiografske motivike značilen za pisateljski slog Nikosa Panajotopulosa, ki je tematsko zelo moderen avtor, njegovi romani so vpeti v družbo tukaj in zdaj in vanjo usmerjajo kritični pogled, ne glede na to idejno podobnost pa so po snovi zelo raznoliki.
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Owens, Lewis. "Nikos Kazantzakis." Philosophers' Magazine, no. 20 (2002): 52.

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Tanga, Fabio. "Nikos Orphanides." Humanitas, no. 83 (June 6, 2024): 141–68.

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Le tormentate vicende politiche relative all’indipendenza di Cipro, ai conflitti etnici tra greco-ciprioti e turco-ciprioti sull’isola e all’invasione turca del 1974, hanno contribuito alla nascita di una generazione di poeti ciprioti, tra cui spicca la figura di Nikos Orphanides, che ha composto due liriche ispirate all’Antigone sofoclea. Il poeta e saggista, originario della zona di Cipro attualmente occupata dalle forze turche, trae ispirazione dalla tragedia dedicata da Sofocle alla figlia di Edipo per identificare in Antigone il paradigma di una relazione amorosa turbolenta, il simbolo della patria perduta e la paladina della lotta per i diritti civili e del diritto alla sepoltura dei caduti greco-ciprioti all’interno delle terre occupate. Così, in una sorta di dittico poetico, Orphanides sviluppa diversi motivi presenti nell’Antigone di Sofocle ricontestualizzandoli nella storia contemporanea dell’isola di Cipro, al fine di offrire un modello archetipico di lotta civile esente da narrazioni edulcorate e da magniloquenti esaltazioni di maniera.
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González-Vaquerizo, Helena. "Nikos Kazantzakis. Almas rotas." Byzantion nea hellás, no. 37 (October 2018): 377–79.

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Karamanos, Nikos. "Editor Profile: Nikos Karamanos." FEBS Journal 288, no. 15 (August 2021): 4442–44.

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Stransky, Thomas, Marios Begzos, and Alain Blancy. "Nikos Nissiotis: Three Sketches." Ecumenical Review 48, no. 4 (October 1996): 466–75.

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Santos, João Victor Rodrigues. "Paródia em Nikos Kazantzákis." Travessias Interativas, no. 29 (May 22, 2023): 135–45.

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Pretendemos voltar nossa atenção à produção narrativa de Nikos Kazantzákis (1883-1957), mais precisamente ao romance O Cristo recrucificado (1971), e investigar quais são os possíveis efeitos da retomada do discurso religioso pelo escritor. Para tanto, faremos uso de contribuições vindas do campo de estudo da Literatura Comparada, como as de Samoyault (2008) e as de Hutcheon (1985), autoras que se detiveram sobre assuntos como intertextualidade e paródia, respectivamente. Postulamos, diante disso, que O Cristo recrucificado pode ser lido sob a ótica de uma paródia (retomada com comentário crítico) da Paixão de Cristo, evento tornado público a partir dos “Evangelhos Sinóticos” de Mateus, Marcos, Lucas e João, na qual Kazantzákis faz uso intertextual de passagens bíblicas para sustentar sua crítica ao cristianismo estabelecido, representado pela Igreja Católica Ortodoxa e por suas autoridades, e enfatizar seu distanciamento dos ideais de Jesus Cristo, conforme trazido pelos Evangelhos.
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Mini, Panayiota. "O Nikos Kazantzakis ston kinimatografo (Nikos Kazantzakis in Cinema), Thanasis Agathos (2017)." Journal of Greek Media & Culture 4, no. 2 (October 1, 2018): 285–88.

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Jasrai, Vibha T. "Nikos Kazantzakis’s Philosophy of Life." RESEARCH REVIEW International Journal of Multidisciplinary 5, no. 9 (September 15, 2020): 274–78.

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Kousouri, Marina. "Le Zeibekiko Long pour Nikos." Recherches en psychanalyse 9, no. 1 (2010): 157.

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Kousouri, Marina. "Le Zeibekiko Long pour Nikos." Recherches en psychanalyse 9, no. 1 (2010): 2017.

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Rundel, Philip W., Margarita Arianoutsou, and Harold A. Mooney. "Nikos S. Margaris 1943–2013." International Journal of Environmental Studies 70, no. 6 (December 2013): 837–38.

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Hagger, Martin S. "In Memory of Nikos Chatzisarantis." Psychology & Health 35, no. 7 (June 12, 2020): 771–73.

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Gulson, Kalervo N. "Nikos Papastergiadis: Cosmopolitanism and culture." Australian Educational Researcher 39, no. 4 (September 27, 2012): 491–99.

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Bien, Peter. "Nikos Kazantzakis's Novels on Film." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 18, no. 1 (2000): 161–69.

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Anayat, Abdelkrim, and Zaid Al-Zuriqat. "Novel and Philosophy for Nikos Kazantzakis." Dirasat: Human and Social Sciences 49, no. 1 (August 2, 2022): 458–70.

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The research extrapolates the great interconnectedness between literature and philosophy of Nikos Kazantzakis. We cannot lose sight of the great connection between literature and philosophy at the moment of the emergence of philosophical thought in the Greeks from the so-called moment of establishment, and this relationship continued until the current crisis, and this is evident in the use of existential philosophy of the novel and play as a means of reporting abstract philosophical ideas. The research found that, the contemporary Greek writer Kazantzakis is considered one of the greatest novelists who have not been separated from philosophical problems. This is due to his philosophical formation by Bergson and Nietzsche. The question of the truth of man, and the question of the body that extended through the history of philosophical and religious thought together, added to this the issue of the symbolic value of art in the human being, which is inseparable from the divine and moral problem. We can also observe Kazantzakis' involvement in postmodern discourse as a post-modern philosophy.
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Unuk, Lara. "Nikos Kazantzakis: Poročilo El Grecu (prevod)." Keria: Studia Latina et Graeca 16, no. 2 (December 31, 2014): 117.

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ROMANJE PO GRČIJITri mesece je trajalo moje romanje po Grčiji. Gore, otoki, vasi, samostani, obale, in še zdaj, ko se po toliko letih tega spominjam, mi srce utripa srečno in nemirno; veliko veselje je v tem, da lahko popotuješ in si ogleduješ Grčijo, veselje in muka.
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Quiroz Pizarro, Roberto. "El ojo hereje de Nikos Kazantzakis." Byzantion nea hellás, no. 37 (October 2018): 357–73.

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Hamilton-Arnold, Caroline. "The Selected Letters of Nikos Kazantzakis." European Legacy 18, no. 6 (October 2013): 770–71.

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Elytis, Odysseus, and Jeffrey Carson. "One-Finger Tunes for Nikos Gatsos." World Literature Today 62, no. 1 (1988): 32.

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Calmettes, Xavier. "Nikos Maurice, L’Infiltré de La Havane." Cahiers des Amériques latines, no. 90 (April 30, 2019): 184–86.

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Antonakes, Michael. "Nikos Kazantzakis and Christ as Hero." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 22, no. 1 (2004): 95–105.

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ندارد, ندارد. "In memoriam Christopher Alexander Nikos Salingaros." Soffeh 32, no. 2 (June 22, 2022): 5–11.

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Urban and architectural theorist Nikos Salingaros, a professor of mathematics at Texas University, San Antonio is affiliated with departments of urbanism in several countries and has made a significant contribution to the understanding of urban planning on a human scale. His important books on various issues in urban and architectural theory are well-known to all members of the profession and academy, especially those seeking for the application of scientific principles in urbanism. Nikos Salingaros has contributed significantly to the New Athens Charter (2003) – an important yet largely neglected document providing timely guidelines for reshaping present mainstream urbanism that still remains under the spell of urban ideology coined by Le Corbusier, Giedion and legions of their followers. A critic of Corbusian doctrines as well as more recent tendencies of urbanism based on stale legacy of Modernism, Nikos Salingaros offers a different approach to the interpretation of contemporary cities and complexity of their functions. He is among those scholars and practitioners who firmly support the principles of urban design promoted by members of the movement known as New Urbanism. Our talk with Nikos Salingaros revolved around the issues of the need to reconsider and reshape our present attitudes prevailing in urbanism.
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Vallespín, Aurelio. "NIKOS A. SALINGAROS - Antiarquitectura y deconstrucción: El triunfo del nihilismo." ZARCH, no. 3 (December 31, 2014): 209.

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Schina, K. "Konstantinos Heliopoulos for Nikos Kachtitsis (an interview)." Kathedra of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, no. 7 (November 26, 2020): 170–84.

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The author Nikos Kachtitsis (1926–1970) is one of the leading representatives of Modern Greek literary epistolography. In most of his letters he expresses his passion for writing. He usually forms a variety of identities of dubious truthfulness, moving between truth and lie, document and fabrication. As in his literature, he often writes stories where he seems to replace truth with its spectrum. This interview attempts to explore this practice in 135 letters addressed to his close friend, the poet and painter George Pavlopoulos. The late psychiatrist and writer Konstantinos Heliopoulos, the only friend of both Kachtitsis’ and Pavlopoulos’ who was still alive at the time of the interview (2014), is the ideal person who can help us validate the liability of the author’s letters. Among other things. the interview highlights the personality of Nikos Kachtitsis, the experiences that decisively influenced his work, his labyrinthine frame of mind, thus adding important information about the author and his literature
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Dombrowski, Daniel A. "Ultimate Reality and Meaning in Nikos Kazantzakis." Ultimate Reality and Meaning 21, no. 3 (September 1998): 177–94.

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Morozova, Nataliia, and Andrii Savenko. "TRANSLATION CHALLENGES OF NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS' "AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL" NOVEL." Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Literary Studies. Linguistics. Folklore Studies, no. 31 (2022): 112–17.

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Kossmann, Perrine. "Nikos Litinas: Greek Ostraca from Chersonesos, Crete." Gnomon 87, no. 2 (2015): 127–33.

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Ottensmann, John R. "Principles of Urban Structure, by Nikos Salingaros." Journal of Regional Science 47, no. 5 (December 2007): 1012–13.

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Dávila Vargas-Machuca, Miguel. "Introducción a Nikos Kazantzakis: trasvases del papel a la gran pantalla." Trasvases entre la literatura y el cine, no. 2 (October 14, 2020): 119–21.

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Morariu, Iuliu-Marius. "Nikos Nissiotis – an Orthodox Approach of the Mission." Philotheos 18, no. 1 (2018): 135–44.

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Mantzourani, Eva. "Nikos Skalkottas: Sets and Styles in the Octet." Musical Times 145, no. 1888 (2004): 73.

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Rentzou, Effie. "Nikos Gatsos'Amorgos, topography and the poetics of modernism." Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 31, no. 2 (September 2007): 191–212.

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Christos Galanopoulos. "Anti-Nihilism in the Thought of Nikos Kazantzakis." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 28, no. 1A (2010): 7–37.

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Karavidas, Yannis. "Surrealism and the Early Poetry of Nikos Engonopoulos." Journal of Modern Greek Studies 5, no. 1 (1987): 33–46.

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Bzinkowski, Michał. ""Akritas" – Nikos Kazantzakis' Little-Known Unrealized Epic Project." Classica Cracoviensia 20 (March 30, 2018): 45–54.

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Kazantzakis’ Odyssey – apart from the abundance of philosophical as well as ideological influences of many different sources which the writer tried to unify into a universal cosmotheory – constitutes a large-scale attempt by a Modern Greek writer to respond to Homeric epic. Yet, the author of Zorba the Greek sketched another epic composition that, according to his vision, aimed at reaching further than his magnum opus. His ambition was to encompass the long-lasting period between Ancient and Modern Greece, namely that of the Byzantine empire and its radiating influence on Greek consciousness and identity. He entitled his project Akritas, thus directly alluding to the only epic poem in Byzantine Greek literature, Digenes Akritas, and its protagonist as well as to acritic songs from Cyprus, where the latter’s name appears. In the present paper I would like to shed some light on Kazantzakis’ approach to Byzantium and its significance in defining the Greek identity through this unfinished sketch that the writer in fact never began.
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Menelaou, Iakovos. "Leprosy and Stigma in Hislop’s Maria s Island." Perichoresis 22, s1 (May 1, 2024): 32–51.

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Abstract In this article, we propose a reading of Victoria Hislop’s Maria ’ s Island through the lens of the medical humanities. The novel belongs to the literary genre of children’s literature and, thus, is meant to be read by children. However, its strong meanings make it an interesting read for the adult reader, as well as the scholar in the fields of literary studies, the medical humanities and medicine. The plot unfolds in the small Greek villages of Plaka and Spinalonga (in Crete) and revolves around a leprosy epidemic. As we are going to see, the locals viewed the disease as a “curse” and a “social stigma,” and not as a medical condition. After a historical account of the disease, its “shame” and “stigma,” we proceed with a detailed analysis of the novel and explain how these notions are manifested. We also analyse how Maria, Anna and Doctor Nikos Kyritsis (three key characters in the story) represent different values and perspectives. On the one hand, Anna reflects the mentality of a conservative society and the view that leprosy carries a social stigma. On the other hand, Maria and Nikos believe that leprosy should be seen like any other disease that needs treatment, and that the leprosy patient is not a “stigmatised” or a “cursed individual.” Maria and Nikos represent the medical community in the novel, as Maria becomes a nurse and Nikos is already a Doctor, and show how medicine, compassion and a feeling of understanding create a safe and secure environment for the patient. Memory and flashback are key elements in the story, as Maria, the main character of the novel, explains to her granddaughter what happened in her village many years ago.
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Dalkavoukis, Vasilis. "Review of Nikos Demertzis, Eleni Paschaloudi and Giorgos Antoniou (eds), Εμφύλιος: Πολιτισμικό τραύμα." Historein 14, no. 2 (October 26, 2014): 147.

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Mathioudakis, N. "Aniforos / The Ascent — A “Lost” Work of Nikos Kazantzakis Nikos Kazantzakis: the Chronicle of the Writing, the Transcription and its Publication." Kathedra of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, no. 7 (November 26, 2020): 108–36.

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Nikos Kazantzakis in 1945(?) writes a work, which remains unknown to this day, entitled “O Aniforos”. The post-war novel is preserved in a manuscript, which is kept in the archive of the Nikos Kazantzakis Museum. The present study deals with the publication course of the work, and especially from its writing in the middle of the 20th century until its first scientific transcription, study and commented edition, which took place about eighty years after the conception of the idea by the Cretan author. It also outlines the literary context of the text, regarding Space, Time, Faces and Plot. In addition, a comparative approach of the “lost” novel is made on the one hand with the other works of the author and on the other hand with the works of Shakespeare, in order to reveal the intertextual hints. Finally, an attempt is made to present the references to the unknown novel, but also to determine the reasons that contributed to the “loss” of the work and to the fact it remained unpublished
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Bobrova, Ol'ga Borisovna. "Russia in travelogues of Nikos Kazantzakis and Kostas Varnalis." Litera, no. 2 (February 2020): 102–11.

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This article is dedicated to compilation of travelogues “Ταξιδεύοντας. Ρουσία” (Journey to Russia) by N. Kazantzakis and “Τι είδα εις την Ρωσσίαν των Σοβιέτ” *What I discovered in Soviet Russia) by K. Varnalis. Similarity of theme of the texts (both authors describe their impression of visiting Russia as the reporters of the large Greek newspapers) allows tracing the impact of subjective factors upon the author’s perception of Soviet Russia and its representation in both texts. The research is based on the parallel review of the theme of both writings and the applied means of creation of the image of Russia. The conducted analysis demonstrates that Nikos Kazantzakis sees Russia and social experiments of the Soviet government in the mystical sense, perceiving the political coup and shift of power in the country as a testimony to the struggle of latent forces that move the human history. Kostas Varnalis in his notes appears as a communist-pragmatic, viewing Russia as an example of establishing just and perfect human society, success of which proves the failure of the bourgeois world order. The travelogues under consideration are insufficiently studied and have not been translated into the Russian language. Their parallel analysis is carried out for the first time, which defines the scientific novelty of this research.
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Şule GÜNGÖR, Feyza. "Toplumsal Belleğe Felsefî ve Edebî Yaklaşımlar: Nikos Kazancakis Örneği." Researcher Social Science Studies 6, Cilt 6 Sayı 1 (January 1, 2018): 197–209.

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GONZÁLEZ VAQUERIZO, HELENA. "LA CIUDAD IDEAL EN LA ODISEA DE NIKOS KAZANTZAKIS." Byzantion nea hellás, no. 32 (November 2013): 247–68.

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Fourrier, Sabine. "Nikos Papadimitriou et Maria Toli (éd.), Aρχαία Kύπρoς. Π." Cahiers du Centre d'Etudes Chypriotes, no. 47 (December 1, 2017): 353–56.

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Karagkiozopoulos, T. "Russia’s travel experience in the work of Nikos Kazantzakis." Kathedra, no. 8 (2021): 57–75.

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Abal Medina, Paula. "Escritos urgentes. Nikos Poulantzas y el eurocomunismo de izquierda." Andamios, Revista de Investigación Social 8, no. 17 (September 1, 2011): 287.

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El presente artículo ensaya dos recorridos para analizar la productividad teórica y política del último libro del pensador greco-francés Nikos Poulantzas. En el primero, se reflexiona sobre su propuesta de articulación de socialismo y democracia. En este marco se enfoca la singularidad poulantziana pero situada históricamente en lo que se denominó el eurocomunismo. El segundo recorrido, analiza la influencia foucaultiana en su perspectiva relacional y su abordaje del poder. Aquí se trata de preocupaciones que se inscriben en “el 68” en tanto momento de visibilización de otros sujetos, espacios y resistencias sociales. A propósito de dicha influencia también se destaca la que se considera distancia irreductible entre ambos autores que se vinculacon la ponderación que cada uno otorga a la lucha de clases.
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DARAKHVELIDZE, Tinatin. "Nikos Kazantzakis’s Writing Style in the Original and Translation." Logos Universality Mentality Education Novelty: Philosophy and Humanistic Sciences 7, no. 2 (January 13, 2019): 15–31.

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Bouteneff, Patricia Fann. "God's struggler. Religion in the writings of Nikos Kazantzakis." Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 22, no. 1 (January 1998): 315–17.

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Jansen, Ludger. "Nikos Psarros, Katinka Schulte Ostermann (Eds.), Facets of Sociality." Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 12, no. 3 (December 23, 2008): 323–24.

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