Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Nikos'
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Papadopoulou, Sophia-Sania. "Nikos et le Mec-Art." Paris 1, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA010501.
Full textBarbe, Michelle. "Nikos Kavvadias, poète de la séparation." Paris 4, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA040214.
Full textThe Greek contemporary writer Nikos Kavvadias still remains a marginal artist in spite of the success of his works. Reflecting his trade as a radio-operator in the Navy,his writings do restore the sents of separation. .
Georgiadou, Eleni. "Nikos Kazantzaki et la culture française." Thesis, Avignon, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014AVIG1137/document.
Full textThis thesis proposes a bibliographic and literary journey in the life and work of Nikos Kazantzaki (1883-1957), his relation to the French language and culture, their influence on his vision of the world and his creation. It is a research on the elements of French culture in the work of Nikos Kazantzaki and more specifically in the two novels written directly in French, Toda-Raba and The Rock Garden. Kazantzaki, a contemporary Ulysses, travels in the world with amazement, discovering the richness of the human reality, acting instead of being acted by it! An insatiable worker of the spirit, he does not stop proclaiming the beautiful universal virtues: Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood, and Human Dignity! His essential concern: to transform the flesh into spirit; to transmit the seed of his writings, that rich inheritance of love, to the posterity, leaving nothing to Charon, except a few bones! He weaves his cocoon of poetry, similar to a silk worm, and leaves the seed of its immortal creation as a link between past and future. The joy of learning, the passion for languages, beauty, art, grace and tenderness, join in that multicultural jewel , Kazantzaki’s work, to dance on the rhythm and breath of life! Bergson is the central figure of the French culture in Kazantzaki’s creation. His theories on real duration, on matter and spirit, on creative evolution and the élan vital, on language and art as a means of communication between nature and god, a god who changes and is reinvented in the human fables, a god who waits for men in order to save them, to create life together with them, will be the river of French culture crossing Kazantzaki’s work and leading him to freedom, to God!
Kordelou, Angeliki. "Les quatuors à cordes de Nikos Skalkottas." Paris 4, 2007. http://www.theses.fr/2007PA040261.
Full textThis study introduces to the life and the string quartets of the Greek composer Nikos Skalkottas (1904-1949). It comprises a critical biographical study of the composer and a brief presentation of the greek and german social-political and artistic environment in which he had been instructed and had lived as composer. However, the main thrust of the study is analytical and concerned with Skalkottas compositional procedures connected to atonality, twelve-note method and extended tonality. In addition to it, the study provides an examination of the treatment and adaptation of several compositional features (such as form, harmonic construction, rhythm, texture, timbre) within the context of his musical systems. Moreover, it demonstrates the particularities of his personal adaptation of those systems in relation to the context of the Second Viennese School and the influences issued from musical genres outside the occidental tradition. This study aims at a global appreciation and comprehension of his music
Wallburger, Nikos [Verfasser]. "Raumordnung und Raumbegründung in politischen Umbruchszeiten / Nikos Wallburger." Frankfurt : Peter Lang GmbH, Internationaler Verlag der Wissenschaften, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1080461612/34.
Full textChristoforou, Efthymia. "Nikos Kazantzakis : antinomies et unité d'une idéologie romanesque." Paris 10, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA100182.
Full textI have tried in the present work to approach Kazantzakis by studding textually each one of his six novels written between 1943 and 1955. By introducing myself within the different texts, I found a world of antinomies which haunt Kazantzakis and are as well the poles on which pivot its works. The mystery or the mechanism of this universe in movement resides in an ideological system preconceived by the author that we find in askitiki, and that I tried to reconstruct in due order in the four stages set forth by this essay
Christoforou, Efthymia. "Nikos Kazantzaki antinomies et unité d'une idéologie romanesque." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37596734r.
Full textRamopoulou, Lorenda. "La musique pour piano solo de Nikos Skalkottas." Thesis, Paris 4, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA040017.
Full textThis thesis is a research into the style and influences on the solo piano works of Nikos Skalkottas (1904-1949). For the first time the composer is considered in relation to the pianistic milieu he was acquainted with during his Berlin years (1921-1933) and his oeuvre is examined in the light of its various references. A specific analytical methodology emerges from these influences, aiming at facilitating the performer’s work and revealing the stylistic components of the pieces. The refinement of the timbre in the playing of Berlin pianists in the interwar years, enhanced by the “coloured sound” of the Bechstein historical pianos, acquires a special importance. It leads to a series of analyses and graphs, showing the role of texture and timbre as compositional elements in Skalkottas’s piano music. The graphs, meant for the use of pianists, reveal an interaction between texture and form. This is complemented by the study of the piano pieces grouped according to their references; they extend from baroque music and Beethoven to dance jazz, light music, and Greek music elements. Both approaches can be justified from the study of primary sources, used for the first time in relation to this repertoire, and are complementary. By offering pianists new tools for its interpretation, the aim is to facilitate the access to this music and help its further promotion
Di, Pietro Federica <1996>. "Nikos Kazantzakis e il suo viaggio in Cina." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/19377.
Full textQiu, Kui. "Heroic nihilism: Buddhism in the work of Nikos Kazantzakis." The Ohio State University, 1992. http://rave.ohiolink.edu/etdc/view?acc_num=osu1392113274.
Full textFotiou, Mikela. "The cinematic work of Nikos Nikolaidis and female representation." Thesis, University of Glasgow, 2015. http://theses.gla.ac.uk/6729/.
Full textBadell, Giralt Helena. "L'amor en el surrealisme grec: Andreas Embirikos i Nikos Engonópoulos." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Barcelona, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/392700.
Full textL'objectif de cette thèse est d'analyser comment Embirikos et Engonopoulos, deux poètes grecs qui se réclament du surréalisme, construisent une poétique de l'amour. Considérant la découverte de l'amour comme étant liée à la découverte d'une poétique, dans cette étude on analyse la création d'une langue poétique qui forme les émotions liées à l'amour et l'image merveilleuse de l'autre. Pour cette étude, nous partons d'une exigence philologique, c'est-à-dire, de la lecture attentive à la lettre des textes. En même temps, l'orientation de la thèse est nettement comparatiste : y sont étudiés les rapports du surréalisme grec avec le surréalisme français et aussi le rapport de la littérature avec d'autres sphères culturelles, spécialement celles dans lesquelles étaient immergés Embirikos et Engonopoulos, c'est-à-dire, la psychanalyse et la peinture. Dans l'état de la question sont exposées les raisons probables pour lesquelles une étude comparative de l'amour chez les deux auteurs grecs généralement reconnus comme « Dioscures du surréalisme grec » n'a pas encore eu lieu. Quelques-unes de ces raisons ont à avoir au grand poids qu'ont eu d'autres questions pour la critique –comme l'« hellénité » ou la position politique des surréalistes– ainsi que la grande différence entre les deux auteurs par rapport à l'amour. Embirikos aspire à l'explosion du plaisir, de telle manière que l'érotisme est partout, tandis qu' Engonopoulos tisse une œuvre qui joue avec les contradictions et les énigmes en créant des images ambigües de l'amour et de la femme. Après cette introduction, sont analysés, dans une première partie, la possibilité de penser l'amour et l'amour surréaliste. Nous partons de la vision de l'amour comme manque, qui porte à voir dans l'objet imaginaire que constitue l'autre le siège de toutes les idéalisations. C'est ainsi que l'amour et l'autre deviennent, dans la poésie, une création langagière. Les surréalistes considèrent l'amour comme la solution à tous les problèmes de la vie en même temps qu'ils l'identifient à la poésie même. L'amour et l'écriture deviennent une ouverture à l'autre. C'est sous ce prisme, donc, que sont étudiées les questions de la « voix surréaliste », de la mythologie qui se crée autour du « merveilleux » et de la « beauté convulsive » –c'est-à-dire, de tout ce qui peut remuer le plus profondément la sensibilité des poètes, dans la vie et dans le langage poétique–, pour passer ensuite à l'étude de l'image de la femme. Dans la deuxième partie, l'analyse d'Embirikos et d'Engonopoulos part de la comparaison du surréalisme français avec les propositions poétiques élaborées dans son œuvre. Ce sont le « poème évènement » chez Embirikos, c'est-à-dire, la possibilité d'écrire le devenir même du poème, (et non pas une description ou une idée préconçue), ce qui est étroitement lié à l'« extériorisation », le processus de recherche dans l'inconscient qui se trouve dans la poétique d'Embirikos. Pour Engonopoulos, nous partons de l'idée d'une poésie métaphysique, liée à la pensée grecque comme recherche d'éternité ainsi qu' à la peinture métaphysique de De Chirico, qui prend corps dans la parole poétique d'Engonopoulos dans les distorsions spatiales et les contradictions avec lesquelles jouent ses poèmes. Ensuite sont étudiés les formes d'apparition des émotions chez Embirikos et chez Engonópulos, en portant une attention spéciale à des concepts comme « αγαλλίασις » (« exultation »), « ολοκλήρωσις » (« complétude ») et « χαρά » (« joie »), pour passer ensuite à comment est ressentie la présence de la mort, si éludée, si moquée, mais si présente. Au dernier chapitre, nous retournons à la comparaison avec Breton, pour voir comment s'articulent en comparaison avec le surréalisme français la « poésie spermatique » d'Embirikos et l'amour ambivalent d'Engonopoulos, entre la « joie » et la « tristesse » dans « Dès que minuit sonne » et entre l'espoir et la violence dans « Orphée ». Dans la troisième partie, l'analyse se centre sur la figure de l'Autre : de la parole et la langue dans un premier chapitre, de la femme dans un deuxième. La langue d'Embirikos et d'Engonopoulos, qualifiée comme « mixte » (c'est-à-dire, combinant de formes de la langue démotique et de formes de la « katharevousa » ou « langue pure ») avait provoqué un grand scandale au moment de l'apparition de leurs œuvres. Nous analysons ici comment cette langue est ressentie par les poètes comme une figure de l'autre, comme venue directement de l'inconscient chez Embirikos, comme un objet d'amour chez Engonopoulos. Nous analysons en même temps comment cette langue est créatrice de l'amour et comment elle s'identifie à l'autre grand objet d'amour, la femme. Dans l'étude de cette figure, de la femme, nous partons de la possible contradiction que pourrait supposer le fait de voir la femme comme autre, comme quelqu'un étranger qui vient « me donner de mes nouvelles », selon les mots de Breton, et en même temps comme une création. Pour ce faire nous analysons l'image de la femme qui se dégage des textes où Embirikos et Engonopoulos se réfèrent à la poétique l'un de l'autre, pour passer à l'étude des conditions dans lesquelles ont lieu l'épiphanie de la femme et la rencontre avec elle, en premier, et sa construction littérale, ensuite, en analysant les noms communs, les pronoms et les noms propres qui lui sont attribués. C'est ainsi que nous arrivons à l'image d'une femme présente et absente, la femme plongé dans son plaisir chez Embirikos, désirée, fuyante et parfois inquiétante chez Engonopoulos. Le surréalisme amène les deux auteurs à une ouverture à l'autre, de laquelle naît la création d'une poétique de l'amour. Chez Embirikos, amour et poésie s'identifient à la recherche dans le psychisme. Toute la corporalité de son œuvre, l'érotisation de l'univers ainsi que son utopie du futur sont nouées à la psyché et à la parole, au « dire », à la possibilité d'« extérioriser ». Pour Engonopoulos les mots sont révélateurs des tourments de l'amour, la femme est révélatrice de la parole et, en même temps, image du secret qui, en étant indicible, devient salvateur.
Bernardes, Carolina Donega [UNESP]. "A Odisséia de Nikos Kazantzakis: epopéia moderna do heroísmo trágico." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/106325.
Full textFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O tema da viagem de Odisseu foi largamente retomado pela tradição literária após a Odisséia de Homero, seja para confirmar o ideal do herói nostálgico, que anseia o retorno à pátria, seja para reafirmar o ímpeto do eterno navegador de mares. Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) igualmente retoma o Odisseu lendário, insatisfeito com o retorno ao lar, como seu protótipo de herói e constrói, na modernidade, o poema épico Odisséia (1938), a partir do canto XXII no verso 477 do poema de Homero, sendo Odisseu levado a um novo itinerário ao deixar Ítaca definitivamente. Embora se baseie na obra clássica, recuperando personagens e a estrutura épica, Kazantzakis participa de seu tempo, compondo um novo Odisseu representante do mundo moderno, próximo das filosofias de Nietzsche e de Bergson. Como figura “entre mundos”, o Odisseu de Kazantzakis recupera as antigas delineações de Homero e incorpora as questões da modernidade: o niilismo, a desesperança, a multiplicidade. No entanto, além de prolongar os feitos de Odisseu e a narrativa de Homero, Kazantzakis compõe um poema épico de dimensões admiráveis – 33.333 versos de 17 sílabas poéticas, em 24 cantos – contrariando (e reafirmando) as intenções inovadoras de seus contemporâneos da primeira metade do século XX. A epopéia configura na modernidade um gênero considerado esgotado, que teria dado lugar ao romance como gênero mais apropriado às produções modernas. Esta investigação, no entanto, procura evidenciar que o épico de Kazantzakis, ainda que represente um anacronismo em tempos modernos e, para muitos, uma afronta às normas estéticas, é, assim como muitas das obras de sua época, a confirmação das intenções inovadoras em tempos de crise, por meio da incorporação de uma trajetória filosófica de Odisseu baseada no niilismo heróico de cunho nietzschiano e na evolução criadora de Bergson...
The theme of Odysseus‟ journey was broadly retaken by the literary tradition after Homer‟s Odyssey, whether to confirm the nostalgic ideal of the hero yearning to return to his homeland, or to reaffirm the impetus of the eternal navigator. Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) also incorporates as his prototypical hero the legendary Odysseus, unhappy about returning home, and writes, in the modernity, the epic poem Odyssey (1938), based on the canto XXII and on the verse 477 of Homer‟s poem, and taking Odysseus to a new route when he leaves Ithaca for good. Although based on the classic work, restoring its characters and its epic structure, Kazantzakis takes part of his own time, creating a new Odysseus, now representative of the modern world, and close to the philosophies of Nietzsche and Bergson. As a figure “between worlds”, Kazantzakis‟s Odysseus recovers the old delineations of Homer and incorporates the issues of modernity: nihilism, hopelessness, and multiplicity. However, besides prolonging Odysseus‟ prowess and Homer‟s narrative, Kazantzakis wrote an epic poem of remarkable dimensions –– 33,333 verses of 17 poetic syllables, along 24 Cantos –– contradicting (and reassuring) the innovative intentions of his contemporaries in the first half of the 20th century. In the modernity, epic poetry configures a genre considered to be already exhausted, and which would have given rise to the novel as a genre much more suitable to the modern productions. This research, however, intends to show that the Kazantzakis‟s epopee, even being an anachronism in the modern times and, for many, an affront to aesthetic standards, is, like many of the works of his time, the confirmation of innovative intentions that take place in times of crisis, through the incorporation of a philosophical trajectory of Odysseus based upon Nietzsche‟s heroic nihilism and on Bergson‟s ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Sousamoglou, Antonios. "An interpretational approach to the Violin Concerto of Nikos Skalkottas." Thesis, City University London, 2008. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.511770.
Full textLi, Qinglin [Verfasser], and Nikos [Akademischer Betreuer] Logothetis. "Study of stable motion perception / Qinglin Li ; Betreuer: Nikos Logothetis." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1196700524/34.
Full textPalma, Paz Alejandro. "Arte y realidad en la tragedia Buda de Nikos Kazantzakis." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2012. http://www.repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/110918.
Full textFacultad de Filosofía y Humanidades
En base a esta breve exposición del argumento,propondremos en esta investigación que Buda, al contener diversas problemáticas que su autor compendia en la novela autobiográfica Carta al Greco, puede leerse como una obra que tensiona los elementos propuestos por la concepción artística que de ella se desprende. El escritor cretense fija su concepción artística en un absoluto que busca la síntesis de las distintas contradicciones que emanan de la vida. Por ello, la figura de Buda aparece como un camino de liberación y trascendencia de los fenómenos empíricos que sustentan la realidad. Esto adquiere un sentido mayor teniendo en cuenta los ejercicios espirituales que Kazantzakis profesa en Ascesis, donde presenta una serie etapas que llevan a la liberación búdica por medio de la renuncia.
Bernardes, Carolina Dônega. "A Odisséia de Nikos Kazantzakis : epopéia moderna do heroísmo trágico /." São José do Rio Preto : [s.n.], 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/106325.
Full textBanca: Miguel Castillo Didier
Banca: Constança Terezinha Marcondes Cesar
Banca: Arnaldo Franco Júnior
Banca: Orlando Nunes Amorim
Resumo: O tema da viagem de Odisseu foi largamente retomado pela tradição literária após a Odisséia de Homero, seja para confirmar o ideal do herói nostálgico, que anseia o retorno à pátria, seja para reafirmar o ímpeto do eterno navegador de mares. Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) igualmente retoma o Odisseu lendário, insatisfeito com o retorno ao lar, como seu protótipo de herói e constrói, na modernidade, o poema épico Odisséia (1938), a partir do canto XXII no verso 477 do poema de Homero, sendo Odisseu levado a um novo itinerário ao deixar Ítaca definitivamente. Embora se baseie na obra clássica, recuperando personagens e a estrutura épica, Kazantzakis participa de seu tempo, compondo um novo Odisseu representante do mundo moderno, próximo das filosofias de Nietzsche e de Bergson. Como figura "entre mundos", o Odisseu de Kazantzakis recupera as antigas delineações de Homero e incorpora as questões da modernidade: o niilismo, a desesperança, a multiplicidade. No entanto, além de prolongar os feitos de Odisseu e a narrativa de Homero, Kazantzakis compõe um poema épico de dimensões admiráveis - 33.333 versos de 17 sílabas poéticas, em 24 cantos - contrariando (e reafirmando) as intenções inovadoras de seus contemporâneos da primeira metade do século XX. A epopéia configura na modernidade um gênero considerado esgotado, que teria dado lugar ao romance como gênero mais apropriado às produções modernas. Esta investigação, no entanto, procura evidenciar que o épico de Kazantzakis, ainda que represente um anacronismo em tempos modernos e, para muitos, uma afronta às normas estéticas, é, assim como muitas das obras de sua época, a confirmação das intenções inovadoras em tempos de crise, por meio da incorporação de uma trajetória filosófica de Odisseu baseada no niilismo heróico de cunho nietzschiano e na evolução criadora de Bergson... (Resumo completo clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: The theme of Odysseus‟ journey was broadly retaken by the literary tradition after Homer‟s Odyssey, whether to confirm the nostalgic ideal of the hero yearning to return to his homeland, or to reaffirm the impetus of the eternal navigator. Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1957) also incorporates as his prototypical hero the legendary Odysseus, unhappy about returning home, and writes, in the modernity, the epic poem Odyssey (1938), based on the canto XXII and on the verse 477 of Homer‟s poem, and taking Odysseus to a new route when he leaves Ithaca for good. Although based on the classic work, restoring its characters and its epic structure, Kazantzakis takes part of his own time, creating a new Odysseus, now representative of the modern world, and close to the philosophies of Nietzsche and Bergson. As a figure "between worlds", Kazantzakis‟s Odysseus recovers the old delineations of Homer and incorporates the issues of modernity: nihilism, hopelessness, and multiplicity. However, besides prolonging Odysseus‟ prowess and Homer‟s narrative, Kazantzakis wrote an epic poem of remarkable dimensions -- 33,333 verses of 17 poetic syllables, along 24 Cantos -- contradicting (and reassuring) the innovative intentions of his contemporaries in the first half of the 20th century. In the modernity, epic poetry configures a genre considered to be already exhausted, and which would have given rise to the novel as a genre much more suitable to the modern productions. This research, however, intends to show that the Kazantzakis‟s epopee, even being an anachronism in the modern times and, for many, an affront to aesthetic standards, is, like many of the works of his time, the confirmation of innovative intentions that take place in times of crisis, through the incorporation of a philosophical trajectory of Odysseus based upon Nietzsche‟s heroic nihilism and on Bergson‟s ...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)
Carpouzis, Dimitrios. "Exotisme et au-delà dans la poésie de Nikos Kavvadias." Paris, INALCO, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004INAL0021.
Full textWith the present thesis, it is attempted to prove the basic aesthetic characteristic of Kavvadia's poetry, which is the exotism which explain in a high grade his effect to the public, something that has been given back until now to the matter of poetry and has been derived from mariners life. After have made clear the concept of exotism and the reasons, due to which Greek literature and literary research ignored or misunderstood the way of expression, the study follows the initial development of the poet through literary comparisons. The biographical particularities confirm the attachment of Kavvadias to exotosm like a concept and life attitude. The detailed analysis of all the poems, published and unpublished, reveals the process of this way of writing and examines the means that have been used in the expression of exotism. The study to its proving development illuminates the successive elaborations of the exotism in Kavvadia's texts. The originality of the adopted approach has simultaneously the advantage to face the questions, set by the interpreters, on new bases. The proposed answers overcome the obstacles which the critic stumbles on and offers new perspectives concerning the evaluation of literal value of a poetry adored by the readers but almost ignored by the theorists. The thesis is being completed by a literal annex of all Kavvadia's poetry which supports the developed ideas in it's main body and completes the bibliographical missing part in this field
Niftanidou, Théocharoula. "Georges Perec et Nikos-Gabriel Pentzikis : une poétique du minimal." Paris 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA030028.
Full textNiftanidou, Théocharoula. "Georges Perec et Nikos-Gabriel Pentzikis : une poétique du minimal /." Paris ; Budapest ; Torino : l'Harmattan, 2004. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb39141586s.
Full textYarnelle, David. "Conceiving American Chekhov: Nikos Psacharopoulos and the Williamstown Theatre Festival." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/291967.
Full textBogiatzis, Demetris. "Free spirit : a historical novel on the life of Nikos Kazantzakis." Thesis, University of Surrey, 2018. http://epubs.surrey.ac.uk/849619/.
Full textVouyouca, Athena. "Fables, paraboles, anecdotes et rêves dans l'oeuvre romanesque de Nikos Kazantzaki." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1988STR20010.
Full textThis thesis examines how short narratives inserted in the form of tales, parables, anecdotes and dreams function in kazantzakis' novels. Their basic form together with their origin are firts considered : and then their formal relation to the enveloping texts. This discussion concerns in particular their insertion in a discourse which carries a philosophical stance ; the elaboration of their form by virtue of their function in illustrating this stance ; the question of the narrators and the receivers of the tales, etc. ; and the resultinf discontinuity in the enveloping text. This is followed by ac study of semantic relations between the tales etc. And the enveloping texts : a litteral sense on one hand and a referential sense on the other. Our notion of referentiality is justified by an appeal to objects existing outside the texts themselves. In conclusion it is demonstrated that kazantzakis use of tales. Has its place in the more general frame of a lyricism conveyed in prose
Petitjean-Lioulias, Sophie. "Albert Camus - Nikos Kazantzaki : D'une rive à l'autre ou l'itinéraire méditerranéen." Angers, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998ANGE0009.
Full textWhereas Nikos Kazantzaki, a greek author, was born in Crete in 1883, albert camus, a french author, came into the world in Algeria in 1913. Although they grew on opposite shores, both belong to the mediterranean world. Is this common heritage sufficient to establish a hiriship between them ? From childhood to manhood, from instinctive life to the shaping of a certain type of relationship to the world, also taking into account their ethical and philosophical choices, it is the mediterranean itinerary of Albert Camus and Nikos Kazantzaki that we have attempted to follow, in order to determine how they related to their terra mater, their homeland. Were they faithful to the last to that mare nostrum on the shores of which they were born ? Inheritors or prodigal sons, where did their ulyssean voyage eventually lead them, across an affective, moral and intellectual mediterranean sea ? And, since it is at the origin of their personal history, did the mediterranean remain at the heart of their reflection as men and writers, a living source that never dried up ?
Kokkinidi, Evangelia. "The Modern Greek literary tradition in the major novels of Nikos Kazantzakis." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 2015. https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/the-modern-greek-literary-tradition-in-the-major-novels-of-nikos-kazantzakis(0abb6a70-ff32-4e79-b28c-3c9ce6d74a2a).html.
Full textBrncic, Becker Carolina. "Lectura comparada del Mito de Prometeo en el romanticismo y Nikos Kazantzakis." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2003. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/108785.
Full textZaldivar, Perez Jose Daniel [Verfasser], and Nikos [Akademischer Betreuer] Logothetis. "Effects of neuromodulation on neurovascular coupling / Jose Daniel Zaldivar Perez ; Betreuer: Nikos Logothetis." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1197610820/34.
Full textTsioutis, Annini. "Les 32 Pièces pour piano de Nikos Skalkottas : éclairage analytique et approche pianistique." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUL153.
Full textThe thesis examines the relationship between gesture and composition in the 32 Piano Pièces (1940) by Skalkottas. Following the identification of the various influences perceptible in the corpus, a thorough study of the pianistic notation of the composer is undertaken. Why are the 32 Piano Pièces not often performed? The answer is their technical difficulty. The legitimacy of an in-depth study of the appropriate pianistic gesture for their interpretation is thus confirmed. The term compositional procedure is proposed to describe composing techniques in Skalkottas’s work, which can be traced back to great masters of the past. These are not noteworthy per se, but become so when they are combined with pianistic gestures for the formal articulation of the pieces. The research question we propose to examine, through the combined analysis of pianistic gestures and compositional procedures, is supported by the evolution of the relationship between the two dimensions, the physical and the written aspect. The symbols in Sandor’s pianistic method are retrieved, completed by other symbols and applied in a gestural analysis of the 32 Piano Pieces. They are then combined with new symbols proposed by the author, designating compositional procedures. A selection of pieces is analyzed, culminating in the suggestion of the term distillation, to highlight how Skalkottas organically assimilated various influences. The question of whether the corpus constitutes a pianistic cycle or not, is also examined. Vol. II contains a complete critical edition of the 32 Piano Pieces, based on the detailed comparison of the two existing autograph manuscripts. The thesis is accompanied by interviews with pianists who have performed the pieces
Brncic, Becker Carolina. "Tragedia y existencia : Nikos Kazantzakis en el horizonte de la tragedia y lo trágico." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2012. http://www.repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/111239.
Full textLicenciada en artes, mención en teoría e historia del arte
La interrogante que organiza este estudio es la pregunta por la vigencia y el sentido de la tragedia en una supuesta época postrágica a partir de la obra del escritor cretense Nikos Kazantzakis (1883-1956). Si la interrogación requiere antes que nada una indagación básica en el género como categoría transhistórica, con sus diversas actualizaciones empíricas, y como forma de significación que exhibe una experiencia trágica, surgen tres líneas de desarrollo que organizan y traman la reflexión a lo largo de este estudio: la relación entre tragedia y crisis histórica, el vínculo entre tragedia y experiencia existencial, y la delimitación del género como forma estética. Cada una de estas tres líneas es examinada y tramada para conformar un horizonte de inteligibilidad que permita discernir la especificidad de la tragedia y lo trágico, articulando ciertos momentos y genealogías históricas decisivas que llevan o se verifican luego de manera ejemplar en la escritura trágica de Kazantzakis. El vínculo entre tragedia y crisis histórica queda establecido como premisa inicial, postulándose a la tragedia como una forma de significación sincrética de la realidad exigida por coyunturas históricas que cabe llamar de crisis de mundo –verificadas puntualmente en los cronotopos o momentos trágicos del siglo VI a.C, el período renacentista inglés y la coyuntura existencial de 1850-1950–. Si estas crisis se caracterizan fundamentalmente por generar una experiencia de la fractura de lo humano y lo divino, la fractura es recreada en la tragedia, agudizándola y poniendo en escena la condición humana como problemática y dolorosa. Es así como esta primera premisa o línea de desarrollo se trama con un segundo postulado, a saber, el de la relación entre tragedia y experiencia existencial, la cual es delimitada postulando al género como forma de significación ejemplar que interroga y escenifica el proceso de constitución del ser. Es lo que se verifica tanto en la actualización empírica del género –la tragedia ática, la tragedia renacentista inglesa y la tragedia kazantzakiana– como en el discurso teórico sobre la tragedia y lo trágico –particularmente dentro del vasto proceso teórico en la reflexión que lleva desde Aristóteles hasta Kierkegaard, Nietzsche y Jaspers–. La tercera línea de trabajo, la demarcación del género, se establece delimitando las propiedades formales, temáticas y pragmáticas que distinguen al archigénero histórico, lo que permite proponer dos variantes para la tragedia de Kazantzakis: la especie patética y la especie trascendente. Estas tres líneas de interrogación cruzan pues todo el estudio, el cual se estructura en dos grandes partes: la primera, que abarca los tres primeros capítulos, traza el horizonte de la tragedia y lo trágico, iluminando su proceso histórico y teórico; la segunda parte, que comprende los capítulos cuarto y quinto, analiza la escritura trágica de Kazantzakis. Ésta es definida como praxis vital que arranca de una experiencia crítica y desgarradora –la crisis individual que surge como correlato de la crisis histórico-existencial que caracteriza al período 1850-1950–, lo que la lleva a manifestarse como una escritura sanguínea, teúrgica y resistente que busca la salvación de Dios, persiguiendo un absoluto espiritual y estético. La dimensión trágica de la escritura, como proyección de la “tragedia del escritor”, se analiza finalmente en tres piezas representativas de tres especies de tragedia: Juliano para la especie patética, Kouros para la especie trascendente y Buda como expresión de un metateatro que “resuelve” la tragedia representada en él.
Mantzourani, Evangelia. "Nikos Skalkottas : a bibliographical study and an investigation of his twelve-note compositional processes." Thesis, King's College London (University of London), 1999. https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/en/theses/nikos-skalkottas--a-bibliographical-study-and-an-investigation-of-his-twelvenote-compositional-processes(ac11ee00-46f6-4fd4-a1d3-b47cfc6790aa).html.
Full textAmavi, Ayité Ayi-Koutou. "Jésus, personnage de roman : chez Fédor Dostoïevski, Joseph Delteil, Robert Graves et Nikos Kazantzakis." Montpellier 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MON30024.
Full textJesus is at the heart of a religious belief. Made fictional character, he loses his holy character and becomes a hero of all the possible fictional adventures. By an approach comparatiste of the texts of Graves, of Kazantzakis, of Dostoïevski and of Delteil of our corpus, we have come out these results: Graves more mythological than exegete suggests a rereading of the gospels, Kazantzakis creates a communist Christ, a legendary hero who tries to save the greek people continually threatened and who dies in the same way as Jesus. Dostoïevski does'nt trust the roman catholicism of the west. He creates a russian Christ, only capable, according to him, to save humanity. With his gallic Jesus II, Delteil takes it out on the pope to whom he reproaches to be unaware of his true mission. Jesus II enlist the pope in a General Mobilization. Conscious of his faiture, he takes refuge in his maquis where the fate of the crucified catches him
Mantzourani, Evangelia. "Nikos Skalkottas a biographical study and an investigation of his twelve-note compositional processes /." Online version, 1999. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?did=1&uin=uk.bl.ethos.325939.
Full textHarrison, Jen. "Incarnations: exploring the human condition through Patrick White's Voss and Nikos Kazantzakis' Captain Michales." Thesis, The University of Sydney, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/671.
Full textHarrison, Jen. "Incarnations exploring the human condition through Patrick White's Voss and Nikos Kazantzakis' Captain Michales /." Connect to full text, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/671.
Full textTitle from title screen (viewed 16 May 2008). Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy to the Dept. of Modern Greek. Includes bibliographical references. Also available in print form.
Green, Nikos [Verfasser]. "Decision making mechanisms in the human brain : The case of the decision threshold / Nikos Green." Berlin : Freie Universität Berlin, 2013. http://d-nb.info/1033790052/34.
Full textOwens, Lewis. "Creative destruction : Nikos Kazantzakis, the abyss of rebirth and the transitional age to authentic existence." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2000. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.621684.
Full textVourtsīs, Iakōvos M. "La poétique surréaliste : versification et figures rhétoriques, le cas d'Andreas Embiricos et de Nikos Engonopoulos." Paris 4, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989PA040154.
Full textHarrison, Jen. "Incarnations: exploring the human condition through Patrick White�s Voss and Nikos Kazantzakis� Captain Michales." University of Sydney. School of Modern Languages and Cultures, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/2123/671.
Full textFilias, Dimitris N. "Deux curés de campagne dans la littérature du XXème siècle étude sur le "Journal d'un curé de campagne" de Georges Bernanos et "Les Frères ennemis" de Nikos Kazantzakis." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb375981290.
Full textGlocker, Benjamin M. [Verfasser], Nikos Akademischer Betreuer] Paragios, and Nassir [Akademischer Betreuer] [Navab. "Random Fields for Image Registration / Benjamin M. Glocker. Gutachter: Nikos Paragios ; Nassir Navab. Betreuer: Nassir Navab." München : Universitätsbibliothek der TU München, 2011. http://d-nb.info/1014329884/34.
Full textPapanikolaou, Amalia [Verfasser], and Nikos K. [Akademischer Betreuer] Logothetis. "Functional Neuroimaging of Cortical Plasticity in the Human Visual System / Amalia Papanikolaou ; Betreuer: Nikos K. Logothetis." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1163397032/34.
Full textKouloumprí-Ghazal, Elpída. "La pensée sociale de Nicos Nicolai͏̈dis à travers son oeuvre littéraire." Montpellier 3, 1989. http://www.theses.fr/1989MON30028.
Full textCurry, Jane. "Balkan Ecumene and Synthesis in Selected Compositions for Classical Guitar by Dusan Bogdanovic, Nikos Mamangakis and Ian Krouse." Diss., The University of Arizona, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/195587.
Full textGrigoropoulou, Marina. "Mémoire et imagination dans « Le labyrinthe du monde » de Marguerite Yourcenar et la « Lettre au Greco » de Nikos Kazantzaki." Thesis, Paris 3, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009PA030031.
Full textMarguerite Yourcenar’s The Labyrinth of the world and Nikos Kazantzaki’s Report to Greco constitute the personal and familial narratives of the authors, written around the end of their lives and belonging generally to personal literature. Between a desire for the truth on one hand, and the erosion of time and the transformations of the conscience on the other, objective reminiscence and imaginary intervention coexist. Memory and imagination are therefore constitutive components of the Works, making difficult a determination of their exact genre. In this thesis, we explore each as well as their connections with each other. For the analysis of memory, of time, of consciousness and of fantasia, we will call upon philosophy and above all a phenomenological approach ; for the study of images of experience elaborated by the unconscious, we will direct ourselves to psychoanalysis and more precisely to the Freudian, Jungian and Lacanian contribu! tions. Thus, by evaluating the importance of each on of these components for the symbolic construction, we will try to determine the dominant with a view to finally describe the generic status of the Works
Kapoor, Vishal [Verfasser], and Nikos [Akademischer Betreuer] Logothetis. "Neurophysiological investigation of the lateral prefrontal cortex during the task of binocular flash suppression / Vishal Kapoor ; Betreuer: Nikos Logothetis." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1180381785/34.
Full textAllouch, Hassan [Verfasser], Kay [Akademischer Betreuer] Mursch, Martin [Gutachter] Sommer, Marios-Nikos [Gutachter] Psychogios, and Thomas [Gutachter] Meyer. "Ultraschallgestütze Bohrloch-Biopsien bei intraaxialen Hirnpathologien / Hassan Allouch ; Gutachter: Martin Sommer, Marios-Nikos Psychogios, Thomas Meyer ; Betreuer: Kay Mursch." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2018. http://d-nb.info/1165304767/34.
Full textAzevedo, Frederico Augusto de [Verfasser], and Nikos [Akademischer Betreuer] Logothetis. "Functional neuroimaging of resting-state and stimulus-driven networks in the macaque brain / Frederico Augusto de Azevedo ; Betreuer: Nikos Logothetis." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2019. http://d-nb.info/1181784158/34.
Full textWolf, Susann [Verfasser], and Nikos [Akademischer Betreuer] Fersis. "Einführung einer neuen operativen Methode in der Brustchirurgie : Stellenwert der Sentinel Lymphknotenbiopsie unter qualitätsgesicherten Aspekten / Susann Wolf ; Betreuer: Nikos Fersis." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1197693963/34.
Full textKeulen, Silvia van [Verfasser], and Nikos K. [Akademischer Betreuer] Logothetis. "Catecholaminergic Modulation of Sensory Processing in functionally distinct Primary Sensory and Association Cortex / Silvia van Keulen ; Betreuer: Nikos K. Logothetis." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1199545740/34.
Full textKeulen, Silvia van Verfasser], and Nikos K. [Akademischer Betreuer] [Logothetis. "Catecholaminergic Modulation of Sensory Processing in functionally distinct Primary Sensory and Association Cortex / Silvia van Keulen ; Betreuer: Nikos K. Logothetis." Tübingen : Universitätsbibliothek Tübingen, 2017. http://d-nb.info/1199545740/34.
Full text