Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Nietzsche, Friedrich (1844-1900) – Théâtre'
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Grebert, Fabrice. "Nietzsche et la critique du théâtre." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Clermont Auvergne (2021-...), 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024UCFA0157.
Full textWorks on the relationship between Nietzsche and tragedy or between Nietzsche and art are numerous. In contrast, Nietzsche's relation to the theater has been considered about far less. It is surprising, however, to compare the value of theater in The Birth of Tragedy and the harsh criticism of theater in The Case of Wagner. We question Nietzsche's radical change of stance on the meaning that must be given to this severe criticism
Goetschel, Jacques. "Nietzsche et la théâtralité : esquisse d'une généalogie de l'acteur." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003STR20010.
Full textAt the crossroads of interdisciplinary fields of an intertextuel reading, this thesis intends to bring about the theatrality that a genealogy of the actor may reveal through a variety of figures. Its definition beyond the bonds of theater, shows an essential characte : a radical alterity. Its many-sided presence is to be defined at different levels. To start with, from the theater viewpoint, could theatrality not present itself more fundamentally as pure instinct, or acting, revealing some innate truth ?.
Jugnon, Alain. "Le théâtre du vivant : matière et mouvement dans la philosophie de la vie de Nietzsche et Simondon." Lyon 3, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000LYO31005.
Full textNancey, Quentin de Gromard Marie-Gabrielle. "Un théâtre dionysiaque. Nietzsche dans le théâtre français du XXe siècle, d'Antonin Artaud à Jean Vauthier." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015USPCA195.
Full textMany different french playwrights such as André Gide, Antonin Artaud, Albert Camus, Jean-Paul Sartre, Henry de Montherlant and Jean Vauthier took up Nietzsche's thoughts to impicture it onstage. If studies were made on the links between Nietzsche's thought process and french writer, noneadress the question of Nietzsche's thought in the XXth century french theatre synthetically. None theless, this tragic thought starting in «La Naissance de la tragedie» 's Dionysos and ending with «Eccehomo» keeps maintaining consubstantial links with the theatre genre. Dionisyan esthetical conceptionshows affinities with dramatic art and seems predisposed to be transposed and embodied on stage.Nietzsche's thought on art's physiology has caused a renewal of traditionnal writing for theatre for thebenefit of a living theatre, incarnated, using all the stage's ressources. Paradoxically, this nietzschean metaphysical theatre goes with assertion of body and passions. In contrast with « theatre of ideas »,some of the studied works show that Nietzsche's metaphysical theatre is above all an embodied theatre, seeking a fusion between art and life, show and reality, against Aristote’s Poetics
Dumoulié, Camille. "Nietzsche et Artaud, penseurs de la cruauté : du héros de la tragédie à l'héroïsme tragique." Paris 4, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA040012.
Full textFor Nietzsche and Artaud, cruelty is characteristic of the overall economy of the world and life. Against its perversion in our culture of debt and culpability - they try to find again its most original expression and they discover the primacy of the sacred on the gods and of the tragic on tragedy. To return to the pharmaceutical source of things - under the theatre of the world, the self and the body - implies an offensive and protective strategy (nietzschean irony, artaudian humour), but also the chance of becoming the victim of reawakened violence. Writing - as the expression of cruelty as work in progress - allouds to live the attraction of the dangerous exteriority, and to give way to the infinite and to the body
Becdelièvre, Laure. "Rémunérer le "mal d'être deux" : axiomatique de la métaphore chez Friedrich Nietzsche et Stéphane Mallarmé." Paris 4, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA040098.
Full textStrange contemporaries in a world of crisis, Nietzsche and Mallarmé had never met and had never read each other's works though it seems they may have had many occasions. Nevertheless, the French poet and the German philosopher-poet do meet in an unique way on the theme of the metaphor, a touchstone of a fundamental reflection on the language and the control lever of an axiomatic thought for which Nietzsche and Mallarmé are, maybe, the most symbolic heralds, each in their own way. For the metaphoric phenomenon binds the essential aspects of the relationship of the human being to the world, which is fundamentally a fictional and a meta-phoric relationship. A deviating thought instrument, the metaphoric writing reaches the heart of a polemical reflection on the representation and the construction of various idols : God, Truth, Soul, Will – but also Helen, Wagner, Glory, Gold, Constellation, and even: Poetry. So many idols whose crepuscular hour has sounded, so many aspects of the "Proper" whose time has come for the metaphor to off-load, to fly away on its own. Not only does the metaphor fly, for Nietzsche and Mallarmé, but it also dances, stammers, shivers and faints. Its song rises at the same time as the trail of its existence, which is not there any more – supposing that it ever took place. It escapes, like reality, this cruel, this "unknown god" who is there, always latent, but out of reach of the language. It cements all the regrets linked to the "misfortune of being two" (L'Après-midi d'un Faune), in this cursed separation originated by language. But isn't the metaphor its own remuneration?
Checcaglini, Isabella. "Lecture critique et critique de la lecture : le "Théâtre" et le "Livre" de Mallarmé." Paris 8, 2008. http://octaviana.fr/document/13781349X#?c=0&m=0&s=0&cv=0.
Full textThis study of Mallarmé's work focuses on the question of reading. The notion of reading usually consists in deciphering a text to discover its content or its meaning. We seek to question this notion by swinging the act of deciphering in favour of the act of producing knowledge and significance, that is, by studying the text's inner critical activity. Our study is a reading of Mallarmé's work which goes beyond the mere commentary in order to uncover the "mise en scène" of the text. Thus, from the well-known crisis that forced young Mallarmé to question the whole poetic inheritance, to the famous dream of the Book, we will endeavour to survey the theatricality of writing and reading within and by Mallarmé's work. The critique of reading in Mallarmé's work claims a critical reading for every work that makes the reader "better", or makes the listener a "musician" (with "this music [that] takes the listener for an intelligent person, for a musician […] I become a better man […] also a better musician, a better listener", says Nietzsche), since a piece of work is to be carried out no better nor differently
Moutoumbou-Ndjoungui, Roland-Rodrigue. "Nietzsche : nostalgie hellénique et prophétie esthétisante." Poitiers, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006POIT5007.
Full textBooysen, Duane Danny-Coe. "A psychobiography of Friedrich Nietzsche." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1013191.
Full textNoulin, Franck. "Le matérialisme tragique de Nietzsche." Paris 1, 1996. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA010620.
Full textThe death of God must lead philosophy towards a materialistic project. Beyond the critics of idealism, to preserve from scepticism, the conquest of new horizons is necessary. The category of will to power helps to renew the traditionnal questions of metaphysics and anthropology, to understand what could be a materialistic moral and to wonder what are the new idols - in particular, in the political sphere
Chanut, Henri-Frédéric. "Nietzsche et la poésie : l'amitié pour une ombre." Aix-Marseille 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010AIX10068.
Full textPonton, Olivier. ""Danser dans les chaînes" : le thème de l'allègement de la vie dans la constitution de la morale de Nietzsche." Nice, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003NICE2019.
Full textQuiniou, Yvon. "Nietzsche ou l'impossible immoralisme : lecture matérialiste." Paris 10, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA100075.
Full textNietzsche is the best paradigm ever of the possibilities and difficulties of materialism in front of morals. On the one hand, he means to criticize it by explaining it scientifically - and therefore go beyond it by producing a genesis of it from life. But on the other hand, his criticism is converted into genealogy properly speaking: into a criticism of morals not only in the name of some ethics but also of some morals of life, whose genesis does not account for, and which is not scientific any more. Immoralism is therefore clearly impossible and this lesson is true too for materialism in general. Finally it is in Darwin that we must look for an explanation for the emergence of morals in evolution which theoretically justifies the project of a moral reflection
Chamberland, Jacques. "Nietzsche et les sciences sociales." Thesis, McGill University, 1989. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=61850.
Full textMorea, Donatella. "Nietzsche et l'aphorisme." Paris 4, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA040005.
Full textThis research aims both to identify the theoretical presuppositions behind Nietzsche's choice of the use of aphorism and to analyse the readings which support his choice. The structure of aphorism (i. E. Its stylistic and philosophic characteristics) is closely related to the author's thought and to his critical, metaphoric, and psycho-physiological conception of language. Aphorism represents the expression of a philosophic genre which takes into account both the analytic strength of defining and the cognitive value of metaphor. The spirit of analysis, in its attention to the particular, presents a modality which characterizes a decadent style. In aphorism, however, the decadent style does not correspond to an inability to master the crisis of the form, rather it is used to consider the possibility of magnifying the visibility – and therefore the knowledge – of the particular. Aphorism, as the form of the definition and of the difference, allows us to individuate the relation established between the particular and the forces to which it it belongs. Aphorism is, in actual fact, an innermost and aporetic questioning. By placing the detail in its true structural complexity, aphorism embodies Nietzsche's intention to renew a writing of high style. Aphorism can be interpreted as a constellation (Benjamin): an illuminating configuration of ideas which every time crystallise in a partiular as their forcefield and which live in a pause of tension with the surrounding. Aphorism, in accordance with the strength of its analytical structure, fully adheres to the Nietzschean route that, from the example set by Stendhal and through the French XVII century, the Reinassance and the Humanism, ultimately lead us back to the Latin and Greek spirit
Nanéma, Jacques. "Communauté et solitude chez Nietzsche : Nietzsche, philosophe à part (entière) ! ?" Nice, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995NICE2035.
Full textNietzsche refused to be considered as a metaphysician but this in no way implies his uprooting from the field of philosophy. Despite heidegger's opinion, this paradox (i. E. To be a philosopher, but not to be a metaphysician) serves the platonian theory of "gigantomachia" in the same way as Nietzsche thwarted the two kinds of excesses described by Pascal : either idolizing reason or rejecting it. His being a full-fledged philosopher did not eclipse the oddness of his thinking. Nietzsche successfully transferred his ambiguous germanism to the philosophical level. According to him, "being a good german paradoxically implies some degree of freedom from germanism" on the individual's part. Thus, the "free mind" (i. E. Released of all ideological slavery) draws and reproduces, in the area of thought, the fading portrait of the homeless traveler in the social existence. Nietzsche's life and thought are so inextricably intertwined that a time-consuming interpretation is highly preferable to any biased reading. Ranging from Heidegger to the french schools, Nietzsche's philosophy is often interpreted in an exclusive and ideological way. Some consider it as the ultimate achievement of platonism even though this metaphysics was constantly mocked by nietzsche himself. While others suggest such an exaggerated discrepancy between his outlook and the philosophical tradition that he is finally labelled either a politician, a mystic thinker or a deranged individual. This following study proposes to highlight and to question these two kinds of caricatures; then to bring out the general feeling of discom fort inherent to the interpretation of nietzsche's thought. It should be read as a way of calling hasty reader's attention to prudence and patience. Consequently, an ideal reading should go beyound the interpreter's bad faith, dogmatism or exegetic arrogance to understand how the nietzschean dispute is paradoxically (and musically) rooted in the philosophical tradition
Grzelczyk, Johan. "Les décadences dans la philosophie de Nietzsche." Lille 3, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005LIL30006.
Full textRazafindehibe, Amette Etienne Hilaire. "Corps et raison chez Nietzsche." Bordeaux 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995BOR30046.
Full textThe western tradition in metaphysics has misdirected the reason from its original route in separating and opposing in a systematic way life andknowledge, the sensible and intelligible, illusion and reality, and his for the only sake of intellect. In the following work this irreducibility of terms made into opponents by idealism found itself synthetised by the absolute dualism created by the body and the reason, dualism which ends in the destruction of the dual unity and the natural harmony between the physiological and the spiritual. For this work of destruction, religion and morale became precious auxilaries to the idealism. The nietzschean project of rehabilitating the body wants remedy to this fault committed toward life and the world. That is how nietzsche opposes his "irrational revolution" to socrate's" rational revolution", meaning to demonstrate in this way the eminent dignity of human body compared to the spirit. This critical behaviour from nietzsche towards the classical philosophy often leads him to give out perojative remarks towards the "human being". Which seems at first sight to bring about the death of the metaphysics. In fact, it is not so. In choosing the body as the vital lead to explore the most diverse human phenomenons, the zealot wants only to bring back the meaning of the world into the world instead of sending this meaning in a "somewhere else is called" intelligible world "or" celestical. .
Garro, Sánchez Julio Martín Toribio. "Los círculos del destino. “Eterno retorno” y “amor fati” en Friedrich Nietzsche." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2003. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12672/3193.
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Souladié, Yannick. "Nietzsche, une philosophie de l'Antichrist." Toulouse 2, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008TOU20095.
Full textThis study intends to understand “The Antichrist” as a true philosophical work. It has been alleged that Nietzsche could not find how to complete his work, and that the most advanced state of his thought was to be found, not in his last books, but in the drafts of “The Will to Power”. On the contrary, we aim to show on the contrary that the substitution of “The Antichrist” for “The Will to Power”, far from being a failure, allowed Nietzsche to give unity to his whole philosophy. In 1888, an ultimate movement occurred in his thought: he abandoned the problem of nihilism to concentrate on the one of Christianity. Far from being simply gratuitous hatred, his “curse against the Christianity” represents the outcome of his whole philosophy. It is only through an inversion of all values of Christianity that Nietzsche succeeded in presenting the world as will to power. The unity of Nietzsche's philosophy has its foundation in the figure of the Antichrist destroying and cursing Christianity. Nietzsche's last philosophy is “a philosophy of the Antichrist”. Nietzsche's criticism does not aim at restoring an ideal Christianity at the cost of a realized one. It directly aims at the Christian ideal and Christian moral. Far from struggling the only Christian god, Nietzsche fights the figure of the Christ (whom he separates from the historic Jesus). He opposes to this Christ as an impossible body, another ideal of human being, proceeding from a noble moral. He opposes another body: Dionysus. Through the fight between Dionysus and the Crucified One, two ways of fixing the truth, of being, of thinking are in competition
Vanderheyde, Alphonse. "Nietzsche et la pensée indienne." Paris 4, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006PA040002.
Full textIn his books, Nietzsche reports sporadically on the thought of India in aim to attack with violence christian thought because christians according to him, use suffering like an argument against life, this situation would be different on Brahmans and Buddhists. Three ideas dominate the references of Nietzsche with Indian thought : the first is the forgetting of Indian philosophy in College researches. The second is the brahmanic philosophy seeing, at first on comparative ascetism between brahmans and christians, and, at second on The Laws of Manu with the idea of unequal rights and persons : brahmans have said to bring the power on Gods and men. The third idea is the buddhist philosophy : in buddhism, Nietzsche considers that “will of nothing wins on will of life ” ; and he invents, on one hand a physiologic buddhism against christian morals, and on second hand a “European buddhism “ which sees like a return of the christian moral ideal without Christ on crosswise
Gorrindot, Muriel. "Le concept du philosophe chez Nietzsche." Paris 4, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA040404.
Full textFaye, Jean-Pierre. "Nietzsche et la critique du socialisme." Lyon 3, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988LYO3A002.
Full textMontero, Lahsen Francisco. "El perspectivismo en la obra temprana de Friedrich Nietzsche." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2017. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/147489.
Full textLa tesis titulada “El perspectivismo en la obra temprana de Friedrich Nietzsche” indaga el surgimiento de la noción de “perspectivismo” en el contexto de los primeros años del filósofo con el objetivo de reivindicar su valor en la construcción de una teoría del conocimiento que intervenga los cánones metafísico-antropológicos de la teoría del conocimiento platónica. Interrogando en torno a las nociones de “lenguaje”, “verdad” y “causalidad” nuestra tesis busca reforzar la posición del concepto estudiado en cuanto eje articulador de una forma específica y singular de entender el saber integrando arte, historia y fisiología. Con ello, buscamos establecer los criterios fundamentales para enunciar la posibilidad de pensar una “nueva ciencia” que interprete y restituya la imaginación y el cuerpo como elementos claves en la construcción de los procesos de conocimiento.
Allasia, Marie-Claude. "L'instant chez Nietzsche : esthétique de l'existence ou esthétique de l'impermanence." Lyon 3, 2001. http://www.theses.fr/2001LYO31009.
Full textRodríguez, Tudor Manuel. "Nietzsche: La vida es así (sí, así, es, esa... sic)." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2000. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/110047.
Full textFranco, Ferraz Maria Cristina. "Ecce Homo : (l'autobiographie spirituelle de Friedrich Nietzsche) : tragédie, parodie et sacrifice dionysiaque." Paris 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992PA010608.
Full textThis thesis is concerned with nietzsche's autobiography. This reading starts by setting the context of the production of this text. In the second part, nietzsche's own evaluation of his previous work is analysed : it is pointed out that he assigns a sacred value to also sprach zarathustra. He ascribes to this text a central role in the process of the "selbstaufhebung" of moral and in the surpassing of the "tragedy" related to morals and religions by the dionysiacal tragedy, which encompasses parody. In the final part, nietzsch's establishing his genealogy is considered. He characterises himsef both as a "decadent" and as a "new beginning" and considers this double" as the preliminary condition for this mission : the "revaluation of all values". This analysis develops into characterising nietzsche's autobiography as the last act of the tragedy - dionysus' decisive victory over the grave mimicry of the jewish-christian tradition, bringing about the process which leads him into insanity and death. This analysis is supported by both the title, designing the mask of christ crowned with thorns, and the double signature ("dionysus against the crucified") which frame the text. It is finally argued that ecce homo stands for nietzsche's epitaph : he sings his "ecce" ( a ritual in memory of the dead) and defies the erinyes. This reading
Mboumbou, Albin. "L' éducation chez Nietzsche." Poitiers, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005POIT5009.
Full textAgainst Modern education which imposes painful values, erects and domesticates individuals at the risk of real culture which promotes the individual instead of making him seek and smaller, Nietzsche proposes the dionysiac education. Nietzsche was the earliest to have expressed concern on the problem of ennobling man. Therefore, had he advocated the education of individuals who have potentiality, and the education of spirited aristocrats which paves the way to superpower human. Education as a human highest production and as the expression of man's highest mobility must not any more proceed to the eradication of power, but on the contrary, it must proceed to promoting power. Therefore, its target will not be the theoretical man, but simply man in his entirety, that man who considers corporal cogito as guide because it brings about the rejection of intellectual garbage's together which pulsions that moralities have so far condemned. The incorporation of new values imposes itself as consequences. Henceforth, it is the responsibility of the surgeon philosopher and legislator to be at the centre of education rather than theologians and sacerdotals. Because education represents among other things, good and evil, dionysiac education is a tough one for rascals and runts and allow then the distinction between aware of it and strong on the one hand, and, the sick and weak individuals on the other one
Abagha, Assecko Modeste. "La philosophie comme symptomatologie chez Nietzsche." Besançon, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004BESA1012.
Full textIf the philosophical astonishment is similar with the medical astonishment, for Nietzsche, only the practical and methodological conditions differ. The philosopher shows, thus, by the experiment of his disease, that all philosophies are symptoms of the diseases of their times and that all true philosophy is a philosophy of the diseases of its time. After having pointed out the theoretical bases of philosophy nietzschéenne, we deduced that the nietzscheism is a symptomatology of the interpretative processes and a genealogy of the affects. Then, we showed that Nietzsche interprets lately the medical paradigms, beyond all moral. For the philosopher, health is an exception which confirms the rule of the disease. Also, the philosophy of the great health, would exceed it the traditional opposition of the designs of normal and the pathological one. For the philosopher-doctor, far from handicapping the creator, the morbid state seems a pivot of the will of knowledge. The philosopher depths retains the decline as the principal cause of the "axiopathologies": the inhibition of the process of individuation, hypervulnerability with the suffering of the last man, the idolatry and resentment. The physiopathology of the resentment notes the deterioration of the apparatus of inhibition of the memory, and the diagnosis of the idolatry reveals the "bioaxiologic" incidence of the decline. Nietzsche as highlights the pathogenic and narcotic character rather as iatrocratic of sacerdotal medication. In that, after the anatomopathology and psychopathology, the philosophical expertise offers a new prospect : the philosophy of the healthiness of the systems axiologics and therapeutics
Spreafico, Andrea. "Genesi e statuto del progetto letterario La volontà di potenza di Friedrich Nietzsche." Reims, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REIML003.
Full textThis work finds its roots in the goal to reconstruct the genesis of Nietzsche's literary project Der Wille zur Macht. The study of the genesis has led directly to the second pillar of the present work: the problem of the literary role of Nietzsche's project. In order to reconstruct its genesis we decided to start from the text where Nietzsche approached in a systematic way the problem of power, Morgenröthe. The main topic of this book is the value of moral judgements. We have then reconstructed how Nietzsche developed his thesis and hypothesis about the relation between morality and power, mainly in a stylistic way, in Also sprach Zarathustra; and how, in a third phase, this issue pushed him to write Der Wille zur Macht. Finally we have analysed the relations between this never published project and the two books Jenseits von Gut und Böse and Genealogie der Moral, seeing how this latter represents a kind of conclusion of the themes developed from Morgenröthe onwards. The analysis of "power", which lies at the core of the idea to write Der Wille zur Macht, is therefore closely related to the one of morality. It is true that Nietzsche's project, begun in 1885 and quickly left on the side, found new its vigour after the publication of Genealogie der Moral. However, the project's features changed, leading us to the conclusion that was an altogether new project, albeit with the same name
Cerna, Solís Jorge Luis. "Nietzsche y la historia como herramienta crítica." Bachelor's thesis, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2015. http://tesis.pucp.edu.pe/repositorio/handle/123456789/6552.
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Bonda, Michel. "L' universel et le singulier chez Nietzsche." Poitiers, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005POIT5002.
Full textOuellet, Pascal. "L'extase et le sens existentiel chez Nietzsche : contre l'imposture de la raison." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/43535.
Full textParada, Rodríguez Jerónimo. "Nietzsche y la liberación." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2004. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/110141.
Full textLa liberación como condición necesaria del filósofo es una idea que encontramos desde el principio en la obra de Nietzsche. La filosofía sólo es posible desde la libertad, una filosofía no libre es algo completamente imposible desde lo que ella nombra en su decir. Libertad y filosofía están irremediablemente unidas, la filosofía para acontecer presupone la libertad de quien la lleva a cabo.
Pereira, Camilo Lelis Jota. "A fisiologia da arte : considerações sobre a estética de Nietzsche." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFOP, 2015. http://www.repositorio.ufop.br/handle/123456789/5962.
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Esta dissertação analisa o tema da fisiologia da arte na obra de Friedrich Nietzsche através da identificação de como ela compõe seu projeto filosófico. Para tal, o método utilizado na investigação foi uma investida na obra de Nietzsche visando apresentar ao leitor, a partir da perspectiva do compromisso de sua filosofia com a afirmação da existência, em que consiste a proposta estética em questão. O ponto de chegada de nosso trabalho destaca a fisiologia da arte como uma formulação nietzschiana, segundo a qual, o escopo geral da arte corresponde mais ao estado de saúde do corpo, do que propriamente às obras de arte. As principais reivindicações do presente estudo são: 1) a perspectiva naturalista endossada por Nietzsche para abordagem do tema não pode ser compreendida como um naturalismo em moldes reducionistas; 2) a perspectiva imanente expressa na fisiologia da arte pode ser entendida como um elemento central das reflexões estéticas nietzschianas em conjunto. ________________________________________________________________________________________
ABSTRACT: The current dissertation analyzes the subject of physiology of art in the work of Friedrich Nietzsche by identifying how he composes his philosophical project. The method used for this research was invested in Nietzsche's work in order to present to the reader, from the perspective of the commitment of his philosophy with the affirmation of existence, what is the aesthetic proposal. The culmination of our work highlights the physiology of art as a Nietzsche’s thesis which states that the general scope of art is more about the state of health of an organism than actually works of art. The main demands of the present study are: 1) The naturalistic perspective endorsed by Nietzsche for theme approach cannot be understood as reductionist naturalism; 2) the immanent perspective expressed in the physiology of art can be understood as a central element of Nietzsche’s aesthetic reflections combined.
Wienand, Isabelle. "Significations de la Mort de Dieu chez Nietzsche d'"Humain", trop humain à "Ainsi parlait Zarathoustra"." Paris 4, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA040106.
Full textThis thesis gives a full account of the Nietzschean critique of Christianity in the following works: Human, all too human, Dawn, The Gay Science (§125) and Thus spoke Zarathustra. In each of these four books, which structure the four parts of this study, the targets of his critique are presented and explicated. Parallel to his critique which aims at the disappearance of Christianity and at the overcoming of Metaphysics, Nietzsche elaborates a counter-ideal which he names inter alia "New Infinite". This inquiry also shows that for Nietzsche, the Death of God inaugurated by the Enlightenment has paradoxically not taken place yet. It is an ethical imperative which is as necessary as impossible, since it supposes acquiescing in a meaningless existence. "God is dead" has therefore a metaphorical signification : it indicates the essential lack of correspondence between any interpretation and reality. If so understood, the Death of God does not exclude the possibility of the divine
Staszak, Anne. "Les usages de Nietzsche dans les sciences sociales en France : étude sur la diffusion du nietzschéisme de 1889 à 1993." Paris 4, 1994. http://www.theses.fr/1994PA040279.
Full textTo institute, in france the spread of nietzsche in the social sciences from 1889 to 1993, a socio-histotistic determination of a nietzscheist school was necessary. From this view, and through three established moments (from 1899 to 1924, from 1925 to 1954 and from 1955 to 1993), it is possible to specify the uses of nietzsche into a first circle of diffusion made of those who clearly claim to take their inspiration from nietzsche. Four epistemological major uses were drawned which determine the nietzscheist movement in the social sciences and also the social sciences in the nietzscheist movement
Tones, Matthew. "Nietzsche, Tension and the Tragic Disposition." Thesis, Griffith University, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10072/365917.
Full textThesis (PhD Doctorate)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
School of Humanities
Arts, Education and Law
Full Text
Almarza, Anwandter Juan. "Nietzsche y el Gran Estilo : hacia la definición de una categoría de análisis estético." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2016. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/146195.
Full textEl concepto de "Gran Estilo" se inscribe dentro de la última etapa de la producción filosófica de Nietzsche en el ámbito de la teoría estética de las artes. Desarrollado con posterioridad a 1884, corresponde a una síntesis tardía de la relación entre lo Apolíneo y lo Dionisíaco formulada inicialmente en su obra "El Nacimiento de la Tragedia" de 1872, relación que a través de este concepto es planteada ya no como una disputa agonal entre principios contrapuestos, sino como una simbiosis complementaria, afín a la expresión de lo Clásico en términos estilísticos. Sin embargo, el filósofo no desarrolla en forma extensiva el concepto en términos de sus posibles lecturas estético-formales, abordándolo a través de una aproximación más bien fragmentaria y aforística que oscila entre referencias de orden metafísico, conceptos derivados de la fisiología y ejemplificaciones puntuales tomadas principalmente del ámbito de la música y la arquitectura. Se trata de un esbozo preliminar, un proyecto de síntesis final de su filosofía estética que se cristalizaría en su proyectada obra “La Voluntad de Poder”, inconclusa debido a su prematuro colapso mental de 1889. Por tanto, el objetivo fundamental de la presente tesis es proponer una re-lectura crítica del concepto de Gran Estilo, reconociendo su potencial como una categoría de análisis estético de gran rendimiento conceptual, aplicable como modelo de análisis en distintos ámbitos y contextos de producción artística.
Rochereau, Arnauld. "Le sens pratique du perspectivisme." Thesis, Nantes, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020NANT2033.
Full textThis thesis seeks to bring out the notion of perspectivism on a historical and a contemporary level, and to show that a practical sense inhabits it, whoever its authors are and whatever the reflexive dimensions in which it is examined. First of all, it is necessary to establish an inventory of perspectivism through three of its most illustrious representatives: Montaigne, Leibniz and Nietzsche. From the history of perspectivisms, it becomes simultaneously possible to grasp the nuances of the conceptions that animate this theory, and to extract a common methodology to explore reality, with the practical purpose of reaching a philosophy as a way of life. Following this examination, shared questions emerge. They lead to the discovery of a specific theory of knowledge, which takes into account the imperceptible forces of the unconscious, a relationship to the specific body that no longer separates it from the mind, and a practical philosophy where the enrichment of perspective is subject to a range of spiritual exercises. However, questioning the relevance of perspectivism requires an additional analysis focusing on its potential contemporaneity. For this reason, it is essential to turn to Nietzsche’s perspectivism (who was a recipient or at least aware of past perspectivisms) to submit it, along with the philosophy of nature it underlines, to current scientific data – neurosciences, biology, botany, ethology and theories of evolution. While perspectivism, as a tool, makes it possible to unravel with humility the advances of sciences and to call on them to examine Nietzsche's physio-psychological interpretations, it also claims and above all to "probe the world through as many eyes as possible", as he wrote. This is the task this paper tackles by investigating perspective as an interpretation centred on a physio-psychological interaction between self and the environment, and as an orientation towards a plastic formation of oneself. The idea is to show that perspectivism in its practical sense is indeed a necessary hierarchy, a singular test of the organism where each perspective emerges from relations with the world and with different perspectives. Therefore it is not a relativism where everything is equal, but rather a relationalism which gives rise to perspective
Salanskis, Emmanuel. "L'épreuve de l'élevage dans la pensée de Nietzsche." Thesis, Reims, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011REIML010.
Full textThe object of this work is to study the genesis and development of the idea of breeding in Nietzsche's philosophy. I argue that the horizon of a conscious and methodical transformation of human nature guides Nietzsche's reflection from the Basel period to the writings of 1888. Theory and practice constantly intertwine in this project, whose three successive shapes are : first, a philosophy of education aiming at furthering the advent of the Schopenhauerian genius ; then, a history of the genesis of thought seeking to free the mind of its incorporated errors ; and finally, an eugenical biopolicy grounded in the hypothesis of the will to power, and intended to engender a higher type of men. Nietzsche applies to human beings the zoological term "breeding", borrowed from Darwinian literature, with an explicit purpose of realism. According to him, the theory ofevolution questions the metaphysical boundary between men and animals – although he refuses to consider natural selection as the main driving force of evolution, the author of Human, All Too Human admits that "instincts, too, have become". He actually defends a Lamarckian determinism, by virtue of which we are conditioned by inherited tendencies moulded by the long struggle "with essentially identical unfavourable conditions". We cannot get rid instantly of this cognitive and affective legacy. But it remains open to modification on a larger temporal scale : Nietzsche contends that mankind has been breeding itself through the "morality of mores" from time immemorial. The philosopher wants to take control of this unconscious social process, in order to produce accomplished forms of life able to justify human evolution. The schemes Nietzsche works out to this end, whether they rest on the heredity of acquired characters or on strict eugenics, bear thestamp of a dangerous Machiavellianism which calls for a critical examination
Oliveira, Thabata Franco de [UNESP]. "Valor e verdade em Nietzsche e os dilemas da educação contemporânea." Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/11449/90244.
Full textFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Esta dissertação tem por objetivo investigar o estatuto das categorias verdade e valor no âmbito das instituições educativas contemporâneas. Para tanto, toma como referência as proposições de Nietzsche, uma vez que assinala as convergências entre sua filosofia e as principais características do projeto epistemológico e cultural hodierno. É realizada a análise da verdade e do valor como tema e como conceito nas obras de maturidade do filósofo e apresentada as diferentes apropriações de suas ideias pelo campo da educação. Ao pensar a escola no contexto da pós-modernidade, aponta para o processo de dissolução do caráter metafísico destes conceitos, tendo em vista verificar as consequências deste fenômeno na sociedade e na configuração do conhecimento escolarizado. Por meio da acepção de verdade em Pareyson, articulada aos pressupostos dos teóricos do campo da Cultura Escolar, busca situar a função social da escola no contexto da contemporaneidade, analisar seus paradoxos e seus mecanismos de resistência e/ou adaptação frente às demandas da sociedade do século XXI. Na tensão entre sua função mnemônica e instrumental, a escola convive com diferentes expectativas e afirma sua natureza tempestiva ao refundar permanentemente seus referenciais veritativos e valorativos. Apesar de a escola ser uma instituição difusora de práticas e saberes altamente questionados, verificamos que sua centralidade permanece, se amplia e subsidia cada vez mais nosso repertório social e cultural
Esta tesis tiene como objetivo investigar la situación de las categorías verdad y valor en el contexto de las instituciones educativas contemporáneas. Con este propósito, parte del pensamiento de Nietzsche, señalando las similitudes entre su filosofía y las características principales del proyecto cultural y epistemológico de hoy. Es realizada el análisis de la verdad y del valor como tema y como concepto en las obras de maturidad del filósofo y presentada las distintas apropriaciones de sus ideas por el campo de la educación. Al pensar en la escuela en el contexto de la posmodernidad, señala el proceso de disolución del carácter metafísico de estos conceptos a fin de verificar las consecuencias de este fenómeno en la sociedad y en la configuración de los conocimientos escolares. A través del significado de la verdad en Pareyson, articulado con los supuestos de los teóricos del campo de la Cultura Escolar, se pretende situar la función social de la escuela en el contexto contemporáneo, examinar sus paradojas y sus mecanismos de resistencia y/o adaptación a las demandas de la sociedad del siglo XXI. En la tensión entre su función mnemónica e instrumental, la escuela convive con diferentes expectativas y afirma su naturaleza tempestiva al refundar permanentemente sus ideales de verdad y valor. A pesar de que la escuela sea una institución difusora de prácticas y saberes altamente cuestionados, verificamos que su centralidad permanece, se amplía, y se vuelve cada vez más subsidiaria de nuestro repertorio social y cultural
Appel, Fredrick. "Nietzsche's ethical vision : an examination of the moral and political philosophy of Friedrich Nietzsche." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=28982.
Full textForté, Jean-Jacques. "Judaïsme et modernité chez Nietzsche." Paris 4, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA040166.
Full textThis work investigates the question of Nietzsche’s relationship to the Jews and Judaism, a key issue that the polemics with anti-Semitism has up until now obfuscated. The Jews and Judaism are at the core of the question of nihilism, whose explicit treatment only appears in Nietzsche’s late writings but whose traces can be found early in the work under different approaches (dealing with decadence, the death of god, etc. ). Thanks to these traces, Nietzsche reinvested his entire work after he mastered the problematic of nihilism. The "Judaic reversal of values was first identified as the single beginning of nihilism; yet the subsequent analysis of the relationship between Judaism and Christianity enabled Nietzsche to delineate their respective roles within nihilism. Moreover, immediately after reelaborating the problematic of nihilism, Nietzsche reinscrited Greek decadence within that perspective and explored nihilism’s various endings; he thus opened the way for a deconstruction of nihilism s origins and of the relationship between Judaism and Hellenism. If moments of creative affirmation are many - as is the case for the various processes of decadence - there can be no pure and preserved origin, no time before decadence, and thus no origin to nihilism. There can be no sense either in waiting and hoping for the end, or overcoming, of a process that is merely "normal". The history of humankind is seen as a sailing through, without an origin and an outcome, nihilism, which nonetheless takes on a new inflection in modernity - the epoch of the news of the death of god, of the absence of the foundation of meaning, and of errancy, as the ontological condition of the human being. Having started with a questioning of Jewishness (errancy, absence of ownmost), Nietzsche affirms a new form of inactuality, one liberated from nostalgia and hope, a non-reactive thinking on modernity, which is the time of errancy, the absence of anchoring and inscription within an ownmost
Talloni, Alvarez Nicolás Ernesto. "LA SABIDURÍA DEL CUERPO EN LA PERSPECTIVA DE NIETZSCHE." Tesis, Universidad de Chile, 2008. http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/108516.
Full textWotling, Patrick. "Nietzsche et le problème de la civilisation." Paris 1, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA010533.
Full textThe purpose of this study is to show that the problem of civilisation (Kultur) is the basic question which structures Nietzsche’s whole thought experiment. The first part deals with the elaboration and justification of the hypothesis of the will to power, according to which reality is to be thought as an interpretation process; along these lines, the body becomes the main concept of the philosophical reflection. The second and the third parts deal with two complementary metaphors, a medical metaphor and an artistic metaphor. Any culture is an interpretation of reality produced by the body, and may therefore be regarded as a symptom of its health. Thus, Nietzsche finds out a criterion which enables him to appraise cultures: their value as regards life. However, diagnosing is only the first task of the philosopher, who is described as the "physician of culture". Besides, the latter has to elaborate a therapy against nihilism, and that is the reason why the philosopher has to be a creator, a legislator who aims at raising the value of the culture of his time, that is to say the value of the type of man this culture tends to select. As a conclusion of the previous double analysis, the fourth part is intended to study the typology of cultures Nietzsche elaborates, and particularly what he calls the "superior type". Eventually, the fifth part shows how he applies the general theory we have described to the culture of modern Europe
Constantinidès, Yannis. "Nietzsche et la physiologie." Paris 1, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA010687.
Full textStiegler, Barbara. "Nietzsche et la critique de la chair : le "concept de Dionysos"." Paris 4, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA040236.
Full textDenat, Céline. "Histoire et interprétation du corps dans la philosophie de Nietzsche : la recherche d'un "fil conducteur" du texte de Nietzsche." Reims, 2006. http://www.theses.fr/2006REIML008.
Full textThis study intends to investigate the meaning of the word « body » in Nietzsche’s « new langage », as well as his request to « take the body as a guiding thread ». This methodological demand, inherited from Schopenhauer’s and even more from Kant’s thought, must indeed allow us to understand the legitimacy of the new interpretation of reality as « will to power », and to demonstrate that the body should also be considered as the guiding thread of any rigorous reading of Nietzsche’s text. The examination of this renewed meaning, in a new language which must be considered only as metaphorical, leads to discover a new image of man as a complex and always changing physiological and psychological totality, and this image in turn as a « guiding thread », that is as a summary or abridgement which guides the interpretation of reality as a whole. Therefore, the philosopher has to be conceived as a physician, a philologist and a historian, whose task consists in studying (individual or political) bodies as meaningful texts, and conversely (ancient or contemporary) texts as symptomatic bodies. The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate and organize the different values they embody into a hierarchy, and to envisage a future transformation of man and culture by means of an original legislation and a new form of education concerning the body. The latter appears then to be indeed the guiding thread of both aspects – genealogical and creative – of Nietzsche’s philosophy
Fabre, Florence. "La musique et son ombre : étude de la musique et de la pensée musicale de Nietzsche." Paris 4, 1991. http://www.theses.fr/1991PA040188.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the study of the importance of music in the elaboration of Nietzsche’s thinking. After showing the nature of the "rapport" between Nietzsche and music, the author studies the metaphors linked to music in the philosopher's work, and the part played by music as guide and references in his way of reading and his style in writing. The second part deals with the study of Nietzsche’s musical compositions. The author attempts to define how, as "tragedy is born out of the spirit of spirit", the literary compositions of Nietzsche can be born out of musical experience. The writer deals also with the "symphony" status attributed to Zarathustra by Nietzsche and puts forward a comment connected to the impact music has on the philosopher, and the "indisputable" character Nietzsche ascribes to music: thus the "vision at Surlej" is related to the musical "visions" Nietzsche