Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Networked teleoperation'
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Khan, Zeashan Hameed. "Wireless network architecture for long range teleoperation of an autonomous System." Grenoble INPG, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010INPG0134.
Full textNetworked teleoperation (NT) is an emerging area of technology, where human assisted Master and remote Slave devices communicate over a communication network for the exchange of command and sensor feedback information. For long range mobile teleoperation, this information travels over different types of heterogeneous/hybrid networks interconnected together with a compulsory network segment over wireless to permit increased mobility. The independent design of control and network promotes the isolated objectives and the performance is degraded after an integration. It is also challenging if internet is used for teleoperation, instead of point to point communication. The mechanisms of QoS in one network protocol of the heterogeneous network needs mapping on any other network which is usually carried out with a multimedia point of view and not for the critical teleoperation data. The approach for networked teleoperation can be given a new dimension by adding quality of service (QoS) to different flows on need based priority and as a function of control and transparence criteria. This means to alter the network resources for teleoperation objective in order to transport the information to satisfy the end-to-end application needs. The network QoS perspective is important to consider in the co-design approach for teleoperation. However, the true meaning of end to end QoS must be defined for teleoperation. If we consider the QoS from the network point of view, it refers to the management of various flows or users as per their need and precedence. Whereas, from the teleoperation perspective, QoS is related to the quality of control (QoC) which includes stability, transparence and telepresence. Moreover, the human interface may have different requirements as per telepresence feeling which will result in varying network load. To control network QoS, we need to measure or estimate it. Therefore, classification of QoS is performed with a fuzzy inference system which is able to distinguish between varying levels of QoS. In addition, it is also a challenging task for online decision for reconfiguration of network and control performance. We have used supervised methods for classification and prediction of QoS to be used in the proposed approach. Thus, data communication networks treat control information as best effort most of the time. Conclusion the communication used in teleoperation uses a dedicated network/communication. In short, a co-design approach is formulated to treat the network QoS as a function of teleoperation objectives which are related to the quality of transparence and control. Alternatively, the video flow is managed in order to effectively reduce the necessary throughput for instants when the network quality is not sufficient. We have considered two cases. First, without taking into account any network QoS mechanism (best effort flows only) and adapting application needs as per the teleoperation objectives. The second one considers a QoS oriented network in between the master and slave, where different priorities can be assigned to the teleoperation flows as per need. In the end, the proposed methodology is implemented on the NeCS-Car benchmark
Ollas, Johanna, and Sara Soltaniah. "Bilateral teleoperation : A study of architectures under different network delays." Thesis, KTH, Mekatronik, 2020. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-287351.
Full textEn distansstyrt system med tvåsidig kommunikation gör det möjligt för en mänsklig operatör att interragera med en avlägsen miljö och få återkoppling. I detta arbete studeras två olika arkitekturer för dessa typer av system. Ett väletablerat tillvägagångssätt som kallas position-force, och ett annat som kallas Model-Mediated Teleoperation (MMT). Position-force genererar kraftåterkoppling genom att mäta krafter och skicka dem över nätverket, utsatt för nätverksfördröjningar, medan MMT genererar en icke-fördröjd kraftåterkoppling från en lokalt modellerad miljö. De två arkitekturerna jämförs med avseende på ”transparency” (kvalitén på kraftåterkopplingen) och ”state consistency” (matchning av positioner) under olika nätverksförhållanden. De studerade förhållandena innefattar upp till 150 ms konstant fördröjning i tur och returtid. Båda arkitekturer implementeras som förhållandevis enkla versioner av sig själva. Det studerade fallet (operatörens uppgift) innefattar puttande på ett rätblock på en plan yta i en enkel riktning. MMT arkitekturen studeras även i vidare detalj med avseende på komplexitet hos den lokala modellen. Två versioner av MMT modellen undersöks, en enklare model som har en linjär representation av energiförlust, och en mer avancerad model som har en icke-linjär representation av energiförlust. Avsikten bakom detta är undersöka vilka implikationer som finns när komplexiteten hos modellen höjs eller sänks. Resultaten indikerar att position-force presterar bättre än MMT med avseende på både transparency och state consistency för alla undersökta nätverksfördröjningar. Den linjära MMT modellen presterar bättre än den icke-linjära modellen, med avseende på transparency och state consistency i rätblockspositioner, för alla nätverksförhållnaden utom den största pålagda fördröjningen. Vidare presterar den icke-linjära modellen bättre än den linjära modellen, med avseende på state consistency för styrande/styrd apparat, endast då ingen nätverksfördröjning läggs på.
Jin, Yifei. "Feasibility Study of Vehicular Teleoperation over Cellular Network in Urban Scenario." Thesis, KTH, Nätverk och systemteknik, 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-220444.
Full textMed kontinuerliga framstegen p°a autonomt fordon och fj¨arrkontrollteknikf¨or¨andras kravet p°a anslutningskvalitet i j¨amf¨orelse med konventionell servicekvalitet.Fordon till allting (V2X) kommunikation, som anslutningsgrundf¨or dessa applikationer, har byggts upp p°a basis av Long TermEvolution (LTE) system, men p°a grund av olika etiska och milj¨om¨assigaproblem har f°a implementeringar gjorts i verkligheten. D¨arf¨or antas simuleringsmetoderge v¨ardefulla insikter.Att fullt ut modellera ett LTE-fordon n¨atverk, i det h¨ar arbetet ger vif¨orst en j¨amf¨orelsestudie f¨or att v¨alja den f¨oredragna LTE-simulatorn.I syfte att integrera kommunikationsnoder med r¨orlighet utvecklas enl¨osning f¨or ett simuleringsramverk baserat p°a en j¨amf¨orelsestudie p°a befintligasimulatorramar. Vi utvecklar sedan n¨atverkssimulatorn ytterligare,och kompletterar den med hybrid tr°adl¨os kanalmodellering, kanal ochservicekvalitetmedvetna schemal¨aggning och antagningskontrollstrategier.N¨ar det g¨aller direkt n¨atverksoptimering, emuleras realtidsanslutningav externa enheter f¨or att kommunicera med simulatorn. I denna avhandlingutv¨arderas ramverken i tv°a aspekter: simulatorns prestanda i LTEV2X-anv¨andningsomr°adet och genomf¨orbarheten av tj¨ansten, s¨arskilt fj¨arrk¨orning,under realistisk n¨atkapacitet. In v°ara ramverk visar resultaten att det ¨arm¨ojligt att realisera fj¨arrk¨orning i ett LTE-urbana scenario, men som exempelvisar vi att f¨or ett omr°ade i Kista skulle som mest fem fordon kunnask¨otas av en basstation med garanterad service.
Rufianto, Muhammad Haky. "State Prediction for Haptic Remote Teleoperation - A Kalman Filter ApproachState Prognos för haptisk Remote teleoperation – en metod baserad på Kalman-filter." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-189155.
Full textTeleoperation systemet är ett viktigt verktyg för att styra en enhet eller modell i ett isolerat område på distans där operatören inte kan utföra uppgiften lokalt. De allra flesta av teleoperation system ger föraren visuell och haptisk kontroll för att utföra uppdraget så naturligt som möjligt. Men på en teleoperation system med stort avstånd, kan tidsfördröjningen medföra en nedgång i prestanda. Denna avhandling syftar till att minimera förseningar problem genom att implementera en förutsägelse tillvägagångssätt med Kalman Filter. Kalman filteralgoritm har i stor utsträckning används för att uppskatta användarens rörlighet för spårning. Kalman filter ger en effektiv mekanism för att förutsäga framtida stat grundad på Bayesian uppskattningen att sekventiellt förutsäga framtida tillstånd och mäta ett verkligt system för att uppdatera systemparametrar. Det primära syftet med detta arbete är att extrahera information som genereras av vår prototypmodell och visualisera data för att återspegla systemets prestanda. Vi använder Phantom Omni enheter och 3D-arm som en modell. Olika typer av Kalman filter algoritmer används för att testa riktigheten och prestandan hos förutsagda tillståndet genereras av filtret. Resultatet visar att genomförandet av Extended Kalman filter (EKF) och utjämningsfunktionen kan övervinna nätverk dröjsmålsvissa grader. Jämförelsen visar att EKF har bättre noggrannhet och prestanda jämfört med Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) vid bedömningen av framtida tillstånd. Dessutom, genomförandet av utjämningsfunktionen skulle kunna förbättra stabiliteten hos teleoperation systemet.
Aldana, López Carlos Iván. "Consensus control in robot networks and cooperative teleoperation : an operational space approach." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10803/287975.
Full textUn enfoque interesante en el control cooperativo es el diseño de estrategias de control distribuido que requieran sólo información local para que un sistema multi-agente logre comportamientos específicos. Un comportamiento básico del control cooperativo es el consenso. Dado un sistema multi-agente, como una red de múltiples robots, se dice que los agentes llegan a un consenso si el estado de cada agente converge a un estado común. Algunos ejemplos de tareas cooperativas en las que los algoritmos de consenso son utilizados son los siguientes: el control de la formación, flocking, rendezvous y sincronización. Estas tareas cooperativas tienen varias aplicaciones posibles, como: sistemas de transporte (carreteras inteligentes , control de tráfico aéreo); sistemas militares (vuelo en formación, vigilancia, reconocimiento, ataque cooperativo) y redes de sensores móviles (interferómetros en el espacio, el muestreo del ambiente). La solución a los problemas de consenso implica el diseño de algoritmos de control de tal manera que los agentes pueden llegar a un acuerdo sobre sus estados. Hay dos problemas principales que se estudian en el consenso, el consenso líder-seguidor y el consenso sin líder. En el problema de consenso líder-seguidor, existe un líder que especifica el estado de todo el grupo, mientras que en un problema de consenso sin líder, no hay ningún estado de referencia definido a priori. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el diseño de controladores en el espacio operacional que resuelvan los problemas de consenso líder-seguidor y sin líder en redes compuestas de múltiples robots heterogéneos. Además, este documento propone novedosos esquemas de control en el espacio operacional para sistemas de teleoperación bilateral. En ambos escenarios, se estudian diferentes condiciones, tales como la ausencia de medidas de velocidad de los robots, retardos constantes y variables en la interconexión de los robots y la incertidumbre en los parámetros físicos de los robots. La mayoría de los anteriores algoritmos de control que resuelven el consenso, sólo trabajan con la posición o la orientación, pero no con ambos. Por el contrario, esta tesis doctoral se ocupa de toda la pose de los robots que contiene tanto la posición y la orientación. Por otra parte, a fin de usar una representación de la orientación libre de singularidades, se emplean los cuaterniones unitarios. Esta tesis doctoral proporciona un análisis riguroso de la estabilidad de los algoritmos de control y presenta simulaciones y experimentos que validan la eficacia de los controladores propuestos
Williams, Chris Williams. "Knowledge-Based Video Compression for Robots and Sensor Networks." Scholar Commons, 2006. http://scholarcommons.usf.edu/etd/3915.
Full textFan, Zheyu Jerry. "Kalman Filter Based Approach : Real-time Control-based Human Motion Prediction in Teleoperation." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för datavetenskap och kommunikation (CSC), 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-189210.
Full textDetta arbete fokuserar på att undersöka prestandan hos två Kalman Filter Algoritmer, nämligen Linear Kalman Filter och Extended Kalman Filter som används i realtids uppskattningar av kontrollbaserad mänsklig rörelse i teleoperationen. Dessa Kalman Filter Algoritmer har används i stor utsträckning forskningsområden i rörelsespårning och GPS-navigering. Emellertid är potentialen i uppskattning av mänsklig rörelse genom att utnyttja denna algoritm sällan nämnas. Genom att kombinera med det kända problemet – fördröjningsproblem i dagens teleoperation tjänster beslutar författaren att bygga en prototyp av en enkel teleoperation modell vilket är baserad på Kalman Filter algoritmen i syftet att eliminera icke-synkronisering mellan användarens inmatningssignaler och visuella information, där alla data överfördes via nätverket. I den första delen av avhandlingen appliceras både Kalman Filter Algoritmer på prototypen för att uppskatta rörelsen av robotarmen baserat på användarens rörelse som anbringas på en haptik enhet. Jämförelserna i prestandan bland de Kalman Filter Algoritmerna har också fokuserats. I den andra delen fokuserar avhandlingen på att optimera uppskattningar av rörelsen som baserat på resultaten av Kalman-filtrering med hjälp av en utjämningsalgoritm. Den sista delen av avhandlingen undersökes begräsning av prototypen, som till exempel hur mycket fördröjningar accepteras och hur snabbt den haptik enheten kan vara, för att kunna erhålla skäliga uppskattningar med acceptabel felfrekvens. Resultaten visar att den Extended Kalman Filter har bättre prestandan i rörelse uppskattningarna än den Linear Kalman Filter under experimenten. Det icke-synkroniseringsproblemet har förbättrats genom att tillämpa de Kalman Filter Algoritmerna på både statliga och värderingsmodeller när latensen är inställd på under 200 millisekunder. Den extra utjämningsalgoritmen ökar ytterligare noggrannheten. Denna algoritm löser också det skakande problem hos de visuella bilder på robotarmen som orsakas av den vågiga egenskapen hos Kalman Filter Algoritmen. Dessutom effektivt synkroniserar den optimeringsmetoden tidpunkten när robotarmen berör objekten i uppskattningarna. Den metod som används i denna forskning kan vara en god referens för framtida undersökningar i kontrollbaserad rörelse- spåning och uppskattning.
Hemlin, Karl, and Frida Persson. "Remote Control Operation of Autonomous Cars Over Cellular Network Using PlayStation Controller." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-254218.
Full textAugusto, Sergio Ribeiro. "Uma plataforma móvel para estudos de autonomia." Universidade de São Paulo, 2007. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/3/3139/tde-15022008-103833/.
Full textThis work presents a mobile robotic platform, built as a modular and hierarchical approach, aiming at the study of several aspects of indoor navigation. The proposed system allows the implementation of reactive and hybrid architectures with learning, for autonomous or semi-autonomous navigation. The importance and limitations of the learning characteristics are discussed. An application of robotic navigation with supervised learning is implemented using ultrasonic sensors and teleoperation. The aim is the agent to associate, in real time, its own sensorial perception to the motor actions realized by a teleoperator, allowing the task to be repeated in an autonomous way, with some generalization. To make the corresponding mapping, a radial basis function network (RBF), trained by a sequential learning algorithm, is presented and used.
Lin, Yong-Sheng, and 林永昇. "Networked Force-Reflecting Teleoperation of a VR-Based Telerobotic System Supported by Active Vision." Thesis, 2004. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/43424523558304624283.
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Despite rapid advances in life-support technology, there are still many environments that may be hazardous or inaccessible to humans, such as dangerous rooms in a nuclear plant, areas near explosives, outer space, and under water. Also the application of fully-autonomous robotic systems in the same environments remains difficult or impractical in spite of advances in robot technology. Telerobotic systems, by which a human operator can enslave a remote robot manipulator using a hand controller according to information from feedback sensors, are a practical way to combine robot technology with human versatility. Such a system can bring a human operator’s perception, judgement, and dexterity to a task while allowing the operator to control the slave manipulator from a position of safety and convenience. The objective of this thesis is to advance the bilateral control method of the VR-based telerobotic system operated through the Internet. The telerobotic system adopted in this study is mainly composed of a hand controller in local site, and a robotic binocular head and an industrial robot manipulator in remote site. A six-axis force-reflecting hand controller is used to make the operator feel the contact force in remote site and enhance the manipulation with the implementation of the proposed intelligent impedance control law. A virtual scene of the remote site is created in local site by the visual information provided by the binocular head in remote site and virtual reality (VR) technique to support the operator with visual information. One image-based look-and-move control strategy is proposed to enable the robotic head to saccade and fixate the target during the teleoperation. The pose of the target is then estimated by applying static stereo analysis to determine the three-dimensional information by a process called triangulation. The VR scene is created according to the pose information of the target. Finally, the theoretical results are experimentally verified on the adopted telerobotic system. Specific experimental demonstrations include the unconstrained teleoperation and the peg-in-hole task to examine the performance of the system.
Tsao, Yen-Chih, and 曹晏誌. "Networked Force-Reflecting Teleoperation of a VR-Based Dexterous Telerobotic System Supported by Computer Vision." Thesis, 2003. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/16508273875689683363.
Full text國立成功大學
Despite rapid advances in science and technology, there are still environments that may be hazardous or inaccessible to humans, such as dangerous rooms in a nuclear plant and areas near explosives. Also, robotic systems in the same environments are unable to perform tasks autonomously, although there are great achievements in robot technology. The dexterous telerobotic systems, by which a human operator can enslave a remote mechanical hand using a hand master according to information from feedback sensors, are a practical way to combine robot technology with human versatility. Such a system can bring a human operator’s perception, judgment and dexterity to a task involving precise manipulation of delicate objects, while allowing the operator to control the mechanical hand from a position of safety and convenience. The objective of this thesis is to advance the bilateral control method of the VR-based dexterous telerobotic system operated through the Internet. A dexterous telerobotic system is first constructed in this thesis. The developed dexterous telerobotic system is mainly composed of a hand master and a virtual environment in local site, and a multifingered mechanical hand and a vision system in remote site. A virtual scene of the remote site is created in local site by visual information provided by the vision system in remote site and Virtual Reality (VR) technique, to support the operator with visual information and reduce the amount of transmitted data. A fuzzy sliding mode control algorithm is then proposed for the force and position control of the system due to the model uncertainties of the tendon-driven system. Using the hand master, the mechanical hand can be controlled to follow the operator’s hand motion by using the proposed position controller. When the mechanical hand contacts with the environment, the contact force is fed back to the operator by using the proposed force controller. Finally, the theoretical derivations for the position and force controllers based on the proposed fuzzy sliding algorithm are experimentally verified.
Liao, Stephen. "Performance evaluation of real-time bilateral teleoperation systems with wired and wireless network simulation." 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/14166.
Full textMun-HooiKhong and 鄺玟豪. "Bilateral Teleoperation Systems with Single Controller over Delayed Communication Network." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/04661897764969205540.
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SUMMARY This thesis proposes a novel bilateral teleoperation system by using only one controller that is collocated with the local robot. Without a controller, the position/velocity signals of the remote robot are transmitted to the central controller over a communication network. In this thesis, the central controller is accomplished by using P- and PD-controllers. By utilizing Lyapunov stability analysis, the sufficient condition for ensuring energy dissipation is obtained so that stability and position tracking are guaranteed when the communication network is subject to constant delays. Since it is possible that time delays change with network status, the stability condition for P-controller with time-varying delays is also studied in this thesis. Moreover, force reflection from the remote environment to the human operator via the local robot is proven to be equal to the environmental force when the teleoperation system is in steady state. The proposed control systems for bilateral teleoperators with single control are validated via numerical simulations and experiments. In order to obtain external forces from the human operator and environment, a simple and low-cost force sensor for PHANToM Omni haptic device is developed in this thesis. After calibration by using simple linear regression, the three-axis force sensor is utilities to record the force information in the experiment.
Shin-ChenHu and 胡欣成. "Passivity-Based and Event-Triggered Bilateral Teleoperation Systems with Network Uncertainties." Thesis, 2016. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/82198701903788395037.
Full text國立成功大學
In this thesis, control structures are proposed to deal with network uncertainties such as packet loss, constant delays, and network congestion in bilateral teleoperation. In bilateral teleoperation, the teleoperators transmit their states or outputs to each other via network. Network uncertainties are induced from transmission distance, equipment limitation, and especially overloading network. The topic can be broken into four parts. The first part is teleoperation under constant delays and packet loss using wave-variable transformation (WVT) and wave-variable modulation (WVM). The second is teleoperation using event-triggered communication and WVT under constant delays. For the third and fourth parts, we utilize event-triggered communication on P- or PD-based controllers with damping injection under constant delays. Besides, force-feedback is acheivable with the use of the proposed P- and PD-based control architectures. The proposed teleoperation structures are analyzed using nonlinear control theory, and verified using simulations and experiments. The results are further compared and discussed. The simulation and experiment results show the asymptotical stability of the proposed structures, and external force was measured and recorded by force sensors to verify the force-feedback efficacy. Besides, the event-triggered communication lowers the transmission frequency.
Liao, Txu-Chi, and 廖子期. "Estimation of Network Delayed Signals and Development of Assist Strategies in Teleoperation." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/73146731204489563805.
Full text國立交通大學
This thesis develops a control scheme composed by a model predictive controller (MPC), a communication disturbance observer (CDOB), and a feedback weighting mechanism in order to overcome the inevitable delay time in an Internet-based teleoperation system. The CDOB mainly compensates for the time-delay effect by treating it as a disturbance without the knowledge of the delay-time model. Moreover, this thesis proposes an improved scheme of CDOB in order to eliminate the steady-state error existed in a networked control system without a sufficient sampling rate. Meanwhile, the MPC adopted in this thesis predicts the best control signal in order to optimize the system performance. Generally, the time-delay effect usually decreases the transparency of the network controlled system and three assist strategies are presented in this thesis as: (1) virtual operation point, (2) prediction operation point, and (3) fine adjustment switching mechanism. Contouring motion experiments on a 2-DOF virtual manipulator validates the proposed assist mechanism.
Sharafat, Mohammad Reza. "Ethernet-Based Communications Network for Teleoperation of Renewable Energy Technologies in Hybrid Mini-Grids." Thesis, 2012. http://spectrum.library.concordia.ca/973621/6/Sharafat_MASc_S2012.pdf.
Full textPark, Joong-kyoo. "Inverse Kinematics Based on Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks for the WAM-Titan II Teleoperation System." 2007. http://trace.tennessee.edu/utk_gradthes/186.
Full textMaddahi, Yaser. "Bilateral Control of Base-Excited Hydraulic Manipulators Operating under a Delayed and Lossy Network." 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/23249.
Full textMoreira, Francisco. "Operação e controlo de equipamentos industriais à distância : desenvolvimento de teleserviços para sistemas FAC." Master's thesis, 1998. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/731.
Full textThis project deals with the remote operation and control of industrial equipment within the general framework of Virtual Production Systems/Distributed Production Systems/One-Product-Integrated-Manufacturing (VPS/DPS/OPIM). The first objective of this project was the analysis of the state of the art of the subject area, namely teleworking, teleoperation of industrial equipment, remote sensoring and the respective positioning within the VPS/DPS/OPIM system’s project. The second objective was the specification, construction and validation of one prototype installation for the purpose of demonstrating the remote control and operation when applied to an industrial equipment. An analysis of the state of the art, of the concepts and implementations related to teleoperation was made, which also included a brief historical review. The positioning of this project within the framework of the VPS/DPS/OPIM system was undertaken. This constituted the context and the motivation for the development of the present project. Finally, the prototype installation was projected and implemented through the TCP/IP computer network of University of Minho and through a numerically controlled milling machine. Several tests were made to the elements of the remote sensory system, to the interface of the remote operator and TCP/IP communications between the operation and the control sites. In conclusion, we would like to express our conviction that the technologies applied in the construction of the prototype installation will be the structural basis for the implementation of Advanced Manufacturing Systems that will shape the way people work and the way manufacturing is done in industrial environments.