Journal articles on the topic 'Network thermodynamics'
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Wampler, Taylor, and Andre C. Barato. "Skewness and kurtosis in stochastic thermodynamics." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, no. 1 (December 9, 2021): 014002.
Full textTasnim, Farita, and David H. Wolpert. "Stochastic Thermodynamics of Multiple Co-Evolving Systems—Beyond Multipartite Processes." Entropy 25, no. 7 (July 17, 2023): 1078.
Full textBorlenghi, Simone, and Anna Delin. "Stochastic Thermodynamics of Oscillators’ Networks." Entropy 20, no. 12 (December 19, 2018): 992.
Full textLewis, Edwin R. "Network thermodynamics revisited." Biosystems 34, no. 1-3 (1995): 47–63.
Full textŠesták, Jaroslav. "Studies in network thermodynamics." Thermochimica Acta 108 (November 1986): 393.
Full textMatsoukas, Themis. "Thermodynamics Beyond Molecules: Statistical Thermodynamics of Probability Distributions." Entropy 21, no. 9 (September 13, 2019): 890.
Full textDu, Bin, Daniel C. Zielinski, Jonathan M. Monk, and Bernhard O. Palsson. "Thermodynamic favorability and pathway yield as evolutionary tradeoffs in biosynthetic pathway choice." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 44 (October 11, 2018): 11339–44.
Full textReichl, L. E. "Book review:Studies in network thermodynamics." Journal of Statistical Physics 50, no. 1-2 (January 1988): 465.
Full textZhang, Mingjin, Peng Zhang, Yuhan Zhang, Minghai Yang, Xiaofeng Li, Xiaogang Dong, and Luchang Yang. "SAR-to-Optical Image Translation via an Interpretable Network." Remote Sensing 16, no. 2 (January 8, 2024): 242.
Full textKeegan, Michael, Hava T. Siegelmann, Edward A. Rietman, Giannoula Lakka Klement, and Jack A. Tuszynski. "Gibbs Free Energy, a Thermodynamic Measure of Protein–Protein Interactions, Correlates with Neurologic Disability." BioMedInformatics 1, no. 3 (December 14, 2021): 201–10.
Full textZhang, Mingjin, Handi Yang, Ke Yue, Xiaoyu Zhang, Yuqi Zhu, and Yunsong Li. "Thermodynamics-Inspired Multi-Feature Network for Infrared Small Target Detection." Remote Sensing 15, no. 19 (September 26, 2023): 4716.
Full textApostolova, R. D., O. V. Markevych, and E. M. Shembel. "Appraisal the effective diffusion coefficients of Li-ions by PITT and network thermodynamic methods in thin-layer Fe-sulfidic electrodes of Li-accumulator." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2382, no. 1 (November 1, 2022): 012007.
Full textZhang, Tao, and Shuyu Sun. "Thermodynamics-Informed Neural Network (TINN) for Phase Equilibrium Calculations Considering Capillary Pressure." Energies 14, no. 22 (November 18, 2021): 7724.
Full textvan der Schaft, A. J., S. Rao, and B. Jayawardhana. "On the network thermodynamics of mass action chemical reaction networks." IFAC Proceedings Volumes 46, no. 14 (2013): 24–29.
Full textImai, Y., H. Yoshida, M. Miyamoto, and H. Nakahari. "Network Thermodynamics of Membrane Transport System." Seibutsu Butsuri 27, no. 4 (1987): a159—a164.
Full textŚlęzak, Andrzej, and Sławomir M. Grzegorczyn. "Network Derivation of Liquid Junction Potentials in Single-Membrane System." Membranes 14, no. 6 (June 13, 2024): 140.
Full textGawthrop, Peter J., and Edmund J. Crampin. "Energy-based analysis of biochemical cycles using bond graphs." Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 470, no. 2171 (November 8, 2014): 20140459.
Full textPekař, Miloslav. "Thermodynamic framework for design of reaction rate equations and schemes." Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 74, no. 9 (2009): 1375–401.
Full textLiebermeister, Wolfram. "Structural Thermokinetic Modelling." Metabolites 12, no. 5 (May 11, 2022): 434.
Full textSarkar, Swarnavo, Joseph B. Hubbard, Michael Halter, and Anne L. Plant. "Information Thermodynamics and Reducibility of Large Gene Networks." Entropy 23, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 63.
Full textSaifutdinov, Bulat R., and Aleksey K. Buryak. "Thermodynamic Characteristics and Selectivity of the Liquid-Phase Adsorption of Aromatic Compounds on Hypercrosslinked Polystyrene Networks with Ultimate-High Crosslinking Densities by Data of Liquid Chromatography." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 25, no. 3 (January 26, 2024): 1551.
Full textLou, De Cang, Wen Guo, Zhi Guo Wang, and Yong Hong Wang. "Integrated Thermal Management System Design for Advanced Propulsion System." Applied Mechanics and Materials 232 (November 2012): 723–29.
Full textIMAI, YUSUKE. "Network thermodynamics of bio-membrane transport system." membrane 15, no. 3 (1990): 160–66.
Full textTakaguchi, T., K. Ejima, and S. Miyazaki. "Network Analysis Based on Statistical-Thermodynamics Formalism." Progress of Theoretical Physics 124, no. 1 (July 1, 2010): 27–52.
Full textDaoyun, Ji, Hu Beilai, and Chen Tianlun. "Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Layered Neural Network." Communications in Theoretical Physics 28, no. 3 (October 30, 1997): 283–88.
Full textSoh, Keng Cher, and Vassily Hatzimanikatis. "Network thermodynamics in the post-genomic era." Current Opinion in Microbiology 13, no. 3 (June 2010): 350–57.
Full textImai, Yusuke. "Membrane transport system modeled by network thermodynamics." Journal of Membrane Science 41 (February 1989): 3–21.
Full textGröger, Roman. "Thermodynamics of Dislocation Pattern Formation at the Mesoscale." Key Engineering Materials 592-593 (November 2013): 79–82.
Full textIMAI, YUSUKE. "Network thermodynamics of bio-membrane transport system. II." membrane 15, no. 4 (1990): 196–202.
Full textIMAI, YUSUKE. "Network thermodynamics of bio-membrane transport system. III." membrane 15, no. 5 (1990): 269–75.
Full textIMAI, YUSUKE. "Network thermodynamics of bio-membrane transport system IV." membrane 15, no. 6 (1990): 305–13.
Full textIMAI, YUSUKE. "Network Thermodynamics of Bio-Membrane Transport System. V." membrane 16, no. 3 (1991): 179–86.
Full textIMAI, YUSUKE. "Network Thermodynamics of Bio-Membrane Transport System VII." membrane 16, no. 5 (1991): 306–17.
Full textIMAI, YUSUKE. "Network Thermodynamics of Bio-Membrane Transport System. VIII." membrane 17, no. 1 (1992): 48–52.
Full textWang, Changda, Xiaowei Li, and Elisa Bertino. "Network Temperature: A Novel Statistical Index for Networks Measurement and Management." ACM Transactions on Internet Technology 22, no. 3 (August 31, 2022): 1–20.
Full textIMAI, Yusuke. "Network Thermodynamics: Analysis and Synthesis of Membrane Transport System." Japanese Journal of Physiology 46, no. 3 (1996): 187–99.
Full textThoma, Jean, and Henri Atlan. "Osmosis and hydraulics by network thermodynamics and bond graphs." Journal of the Franklin Institute 319, no. 1-2 (January 1985): 217–26.
Full textHubbard, Joseph B., Michael Halter, Swarnavo Sarkar, and Anne L. Plant. "The role of fluctuations in determining cellular network thermodynamics." PLOS ONE 15, no. 3 (March 11, 2020): e0230076.
Full textMAKSE, H., and R. P. J. PERAZZO. "THE THERMODYNAMICS OF DYSLEXIC LEARNING." International Journal of Neural Systems 03, no. 04 (January 1992): 351–60.
Full textRen, Likun, Haiqin Qin, Na Cai, Bianjiang Li, and Zhenbo Xie. "A Hybrid Degradation Evaluation Model for Aero-Engines." Sustainability 15, no. 1 (December 20, 2022): 29.
Full textChu, Xin-Yi, Si-Ming Chen, Ke-Wei Zhao, Tian Tian, Jun Gao, and Hong-Yu Zhang. "Plausibility of Early Life in a Relatively Wide Temperature Range: Clues from Simulated Metabolic Network Expansion." Life 11, no. 8 (July 24, 2021): 738.
Full textAhmadi, Mostafa, and Sebastian Seiffert. "Thermodynamic control over energy dissipation modes in dual-network hydrogels based on metal–ligand coordination." Soft Matter 16, no. 9 (2020): 2332–41.
Full textPrechl, József. "Complex Physical Properties of an Adaptive, Self-Organizing Biological System." Biophysica 3, no. 2 (March 31, 2023): 231–51.
Full textHorno, José, and Carlos F. González-Fernández. "Analysis of chemical reaction systems by means of network thermodynamics." Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications 54, no. 9 (1989): 2335–44.
Full textPateras, Joseph, Ashwin Vaidya, and Preetam Ghosh. "Network Thermodynamics-Based Scalable Compartmental Model for Multi-Strain Epidemics." Mathematics 10, no. 19 (September 26, 2022): 3513.
Full textBatko, Kornelia M., Izabella Slezak-Prochazka, Slawomir Grzegorczyn, and Andrzej Slezak. "MEMBRANE TRANSPORT IN CONCENTRATION POLARIZATION CONDITIONS: NETWORK THERMODYNAMICS MODEL EQUATIONS." Journal of Porous Media 17, no. 7 (2014): 573–86.
Full textTkačik, Gašper, Thierry Mora, Olivier Marre, Dario Amodei, Stephanie E. Palmer, Michael J. Berry, and William Bialek. "Thermodynamics and signatures of criticality in a network of neurons." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112, no. 37 (September 1, 2015): 11508–13.
Full textChiriki, Siva, Shweta Jindal, and Satya S. Bulusu. "Neural network potentials for dynamics and thermodynamics of gold nanoparticles." Journal of Chemical Physics 146, no. 8 (February 28, 2017): 084314.
Full textMikulecky, Donald C. "Network thermodynamics and complexity: a transition to relational systems theory." Computers & Chemistry 25, no. 4 (July 2001): 369–91.
Full textRusovs, D., L. Jansons, N. Zeltins, and I. Geipele. "Efficient Heat Recovery from Hydrogen and Natural Gas Blend Combustion Products." Latvian Journal of Physics and Technical Sciences 60, no. 2 (April 1, 2023): 31–42.
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