Academic literature on the topic 'Network thermodynamics'
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Journal articles on the topic "Network thermodynamics"
Wampler, Taylor, and Andre C. Barato. "Skewness and kurtosis in stochastic thermodynamics." Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 55, no. 1 (December 9, 2021): 014002.
Full textTasnim, Farita, and David H. Wolpert. "Stochastic Thermodynamics of Multiple Co-Evolving Systems—Beyond Multipartite Processes." Entropy 25, no. 7 (July 17, 2023): 1078.
Full textBorlenghi, Simone, and Anna Delin. "Stochastic Thermodynamics of Oscillators’ Networks." Entropy 20, no. 12 (December 19, 2018): 992.
Full textLewis, Edwin R. "Network thermodynamics revisited." Biosystems 34, no. 1-3 (1995): 47–63.
Full textŠesták, Jaroslav. "Studies in network thermodynamics." Thermochimica Acta 108 (November 1986): 393.
Full textMatsoukas, Themis. "Thermodynamics Beyond Molecules: Statistical Thermodynamics of Probability Distributions." Entropy 21, no. 9 (September 13, 2019): 890.
Full textDu, Bin, Daniel C. Zielinski, Jonathan M. Monk, and Bernhard O. Palsson. "Thermodynamic favorability and pathway yield as evolutionary tradeoffs in biosynthetic pathway choice." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, no. 44 (October 11, 2018): 11339–44.
Full textReichl, L. E. "Book review:Studies in network thermodynamics." Journal of Statistical Physics 50, no. 1-2 (January 1988): 465.
Full textZhang, Mingjin, Peng Zhang, Yuhan Zhang, Minghai Yang, Xiaofeng Li, Xiaogang Dong, and Luchang Yang. "SAR-to-Optical Image Translation via an Interpretable Network." Remote Sensing 16, no. 2 (January 8, 2024): 242.
Full textKeegan, Michael, Hava T. Siegelmann, Edward A. Rietman, Giannoula Lakka Klement, and Jack A. Tuszynski. "Gibbs Free Energy, a Thermodynamic Measure of Protein–Protein Interactions, Correlates with Neurologic Disability." BioMedInformatics 1, no. 3 (December 14, 2021): 201–10.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Network thermodynamics"
Squadrani, Lorenzo. "Deep neural networks and thermodynamics." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2020.
Find full textPierantozzi, Mariano. "Mathematical modeling for Thermodynamics: Thermophysical Properties and Equation of State." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2015.
Full textAbstract In the modern multicultural and multidisciplinary society, always adopting more and more wider prospective than before. In this thesis, we try to adopt a multidisciplinary method, which involves Mathematics, Physics, but also Chemistry, Statistics, and in general the scientific engineering. The aspects explained are thermo physical properties, and Equations of State (EOS) of gases. Regarding thermo physical properties have been analysed Surface Tension, Thermal Conductivity, Viscosity, and the second virial coefficient. On this arguments, the work had been subdivided between the gathering of experimental data, the analysing of data with statistical techniques transforming them to more reliable data than row. The second step was to collect the equations of literature. Then we went ahead studying the sensibility of data to find out which physical properties could have bigger impact to property examined. At the end, we looked for an equation that could represent experimental data in a better way. We always preferred the scaled equations that respect chemical and physical aspects, to the empirical ones. Comparing our results with better equations in literature, our results are always better, in fact all of the have been published in the best international journals on this subject. A separate discussion is that of EOS. Analyzing the previous literature, the first thing that came to our minds was that to find the best possible equation is impossible. Or as Martin wrote copying words of the famous fables Snow White: “Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?”. We choose to modify The Carnahan-Starling-De Santis (CSD) equation of state, a parametrich equation with good results in the calculation of Vapor Liquid Equilibrium. Due to multi objective minimization techniques the performance of CSD has been improved. These are the principals aspect brought to light in this research, which apart from the results, with good results has opened to me the world of research.
Ozaki, Hiroto. "Study of Network Structures and Rheological Properties of Physical Gels." Kyoto University, 2017.
Full textLoutchko, Dimitri. "A Theoretical Study of the Tryptophan Synthase Enzyme Reaction Network." Doctoral thesis, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2018.
Full textThe channeling enzyme tryptophan synthase provides a paradigmatic example of a chemical nanomachine with two distinct catalytic subunits. It catalyzes the biosynthesis of tryptophan, whereby the catalytic activity in a subunit is enhanced or inhibited depending on the state of the other subunit, gates control the accessibility of the reactive sites and the intermediate product indole is directly channeled within the protein. The first single-molecule kinetic model of the enzyme is constructed. Simulations reveal strong correlations in the states of the active centers and the emergent synchronization. Thermodynamic data is used to calculate the rate constant for the reverse indole channeling. Using the fully reversible single-molecule model, the stochastic thermodynamics of the enzyme is closely examined. The current methods describing information exchange in bipartite systems are extended to arbitrary Markov networks and applied to the kinetic model. They allow the characterization of the information exchange between the subunits resulting from allosteric cross-regulations and channeling. The final part of this work is focused on chemical reaction networks of metabolites and enzymes. Algebraic semigroup models are constructed based on a formalism that emphasizes the catalytic function of reactants within the network. A correspondence between coarse-graining procedures and semigroup congruences respecting the functional structure is established. A family of congruences that leads to a rather unusual coarse-graining is analyzed: The network is covered with local patches in a way that the local information on the network is fully retained, but the environment of each patch is not resolved. Whereas classical coarse-graining procedures would fix a particular patch and delete information about the environment, the algebraic approach keeps the structure of all local patches and allows the interaction of functions within distinct patches.
Hui, Qing. "Nonlinear dynamical systems and control for large-scale, hybrid, and network systems." Diss., Atlanta, Ga. : Georgia Institute of Technology, 2008.
Full textCommittee Chair: Haddad, Wassim; Committee Member: Feron, Eric; Committee Member: JVR, Prasad; Committee Member: Taylor, David; Committee Member: Tsiotras, Panagiotis
Grondin, Yohann. "Biological networks : a thermodynamical approach." Thesis, University of Leicester, 2006.
Full textKotjabasakis, E. "Design of flexible heat exchanger networks." Thesis, University of Manchester, 1988.
Full textGarcia, Cantu Ros Anselmo. "Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of interaction networks." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2007.
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Doctorat en Sciences
Honorato-Zimmer, Ricardo. "On a thermodynamic approach to biomolecular interaction networks." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2017.
Full textJones, Paul Simon. "Targeting and design for heat exchanger networks under multiple base case operation." Thesis, University of Manchester, 1991.
Full textBooks on the topic "Network thermodynamics"
Peusner, Leonardo. Studies in network thermodynamics. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1986.
Find full textGermany) Minisymposium on Thermodynamics of Surfaces (1995 Berlin. Thermodynamics of surfaces: Minisymposium, May 11-13, 1995 : European Thermodynamics Network, thermodynamics of complex systems. Berlin: Technische Universität Berlin, 1996.
Find full textPeusner, L. The principles of network thermodynamics: Theory and biophysical applications. Lincoln, Mass: Entropy Ltd., 1987.
Find full textPiotrowska, Ewa. Zastępcza sieć cieplna wymiennika ciepła pracującego w stanach przejściowych: The equivalent thermal network for heat exchanger working in the transient states. Warszawa: Wydawnictwo SGGW, 2013.
Find full textMeeting, American Society of Mechanical Engineers Winter. Network thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer in biotechnology: Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boston, Massachusetts, December 13-18, 1987 : sponsored by the Bioengineering Division, ASME, the Heat Transfer Division, ASME. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1987.
Find full textAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. Winter Meeting. Network thermodynamics, heat and mass transfer in biotechnology: Presented at the Winter Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Boston, Massachusetts, December 13-18, 1987. New York, N.Y. (345 E. 47th St., New York 10017): ASME, 1987.
Find full textBejan, Adrian, and Giuseppe Grazzini, eds. Shape and Thermodynamics. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2008.
Full textIto, Sosuke. Information Thermodynamics on Causal Networks and its Application to Biochemical Signal Transduction. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.
Full textMüller, Berndt. Neural networks: An introduction. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1991.
Find full textMüller, Berndt. Neural networks: An introduction. 2nd ed. Berlin: Springer, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Network thermodynamics"
Imai, Y. "Graded Modelling of Exocrine Secretion Using Network Thermodynamics." In Epithelial Secretion of Water and Electrolytes, 129–39. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990.
Full textGordon, Manfred. "Thermodynamics of Casein Gels and the Universality of Network Theories." In Integration of Fundamental Polymer Science and Technology, 167–76. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1986.
Full textHaddad, Wassim M. "The Role of Systems Biology, Neuroscience, and Thermodynamics in Network Control and Learning." In Handbook of Reinforcement Learning and Control, 763–817. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textDoty, David, Trent A. Rogers, David Soloveichik, Chris Thachuk, and Damien Woods. "Thermodynamic Binding Networks." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 249–66. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textFeinberg, Martin. "Quasi-Thermodynamic Kinetic Systems." In Foundations of Chemical Reaction Network Theory, 273–91. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Full textUtracki, L. A. "Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Phase Separation." In Interpenetrating Polymer Networks, 77–123. Washington, DC: American Chemical Society, 1994.
Full textIto, Sosuke. "Information Thermodynamics on Causal Networks." In Information Thermodynamics on Causal Networks and its Application to Biochemical Signal Transduction, 61–82. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.
Full textRostiashvili, V. G., and T. A. Vilgis. "Statistical Thermodynamics of Polymeric Networks." In Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials, 1–18. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
Full textRostiashvili, V. G., and T. A. Vilgis. "Statistical Thermodynamics of Polymeric Networks." In Encyclopedia of Polymeric Nanomaterials, 2254–68. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
Full textYe, Cheng, Andrea Torsello, Richard C. Wilson, and Edwin R. Hancock. "Thermodynamics of Time Evolving Networks." In Graph-Based Representations in Pattern Recognition, 315–24. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2015.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Network thermodynamics"
Pavlović, Marina Simović, Maja Pagnacco, Bojana Bokić, Darko Vasiljević, Marija Radmilović-Rađenović, Branislav Rađenović, and Branko Kolarić. "Breaking Barriers: Molding Thermodynamics by Geometry of Nanostructures." In 2024 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1–4. IEEE, 2024.
Full textZitelli, Mario. "A Thermodynamic Study of Low-power Modal Multiplexed Systems." In 2024 24th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), 1–3. IEEE, 2024.
Full textKiritsis, E., and T. Taylor. "Thermodynamics of D-brane probes." In European Network on Physics beyond the Standard Model. Trieste, Italy: Sissa Medialab, 1999.
Full textTaliaferro, Matthew E., and Samuel R. Darr. "Modeling Internal Launch Vehicle Fluid Flow and Thermodynamics, Part 1: Thermodynamic Tank Network Solver." In AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum. Reston, Virginia: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2024.
Full textGaymann, Audrey, Giorgio Schiaffini, Michela Massini, Francesco Montomoli, and Alessandro Corsini. "Neural network topology for wind turbine analysis." In European Conference on Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics. European Turbomachinery Society, 2019.
Full textPothineni, Dinesh, Pratik Mishra, and Aadil Rasheed. "Social thermodynamics: Modelling communication dynamics in social network." In 2012 International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technology (FGCT). IEEE, 2012.
Full textBerg, Jordan M., D. H. S. Maithripala, Qing Hui, and Wassim M. Haddad. "Thermodynamics-based network systems control by thermal analogy." In 2012 IEEE 51st Annual Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2012.
Full textChen, Ruijun. "The Network Locating Principle in Flexible Circuit Board Assembly." In ASME 2009 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2009.
Full textLayton, Astrid, John Reap, and Bert Bras. "A Correlation Between Thermal Efficiency and Biological Network Cyclicity." In ASME 2011 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability. ASMEDC, 2011.
Full textIwai, Takuya, Daichi Kominami, Masayuki Murata, and Tetsuya Yomo. "Thermodynamics-Based Entropy Adjustment for Robust Self-Organized Network Controls." In 2014 IEEE 38th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC). IEEE, 2014.
Full textReports on the topic "Network thermodynamics"
Haddad, Wassim M. Complexity, Robustness, and Network Thermodynamics in Large-Scale and Multiagent Systems: A Hybrid Control Approach. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2012.
Full textTse, David, Piyush Gupta, and Devavrat Shah. Thermodynamics of Large-Scale Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2014.
Full textSteele, W. V., R. D. Chirico, S. E. Knipmeyer, and A. Nguyen. The thermodynamic properties of 2-aminobiphenyl (an intermediate in the carbazole/hydrogen reaction network). Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), December 1990.
Full textHaddad, Wassim M., and Quirino Balzano. A Network Thermodynamic Framework for the Analysis and Control Design of Large-Scale Dynamical Systems. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 2006.
Full textPerdigão, Rui A. P. Strengthening Multi-Hazard Resilience with Quantum Aerospace Systems Intelligence. Synergistic Manifolds, January 2024.
Full textMcKinley, James P., and Jonathan Istok. Stability of U(VI) and Tc(VII) Reducing Microbial Communities to Environmental Perturbation: Development and Testing of a Thermodynamic Network Model. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2005.
Full textMcKinley, James P., Chongxuan Liu, Jack Istok, and Lee Krumholz. Stability of U(VI)- and Tc(VII) reducing microbial communities to environmental perturbation: a thermodynamic network model and intermediate-scale experiments. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), June 2006.
Full textPerdigão, Rui A. P. Neuro-Quantum Cyber-Physical Intelligence (NQCPI). Synergistic Manifolds, October 2024.
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