Books on the topic 'Neoclassical economic theory'
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1946-, Foldvary Fred E., ed. Beyond neoclassical economics: Heterodox approaches to economic theory. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 1996.
Find full textHennings, Klaus, and Warren J. Samuels, eds. Neoclassical Economic Theory, 1870 to 1930. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1990.
Full textKlaus, Hennings, and Samuels Warren J. 1933-, eds. Neoclassical economic theory, 1870 to 1930. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.
Find full textList, John A. Neoclassical theory versus prospect theory: Evidence from the marketplace. Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003.
Find full textThe economics of nonprofit enterprise: A study in applied economic theory. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1986.
Find full text1941-, Arestis Philip, and Skouras Thanos 1943-, eds. Post Keynesian economic theory: A challenge to neo-classical economics. Sussex: Wheatsheaf Books, 1985.
Find full textThe Post-Keynesian approach to economics: An alternative analysis of economic theory and policy. Aldershot, England: E. Elgar, 1992.
Find full textKnight, Malcolm. Testing the neoclassical theory of economic growth: A panel data approach. Washington: International Monetary Fund, Research Department, 1992.
Find full textKnight, Malcolm D. Testing the neoclassical theory of economic growth: A panel data approach. [ ]: International Monetary Fund, 1992.
Find full textAndriana, Vlachou, ed. Contemporary economic theory: Radical critiques of Neoliberalism. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Find full textMilonakis, Dimitris. From political economy to economics: Method, the social and the historical in the evolution of economic theory. London: Routledge, 2009.
Find full textAhmad, Syed. Capital in economic theory: Neo-classical, Cambridge, and chaos. Aldershot, Hants, England: Elgar, 1991.
Find full textKing, Robert G. Transitional dynamics and economic growth in the neoclassical model. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 1989.
Find full textBen, Fine, ed. From political economy to economics: Method, the social and the historical in the evolution of economic theory. New York: Routledge, 2008.
Find full textPietri-Tonelli, Alfonso de. Vilfredo Pareto: Neoclassical synthesis of economics and sociology. Basingstoke: Macmillan in association with the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Napoli, Italy, 1994.
Find full textKwiatkowski, Eugeniusz. Neoklasyczne teorie zatrudnienia: Tradycja i współczesność. Warszawa: Państwowe Wydawn. Nauk., 1988.
Find full textFrank, Ackerman, and Program for the Study of Sustainable Change and Development (Tufts University. Global Development and Environment Institute), eds. Human well-being and economic goals. Washington, D.C: Island Press, 1997.
Find full textTheorie der kapitalistischen und einer laboristischen Ökonomie. Frankfurt: Campus, 1986.
Find full textL, Mangum Stephen, ed. A search for synthesis in economic theory. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe, 1986.
Find full text1966-, Bruni Luigino, and Montesano Aldo, eds. New essays on Pareto's economic theory. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2009.
Find full textWeber, Axel A. Neue klassische Makroökonomie, rationale Erwartungen und kontemporäre Information: Theoretische Analyse, ökonometrische Testprobleme und empirische Evidenz für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland unter Verwendung des Kalman-Filters. Frankfurt am Main: Haag + Herchen, 1988.
Find full textKachi, koyō, kyōkō: Uno Gakuha to Kenburijji Gakuha. Tōkyō: Shakai Hyōronsha, 1989.
Find full textÖtsch, Walter. Das Sraffa-Paradoxon: Das gemeinsame Konsistenz-Problem der neoklassischen und Marxschen Gleichgewichtstheorie. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 1990.
Find full textMcGrattan, Ellen R. Does neoclassical theory account for the effects of big fiscal shocks?: Evidence from World War II. Cambridge, Mass: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006.
Find full textMcGrattan, Ellen R. Does neoclassical theory account for the effects of big fiscal shocks?: Evidence from World War II. [Minneapolis, Minn.]: Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, 2003.
Find full textMason, Will Edwin. Classical versus neoclassical monetary theories: The roots, ruts, and resilience of monetarism and Keynesianism. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996.
Find full textWengorz, Lars Henryk. Die Bedeutung von Unternehmertum und Eigentum fuer die Existenz von Unternehmen: Eine methodenkritische Analyse der Transformation des Wirtschaftssystems in Russland. Bern: Peter Lang International Academic Publishers, 2018.
Find full textRationale Erwartungen und neue klassische Makroökonomik: Eine Einführung. Frankfurt am Main: P. Lang, 1989.
Find full textNeri, Salvadori, ed. Classical economics and modern theory: Studies in long-period analysis. London: Routledge, 2003.
Find full textThe global economic crisis: New perspectives on the critique of economic theory and policy. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2011.
Find full textNeri, Salvadori, and Panico Carlo 1952-, eds. Classical, neo classical and Keynesian views on growth and distribution. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Pub., 2006.
Find full textYadgarov, Yakov. History of economic thought. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2020.
Full textÖkonomie zwischen Wissenschaft und Ethik: Eine dogmenthistorische Untersuchung von Léon M.E.Walras bis Milton Friedmann. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 2005.
Find full textKeita, L. D. Science, rationality, and neoclassical economics. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1992.
Find full textRoss, Stephen A. Neoclassical finance. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2004.
Find full textFoldvary, Fred E. Beyond Neoclassical Economics: Heterodox Approaches to Economic Theory. Edward Elgar Publishing, 1996.
Find full textHennings, Klaus, and Warren J. Samuels. Neoclassical Economic Theory, 1870 To 1930. Springer London, Limited, 2012.
Find full textDopfer, Kurt, and Jason Potts. General Theory of Economic Evolution. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
Find full textDopfer, Kurt, and Jason Potts. General Theory of Economic Evolution. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
Find full textDopfer, Kurt, and Jason Potts. General Theory of Economic Evolution. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
Find full textDopfer, Kurt, and Jason Potts. General Theory of Economic Evolution. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
Find full textDopfer, Kurt, and Jason Potts. General Theory of Economic Evolution. Taylor & Francis Group, 2007.
Find full textMadra, Yahya M. Late Neoclassical Economics: The Restoration of Theoretical Humanism in Contemporary Economic Theory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textMadra, Yahya M. Late Neoclassical Economics: The Restoration of Theoretical Humanism in Contemporary Economic Theory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textMadra, Yahya M. Late Neoclassical Economics: The Restoration of Theoretical Humanism in Contemporary Economic Theory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textLate Neoclassical Economics: The Restoration of Theoretical Humanism in Contemporary Economic Theory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textMadra, Yahya M. Late Neoclassical Economics: The Restoration of Theoretical Humanism in Contemporary Economic Theory. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textMaking World Development Work: Scientific Alternatives to Neoclassical Economic Theory. University of New Mexico Press, 2007.
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