Academic literature on the topic 'Ndebele language (Zimbabwe)'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ndebele language (Zimbabwe)"
Ndlovu, Sambulo. "The toponym Bulawayo and ideologies of Ndebele language purism in Zimbabwe." Naming and Labelling Contexts of Cultural Importance in Africa 10, no. 2 (December 31, 2023): 209–23.
Full textMaseko, Busani. "Blurring the binaries of home/school in Family Language Policy." Sociolinguistic Studies 18, no. 1-2 (April 29, 2024): 81–106.
Full textSiziba, Gugulethu, and Lloyd Hill. "Language and the geopolitics of (dis)location: A study of Zimbabwean Shona and Ndebele speakers in Johannesburg." Language in Society 47, no. 1 (February 2018): 115–39.
Full textCharamba, Erasmos, and Omphile Marupi. "Language Contact, Contamination, Containment, and Shift: Lessons From Multilingual Gwanda South, Zimbabwe." Journal of Languages and Language Teaching 11, no. 3 (July 18, 2023): 515.
Full textDowning, Laura J. "Satisfying minimality in Ndebele." ZAS Papers in Linguistics 19 (January 1, 2000): 23–39.
Full textPhiri, Admire, and Innocent Dande. "Surviving on the margins." Hunter Gatherer Research 7, no. 3-4 (August 2021): 309–40.
Full textNdhlovu, Finex. "Gramsci, Doke and the Marginalisation of the Ndebele Language in Zimbabwe." Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 27, no. 4 (July 15, 2006): 305–18.
Full textNdebele, Lickel. "Negotiating marital challenges through classic wedding songs: a case of the Ndebele in Zimbabwe." South African Journal of African Languages 42, no. 3 (September 2, 2022): 272–82.
Full textAhmimed, Charaf, and Sofia Quesada-Montano. "Intercultural dialogue A tool for young people to address exclusion in southern Africa." Journal of Intercultural Communication 19, no. 2 (July 10, 2019): 1–13.
Full textNdlovu, Eventhough. "Milestones, challenges and prospects in the implementation of the Language Provisions of the Constitution of Zimbabwe Amendment (No.20) Act." Journal of African Languages and Literary Studies 1, no. 3 (December 1, 2020): 157–78.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ndebele language (Zimbabwe)"
Mugore, Masawi Maireva Faustina. "Language learning and teaching in Zimbabwe : English as the sole language of instruction in schools : a study of students' use of English in Zimbabwe, their indigenous languages (Shona and Ndebele), and the schools' methods of instruction in secondary school classrooms." Thesis, McGill University, 1995. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=29090.
Full textSome of the findings reveal a learning and teaching environment that prevents strategies from addressing linguistic, social and cultural development with a coherent workable vision in the English classroom.
Because English is the working language of government, business, and industry in Zimbabwe, an English-only policy seems to be a practical means to prepare students for higher education and the workforce. The growing status of English as an international lingua franca provides additional support for such a policy.
This study reveals the need to rethink the imposition of an English-only policy. The findings indicate that current teaching approaches/methods and materials do not entirely support language development in English, largely because they do not take into account the economic, social, and linguistic situations of the students.
The study supports and calls for a multifaceted approach to the way language is currently taught in Zimbabwe, and sees this as one way secondary schools can produce, through the medium of English instruction, students and teachers who can adapt to rapid change, and relate to people from diverse socio-cultural and linguistic backgrounds.
The study emphasizes the integration and expectations of people's views on language and education, as heard and expressed by many respondents. This is considered central to any meaningful effort towards linguistic competence, a challenging but stimulating learning environment, and better communication among students and teachers.
Gambahaya, Zifikile. "An analysis of the social vision of post-independence Zimbabwean writers with special reference to Shona and Ndebele poetry." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 1998.
Full textThis dissertation analyses creative trends in Shona and Ndebele poetry published after the attainment of political independence in 1980. The research tries to establish the close link between poems in the two national languages and post-independence Zimbabwean history in order to examine the link between creative writing and nationalism, which is the context in which creativity takes place, an attempt is made to outline major trends in nationalist history vis-a-vis colonialism. Having set the background for analysis, the research focuses on texts that are published in the context of the apparent cultural renaissance that is ushered by the apparent victory of African nationalism over colonialism. The texts are analysed in the context of the dialectic of nationalism and colonialism.
Siziba, Gugulethu. "Language and the politics of identity in South Africa : the case of Zimbabwean (Shona and Ndebele speaking) migrants in Johannesburg." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2013.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Discourses about identity framed in terms of questions about autochthons and the Other are on the ascendance in the contemporary socio-political and cultural milieu. Migration, by virtue of its transgression of national boundaries and bounded communities, stands as a contentious site with respect to the politics of identity. South Africa is one case in point, where migrants – particularly those of African origin – have been at the centre of a storm of Otherization, which climaxed in the May 2008 attacks (now widely termed ‗xenophobic attacks‘). ―Amakwerekwere”, as African migrants in South Africa are derogatively referred to, face exclusionary tendencies from various fronts in South Africa. Using language as an entry point, this thesis investigates how Zimbabwean migrants – who by virtue of a multifaceted crisis in their country have a marked presence in South Africa – experience and navigate the politics of identity in Johannesburg. Through a multi-sited ethnography, relying on the triangulation of participant observation and interviews, the thesis focuses on Ndebele and Shona speaking migrants in five neighbourhoods. Framing the analysis within an eclectic theoretical apparatus that hinges on Bourdieu‘s economy of social practice, it is argued that each neighbourhood is a social universe of struggle that is inscribed with its own internal logic and relational matrix of recognition, and each ascertains what constitutes a legitimate language and by extension legitimate identity. This relational matrix is undergirded by a specific distributional and evaluative structure with corresponding symbolic, economic and socio-cultural capitals (embodied practices) that constitute the requisite entry fees and currency for belonging, as well as the negative capitals that attract designations of the strange and the Other. Zimbabwean migrants‘ experiences as the Other in South Africa take on diverse and differentiated forms. It was observed how experiences of Otherness and being the Other are neither homogenous nor static across the different social universes that make up Johannesburg; rather they are fluid and shifting and occur along an elastic continuum. Consequently the responses of migrants are also based on a reading of – and response to – the various scripts of existence in these different social universes.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Diskoerse oor identiteit, uitgedruk in terme van vrae oor autochthons en die Ander, is aan die toeneem in die huidige sosio-politieke en kulturele milieu. Migrasie, wat met die oortreding van nasionale grense en begrensde gemeenskappe geassosieer word, is 'n omstrede terrein met betrekking tot die politiek van identiteit. Suid-Afrika is 'n goeie voorbeeld hiervan, waar migrante – veral dié van Afrika-oorsprong – in die middel van 'n storm van Anderisering beland het. Hierdie situasie het 'n hoogtepunt bereik in die Mei 2008-aanvalle – nou algemeen bekend as "xenofobiese geweld." "Amakwerekwere", soos Afrika-migrante in Suid-Afrika neerhalend beskryf word, word vanuit verskeie oorde in Suid-Afrika gekonfronteer met uitsluitingstendense. Die tesis gebruik taal as beginpunt vir 'n ondersoek oor hoe Zimbabwiese migrante – wat as 'n gevolg van 'n veelsydige krisis in hul land 'n merkbare teenwoordigheid in Suid-Afrika het – die politiek van identiteit in Johannesburg ervaar en navigeer. Deur middel van 'n multi-terrein etnografie, wat staatmaak op die triangulering van etnografiese waarneming en onderhoude, word Ndebele- en Sjonasprekende migrante in vyf woonbuurte ondersoek. Gebaseer op 'n eklektiese teoretiese apparaat, hoofsaaklik gewortel in Bourdieu se ekonomie van sosiale praktyk, word voorgestel dat elke woonbuurt 'n sosiale universum van stryd is waarop 'n eie interne logika en verhoudingsmatriks van herkenning ingeskryf is, en dat elkeen sy eie legitieme taal en by implikasie, eie legitieme identiteit het. Hierdie verhoudingsmatriks word ondervang deur 'n spesifieke verspreidings- en evalueringstruktuur met ooreenstemmende simboliese-, ekonomiese-, en kulturele-kapitaal (beliggaamde praktyke), wat dien as 'n soort inskrywingsfooi of geldeenheid vir insluiting, sowel as die negatiewe kapitaal wat toeskrywings van andersheid en die Ander aantrek. Zimbabwiese migrante se ervarings as die Ander in Suid-Afrika neem verskillende vorme aan. Daar is waargeneem hoedat ervarings van Andersheid in die verskillende sosiale kontekste van Johannesburg nie homogeen of staties is nie, maar eerder vloeibaar en skuiwend op 'n elastiese kontinuum. As 'n gevolg is die gedrag van migrante ook gebaseer op 'n lesing van – en reaksie op – die verskeie spelreëls van hierdie verskillende sosiale omgewings.
Nyika, Nicholus. "A case study of civil society organisations' initiatives for the development and promotion of linguistic human rights in Zimbabwe (1980-2004)." Thesis, 2008.
Full textSibanda, Ethelia. "The linguistic impact of the symbiotic relationship between amaNdebele and amaXhosa on the isiXhosa language and the amaXhosa culture in the Mbembesi area of Zimbabwe." Thesis, 2019.
Full textLinguistics and Modern Languages
Ph. D. (Languages, Linguistics and Literature)
Books on the topic "Ndebele language (Zimbabwe)"
Pelling, J. N. A practical Ndebele dictionary. Ardbennie, Harare: Longman Zimbabwe, 2001.
Find full textChiwome, Emmanuel. Zimbabwean literature in African languages: Crossing language boundaries. Gweru, Zimbabwe: Booklove Publishers, 2012.
Find full textPamela, Pelling, ed. Lessons in Ndebele. Ardbennie, Harare: Published in association with the Literature Bureau [by] Longman Zimbabwe, 1987.
Find full textHleza, Ezekiel S. K. Emfuleni wezinyembezi. Harare, Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe Pub. House, 1992.
Find full textKhumalo, Jabulani Langa. Okukhulunywa ngabantu. Harare, Zimbabwe: College Press, 1995.
Find full textNdlovu, Lovemore. Pass your grade 7 Ndebele: Ubungcitshi bokuphendula imihloliso. Harare: Priority Projects Publishing, 2009.
Find full textBhebhe, Thembani. Ndebele practice book: New grade seven examination format. Harare: Lleemon Publishers, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ndebele language (Zimbabwe)"
Myers-Scotton, Carol. "The African Setting." In Social Motivations For Codeswitching, 9–44. Oxford University PressOxford, 1993.
Full textCharamba, Erasmos. "No Student Left Behind." In Handbook of Research on Inequities in Online Education During Global Crises, 510–28. IGI Global, 2021.
Full textDube, Vusumuzi, and Bhekinkosi Jakobe Ncube. "Majaivana and Protest Music in Zimbabwe." In Advances in Religious and Cultural Studies, 149–65. IGI Global, 2019.
Full textDube, Precious, Moreen Mugomba, and Lettiah Gumbo. "Challenges in Multilingual High-Density Government Secondary School Classrooms in the Midlands Province in Zimbabwe." In Handbook of Research on Teaching in Multicultural and Multilingual Contexts, 208–24. IGI Global, 2022.
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