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CASTEL GAYÁN, Sergio. "El nuevo régimen jurídico del derecho de participación ciudadana. Un repaso a la reciente oleada legislativa." RVAP 99-100, no. 99-100 (December 30, 2014): 885–914.

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LABURPENA: Azken aldian, agerikoa da autonomia-erkidegoen ≪boom arautzailea≫. Legeak onartzeko lehian ari dira, herritarren parte-hartzeko eskubidea berritzeko. Badirudi marko arautzaile berriak erabaki publikoetan herritarren parte hartzea beharrezkotzat jotzen duela, eta azken belaunaldiko autonomia-estatutuetako adierazpenak dituela inspirazio-iturri. Hala, eskubide hori erregimen juridikoaren bidez eman nahi du. Lan honek autonomia-erkidegoetako legegintzaren alderdi formal eta material garrantzitsuenak aztertu nahi ditu eta parte-hartzeko eskubide berriaren gainean hausnarketa egiten du ikuspegi teorikotik eta praktikotik. RESUMEN: En los ultimos tiempos asistimos al surgimiento de un ≪boom normativo ≫ por parte de las Comunidades Autonomas, que han iniciado una autentica carrera para aprobar Leyes cuyo objeto es renovar el derecho de participacion ciudadana. Este nuevo marco normativo, que parece consolidarse por un auge discursivo en torno a la necesaria implicacion de la ciudadania en las decisiones publicas, encuentra su inspiracion en las declaraciones efectuadas por los Estatutos de Autonomia de ultima generacion, profundizando en la calidad del ejercicio de este derecho a traves de un regimen juridico. El presente trabajo trata de analizar los aspectos formales y materiales mas importantes del reciente desarrollo legislativo autonomico, reflexionando sobre el nuevo derecho de participacion desde una perspectiva teorica y practica. ABSTRACT: During last times there has been an emergence of a ≪normative boom≫ by the Autonomous Communities that have started an authentic race to pass acts whose scope is to renew the right of citizen’s participation. This new normative framework, which seems to become established due to a discursive height around the necessary involvement of citizenship in political decisions, finds its inspiration in the statements set forth in the last generation Statutes of Autonomy, by delving in the quality of the exercise of this right by the means of a legal regime. This work deals with the analysis of the most relevant formal and material features in the recent autonomic legislative implementation, by thinking over the new right of participation from a theoretical and practical perspective.
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SARASIBAR IRIARTE, Miren. "La participación de las entidades locales en los ámbitos estatal y supranacional." RVAP 89, no. 89 (April 29, 2011): 149–81.

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LABURPENA: Artikulu honen bidez aztertu nahi izan dut zenbateraino den garrantzitsua tokiko erakundeek parte-hartzea estatu mailan nahiz nazioz gaindiko mailan. Horretarako, beharrezkoa da tokiko autonomiaren printzipioa, subsidiariotasuna, elkarlana eta administrazioen arteko lankidetza aipatzea. Tokian bertan parte-hartzeko eskubidea tokiko erakundeek erakunde moduan daukaten bermearen beste elementu bat da honezkero eta, horregatik, lurraldeko hainbat mailatan, parte-hartze hori bultzatzeko lanean jarduten diren organo bat baino gehiago egoten dira. RESUMEN: Este articulo analiza la importancia de la participacion de las entidades locales en el ambito estatal y supranacional. Para ello, es necesario referirse a los principios de autonomia local, subsidiariedad, cooperacion y colaboracion administrativa. El derecho de participacion local se ha convertido en un elemento mas de la garantia institucional de las entidades locales y, por ello, en los distintos niveles territoriales existen organos que se encargan de impulsar dicha participacion. ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the importance of the participation of local entities in the State and in the supranational area. It’s necessary to refer to some principles as local autonomy, subsidiarity, administrative cooperation and collaboration. The right of local participation has begun in an element of institutional guarantee of local entities, so there are different organs that pursue to promote that participation.
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Citi, L., C. Gentili, A. Lanatá, E. P. Scilingo, R. Barbieri, and G. Valenza. "Point-process Nonlinear Autonomic Assessment of Depressive States in Bipolar Patients." Methods of Information in Medicine 53, no. 04 (2014): 296–302.

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SummaryIntroduction: This article is part of the Focus Theme of Methods of Information in Medicine on “Biosignal Interpretation: Advanced Methods for Studying Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems”.Objectives: The goal of this work is to apply a computational methodology able to characterize mood states in bipolar patients through instantaneous analysis of heartbeat dynamics.Methods: A Point-Process-based Nonlinear Autoregressive Integrative (NARI) model is applied to analyze data collected from five bipolar patients (two males and three females, age 42.4 ± 10.5 range 32−56) undergoing a dedicated affective elicitation protocol using images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). The study was designed within the European project PSYCHE (Personalised monitoring SYstems for Care in mental HEalth).Results: Results demonstrate that the inclusion of instantaneous higher order spectral (HOS) features estimated from the NARI nonlinear assessment significantly improves the accuracy in successfully recognizing specific mood states such as euthymia and depression with respect to results using only linear indices. In particular, a specificity of 74.44% using the instantaneous linear features set, and 99.56% using also the nonlinear feature set were achieved. Moreover, IAPS emotional elicitation resulted in a more discriminant procedure with respect to the TAT elicitation protocol.Conclusions: A significant pattern of instantaneous heartbeat features was found in depressive and euthymic states despite the inter-subject variability. The presented point-process Heart Rate Variability (HRV) nonlinear methodology provides a promising application in the field of mood assessment in bipolar patients.
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Ghiya, Shreya. "Alternate nostril breathing: a systematic review of clinical trials." International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 5, no. 8 (July 26, 2017): 3273.

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Anulom-vilom Pranayama/ alternate nostril breathing (ANB)/Nadi-suddhi pranayama is one of the common yogic breathing techniques and involves breathing through one nostril at a time while closing the other nostril manually. This study aimed to summarize effects of independent ANB on various physiological parameters, to evaluate safety issues in clinical populations and collect published primary scientific evidence on the benefits of ANB. PubMed/Medline, Cinahl, Web of Science and Google Scholar were searched using the following terms: Alternate nostril breathing, Anulom-vilom/ anuloma-viloma pranayama, Nadi-shodhan/Nadi-shodhana pranayama. Forty-four randomized controlled trials were included in this review paper. These studies evaluated the effects of alternate nostril breathing on parameters of the autonomic nervous system, cardiopulmonary system, cognitive functioning, problem solving and motor memory retention. Of the studies, ten showed a high level of bias; twenty-nine showed a low level of bias and five showed an unknown level of bias as per Cochrane systemic review guidelines. Most of the studies included healthy subjects and age range was eight to seventy years. Alternate nostril breathing has few variations and standardization of the technique is yet to be established. This technique provides high level evidence for positive outcomes for the autonomic nervous and cardiopulmonary systems. There is also high level of evidence regarding improvement in cognitive functioning with regular practice of alternate nostril breathing. More clinical trials are required to evaluate the effects of alternate nostril breathing in clinical populations and to synthesize effective frequency and duration parameters.
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Las cajas de ahorro tienen simultáneamente en su funcionamiento una vocación territorial autonómica y estatal. Deslindar las competencias del Estado y de las comunidades autónomas resulta complicado. La Sentencia analizada aborda con una elevada precisión técnica esta espinosa cuestión, ofreciendo una respuesta jurídica estable a la pregunta ¿Puede una Comunidad Autónoma inspeccionar una Caja de Ahorros? Aurrezki-kutxek aldi berean hartu nahi dituzte autonomia-erkidegoak eta estatua jarduteko lurraldetzat. Ez da erraza Estatuaren eta autonomia-erkidegoen eskumenak bereiztea. Aztertutako epaiak zehaztasun tekniko handiz ekiten dio kontu korapilatsu horri, eta egonkortasun juridikoz erantzuten dio galdera honi: autonomia‑erkidego batek ikuskatu al dezake aurrezki-kutxa bat? Savings Banks have at the same time in their operation an Autonomus and State territorial vocation. It is complicated to distinguish between the State powers and Autonomous community powers about them. The studied judgment deals with a high technical precision this thorny issue by offering a legal and stable answer to this question: Can an Autonomus Community check a Savings Bank?
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ETXEBARRIA ETXEITA, Ignacio Javier. "Organización y funcionamiento municipal y personal directivo público profesional." Revista Vasca de Administración Pública / Herri-Arduralaritzarako Euskal Aldizkaria, no. 107-II (April 28, 2017): 349–66.

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LABURPENA: Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko Legeak udal-funtzionamendua eta -antolaketa arautzen ditu, eta udal-autonomia indartzen du, estatuko legediarekin erkatuta areagotu egin baitu tokiko entitateen autoantolakuntzarako gaitasuna, bidea emanez tokiko gobernuek modu gardenagoan joka dezaten eta hautetsiek lana eta familia hobeto uztar ditzaten. Legeak, horrez gain, tokiko gobernuak indartzea lortu nahi du, eta, horretarako, eskuordetze-teknikak jaso, eta modu aitzindarian arautu du zuzendari publiko profesionalen figura; oraingoz, hala ere, 40.000 biztanletik gorako udalerrietarako mugatu da. RESUMEN: La Ley de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi regula la organización y funcionamiento municipal y potencia la autonomía municipal al incrementar respecto a la legislación estatal la capacidad de autoorganización de las entidades locales posibilitando una actuación de los gobiernos locales más transparente y una mejor conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar de las corporativas y corporativos. La Ley busca asimismo potenciar los gobiernos locales y para ello incorpora técnicas de delegación y de forma pionera regula la figura de los directivos públicos profesionales si bien de momento limitada a los municipios con una población superior a los 40.000 habitantes. ABSTRACT: The Act on Local Entities of Euskadi regulates the municipalorganization and functioning and enhances the municipal autonomy by increasing as compared to the State legislation the self-government capacity of local entities enabling a more transparent operation by local governments and a better labour and family reconciliation of municipalities memberships. The Act also seeks to promote local governments and to do this it includes techniques of delegation and in a pioneer way it regulates the figure of public professional managers though only limited to those municipalities with a population exceeding 40.000 inhabitants.
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RIDAO I MARTÍN, Joan. "La poderosa y alargada sombra de la STC 103/2008 sobre la Ley vasca de consulta en el ejercicio del «derecho a decidir» un nuevo marco político para Cataluña." RVAP 99-100, no. 99-100 (December 30, 2014): 2585–618.

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LABURPENA: 2003an prozesu politiko bat hasi zen Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, antolaketarako eta estatu espainiarrarekiko harreman politikoen esparru berri bat lortze aldera, «erabakitzeko eskubidea» gauzatuz. Lehenbizi, Autonomia Estatutuaren erreforma modura aurkeztu zen proposamena, eta, jarraian, herri-kontsulta ez lotesle bat deitzeko eta arautzeko lege baten bidez; herri-kontsulta hori egin nahi zen herritarrek parte hartzeko tresna gisa, printzipio demokratikoan oinarrituta eta estatuko legeditik eta haren baimenetik kanpo. Proposamen horrek horrelako kontsulten onargarritasunari buruzko eztabaida sartu zuen Espainiako agenda politikoan, konstituzionaltasunari zein aukera politikoari zegokienean. Bere aldetik, 2006ko Autonomia Estatutuan jasotako aurreikuspena garatuz, Kataluniako Parlamentuak 4/2010 Legea onartu zuen, erreferendum bidez herri-kontsultak egitekoa. Euskal proposamena eta Kataluniakoa desberdinak diren arren, mota guztietako erreferendum autonomikoetara zabaldu dira, bereizketarik gabe, Konstituzio Auzitegiak (KA) eta Espainiako konstituzio-eta kontsulta-doktrinak «Ibarretxe Planari» azaldutako eragozpen eta akats guztiak, batez ere KAren 103/2008 Epaian jasotakoak eta KAren 31/2010 Epaian finkatutakoak, parte-hartze zuzeneko tresnak mesfidantzaz ikusten baitira, eta horiek «erabakitzeko eskubidea» gauzatzeko erabiltzearen kontrako jarrera politikoa dagoelako. RESUMEN: En 2003 se inició un proceso político en el País Vasco, con el objetivo de lograr un nuevo marco de organización y de relaciones políticas con el Estado español, a través del ejercicio del «derecho a decidir» en forma, primero, de propuesta de «reforma» del Estatuto de Autonomía, seguida después de una Ley de convocatoria y regulación de una consulta popular no vinculante, donde se contemplaba la realización de ésta como un instrumento de participación ciudadana fundamentado en el principio democrático, al margen de la legislación y autorización estatal. Esta propuesta introdujo en la agenda política española el debate sobre la admisibilidad de este tipo de consultas, tanto en términos de constitucionalidad como de oportunidad política. Por su parte, en desarrollo de la previsión contenida en el Estatuto de Autonomía de 2006, el Parlamento de Cataluña aprobó la Ley 4/2010, de consultas populares por vía de referéndum. Aunque los planteamientos vasco y catalán son distintos, la mayoría de objeciones y tachas planteadas por el Tribunal Constitucional (TC) y la doctrina constitucionalista y consultiva española al «Plan Ibarretxe», recogidas sobre todo en la STC 103/2008 y reforzadas en la STC 31/2010, se han hecho extensivas de forma indiscriminada a cualquier tipo de referéndum autonómico, en base a la desconfianza con que se contemplan los instrumentos de participación directa y por la prevención política que supone su utilización como vía para ejercer el «derecho a decidir». ABSTRACT: In 2003 it started a political process in the Basque Country with the aim of reaching a new organizational framework and political relations with Spain, through the exercise of the «right to decide» in shape, first, the proposed «reform» of the Statute of Autonomy, immediately after a Bill and regulation of a non-binding referendum, which aims to develop an instrument that based citizen participation in the democratic principle, regardless of state law and approval. The proposal introduced in the Spanish political agenda debate on the admissibility of such consultations, both in terms of constitutional and political opportunity. On the other hand, developing the Statute of Autonomy 2006 provision, the Parliament of Catalonia approved the Law 4/2010, popular consultations via referendum. The Basque and Catalan cases are different, however the majority of objections raised by the Constitutional Court studs and constitutional doctrine and the Spanish advisory «Ibarretxe Plan», collected mainly in STC 103/2008 and strengthened in STC 31/2010, have been extended indiscriminately to any regional referendum in based on the distrust that includes instruments direct and political prevention for its use as a way to exercise the «right to decide».
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Latasa Zaballos, Itxaro, Pedro José Lozano Valencia, Itziar Barinaga-Rementeria Zabaleta, Iker Etxano Gandariasbeitia, and Oihana García Alonso. "Tokiko eskalan balorazio zoogeografikoa egiteko proposamen metodologikoa eta balorazioaren emaitzak. Mutrikuko (Euskal Herria) hiri antolamenduko plan orokorraren eredua." Lurralde: investigación y espacio, no. 40 (December 1, 2017): 193–222.

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Artikuluaren ardatza inbentariatu eta balorazio zoogeografikoko metodo bat da, udalmailan landutako plangintza- eta antolamendu-prozesu baten barruan txertatuta, zehazki Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan (EAE) Mutrikuko Hiri Antolamenduko Plan Orokorra garatze aldera. Gaur arte, afera hauek toki-mailako plan guztietan saihestu izan dira. Alabaina, ekimen hau faunari buruzko azterlanak, diagnostikoak eta alternatibak gehitu beharra agerian uzten duen eredu argia da, kasu honetan ornodunei dagokienez. Oinarrizko helburua toki-maila horietan balorazio eta ebaluazio zoogeografikoa burutzeko tresna metodologiko bat garatzea da. Eredu hori, lehenengoz eta modu esperimentalean Mutrikun abian jarritakoa, EAEko gainerako udalerrietan ere aplikatu nahi da ebaluazio, antolamendu eta kudeaketarako tresna gisa. Horrela, eremu horren barruan egindako balorazio zoogeografikotik datozen emaitzak erakutsiko ditugu.
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di Cortona, Pietro Grilli. "LE CRISI POLITICHE NELL'EUROPA ORIENTALE." Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 16, no. 2 (August 1986): 273–315.

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IntroduzioneDegli otto regimi comunisti nati in Europa centro-orientale alla fine degli anni quaranta nessuno ha ancora abbandonato il campo marxista-leninista. L'unica reale trasformazione finora intervenuta è stata quella che ha segnato la fine dello stalinismo. Due di essi tuttavia (la Iugoslavia nel 1948 e l'Albania negli anni sessanta), usufruendo di alcuni vantaggi politico-strategici, hanno abbandonato l'area di influenza sovietica e acquisito una generale autonomia nelle politiche interna ed estera. Dei restanti sei regimi, tre subiscono l'impatto di crisi originate da fattori endogeni; negli altri si evidenziano al massimo sintomi di malessere interno (come la rivolta di Berlino Est nel 1953) o di crisi nei rapporti con l'URSS (le tentazioni autonomistiche della Romania).
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Todos los nuevos Estatutos de Autonomía aprobados a partir de los procesos de reforma iniciados en 2006 contienen declaraciones más o menos extensas de derechos. Sin embargo, solo alguno de ellos prevé mecanismos específicos de garantía, y, entre éstos, sólo el de Catalunya incluye un mecanismo de control previo de las leyes del Parlamento autonómico, destinado a verificar que los proyectos y proposiciones de ley que pretenda aprobar sean conformes con los derechos reconocidos en el Estatuto, control que se confía a una nueva institución, el Consejo de Garantías Estatutarias. Este artículo explica los orígenes y los motivos que condujeron a la adopción de este sistema de control previo por parte del Estatuto catalán, discute acerca de su legitimidad constitucional, especialmente con ocasión del recurso planteado ante el Tribunal Constitucional que lo impugna, y explora asimismo los requerimientos de carácter institucional necesarios para que el Consejo pueda ejercer adecuadamente sus funciones, especialmente en lo que atañe a las garantías de independencia de sus miembros y la emisión de dictámenes de carácter vinculante. 2006an hasitako erreforma-prozesuen ondoren onartutako autonomia-estatutu berri guztiek jasotzen dituzte, luzeago ala laburrago, eskubideen aitorpenak. Hala ere, bakarren batek baino ez ditu ezartzen berariazko berme-mekanismoak eta, estatutu horien artean, Kataluniakoak baino ez du jasotzen erkidegoko legebiltzarraren legeen aldez aurreko kontrola egiteko mekanismoa, onartu nahi diren lege-proiektuak eta -proposamenak Estatutuan aitortutako eskubideekin bat datozen egiaztatzeko. Kontrol hori erakunde berri batek egingo du, Estatutua Bermatzeko Kontseiluak. Artikulu honetan, aldez aurreko kontrola egiteko sistema hau Kataluniako Estatutuan jaso izanaren jatorria eta zergatiak azaltzen dira. Gainera, Konstituzioaren argitan duen zilegitasuna ere eztabaidatzen da, bereziki Konstituzio Auzitegian horren aurka jarritako errekurtsoaren kariaz. Orobat, Kontseiluak bere zereginak egoki egin ditzan beharrezko diren eskakizun instituzionalak ere aztertzen dira, batez ere, kideen independentzia bermatzeari eta irizpenen izaera lotesleari dagokionez. All new Statutes of Autonomy enacted as a result of the amendment process initiated in 2006 have a more or less broad bill of rights. Nevertheless, only few of them envisage specific mechanisms for their protection and, among them, only the Statute of Autonomy from Catalunya included a mechanism of control previous to the enactment of Autonomous acts with the purpose of verifying the conformity of the bills and legislative proposals to be enacted with the fundamental rights as recognized by the Statute of Autonomy and that control would be entrusted to a new body, i.e. the Council for the protection of the Statute. This article explains the origins and reasons that lead to the adoption of this preventive control. It argues about its constitutional legitimacy, especially because of the constitutional appeal lodged in front of the Constitutional Court, and it inquires into the mandatory institutional conditions required to the Council for its operation, in particular as far as the guarantees for the independence of its membership and the delivery of binding opinions are concerned.
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BENGOETXEA CABALLERO, Joxerramon. "Territorios, Soberanía Compartida y Sostenibilidad: Escocia y Euskadi en Europa." RVAP 99-100, no. 99-100 (December 30, 2014): 587–602.

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LABURPENA: Garapen jasangarrirako eskualde-gobernuen sareari (nrg4SD) Loperena irakasleak egindako ekarpena gogorarazten da, hasteko. Oraindik ere planteatzen da estatu konplexuetako eskualde autonomo askoren autogobernu osoa ala status quo arteko dilema, non eraginkortasun osoz gauzatu nahi diren bai jasangarritasun-agendak bai EBko estatu kide baten baitako eskumen-politika partekatuak. EBko estatu kide bateko nazio baten sezesioak izango lituzkeen ondorioak aztertzen dira, eta konstituzionalismoaren eskema zurrun batzuk gainditzea proposatzen da —subiranotasun formal absolutuan oinarrituak—, nekez uztartzen baitira Europako integrazio-prozesuak berezkoa duen berrikuntza eta esperimentazio konstituzional eta instituzionalarekin. RESUMEN: El texto comienza recordando la contribucion del Profesor Loperena a la nrg4SD, red de gobiernos regionales para el desarrollo sostenible. Continua planteandose el dilema entre autogobierno pleno o status quo que caracteriza a numerosas regiones constitucionales autonomas insertas en Estados complejos y que se plantean llevar adelante eficazmente sus agendas de sostenibilidad asi como otras politicas en las que comparten competencias en el seno de un Estado Miembro y de la UE. La parte principal del texto aborda la cuestion de las consecuencias de una secesion de una nacion respecto de un Estado Miembro de la UE y propone superar algunos de los esquemas rigidos del constitucionalismo fundado en conceptos de soberania formal absoluta, considerandolos dificilmente compatibles con el espiritu y la cultura de innovacion y experimentacion constitucional e institucional que caracteriza al proceso de integracion europea. ABSTRACT: The text begins remembering the contribution of Professor Loperena to the nrg4SD, network of regional goverments for sustainable development. It follows with the dilemma between full self goverment or status quo that characterizes many constitutional regions that are part of complex States and that think of prosecuting effectively their sustainable agendas together with other policies where competences are shared within member state and EU. The main part of the text deals with the issue of the consequences of a secession by a nation from a member state of the European Union and it proposes to overcome some of the rigid schemes of the constitutionalism founded on concepts of absolute formal sovereignty, by considering them with difficulty compatible with the spirit and culture of constitutional and institutional innovation and experimentation that characterize the process of european integration.
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Chen, P., M. Naji, N. Sattari, L. N. Whitehurst, and S. C. Mednick. "0063 Age Related Changes in Central Autonomic Couplings During Sleep." Sleep 43, Supplement_1 (April 2020): A26.

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Abstract Introduction Studies show coupling between central nervous system (CNS) and autonomic nervous system (ANS) activity during sleep. We reported on a novel central/autonomic coupling event (ACE) during non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, in which bursts in heart rate (HRBs) coincide with increased slow-wave activity (SWA) 5 seconds prior to the HRB, followed by a surge in vagal high-frequency activity in the RR signal (HFRR) 5 seconds after the HRB. ACEs predicted sleep-related explicit memory improvement. Aging is characterized with impaired sleep and autonomic loss. We, therefore, investigated ACE activity in older adults. Methods We compared ACEs during a daytime nap between youngers (18-25yrs, N=49) and olders (60-75yrs, N=32). Subjects took an EEG-monitored, 90-minute nap. We measured SWA and HFRR in a 20-sec window around the HRB peak separately for Stage 2 and slow-wave sleep (SWS). EEG were binned into 5-sec intervals around the HRB: -10, -5, +5, +10 bins. For Stage 2 and SWS, repeated-measure ANOVAs with two factors (age and windows) were performed on SWA and HFRR. Corrections used Greenhouse-Geisser and Bonferroni methods. Results For SWA, we found an interaction between age and windows during Stage 2 (p<.001), and SWS (p=.001). SWA during the -5bin was greater in youngers than olders during both Stage 2 and SWS (ps < .001). The ACE profile in youngers showed highest SWA in the -5bin in Stage 2 and SWS (ps < .001) and highest HFRR in the +5bin in Stage 2 (ps < .001) The ACE profile in olders, however, showed no clear pattern for SWA in either sleep stage. Olders showed greater HFRR during the +5bin compared to the -10bin (p=.041) during Stage 2 but no HFRR modulations were found during SWS. Conclusion Our results replicated the ACE profile in daytime naps first reported by Naji et al (2018). In youngers, heart rate bursts were coupled with increased SWA and vagal activity. In contrast, olders demonstrated a lack of boost in SWA and HFRR, which provides implications in cognitive aging. Future research is needed to further understand the impact of decreased coupling between ANS/CNS activity on cognitive decline. Support
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Marks, K. A., J. C. Bornstein, and L. J. Parry. "P4.6 Kv7 channels and Nav1 α-subunits: mRNA expression in the guinea-pig enteric nervous system." Autonomic Neuroscience 149, no. 1-2 (August 2009): 93–94.

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Curami, Andrea. "Miti e realtŕ dell'industria bellica della Rsi." ITALIA CONTEMPORANEA, no. 261 (February 2011): 680–719.

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L'autore parte dalla constatazione che le ricerche sul ruolo dell'industria bellica italiana durante la Repubblica sociale italiana hanno a lungo riproposto i miti nati negli anni di guerra piuttosto che offrire dati sulla produzione sui quali riflettere. Molte affermazioni hanno ricalcato le memorie difensive degli industriali, interessati dopo il 1945 a svalutare il proprio contributo allo sforzo bellico del Terzo Reich e favoriti nella loro ricostruzione dall'indisponibilitŕ di fonti specifiche. Il tema viene cosě affrontato sulla base di una vasta ed eterogenea documentazione, utilizzata per disegnare il complesso mosaico del contributo che piccole, medie e grandi aziende italiane diedero alle forze armate tedesche, il cui obiettivo fu anzitutto rendere il Gruppo di armate B il piů possibile autonomo rispetto all'industria tedesca. L'autore ricostruisce i complessi rapporti tra gli occupanti, la Rsi e le industrie italiane, mettendo in rilievo l'importanza della mobilitazione dell'industria nazionale che, accanto a produzioni obsolete e volte a impiegare le maestranze per frenarne il malcontento, sviluppň, in sedi decentrate e coperte dal segreto, la produzione di componenti per i mezzi bellici piů avanzati di cui furono dotate le forze armate tedesche.
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bhinav, A., Meghna Sareen, Mahendra Kumar, Jayashree Santhosh, Ashok Salhan, and Sneh Anand. "Nadi Yantra: a robust system design to capture the signals from the radial artery for assessment of the autonomic nervous system non-invasively." Journal of Biomedical Science and Engineering 02, no. 07 (2009): 471–79.

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ATELA URIARTE, Aizbea. "Los consorcios en la Ley 2/2016, de 7 de abril, de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi tras la Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público." RVAP 110-I, no. 110-I (April 30, 2018): 285–313.

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LABURPENA: Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko apirilaren 7ko 2/2016 Legeak ez du zehaztasunez erregulatzen partzuergoen irudiaren izaera juridikoa, eta, bestetik, lege hori indarrean jartzeak baliogabetu egin du oinarrizko legegileak Sektore Publikoaren Araubide Juridikoari buruzko urriaren 1eko 40/2015 Legeari eman zion vacatio legis-a. Bada, bi egitate horiek ziurgabetasuna eragin dute azken lege horrek Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko legearen gainean dituen ondorioen inguruan. Euskadiko tokiko partzuergoen gaur egungo izaera juridikoari hurbilpena egin nahi dio ikerketa honek, Estatuko oinarrizko araudiaren bilakaeraren ikuspegitik, eta partzuergoen eraketak dituen berezitasunak mugatzen lagundu nahi du. RESUMEN: La indefinición con la que la Ley 2/2016, de 7 de abril, de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi, regula la naturaleza jurídica de la figura de los consorcios, unido al hecho de que tras su entrada en vigor concluyera la vacatio legis que el legislador básico otorgó a la Ley 40/2015, de 1 de octubre, de Régimen Jurídico del Sector Público, ha propiciado incertidumbre sobre los efectos de esta ley sobre la vasca. Este estudio tiene la pretensión de acercarse a la naturaleza jurídica actual de los consorcios locales vascos desde la perspectiva de la evolución normativa básica estatal y contribuir a delimitar las particularidades de su configuración. ABSTRACT: The lack of definition that Act 2/2016 of April 7th, of Local Entities of Euskadi uses to regulate the legal nature of the institution of consortiums, together with the fact that its entry into force exhausted the vacatio legis granted by the basic legislator to Act 40/2015 of October 1st of the Legal Regime of the Public Service has resulted in uncertainty about the effects of that Act upon the Basque one. This study attempts to approach to the current legal nature of Basque local consortiums from the perspective of the State basic normative evolution and to contribute to pinpoint the particularities of their set up.
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Souza, Thaúsi Frota Sá Nogueira Neves, Nicolle Medeiros Fernandes Gomes, Amanda Duarte Vidal, Ana Karisy Rios Teixeira, Brena Goncalves de Andrade, Larissa Maria Oliveira Abreu, and Cinthia Nara Gadelha Teixeira. "Promoção de saúde por estudantes de Odontologia na pandemia da COVID-19." Revista da ABENO 22, no. 2 (April 27, 2022): 1680.

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A Odontologia é uma especialidade da área da saúde que exige o desenvolvimento e o refinamento de habilidades técnicas. Entretanto, atrelada a essa característica, surge a necessidade de uma visão mais complexa de cada contexto onde o dentista exercerá suas funções. Esse trabalho descreve a experiência de cinco alunas do Estágio Extramural do curso de Odontologia da UNIFOR ocorrida no segundo semestre de 2020, durante a pandemia por Coronavírus Disease (COVID-19). As atividades foram desenvolvidas semanalmente, às sextas-feiras, no turno da manhã, das 07:30 às 11:10, nas diversas salas de espera no Núcleo de Atenção Médica Integrada (NAMI). A ações do Estágio Extramural (EEM) utilizaram metodologias simples e dinâmicas, valorizaram os saberes e as subjetividades dos sujeitos; instigaram os participantes a refletir sobre suas escolhas, contribuindo para a autonomia dos cuidados em saúde dos envolvidos nesse processo. Percebeu-se assim, que o EEM contribuiu de forma significativa para a sensibilização ao autocuidado em saúde bucal e saúde geral dos pacientes, proporcionando atividades de promoção à saúde que exploraram a criatividade, instigaram o poder de percepção e de forma lúdica contribuíram para análise da realidade em que estão inseridos.
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Ibarra, Irune, Xabier Etxague, and Juan Etxeberria. "Letren abiadura Lehen Hezkuntzan: euskarazko batezbestekoak ikasmailaren eta generoaren arabera." Gogoa 16 (December 20, 2017): 3–23.

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Eskuz idazterakoan komunikazio eraginkorra lortu nahi bada, idazten denak, irakurgarria izateaz gain, abiadura on batekin idatzia egon behar du (Barnett, Henderson, Scheib & Schulz, 2009). Urte askotan klasikoa izan da letren irakurgarritasuna ebaluatzea eta azkenaldian letraren abiadura ebaluatzen duten testak garatu dira, besteak beste, HST testa Australian (Wallen, Bonney & Lennox, 1996), PAL-II testa Estatu Batuetan (Berninger, 2007) eta DASH testa Erresuma Batuan (Barnett, Henderson, Scheib & Schulz, 2007). Letraren abiadura neurtzea sinplea da eta haren eraginak garrantzitsuak dira eskolatzean: zeregin asko dago idatziz egiteko, apunteak hartu behar dira eta denbora-mugetan erantzun behar da. Gainera, neurogarapeneko idazketaren ikuspuntuaren baitan eginiko ikerketetan, letraren abiadurak testu-sorkuntzaren kantitatea eta kalitatea baldintzatzen du 16 urtera arte (Berninger & Swanson, 1994; Berninger & Graham, 1998). Bestalde, jakina da idazten den letra-jarioa haziz doala ikasmailaz ikasmaila, gutxienez DBHko 2. mailaraino eta, nazioartean ikusi denaren arabera, hazten doan letra kopuru horretan genero-desberdintasunak daude: mutilen puntuazioak esanguratsuki baxuagoak dira.Artikulu honetan, lehenik, letren irakurgarritasunaren eta abiaduraren konstruktuak azalduko dira; bigarrenik, letra-abiadurak identifikatzeak duen garrantziaz jardungo gara eta, azkenik, Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko (EAE) Lehen Hezkuntzako haurren letren abiadura-batezbestekoak agertuko dira, ikasmailaren eta generoaren arabera.
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Di Pietro, Maria Luisa, and Roberta Minacori. "Qual è il rischio delle tecniche di fecondazione artificiale?" Medicina e Morale 47, no. 3 (June 30, 1998): 465–97.

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L’articolo mette a fuoco i rischi che, o per l’imperizia dell’operatore, o per le procedure previste dalla tecnica di fecondazione, sono responsabili della morbilità e mortalità della donna e/o del nascituro. Uno dei rischi per la donna è legato alla stimolazione ovarica che si attua con una induzione farmacologica e che provoca la cosiddetta “iperstimolazione ovarica” e tumori della mammella e dell’ovaio. Altri rischi sono legati alle complicanze delle procedure di fecondazione artificiale e che riguardano soprattutto la fase di recupero delle ovocellule, la coltura in vitro, il trasferimento dei gameti e degli embrioni nelle vie genitali della donna. Il prelievo degli ovociti viene eseguito sotto controllo ecografico con rischio di dolori pelvici o addominali, infezioni ed emorragie, mentre il trasferimento dei gameti si esegue con la laparoscopia con complicanze legate all’anestesia. Il primo rischio per l’embrione è che non arrivi a vita autonoma per mancato trasferimento nelle vie genitali della donna, il mancato attecchimento nell’utero, l’aborto spontaneo o provocato, la maggiore incidenza di morbilità o di mortalità perinatale. Altri fattori negativi sono dovuti alla micromanipolazione dei gameti. Inoltre, dall’analisi della letteratura si evince che i nati da fecondazione artificiale presentano maggiori malformazioni congenite e una più elevata incidenza di prematurità. A tutti questi problemi si aggiunge l’inadeguata informazione fornita alle coppie che ricorrono alla fecondazione artificiale sui rischi, sugli effetti collaterali, sulle percentuali di successo.
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ROVIRA FERRER, Irene. "Reformulando la intervención foral y autonómica en el Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones." RVAP 110-I, no. 110-I (April 30, 2018): 401–24.

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LABURPENA: Oinordetzen eta dohaintzen gaineko zerga Estatuaren titulartasunekoa da; hala ere, foru-lurraldeetan, araudi autonomoko zerga itundu gisa eratu da, araubide erkidea duten gainerako autonomia-erkidegoei laga zaien bezala. Ondorioz, autonomia-erkidegoek eta foru-lurraldeek, zergaren etekinean parte hartzeaz gain, hainbat eskumen dauzkate aitortuta; hala nola, araudiaren ingurukoak eta ezarpenaren eta berrikuspenaren ingurukoak. Hala, askotariko ahal autonomikoen azterketa egitea da lan honen xede nagusia. Bestalde, agerian jarri nahi dira arazoak, eta hobetzeko proposamenak eman, etorkizuneko eta beharrezko birkonfigurazioari begira. RESUMEN: A pesar de que el Impuesto sobre Sucesiones y Donaciones sea un tributo de titularidad del Estado, se encuentra configurado como tributo concertado de normativa autónoma en los territorios forales, del mismo modo que se encuentra cedido al resto de Comunidades Autónomas de régimen común. Por consiguiente, las diferentes autonomías y territorios forales no sólo pueden participar de su rendimiento, sino que también tienen reconocidas competencias tanto respecto a su normativa como a su aplicación y revisión. Así, el análisis de estas diversas capacidades autonómicas es el objeto principal del presente trabajo, procurando poner de manifiesto las diferentes problemáticas que se plantean y aportando diferentes propuestas de mejora de cara a una futura y necesaria reconfiguración. ABSTRACT: In spite of the fact that the Spanish Inheritance and Gift Tax is a State tax, it is configured as a concerted tribute of autonomous regulation in the Historical Territories of Basque Country and in the Foral Community of Navarra, while is set as a ceded tax in the rest of Spanish Autonomous Communities under the common system. Therefore, regional territories can participate in the tax collection, but they also have recognized normative powers and competences related to its application and review. Thus, the analysis of these regional capacities is the main objective of this work, trying to highlight the different problems encountered and suggesting their improvement.
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LABACA ZABALA, M. ª. Lourdes. "La dignidad de la persona en el proceso de la muerte." RVAP 99-100, no. 99-100 (December 30, 2014): 1843–72.

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LABURPENA: Pertsona guztiek nahi dute duintasunez hil. Eskubide horren edukia ez dago ongi zehaztuta, eta gure gizartean ez dago gai horren gaineko nahikoa adostasun. Azken urteotan legedi espainiarrean eta erkidegokoan aurrerapenak egin badira ere heriotzaprozesuaren aurrean pertsonen duintasuna babesteari dagokionean, oraindik horren edukia, titulartasuna, irismena eta mugak zehaztu behar dira. RESUMEN: Todas las personas aspiran a morir en dignidad. Estamos en presencia de un derecho que no tiene perfilado su contenido exacto y sobre el que no existe todavía consenso suficiente en nuestra sociedad. A pesar de los avances que se han producido durante los últimos años en la legislación española y autonómica a la hora de proteger la dignidad de toda persona ante el proceso de su muerte, todavía sigue siendo necesario concretar su contenido, titularidad, alcance y límites. ABSTRACT: Every person aspires to die with dignity. We are in presence of a right whose exact content has not been outlined and with lacking consensus in our society. In spite of the last years’ advances in the Spanish and autonomic legislation when it comes to protect the dignity of every person when facing the process of dying, it is still necessary to set its content, ownership, scope and limits.
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Pal, Pradeep Kumar, Neera Saini, Mishra Vn, and Awasthi Hh. "EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF YOGIC PRACTICES ON RAKTAGATA VATA (ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION)." Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research 11, no. 9 (September 7, 2018): 425.

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Objective: Essential hypertension is the most frequent kind of hypertension and also known as primary hypertension or idiopathic, affecting 95% of hypertensive patients. This study was conducted to see the effect of Yogic practices as Nadi Shodhana Pranayama (NSP = cleaning of subtle energy channel along with regulation of rhythm of breathing) and Dhyana (meditation) on the symptoms of Raktagata Vata (essential hypertension), blood pressure, and Hamilton’s anxiety rating scale.Methods: This clinical study was conducted on 50 cases of Raktagata Vata, and these were randomly divided into two subgroups: (1) Control and (2) intervention consisting of 25 cases in each subgroup. Yogic practices were done regularly for 3 months by the registered cases in both subgroups. Light medication of first order initially was also prescribed to intervention subgroup.Result: In both subgroups, significant results (p<0.001) were observed and most of the symptoms of Raktagata Vata improved better in the intervention than control subgroup. Significant results (p<0.001) were also observed in blood pressure along with Hamilton’s anxiety scale scoring.Conclusion: Yogic practices impact positive effects on Agya Chakra (hypothalamus-cerebral system), control autonomic nervous system and improve the quality of life of Raktagata Vata patients by improving symptoms and regulating the blood pressure.
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RODRÍGUEZ MUÑOZ, José Manuel. "Las sesiones telemáticas de los órganos de gobierno de las Comunidades Autónomas y las entidades locales más allá de la crisis del COVID-19, con especial referencia a la innovadora experiencia de la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura." RVAP 117, no. 117 (August 1, 2020): 505–32.

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LABURPENA: Estatuko, autonomia-erkidegoetako eta toki-erakundeetako kide anitzeko gobernu-organoen bileretarako baliabide telematikoak erabiltzea ez zegoen legez jasota 2020aren hasieran; are gehiago, konstituzio-doktrina berriak aukera hori salbuespenezko kasuetara mugatu zuen. COVID-19ren krisiarekin, aukera hori arautu beharra sortu da, gehienbat presazko bideak erabiliz, nahiz eta testuinguru garrantzitsuetan dagoeneko oso onartuta egon, hala nola jarduketa judizialetan. Ildo horretan, Estatuko jarduketaz gain, Extremadurako Autonomia Erkidegoaren jarduera aitzindaria nabarmendu nahi dugu. Autonomia-erkidego horrek bere gobernu-organoekin eta bere lurraldeko toki-erakundeekin jardun zuen Estatuak bere oinarrizko eskumena baliatu aurretik. Gainera, arauketa honek ahalbidetzen dituen berezitasun batzuk nabarmentzen ditugu, hala nola saio iraunkorrak, zalantzarik gabe baliagarriak baitira aurrez aurreko bilerak egitea zaila denean. ABSTRACT: At the beginning of 2020 not only was the use of telematic means for meetings of the collegiate bodies of State government, Autonomous Communities and local entities not legally contemplated, but the recent constitutional doctrine had limited this possibility to exceptional cases. With the crisis of COVID-19, the need to regulate has all too often arisen by way of urgency, and this possibility has already been widely accepted in contexts as important as judicial proceedings. In this sense, we highlight as a pioneering action, in addition to the state one, that of the Autonomous Community of Extremadura, which has addressed both that of its own government bodies, and that of the local authorities in its territory, before the State made use of its basic power. We also underscore some singularities that this regulation allows such as permanent sessions, undoubtedly useful in contexts where face-to-face meetings are difficult. RESUMEN: No sólo no se contemplaba a inicios de 2020 legalmente la utilización de medios telemáticos para las reuniones de los órganos colegiados de gobierno del Estado, Comunidades Autónomas y entes locales, sino que la reciente doctrina constitucional, había limitado esta posibilidad a supuestos excepcionales. Con la crisis del COVID-19, ha surgido la necesidad de regular, las más veces por la vía urgencia, esta posibilidad ya ampliamente admitida en contextos tan importantes como las actuaciones judiciales. En este sentido, resaltamos como actuación pionera, además de la estatal, la de la Comunidad autónoma de Extremadura, que ha abordado tanto la de sus propios órganos de gobierno, como la de los entes locales de su territorio, antes de que el Estado hiciera uso de su competencia básica. Destacamos además algunas singularidades que permite esta regulación, como las sesiones permanentes, sin duda útiles en contextos de dificultades de reunión presencial.
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AGUADO I CUDOLÀ, Vicenç, and Raquel PRADO PÉREZ. "Derecho a la protección de la salud y exclusión de la asistencia sanitaria: la crisis económica como pretexto para la limitación del acceso a los servicios y prestaciones del estado del bienestar." RVAP 99-100, no. 99-100 (December 30, 2014): 125–48.

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LABURPENA: 16/2010 Errege Lege Dekretuak osasun-laguntzan ezarritako erreformak asegurudun eta onuradun kontzeptuak erabiltzen ditu osasun-sistema publikoa erabiltzeko bide gisa. Sistema guztiz unibertsalizatzeko joera geldiarazten da horrela, eta, soilik irizpide ekonomikoetan oinarrituta, sistematik kanpo utzi nahi dira egoera ahulean dauden zenbait kolektibo, hala nola, egoera irregularrean dauden etorkinak eta langabezian dauden, laurogeita hamar egun baino gehiagoz atzerrian dauden eta langabezia-prestazioa edo –subsidioa jasotzeari utzi dioten emigratzaile espainiarrak. Defendatzen den tesia da egoera ahulean dauden taldeak kanporatzea osasuna babesteko konstituzio-eskubidearen eta estatu espainiarrak bere gain hartutako nazioarteko betebeharren kontrakotzat jo daitekeela. Gainera, erreformak berriz zentralizatzeko asmo garbia dauka, Gizarte Segurantzako berezko ideiak erabiliz; autonomia-erkidegoek barne-osasunaren alorrean haien gain hartutako eskumenak zatikatzen ditu erkidegoetako osasun-zerbitzuak deskoordinatuta daudenaren aitzakian baina hori inola frogatu gabe. RESUMEN: La reforma de la asistencia sanitaria llevada a cabo por el Real Decreto-Ley 16/2012 utiliza las nociones de asegurado y beneficiario como vias de acceso al sistema publico de salud. Se frena una tendencia dirigida a una plena universalizacion del sistema para excluir, en base a criterios meramente economicos, a determinados colectivos vulnerables como los inmigrantes en situacion irregular y los emigrantes espanoles en paro que estan mas de noventa dias en el extranjero y que han dejado de percibir la prestacion o subsidio de desempleo. La tesis que se defiende es que la exclusion de grupos vulnerables puede entenderse contraria al derecho constitucional a la proteccion de la salud y a las obligaciones internacionales asumidas por el Estado espanol. La reforma tiene, ademas, un rasgo claramente recentralizador, a traves de la utilizacion de las nociones propias de la Seguridad Social, que laminan competencias que habian asumido las comunidades autonomas en materia de sanidad interior, bajo el pretexto de una no acreditada descoordinacion entre los servicios de salud autonomicos. ABSTRACT: The reform of medical care carried out by means of the Royal Decreelaw uses the concepts of insured and beneficiary as ways of access to the publich health system. It curbs the trend towards a full univesalization of the system in order to exclude, based upon merely economic criteria, some specific vulnerable groups as irregular inmigrants and Spanish unemployed emigrants who are abroad more than ninety days and who are not receiving the unemployment benefit. The thesis is that the exclusion of vulnerable groups can be considered against the constitutional right to the health protection and to the international obligations assumed by the Spanish state. Besides the reform has a clear recentralizing feature by using notions typical to Social Security which laminate the competences that had been taken by the Autonomous Communities in the field of home health, with the excuse of a non proved discordination between the automic health services.
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GALDEANO LARIZGOITIA, Iñaki, and Sebastián ZURUTUZA MUJIKA. "Financiación de las entidades locales de Euskadi en el marcode la Ley 2/2016, de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi." Revista Vasca de Administración Pública / Herri-Arduralaritzarako Euskal Aldizkaria, no. 107-II (April 28, 2017): 471–501.

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LABURPENA: Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko 2/2016 Legearekin batera Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko barne instituzionalizazio-prozesua bukatu da, erakundeen beste bi mailekin (foru maila eta erkidego maila) modu harmonikoan egituratu behar den toki-gobernu eredua artikulatuz. Legeak toki-autonomiaren funtsezko bi alderdiak uztartzen ditu: eskumenak eta finantzaketa. Nolanahi ere, foru-erakundeek arlo honetan ekarpen garrantzitsuak egin ditzakete. Legeak izaera integrala dauka, eskumen sistema propio eta berezia osatzea eragingo duena; ezin da finantzaketatik banandu. Finantzaketa nahikoa eta autonomia izatea, finantza-iraunkortasuna eta aurrekontu-egonkortasuna dira Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko Legeak bermatu nahi dituen toki-ogasunen oinarrizko jarduketa-printzipioen osagaiak. Finantzaketa egokiaren bermea eskumen propioetan zein EAEko udalerriek baliatu dituzten beste eskumen batzuetan proiektatu da —legez edo foru-arauz eman ahal zaizkien eskumen berriak barne— baita transferitu edo eskuordetu daitezkeen eskumenetan ere. Toki-finantzaketaren arloan Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko Legetik eratorritako sistema instituzionala, oro har, Finantza Publikoen Euskal Kontseiluko erabakiak hartzean udal-ordezkariek daukaten parte hartzeak definitzen du. Horri dagokionez, Lurralde Historikoen Legea aldatzearen ondorioz, toki-finantzaketarako oso garrantzitsuak diren arlo askotako erabakiak hartzean udal-ordezkariak gehituko dira, eskubide osoko kide gisa (ahotsa eta botoa), dualtzat har daitekeen parte-hartze instituzionaleko eredu baten barruan. Eredu horren arabera gaiak banatu egiten dira: batetik, hiru maila instituzionalen parte hartzea behar duten akordioak, eta, bestetik, garrantzitsuak izanik soilik foru eta udal mailakoei dagozkienak (parte-hartze maila edo eredu horizontala ekarpenen legeetan). RESUMEN: La Ley 2/2016 de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi (LILE) culmina el proceso de institucionalización interna de la Comunidad Autónoma de Euskadi articulando un modelo de gobierno local que debe vertebrarse de manera armónica con los otros dos niveles dos niveles institucionales (foral y autonómico). Es una ley que, sin perjuicio de las importantes atribuciones que en este ámbito tienen las instituciones forales, integra los dos aspectos sustantivos de la autonomía local: competencias y financiación. Carácter integral que va a determinar la configuración de un sistema competencial propio y singular que no puede disociarse de su financiación. La suficiencia y autonomía financiera, junto con la estabilidad presupuestaria y la sostenibilidad financiera, constituyen los principios de actuación básicos de las haciendas locales que la LILE trata de garantizar. La garantía de financiación adecuada se proyecta tanto sobre las competencias propias que vienen ejerciendo los municipios vascos como sobre las nuevas competencias que les puedan ser atribuidas por ley o norma foral o que les puedan ser transferidas o delegadas. El sistema institucional, en materia de financiación local, que se deriva de la LILE, viene definido fundamentalmente por el modelo de participación de los re presentantes municipales en la toma de decisiones del Consejo Vasco de Finanzas Públicas. A este respecto, con la consiguiente modificación de la Ley de Territorios Históricos, se incorporan los representantes municipales, como miembros de pleno derecho (voz y voto) en la toma de decisiones acerca de un significativo número de materias de gran trascendencia para la financiación local, dentro de un modelo de participación institucional que podemos calificar de dual. Modelo conforme al cual se diferencia entre aquellas materias cuyos acuerdos precisan de la participación de los tres niveles institucionales y aquellas otras, de especial importancia (nivel de participación o modelo horizontal en leyes de aportaciones), cuyos acuerdos solamente competen a los niveles foral y municipal. ABSTRACT: Act 2/2016 on Local Entities of Euskadi (LILE) brings to an end the process of internal institutionalization of the Autonomous Community of Euskadi by articulating a local government model that has harmoniously to be built upon the other two levels of institutions (foral and autonomous). It is an act that, with no prejudice to the important attributions foral institutions have in this area, comprehends two substantive features of local autonomy: competences and funding. That comprehensive character is going to determine the configuration of an own and singular system of competences which cannot be dissociated from its funding. The financial sufficiency and autonomy, together with the budgetary stability are the basic principles of action of local government finances that LILE tries to guarantee. The guarantee for an adequate funding is projected both to own competences that Basque municipalities are already exercising and to new competences that can be attributed either by act or by foral rule or that can be transferred or delegated. The institutional system, in the field of local funding, that results from LILE is mainly defined by the model of participation by the municipal representatives in the decision-making process of the Basque Committee for Public Finances. In this regard, with the consequential amendment of the Act on Historic Territories, the municipal representatives will be incorporated as full members (with voice and vote) in the decision-making process in a significant amount of very important issues for the local funding within the model of institutional participation which can be qualified as twofold. A model according to whom those issues whose agreement requires the participation of the three institutional levels and those others, with particular relevance (level of participation or horizontal model in act of contributions) whose agreement does only affect the foral and municipal levels.
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The purpose of this study is to analyze the transportation service of buses islamic business ethics perspective. Research will be about the theory of good service according to islamic business ethics. This type of research uses qualitative descriptive. With informal snowball collection techniques. On researcher obtained from interviews to bus business owners, bus drivers, and bus passengers in PT company. Minto Lestari Jaya which is located in the village of Jajag Gambiran, Banyuwangi. The results by the researchers showed that the services provided by bus drivers were effective. The officer has been polite and serves well in accordance with the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad SAW taught in the book Of Islamic Business Ethics by Fakhry Zamzam and Havis Aravik. The principles of Islamic business ethics include the following principles of business ethics: the first principle of autonomy, the second the honesty, the third the Principle of justice, the fourth principle of mutual benefit, the five Principles of integrity. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pelayanan transportasi bus perspektif etika bisnis islam. Penelitian akan mendeskripsikan tentang teori pelayanan yang baik menurut etika bisnis islam. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif. Dengan teknik pengumpulan informal snowball. Pada peneliti diperoleh dari wawancara kepada pemilik usaha Otobus, pengemudi bus, dan penumpang bus di perusahaan PT Minto Lestari Jaya yang beralamat di Desa Jajag Gambiran, Banyuwangi. Hasil yang dilakukan oleh peneliti menunjukkan bahwa pelayanan yan diberikan oleh pengemudi bus sudah efektif. Petugas sudah sopan dan melayani dengan baik sesuai dengan ajaran Nabi Muhammad SAW yang diajarkan alam buku Etika Bisnis Islam karya Fakhry Zamzam dan Havis Aravik. Prinsip-prinsip etika bisnis islam meliputi Prinsip-prinsip etika bisnis sebagai berikut: yang pertama Prinsip otonomi, kedua kejujuran, ketiga Prinsip keadilan, keempat Prinsip saling menguntungkan, kelima Prinsip integritas moral.
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Hairunnas, Hairunnas, Afrizal Afrizal, and Asrinaldi Asrinaldi. "DEMOKRASI DAN PRAKTIK KONSERVATISME ORMAS KEAGAMAAN DI SUMATRA BARAT." SALAM: Jurnal Sosial dan Budaya Syar-i 8, no. 6 (November 17, 2021): 1825–34.

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This article discusses the practice of conservatism religious organizations in West Sumatra. After the implementation of regional autonomy law, various religious organizations appeared en masse with variations in the focus of the movement. The purpose of this study is to look at the practices and factors that cause conservatism by using the concept of religious conservatism as an analytical tool. This research uses qualitative research with a case study approach, data is collected by in-depth interview techniques and collection of documentation. The results of this study indicate that the practice of conservatism religious organizations in West Sumatra places the value of religious teachings on the traditions of the Prophets and Apostles with a rigid spirit of purification of the Qur'an and Sunnah. In practice, religious norms and cultural identities are the main instruments for the formation of morals and political attitudes. In addition, narratives based on religion and customs as ideological elements are considered fixed and final.Keywords: Religious Conservatism; Religious Organizations; Minangkabau AbstrakArtikel ini menjelaskan mengenai praktik konservatisme ormas keagamaan di Sumatra Barat. Pasca diberlakukan undang-undang otonomi daerah, berbagai ormas keagamaan bermunculan secara massif dengan variasi fokus gerakan. Tujuan dalam penelitian ini ingin melihat praktik dan faktor penyebab konservatisme dengan menggunakan konsep konservatisme agama sebagai pisau analisis. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus, data dikumpulkan dengan teknik wawancara mendalam, dan pengumpulan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan praktik konservatisme ormas keagamaan di Sumatra Barat meletakan nilai ajaran agama pada tradisi masa Nabi dan Rasul dengan semangat pemurnian kembali kepada Alquran dan Sunnah secara kaku. Dalam praktiknya norma agama dan identitas kultural sebagai instrumen utama pembentukan moral dan sikap politik. Selain itu narasi berbasis keagamaan dan adat sebagai elemen ideologis yang dinilai sudah tetap dan final.Kata Kunci : Konservatisme Agama; Ormas Keagamaan; Minangkabau.
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Hace ya más de cuatro años que el EBEP entró en vigor y también su artículo 13. Un artículo en el que se hacía una llamada a los ejecutivos (estatal y autonómicos) para que, sí así lo deseaban, estableciesen un régimen del personal directivo. Pues bien, lo cierto es que, por unas razones u otras (de oportunidad política, de resistencias administrativas, de coyunturas económicas desfavorables, etc.), aquella llamada no ha sido atendida por el legislador o el ejecutivo estatal. Pero sí por los legisladores y ejecutivos de varias Comunidades Autónomas que, no sólo no han dudado en desarrollar el EBEP ¿o están en trámite de hacerlo¿ y establecer un régimen de su personal directivo (caso de Valencia o de Castilla-la Mancha, con sus leyes de empleo público ya aprobadas), sino que algunas de ellas (las que integran el aquí llamado G10) han innovado de forma considerable en la materia. Destacando en lo sustantivo y por encima del resto, la Comunidad de las Islas Baleares y el País Vasco. A las cuales está dedicado de manera especial este estudio. Lau urte dira Administrazio Publikoko Langileen Oinarrizko Estatutua indarrean sartu zela, baita horren 13. artikulua ere. Artikulu horretan gobernuei (estatukoa eta autonomia erkidegoetakoak) deia egin zitzaien, nahi izanez gero, zuzendaritzako langileen araubidea ezar zezaten. Arrazoi batzuengatik edo beste batzuengatik (aukera politikoa, administrazioaren erresistentzia, kontrako egoera ekonomikoak, eta abar), dei hori ez du aintzat hartu ez estatuko indar legegileak ez estatuko gobernuak. Zenbait autonomia erkidegotako legegileek eta gobernuek, ordea, kontuan izan dute; horiek Administrazio Publikoko Langileen Oinarrizko Estatutua garatu dute ¿edo garatzeko izapideak egiten ari dira¿ eta zuzendaritzako langileen araubidea ezarri dute (Valentzian eta Gaztela-Mantxan, esate baterako, onartu dituzte dagoeneko enplegu publikoaren legeak). Horrez gain, horietako batzuek, hemen G10 deitutako taldea osatzen dutenek hain zuzen ere, berrikuntza asko egin dituzte gai honetan. Funtsezko edukietan, Balear Uharteetako Autonomia Erkidegoa eta Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoa nabarmendu dira gainontzekoen gainetik. Horiei buruz mintzatzen da bereziki, bada, azterlana. The Basic Statute for Civil Servants (EBEP in Spanish) came into force more than four years ago, and also its article 13. This article 13 made a call to (state and regional) executives to establish a regime for the managerial staff, if they so wished. Well then the truth is that due to different reasons (political opportunity, administrative culture and others related to economic crisis), that call was not taken into account at the State level. However, Legislators and Executives from different Autonomous Communities have responded to this call. On the one hand, by developing the EBEP (or they are in the process of doing so) and by establishing a regime for managerial staff (the case of Valencia and Castilla-La Mancha, whose public employment acts had already been passed). Also and in addition, some of them (those members of the so called G10) have made remarkable innovations on the matter. The Communities of the Balearic Islands and Basque Country stand out above the rest, to which this study is specially devoted.
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TELLO-SÁNCHEZ, Flavia. "Empezar por casa: enfocando los planes de igualdad en la cultura organizacional de las Administraciones Públicas." RVGP 18, no. 18 (June 1, 2020): 114–35.

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Laburpena: Duela hamarkada bat baino gehiago, hainbat arau-esparruk lagundu dute emakumeen eta gizonen berdintasun eraginkorra oztopatzen edo mugatzen duten erakunde-neurriak jartzeko beharrizanean. Hala ere, harik eta 5/2015 Legegintzako Errege Dekretua aldarrikatu arte, ez zen ezarri nahitaezkoa zenik administrazio publikoek berdintasun-planak garatzea beraien langileentzat. Artikulu honen xedea da orientazio erabilgarri eta praktiko batzuk eskaintzea jakiteko zein den barneko planifikazio-prozesua, zer gutxieneko hartu behar den kontuan eta zer politika aplikatu den. Horretarako, berreskuratu eta partekatu da zer berdintasun-plan onartu dituzten Espainiako autonomia-erkidegoek, aldundiek eta udalek, aipamen berezia eginez bai euskal autonomia erkidegoko administrazioei, baita beste herrialde batzuetako ekimen eta esperientziei ere. Oinarrizko orientazio-ildo batzuekin, dokumentu honek lagundu nahi die erronka hori duten administrazio publikoei. Resumen: Distintos marcos normativos han orientado, desde hace más de una década, la necesidad de establecer medidas organizacionales tendentes a remover las barreras que obstaculizan o limitan la igualdad efectiva entre mujeres y hombres en el ámbito laboral. Sin embargo, no es hasta la promulgación del Real Decreto Legislativo 5/2015 que se establece la obligatoriedad para las Administraciones públicas de desarrollar planes de igualdad para sus trabajadoras y trabajadores. El presente artículo tiene como objeto brindar algunas orientaciones útiles y prácticas sobre el proceso de planificación interna, los mínimos a considerar y la política aplicada, rescatando y compartiendo para ello algunas referencias de planes de igualdad internos aprobados por comunidades autónomas, diputaciones y ayuntamientos del Estado, con especial referencia a las Administraciones vascas, así como iniciativas y experiencias de otros países. Con algunas líneas de orientación básicas, este documento pretende ayudar a aquellas Administraciones públicas que tienen por delante este desafío. Abstract: For more than a decade, several normative frameworks have guided the need to establish organizational measures aimed at removing the barriers that hinder or limit effective equality between women and men in the workplace. Nevertheless, it is not until the enactment of Royal Legislative Decree 5/2015 that public administrations were compelled to develop equality plans for their workers. The goal of this paper is to offer helpful guidelines for internal planning, to set minimum requirements in terms of policy implementation and to highlight and share some references and good practices of equality agendas developed by regional and local governments, especially from Basque public administrations, as well as experiences from other countries. With these basic guidelines, this paper aims to help public administrations facing this challenge.
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AGOUÉS MENDIZABAL, CARMEN. "EL PLANEAMIENTO URBANÍSTICO Y LA MOVILIDAD SOSTENIBLE." Revista Vasca de Administración Pública / Herri-Arduralaritzarako Euskal Aldizkaria, no. 84 (August 1, 2009): 17–51.

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El presente trabajo pretende analizar las posibilidades que ofrece el planeamiento urbanístico en la consecución de una movilidad más sostenible. Con este objetivo, se analizan los documentos sobre movilidad a escala comunitaria, la naturaleza jurídica de dichos documentos y su incidencia en el planeamiento urbanístico local. Dentro del ordenamiento estatal y autonómico, se examinan los principios relativos a la movilidad que enmarcan y condicionan la potestad de planeamiento. Para ello, se parte de aquellos principios consagrados en el nuevo Texto Refundido estatal regulador del suelo y se examinan algunas determinaciones de la legislación autonómica en aspectos como los distintos estándares urbanísticos y las infraestructuras vinculadas a la movilidad. Finalmente, el trabajo concluye con un breve análisis relativo al control del cumplimiento del principio de movilidad sostenible. Honako lan honek aztertu nahi ditu nolako aukerak eskaintzen dituen hirigintza-plangintzak mugikortasun iraunkorrago bat lortzeko. Helburu horrekin, erkidego mailako mugikortasunari buruzko dokumentuak, dokumentu horien izatasun juridikoa eta dokumentuok tokiko hirigintza-plangintzan duten eragina aztertzen dira. Ordenamendu estatalean eta autonomikoan, plangintzaren ahala zedarritzen eta baldintzatzen duten mugikortasunari buruzko printzipioak aztertzen dira. Horretarako, lurzorua arautzen duen estatu mailako testu bateratu berrian finkatutako printzipioetatik abiatzen da, eta legedi autonomikoko zehaztapen batzuk aztertzen dira hainbat alderditan, hala nola hirigintza arloko estandar guztiak eta mugikortasunari lotutako azpiegiturak. Azkenik, lan hau azterketa txiki batekin amaitzen da, mugikortasun iraunkorreko printzipioa betetzearen kontrolari buruzkoa. his present work purtports to analyze the options provided by the city planning for a more sustainable mobility. For that purpose, documents about mobility to Community scale, the legal nature of them and their impact on local urban planning are scrutinized. As far as the State and Autonomic legal order are concerned, the principles related to movility that frame and determine the legal authority for planning are examined. In order to do so, this article starts from those principles laid down by the new State consolidated drafting text on land and some decisions adopted by the Autonomic legislatures on issues like the different urban standards and the infrastructures linked to mobility. Finally, the work ends with a brief analysis related to the control of the compliance with the principle of sustainable mobility.
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IBAÑEZ MACÍAS, Antonio. "Los referendos regional y local en el Estado Autonómico. Sus bases y límites constitucionales." RVAP 97, no. 97 (December 30, 2013): 97–138.

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LABURPENA: Lan honetan, Espainiako estatu autonomikoan tokiko nahiz eskualdeko erreferendumak egiteko dauden aukerak eta mugak aztertzen dira. Erreferendumaren funtsezko alderdiei dagokienez, Konstituzio Auzitegiaren doktrinatik aldentzen diren ondorio batzuk aurkezten dira. Bereizketa zehatzagoa egiten da herri-galdeketaren (demokrazia parte-hartzaileko metodoa) eta erreferendumaren (demokrazia erdizuzeneko metodoa) artean. Tokiko eta eskualdeko erreferendumen oinarri konstituzionalak udalerrien eta autonomia-erkidegoen antolakuntzaren autonomian jasota daude. Eskualdeetako erreferendumari muga bat jartzen dio Konstituzioak, Estatuak baitu erreferendum bidezko herri galdeketen deialdia baimentzeko eskumena. Eta hori modu murriztailean interpretatu behar da. Beste muga bat ere badago: auzi publikoetan parte hartzeko funtsezko eskubidea garatzeko, lege organikoa behar da. Agindu hori ere modu murriztailean interpretatu behar da. Bestalde, tokiko erreferendumak muga konstituzional hauek ditu: Konstituzioaren 81.1 artikuluak agindutakoa, 23.1 artikuluarekin lotuta; tokiko araubidearen oinarriak arautzeko Estatuaren eskumena (Konstituzioaren 149.1.18 artikulua); eta tokiko araubideari buruzko eskumen autonomikoa. Horrez gain, Konstituzioak ez du finkatzen eskualdeko zein tokiko demokrazia erdizuzenaren eredurik; edonola ere, Estatu-ereduaren oso antzekoa da, legegileak hala nahi izan duelako. RESUMEN: En este trabajo se estudian las posibilidades y límites constitucionales del referéndum local y del referéndum regional en el Estado autonómico español. Se mantienen unas conclusiones que se apartan de doctrina del Tribunal Constitucional en sus aspectos esenciales. Se introduce una distinción más precisa entre consulta popular, como instituto de democracia participativa, y referéndum, como instituto de democracia semidirecta. Las bases constitucionales del referéndum local y regional están en la autonomía organizativa de los municipios y Comunidades Autónomas. El referéndum regional encuentra sus límites constitucionales en la competencia del Estado para autorizar la convocatoria de consultas populares por vía de referéndum, la cual debe ser interpretada de manera restrictiva. Otro límite es la habilitación a la ley orgánica para que desarrolle el derecho fundamental a participar en los asuntos públicos. Ese mandato también debe interpretarse de manera restrictiva. Por el contrario el referéndum local tiene los siguientes límites constitucionales: el mandato del artículo 81.1 CE, en relación con el art. 23.1; la competencia estatal para regular las bases del régimen local (art. 149.1.18 CE) y la competencia autonómica sobre régimen local. Por otro lado, la Constitución no predetermina el modelo de democracia semidirecta a nivel regional y a nivel local. Pero ese modelo ha resultado ser muy similar al estatal por voluntad del legislador. ABSTRACT: In this paper we study the constitutional possibilities and limits of local and regional referendums in the Spanish regional state. We keep conclusions that deviate from Constitutional Court doctrine in its essential aspects. We introduce a more precise distinction between popular consultation, as participatory democracy institute, and referendum, as semi-direct democracy institute. The constitutional bases of local and regional referendum are in the organizational autonomy of municipalities and autonomous regions. The regional referendum has constitutional limits on the power of the State to authorize the call for popular consultations through referendum, which must be interpreted strictly. Another limit is the empowerment of the organic Act to develop the fundamental right to participate in public affairs. That limit should also be interpreted restrictively. By contrast, the local referendum has the following constitutional limits: the empowerment of article 81.1 CE in conjunction with art. 23.1 CE, the state power to regulate the bases of local government (art. 149.1.18 EC) and the regional power on local government. Moreover, the Constitution does not predetermine the model of semi-direct democracy at regional and local level. But this model has proved to be very similar to the state level because the legislator so decided.
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ANGLÈS JUANPERE, Benjamí. "Naturaleza y evolución de las transferencias municipales en los Territorios Forales." RVAP 111, no. 111 (August 30, 2018): 59–101.

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LABURPENA: Toki-ogasunen baliabide ekonomikoetako bat dira partaidetzak autonomia-erkidegoen diru-sarreretan, eta Espainiako Konstituzioak oinarrizko baliabidetzat jotzen ditu. Lan honek helburu du foru-lurraldeei dagokienez egiaztatzea ea udalerrien esku dauden baliabideak benetan diren foru-ogasunen diru-sarreretako partaidetzak, edo, aldiz, bestelako transferentziak diren. Halaber, ziurtatu nahi du baliabide horiek Magna Cartan aitortuta duten oinarrizko rola egiatan betetzen duten. Horretarako, udal-finantzaketarako funtsetako datu ekonomikoak bildu dira; gehienak Nafarroako Foru Erkidegoaren eta Arabako, Gipuzkoako zein Bizkaiko foru-aldundien aurrekontu orokorretatik atera dira. RESUMEN: Entre los recursos económicos de las Haciendas Locales se encuentran las participaciones en los ingresos de las Comunidades Autónomas, recursos considerados como fundamentales por la Constitución Española. El objetivo del presente trabajo es comprobar, en el caso de los Territorios Forales, si tales recursos a disposición de los municipios son verdaderas participaciones en los ingresos de las Haciendas Forales o transferencias de otra índole, así como si efectivamente juegan el papel fundamental que les otorga la Carta Magna. Para ello, se han recopilado datos económicos de los distintos Fondos de Financiación Municipal, procedentes mayoritariamente de los sucesivos Presupuestos Generales de la Comunidad Foral de Navarra y de las Diputaciones Forales de Álava, Guipúzcoa y Vizcaya. ABSTRACT: Among the financial resources of Local Treasures there are the shares in the Autonomus Communities’ revenues, resources that are considered crucial for the Spanish Constitution. The aim of this study is to check, in the case of Foral territories, whether those resources in hands of municipalities are true shares in the Foral treasures revenue or other different transfers as well as whether they effectively play the crucial role attributed to them by the Magna Carta. For that, economic data have been compiled regarding the different municipal sources of funding from mainly the successive general budgets of the Foral Community of Navarra and the Foral councils of Alava, Guipuzcoa and Vizcaya.
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CABELLOS ESPIÉRREZ, Miguel Ángel. "En torno a la práctica desaparición de una competencia. El art. 149.1.6 CE y las especialidades procesales autonómicas." Revista Vasca de Administración Pública / Herri-Arduralaritzarako Euskal Aldizkaria, no. 93 (August 30, 2012): 103–24.

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LABURPENA: Konstituzioak, 149.1.6 artikuluan, ez zion atea itxi nahi izan autonomia- erkidegoen parte-hartzeari araudi prozesalaren erregulazioan, eta, berez, Estatuari legegintza prozesalaren gainean eman zion eskumen esklusiboa mugatua da; izan ere, beren zuzenbide substantiboaren berezitasunetatik eratorritako espezialitate prozesalen gaineko eskumena aitortu baitzien, aldi berean, autonomia-erkidegoei. Eskumen hori batez ere zuzenbide zibil propioa duten erkidegoetan erabiltzekoa zen, baina ez haietan bakarrik, ez eta soilik gai honi dagokionean ere. Konstituzio Auzitegiak, baina, hain modu murriztailean jokatu du konstituzio-arau hori interpretatu eta aplikatu behar izan duenean (47/2004 epaia da salbuespen bakarra), non autonomia-erkidegoen espezialitate prozesalen gaineko eskumena ezerezean geratu baita. Artikulu honen asmoa honako hau da: alde batetik, egoera honetara nola heldu garen aztertzea; bestetik, 21/2012 epaia analizatzea, zeinak Konstituzio Auzitegiaren ildo murriztailea berresten duen; eta, azkenik, gaurko egoeran beste hautabide batzuk eskaintzea, autonomia-erkidegoek espezialitate prozesalen gainean daukaten eskumena (haietako batzuk erabiltzen ari direna) desagertzeko zorian dago-eta Konstituzio Auzitegiaren jurisprudentzian. RESUMEN: La Constitución, en su art. 149.1.6, no quiso cerrar la puerta a la intervención de las CCAA en la regulación de la normativa procesal y otorgó al Estado una competencia exclusiva sobre legislación procesal cuya exclusividad es, en realidad, limitada, dada la simultánea atribución a las CCAA de la competencia para dictar las necesarias especialidades procesales derivadas de las particularidades de su derecho sustantivo. Ello debía ser especialmente útil en aquellas comunidades con Derecho civil propio, aunque no solo en estas ni únicamente respecto de este ámbito material. Ocurre sin embargo que el Tribunal Constitucional, en las ocasiones en que ha debido interpretar y aplicar el mencionado precepto constitucional, lo ha hecho de modo tan restrictivo que, con la única y aislada excepción de la STC 47/2004, la competencia autonómica relativa a las especialidades procesales ha quedado reducida a la nada. El propósito de este artículo es, por un lado, el de examinar cómo se ha llegado a este punto; por otro, estudiar el último de los casos relevantes, la STC 21/2012, que confirma la citada línea restrictiva seguida por el Tribunal; y finalmente apuntar algunas alternativas a la situación a la que se ha llegado, en que la competencia de las CCAA en materia de especialidades procesales (que por otra parte algunas están ejerciendo) se halla condenada a la práctica desaparición en la jurisprudencia constitucional. ABSTRACT: The Constitution in section 149.1.16 has not closed the door to the Autonomous Communities intervention in the regulation of the procedural provisions and conferred the State the exclusive power over the procedural legislation albeit its exclusivity is limited by the simultaneous allocation to the Au tonomous Communities of the power to enact the necessary procedural specifities that come from the special features of its substantive law. That should be extremely useful in those Communities with their own Civil law, even though not only in those and not solely regarding this material field. But what happens is that when the Constitutional Court had to interpret and apply the aforementioned constitutional provision, it has done it so narrowly that with the only and sole exception of the Constitutional judgment 47/2004 the power is almost reduced to nothing. The purpose of this article is on the one hand to examine how this is been reached; and on the other hand, to study the last relevant ruling, judgment 21/2012, which confirms the aforementioned narrow line of interpretation followed by the Court; and finally to point at some alternatives to the situation that has been created in which the power of the Autonomous Communities regarding the procedural specificities (and which they are exercising anyway) is doomed to the practical disappearance according to the constitutional caselaw.
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RAMIRO AVILÉS, Miguel Ángel, and Paulina RAMÍREZ CARVAJAL. "La exclusión de las personas con VIH de los cuerpos uniformados de seguridad en España." RVAP 112, no. 112 (December 28, 2018): 209–43.

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LABURPENA: Giza inmunoeskasiaren birusaren (Hiesa) eta segurtasunaren arteko harremanak legezko hesi bat sortu du, eta hesi horrek oztopoak jartzen dizkie Hiesa duten pertsonei segurtasuneko uniformedun kidegoan sartzeko. Espainian, Hiesa duten pertsonak baztertu egiten dituzte segurtasuneko uniformedun kidegoko oposaketetako deialdietan egiten diren koadro mediko eta proba medikoetan, bai estatu mailan, baita autonomia eta toki mailan ere. Hiesa prebenitzeko tratamendu estrategia oinarri duen ebidentzia zientifikoaren ondorioz Hiesa duten pertsonen osasun egoeran oinarritutako bazterketa generikoak pertsona horiek funtzio publikoan sartu ahal izateko eskubidea gehiegi mugatu lezake, eta gainera, tratu ezberdina ematen zaie, diskriminatzailea dena bazterketa hori ez baita beharrezkoa, ezta arrazoizkoa ezta proportzionala ere lortu nahi den helburuarekiko. RESUMEN: La relación establecida entre el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) y la seguridad ha creado una barrera legal que impide el acceso a las personas con VIH a los cuerpos uniformados de seguridad. En España, las personas con VIH son excluidas en los cuadros médicos y en las pruebas médicas que se incluyen en las convocatorias de oposiciones de acceso a los cuerpos uniformados de seguridad, tanto a nivel nacional como autonómico y local. La evidencia científica que sostiene la estrategia del tratamiento como prevención del VIH implica que una exclusión genérica basada en la condición de salud de la persona con VIH podría ser una limitación excesiva del derecho de acceso a la función pública y también un trato diferenciado que es discriminatorio porque tal exclusión no es necesaria, ni razonable ni proporcional con respecto al fin perseguido. ABSTRACT: The linkage generated between human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and security has created a legal barrier that prevents persons with HIV from gaining access to uniformed security bodies. In Spain, persons with HIV are excluded in the medical conditions charts and in the medical tests included in the public examinations for access to uniformed security bodies at national, regional and local levels. The scientific evidence supporting HIV strategy of treatment-asprevention entails that a generic exclusion based on the person with HIV’s health condition could be an excessive limitation upon the right to have access to the public service and also a differentiated treatment that is discriminatory because such exclusion is not necessary, neither reasonable nor proportional in the light of the intended objective.
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AMOEDO-SOUTO, Carlos-Alberto. "Las cláusulas lingüísticas en la contratación pública." RVAP 111, no. 111 (August 30, 2018): 19–57.

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LABURPENA: Lan hau sistematizazio-saiakera bat da, Espainiako kontratazio publikoaren alorrean hizkuntza koofizialen erabilerari buruzko klausulak txertatzeko. Klausula horien bitartez bi helburu lortu nahi dira. Batetik, botere esleitzaileak ahalegintzen dira bermatzen kontratu bidez kanporatutako administrazioko zerbitzuen erabiltzaileek hizkuntza koofizialak erabiltzeko daukaten eskubidea; eta, bestetik, autonomia erkidegoetako berezko hizkuntzak normalizatzeko eta ikusgai egiteko neurriak bultzatzen dira. Klausula horiek kontratazio publiko estrategikoaren eremuan erabiltzeko planteamendua egiten du lanak. Halaber, mota horretako klausulen habilitazio juridikoa berrikusten du, eta Auzitegi Gorenaren jurisprudentziaren nahiz Sektore Publikoko Kontratuei buruzko 9/2017 Lege berriaren esparruan dauden aukera teknikoak aztertzen ditu. RESUMEN: El presente trabajo constituye un intento de sistematización de la introducción de cláusulas relativas al uso de las lenguas cooficiales en la contratación pública española. Mediante estas cláusulas, los poderes adjudicadores tratan de garantizar, por un lado, el cumplimiento de los derechos de uso de las lenguas cooficiales por parte de los usuarios de los servicios administrativos externalizados mediante contrato. Por otro, se trata de impulsar medidas de normalización del uso y visibilidad de las lenguas propias de las Comunidades Autónomas. El trabajo plantea su utilización en el marco de la contratación pública estratégica, repasa la habilitación jurídica de este tipo de cláusulas, y discute sus distintas posibilidades técnicas en el marco de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Supremo y la nueva Ley 9/2017, de contratos del sector público. ABSTRACT: This paper is an attempt to systematize the use of linguistic clauses on Spanish public procurement experience. Through these clauses, contracting authorities of autonomous governments with traditional minority official languages ensure, on the one hand, the realisation of the citizens rights to use minority languages, even when public services are outsourced to the market. On the other hand, these terms also deal with policies of promoting the use and visibility of the native languages concerned in the Autonomous communities. The paper stands for the use of this kind of clauses within the strategic public procurement framework, reviews its legal basis, and discusses about different technical possibilities with respect to the Supreme Court case law and the new Public Sector Contracts Act from 2017.
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Rahman, P. Gde Daniswara Raditya, Ni Putu Witari, Anak Agung Ayu Putri Laksmidewi, and I. Made Oka Adnyana. "Karakteristik metastasis tulang belakang di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah." Intisari Sains Medis 12, no. 3 (December 30, 2021): 1002–6.

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Introduction: Spinal metastases constitute 90% of spine tumors. Primary tumors originate from a variety of malignancies. However, there are no data on the characteristics of spinal metastases in the local population. This study collected data from one of the Tertiary hospitals in Bali to be used as a reference for the initial description regarding the characteristics of spinal metastases.Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted by collecting medical record data of patients with spinal metastases at the Sanglah General Hospital for a year (January–December 2019) by total sampling.Results: This study obtained 39 samples. Most primary cancers that metastasize to the spine were lung cancers (30.77%), followed by multiple myeloma (10.26%), prostate cancer (7.69%), and colorectal cancer (5.13%). There were also contributions from breast, cervix, bladder, thyroid, lymphoma, nasal cavity, acute myeloid leukemia, and plasmacytoma. There were 25.64% cases where the primary cancer was unknown. Most of the metastases were in the thoracic segment (35.90%), followed by the lumbar region (28.21%) and the cervical region (12.82%). There were still many lesions that were less visible or unclear (38.46%). Patients generally experienced sensory (94.87%) and motor (92.31%) deficit. Sensory disturbances include paresthesia, hypesthesia and pain. Meanwhile, motor deficit include parapharesis, paraplegia, and tetrapharesis depending on the location of the lesion. Other disorders were related to the autonomic nerves (56.41%) such as defecation and urination problem.Conclusion: Most of the patients aged ?60 years and male. Spinal metastases frequently found in lung cancer patient. There was a high percentage cases with unknown primary origin. In general, the lesions were found in the thoracic and lumbar segments. There were many lesions which unclear or less visible in location. Almost all patients had sensory and motor deficit and only about half of patients had autonomic disorders. Pendahuluan: Metastasis tulang belakang merupakan 90% kasus tumor pada tulang belakang. Tumor primer dapat berasal dari berbagai keganasan. Akan tetap, belum ada data karakteristik metastasis tulang belakang di populasi lokal. Penelitian ini mengumpulkan data dari salah satu rumah sakit Tersier di Bali untuk dapat menjadi acuan gambaran awal terkait karakteristik metastasis tulang belakang.Metode: Penelitian deskriptif potong lintang dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data rekam medis pasien dengan metastasis tulang belakang di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Sanglah selama satu tahun (bulan Januari - Desember 2019) secara total sampling.Hasil: Penelitian ini mendapatkan 39 sampel. Kanker primer terbanyak yang bermetastasis ke tulang belakang adalah kanker paru (30,77%), lalu disusul dengan multiple myeloma (10,26%), kanker prostat (7,69%), dan kanker kolorektal (5,13%). Terdapat pula kontribusi dari kanker payudara, serviks, buli, tiroid, limfoma, cavum nasi, leukemia myeloid akut, dan plasmasitoma. Terdapat 25,64% kasus tidak ditemukan lokasi kanker primernya. Lokasi metastasis paling banyak pada segmen thorakal (35,90%) kemudian regio lumbal (28,21%) dan regio servikal (12,82%). Masih banyak lesi yang kurang terlihat atau tidak jelas (38,46%). Pasien secara umum mengalami gangguan sensorik (94,87%) dan motorik (92,31%). Gangguan sensorik termasuk parestesia, hipestesia, dan rasa nyeri. Sedangkan gangguan motorik termasuk paraparesis, paraplegia, dan tetraparesis tergantung dari letak lesi. Gangguan lainnya yaitu gangguan pada saraf otonom (56,41%) dengan kelainan seperti gangguan buang air besar dan berkemih.Simpulan: Sebagian besar pada pasien usia ?60 tahun dan berjenis kelamin laki-laki. Metastasis tulang belakang cenderung lebih sering pada penderita kanker paru. Selain lokasi primer tersebut, terdapat persentase tinggi dimana tidak ditemukannya dari lokasi kanker primer. Pada umumnya hasil lesi terdapat pada segmen thorakal dan segmen lumbal. Masih banyak pula lesi ini masih kurang terlihat atau tidak jelas lokasinya. Pada umumnya pasien memiliki gangguan sensorik dan motorik serta hanya sekitar setengah pasien mengalami gangguan otonom.
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SOLANES MULLOR, Joan. "La desconstitucionalización y europeización del principio de unidad de mercado: el Estado de las Autonomías bajo presión." RVAP 109-II, no. 109-II (December 29, 2017): 89–118.

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LABURPENA: Merkatu-batasunaren printzipioa ez da lehengo bera Espainian. Bi bideotatik etorri zaigu eraldaketa: Alde batetik, printzipioa Konstituziotik at geratu izanak leku handiagoa utzi die Konstituzioz azpiko arauei eta baita, ikuskatzelanak egiteko orduan, beste makinaria administratibo eta judizial bati ere, Konstituzio Auzitegia bigarren maila batean lagata. Bestetik, europartu egin denez, indartu ere egin da, beste esanahi bat hartu du, ez da, jada, lurralde arteko gatazkak ebazteko klausula bat, lehen zen moduan. Merkatu-batasunaren konstituzio-klausulak, praktikan gutxi erabilia eta eskuzabala, oso, autonomia-erkidegoek beren eskumenen itzalpean zerabilten aukerako arauketarekin, beste kontzeptu baterantz eboluzionatu du. Zorrotz aplikatu nahi da eta ondorio harmonizatzaile orokorrak izango ditu. Artikulu honek horixe miatzen du; nola aldatu den printzipio hori, Europar Batasunak zer eragin izan duen aldaketa horretan, eta zer dakarren estatu espainiar politikoki deszentralizatuaren funtsetarako. RESUMEN: La transformación del principio de unidad de mercado en España trae causa en un doble fenómeno. Por un lado, su desconstitucionalización ha dejado paso a un mayor protagonismo de las normas infraconstitucionales y a una maquinaria administrativa y judicial de supervisión que relega al Tribunal Constitucional a un segundo plano. Por el otro, su europeización ha comportado su activación y un nuevo significado que lo aleja de su viejo entendimiento como una cláusula de resolución de conflictos interterritoriales. La cláusula constitucional de unidad de mercado, poco aplicada en la práctica y muy deferente con la discrecionalidad reguladora de las Comunidades Autónomas ejercida en el marco de sus competencias propias, ha evolucionado hacia un nuevo concepto que pretende ser aplicado con rigor y con efectos armonizadores generales. Este artículo explora la mutación de este principio, la influencia de la Unión Europea en este cambio y las implicaciones para los fundamentos del Estado políticamente descentralizado español. ABSTRACT: The transformation of the principle of market unity in Spain is rooted in a two-fold phenomenon. First, its deconstitutionalization has implied a greater prominence of infraconstitutional norms and an administrative and ordinary judicial supervisory machinery in which the Spanish Constitutional Court’s role has been undiminished. The principle of market unity, rarely applied in practice and very deferential to the directionality of Autonomous Communities in the exercise of their powers, has evolved towards a new concept which calls for a rigorous application and with general harmonization effects. In this paper, I explore the constitutional mutation of the principle of market unity, the influence of the European Union in this transformation and the implications for the foundations of a politically decentralized State like Spain.
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SERRANO LASA, Iñaki. "El urbanismo sostenible de proximidad: La Ley 10/2019, de 27 de junio, de Ordenación Territorial de Grandes Establecimientos Comerciales del País Vasco." rvap 116, no. 116 (April 30, 2020): 83–135.

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LABURPENA: Eusko Legebiltzarrak onartu berri du 10/2019 Legea, ekainaren 27koa, establezimendu komertzial handien lurralde antolamenduari buruzkoa (EHAA, 2019ko uztailaren 9koa), Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko merkataritzagune handien ezarpena eta handitzea arautzen duena, haien araudia Zerbitzuen Zuzentarauaren eta Europar Batasuneko Justizia Auzitegiaren eta Auzitegi Gorenaren doktrinaren eskakizunetara egokitzeko. Lurralde-antolamenduaren ikuspegitik, eta segurtasun juridiko handiena lortze aldera, legeak behar bezala arrazoituta egiaztatu nahi du antolamendu berriak honako baldintza hirukoitza betetzen duela: beharra —Bereziki, periferiako merkataritzaren ondoriozko arazo jasangarriak eta ingurumenekoak saihestea—, diskriminaziorik eza eta proportzionaltasuna, eta teorikoki ez dagoela merkataritza txikia babesteko interes ekonomikorik. Alde horretatik, edukiaren azterketatik ondorioztatzen da lege honek hiri konpaktuaren lurralde-eredu iraunkor bat aldarrikatzen duela, mugikortasun jasangarria sustatzen duena eta hurbileko hiri-merkataritza babesten duena, eta horrek ongi pentsatutako oinarri gisa balio dio establezimendu komertzial handiak lehentasunez hiriko bizitegi sarean ezar daitezen agintzeko. ABSTRACT: The Basque Parliament has approved the Law 10/2019, of 27 June, on the territorial planning of large commercial spaces, regulating the establishment and enlargement of large commercial establishments in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country, in order to adapt its regulations to the requirements of the Services Directive and the doctrine of the Court of Justice of the European Union and the Supreme Court. From the perspective of territorial planning, and for the sake of greater legal certainty, it seeks to demonstrate in a sufficiently reasoned manner that the new planning observes the triple condition of necessity —especially to avoid sustainable and environmental problems derived from peripheral trade—, non-discrimination and proportionality and the theoretical non-existence of an economic interest in protecting the small commerce. In this sense, the analysis of its content shows that this law promulgates a sustainable territorial model of compact city that promotes sustainable mobility and protects urban commerce of proximity, which serves as a matured basis to dictate precepts that establish the preference of the implantation of large commercial establishments in the residential urban area. RESUMEN: El Parlamento Vasco ha aprobado la Ley 10/2019, de 27 de junio, de ordenación territorial de grandes establecimientos comerciales (BOPV de 9 de julio de 2019), regulando la implantación y ampliación de los grandes establecimientos comerciales en la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, con el fin de adaptar su normativa a las exigencias de la Directiva de Servicios y a la doctrina del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea y del Tribunal Supremo. Desde la perspectiva de la ordenación del territorio, y en aras de la mayor seguridad jurídica, trata de acreditar de forma suficientemente motivada que la nueva ordenación observa la triple condición de necesidad —especialmente, de evitar problemas sostenibles y ambientales derivados del comercio periférico—, no discriminación y proporcionalidad, y la teórica inexistencia de un interés económico de proteger al pequeño comercio. En este sentido, del análisis de su contenido se desprende que esta ley promulga un modelo territorial sostenible de ciudad compacta que fomenta la movilidad sostenible y protege el comercio urbano de proximidad, lo cual le sirve de fundamento madurado para dictar preceptos que establecen la preferencia de la implantación de los grandes establecimientos comerciales en la trama urbana residencial.
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Godwin-Jones, Robert. "Oihan digitalean barrena: ikaslearen autonomia eta hizkuntza-ikaskuntza informala." e-Hizpide. Helduen euskalduntzearen aldizkaria, no. 95 (January 2020).

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Teknologien eta ikaslearen autonomiaren arteko lotura lantzen da artikulu honetan, urte batzuk lehenago Reinders eta White-k egindako ekarpenetatik abiatuta. Aipatzekoa da testu hori jatorriz Language Learning & Techonology aldizkarian 2016an argitaratu bazen ere, 2018an eHIZPIDEn euskaraz plazaratu zela. Ekologiaren teorietan kokatzen da hemen ikaslearen autonomia eta horren zergatiak azaltzen dira; besteak beste, faktore ugarik eragiten diotelako norbanakoaren ikas-prozesuari. Halaber, nahiz eta ikaskuntza informalaren esparruari erreparatu nagusiki, hezkuntza formalarekiko uztardura eta irakaslearen rola ere lantzen dira. Artikuluaren bukaeran, erreferentzia bibliografiko ugari eskaintzen zaizkio gaian sakondu nahi duenari.
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Leonisio, Rafael. "La autonomía como proyecto : relación Euskadi-España en los congresos del Partido Socialista de Euskadi (1977-2009) // Basque autonomy as a project. The relationship between Spain and the Basque Country in the conferences of the “Partido Socialista de Euskadi” (1977-2009)." Sancho el Sabio : revista de cultura e investigación vasca, no. 36 (February 8, 2016).

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En este trabajo se pretende describir el discurso de los socialistas vascos en una delas cuestiones claves en la política vasca: el encaje de Euskadi dentro de España.Para ello, se analizan las resoluciones congresuales tanto del PSE como delPSE-EE centrándonos en varios aspectos que tienen que ver con dicha relación:el encaje de Euskadi en España, la Autonomía y el Estatuto, Autodeterminación eIndependencia, Forma de Estado para España y la cuestión de Navarra.Lan honen bidez, euskal sozialistek euskal politikaren funtsezko gaietako batean(hots, Euskadi Espainia barruan kokatzeko moduan) agertu duten diskurtsoadeskribatu nahi izan da. Horretarako, PSEren zein PSE-EEren kongresuetakoebazpenak aztertu dira, honako alderdi hauetan oinarrituta: EuskadiEspainian kokatzeko modua, Autonomia eta Estatutua, Autodeterminazioa etaIndependentzia, Espainiako Estatuaren forma eta Nafarroako auzia.This article aims to describe the Basque Socialist discourse regarding one of the key issues of Basque politics : how the Basque Country fits into Spain. We analyse the resolutions of the congresses of both the PSE and the PSE-EE (Basque affiliates of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party), focusing on various aspects; how Euskadi fits into Spain, Autonomy and the Statue, Self-Determination and Independence, the Spanish state and its formation, and the question of Navarra.
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Vaksh, Dr Shreyasi, and Dr Mukesh Pandey. "NADI SHODHANA PRANAYAMA AND ITS IMPACT ON PARAMETERS OF CARDIOVASCULAR, PULMONARY, AND BRAIN FUNCTIONS." International Journal of Medical and Biomedical Studies 3, no. 7 (July 27, 2019).

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Background: Practice of pranayama has been recognized to control cardiac autonomic status with an improvement in cardio-respiratory functions. Objective: To determine impact of Nadi-shodana pranayama practice for 20 minutes on heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, peak expiratory flow rate. Methods: Ninety normal healthy subjects aged between 17-20 years of first year MBBS course volunteered for this study out of total 150. Among them 40 were females and 50 were males. They did not have any previous training in Pranayama. All the selected physiological parameters were measured before and after performing ‘Nadi-shodhana Pranayama’. Epi-info 7 was used for analysis. Results: Following nadi-shodhana pranayama a significant decline in basal heart rate and systolic blood pressure was observed. Peak expiratory flow rate was significantly improved (P<0.01). No significant changes in respiratory and other cardiovascular parameters were seen. Conclusion: Nadi-shodhana Pranayama swiftly alters cardiopulmonary response. Further studies on a larger sample size need to illustrate the underlying mechanisms involved in this alteration. Keywords: Nadi-shodhana pranayama, heart rate, blood pressure, peak expiratory flow rate.
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Roberto Dini. "La “nave” che salpa verso il paesaggio alpino: villa Borsotti a Balme." ARCHALP, Volume 2019, Issue N.3 (October 12, 2020).

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"The project for Villa Borsotti, whose construction ended in 1932, is the result of a collaboration between the architect Umberto Cuzzi and the artist Gigi Chessa, who built this small house at the edge of the village of Balme in Val d’Ala di Lanzo, in the area surrounding Turin. The essay focuses on the genesis of the project, with reference to the cultural and professional context within which the protagonists have worked. In terms of the relationship between the external aspect and its location in the Alpine context, the building seems to be characterized by the presence of two apparently opposite tendencies. On the one hand, the building looks for a contextualization in the mountain landscape through the declination in local key of a rationalist language, with a modern use of local dialect, composed of “lemmas” from the Alpine building tradition (stone masonry, wooden infill, bipartition between stone basement and wooden upper floor, etc.). At the same time, thanks to the bending configuration of the plan and the ribbon window, the surrounding environment also “enters” the house and becomes an integral part of it. On the other, the house seems to pursue the effect of alienation from the context through the conscious research of a formal autonomy with which the object “lands” in the natural framework of the valley. Another interesting trait of the house is the treatment of interiors according to the idea of configuring a wrap-around environment in which architecture and interior design are strongly intertwined."
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Westermann, W. Stephen. "A Theory of Autonomy Entitlements: One View of the Cathedral Nave Dedicated to Constitutional Rights and Other Individual Liberties." SSRN Electronic Journal, 2007.

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Vicens Hualde, María. "Dos poderes enfrentados en la Nueva España: Iglesia vs. Monarquía durante el Virreinato del Marqués de Villamanrique (1585-1590)." Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de Americanistas, no. 24 (March 16, 2020).

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La concreción de la autoridad otorgada a la Corona española mediante el Patronato Real colisionó a menudo con la idea que las autoridades eclesiásticas tenían de su autonomía respecto al poder político. Este artículo analiza la importancia que tuvo este problema con un virrey que intentó reforzar la autoridad y prerrogativas reales que representaba y los enfrentamientos que se produjeron con las autoridades eclesiásticas que influyeron, en último término, en la caída del virrey y en la dureza de la sentencia que le fue impuesta. The authority granted to the Spanish crown through the Royal Patronage conflicted with the idea of the ecclesiastical authority having its own autonomy from the political power. This article analyzes the importance of this problem with a viceroy who attempted to strengthen the royal authority and prerogatives that he represented. The struggles with the ecclesiastic authority ultimately influenced in the fall of the viceroy and the hard sentence that he received.
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Cavalli, Adriana Schüler, and Marcelo Oliveria Cavalli. "TRAJETÓRIA DO NÚCLEO DE ATIVIDADES PARA A TERCEIRA IDADE (NATI) NA EXTENSÃO UNIVERSITÁRIA DA UFPEL." Estudos Interdisciplinares sobre o Envelhecimento 24 (October 28, 2019).

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O projeto de extensão universitária Núcleo de Atividades para a Terceira Idade (NATI) da Escola Superior de Educação Física (ESEF) da Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel) iniciou suas atividades em 1993. Desde então vem atendendo a comunidade idosa da cidade de Pelotas/RS. Seu principal objetivo é proporcionar oportunidades para um envelhecimento saudável e ativo, oferecendo a prática de atividades físicas e de lazer, e a disseminação de informações relativas à manutenção da saúde física, mental e social, auxiliando os idosos a envelhecerem com autonomia, independência e qualidade de vida. Os projetos de extensão da UFPel visam também a formação integral dos acadêmicos de seus cursos de graduação e pós-graduação por meio de ações que possibilitam a troca e construção de novos conhecimentos. A extensão universitária deve estar alicerçada nas ações de pesquisa e ensino, fomentando parcerias institucionais e instigando maior conhecimento nos diversos temas do envelhecimento humano.
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Dhanvijay, Anupkumar, and Lalita Chandan. "Effect of Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama on perceived stress and cardiovascular autonomic functions in 1st year undergraduate medical students." National Journal of Physiology, Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 2018, 1.

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Bernal Ruíz, Graciela. "Autonomías añejas en escenarios nuevos. Fuentes y directrices para analizar aspiraciones políticas de las provincias en un escenario de crisis: San Luís Potosí, 1808-1814." Naveg@mérica. Revista electrónica editada por la Asociación Española de Americanistas, no. 25 (October 15, 2020).

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El artículo discute una propuesta para analizar las aspiraciones políticas que manifestaron algunas provincias americanas tras la ausencia del monarca, cuyo carácter autonomista ha sido señalado por la historiografía. Plantea que las Instrucciones elaboradas por las capitales de provincia y enviadas a sus representantes en la península son fuentes de indiscutible valor para conocer esas aspiraciones, entre otras razones, porque a través de ellas hicieron peticiones para fortalecer a sus jurisdicciones. No obstante, algunas de esas peticiones no eran nuevas, por lo que su análisis requiere remontarnos, al menos, al último cuarto del siglo XVIII, cuando diversas medidas implementadas por la Corona llevaron a las ciudades a defender sus prerrogativas. Al ejemplificar esta vinculación con el caso de San Luis Potosí, se muestra que los grupos de poder local habían realizado diversos intentos para buscar cierta autonomía de la capital del virreinato, y aprovecharon la coyuntura de 1808 para intentar concretarla. The aim of this article is to propose an analysis of the political aspirations manifested in some American provinces after their monarch’s absence. Provinces whose autonomous character has been pointed out by historiography. Furthermore, it argues that the Instrucciones made by the provinces’ capitals–which were sent to their political representatives in Spain–are sources of immense value to understand these aspirations because petitions were made by these means in order to strengthen their jurisdiction. However, some of these requests were not new, which requires us to go back to at least, the last quarter of the eighteenth century, when several measures taken by the Spanish Crown forced different cities to defend their privileges. Linking the aforementioned events with the situation in San Luis Potosí, demonstrates that groups of local power had made various attempts to gain certain autonomy from the viceroyalty’s capital, and therefore, they took advantage of the 1808 political climate to try and realize it.
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Henriques, Vera. "Campo Educacional: Identidade Científica e Interdisciplinaridade." Revista Brasileira de Estudos Pedagógicos 74, no. 178 (June 18, 2019).

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Tendo por base a questão da autonomia do campo educacional, este texto confronta inicialmente alguns critérios epistemológicos de definição das linhas de cientificidade de um campo. Em seguida, a discussão a respeito da possível relação entre educação e outros saberes é vista externamente a partir da filosofia e internamente pelas tensões e conflitos a que está submetida a tentativa de especificação da abrangência dos termos Pedagogia e Ciências da Educação. A retomada do veio epistemológico no final do texto, traz a tentativa de definição do conhecimento científico em seu processo dinâmico de formação, para pensar, sob esta ótica, a questão da identidade do campo educacional definido pela interdisciplinaridade. Abstract Taking the autonomy of the educational field as a basic issue the text starts by examining the confront of some epistemological judgments which give the scientific character to afield. Next is examined from two view-points: from the externai perspective of Philosophy and from the internai debate characterized by the tensions and conflicts related to the attempts of defining the scope of the concepts of "Pedagogy " and "Sciences of Education ". Finally, epistemology is used in order to consider both the process of knowledge (construction) and the issue of the identity of the educational field within an interdisciplinary approach. Résumé En ayant par point d'appui la question de l'autonomie au champ éducationnel, le texte pose d'abord quelques discernements epistemologiques de définition des aspects de la scientificité au champ. Ensuite, la discussion par rapport à l 'éducation et ¡es autres sciences est vue en extérieur à partir de la filosofìe et en intérieur par les tensions et des conflits au quel est gouvernée à la recherche de l'especification de compréhension des termes "Pedagogie " et "Science de l 'Education ". La reprendre d'aspect épistémologique au bout du texte, est la tentative de definition de connaissance scientifique dans son procès dinamique de la formation pour penser, sous cette vision, la question de l'identité au champ éducationnel defini par l'interdisciplinarité. Resumen Basándose en el tema de la autonomia del campo educacional, este texto confronta, en primer lugar, algunos criterios epistemológicos de definición de las líneas de cientificidad de un campo. Luego, la discusión sobre la possible relación entre educación y otros saberes es analizada externamente desde el campo de la Filosofía e internamente desde las tensiones y conflictos que se crean a partir del intento de especificación del alcance de los términos "Pedagogia" y "Ciencias de la Educación ". A Ìfinal del texto se retoma la perspectiva epistemológica intentando una definición del conocimiento científico en su proceso dinámico deformación. Bajo esta óptica se estabelece una reflexión sobre la identidad del campo educacional definido por la interdi sci pli nari edad.
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Subrahmanyam, Vishnu. "A Public Health Reset Through Contractualism." Voices in Bioethics 7 (August 7, 2021).

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Photo by Evgeni Tcherkasski on Unsplash ABSTRACT Public health ethics has been contingent on a political landscape leading to several operational hurdles, especially during global health emergencies. Several scholars have pointed out that liberal decision-making has prevented public health institutions from achieving their goals. Thus, the need for a substantive outlook on public health has never been stronger. First, this article highlights the ethical tension and limitations of a presumptive approach to public health that a vaccination policy might produce in a liberal political landscape. Second, influenced by the works of Angus Dawson, this article emphasizes the importance of a substantive approach to public health, especially in a post-COVID era. Last, it looks at how TM Scanlon’s theory of contractualism aids in framing a substantive approach to health policy design and the added advantages of the theory. INTRODUCTION A public health intervention like a vaccination program for COVID-19, let alone a mandatory one, faces difficulties in implementation as it presents a clash between the role of the government and liberty of its citizens.[1] The clash stems from public health operating in a liberal political landscape that accords great regard for individual liberty. The government, in good conscience, is right in feeling morally obligated to act in ways that serve to prevent the pandemic from escalating. To represent the citizens, governments and policymakers prioritize achieving and maintaining herd immunity. The tension of the state versus individual liberty questions the extent to which governments can go to implement a vaccination policy. In trying to balance the considerations of individual liberty and the scope of the state to impose an intervention, the Nuffield Council on Bioethics came up with a design known as the ‘intervention ladder.’[2] The takeaway from the intervention ladder is that the state has the burden of proof in justifying reasons for implementing a particular policy.[3] Such justified trade-offs envisioned from the intervention ladder have guided policymakers in their attempt to design and shape interventions. However, public health ethics and even the intervention ladder view public health through a presumptive or a moderate liberal lens.[4] In a presumptive approach or a moderate-liberal approach to public health, policymakers regard values like liberty or autonomy as more prominent when weighed against values like creation of public goods and their maintenance.[5] A libertarian approach favors liberty and autonomy even more strongly. The substantive view of public health holds that values, such as liberty and autonomy, do not automatically hold precedence over community-oriented values such as public goods creation.[6] Some have critiqued the intervention ladder endorsed by the Nuffield Council of Bioethics. Angus Dawson remarks that the intervention ladder as a metaphor prevents the act of climbing. He claims the ladder assumes that liberty is the only guiding principle in policymaking. Such a view neglects any responsibility the citizens have in achieving public goods and maintaining them.[7] The emphasis on the drawbacks of a presumptive approach, especially in a situation like the COVID-19 pandemic, leads us to question should public health undergo a redefinition? The approach in public health focusing on non-interference stems from traditional clinical bioethics.[8] However, I argue that public health ethics in a pandemic should accord less emphasis to individual liberty and evaluate every ethical value on a level playing field. Individual liberty provides less platform for action in situations where the community has not established herd immunity. Accountability for the harm principle and maintenance of public goods override concerns surrounding liberty.[9] Angus Dawson argues that with more participation in a vaccination program, protection of public goods from disease can be created faster.[10] Characterizing public health as an antagonist to individual liberty undermines the confidence in public health institutions and interventions for which public trust is vital. Although the government may propose a mandatory vaccination policy when voluntary measures fail to meet public health requirements, clear scientific evidence and accountability for public welfare should be the guiding principle. Thus, resetting the parameters gauging a public health intervention is the starting point to prepare for future pandemics. In Resetting the Parameters, Angus Dawson suggests that utilitarianism or contractualism could serve as philosophical frameworks that may aid in framing a substantive approach to public health.[11] Evaluating utilitarianism and contractualism according to the COVID-19 facts would help clarify which is better suited to framing a substantive public health approach. l. Is Utilitarianism Substantive? Under utilitarianism, the morbid circumstances of the COVID-19 pandemic urge us to act in ways that translate to maximizing the overall good. Utilitarianism is a philosophical theory that prides itself on maximizing the best of outcomes for the maximum number of people. In an ideal utilitarian framework, a morally right act does good for all. Utilitarians consider utility the single determining variable that should guide actions.[12] The actionable aspect of a utilitarian framework is its ability to quantify thresholds or markers that mostly dwell in the abstract. In Utilitarianism and the Pandemic, Savulescu et al. outline certain determinants as aids in applying utilitarianism.[13] Looking at the aids in the context of a mandatory vaccination policy in light of COVID-19, shows some pitfalls of utilitarianism. The first utilitarian aid is to save the maximum number of lives.[14] Rightly so, an intuitive starting point in a pandemic with striking mortality rates is attempting to save the most lives. However, implementing and justifying a policy with the aim of saving the highest number of lives is complex. While a high number of deaths is a concern, it is reductionist to concentrate only on the end goal and not the means through which such a goal is attained. The second utilitarian aid is the length of life.[15] The length of benefit gained from an outcome is crucial for utilitarians. The duration of a benefit determines the quantity of good produced. As an extension, younger people should then, theoretically, count for more than older individuals in prioritizing benefits. Such prioritization has been a matter of concern during the COVID-19 pandemic. While it is true that younger people might tend to benefit more, the pathology of COVID-19 goes against such logic. Elderly populations have experienced disproportionately more severe cases. Therefore, prioritizing youth when the elderly are suffering more of the harm would be ethically contentious.[16] The third utilitarian aid is the quality-of-life post-intervention.[17] Through measures such as QALYs and DALYs,[18] utilitarians have attempted to quantify each individual's quality after an intervention. This quantification can result in connecting an individual’s quality of life to their social worth. From a utilitarian viewpoint, a person's ability to produce relevance in society becomes a key determinant in shaping public policy. By extension, people born with disabilities such as mental illness or late-stage dementia can be overlooked merely because they lack "social value.”[19] And yet, “taboo trade-offs occur when we are forced to put a finite monetary value on these sacred values [life, health, ability], when we acknowledge that there is a maximum ‘price’ that we want to pay to uphold values that should be of ‘infinite’ value.” [20]. As such, it is unethical to place a value on someone's life based on the duration or quality of life they may have after an intervention. Besides creating difficulty in assessing the quality of life, measures such as QALYs do not address the nuances in providing healthcare. In Economic Evaluation of Mental Health Interventions, Luyten et al. discuss several operational changes that account for these nuances.[21] Utilitarians believe in a moral indifference between actions and omissions as the fourth aid.[22] It does not matter how a result is achieved as long as it benefits the common good. Putting forward a bad policy is the same as not putting forward a policy. In the ever-changing and unpredictable dynamics of the COVID-19 pandemic, actions and omissions have different moral implications. Equating them often places an unfair burden on lawmakers, leaving them emotionally and morally exhausted as they weigh the advantages and risks of various outcomes. Actively avoiding social biases, feelings, intuitions, and heuristics is the fifth aid.[23] The pandemic elicits strong feelings and aggressively tests beliefs. During the pandemic, some profoundly troubling ethical dilemmas stemmed from bias. In a utilitarian system, a mandatory vaccination policy aimed at crossing the threshold for herd immunity may overlook groups of people who are vulnerable due to a lack of access to the social determinants of health. Attempting to avoid feelings and intuitions all the time does not always result in the creation of a fair policy. Anti-vaccination activists use emotion to further their cause, hence it is critical that politicians consider the feelings at stake for the general public when enacting a mandatory vaccination policy. While utilitarianism has benefits such as developing simple operationalizable concepts, providing a quantitative check, and a balance sheet of risks and benefits, it is based on an ethical dystopia. Utilitarian policies can treat people as a means to an end by focusing solely on outcomes. Utilitarianism rests on a presumptive outlook toward public health by replacing liberty with utility. It ignores fair and just distribution and allocation of resources. Utilitarianism is not the most ethical approach to pandemic vaccination policy. ll. Is Contractualism Substantive? The libertarian and utilitarian frameworks assume positive and negative connotations to different actions. They hold that certain acts are right and certain acts are wrong. A libertarian might hold that unnecessary infringement of individual liberty is not acceptable, while a utilitarian might be of the opinion that actions that contribute to disutility are unfavorable for the promotion of the greatest happiness principle.[24] Contractualism is a philosophy that values the social contract. A contractualist approach begins its discourse by arguing that actions have inherent neutrality.[25] By saying that, “being valuable is not always a matter of being ‘to be promoted’”[26], Scanlon does not neglect the value of certain actions but urges us to respond to value through other means, as well as to find value in plurality. In What We Owe to Each Other, Scanlon finds morality through the ability to reason while attributing inherent neutrality to our actions. A discourse in contractualism does not begin by presuming that values such as liberty or autonomy hold precedence among other ethical values, i.e., it is not presumptive in its approach. Instead, he locates morality in the ability to reason and find justifications for certain actions. Thus, compared to utilitarianism, contractualism allows for a substantive approach by holding all the relevant ethical values in a level playing field. Liberty would gain precedence when justifications for safeguarding it are strong and cannot be reasonably rejected. The same goes for other values, such as promoting public goods. In short, an action is termed wrong when “the principle that allows for it, can be reasonably rejected.”[27] For Scanlon, justifiability to others is the normative determinant of right or wrong.[28] He proceeds to say that the value of justifiability is the underlying premise of our duties. Additionally, Verweij argues that treating people rationally occurs by treating them in “ways they cannot reasonably reject.”[29] By disregarding any a priori assumptions about the importance of different values, people can find and construct values that cannot be reasonably rejected as they would be justified. Scanlon believes that this can be attained if we reflect on what we owe to each other. lll. The Inherent Moral Neutrality Allows for a Substantive Approach A contractualist approach has implications for framing a substantive approach to public health. These values have been adapted from Scanlon and Verweij, and the elaboration has been framed in the context of COVID-19. The inherent neutrality of principles that contractualism holds becomes crucial while devising a public health intervention. The COVID-19 pandemic presents a situation where otherwise acceptable ethical principles require scrutiny. A blank state where there are no a priori principles that suggest which acts are morally justified and which are not helps us navigate the operational principles involved in a vaccination policy. Thus, values such as liberty, utility, and autonomy are viewed on the same level as the creation of public goods, fairness in contribution, and avoiding collective harm. a. Arriving at Principles Starting with the inherent neutrality, the state, policymakers, and the public can identify ethical principles that would form a part of the vaccination policy smorgasbord. In a public health framework where negotiation is a crucial aspect in its implementation, it is important that all the stakeholders aim to find principles that are acceptable for everyone. This would culminate with principles of action that would produce the least number of complaints by all the parties involved. If an individual has very strong reservations against a principle, these cannot be outweighed by weaker reservations held by others.[30] b. Reasonable Rejection as a Marker of Deliberation A mandatory vaccination policy in a contractualist framework would then have to incorporate reasonable rejection. A framework based on reasonable rejection includes a variety of moral considerations that shape well-being and provide a basis for fairness, choice, and responsibility. Scanlon makes an important remark in the thesis of What We Owe to Each Other: the acceptability of a principle depends on a one-by-one assessment of the strength of individuals' reasons for rejecting the principles compared to any existing alternatives. In other words, for Scanlon, what is foundational for contractualism is not minimizing what is undesirable but constructing principles no one can reasonably reject. In the context of COVID-19, a person should be able to justify the level of precaution he takes to anyone who would bear the risk of exposure. Each individual would then have strong reasons for contributing to herd immunity with regard to their duty to protect the vulnerable. The justification to forego vaccination would need to be strong.[31] The difference in a contractualist approach is that it provides a platform for valid concerns from the public. This allows more room for dialogue and for individual liberty, which seems to form a significant part of the critique. A plan of action that allows for individual concerns such as safety, efficacy, and strong medical reasons to forego vaccination encourages inclusivity in policymaking. Another public concern is that public health institutions have alienated themselves from society in general.[32]A dialogue between the stakeholders would remedy such a notion and help redefine public health according to how Dawson and Verweij view “public”– as a social entity/target as well as a mode of intervention (requiring collective action).[33] Contractualism, like the rest of the ethical frameworks, has its own set of critiques. In Obligatory Precautions Against Infection, Marcel Verweij argues that a contractualist theory inadvertently ends up asking for excessive precautions. The first claim that contractualism asks for excessive precautions arises from the fact that a contractualist approach does not consider the consequences of individual actions.[34] He believes that since consequences are not weighted, one individual’s wish to forego precautionary measures does not justify another’s non-compliance towards precaution, culminating in the other having to take excessive precautions. He also criticizes the contractualist deliberation for its failure to focus on the consequences of individual acts but on creating universalizable principles.[35] While this may seem true, such a conclusion rests on the fact that the consequences of individual acts are not weighted. However, an excerpt from Verweij’s paper offers evidence that contractualism does weigh individual acts: Suppose that we both aim to find moral principles that regulate our interaction and that can be accepted by both of us. If you then propose a principle that imposes many risks on me but none for you, then it would be reasonable if I were to reject it (especially if there are alternative principles that would yield much lower risks).[36] Both a consequentialist approach and a contractualist approach share the language of risks and burdens. For the utilitarian, risks and burdens are consequences of an action, whereas, for the contractualist, they are consequences of accepting or rejecting a principle. In the excerpt above, when an individual assesses the risks imposed, a consequentialist way of thinking is incorporated in contractualism and consequences to individuals do matter and are weighed. Verweij’s contention that a contractualist approach does not focus on individual consequences is not supported, and, as a logical extension, the argument of excessive precautions begins to fade. Being vaccinated would absolve us of having to take excessive precautions. Upon crossing the threshold of herd immunity, excessive precautions such as masks, social distancing, rigorous testing pre- as well as post-travel, and obsessively checking our phones for exposure can be done away with. The COVID-19 pandemic has immersed us in routines of excessive precautionary measures that it has become normalized for most of us. Thus, being vaccinated and covering society with a blanket of herd immunity removes the need for excessive precautions. lV. Bridging What “Is” and What “Ought” To Be Although contractualism presents a perspective that best suits a substantive approach to public health, it appears desirable only in theory. There exists a distinct reality outside of academia – politics, societal engagement, and governance reflect a different picture. This can be thought of as the gap between the is and the ought. We could envision and claim that a mandatory vaccination policy ought to be implemented in a certain manner, however, it might not be. In her paper, Realizing Bioethics’ Goals in Practice: Ten Ways “Is” Can Help “Ought,” Mildred Z. Solomon provides several reasons for this disconnect.[37] The general theme is the importance of empirical research – the need to find a balance between normative assumptions and empirical evidence – and how policymakers can, in turn, use such evidence to fine-tune the policy design process. Contractualism can prove especially useful to bridge the divide between is and ought. Theories of libertarian philosophy and utilitarianism rest on a design based on a normative approach that values liberty and utility and should guide the policymaking process. However, contractualism separates itself from these theories since constructing principles justifiable for all, and the idea of reasonable rejection must rely on empirical evidence. Engagement between various stakeholders and recognizing the plurality in values helps bridge the disconnect between the is and the ought. This is more important in the context of a mandatory vaccination policy since its requirement arises only if voluntary vaccination policies fail. Knowing why vaccination rates are low and how better to reach herd immunity will be important empirical evidence that can fine-tune the policy. In Re-enchanting Democracy as a Mode of Governance, Patsy Healey acknowledges that a struggle for political change often focuses on installing new policy designs.[38] Healey provides a list of qualities to keep in mind when designing a more people-centered policy initiative. The first quality is recognizing a shared, diverse, and conflictual political community where distributive justice is vital. The second is to foster is respect for different arguments, positions, and feelings— considering groups with conflicting values as adversaries but not enemies. The third quality is that of an ‘intelligent’ and multi-sided discussion of issues and reasoning ‘in public.’ The fourth is the fostering of respect for the role of the government while simultaneously recognizing the complexities of interactions. The fifth, and a key value in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, is fostering respect for people who perform public services. Liberalism and utilitarianism create combative ethical discourse around those qualities, while contractualism could elevate shared public values. While liberal democracies arguably have the makings of those qualities, public engagement must be fostered at an intellectual level to promote cohesion. Another important aspect to consider is the question of what a framework should aim to answer. In Building an Ethical Framework for COVID-19 Resource Allocation: The How and Why, Angus Dawson addresses the goal of a framework, especially at the time of a pandemic.[39] He stresses the importance of context in constructing a framework and urges to engage with a diverse group of people. Value-laden normative approaches such as the libertarian and utilitarian frameworks provide less opportunity for different stakeholder claims. Dawson then argues that explicit discussions provide more clarity and help policy makers better understand the role of context in shaping a framework. Dawson asserts that a frame chosen sympathetically can help the public better appreciate the moral content involved in deliberation, whereas aiming for goals such as liberty and utility is a distraction from the workings of reality. In evaluating stakeholders, those with lower incomes often are unable to work remotely. They face a greater risk of COVID-19 due to workplace exposure as well as commutes and living conditions.[40] Although a mandatory vaccination policy has the clearly defined goal of achieving herd immunity, ensuring distributive and procedural justice should not be viewed as being mutually exclusive. CONCLUSION Societal change relies on justifiable goals, policies, and a multitude of viewpoints. As such, a contractualist approach best accommodates a multitude of views of what we owe each other. Moving forward, if pandemic-type circumstances do disseminate within the constructs of our society, public policy should further consider contractualist approaches as a healthy, inclusive means. - [1] Luyten, Jeroen. "Mutual Moral Obligations in the Prevention of Infectious Diseases." In Justice, Luck & Responsibility in Health Care, pp. 85-100. Springer, Dordrecht, 2013. [2] Council, Nuffield Bioethics. "Public Health: Ethical Issues." Nuffield Council on Bioethics (2007) [3] Dawson, Angus J. "Snakes and Ladders: State Interventions and the Place of Liberty in Public Health Policy." Journal of Medical Ethics 42, no. 8 (2016): 510-513. [4] Dawson, Angus, ed. Public Health Ethics: Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2011. [5] Dawson, Angus. "Resetting the Parameters." Public Health Ethics (2011): 1-19. [6] Dawson, Angus, ed. Public Health Ethics: Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2011. [7] Dawson, Angus J. "Snakes and Ladders: State Interventions and the Place of Liberty in Public Health Policy." Journal Of Medical Ethics 42, no. 8 (2016): 510-513. [8] Dawson, Angus, ed. Public Health Ethics: Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2011. [9] Savulescu, Julian. "Good Reasons to Vaccinate: Mandatory or Payment for Risk?." Journal of Medical Ethics 47, no. 2 (2021): 78-85. [10] Dawson, Angus, ed. Public Health Ethics: Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2011. [11] Dawson, Angus. "Resetting the Parameters." Public Health Ethics (2011): 1-19. [12] Savulescu, Julian, Ingmar Persson, and Dominic Wilkinson. "Utilitarianism and the Pandemic." Bioethics 34, no. 6 (2020): 620-632. [13] Savulescu, Julian, Ingmar Persson, and Dominic Wilkinson. "Utilitarianism and the Pandemic." Bioethics 34, no. 6 (2020): 620-632. [14] Savulescu, Julian, Ingmar Persson, and Dominic Wilkinson. "Utilitarianism and the Pandemic." Bioethics 34, no. 6 (2020): 620-632. [15] Savulescu, Julian, Ingmar Persson, and Dominic Wilkinson. "Utilitarianism and the Pandemic." Bioethics 34, no. 6 (2020): 620-632. [16] Luyten, Jeroen, and Yvonne Denier. "Explicit Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds in Health Care: A Kaleidoscope." Social Justice Research 32, no. 2 (2019): 155-171. [17] Savulescu, Julian, Ingmar Persson, and Dominic Wilkinson. "Utilitarianism and the Pandemic." Bioethics 34, no. 6 (2020): 620-632. [18] Luyten, Jeroen, Huseyin Naci, and Martin Knapp. "Economic Evaluation of Mental Health Interventions: An Introduction to Cost-Utility Analysis." Evidence-Based Mental Health 19, no. 2 (2016): 49-53. [19] Luyten, Jeroen, and Yvonne Denier. "Explicit Cost-Effectiveness Thresholds in Health Care: A Kaleidoscope." Social Justice Research 32, no. 2 (2019): 155-171. [20] (Luyten and Denier, 2019, p.10) [21] Luyten, Jeroen, Huseyin Naci, and Martin Knapp. "Economic Evaluation of Mental Health Interventions: An Introduction to Cost-Utility Analysis." Evidence-Based Mental Health 19, no. 2 (2016): 49-53. [22] Savulescu, Julian, Ingmar Persson, and Dominic Wilkinson. "Utilitarianism and the Pandemic." Bioethics 34, no. 6 (2020): 620-632. [23] Savulescu, et al. [24] Mill, John Stuart. "Utilitarianism, ed. George Sher." (2001). [25] Scanlon, Thomas M. "Précis of" What We Owe to Each Other"." (2003): 159-161. [26] Scanlon 2003 p.159) [27] Verweij, Marcel. "Obligatory precautions against infection." Bioethics 19, no. 4 (2005): 323-335. [28] Scanlon, Thomas M. "Précis of" What We Owe to Each Other"." (2003): 159-161. [29] Verweij, Marcel. "Obligatory precautions against infection." Bioethics 19, no. 4 (2005): 323-335. [30] Verweij, Marcel. "Obligatory precautions against infection." Bioethics 19, no. 4 (2005): 323-335. [31] Verweij, Marcel. "Obligatory precautions against infection." Bioethics 19, no. 4 (2005): 323-335. [32] Financial Times, 2021, “Covid is the Enemy, Not the Government” Sunil Jain April 26 Accessed 14 May 2021 [33] Dawson, Angus, ed. Public Health Ethics: Key Concepts and Issues in Policy and Practice. Cambridge University Press, 2011. [34] Verweij, Marcel. "Obligatory Precautions Against Infection." Bioethics 19, no. 4 (2005): 323-335. [35] Verweij, Marcel. "Obligatory Precautions Against Infection." Bioethics 19, no. 4 (2005): 323-335. [36] Verweij, Marcel. "Obligatory Precautions Against Infection." Bioethics 19, no. 4 (2005): 323-335. [37] Solomon, Mildred Z. "Realizing Bioethics' Goals in Practice: Ten Ways “Is” Can Help “Ought”." Hastings Center Report 35, no. 4 (2005): 40-47. [38] Healey, Patsy. "Re-enchanting Democracy as a Mode of Governance." In Connections, pp. 61-78. Routledge, 2017. [39] Dawson, Angus. "Building an Ethics Framework for COVID-19 Resource Allocation: The How and the Why." Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 17, no. 4 (2020): 757-760. [40] Schmidt, Harald, Lawrence O. Gostin, and Michelle A. Williams. "Is it Lawful and Ethical to Prioritize Racial Minorities for COVID-19 Vaccines?." Jama 324, no. 20 (2020): 2023-2024.
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Solis, Randy Jay C. "Texting Love." M/C Journal 10, no. 1 (March 1, 2007).

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The mobile phone found its way to the Philippines when the first generation of Global Systems for Mobile Communication or GSM handsets was introduced in the country in 1994. This GSM protocol eventually developed to introduce a faster and more efficient means of storing, manipulating, and transmitting data by allowing data to be translated into a series of ones and zeroes. Digital technology furthered the mobile phone’s potentials from being a mere “talking device on the move” (Leung and Wei 316) to a more dynamic participant in the new information age. The capacity to merge all forms of binary data enabled mobile phones to allow convergent services such as chatting, voice-mail, news updates, e-mailing, Internet browsing, and even the dissemination of image and audio files. Apart from the allure of the possibilities of digital communication, the mobile phone was also welcomed in the Philippines because of its convenience; it provided the country, especially the rural areas where telephones are unavailable or inaccessible, with a modern means of communication. A survey conducted by the Social Weather Station (SWS) in 2001 reveals the extent of the dissemination of this technology in the Philippines: “Out of the 15 million households in the Philippines, an estimated 2.5 million have a cellular phone, of which 2.3 million have text-messaging capacity. For the entire nation, text-messaging is available to 15% of all households in general, but it is available to 53% of ABC households in particular. Of the 2.3 million text-capable households in the nation, 800 thousand are in Metro Manila.” Of the 80 million Filipinos, there are now 22 million mobile phone owners in the country compared to only 6.7 million subscribed landlines (Lallana 1). Of the various digital applications of the mobile phone, text messaging is still considered to be the most exploited service in the Philippines. A voice call placed through the mobile phone would typically cost around six to seven pesos per minute while a text message costs a peso per message. Corollary, a typical Filipino now sends an average of ten messages every day, contributing to a daily traffic of over 300 million text messages (Pertierra 58). This has led to the popular notion of the Philippines as the “texting capital of the world” (Pertierra et al. 88). In Text-ing Selves, a study that examines the use of mobile phones in the country, Pertierra and other researchers argue that texting has made it possible to create new unsurveilled and unconventional human relationships. In one case cited in the book, for example, a male and a female texter met after an accidental exchange of text messages. Although initially they were very reserved and guarded, familiarity between the two was fostered greatly because the medium allowed for an anonymous and uncommitted communication. Eventually, they met and shortly after that, got engaged. A second instance involved a person who exchanged phone numbers with his friends to pursue strangers and win new friends by texting. He engaged in virtual or text-based “affairs” with women, which would later on result to actual physical sex. Another case examined was that of an 18-year old bisexual who met “textmates” by participating in interactive Text TV chatrooms. Although he eventually met up with individuals to have sex, he professed to use the Text TV mainly to create these virtual relationships with persons of the same sex. (Pertierra et al. 64-89) It is because of the considerable popularity of the medium and the possible repercussions of such curious relationships and interpersonal communication patterns that the phenomenon of mobile phone use, particularly that of texting, in the Philippines is worthy of systematic scrutiny. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine the relational context being created through this wireless messaging system. An exploratory study, this research examines the contributions of the texting technology that allowed development of romantic relationships among its users. Ultimately, this paper aims to identify what makes texting a novel romantic device in the Philippines. The framework in the understanding of relationship development through texting incorporates Malcolm Parks’ theory of relationship life cycle and network (352). In his proposal, interpersonal relationships of all types are usually conceptualized as developing from the impersonal to the personal along a series of relatively specific dimensions: increases in interdependence, in the variety and intimacy of interaction, in interpersonal predictability and understanding, in the change toward more personalized ways of communicating and coordinating, in commitment, and in the convergence of the participants’ social networks. According to Parks (359-68), relationships move within the constructive character of communication that involves the interaction of the structure and content of communication between the participants. Thus, the researcher would like to identify the relationship between these seven factors of relationship development and the texting technology. This research identified the attributes of the texting technology along the seven dimensions of Park’s theory of relational development. Qualitative data was obtained and explored in the light of the concepts presented in the related literature, particularly the theoretical discourses of Paul Levinson and Raul Pertierra et al. A total of 43 respondents, 21 males and 22 females, were selected through purposive sampling to derive exploratory data through the in-depth interview method. Texting and Interdependence Unwritten Rule of Texting Respondents revealed that their relationships developed with their respective partners because texting made them more dependent on each other. “It became a habit” (Emmy). Partners texted each other as often as they could, until they have established themselves as regular textmates. One respondent’s day would also be influenced by his partner’s text message: “Kapag hindi siya nakakapagtext, nami-miss ko siya (If she doesn’t text, I miss her). Her simple ‘good morning’s’ can really help me start my day right.” At this level of the relationship, texters always had the compulsion to keep the communication constantly moving. One respondent attributed this to the “unwritten rule of texting.” Clara elaborated: You know there’s this unwritten rule in texing: once a person has texted you, you have to reply. If you don’t reply, the person will automatically think you ignored him or her on purpose. So you have to reply no matter what. Even when you really have nothing to say, you’re forced to come up with something or give your opinion just to keep the conversation going. Immediacy and Accessibility Some respondents exhibited interdependence by “reporting” or informing each other of the happenings in their individual lives. Arnel shared: Ang ilang pinakanatulong sa amin ng texting ay to inform each other kung saan na kami at kung anong pinagkakaabalahan namin at a specific time, especially kung hindi kami magkasama. (One of the greatest aid of texting in our relationship is that it enables us to inform each other about where we are and what we are doing at a specific time, especially if we are not together). He also added that texting allows them to organize their schedules as well as to logistically set meeting times or inform the other of one’s tardiness. Texting also allowed for the individuals in the relationship to influence each other’s thoughts, behaviors, and actions. “Kapag nagkukuwento siya kung anong nangyari sa kaniya tapos tingin ko mali, pinagsasabihan ko siya (If she tells me stories about what happened to her and then I see that there’s something wrong with it, I admonish her)” (Jesus). Jack summarized how the texting technology facilitated these indicators of interdependence between romantic partners: There’s a feeling of security that having a cellphone gives to a certain person, because you know that, more often than not, you can and will be reached by anyone, anywhere, anytime, and vice versa. So when I need comfort, or someone to listen, or I need to vent, or I need my boyfriend’s opinion, or I need his help in making a decision, it’s really relieving to know that he’s just a text or phone call away. These responses from the participants in a texting romantic relationship confirm Paul Levinson’s arguments of the mobile phone’s feature of accessibility. In the book Cellphone: The Story of the World’s Most Mobile Medium and How it has Transformed Everything! he mentions that the mobile phone technology, particularly texting, permits users to make instant, immediate and direct delivery of messages. He further explains that texting can be a romancing tool because before there was the mobile phone, people placing call through the telephone had to make sure that the persons they are asking out on a date are at home when the phone rings (Levinson 97). Texting and Depth: Privacy and Levinson’s Silence Texting also facilitated an efficient exchange of a variety of important, intimate, and personal topics and feelings for most of the respondents. A number of respondents even confessed that they could go as intimate as exchanging sexual messages with their partners. One respondent revealed that he could text his partner anything “kahit nga text sex pwede rin eh (even ‘sex text’ is allowed).” But mostly, the text exchanges consisted of intimate romantic feelings that one could not manage to say in person. Richard shared: “For example, through text we can say ‘I love you’ to each other. Aside from that, nasasabi ko rin yung mga problems na hindi ko masabi ng harapan (I could tell her about my problems that I could not say face-to-face).” Arnel, a homosexual, attributed this ease of transmitting intimate and personal topics and feelings to the texting technology’s unique feature of privacy. “Kasi wari bang nakakalikha ng pribadong espasyo yung screen ng phone mo na kahit na magkalayo kayo” (Because the mobile phone screen is able to create a private space that even if you are far from each other) physically, the virtual space created by that technology is apparent. Because no one can hear you say those things or no one else can read [them], assuming na hindi pinabasa sa ibang tao o hindi nakita (that it is not allowed to be read or seen by others) (Arnel). Arnel’s discussion of the private space that allows for intimate exchanges links up with Paul Levinson’s silence as one of the biggest benefit of the texting technology. Texting permits receivers to view their messages in private as opposed to having others in the environment hear and know about their particular communication or simply even just the fact that they are communicating (Levinson 112-14). Anonymity RJ would associate this capability to swap intimate information between partners to texting’s provision for anonymity. In texting, there is the element of anonymity, thus, you can feel more comfortable with sharing more intimate messages. As opposed to a face-to-face conversation wherein you would tend to hold back some feelings or thoughts because of fear of outright rejection. Personally, I consider that factor as a very important element in the development of our relationship. Because I am not really the aggressive-frank type of guy, I tend to hold back in telling her intimate things face to face. The feature of anonymity that the respondents mentioned seems to refer to one characteristic that Pertierra, et al. (91) outlined in their book. They wrote that communication through texting has also efficiently incorporated meaning, intention, and expressions allowing texters to say what is normally unsayable in face-to-face contexts. This clearly points to the comfort that the respondents identified when they’d share about intimate details like their exes and other information that a typical “non-aggressive-frank guy, who fears outright rejection,” would. Autonomy Perhaps an additional feature that might be closely related to privacy and anonymity is the autonomous nature of the texting technology. Homosexuals like Jetrin took advantage of this feature to facilitate unconventional same-sex affairs: “Unlike pagers, mobile phones are not monitored, therefore I can pretty much say what I want to the other person. I get to express myself more clearly and intimate[ly]”. Because of this absence of censorship, texters can confidently say “’I love you’ or ‘I want to throw you against the wall and make you feel like a cheap whore’ (Jetrin)” without having to concern themselves about a third-party processing their messages. Texting and Breadth Expressing Real and Virtual Emotions Because of these various constraints, respondents started to locate other avenues to communicate with their partners. Thus, the breadth of the relationship increased. Other means of communication that the respondents mentioned are face-to-face encounters, voice phone calls (either landline or mobile phone), e-mail, chat (YM, ICQ, Web cam, etc.), and even snail mail. However way they decided to extend their communication beyond texting, almost all of them declared that it is still texting that instigated this movement to another medium. One respondent said “Of course text ang taga-initiate (initiates) and then more ways [follow] after.” Although texting employs a dualistic nature of beneficial anonymity and uncertainty between exchanging partners, a number of respondents still express optimism about the texting technology’s capacity to bridge the gap between expressing real and virtual emotions. Some claimed that “even [in] text [there is] personality; smiling face, exclamation points, feelings are still communicated.” RG also expressed that “yung mga smileys nakakatulong sa pag-express ng emotions (smileys help in expressing emotions).” Jake added that “qualities like the smiley faces and sad faces you can make using the punctuation marks, etc. can really add warmth and depth to text messages.” Texting and Commitment Regularity Since most of the couples in a romantic relationship did not have the luxury of time to meet up in person or talk over the phone regularly, the frequency of texting became a distinct indication about their commitment to their relationships. “To commit is to be there for the person, 24/7. Texting helps in achieving that despite of the barriers in time and distance” (Von). Didith showed the other end of this phenomenon: “When he texted less and less in the course of the relationship, it made me doubt about … his commitment.” This regularity of texting also provided for strengthening the bond and connection between partners that ultimately “As we share more and more of our lives with each other, more trust develops…and the more trust you instill in each other, the more you expect the relationship to be stronger and more lasting” (Jack). Convenience and Affordability Some respondents pointed out texting’s convenient nature of linking partners who are rather separated by physical and geographical limits. Richard used texting to contact his partner “kasi malayo kami sa isa’t-isa, lalo na kapag umuuwi siya sa Bulacan. Texting ang pinakamadali, cheapest, and convenient way para makapag-communicate kami (because we are far from each other, especially if she goes home to Bulacan. Texting is the fastest, cheapest, and convenient way for us to communicate).” This “presence” that strengthens the commitment between partners, as suggested by most of the respondents, indicates the capacity of the mobile phone to transform into an extension of the human body and connect partners intimately. Texting, Predictability and Understanding Redundancy Some of the respondents agreed that it is the regularity of texting that enabled them to become more capable of understanding and predicting their partner’s feelings and behaviors. Tina articulated this: “Probably due to redundancy, one can predict how the other will react to certain statements.” Jake also expressed the same suggestion: Texting in our relationship has become a routine, actually. Texting has become like talking for us. And the more we text/talk, the more we get to know each other. Nagiging sanay na kami sa ugali at pag-iisip ng isa’t-isa (We become used to each other’s attitudes and thinking). So it’s inevitable for us to be able to predict one another’s reactions and thoughts to certain topics. Because we get to a point wherein we feel like we know each other so well, that when we are able to correctly predict a feeling or behavior, we find it amusing. In the end, the regularity of the interaction brought about learning. “I’ve learned much of her from texting. I knew that she becomes disappointed with certain things or she really appreciates it when I do certain things. It became easier for me to learn about her thoughts, feelings, etc.” (RJ) Managing of Contextual Cues A lot of the respondents mentioned that their understanding and predictability of their partners was also heightened by the context of the construction of the messages that were being transmitted. “If there are smiley faces, then we’re okay. No cute expressions mean we’re in a serious mode” (Didith). “Either an added word, a missing word, or a word out of place in the message gives me the clue” (Jake). The textual structure and signs became instrumental into the translation of how to perceive another’s feelings or reactions. “For example, pag normal, sweet words yung nasa text, may mga ‘I love you,’ mga ganon. Pero kung galit siya, may iba. Minsan ‘Oo’ lang yung sagot. Kaya mas nakikilala ko pa siya through text (For example, on a normal circumstance, her text would contain sweet words like ‘I love you.’ But if she’s mad, it’s different. At times, she would just reply with a mere ‘yes.’ That’s why I get to know her more through text)” (Richard). Texting and Communicative Change Own Private World Texting allowed respondents to create special languages that they used to interact with their own partners. It is an inherent characteristic of texting that limits messages up to 360 characters only, and it becomes almost a requirement to really adapt a rather abbreviated way of writing when one has to send a message. In this study however, it was found that the languages that respondents created were not the usual languages that the general public would use or understand in texting – it even went beyond the usual use of the popular smileys. Respondents revealed that they created codes that only they and their respective partners understood in their “own private world” (Jackie, Emma). “How I text him is different from how I text other people so I don’t think other people would understand what I’m telling him, and why the manner is so if they read our messages” (Anika). Leana shared an example: My partner and I have created special nicknames and shortcuts that only the two of us know and understand. Kunyari (For example), we have our own way of saying ‘I love you’ or ‘I miss you.’ To send a kiss… we use a set of characters different from the usual. Basta secret na namin ‘yon (It is our secret). Fun Majority of the respondents identified communicative code change as the most exciting and fun part in texting. “It is one of the best things about relating with someone through texting. It is one of the most fun things to do” (Mario). And the amusement that this interaction caused was not only limited in the virtual environment and the textual context. “It is one of the fun things about our texting and it even carries over when we are together personally” (Justin). “Since words are what we have, we play with them and try to be creative. Para masaya, exciting (So that it is fun and exciting)” (Charm). Incidentally, this sense of fun and excitement is also one of the attributes that Pertierra and his co-authors mentioned in their book Txt-ing Selves (Pertierra et al. 140): “Many see texting as an opportunity for fun.” Texting and Network Convergence Texting also made network convergence possible among partners, and their respective social circles, in a romantic relationship. Because the respondents engaged in non-stop texting, their friends and family started to notice their change in behavior. “People become curious… They want to know the person I text with every minute of every day… I guess people can tell when a person’s in love, even when it has only developed through texting” (Clara). Jake shared a very likely scenario: “If you get text messages when you’re with your friends/family and you laugh at the message you receive, or just react to whatever you receive, you’d have to make kwento (tell) who you’re texting to make sense of your reactions.” Others though, readily announced their relationships to everyone: “I’ll text my friends first na ‘Uy, may bago ako.’ (I will text my friends first that: ‘Hey, I have a new girlfriend.’)” (Richard). But sometimes, texters also introduced their partners to people outside their friends and family circles. “Sometimes, it even goes beyond personal. Example, if my ‘new partner’ who has never met any of my friends and family need help with something (business, academic, etc.) then I introduce him to someone from my circle who can be of help to him” (Jetrin). Network convergence could also take place through and within the medium itself. Respondents revealed that their family and friends actually interact with each other through texting without necessarily having the opportunity to meet in person. Pauline shared: “Ate (My older sister)… used to send text messages to him before to ask where I am. And my mom stole his number from my phone ‘just in case’.” Didith and her boyfriend also experienced having their friends involved in the dynamics of their relationship: “During our first major quarrel, he texted and called my friend to ask what I was mad about. Likewise, when we have a minor spat, I call his friend to vent or ask about him.” Conclusion This study establishes the texting technology’s capacity as a romancing gadget. As the interview participants pointed out, because of the technology’s capacity to allow users to create their own world capable of expressing real and virtual emotions, and managing contextual cues, texters were able to increase their dependence and understanding of one another. It also allowed for partners to exchange more personal and intimate information through an instant and private delivery of messages. The facilitation of communicative change made their relationship more exciting and that the texting medium itself became the message of commitment to their relationship. Finally, texting also led the partners to introduce one another to their families and friends either through the texting environment or face-to-face. Ultimately, texting became their means to achieving intimacy and romance. Texting offered a modern communication medium for carrying out traditional gender roles in pursuing romance for the heterosexual majority of the respondents. However, the messaging tool also empowered the homosexuals and bisexuals involved in the study. The highly private and autonomous textual environment enabled them to explore new and unorthodox romantic and even sexual relations. Moreover, texting may be considered as a venue for “technological foreplay” (Nadarajan). Almost all of those who have used texting to sustain their intimacy indicated the choice to expand to other modes of communication. Although relationships set in a purely virtual environment actually exist, the findings that these relationships rarely stay virtual point to the idea that the virtual setting of texting becomes simply just another place where partners get to exercise their romance for each other, only to be further “consummated” perhaps by a face-to-face contact. Data gathering for this research revealed a noteworthy number of respondents who engage in a purely virtual textual relationship. A further investigation of this occurrence will be able to highlight the capacity of texting as a relationship gadget. Long distance relationships sustained by this technology also provide a good ground for the exploration of the text messaging’s potentials as communication tool. References Lallana, Emmanuel. SMS, Business, and Government in the Philippines. Manila: Department of Science and Technology, 2004. Leung, Louis, and Ran Wei. “More than Just Talk on the Move: Uses and Gratifications of the Cellular Phone.” Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 77 (2000): 308-320. Levinson, Paul. Cellphone: The Story of the World’s Most Mobile Medium and How It Has Transformed Everything! New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2004. Mangahas, Malou. “For the Little History of EDSA-2.” Social Weather Station 26 Jan. 2001. 31 Jan. 2005>. Nadarajan, Gunalan. Personal communication with the author. 2004. Parks, Malcolm. “Communication Networks and Relationship Life Cycles.” Handbook of Personal Relationships: Theory, Research, and Interventions. 2nd ed. Ed. Steve Duck. London: John Wiley, 1997. 351-72. Pertierra, Raul. Transforming Technologies: Altered Selves – Mobile Phone and Internet Use in the Philippines. Manila: De La Salle UP, 2006. Pertierra, Raul, et al. Text-ing Selves: Cellphones and Philippine Modernity. Manila: De La Salle UP, 2002. Solis, Randy Jay. “Mobile Romance: An Exploration of the Development of Romantic Relationships through Texting.” Asia Culture Forum, Gwangju, South Korea: 29 Oct. 2006. Citation reference for this article MLA Style Solis, Randy Jay C. "Texting Love: An Exploration of Text Messaging as a Medium for Romance in the Philippines." M/C Journal 10.1 (2007). echo date('d M. Y'); ?> <>. APA Style Solis, R. (Mar. 2007) "Texting Love: An Exploration of Text Messaging as a Medium for Romance in the Philippines," M/C Journal, 10(1). 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