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Journal articles on the topic "Navi autonome"


CASTEL GAYÁN, Sergio. "El nuevo régimen jurídico del derecho de participación ciudadana. Un repaso a la reciente oleada legislativa." RVAP 99-100, no. 99-100 (December 30, 2014): 885–914.

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LABURPENA: Azken aldian, agerikoa da autonomia-erkidegoen ≪boom arautzailea≫. Legeak onartzeko lehian ari dira, herritarren parte-hartzeko eskubidea berritzeko. Badirudi marko arautzaile berriak erabaki publikoetan herritarren parte hartzea beharrezkotzat jotzen duela, eta azken belaunaldiko autonomia-estatutuetako adierazpenak dituela inspirazio-iturri. Hala, eskubide hori erregimen juridikoaren bidez eman nahi du. Lan honek autonomia-erkidegoetako legegintzaren alderdi formal eta material garrantzitsuenak aztertu nahi ditu eta parte-hartzeko eskubide berriaren gainean hausnarketa egiten du ikuspegi teorikotik eta praktikotik. RESUMEN: En los ultimos tiempos asistimos al surgimiento de un ≪boom normativo ≫ por parte de las Comunidades Autonomas, que han iniciado una autentica carrera para aprobar Leyes cuyo objeto es renovar el derecho de participacion ciudadana. Este nuevo marco normativo, que parece consolidarse por un auge discursivo en torno a la necesaria implicacion de la ciudadania en las decisiones publicas, encuentra su inspiracion en las declaraciones efectuadas por los Estatutos de Autonomia de ultima generacion, profundizando en la calidad del ejercicio de este derecho a traves de un regimen juridico. El presente trabajo trata de analizar los aspectos formales y materiales mas importantes del reciente desarrollo legislativo autonomico, reflexionando sobre el nuevo derecho de participacion desde una perspectiva teorica y practica. ABSTRACT: During last times there has been an emergence of a ≪normative boom≫ by the Autonomous Communities that have started an authentic race to pass acts whose scope is to renew the right of citizen’s participation. This new normative framework, which seems to become established due to a discursive height around the necessary involvement of citizenship in political decisions, finds its inspiration in the statements set forth in the last generation Statutes of Autonomy, by delving in the quality of the exercise of this right by the means of a legal regime. This work deals with the analysis of the most relevant formal and material features in the recent autonomic legislative implementation, by thinking over the new right of participation from a theoretical and practical perspective.
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SARASIBAR IRIARTE, Miren. "La participación de las entidades locales en los ámbitos estatal y supranacional." RVAP 89, no. 89 (April 29, 2011): 149–81.

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LABURPENA: Artikulu honen bidez aztertu nahi izan dut zenbateraino den garrantzitsua tokiko erakundeek parte-hartzea estatu mailan nahiz nazioz gaindiko mailan. Horretarako, beharrezkoa da tokiko autonomiaren printzipioa, subsidiariotasuna, elkarlana eta administrazioen arteko lankidetza aipatzea. Tokian bertan parte-hartzeko eskubidea tokiko erakundeek erakunde moduan daukaten bermearen beste elementu bat da honezkero eta, horregatik, lurraldeko hainbat mailatan, parte-hartze hori bultzatzeko lanean jarduten diren organo bat baino gehiago egoten dira. RESUMEN: Este articulo analiza la importancia de la participacion de las entidades locales en el ambito estatal y supranacional. Para ello, es necesario referirse a los principios de autonomia local, subsidiariedad, cooperacion y colaboracion administrativa. El derecho de participacion local se ha convertido en un elemento mas de la garantia institucional de las entidades locales y, por ello, en los distintos niveles territoriales existen organos que se encargan de impulsar dicha participacion. ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the importance of the participation of local entities in the State and in the supranational area. It’s necessary to refer to some principles as local autonomy, subsidiarity, administrative cooperation and collaboration. The right of local participation has begun in an element of institutional guarantee of local entities, so there are different organs that pursue to promote that participation.
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Citi, L., C. Gentili, A. Lanatá, E. P. Scilingo, R. Barbieri, and G. Valenza. "Point-process Nonlinear Autonomic Assessment of Depressive States in Bipolar Patients." Methods of Information in Medicine 53, no. 04 (2014): 296–302.

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SummaryIntroduction: This article is part of the Focus Theme of Methods of Information in Medicine on “Biosignal Interpretation: Advanced Methods for Studying Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems”.Objectives: The goal of this work is to apply a computational methodology able to characterize mood states in bipolar patients through instantaneous analysis of heartbeat dynamics.Methods: A Point-Process-based Nonlinear Autoregressive Integrative (NARI) model is applied to analyze data collected from five bipolar patients (two males and three females, age 42.4 ± 10.5 range 32−56) undergoing a dedicated affective elicitation protocol using images from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS) and Thematic Apperception Test (TAT). The study was designed within the European project PSYCHE (Personalised monitoring SYstems for Care in mental HEalth).Results: Results demonstrate that the inclusion of instantaneous higher order spectral (HOS) features estimated from the NARI nonlinear assessment significantly improves the accuracy in successfully recognizing specific mood states such as euthymia and depression with respect to results using only linear indices. In particular, a specificity of 74.44% using the instantaneous linear features set, and 99.56% using also the nonlinear feature set were achieved. Moreover, IAPS emotional elicitation resulted in a more discriminant procedure with respect to the TAT elicitation protocol.Conclusions: A significant pattern of instantaneous heartbeat features was found in depressive and euthymic states despite the inter-subject variability. The presented point-process Heart Rate Variability (HRV) nonlinear methodology provides a promising application in the field of mood assessment in bipolar patients.
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Ghiya, Shreya. "Alternate nostril breathing: a systematic review of clinical trials." International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 5, no. 8 (July 26, 2017): 3273.

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Anulom-vilom Pranayama/ alternate nostril breathing (ANB)/Nadi-suddhi pranayama is one of the common yogic breathing techniques and involves breathing through one nostril at a time while closing the other nostril manually. This study aimed to summarize effects of independent ANB on various physiological parameters, to evaluate safety issues in clinical populations and collect published primary scientific evidence on the benefits of ANB. PubMed/Medline, Cinahl, Web of Science and Google Scholar were searched using the following terms: Alternate nostril breathing, Anulom-vilom/ anuloma-viloma pranayama, Nadi-shodhan/Nadi-shodhana pranayama. Forty-four randomized controlled trials were included in this review paper. These studies evaluated the effects of alternate nostril breathing on parameters of the autonomic nervous system, cardiopulmonary system, cognitive functioning, problem solving and motor memory retention. Of the studies, ten showed a high level of bias; twenty-nine showed a low level of bias and five showed an unknown level of bias as per Cochrane systemic review guidelines. Most of the studies included healthy subjects and age range was eight to seventy years. Alternate nostril breathing has few variations and standardization of the technique is yet to be established. This technique provides high level evidence for positive outcomes for the autonomic nervous and cardiopulmonary systems. There is also high level of evidence regarding improvement in cognitive functioning with regular practice of alternate nostril breathing. More clinical trials are required to evaluate the effects of alternate nostril breathing in clinical populations and to synthesize effective frequency and duration parameters.
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Las cajas de ahorro tienen simultáneamente en su funcionamiento una vocación territorial autonómica y estatal. Deslindar las competencias del Estado y de las comunidades autónomas resulta complicado. La Sentencia analizada aborda con una elevada precisión técnica esta espinosa cuestión, ofreciendo una respuesta jurídica estable a la pregunta ¿Puede una Comunidad Autónoma inspeccionar una Caja de Ahorros? Aurrezki-kutxek aldi berean hartu nahi dituzte autonomia-erkidegoak eta estatua jarduteko lurraldetzat. Ez da erraza Estatuaren eta autonomia-erkidegoen eskumenak bereiztea. Aztertutako epaiak zehaztasun tekniko handiz ekiten dio kontu korapilatsu horri, eta egonkortasun juridikoz erantzuten dio galdera honi: autonomia‑erkidego batek ikuskatu al dezake aurrezki-kutxa bat? Savings Banks have at the same time in their operation an Autonomus and State territorial vocation. It is complicated to distinguish between the State powers and Autonomous community powers about them. The studied judgment deals with a high technical precision this thorny issue by offering a legal and stable answer to this question: Can an Autonomus Community check a Savings Bank?
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ETXEBARRIA ETXEITA, Ignacio Javier. "Organización y funcionamiento municipal y personal directivo público profesional." Revista Vasca de Administración Pública / Herri-Arduralaritzarako Euskal Aldizkaria, no. 107-II (April 28, 2017): 349–66.

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LABURPENA: Euskadiko Toki Erakundeei buruzko Legeak udal-funtzionamendua eta -antolaketa arautzen ditu, eta udal-autonomia indartzen du, estatuko legediarekin erkatuta areagotu egin baitu tokiko entitateen autoantolakuntzarako gaitasuna, bidea emanez tokiko gobernuek modu gardenagoan joka dezaten eta hautetsiek lana eta familia hobeto uztar ditzaten. Legeak, horrez gain, tokiko gobernuak indartzea lortu nahi du, eta, horretarako, eskuordetze-teknikak jaso, eta modu aitzindarian arautu du zuzendari publiko profesionalen figura; oraingoz, hala ere, 40.000 biztanletik gorako udalerrietarako mugatu da. RESUMEN: La Ley de Instituciones Locales de Euskadi regula la organización y funcionamiento municipal y potencia la autonomía municipal al incrementar respecto a la legislación estatal la capacidad de autoorganización de las entidades locales posibilitando una actuación de los gobiernos locales más transparente y una mejor conciliación de la vida laboral y familiar de las corporativas y corporativos. La Ley busca asimismo potenciar los gobiernos locales y para ello incorpora técnicas de delegación y de forma pionera regula la figura de los directivos públicos profesionales si bien de momento limitada a los municipios con una población superior a los 40.000 habitantes. ABSTRACT: The Act on Local Entities of Euskadi regulates the municipalorganization and functioning and enhances the municipal autonomy by increasing as compared to the State legislation the self-government capacity of local entities enabling a more transparent operation by local governments and a better labour and family reconciliation of municipalities memberships. The Act also seeks to promote local governments and to do this it includes techniques of delegation and in a pioneer way it regulates the figure of public professional managers though only limited to those municipalities with a population exceeding 40.000 inhabitants.
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RIDAO I MARTÍN, Joan. "La poderosa y alargada sombra de la STC 103/2008 sobre la Ley vasca de consulta en el ejercicio del «derecho a decidir» un nuevo marco político para Cataluña." RVAP 99-100, no. 99-100 (December 30, 2014): 2585–618.

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LABURPENA: 2003an prozesu politiko bat hasi zen Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan, antolaketarako eta estatu espainiarrarekiko harreman politikoen esparru berri bat lortze aldera, «erabakitzeko eskubidea» gauzatuz. Lehenbizi, Autonomia Estatutuaren erreforma modura aurkeztu zen proposamena, eta, jarraian, herri-kontsulta ez lotesle bat deitzeko eta arautzeko lege baten bidez; herri-kontsulta hori egin nahi zen herritarrek parte hartzeko tresna gisa, printzipio demokratikoan oinarrituta eta estatuko legeditik eta haren baimenetik kanpo. Proposamen horrek horrelako kontsulten onargarritasunari buruzko eztabaida sartu zuen Espainiako agenda politikoan, konstituzionaltasunari zein aukera politikoari zegokienean. Bere aldetik, 2006ko Autonomia Estatutuan jasotako aurreikuspena garatuz, Kataluniako Parlamentuak 4/2010 Legea onartu zuen, erreferendum bidez herri-kontsultak egitekoa. Euskal proposamena eta Kataluniakoa desberdinak diren arren, mota guztietako erreferendum autonomikoetara zabaldu dira, bereizketarik gabe, Konstituzio Auzitegiak (KA) eta Espainiako konstituzio-eta kontsulta-doktrinak «Ibarretxe Planari» azaldutako eragozpen eta akats guztiak, batez ere KAren 103/2008 Epaian jasotakoak eta KAren 31/2010 Epaian finkatutakoak, parte-hartze zuzeneko tresnak mesfidantzaz ikusten baitira, eta horiek «erabakitzeko eskubidea» gauzatzeko erabiltzearen kontrako jarrera politikoa dagoelako. RESUMEN: En 2003 se inició un proceso político en el País Vasco, con el objetivo de lograr un nuevo marco de organización y de relaciones políticas con el Estado español, a través del ejercicio del «derecho a decidir» en forma, primero, de propuesta de «reforma» del Estatuto de Autonomía, seguida después de una Ley de convocatoria y regulación de una consulta popular no vinculante, donde se contemplaba la realización de ésta como un instrumento de participación ciudadana fundamentado en el principio democrático, al margen de la legislación y autorización estatal. Esta propuesta introdujo en la agenda política española el debate sobre la admisibilidad de este tipo de consultas, tanto en términos de constitucionalidad como de oportunidad política. Por su parte, en desarrollo de la previsión contenida en el Estatuto de Autonomía de 2006, el Parlamento de Cataluña aprobó la Ley 4/2010, de consultas populares por vía de referéndum. Aunque los planteamientos vasco y catalán son distintos, la mayoría de objeciones y tachas planteadas por el Tribunal Constitucional (TC) y la doctrina constitucionalista y consultiva española al «Plan Ibarretxe», recogidas sobre todo en la STC 103/2008 y reforzadas en la STC 31/2010, se han hecho extensivas de forma indiscriminada a cualquier tipo de referéndum autonómico, en base a la desconfianza con que se contemplan los instrumentos de participación directa y por la prevención política que supone su utilización como vía para ejercer el «derecho a decidir». ABSTRACT: In 2003 it started a political process in the Basque Country with the aim of reaching a new organizational framework and political relations with Spain, through the exercise of the «right to decide» in shape, first, the proposed «reform» of the Statute of Autonomy, immediately after a Bill and regulation of a non-binding referendum, which aims to develop an instrument that based citizen participation in the democratic principle, regardless of state law and approval. The proposal introduced in the Spanish political agenda debate on the admissibility of such consultations, both in terms of constitutional and political opportunity. On the other hand, developing the Statute of Autonomy 2006 provision, the Parliament of Catalonia approved the Law 4/2010, popular consultations via referendum. The Basque and Catalan cases are different, however the majority of objections raised by the Constitutional Court studs and constitutional doctrine and the Spanish advisory «Ibarretxe Plan», collected mainly in STC 103/2008 and strengthened in STC 31/2010, have been extended indiscriminately to any regional referendum in based on the distrust that includes instruments direct and political prevention for its use as a way to exercise the «right to decide».
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Latasa Zaballos, Itxaro, Pedro José Lozano Valencia, Itziar Barinaga-Rementeria Zabaleta, Iker Etxano Gandariasbeitia, and Oihana García Alonso. "Tokiko eskalan balorazio zoogeografikoa egiteko proposamen metodologikoa eta balorazioaren emaitzak. Mutrikuko (Euskal Herria) hiri antolamenduko plan orokorraren eredua." Lurralde: investigación y espacio, no. 40 (December 1, 2017): 193–222.

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Artikuluaren ardatza inbentariatu eta balorazio zoogeografikoko metodo bat da, udalmailan landutako plangintza- eta antolamendu-prozesu baten barruan txertatuta, zehazki Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoan (EAE) Mutrikuko Hiri Antolamenduko Plan Orokorra garatze aldera. Gaur arte, afera hauek toki-mailako plan guztietan saihestu izan dira. Alabaina, ekimen hau faunari buruzko azterlanak, diagnostikoak eta alternatibak gehitu beharra agerian uzten duen eredu argia da, kasu honetan ornodunei dagokienez. Oinarrizko helburua toki-maila horietan balorazio eta ebaluazio zoogeografikoa burutzeko tresna metodologiko bat garatzea da. Eredu hori, lehenengoz eta modu esperimentalean Mutrikun abian jarritakoa, EAEko gainerako udalerrietan ere aplikatu nahi da ebaluazio, antolamendu eta kudeaketarako tresna gisa. Horrela, eremu horren barruan egindako balorazio zoogeografikotik datozen emaitzak erakutsiko ditugu.
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di Cortona, Pietro Grilli. "LE CRISI POLITICHE NELL'EUROPA ORIENTALE." Italian Political Science Review/Rivista Italiana di Scienza Politica 16, no. 2 (August 1986): 273–315.

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IntroduzioneDegli otto regimi comunisti nati in Europa centro-orientale alla fine degli anni quaranta nessuno ha ancora abbandonato il campo marxista-leninista. L'unica reale trasformazione finora intervenuta è stata quella che ha segnato la fine dello stalinismo. Due di essi tuttavia (la Iugoslavia nel 1948 e l'Albania negli anni sessanta), usufruendo di alcuni vantaggi politico-strategici, hanno abbandonato l'area di influenza sovietica e acquisito una generale autonomia nelle politiche interna ed estera. Dei restanti sei regimi, tre subiscono l'impatto di crisi originate da fattori endogeni; negli altri si evidenziano al massimo sintomi di malessere interno (come la rivolta di Berlino Est nel 1953) o di crisi nei rapporti con l'URSS (le tentazioni autonomistiche della Romania).
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Todos los nuevos Estatutos de Autonomía aprobados a partir de los procesos de reforma iniciados en 2006 contienen declaraciones más o menos extensas de derechos. Sin embargo, solo alguno de ellos prevé mecanismos específicos de garantía, y, entre éstos, sólo el de Catalunya incluye un mecanismo de control previo de las leyes del Parlamento autonómico, destinado a verificar que los proyectos y proposiciones de ley que pretenda aprobar sean conformes con los derechos reconocidos en el Estatuto, control que se confía a una nueva institución, el Consejo de Garantías Estatutarias. Este artículo explica los orígenes y los motivos que condujeron a la adopción de este sistema de control previo por parte del Estatuto catalán, discute acerca de su legitimidad constitucional, especialmente con ocasión del recurso planteado ante el Tribunal Constitucional que lo impugna, y explora asimismo los requerimientos de carácter institucional necesarios para que el Consejo pueda ejercer adecuadamente sus funciones, especialmente en lo que atañe a las garantías de independencia de sus miembros y la emisión de dictámenes de carácter vinculante. 2006an hasitako erreforma-prozesuen ondoren onartutako autonomia-estatutu berri guztiek jasotzen dituzte, luzeago ala laburrago, eskubideen aitorpenak. Hala ere, bakarren batek baino ez ditu ezartzen berariazko berme-mekanismoak eta, estatutu horien artean, Kataluniakoak baino ez du jasotzen erkidegoko legebiltzarraren legeen aldez aurreko kontrola egiteko mekanismoa, onartu nahi diren lege-proiektuak eta -proposamenak Estatutuan aitortutako eskubideekin bat datozen egiaztatzeko. Kontrol hori erakunde berri batek egingo du, Estatutua Bermatzeko Kontseiluak. Artikulu honetan, aldez aurreko kontrola egiteko sistema hau Kataluniako Estatutuan jaso izanaren jatorria eta zergatiak azaltzen dira. Gainera, Konstituzioaren argitan duen zilegitasuna ere eztabaidatzen da, bereziki Konstituzio Auzitegian horren aurka jarritako errekurtsoaren kariaz. Orobat, Kontseiluak bere zereginak egoki egin ditzan beharrezko diren eskakizun instituzionalak ere aztertzen dira, batez ere, kideen independentzia bermatzeari eta irizpenen izaera lotesleari dagokionez. All new Statutes of Autonomy enacted as a result of the amendment process initiated in 2006 have a more or less broad bill of rights. Nevertheless, only few of them envisage specific mechanisms for their protection and, among them, only the Statute of Autonomy from Catalunya included a mechanism of control previous to the enactment of Autonomous acts with the purpose of verifying the conformity of the bills and legislative proposals to be enacted with the fundamental rights as recognized by the Statute of Autonomy and that control would be entrusted to a new body, i.e. the Council for the protection of the Statute. This article explains the origins and reasons that lead to the adoption of this preventive control. It argues about its constitutional legitimacy, especially because of the constitutional appeal lodged in front of the Constitutional Court, and it inquires into the mandatory institutional conditions required to the Council for its operation, in particular as far as the guarantees for the independence of its membership and the delivery of binding opinions are concerned.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Navi autonome"


MANDRIOLI, DANIELE. "Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships and International Law." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, 2022.

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La tesi affronta e analizza le implicazioni giuridiche di diritto internazionale emergenti dal crescente uso di navi a navigazione autonoma. Tale novità tecnologica pone particolari criticità concernenti l'assenza attuale di disposizioni ad hoc e la difficoltà di applicare le pre-esistenti regole concernenti la navigazione internazionale. La tesi si struttura in tre capitoli, ciascuno dei quali affronta l'analisi di un settore del diritto internazionale particolarmente problematizzato dall'utilizzo di navi autonome. Il prima capitolo osserverà se e come le norme sulla sicurezza della navigazione si applicano alle navi automatiche. Il secondo capitolo investiga la possibilità di estendere le norme che ripartiscono i poteri giurisdizionali degli Stati all'uso di navi a guida autonoma. Il terzo capitolo osserva quali criticità emergono dall'uso di queste nuove imbarcazioni con riferimento alle norme internazionali volte al salvataggio delle persone "in distress". Infine, le ultime pagine della tesi riportano alcune riflessioni finali volte ad inquadrare l'analisi giuridica svolta in una prospettiva più generale, cercando di comprendere quali passi dovranno essere percorsi dalla comunità internazionale al fine di far fronte alle criticità derivanti dalla costruzione e utilizzo di navi autonome.
This thesis addresses and analyzes the legal implications of international law arising from the increasing use of self-navigating ships. This technological innovation poses particular criticalities concerning the current absence of ad hoc provisions and the difficulty of applying the pre-existing rules concerning international navigation. The thesis is structured in three chapters, each of which deals with the analysis of an area of international law particularly problematized by the use of autonomous ships. The first chapter will look at whether and how the rules on safety of navigation apply to autonomous ships. The second chapter investigates the possibility of extending the rules apportioning states' jurisdictional powers to the use of self-driving ships. The third chapter observes what critical issues arise from the use of these new vessels with respect to international norms aimed at rescuing people "in distress." Finally, the last pages of the thesis report some final reflections aimed at framing the legal analysis carried out in a more general perspective, trying to understand what steps should be taken by the international community in order to cope with the critical issues arising from the construction and use of autonomous ships.
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Jacobi, Loren, Rick Campbell, Chee Nam Chau, Chin Chuan Ong, Szu Hau Tan, Hock Hin Cher, Cory Alexander, et al. "Tailorable Remote Unmanned Combat Craft." Thesis, Monterey, California : Naval Postgraduate School, 2012.

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U.S. military and civilian vessels are critically vulnerable to asymmetric threats in littoral environments. Common asymmetric weapons such as Anti-Ship Cruise Missiles (ASCM), Low Slow Flying (LSF) aircraft and Fast Attack Craft (FAC) / Fast Inshore Attack Craft (FIAC) threaten U.S. strategic goals and can produce unacceptable losses of men and material. The SEA-18B team presents an operational concept for a family of Unmanned Surface Vessels USV) capable of defending ships from asymmetric swarm attacks. This USV, the Tailorable Remote Unmanned Combat Craft (TRUCC), can operate in concert with the next generation of capital surface vessels to combat this critical threat with maximum efficiency. Critical performance criteria of the TRUCC family were determined through agent-based simulation of a Straits of Hormuz Design Reference Mission. Additional models addressed ship synthesis and operational availability. A Technology and Capability Roadmap outlines areas of interest for investment and development of the next-generation USV. Interim technology and capability milestones in the Roadmap facilitate incremental USV operational capabilities for missions such as logistics, decoy operations and Mine Warfare. The TRUCC operational concept fills a critical vulnerability gap. Its employment will reduce combat risk to our most valuable maritime assets: our ships and our Sailors.
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Monnet, Rodolphe. "La politique extérieure de l'Inde en Afrique." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.

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Depuis 2001 et la recomposition des équilibres de puissance, l'Inde s'affirme comme l'un des acteurs qui compte dans un espace international de plus en plus multipolaire. Les mouvements de fond actuels provoquent une redistribution de cette puissance imposant de nouvelles alliances et de nouveaux jeux de pouvoirs. L'Inde n'est pas étrangère à cette tendance et encore plus depuis l'arrivée au pouvoir, en 2014, de l'actuel Premier ministre, Narendra Modi. Ce dernier conduit une politique extérieure ambitieuse pour que son pays accède à un statut de puissance mondiale. C'est dans ce cadre que se pose notre problématique qui est de savoir dans quelle mesure la place de l'Afrique dans la politique étrangère indienne permet-elle justement à l'Inde de parvenir à se hisser à ce statut de puissance. Pour y répondre, cette thèse investigue trois directions. D'abord, la place de l'océan Indien dans la relation indo-africaine doit rendre compte du rôle de l'Afrique dans la volonté indienne de faire de cet océan un espace pacifique et sécurisé sur lequel l'Inde puisse être un acteur incontournable face à des acteurs politiques puissants et hétérogènes. Ensuite, cette thèse s'attache à déterminer le rôle que l'Afrique joue dans la volonté de l'Inde d'être une puissance ayant une capacité d'influence politique sur la scène internationale au travers des instances internationales, de ses relations bilatérales avec les États africains et de la diaspora indienne installée dans ces pays. Enfin, cette recherche de statut passe par le champ économique et la nécessaire évaluation de l'empreinte économique que l'Inde souhaite imprimer en Afrique pour mieux asseoir ses capacités d'influence. Cette étude doit permettre de donner un éclairage sur la politique extérieure indienne à l'heure où les États-Unis réévaluent leur implication dans l'océan Indien, où la Chine met en place la « One Belt, One Road » et où l'Inde et le Japon viennent de s'unir pour proposer un nouveau partenariat à l'Afrique
Since 2001 and the reshuffling of the balance of power, India has become one of the influential actors in an increasingly multipolar international context. The current groundswells are reshuffling powers between Nations in shaping new alliances and new power games. India is, more than ever, involved in this trend since the current Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, came to power in 2014. He conducts an ambitious foreign policy as a means to make his country a global and respected power. The context of the issue detailed in this document is: to what extent does Africa's place in India's foreign policy enables India to reach this status of power? This thesis investigates the following three themes: Firstly, the Indian Ocean's place in the Indo-African relationship should reflect Africa's role in India's will to make the Indian Ocean region a peaceful and secured space in which India is a decisive player in front of powerful and heterogeneous political actors. Secondly, this thesis focuses on assessing Africa's role in India's initiatives to be an influential player on politics on the international agenda through international bodies, its bilateral relations with African states and the Indian diaspora settled down in these countries. Thirdly, India's search for that particular status goes through the economic area and the assessment of India's economic footprint in Africa to better establish its influence on that Continent. This study tries to shed the light on India's foreign policy while the United States are reassessing their involvement in the Indian Ocean, and while China is setting up its "One Belt, One Road" and India and Japan have just come together to propose a new partnership to Africa
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"Autonomy in Nicaragua and Nunavut : a comparative study in self-determination." Thesis, 1996.

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This thesis examines the concept of self-determination, as defined by competent international agencies. Analyzing the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement and the Estatuto de Ia Autonomia de las Regiones de Ia Costa Atlantica de Nicaragua (Autonomy Statute for the Regions of the Atlantic Coast of Nicaragua), this work proposes that these two laws of legislation do provide a starting point for the Inuit and the Miskitu-nani to definitely begin to work towards achieving a degree of self-determination within the nation-states in which these peoples live. After analyzing the historic development of the concept of self-determination and placing the Inuit and the Miskitu-nani in a theoretical framework of internal colonization, this work looks at the history and background of both peoples as well as at the final documents: the Law of Autonomy, the Nunavut Final Agreement and the Nunavut Law. Following a comparison and an analysis of these agreements, it is proposed that they represent an initial political step that, by providing some self- administration, potentially opens a road to self-determination for these Aboriginal nations —self-determination as defined by international agencies and accepted by most member states of the United Nations.
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Shlozberg, Reuven. "Moral Performance, Shared Humanness, and the Interrelatedness of Self and Other: A Study of Hannah Arendt's Post-Eichmann Work." Thesis, 2012.

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This thesis is a critical discussion of political thinker Hannah Arendt’s moral thought, as developed in her works from EICHMANN IN JERUSALEM onwards. Arendt, I argue, sought to respond to the moral challenge she saw posed by the phenomenon of banal evildoing, as revealed in Nazi Germany. Banal evildoers are agents who, under circumstances in which their ordinary moral triggers and guides (conscience, moral habits and norms, the behavior of their peers, etc.) are subverted, commit evil despite having no evil intent. Such subversion of ordinary moral voices would appear to absolve these agents from moral responsibility for their acts, which led most commentators to reject claims to such subversion by Nazi collaborators. Arendt, who sees the phenomenon of banal evildoing as factually substantiated, set out to show that such agents possessed other mental capacities (namely, critical and speculative thinking, reflective judging, and free willing), more appropriate for moral decision-making, on which they could have relied even under Nazi conditions. It is for their disregard of such capacities that banal evildoers can be held morally responsible. In this thesis I critically engage with this Arendtian argument. I show how the Nazi subversion of German agents’ ordinary moral voices was achieved. I then exegetically explicate Arendt’s (unfinished) analysis of the above mental capacities and of their moral role. I then argue for the addition of the capacities of empathetic perception and practical wisdom to this understanding of moral performance. In the course of this analysis I show that in responding to this challenge, Arendt develops a powerful argument regarding the moral dangers of overreliance on mental shortcuts in decision-making, a strong argument regarding the interconnectedness between morality and humanness, and implicitly, a novel conception of selfhood that sees otherness as interrelated and interconnected with selfhood, such that concern for others is part of what constitutes, and therefore is inscribed into, care for the self. I end by critically assessing the applicability of Arendt’s moral analysis to more ordinary decisional circumstances than those of Nazi Germany, and the insight this analysis points to regarding the relationship between moral and political decision-making.
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Books on the topic "Navi autonome"


Nava-nirmāṇa: Svatantratā-saṅgrāma ke saṃsmaraṇa. Meraṭha: Sulabha Prakāśana, 2016.

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Terror in paradise. Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse, 2010.

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Ukraïnsʹki nat︠s︡ionalisty v borotʹbi proty nat︠s︡yzmu: Zbroĭne protystoi︠a︡nni︠a︡, sprotyv u nimet︠s︡ʹkykh ti︠u︡rmakh i kont︠s︡taborakh, dii︠a︡lʹnistʹ na emihrat︠s︡iï : dokumenty ta materialy. Lʹviv: Instytut ukraïnoznavstva im. I. Kryp'i︠a︡kevycha, 2020.

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We fought the Navy and won: Guam's quest for democracy : a personal memoir. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2008.

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Instytut ukraïnoznavstva im. I. Kryp'i︠a︡kevycha., ed. Uvichnenni︠a︡ neskorenykh: Ukraïnsʹki viĭsʹkovi memorialy 20-30-kh rokiv XX st. u Polʹshchi. Lʹviv: In-t ukraïnoznavstva im. I. Kryp'i︠a︡kevycha NAN Ukraïny, 2003.

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Heneral Pavlo Shandruk i antyhitlerivsʹka viĭsʹkova opozyt︠s︡ii︠a︡. Ternopilʹ: "Mandrivet︠s︡ʹ", 2014.

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King, Stephen. Different seasons. Thorndike, Me: Thorndike Press, 2000.

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King, Stephen. 4 Seizoenen. Amsterdam: Poema Pocket, 2001.

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King, Stephen. Si ji qi tan. Taibei Shi: Yuan liu chu ban shi ye gu fen you xian gong si, 2005.

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King, Stephen. Different Seasons: Four Novellas. 3rd ed. New York: Scribner, 2016.

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Book chapters on the topic "Navi autonome"


Puls, Hendrik. "„Der ganze Alltag, das ganze Leben bestand eigentlich nur aus Nazi sein, Naziwelt leben und Naziaktivismus.“." In Autonome Nationalisten, 121–34. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2011.

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Munhoz Svartman, Eduardo, and Dilceu Roberto Pivatto Junior. "The Falklands/Malvinas War and the Brazilian Naval Strategy: Autonomy for a Blue-Water Navy." In The Falklands/Malvinas War in the South Atlantic, 167–84. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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"La justicia nazi:." In La renuncia a la autonomía judicial, 89–112. J.M Bosch, 2019.

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"2. Autonomy Compromised: Nazi Occupation and the Ustasha Regime." In Sarajevo, 1941–1945, 54–87. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2017.

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"2. Autonomy Compromised: Nazi Occupation and the Ustasha Regime." In Encountering Religion in the Workplace, 54–87. Cornell University Press, 2017.

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"German Killers: Orders from Above, Initiative from Below, and the Scope of Local Autonomy – The Case of Brest–Litovsk." In Nazi Policy, Jewish Workers, German Killers, 116–42. Cambridge University Press, 2000.

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Cristi, Renato. "Carl Schmitt." In The Oxford Handbook of Ordoliberalism, 243—C16.P96. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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Abstract Decisionism is the juridical conception that Carl Schmitt deployed politically during the Weimar period to draw a separation between the state and market society. His aim was to set up the conditions for an authoritarian liberal compromise to strengthen the authority of the state and, at the same time, guarantee the autonomy of markets. Schmitt’s idea of a strong state caught the attention of German economists such as Alexander Rüstow and Walter Eucken, who criticised laissez-faire liberalism for its naturalisation of the market economy. They blamed a weak, non-interventionist state for the cartelisation of the German economy. Despite the fact that these economists balked at Schmitt’s Nazi conversion in 1933 and broke with the Nazi regime after Kristallnacht in 1938, their espousal of a strong state has remained a contentious issue because of its association with Schmitt’s decisionism.
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Boes, Tobias. "Introduction." In Thomas Mann's War, 1–18. Cornell University Press, 2019.

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This introductory chapter discusses Thomas Mann's peculiar role as an authority on German culture to oppose the Nazi regime. It explains that two factors characterize Mann's unique position in literary history—the battle of cultural autonomy against totalitarian dependence and the struggle between international and national sources of literary esteem—both of which continue to have a clear relevance for literary production into the present day. To that end, this chapter briefly explores the complex relationship connecting his battle for cultural autonomy to his struggle for international recognition. It also considers what it means for Mann when he defines his theory of exile as a “cosmopolitan Germanness.” Finally, this chapter looks at how Mann developed and employed strategies to wage a cultural war against Nazism and how he found success in this endeavor in the United States.
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Böckenförde, Ernst-Wolfgang, Mirjam Künkler, and Tine Stein. "German Catholicism in 1933." In Religion, Law, and Democracy, 77–104. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Böckenförde examines here why almost the entire leadership of organized Catholicism in Germany, that is both of the Church organization and Catholic societal associations, became complicitous in and sometimes actively helped Hitler amend the constitution and dismantle the democratic state. Böckenförde identifies three main reasons for this sudden transformation: the legacy of the Prussian Culture War (Kulturkampf), the dominance of natural law in Catholic thought, and the inherent anti-liberalism of the Catholic magisterium. Since the Kulturkampf, Catholic citizens felt alienated from the state, chose to withdraw into “inner emigration” and rallied around matters of personal faith, issues internal to the Church, and questions of religious schooling, each of which had a strong connection to natural law and—although specifically Catholic concerns—were equated in their minds with the public good. The Concordat between the Vatican and the Nazi regime in July 1933 promised the Catholic leadership the possibility of achieving the kind of autonomy they had sought for decades, in exchange for officially accepting the new Nazi order. As Böckenförde dryly diagnoses, in the minds of Catholic leaders the preservation of the democratic order carried no weight by comparison. Additionally, leading Catholics attached great hopes to the new Reich, expecting that it would revive the old Christian-Catholic, anti-enlightenment and ‘organic’ alternative to the modern, individualist, and secular state. Written in 1961, the article was the first in-depth historiographic study of Catholic complicity in the rise of the Nazi regime and caused a lasting public controversy, which ultimately vindicated Böckenförde’s account.
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Bruijn, Jaap R. "Introduction." In The Dutch Navy of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, 1–12. Liverpool University Press, 2011.

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During the Middle Ages a number of territories within the boundaries of the modern Netherlands, Belgium and northern France each developed similar ruling institutions in the form of local parliaments or states. In the fifteenth century, the dukes of Burgundy succeeded in joining most of these territories together under a single ruler, but the tradition of provincial autonomy remained strong. At long last, the Habsburg emperor Charles V (who reigned 1515-1555) ruled all the territories, seventeen in number. The seat of the central government was established at Brussels, with the rights of the provincial institutions being largely oppressed in favour of the Brussels' court. From 1556 onwards, however, Charles V's son and successor, King Philip II of Spain, and his governors rekindled the old spirit of provincial opposition against centralized rule by pursuing fierce religious and fiscal policies. The Protestant iconoclasm of 1566 shook the foundations of their power and caused Philip to install the Duke of Alba as his military governor. Alba's high-handed and arbitrary rule subsequently provoked the Dutch revolt. In 1572, after some initial disturbances, the provincial ruling States of Holland and Zeeland, under the leadership of William of Orange (the Silent), launched a revolt against Alba that soon gained the support of other provinces. A long and fierce struggle ensued, finally to result in the birth of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces, comprising Holland, Zeeland and the five other northern provinces of Utrecht, Gelderland, Overijssel, Groningen and Friesland....
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Conference papers on the topic "Navi autonome"


Yokoyama, André, Antonio Mury, Mariza Ferro, and Bruno Schulze. "Evaluation of Nature Inspired Metaheuristics for Search and Reconnaissance Operations by Rotary-wing Aircrafts." In XI Brazilian e-Science Workshop. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2020.

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The main objective of this work is the evaluation of two nature inspired meta-heuristics, Genetic Algorithms and Ant Colony, for the development of an application that can generate optimized routes for aircraft, attending the requirements of the Brazilian Navy. This work presents the methods developed, complying with two main constraints: checkpoints mobility and limited aircraft autonomy. It also presents the results of tests performed with the methods developed and an evaluation of their performances.
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Patel, Rohan, Jack Hadley, Austin Gabhart, Deepika Singla, Xiao Wei, Jacob Grant, Nicole Robertson, Neil Weston, Michael Steffens, and Dimitri Mavris. "Maritime Autonomous System Design Methods and Technology Forecasting." In SNAME 14th International Marine Design Conference. SNAME, 2022.

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The Department of the Navy 2021 Unmanned Campaign Framework has identified a need for increased capability in long-term autonomous maritime systems. In the context of this research, long-term autonomy is defined as the capabilities of self-governance, situational awareness, and operation independent of human interaction over a prolonged period. DARPA’s Anti-Submarine Warfare Continuous Trail Unmanned Vessel (ACTUV) program, now the U.S. Navy’s Sea Hunter program, among others, showcases the Navy’s commitment to develop and explore unmanned autonomous maritime systems. One of the challenges for development of these unmanned systems lies in the ship design process. Traditional ship design methods assume crewed operations when sizing the systems, generating layouts, and considering operational requirements. Existing unmanned maritime systems are often retrofitted to be unmanned rather than being uniquely designed for their purpose. Even in cases where autonomous systems are designed from scratch, these systems are fundamentally limited by technologies developed for traditional vessels. This can result in suboptimal solutions and missed opportunities. In particular, a lack of focus on reliability and endurance in both technology development and early in the design process results in significant impacts to unmanned systems. Reliability is often measured using mean time between failures. Given that maintenance is traditionally carried out frequently, reliability is not often a limiter for mission success, as the crew can handle non-critical failures. This assumption becomes invalid in the sphere of autonomous ship design, where theater maintenance is not feasible. For example, in a test voyage from SanDiego to PearlHarbor, Sea Hunter relied on crew on a support vessel to resolve several mechanical issues which arose in its journey. This suggests a possible technology gap in the reliability of subsystems key to autonomous maritime systems. Entwined with reliability is endurance. Endurance refers to how long the vessel can stay out at sea, a critical factor for many autonomous missions. Additional aspects of traditional ship design will need to be altered, including but not limited to the following: human support systems, human interfaces, and general structural design.The authors propose a set of modifications to the traditional ship design process to support the design of autonomous ships starting from concept design through full contract design. Design disciplines specifically tailored to unmanned system design will be incorporated into the design process. A technology impact forecasting (TIF) study will be conducted to determine key areas of research needed to support future unmanned systems. This approach results in system performance metrics needed to meet requirements and quantifies the deficits or surpluses by comparison to a baseline vehicle and mission. The baseline mission for this analysis will be a security anti-submarine warfare activity similar to the ACTUV program, with an initial endurance goal of 90days. The TIF analysis of this baseline mission will quantify gaps in performance metrics and will offer a guideline for where further research and investment are required to enable the vision of long-term autonomous maritime systems.
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