Academic literature on the topic 'Nandischi'

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Journal articles on the topic "Nandischi"


Gregurec, Danijela, Lorenzo Signorelli, and Franziska Wasner. "Wireless magnetomechanical and magnetothermal neuromodulation with magnetite nandiscs." Brain Stimulation 14, no. 6 (November 2021): 1741.

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H, Ahmad, Islam M A, Akter R, Uddin M F, Akter S, and Rasu S I. "April 2016 VOLUME 3, ISSUE 4, APRIL 2016 Sequencing Mixed-Model Assembly Line in Electronic Industries Company (EIC) Asst. Prof. Dr. Sawsan Sabeeh Al-Zubaidy, Asst. Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Abbas Mahmoud, Salam Qaddoori Dawood, Israa Dhiaa Khalaf Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3401 Effect of Heat Treatment on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Welded AISI 410 Martensitic Stainless Steel Johnpaul C. Ezechidelu, Samuel O. Enibe, Daniel O. Obikwelu, Paul S. Nnamchi, Camillus S. Obayi Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3402 Comparing Wireless LAN Standards and a Model Proposal for University Wireless Network Security with 802.1x Mehmet Kösem, Ali Güneş Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3403 Data Hiding in Motion Vectors of Compressed Video Prof. Dipak A. Mhaske Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3404 A Novel Intelligent Robust Watermarking Scheme for Protecting Information in Document Images Prof. Arjun Nichal, Ms. Sarika Shinde, Ms. Vandana Vagare, Ms. Sarika Kadam, Ms. Pooja Anugade Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3405 Implementation of Green Chemistry in Chemistry - A Review Rajesh Mittu Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3406 Sustainable Metropolitan Development using Carrying Capacity as a tool: a case of Mumbai Metropolitan Region, India Amit Chatterjee, Sanchita Chatterjee Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3407 Vibrational Response Diagnosis of Rotor System Jadhav Dhiraj R., Prof. Dr. E. R. Deore Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3408 Experimental Investigation of Windmill to Generate Electric Power using Magnetic Levitation: A Review K.D. Chaware, Dr. P. V. Washimkar, N.N. Wadaskar Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3409 Decomposition Symmetric Group S5 to Character Table Subgroup by Using Young Subgroups of Type S3 × S2 and S2 × S2 × S1 Bassim Kareem Mihsin Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3410 Adaptive Headlight System Prof. P.R.Rodge, Pankaj Vashisth, Nandish Somani, Sagar Raut Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3411 Survey on Passive Image Tampering Detection Rajath B, Sunitha K Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3412 Influence of Aviation Fuel on Mechanical properties of Glass Fiber-Reinforced Plastic Composite Yadav Khagendra Kumar, Dr. Dalbir Singh Lohchab Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3413 Joulemeter: Power Measurement for Virtual Machine in Private Cloud Computing Dr. Shailesh Shivaji Deore Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3414 Modelling of ELINT Receiver, Performance and Direction Finding Capability under Multi Emitter Scenario Thomas Abraham, Sarweswaran .R Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3415 Wireless Based Water Level Monitoring and Control System Prof S.D.Anap, Dengale Rani V, Ghule Suvarna U, Jadhav Shradha B Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3416 PV Stand-alone Hybrid System Khalid Talal Hejazi Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3417 Electrical Properties of Nanocomposites Mashal Alenazi Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3418 A Survey on Privacy Preserving in TPA Using Secured Encryption Technique for Secure Cloud Reshu Tomar, Rajkumar Singh Rathore Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3419 Study of Delay Factors in Construction Projects Shabbab Al Hammadi, M. Sadique Nawab Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3420 Properties of Electrochemically Deposited CdTe Thin Films Anil V. Kokate, Arun S. Garde Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3421 Studies on Molecular Interaction of Cyclohexane with Some Protic and Aprotic Solvents Y.B. Vispute, R.R. Pawar, A.B. Sawant, B.S. Jagdale, V.J. Naukudkar Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3422 Implementation of an Improved Algorithm for Underwater Image Enhancement and Denoising Ms. Pooja A. Jaiswal, Prof. Vishal B. Padole Abstract | PDF with Text| DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2016.3423 Determination of Specific Heat of Low Conductive Polymers Using Locally Made Low Cost Calorimeter and Study of Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene." IARJSET 3, no. 4 (April 20, 2016): 112–16.

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Zhang, Shanwen, Qian Ren, Scott J. Novick, Timothy S. Strutzenberg, Patrick R. Griffin, and Huan Bao. "One-step construction of circularized nanodiscs using SpyCatcher-SpyTag." Nature Communications 12, no. 1 (September 14, 2021).

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AbstractCircularized nandiscs (cNDs) exhibit superb monodispersity and have the potential to transform functional and structural studies of membrane proteins. In particular, cNDs can stabilize large patches of lipid bilayers for the reconstitution of complex membrane biochemical reactions, enabling the capture of crucial intermediates involved in synaptic transmission and viral entry. However, previous methods for building cNDs require multiple steps and suffer from low yields. We herein introduce a simple, one-step approach to ease the construction of cNDs using the SpyCatcher-SpyTag technology. This approach increases the yield of cNDs by over 10-fold and is able to rapidly generates cNDs with diameters ranging from 11 to over 100 nm. We demonstrate the utility of these cNDs for mechanistic interrogations of vesicle fusion and protein-lipid interactions that are unattainable using small nanodiscs. Together, the remarkable performance of SpyCatcher-SpyTag in nanodisc circularization paves the way for the use of cNDs in membrane biochemistry and structural biology.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Nandischi"


HASSAN, MARIAM. "Perpendicularly magnetized synthetic antiferromagnets for flexible spintronic and biomedical applications." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2021.

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Antiferromagnetici sintetici (SAF) costituiti da due strati ferromagnetici separati da un sottile strato metallico non magnetico hanno recentemente suscitato un rinnovato interesse come potenziali candidati per una serie di applicazioni innovative e avanzate nell’ambito della spintronica e della biotecnologia. I SAF sono componenti chiave nei dispositivi spintronici e una significativa attenzione è stata recentemente prestata alla preparazione di tali sistemi su substrati flessibili in virtù dei significativi vantaggi che offrono rispetto a dispositivi fabbricati su substrati rigidi convenzionali, come la capacità di piegare e regolare la forma del substrato, un minor peso e costi contenuti. Sebbene il progresso e lo sviluppo di sistemi spintronici con anisotropia magnetica longitudinale su substrati non planari sia stato notevole nel corso degli ultimi anni, eterostrutture magneto-resistive flessibili con anisotropia magnetica perpendicolare (PMA) sono piuttosto inesplorate nonostante consentano funzionalità aggiuntive e prestazioni migliorate. D'altra parte, per applicazioni diagnostiche e terapeutiche, microdischi SAF con magnetizzazione perpendicolare preparati con approcci litografici top-down sono stati recentemente proposti come valida alternativa alle più studiate particelle superparamagnetiche sintetizzate per via chimica in quanto soddisfano tutti i criteri chiave richiesti per applicazioni biomedicali, consentendo al contempo un significativo grado di controllo e modulazione delle proprietà magnetiche. In questo contesto, la tesi si propone di sviluppare e studiare dispositivi magneto-resistivi su substrati flessibili e microdischi per applicazioni biomedicali basati su SAF a film sottile con PMA. L'attenzione si è concentrata su sistemi basati su Co/Pd e Co/Ni in virtù dell’elevata anisotropia magnetica (~106 J/m3) e della possibilità di regolare in maniera fine le proprietà magnetiche variando lo spessore dei singoli strati e il numero di ripetizioni N del doppio strato di Co/Pd(Ni). In particolare, multistrato flessibili con struttura spin-valve e magnetoresistenza gigante, costituiti da un free layer di [Co/Pd(Ni)]N e da un reference layer SAF con struttura [Co/Pd(Ni)]N/Ru/[Co/Pd(Ni)]N separati da uno strato di Cu, sono stati preparati sia mediante deposizione diretta su substrati flessibili che attraverso l’utilizzo di strategie transfer-and-bonding di tipo wet e dry. Sono state inoltre eseguite misurazioni in condizioni di flessione per indagare la robustezza delle spin-valve flessibili e la possibilità della loro integrazione su superfici curve. Film SAF ottimizzati sono stati infine impiegati per la preparazione di multistrato a film sottile costituiti da ripetizioni multiple di singole unità SAF con struttura [Co/Pd]N/Ru/[Co/Pd]N e anisotropia magnetica perpendicolare allo scopo di fabbricare microdischi SAF free-standing mediante processi litografici.
Although discovered about three decades ago, the peculiar properties of synthetic antiferromagnetic (SAF) thin films consisting of two ferromagnetic layers separated by a non-magnetic metal spacer have recently revived a renewed interest as potential candidates for a number of innovative and advanced applications including spintronics and biotechnology. SAFs are key component in spintronic devices and a significant attention has been recently paid on the preparation of such devises on flexible substrates, which provide wide advantages over their conventional rigid-substrate counterparts, such as the ability to bend and adjust the shape of a device, a light-weight and low costs. While the progress and development of systems with longitudinal magnetic anisotropy on non-planar substrates has been remarkable over the last few years, flexible magneto-resistive heterostructures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) are rather unexplored despite they allow for additional functionality and improved performance. On the other hand, for diagnostic and therapeutic applications, perpendicular magnetized SAF microdisks prepared by top-down lithographic approaches have been recently proposed as a valid alternative to the most investigated superparamagnetic particles synthetized by chemical routes as they fulfill all the key criteria required for biomedical applications while allowing a significant degree of control and tunability of the magnetic properties. Within this context, this thesis aims at developing and studying magneto-resistive spintronic devices on flexible substrates and microdiscs for biomedical applications based on SAF thin film stacks with PMA. The focus was on Co/Pd- and Co/Ni-based systems due to their strong PMA (~106 J/m3) and the possibility to finely tune their magnetic properties by varying the thickness of the individual layers and the number of repetitions N of the Co/Pd(Ni) bilayer. In particular, flexible Co/Pd(Ni)-based giant magnetoresistance spin-valve thin film stacks consisting of a [Co/Pd(Ni)]N free layer and a fully compensated [Co/Pd(Ni)]N/Ru/[Co/Pd(Ni)]N synthetic antiferromagnet reference electrode separated by a Cu spacer, were prepared by direct deposition on flexible substrates and by exploiting both wet and dry-etching transfer-and-bonding approaches. Measurements under bending conditions were also performed to investigate the robustness of the flexible spin-valves and the possibility for their integration on curved surfaces. The optimized SAF stacks were also used for the preparation of thin fil stacks consisting of multiple repeats of single [Co/Pd]N/Ru/[Co/Pd]N SAF units with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy with the aim to fabricate free-standing SAF microdisks by using lithographic processes.
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Kuruvatti, Nandish P. [Verfasser], and Hans D. [Akademischer Betreuer] Schotten. "Incorporating Context Awareness in Cellular Networks to Enhance System Performance and User Mobility Support / Nandish P. Kuruvatti ; Betreuer: Hans D. Schotten." Kaiserslautern : Technische Universität Kaiserslautern, 2020.

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