Journal articles on the topic 'Muslim students - Australia'
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Ansari, Mahsheed. "Muslim Student Associations (MSAS) and the Formation of the Australian Ummah." Australian Journal of Islamic Studies 3, no. 3 (February 14, 2019): 99–116.
Full textBudi Hapsari, Twediana. "INDONESIAN MUSLIM WEBSITES PICTURING AUSTRALIA." Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 7, no. 4 (October 6, 2019): 991–96.
Full textKabir, Nahid Afrose. "Are Young Muslims Adopting Australian Values?" Australian Journal of Education 52, no. 3 (November 2008): 229–41.
Full textOzalp, Mehmet, and Tamana Daqiq. "Muslim Student Expectations From Islamic Studies Courses in Australia." ICR Journal 7, no. 4 (October 15, 2016): 509–26.
Full textAbu-Rayya, Hisham M., Maram H. Abu-Rayya, Fiona A. White, and Richard Walker. "Comparative Associations Between Achieved Bicultural Identity, Achieved Ego Identity, and Achieved Religious Identity and Adaptation Among Australian Adolescent Muslims." Psychological Reports 121, no. 2 (August 3, 2017): 324–43.
Full textArifin, Win Listyaningrum. "Intercultural Communication Life of Transnational Indonesian PhD Muslim Female Students in the US and Australia." Hayula: Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Islamic Studies 5, no. 1 (January 29, 2021): 93–110.
Full textYustina, Luli Sari, Syayid Sandi Sukandi, and Nurkhairat Arniman. "Islamic Indonesian EFL students’ responses on English-speaking countries." Englisia: Journal of Language, Education, and Humanities 9, no. 1 (November 7, 2021): 63.
Full textSimpson, Steve, Christine Clifford, Kaz Ross, Neil Sefton, Louise Owen, Leigh Blizzard, and Richard Turner. "Sexual health literacy of the student population of the University of Tasmania: results of the RUSSL Study." Sexual Health 12, no. 3 (2015): 207.
Full textPossamai, Adam, Kevin Dunn, Peter Hopkins, Faroque Amin, Lisa Worthington, and Jan Ali. "Muslim Students’ Religious and Cultural Experiences in the Micro-publics of University Campuses in NSW, Australia." Australian Geographer 47, no. 3 (June 30, 2016): 311–24.
Full textBrooks, Melanie C., and Miriam D. Ezzani. "“Being Wholly Muslim and Wholly American”: Exploring One Islamic School's Efforts to Educate against Extremism." Teachers College Record: The Voice of Scholarship in Education 119, no. 6 (June 2017): 1–32.
Full textSelim, Nadia, and Mohamad Abdalla. "Exploring Motivation and Engagement: Voices of Adolescent Non-Arab Muslim Learners of Arabic at Australian Islamic Schools." Religions 13, no. 6 (June 16, 2022): 560.
Full textAta, Abe. "How Muslim Students’ Knowledge of Christianity Is Related to Their Attitudes to Mainstream Australia and Australians: A National Survey." Social Sciences 4, no. 3 (September 17, 2015): 800–805.
Full textLessy, Zulkipli, Abd Rachman Assegaf, and Sangkot Sirait. "Inclusive Education at Islamic and General Universities: An Analysis of Policies, Teaching Strategies, and Curriculum Implementation." TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society 8, no. 1 (September 20, 2021): 1–19.
Full textEwart, Jacqui, Kate O’Donnell, and April Chrzanowski. "What a difference training can make: Impacts of targeted training on journalists, journalism educators and journalism students’ knowledge of Islam and Muslims." Journalism 19, no. 6 (July 14, 2017): 762–81.
Full textGoldsworthy, David. "Teaching gamelan in Australia: Some perspectives on cross-cultural music education." International Journal of Music Education os-30, no. 1 (November 1997): 3–14.
Full textOAM, Sev Ozdowski, and Joseph Zajda. "Access, Inclusion and Success: Muslim Students at Australian Universities." Political Crossroads 14, no. 1 (January 1, 2007): 33–35.
Full textKeskin, Zuleyha, and Mehmet Ozalp. "Islamic Studies in Australia’s Universities." Religions 12, no. 2 (February 1, 2021): 99.
Full textZabuska, Anna, Jane Ginsborg, and David Wasley. "A preliminary comparison study of burnout and engagement in performance students in Australia, Poland and the UK." International Journal of Music Education 36, no. 3 (January 19, 2018): 366–79.
Full textOthman, Zulkeplee. "UNIVERSITY LIFE AND AUSTRALIAN HOMES: THREE CASE STUDIES OF INTERNATIONAL MUSLIM STUDENTS IN BRISBANE." Journal of Islamic Architecture 3, no. 2 (December 15, 2014): 69.
Full textAlamri, Abeer Ahmed. "How Australian Female Muslim Students Interpret Challenges in High School Sports." Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 35, no. 2 (April 3, 2015): 215–29.
Full textBahfen, Nasya, and Alexandra Wake. "Media diversity rules: Analysing the talent chosen by student radio journalists covering Islam." Pacific Journalism Review : Te Koakoa 17, no. 2 (October 31, 2011): 92–108.
Full textHidayat, Didin Nuruddin. "Conversation Analysis and Its Implications to Language Teaching." TARBIYA: Journal of Education in Muslim Society 6, no. 2 (December 4, 2019): 197–209.
Full textSelim, Nadia. "Adolescent Non-Arab Muslims Learning Arabic in Australian Islamic Schools: Expectations, Experiences, and Implications." Religions 14, no. 1 (January 4, 2023): 71.
Full textHandayani, Diah. "Political Identity, Popular Culture, and Ideological Coercion: The Discourses of Feminist Movement in the Report of Ummi Magazine." Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat: Media Pemikiran dan Dakwah Pembangunan 5, no. 1 (June 18, 2021): 185–210.
Full textRektiansyah, Rahmat Robbi, and Ilmiawan Auwalin. "Analisis Dampak Kesadaran Halal dan Label Halal terhadap Niat Beli Mie Instan Korea Pada Remaja di Sumenep Melalui Sikap." Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan 9, no. 5 (September 30, 2022): 600–616.
Full textAlamri, Abeer Ahmed. "Participation of Muslim Female Students in Sporting Activities in Australian Public High Schools: The Impact of Religion." Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs 33, no. 3 (September 2013): 418–29.
Full textHaque, Amber. "Attitudes of high school students and teachers towards Muslims and Islam in a southeastern Australian community." Intercultural Education 12, no. 2 (July 2001): 185–96.
Full textRussell, Deirdre. "Music is Fun." British Journal of Music Education 5, no. 2 (July 1988): 157–63.
Full textSanjakdar, Fida. "‘Teacher talk’: the problems, perspectives and possibilities of developing a comprehensive sexual health education curriculum for Australian Muslim students." Sex Education 9, no. 3 (August 2009): 261–75.
Full textZhukov, Katie. "Exploring the content of instrumental lessons and gender relations in Australian higher education." British Journal of Music Education 25, no. 2 (June 11, 2008): 159–76.
Full textBen-Moshe, Danny, and Anna Halafoff. "Antisemitism and Jewish Children and Youth in Australia’s Capital Territory Schools." Social Inclusion 2, no. 2 (August 20, 2014): 47–56.
Full textJoseph, Dawn. "Fostering a happy positive learning environment for generalist pre-service teachers: building confidence that promotes wellbeing." British Journal of Music Education 36, no. 02 (July 2019): 183–96.
Full textForbes, Melissa. "The value of collaborative learning for music practice in higher education." British Journal of Music Education 37, no. 3 (August 26, 2020): 207–20.
Full textStevens, Robin S., Gary E. McPherson, and Graham A. Moore. "Overcoming the ‘tyranny of distance’ in instrumental music tuition in Australia: The iMCM project." Journal of Music, Technology and Education 12, no. 1 (August 1, 2019): 25–47.
Full textJoseph, Dawn, Rohan Nethsinghe, and Alberto Cabedo-Mas. "“We learnt lots in a short time”: Cultural exchange across three universities through songs from different lands." International Journal of Music Education 38, no. 2 (October 3, 2019): 177–93.
Full textCrawford, Renée. "Creating unity through celebrating diversity: A case study that explores the impact of music education on refugee background students." International Journal of Music Education 35, no. 3 (July 21, 2016): 343–56.
Full textCoady, Christopher, and Michael Webb. "Resisting Best-Practice in Australian Practice-Based Jazz Doctorates." British Journal of Music Education 34, no. 1 (October 25, 2016): 71–80.
Full textBrand *, Manny. "Collectivistic versus individualistic cultures: a comparison of American, Australian and Chinese music education students' self‐esteem." Music Education Research 6, no. 1 (March 2004): 57–66.
Full textJoseph, Dawn, and Jane Southcott. "‘Opening the doors to multiculturalism’: Australian pre-service music teacher education students’ understandings of cultural diversity." Music Education Research 11, no. 4 (December 2009): 457–72.
Full textLee, Juyoung, Amanda E. Krause, and Jane W. Davidson. "The PERMA well-being model and music facilitation practice: Preliminary documentation for well-being through music provision in Australian schools." Research Studies in Music Education 39, no. 1 (April 12, 2017): 73–89.
Full textWaters, Megan. "The perceived influence of the one-on-one instrumental learning environment on tertiary string students’ perceptions of their own playing-related discomfort/pain." British Journal of Music Education 37, no. 3 (August 26, 2020): 221–33.
Full textCarey, Gemma, and Catherine Grant. "Teacher and student perspectives on one-to-one pedagogy: practices and possibilities." British Journal of Music Education 32, no. 1 (April 1, 2014): 5–22.
Full textFreer, Elisabeth, and Paul Evans. "Psychological needs satisfaction and value in students’ intentions to study music in high school." Psychology of Music 46, no. 6 (October 20, 2017): 881–95.
Full textCrawford, Renée. "Socially inclusive practices in the music classroom: The impact of music education used as a vehicle to engage refugee background students." Research Studies in Music Education 42, no. 2 (June 28, 2019): 248–69.
Full textDevenish, Louise, Cecilia Sun, Cat Hope, and Vanessa Tomlinson. "TEACHING TERTIARY MUSIC IN THE #METOO ERA." Tempo 74, no. 292 (March 6, 2020): 30–37.
Full textDaniel, Ryan, and Julia Bowden. "The intermediate piano stage: exploring teacher perspectives and insights." British Journal of Music Education 30, no. 2 (April 3, 2013): 245–60.
Full textWhite, Rachel, and Jim Coyle. "Cryptozoologica: Developing the Child as Performer." Journal of General Music Education 36, no. 2 (December 15, 2022): 28–33.
Full textde Bruin, Leon R., Paul Williamson, and Emily Wilson. "Apprenticing the jazz performer through ensemble collaboration: A qualitative enquiry." International Journal of Music Education 38, no. 2 (December 11, 2019): 208–25.
Full textCarroll, Christine. "‘Illiterate’ musicians: an historic review of curriculum and practice for student popular musicians in Australian senior secondary classrooms." British Journal of Music Education 36, no. 02 (July 2019): 155–71.
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