Journal articles on the topic 'Musicologie (discipline)'
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Huvet, Chloé. "La Musicologie du cinéma : enjeux disciplinaires et problèmes méthodologiques." Articles 36, no. 1 (March 16, 2018): 53–84.
Full textDuchesneau, Michel. "La Revue musicale ou le phoenix musical." Revue musicale OICRM 4, no. 2 (February 8, 2018): 19–34.
Full textCouprie, Pierre. "Quelques propos sur les outils et les méthodes audionumériques en musicologie. L’interdisciplinarité comme rupture épistémologique." Revue musicale OICRM 6, no. 2 (March 24, 2020): 25–44.
Full textBlum, Mickael. "Introduction à la ludomusicologie : le cas de Shovel Knight." Musurgia Volume XXIX, no. 3 (September 11, 2023): 75–96.
Full textOdoj, Wojciech. "Podróż do źródeł muzyki? Afrykańsko-niemieckie związki muzyczne w I poł. XX wieku." Res Facta Nova. Teksty o muzyce współczesnej, no. 22 (31) (December 15, 2021): 172–77.
Full textKizińska, Karolina. "Rola płci kulturowej w badaniach muzykologicznych – zarys pola badawczego muzykologii feministycznej." Kultura i Edukacja 94, no. 1 (2013): 22–41.
Full textTraube, Caroline. "Quelle place pour la science au sein de la musicologie aujourd’hui ?" Circuit 24, no. 2 (August 13, 2014): 41–49.
Full textCohen, Judah M. "‘Fate Leads the Willing, and Drags the Unwilling’." European Judaism 54, no. 1 (March 1, 2021): 64–87.
Full textEnglin, Stanislav E. "History and Theory of Musical Writing as an Academic Discipline." Musical Art and Education 7, no. 1 (2019): 95–106.
Full textMcClatchie, Stephen. "Theory's Children; or, The New Relevance of Musicology." Canadian University Music Review 21, no. 1 (March 4, 2013): 14–27.
Full textSpencer, Jon Michael. "Musicology as a Theologically Informed Discipline." Black Sacred Music 8, no. 1 (March 1, 1994): 36–63.
Full textChua, Daniel. "Global musicology." New Sound, no. 50-2 (2017): 12–16.
Full textGerhard, Anselm. "Musicology in the "Third Reich": A Preliminary Report." Journal of Musicology 18, no. 4 (2001): 517–43.
Full textBoon, Tim. "Sounding the field: recent works in sound studies." British Journal for the History of Science 48, no. 3 (August 10, 2015): 493–502.
Full textMedic, Ivana. "Applied musicology: A “manifesto”, and a case study of a lost cultural hub." Muzikologija, no. 33 (2022): 87–102.
Full textBastos, Rafael José de Menezes. "ESBOÇO DE UMA TEORIA DA MÚSICA: PARA ALÉM DE UMA ANTROPOLOGIA SEM MÚSICA E DE UMA MUSICOLOGIA SEM HOMEM." ACENO - Revista de Antropologia do Centro-Oeste 1, no. 1 (July 31, 2014): 49–101.
Full textAPPLEGATE, CELIA. "EDITORIAL." Eighteenth Century Music 12, no. 1 (February 17, 2015): 3–7.
Full textChimènes, Myriam, and Myriam Chimenes. "Musicologie et histoire: Frontière ou "no man's land" entre deux disciplines?" Revue de musicologie 84, no. 1 (1998): 67.
Full textMcClary, Susan. "Reshaping a Discipline: Musicology and Feminism in the 1990s." Feminist Studies 19, no. 2 (1993): 399.
Full textSans, Juan Francisco. "¿Musicología o investigación musical?" Revista académica estesis 3, no. 3 (December 18, 2018): 22–31.
Full textBarbo, Matjaž. "Contemporary Musicology and the Study of Musical Practices in Slovenia." Musicological Annual 56, no. 2 (December 30, 2020): 35–50.
Full textBen, Lide. "Breaking the Gap between Musicology and Music Performance An Analysis of the Study of Chinese Music Performance Practice." Communications in Humanities Research 3, no. 1 (May 17, 2023): 1042–46.
Full textFitch, W. Tecumseh. "Four principles of bio-musicology." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 370, no. 1664 (March 19, 2015): 20140091.
Full textBäcker, Rolf. "Relaciones internacionales del Instituto Español de Musicología durante los primeros años del trabajo de Miguel Querol: el ejemplo de Heinrich Besseler." Anuario Musical, no. 61 (December 31, 2006): 273.
Full textLütteken, Laurenz. "Das „Foltersystem historischer Kritik“." Quellen und Forschungen aus italienischen Archiven und Bibliotheken 100, no. 1 (November 25, 2020): 515–26.
Full textChimènes, Myriam. "Musicologia e história: Fronteira ou "terra de ninguém" entre duas disciplinas?" Revista de História, no. 157 (December 30, 2007): 15.
Full textBertran. "Escuchando a la musicología urbana: balance y futuro de la disciplina." Revista de Musicología 39, no. 1 (2016): 399.
Full textHaines, John. "Friedrich Ludwig's ‘Musicology of the Future’: a commentary and translation." Plainsong and Medieval Music 12, no. 2 (October 2003): 129–64.
Full textDemchenko, Alexander I. "The Structure of Russian Music Scholarship: Historical Musicology." Music Scholarship / Problemy Muzykal'noj Nauki, no. 1 (2022): 7–21.
Full textWeber, Édith. "Le rôle de Jacques Chailley dans l'évolution de la discipline musicologique à l'Université." Musurgia XIX, no. 1 (2012): 17.
Full textHOOPER, GILES. "A Sign of the Times: Semiotics in Anglo-American Musicology." Twentieth-Century Music 9, no. 1-2 (March 2012): 161–76.
Full textRubio Ferrera, Ailin Melisa. "Caminos para la descolonización de la musicología en América Latina." Antropología Experimental, no. 22 (April 1, 2022): 1–13.
Full textNikolić, Sanela. "Orientalism and New musicology." Rasprave Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 44, no. 2 (2018): 581–93.
Full textMarx, Wolfgang. "Critiquing Oneself Back into Business?" European Journal of Musicology 21, no. 1 (February 2, 2024): 64–77.
Full textArraño Astete, Constanza. "Mujeres y musicología en América Latina." Revista Actos 3, no. 5 (July 29, 2021): 3–17.
Full textHochradner, Thomas. "Still on the Map?" Musicological Annual 56, no. 2 (December 30, 2020): 21–33.
Full textVan Elferen, Isabella. "Ludomusicology and the New Drastic." Journal of Sound and Music in Games 1, no. 1 (January 1, 2020): 103–12.
Full textGaraz, Oleg. "THE DISCIPLINE OF HISTORY OF MUSIC: POSTMODERN CONSEQUENCES AND DEFORMATIONS." Review of Artistic Education 27 (April 1, 2024): 47–60.
Full textJohnson-Williams, Erin. "Valuing Whiteness: The Presumed Innocence of Musical Truth." Current Musicology, no. 109/110 (September 6, 2023): 43–73.
Full textGaraz, Oleg. "The Tools of Musicology (A Tale in 12 Polemic Hypotheses)." Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Musica 66, no. 1 (June 30, 2021): 75–86.
Full textSchüßler, Lotte. "Curating Exhibitions, Ordering Disciplines: Theater Studies and Musicology in the Vienna Rotunda, 1892." History of Humanities 4, no. 2 (September 2019): 423–50.
Full textПолозова, И. В. "Saratov Historical and Theoretical Musicology: History in 110 Years." Журнал Общества теории музыки, no. 3(39) (January 16, 2023): 36–44.
Full textSharif, Malik. "Zur Bezeichnung „Musikologie“ bei Guido Adler." Die Musikforschung 77, no. 1 (March 18, 2024): 37–55.
Full textCáceres-Piñuel, María. "José Subirá y la recuperación de la tonadilla escénica (1928-1932)." Artigrama, no. 26 (December 9, 2022): 837–56.
Full textBlake, David. "Musicological Omnivory in the Neoliberal University." Journal of Musicology 34, no. 3 (2017): 319–53.
Full textLesure, François. "Abertura." Revista Música 1, no. 1 (May 1, 1990): 7.
Full textPodlipniak, Piotr. "Naturalistyczna muzykologia systematyczna wobec poglądów Meyera na emocje i znaczenie w muzyce." Res Facta Nova. Teksty o muzyce współczesnej, no. 21 (30) (December 15, 2020): 91–107.
Full textMendívil, Julio. "“Tantas veces me mataron…”. Sobre las muchas muertes de la etnomusicología y el constante sentimiento de crisis en la disciplina." Revista Sarance, no. 50 (June 12, 2023): 9–29.
Full textTomasevic, Katarina. "Dragutin Gostuski and the semiotics of music." Muzikologija, no. 22 (2017): 177–97.
Full textAramayo, Stella. "Un diseño musicológico reversible para analizar canciones escritas en notación occidental tradicional." Epistemus. Revista de Estudios en Música, Cognición y Cultura 9, no. 2 (December 17, 2021): 035.
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