Journal articles on the topic 'Musicalisme'
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Lindley, Mark, and Andreas Werckmeister. "Musicalische Temperatur." Galpin Society Journal 38 (April 1985): 160.
Full textAplincourt, Jean-Christophe. "« Homo Musicalis »." Volume !, no. 17 : 2 (November 30, 2020): 255–71.
Full textKokole, Metoda. "Instrumentalna zbirka Musicalische Ehrenfreudt (1618) skladatelja Isaaca Poscha." Musicological Annual 32, no. 1 (December 1, 1996): 5–50.
Full textAlthaus, Reinhild. "Musicalische Neu-Erbauete Schäfferey." Daphnis 25, no. 2-3 (February 27, 1996): 369–85.
Full textAlthaus, Reinhild. "Musicalische Neu-erbauete Schäfferey." Daphnis 22, no. 2-3 (January 3, 1996): 369–85.
Full textKokole, Metoda. "Isaac Posch in njegova inštrumentalna dela s posebnim ozirom na variacijske suite za instrumentalni sestav zbirke Musicalische Ehrenfreudt (1618)." Musicological Annual 32, no. 1 (December 1, 1996): 147–48.
Full textKokole, Metoda. "Isaac Posch in njegova inštrumentalna dela; s posebnim ozirom na variacijske suite za inštrumentalni sestav zbirke Musicalische Ehrenfreudt (1618)." Musicological Annual 34, no. 1 (December 1, 1998): 139–42.
Full textBebak, Marek. "Andrea Mariani, Inventoria Rerum Musicalium Domum Societatis Iesu in Polonia et Lituania Tempore Suppressionis, Warszawa 2020." Muzyka 66, no. 3 (October 20, 2021): 213–17.
Full textMandel, Susan E. "Music Therapy in the Hospice: ‘Musicalive’." Palliative Medicine 5, no. 2 (April 1991): 155–60.
Full textCostantini, Stéphane. "De la scène musicale aux réseaux musicalisés." Réseaux 192, no. 4 (2015): 143.
Full textKarinthi, Pierre Y. "A Contribution to Musicalism: An Attempt to Interpret Music in Painting." Leonardo 24, no. 4 (1991): 401.
Full textCarrico, Alexandria. "From Craic to Communitas: Furthering disability activism through traditional Irish song." Journal of Interdisciplinary Voice Studies 4, no. 2 (October 1, 2019): 257–63.
Full textMichelson, Annette. "Painting, Instantaneism, Cinema, America, Ballet, Illumination, Apollinaire." October 169 (August 2019): 65–74.
Full textZayaruznaya, Anna. "Hockets as Compositional and Scribal Practice in the ars nova Motet—A Letter from Lady Music." Journal of Musicology 30, no. 4 (2013): 461–501.
Full textJuan Antonio, Lira Aguirre. "La música y las palabras. Manifestaciones del jazz en "El perseguidor" de Julio Cortázar." Argos 6, no. 17 (January 1, 2019): 93–101.
Full textGero, Olga V. "«Музыкальное отдохновение души» Иоганна Альбрехта Кресса как музыкальный духовный компендий." Научный вестник Московской консерватории, no. 2(49) (June 29, 2022): 338–53.
Full textKellner, Herbert Anton. "A propos d'une réimpression de la Musicalische Temperatur (1691) de Werckmeister." Revue de musicologie 71, no. 1/2 (1985): 184.
Full textRouzé, Vincent. "Musicaliser le quotidien : analyse et enjeux de mises en scène particulières." Volume !, no. 4 : 2 (September 15, 2005): 41–50.
Full textBrück, Helga. "Die Brüder Johann, Christoph und Heinrich Bach und die "Erffurthische musicalische Compagnie"." Bach-Jahrbuch 76 (May 11, 2018): 71–78.
Full textPickerodt, Gerhart. "Der tönende Sarg. Heinrich Schütz' "Musicalische Exequien" im Ereigniszusammenhang eines Fürsten-Todes." Schütz-Jahrbuch 16 (August 22, 2017): 27–37.
Full textHenze-Döhring, Sabine. "Schütz' "Musicalische Exequien". Die kompositorische Disposition der "Sarginschriften" und ihr liturgischer Kontext." Schütz-Jahrbuch 16 (August 22, 2017): 39–48.
Full textBezantakou, Olga. "Resonances of Henri Bergson's ‘music’ in the interwar aesthetic discourse of the journal Μακεδονικές Ημέρες: the idea of the nouveau romantisme." Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies 43, no. 1 (April 2019): 117–34.
Full textMaul, Michael. ""Die große catholische Messe". Bach, Graf Questenberg und die "Musicalische Congregation" in Wien." Bach-Jahrbuch 95 (March 13, 2018): 153–75.
Full textHieb, Kimberly Beck. "Andreas Werckmeister's Musicalische Paradoxal-Discourse: A Well-Tempered Universe trans. by Dietrich Bartel." Notes 75, no. 4 (2019): 646–48.
Full textDarbon, Nicolas. "Tom Johnson : le simple du village." Articles 29, no. 1 (February 3, 2010): 6–16.
Full textHellégouarch, Solenn. "David Cronenberg et Howard Shore. Bref portrait d’une longue collaboration." Revue musicale OICRM 2, no. 2 (June 6, 2019): 96–114.
Full textSergent, Marion. "De la toile à l’écran : une surface de projections psychiques pour les artistes musicalistes." Marges, no. 31 (October 20, 2020): 14–25.
Full textWollny, Peter. "Beobachtungen am Autograph der h-Moll-Messe." Bach-Jahrbuch 95 (March 13, 2018): 135–51.
Full textLe Bihan, Loig. "Muances de l’écoute. À propos de L’homme sans passé d’Aki Kaurismaki." Revue musicale OICRM 5, no. 1 (April 9, 2018): 46–62.
Full textGueraud-Pinet, Guylaine. "Pratiques de réception des images musicalisées télévisuelles sur les réseaux socionumériques. Analyse des tweets des téléspectateurs d." Communiquer. Revue de communication sociale et publique, no. 27 (December 31, 2019): 79–97.
Full textVAN EMDEN, W. G. "Review. L'Art metrique de la chanson de geste: Essai sur la musicalite du recit. Heinemann, Edward A." French Studies 49, no. 3 (July 1, 1995): 321.
Full textLarsen, Charlotte Rørdam. "Recycling sound in Commercials." SoundEffects - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience 2, no. 1 (April 2, 2012): 22–43.
Full textReichel, A. Elisabeth. "Fictionalising music/ musicalising fictionThe integrative function of music in Richard Powers’ The Time of Our Singing." SoundEffects - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Sound and Sound Experience 4, no. 1 (December 15, 2014): 144–60.
Full textAndersson, Bo, Johann Kuhnau, and James Hardin. "Der Schmid Seines eignen Ungluckes [1695]. Des klugen und Thorichten Gebrauches Der funf Sinnen Erster Theil vom Fuhlen [1698]. Der Musicalische Quack-Salber [1700]. Ausgewahlte Werke." German Quarterly 68, no. 3 (1995): 320.
Full textLEE, DAVID. "DIETRICH BARTEL, TRANS. AND ED. ANDREAS WERCKMEISTER'S MUSICALISCHE PARADOXAL-DISCOURSE: A WELL-TEMPERED UNIVERSE Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield, 2017 pp. xv + 157, isbn978 1 498 56634 6." Eighteenth Century Music 16, no. 1 (February 14, 2019): 53–55.
Full textSpellerberg, Gerhard. "JOHANN KUHNAU. Ausgewählte Werke. Bd. I-III. Hrsg. u. eingel. von James Hardin. Bd. I: Der Schmid seines eignen Unglückes. Faksimiledruck der Ausgabe von 1695 - Bd. II: Des klugen und thörichten Gebrauches der fünf Sinnen: Erster Theil Vom Fühlen. Faksimiledruck der Ausgabe von 1698 - Bd. III: Der musicalische Quacksalber. Faksimiledruck der Erstauflage von 1700. - Bern u.a.: Lang 1992. (= Nachdrucke deutscher Literatur des 17. Jahrhunderts. Bd. 57. 58. 59.) XI, 45 u. 515 S.; 16 u. 252 S.; 69 u. 534 S. DM 275,-; 191,-; 281,-." Daphnis 22, no. 2-3 (March 30, 1993): 551–52.
Full textGuido, Laurent. "Le Dr Ramain, théoricien du « musicalisme »." 1895. Mille huit cent quatre-vingt-quinze, no. 38 (October 1, 2002).
Full text"Ravenea musicalis." CABI Compendium CABI Compendium (January 7, 2022).
Full textKokole, Metoda. "The dances of Posch's collection Musicalische Ehrenfreudt as functional music / Plesi Poscheve zbirke Musicalische Ehrenfreudt kot uporabna glasba." De musica disserenda 2, no. 2 (June 9, 2015).
Full textJaakkola, Inkeri. "Musiikillistettua teatteria." Musiikki 52, no. 3 (September 27, 2022).
Full textMarandi, Yasaman Mashhadi Hashem, Hedieh Sajedi, and Sepehr Pirasteh. "A novel method to musicalize shape and visualize music and a novel technique in music cryptography." Multimedia Tools and Applications, October 28, 2020.
Full textThurlow, Alan, and Jon Baggaley. "Mechanisms of absolute pitch: II. Pitch shift and perfect touch." Musicae Scientiae, February 8, 2022, 102986492110725.
Full textPister, Aleksandra. "Musical interpretation of Hezekiah’s illness in Johann Kuhnau’s Biblical sonata." Menotyra 26, no. 3 (October 6, 2019).
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