Academic literature on the topic 'Museum renovation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Museum renovation"
Cánovas del Castillo, Soledad, and Javier Docampo. "The museum libraries on Madrid's Golden Triangle of Art (2005–2015): New spaces for new services." Art Libraries Journal 43, no. 1 (December 8, 2017): 60–67.
Full textBruno, Joana Sarmet Cunha. "O Museu de Arte Contemporânea de Niterói, RJ: uma estratégia de promoção da imagem da cidade." Revista Brasileira de Estudos Urbanos e Regionais 4, no. 1/2 (May 31, 2002): 91.
Full textGRYSEELS, GUIDO, GABRIELLE LANDRY, and KOEKI CLAESSENS. "Integrating the Past: Transformation and Renovation of the Royal Museum for Central Africa, Tervuren, Belgium." European Review 13, no. 4 (October 2005): 637–47.
Full textOno, Yuichi, Marlene Murray, Makoto Sakamoto, Hiroshi Sato, Pornthum Thumwimol, Vipakorn Thumwimol, and Ratchaneekorn Thongthip. "The Role of Museums in Telling Live Lessons." Journal of Disaster Research 16, no. 2 (February 1, 2021): 135–40.
Full textGetaldić, Magdalena. "Earthquake consequences, solidarity volunteering and new perspectives of the Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts." Libellarium: časopis za istraživanja u području informacijskih i srodnih znanosti 13, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 117–37.
Full textFu, Yao, and Lin Wang. "Renovation of "Workers Village" with Overall Protection Type in Western Countries and Renovation of "Workers Village" with Museum-Style in Railway West in China." Applied Mechanics and Materials 507 (January 2014): 87–91.
Full textKwon, Min Jeong and 최정아. "A Study of International Museum Space Renovation Characteristics to Reinforce Museum Experience." Journal of Digital Design 14, no. 2 (April 2014): 269–83.
Full textCheng, Vennes. "The Misrepresentation of Hong Kongness." Museum Worlds 8, no. 1 (July 1, 2020): 149–67.
Full textButler, Declan. "Renovation of Paris museum leaves collection in disarray." Nature 362, no. 6418 (March 1993): 280.
Full textMol, Linda. "The National Maritime Museum, Amsterdam: Renovation and Refurbishment." Archaeological Journal 165, sup1 (January 2008): 20–22.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Museum renovation"
Adolfsson, Kristoffer, and Al-Mauly Mayya Gustavsson. "Samverkan arkitektur och installationer : Osynligt ventilationssystem i utställningssal på Plan 4, Nationalmuseum." Thesis, KTH, Byggteknik och design, 2013.
Full textThis degree project has been carried out in collaboration with the National Property Board of Sweden. The National Museum is currently undergoing renovation where the goal is to restore the building to its original glory. A new ventilation system is to be installed to facilitate a stable indoor climate for the conservation of museum artifacts. The building has been declared a historical monument which imposes limitations on permissible alterations to its architecture and construction. The degree project examines how to combine these limitations with the demands made on the ventilation system by answering the following question, "How can modern installations be integrated within a historical monument, without affecting the historical value?" To exemplify the complexity of this problem, a section of the building has been chosen and studied in more detail. A principle solution is then presented where the installations are integrated with the surrounding structures. The air supply to the exhibition halls on the fourth floor constitutes one of the more complex problems in the building. The installations that service these halls are to be contained within the floor structure above. It is this floor structure that has been studied in more detail. The museum climate and its effects on the artifacts, building construction and installations are studied in depth. Currently the museum environment is a heated topic of discussion where prescribed guidelines are challenged and an international standard is sought. The desired indoor climate determines the scope of the ventilation system. Therefore this report concludes a discussion on the climate requirements presented by the National Museum and how these can be accommodated. Our conclusion is that a sustainable integration of architecture and installations can be achieved when the solution is based on the limitations of the building as opposed to the demands of the occupants.
Silva, Nádia Campos. "Propor sobre o existente. Projecto de ampliação de estrutura industrial para o museu do séc XXI." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Arquitectura de Lisboa, 2011.
Full textEste Relatório Final de Mestrado tem como objectivo, resolver a ampliação de Fábrica de Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau, no Cais do Ginjal – Almada, adaptando-a a um programa museológico para a mostra de Arte Contemporânea. Consiste na análise vivenciada de três museus, que integrassem conceitos museológicos e arquitectónicos diversos, proporcionando uma análise comparativa da relação com a envolvente urbana, soluções de reabilitação, programa e modos de exposição que pudessem ser relacionados com o projecto de final de curso. Primeiramente, o projecto procura contrapor a ideia de que os museus são um dispositivo meramente comercial, remetendo para segundo plano a sua função primordial. Um museu tem que voltar a ser considerado um local de aprendizagem, relacionando-se de um modo mais liberto com os utilizadores: através das novas tecnologias, propondo actividades para a sua comunidade local, alimentando relações de proximidade e cumplicidade. O projecto propõe ainda uma reflexão sobre a temporalidade na Arquitectura, através da persistência do edifício que aceita, no tempo vários usos. A inserção de novas temáticas, na malha urbana, que se podem ir alterando conforme as necessidades da população, conferem dinamismo a toda a envolvente, alcançando assim a imagem proposta do Museu do séc. XXI.
The present report has as a goal, to solve the enlargement of the abandoned Fábrica de Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau, situated in Cais do Ginjal – Almada, adapting it to a museological program that embraces contemporary art. It consists in the experienced analysis of three museums that contemplate various museological and architectonic concepts, which allowed to compare: the relationship with the urban environment, renovation solutions, program and exhibition displays that where correlated to the final project. These museums are MKM Museum Küppersmühle (Duisburg), Museum Punta della Dogana (Venice) and Matadero Intermedeae (Madrid). The project offers a reflection about the concept of Time in Architecture, through the memory of the building that accepts, in time, different uses. The insertion of new matters, in the urban fabric, that might change as the citizens needs, tally dynamism to the entire urban environment, reaching the wanted image of the XXI century Museum.
Simão, Pedro Manuel Rodrigues Moura. "Museu. Átrio e identidade." Master's thesis, Faculdade de Arquitectura de Lisboa, 2012.
Full textO presente trabalho tem como objectivo a adaptação de uma Instalação para Tratamento de Óleo de Fígado de Bacalhau em Cacilhas, Almada, para uma Extensão do Museu Colecção Berardo, de Arte Contemporânea. Propõe-se uma reflexão e uma clarificação sobre o Átrio do Museu, estruturando-o e resolvendo-o em projecto. Partindo de um breve enquadramento sobre o tema Museus, exerce-se a análise de um conjunto de Museus e de “Anti-Museus” construídos a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Segue-se a caracterização do espaço do Átrio em museus de século XXI, apresentando, por fim, uma descrição da proposta de projecto. Uma proposta de natureza cultural e comercial, de acordo com os desafios propostos para os novos museus do século XXI, separado em dois núcleos: um de “uso público”, comercial, uma construção nova, autónoma, relativa ao átrio e respectivas actividades; outro de “uso semi-público”, cultural, a partir da reabilitação da preexistência e de construção nova adaptadas ao programa museológico. Um projecto que sintetiza uma abordagem teórico-conceptual sobre o papel do Átrio do Museu, procurando conciliar a sua integração na preexistência industrial e, ao mesmo tempo, enfatizá-lo como espaço identitário e identificativo da nova realidade projectual.
ABSTRACT - The following work aims to adapt an Installation for the Treatment of Cod Liver Oil in Cacilhas, Almada, to an extension of the Berardo Collection Museum for Contemporary Art. It is proposed a reflection and a clarification of the Museum Lobby, structuring and solving it in project.Starting with a brief framework on the subject Museums, carries out the analysis of a set of Museums and "Anti-Museums" constructed from the second half of the twentieth century. The following is the characterization of the Lobby in museums of the twenty-first century and a description of the final Project. A proposal based on cultural and commercial policies, according to the new challenges posed to the museums of the twenty-first century, separated into two sections: one with "public use", commercial, a new construction related to the Lobby and its activities; other of "semi-public use," cultural, from the adaptation of the pre-existing building and the new construction to the museum program. A project that synthesizes a theoretical and conceptual approach on the role of the Museum Lobby, trying to integrate it into the industrial pre-existing building and, at the same time, to emphasize it as a space of identity and identification of the new project
Holmbom, Anna. "”Ett nationalromantikens ’wonderland’” : Användandet av autenticitetsbegreppet i samband med ombyggnationen av Nationalmuseum." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Institutionen för ABM, 2019.
Full textAlfonso, Romero Rebeca. "Enjeux politiques de la création/rénovation des musées nationaux de société. Étude comparative : le Musée de la civilisation de Québec, le Musée des civilisations de l'Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM) de Marseille et le Tropenmuseum d'Amsterdam." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.
Full textNational museum is defined as a pillar in the construction of the national imaginary of the modern State. Among these museums, museums of society take in charge collections (ethnological, historic, folk art) and develop discourses that reflect the legitimate values of society. Since the 1990s, a phenomenon of museum creation/renovation has been developing in the context of Late Globalisation and the administrative/political evolution of the State. Our research analyses three recent processes of creation/renovation of national museums of society: the Museum of civilization in Quebec, Canada; the Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilizations (MuCEM) in Marseille, France; and the Tropenmuseum in Amsterdam, in the Netherlands. We compare these processes on the base of the study of national archives and following four axes (history, political issues, spatial dynamics renovation/creations). We propose three new approaches of the construction of the national imaginary (patrimonial, strategic or symbolic)
Jiang, Cunbei. "Museum Design As A Tool For A City." 2019.
Full textChiu, Shao-Wen, and 邱紹雯. "The Renovation of Bo-pi-liao Historic District :Under the Sketch of the Eco-museum." Thesis, 2014.
Full text國立臺北教育大學
With more than 200 years of history, Bopiliao Historic District is one of the well-preserved blocks from the Qin period. During the Japanese occupation, this district was persevered for a school construction which kept the original design. Surviving from the crisis of land expropriation and demolition, this district not only preserves the local development but also records community culture which becomes an encyclopedia of urban development. Bopiliao Historic District, reused as an Eco-museum, becomes the key museum at Wanhua District and also an information center of local history, culture and tourism. The blockbuster movie“Monga” boosted the tourist numbers and established a good example of city marketing. However, the number of tourists declined gradually while the movie was out of theaters. Renovating the Bopiliao Historic District becomes an important issue. Under the theory of Eco-museum, this research re-examines the renovation of 6TBopiliao Historic District6T and probes into the communication between this district and the community in the post-Monga era. Through the 3Tin-depth interview, the current difficulties and potential development of 3T6TBopiliao Historic District6T are widely discussed. The following are some points of advice which are based on my research. 1. Applying the land use rezoning of 6TBopiliao Historic District6T to meet the multiple purposes. 2. Simplifying to one single authority and an overall development plan is necessary. 3. Expanding the decision -making role of the community. 4. Enhancing the communication with local people. The museum is not only a tourist attraction but also a connection with the community. 5. Combing the neighborhood resources to restore industrial 6Tprosperity6T. 6. Encouraging the local people to play a more active part in the community development. 7. Joint development of culture and business is the foundation for sustainable management.
Books on the topic "Museum renovation"
Museum, Italian-Iranian Cooperation Program for the Renovation of Iran Bastan. The Renovation program of Iran Bastan Museum. Tehran: Italian-Iranian Cooperation Program for the Renovation of Iran Bastan Museum, 2006.
Find full textauthor, Indermühle Joya, and Wolff Jane (Translator), eds. The National Museum in Zurich: Old building - renovation - extension. Berne: Society for the History of Swiss Art SHSA, 2016.
Find full textHakubutsukan, Ōsaka Shiritsu Shizenshi. "Shizenshi hakubutsukan" o kaete iku =: Renovation of local Natural History Museum. Tōkyō: Kōryōsha Shoten, 2009.
Find full textLondon. Corporation. Coal, Corn and Rates Finance Committee. Report: Proposed renovation of the permanent galleries at the Museum of London, to be presented (to Common Council) ... 16th July 1989. (London: The Corporation, 1989.
Find full textDavid, Jenkins. Clore gallery Tate gallery, Liverpool: James Stirling. London: Phaidon Press, 1992.
Find full textTimothy, Glines, and Grabitske David, eds. Museum construction: A handbook for planning, building, and renovating. St. Paul, MN: Minnesota Historical Society Press, 2012.
Find full textCorbusier, Le. Le Corbusier: Peintre avant le purisme : Musée des beaux-arts, La Chaux-de-Fonds, 13 juin-4 octobre 1987. La Chaux-de-Fonds [Suisse]: Le Musée, 1987.
Find full textCorbusier, Le. Le Corbusier: Architect of the century. [London]: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1987.
Find full textCorbusier, Le. Le Corbusier: Pittore, scultore, designer. Lissone: Città di Lissone, 2003.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Museum renovation"
Fatma Mataracı, Aliye. "11. (Identity) Politics and the National Museum of Bosnia and Herzegovina." In Tangible and Intangible Heritage in the Age of Globalisation, 201–18. Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2024.
Full textDia, Mamadiou. "Islam and Humanism." In Liberal Islam, 295–303. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1998.
Full textAl-Sallal, Khaled A. "Renovating Heritage Buildings into Daylit Enjoyable and Visually Comfortable Museums/Galleries." In Innovative Renewable Energy, 305–30. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full text"18. Expansion and Renovation." In The Museum Makers. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
Full text"Building construction, renovation, and rehabilitation." In Museum Security and Protection, 225–60. Routledge, 2005.
Full textDeshmukh, Marion F. "German Art After 1990." In The Oxford Handbook of German Politics, 450–66. Oxford University Press, 2022.
Full text"The Study of the Relationship Between the Archaeological Museum and the School." In School-Museum Relationships and Teaching Social Sciences in Formal Education, 1–27. IGI Global, 2022.
Full textFernandes, António Batarda, Pedro Daniel Pereira, Thierry Aubry, and André Tomás Santos. "Qual é o teu legado?: a renovação digital do Museu do Coa como instrumento de aproximação às suas comunidades." In Museus e Formação: Novas Competências para a Transformação Digital, 58–83. FLUP-DCTP, 2021.
Full textSoto, Moana Campos. "The National Museum, in Brazil, lives: Memories and perspectives that the flames do not destroy." In Integrated risk management in museums. Past lessons, future ways, 56–75. FLUP-DCTP, 2023.
Full text"Renovation and Expansion of the Morgan Library and Museum, 2000–2006." In Renzo Piano, 90–101. De Gruyter, 2021.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Museum renovation"
Full textФролова, М. К., and Т. В. Ковалева. "THE EXPOSITION OF THE MEMORIAL MUSEUM “THE ROAD OF LIFE” AT THE “LADOGA LAKE” STATION: ON THE HISTORY OF DEVELOPMENT AND RENOVATION." In Месмахеровские чтения — 2024 : материалы междунар. науч.-практ. конф., 21– 22 марта 2024 г. : сб. науч. ст. / ФГБОУ ВО «Санкт-Петербургская государственная художественно-промышленная академия имени А. Л. Штиглица». Crossref, 2024.
Full textАнтонова, Ю. Б., and А. А. Никифорова. "On the role of restoration in the creation of a new cultural space of the city (on the example of the revival of the Fedorovsky gorodok complex)." In II Международная научно-практическая конференция "Глобальные вызовы и научные инициативы". Crossref, 2024.
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