Academic literature on the topic 'Musées et personnes socialement défavorisées'
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Journal articles on the topic "Musées et personnes socialement défavorisées"
Pegon-Machat, Estelle, Amal Skandrani, Maëlys Clinchamps, Bruno Pereira, Nelly Garnier, Michael Berthon, Julien Guegan, et al. "Accès aux soins dentaires pendant la pandémie de Covid-19 en France : l’enquête COVISTRESS-santé orale." Santé Publique 35, HS1 (December 1, 2023): 45–56.
Full textYu, Cindy, Simran Lail, Sandra Allison, Srija Biswas, Paul Hebert, Sonia Hsiung, Kate Mulligan, et al. "Besoins et priorités des aînés en matière de prescription sociale au Canada : une analyse qualitative." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 44, no. 9 (September 2024): 407–17.
Full textCuerq, A., J. P. Fagot, S. Samson, and A. Fagot-Campagna. "Cohorte d’adultes débutant un traitement antidépresseur en 2011 : premières analyses à 12 mois." European Psychiatry 29, S3 (November 2014): 649.
Full textRUELLE, Y., and J.-S. CADWALLADER. "LE PETIT BOUT DE LA LORGNETTE." EXERCER 32, no. 172 (April 1, 2021): 147.
Full textRUELLE, Y., and J.-S. CADWALLADER. "LE PETIT BOUT DE LA LORGNETTE." EXERCER 32, no. 172 (April 1, 2021): 147.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Musées et personnes socialement défavorisées"
Grefils, Melvin. "Représentations et consommations d'une offre muséale dans une zone post-industrielle : le cas du Louvre-Lens." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Lille (2022-....), 2024.
Full textThe dynamics of local appropriation are a major issue in national policies of cultural democratization. In this thesis, we seek to understand how the inhabitants of a post-industrial area, in this case, the mining basin of Nord-Pas-de-Calais in France, represent and appropriate a museum offer. More specifically, this research focuses on the case of the Louvre-Lens Museum and the development of a cultural offer for a population mainly from the working classes. Our research is inspired by the work of Maurice Halbwachs, to highlight the influence of representations and values on the behaviors of individuals and their appropriation of the museum offer. To this end, we have adopted a set of qualitative methods, including long interviews with local residents and local cultural actors, participant observation, as well as the collection of media archives. Our interpretative analysis shows different dynamics of appropriation of the museum offer: the development and reinforcement of a collective memory based on the mining past; the process of desacralization of the Louvre-Lens, in particular through its spatial dimension; and finally, the co-construction of a proximity between the museum and the local population. This work concludes with a discussion on the dynamic dimension of the consumption of cultural activities, as well as the challenges and limits of Place Branding strategies. This discussion leads to the formulation of recommendations for cultural organizations as well as public authorities wishing to develop a cultural offer in a post-industrial area
Garci, Jalel. "Handicap social, handicap physique et stratégies de l'éducation : le cas de la France et de la Tunisie." Bordeaux 2, 1996.
Full textTuil, Sarah. "Errances et déviances dans les familles déshéritées ("cas sociaux") : contribution psychopathologique à l'étude généalogique des inadaptations." Paris 7, 2001.
Full textWe have examined three areas which relate to the symptomatology of "outcast" families : social, family, and individual. Although lack of social and psychic integration seems central to the problem of "wandering" : geographical, amorous, and language-related, best describes the behaviour of their children in institutions. Paradoxical narcissistic functioning characterizes many outcast families. Utopian logic, driven by social decision-makers is although present in the logic of wandering. Outcasts of families attempt to "be a family" in the midst of rupture, trauma and secrets -elements harmful to the "genealogical family envelope" and which engrave themselves in the body (family and individual). We think that the symptom is a sort of mosaic, as it, to an extent, the construction of a subject's identity. In a individual, the symptom is a condensation of genealogical symptomatology by partial identifications with symptoms in anterior generations. In our approach the symptom is the fruit of transgenerational transmission. From a psychotherapeutic point of view, curbing the problem of repetition and vicious circle gripping these families, rests on the capacity of a place, an institutional framework, and a therapeutic framework, to promote projects which favour commitment to real and psychic places, by re-weaving the family history of the subject. Setting up family interviews in a children's home seemed particularly promising. By restoring narcissistic security at the base, it allowed the families concerned to gain access to talking
Creux, Gérard. "Pour une analyse des conduites artistiques des travailleurs sociaux en milieu professionnel." Besançon, 2009.
Full textThis research aims to understand what leads social workers to use artistic practices in the context of their professional time. In concrete terms, some will, for example, sing, play music, use visual or dramatic arts with people in social difficulties, or suffering from mental or physical disabilities. This is from a return on the history of social work that this study’s theoretical path was built. Indeed, during time, this field has undergone several mutations. If it becomes more or more professionalized, it has mostly gone from a rationalization based on philanthropic values to a rationalization based on results and targets, changing drastically values on which social workers have built their professional practices, and creating a « disenchantment of social work ». On the basis of theoretical contributions that define art as a way to escape from rationalization of the world, our hypothesis is that artistic practices participate in the « re-enchantment of social work ». However, if they do change relationships between social workers and users, artistic practices also reveal that these professionals tend to change and to adapt themselves to the new conditions of social work, trying in first instance to be fulfilled professionally and especially have « a time for themselves » with users within their professional time
Bertrand, Louis. "Norme, règle et individu dans les politiques locales du logement des personnes défavorisées." Phd thesis, Université Paris-Est, 2008.
Full textBonnardel, Claudine. "Etude sociologique, médicale et biologique des phénomènes d'alcoolisation et de vie à la rue." Paris 5, 1993.
Full textDambuyant-Wargny, Gisèle. "Entre choix et destin : la condition sociale des plus démunis, la place du corps dans la désocialisation : [analyse des déterminants sociaux : du poids de la trajectoire à l'administration des ressources au quotidien]." Paris, EHESS, 2000.
Full textPornet, Carole. "Influence de l'environnement socioéconomique et de l'offre de soins sur la participation aux dépistages organisés des cancers du sein et du colon-rectum à l'aide d’un nouvel outil : the european deprivation index." Caen, 2013.
Full textTo reduce social inequalities in health, the High Council of Public Health recommends measure precisely compare between different regions or countries, and track changes over time. The mechanisms underlying social inequalities in participation in organized screening for breast and colorectal cancer are unknown. The objective was to analyze the environmental impact of socioeconomic status and healthcare supply on participation in organized screening for these cancers with an ecological deprivation index, the French version of EDI. This work presents the construction of this adaptable European transnational index. EDI is composed of census variables that best reflect the individual experience of relative deprivation. The study on the comparison of eight indices as to their assessment of deprivation at the individual level, showed that the performance of EDI were similar to those of the British indices. Using EDI, our studies have shown that in the most deprived areas, participation in screening for breast and colorectal cancer was reduced by 13% and 25% compared to the least deprived areas. No influence of the healthcare supply as measured by the presence or absence of general practitioners or certified radiologists were found. Social inequalities in screening could be reduced by combining individual interventions and geographical approaches targeted at populations at risk of low participation socially identified, emphasizing the superiority of organized screening on individual testing and advocating the involvement of general practitioners
Parizot, Isabelle. "Soigner les pauvres : rapports sociaux et identités dans les associations humanitaires et le secteur hospitalier." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 2000.
Full textMathieu, Claude. "La protection des incapables et des personnes en état de faiblesse par le droit français : mythe ou réalité ?" Metz, 2007.
Full textUnder the rule of law, all citizens are considered equal. But French legislators consider that some of them must receive increased protection because civil capacity does not enable them to see to their own interests. These individuals are classified in three categories depending on their incapacity, defencelessness or vulnerability. Minors under eighteen years of age who cannot by themselves carry out all of the acts of civil life. Individuals who do not, or no longer hold the power to exert acts of civil life by themselves, i. E. The physically or mentally disabled and the old, dependent or confused persons whom the law sees as incapable of self-care or vulnerable. Consumers which Consumption Law sees as at a disadvantage in term of purchases they make, as lay persons, from professional providers of goods and services. In view of the wide range of persons concerned by these protective laws, we have focused our research work on the protection of whoever may be vulnerable. In a rather extensive approach, we have studied the protection the Courts offer to vulnerable persons, both minors and adults, as well as to persons at a disadvantage in transactions involving goods or services whatever the worth of such transactions. We have compared the penalties the law provides with those actually imposed by courts on persons convicted of offences in the areas under study, also few cases actually come to trial. Then we studied the contribution of International and European Law to French Law, as well that brought by case law. And last, we have sought to determine whether there is consistence in the Acts destined to protect such diverse categories of individuals as those studied herein. This has induced us to reflect upon a real strengthening of Contract Law – a part of Civil Code – possibly to the detriment of Consumption Law
Books on the topic "Musées et personnes socialement défavorisées"
1974-, Fong Vanessa L., and Murphy Rachel 1971-, eds. Chinese citizenship: Views from the margins. London: Routledge, 2005.
Find full text1945-, Bywaters Paul, and McLeod Eileen, eds. Working for equality in health. London: New York, 1996.
Find full textFryer, George E. Child Abuse and the Social Environment. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textFryer, George E. Child Abuse and the Social Environment. Taylor & Francis Group, 2019.
Find full textVincent, John, and John Pateman. Public Libraries and Social Justice. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textVincent, John, and John Pateman. Public Libraries and Social Justice. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
Find full textVincent, John, and John Pateman. Public Libraries and Social Justice. Taylor & Francis Group, 2016.
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