Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Musées de société'
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Piacentini, P. "Les scribes dans la société égyptienne de l'Ancien Empire." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/531366.
Full textChevalier, Dominique. "Musées et musées-mémoriaux urbains consacrés à la Shoah : mémoires douloureuses et ancrages géographiques. Les cas de Berlin, Budapest, Jérusalem, Los Angeles, Montréal, New York, Paris, Washington." Habilitation à diriger des recherches, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00811670.
Full textBoudjema, Cédric. "La fonction éducative des musées dans la société numérique : analyse comparative de l'offre pédagogique en ligne de huit musées nationaux dans quatre pays (France, Angleterre, Australie, Etats-Unis)." Thesis, Lille 3, 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016LIL30013/document.
Full textThis research studies museum internet sites and in particular the pedagogy of eight national institutions in four different countries and suggests that online museums are educational content players.The interest is to investigate the educational content of the internet sites using a content analysis and implementing a comparison between the four countries and the types of internet sites to be able to understand the practices – and especially what Jean Davallon calls « the anticipation by the “sender” » that the visitor will engage in (the sender aiming for example to keep the attention of the latter or to provide guidance in the contents), the typology of content and the teaching strategies put in place by the online museum institutions. The online educational offer is defined here as a permanent activity as a source of building knowledge, consultation, criticism, and entertainment, from the museum resources. This offer is also constructed according to the consistent rules of Web design.We have chosen to study the online pedagogy according to a constructivist approach that drives us to privilege certain key concepts : individual learning ways, learning processes, cognitive strategies, meta-cognitive strategies, {learning styles}, taxonomy. From a methodological point of view, this thesis relies on a qualitative approach and privileges a content analysis from an analysis grid with eleven categories : the corpus is composed of eight internet sites and of two types of national museums : the art museums and the science museums with an educational section. The thesis is composed of two tomes. The tome 2 contains the complete analysis of the sites and the tome 1 includes three parts. In the first part, the research discusses the educational role of museums with its specificities and complexities. This part defines the historical context of the educational function of museums that very early on developed an educational strategy for the public. It also shows the specificity of museums in informal education as a place of learning concepts and development that develop two types of mediation. The museum favours the formulation of questions; it orientates reflexion and raises questions. It then shows the museum as an important partner and complementary to school. Finally, this part precises the historical context of online museums of the four countries from our analysis and the progressive development of the cultural policies of the present and the progressive actions put into place by the museums.Secondly, the research focuses on the thematic analysis of the internet sites and on their educational sections and attempts to show the successive steps of the content analysis via the analysis grid constructed for this research. Firstly, it is about showing the ergonomics of the sites to progressively arrive upon the general treatment of the educational sections of the sites, that is to say to identify the mechanisms of underlying internet sites and of their educational sections and secondly to identify the differences between the types of museums and their countries. Finally, the third part of the research attaches importance to the typology of the online educational content and focuses on the strategies put into place in the sites as well as the pedagogy deployed. The internet sites are thus viewed as interconnected elements, intended for a target audience and reinforcing the social role of the museum. The schools and the teaching body are a privileged population; a prominent place for them is underlined
Huang, Hui. "Un paysage culturel dynamique : géographie historique et économique des musées parisiens." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA010627/document.
Full textParis has an exceptional cultural landscape, in which museums play an important role. This PhD thesis insists that this landscape has never ceased to change and is still changing. As for the museums themselves, far from being institutions opposed to change and to a modern economy, we have shown that they participate in the productive economy, specifically in the symbolic production, and that they manage to adapt to the public demand, to adjust their statutes, to rethink their links with other institutions and so on. Finally, we claim that museum activities are characterized by their similarities with other forms of symbolic consumption, and their spatial proximity with the areas of symbolic consumption
Friedmann, Fiona. "Faire carrière sur la scène de l'art contemporain : entre originalité de la création et stratégies d'auto-promotion." Nice, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010NICE2016.
Full textSince the 1960s more and more artists have become real « super stars ». Record sales of art works at auctions and in galleries, sumptuous exhibitions which attract masses and rankings of artists published in art magazines or on the Internet indicate which artists are trendy. So different questions arise: why are some artists instead of others successful ? Which strategies do they develop and use to catch the attention of the professionals of art ? And which elements help them remaining famous ? To develop their career and maintain their fame on the long run, artists are submitted to a double constraint. On the one hand they have to create untypical and audacious art works and on the other they have to assert their singularity by showing eccentricity or strangeness. As well rising as recognized artists permanently have to produce original art works and show a certain temperament or a strange personality in order to maintain the attention of the institutional leaders, the media and therefore the audience. It appears that to reach this goal artists have to make use of communication strategies, which can be qualified as « self-promotion » strategies and the principles of which derive from different areas : marketing, management, economy, advertising, theatre and public relations
Kübler, Bérénice. "Concilier les antécédents de la complexité institutionnelle des projets numériques de médiation culturelle : les apports d’une enquête pragmatiste dans les musées de société." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2023. http://www.theses.fr/2023AIXM0002.
Full textMuseums evolve in a complex environment, the result of successive waves of change since the 1980s. These changes reveal a multi-speed museum ecosystem that reveals certain inequalities, particularly in digital content. Ambitious digital strategies are being implemented by museums and many digital devices have been set up. However, professionals and researchers report difficulties encountered when conducting digital projects. The objective of this research is to understand and characterise the complexity of the collaboration between the actors of the museum sector and the providers of digital solutions; and to explore the techniques and tools put in place by the professionals involved to facilitate the implementation of these digital projects. We propose to answer the following question: "In what way does the boundary objects allow to reconcile the antecedents of institutional complexity in digital cultural mediation projects? We adopt a mode of reasoning based on pragmatist enquiry. The methodological design is articulated around three studies aiming at identifying the institutional logics specific to society museums, questioning the perceptions and social representations of the professionals involved in these projects and analysing in depth the digital project set up by two society museums
Vander, Gucht Daniel. "Le musée et l'art contemporain: contribution à la sociologie de la médiation artistique à l'ère post-moderne." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1994. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212669.
Full textHanquinet, Laurie. "L'art de la représentation et la représentation de l'art: du sens et du bon usage des musées d'art moderne et contemporain en Belgique." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210147.
Full textLa récolte des données a eu lieu au cours de deux phases principales :une première quantitative suivie par une seconde qualitative. Le design est séquentiel (en deux étapes successives) et non équivalent puisque la première étape quantitative a plus de poids (terminologie basée sur Leech et Onwuegbuzie).
Pour la première phase, a été réalisée une enquête par questionnaires auprès des visiteurs de six musées en Belgique âgés de 15 ans et plus. Au total, 1900 questionnaires ont été récoltés et encodés. A partir de ces données, une analyse en correspondances multiples a été effectuée pour évaluer de quelle manière les différentes dimensions des profils culturels (goûts pour la musique, l’art et la lecture, participation culturelle, loisirs ordinaires, créativité) s’agencent les unes aux autres. Cette méthode a été choisie pour ses qualités inductives et relationnelles.
Cette analyse montre que les profils culturels peuvent être perçus comme le résultat de bricolages entre répertoires culturels. Ceux-ci doivent être compris comme des principes qui classifient les goûts et les pratiques et leur donnent sens. Parmi ces répertoires, la distinction culture haute versus culture basse à la Bourdieu conserve une place primordiale mais cohabite avec d’autres, tels que les distinctions omnivores versus univores (Peterson), voraces versus inactifs (Sullivan & Katz-Gerro), culture jeune versus culture classique, goût pour la transgression versus conservatisme. Cette thèse appuie en conséquence l’idée selon laquelle il n’y a eu ni de transformation unidirectionnel des snobs vers les omnivores (thèse de l’omnivorité), ni un effondrement des hiérarchies culturelles (massification et postmodernisme).
L’utilisation de ces répertoires est principalement influencée par l’âge, l’éducation (sous diverses formes) et le statut socioprofessionnel (qui met l’accent sur les différences en termes de cultures professionnelles). Les profils culturels s’ancrent dès lors toujours dans des structures sociales, contrairement à ce que pensent certaines théories individualistes plus extrêmes (Bauman), et continuent d’être structurés par des mécanismes de distinction, puisque les répertoires sont socialement valorisés.
Une classification hiérarchique ascendante a suivi l’analyse en correspondances multiples pour mettre à jour une typologie qui reflète les principales configurations des profils culturels. Six classes ont été identifiées :les cultivés classiques, les cultivés en retrait, les cultivés progressistes, les hédonistes, les éloignés culturels et les amoureux de l’art. Pour conduire la deuxième phase qualitative, trois personnes par classe ont été interviewées pour approfondir les donnés quantitatives sur leur rapport à la culture, à l’art et au musée. Au regard de cette analyse de discours, il apparaît que les six classes ainsi constituées partagent en leur sein des grilles de lecture similaires du rôle de l’art et de la culture au sein de la société moderne mais aussi du musée et agissent, ce faisant, en « communautés interprétatives » (Fish; Hooper-Greenhill). Comprendre la diversité des profils culturels des visiteurs (tout en prenant en compte l’origine sociale) permet, dès lors, de concevoir la multiplicité des rapports au musée./
What do we know about art museums’ visitors? This question can appear very trivial. Visitors of art museums seem to belong to educated elite. At least, this is the image that cultural participation surveys rightly spread. Nevertheless, this perspective focuses mainly on the characteristics of the population who do not visit museums, rather than on the characteristics of the museums' visitors. These surveys help indeed to define the sociodemographic particularities of visitors, with regards to the general population but do not investigate a possible diversity within the visitor population. They show that cultural democratization did not really happen but can we really conclude that the audience constitutes a homogeneous mass of snobs defined by a precise relation to the culture?
This presentation aims to go beyond this traditional approach in sociology that focuses on sociodemographic criteria and to show how diverse can be the audience. It intends to illustrate that visitors have heterogeneous cultural profiles (described by their tastes, cultural and creative activities, and more ordinary leisure), even if they tend to be similar from a socioeconomic viewpoint, and to evaluate which impact these cultural profiles have on the way of visiting a museum.
With the use of a multiple correspondence analysis and an ascending hierarchical classification, six different classes were distinguished among the visitors of six museums of modern and contemporary art in Belgium (N: 1900) according to their cultural profiles. Each cultural profile is considered as a bricolage of different cultural repertoires: low versus high culture (Bourdieu), univores versus omnivores (Peterson), voraces versus non-voraces (Sullivan & Katz-Gerro), classical versus young culture and traditional versus modern values. Instead of observing an unidirectional change from snobs to omnivores, my results suggests indeed that several repertoires interact with one another to structure cultural profiles and to give meaning to them. Finally, with selected interviews among the different six classes, it will be demonstrated that people with an analogous cultural profile tend to share similar interpretations of museums and act as "interpretative communities" (Fish; Hooper-Greenhill). Therefore, the meaning of a museum visit for visitors requires taking into account their cultural profiles.
Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales
Goncerut-Bertola, Carinne. "Musées de lac, entre sciences et sociétés : Etude de cas, le Musée du Léman." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005MNHN0015.
Full textMartin, Thérèse. "L'expérience de visite des enfants en musées de sciences dans le cadre des loisirs : logiques d'interprétation et enjeux d'un dispositif communicationnel." Phd thesis, Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille III, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00783563.
Full textSchmitt, Daniel. "Expérience de visite et construction des connaissances : le cas des musées de sciences et des centres de culture scientifique." Phd thesis, Université de Strasbourg, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00802163.
Full textBurlakova, Maria McConaghy. "Art et commerce : développements, collaborations et conséquences de la révolution industrielle à nos jours." Paris 1, 2010. http://www.theses.fr/2010PA010564.
Full textBenkass, Zahra. "La collecte de l'objet contemporain au sein de l'écomusée et du musée de société." Phd thesis, Université d'Avignon, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00807037.
Full textJörgenson, Charlotte. "En diskursanalys om museers framtid." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Avdelningen för Kultur, samhälle, mediegestaltning – KSM, 2016. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:liu:diva-130856.
Full textLesaffre, Gaelle. "Objets de patrimoine, objets de curiosité : Le statut des objets extra-occidentaux dans l'exposition permanente du musée du quai Branly." Phd thesis, Université d'Avignon, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00919401.
Full textLesaffre, Gaëlle. "Objets de patrimoine, objets de curiosité : Le statut des objets extra-occidentaux dans l’exposition permanente du musée du quai Branly." Thesis, Avignon, 2011. http://www.theses.fr/2011AVIG1115/document.
Full textUntil today, the question of the status of objects from non-Western societies preserved in Western museums wasraised, in terms of twentieth century paradigms which associated ethnographic and aesthetic status, and whichpresupposed objects to have an intrinsic status of their own. The controversy amongst anthropological andmuseum communities caused by the announcement of the Quai Branly museum project testifies to thesepresuppositions. This thesis aims to re-elaborate the approach to non-Western objects through an extrinsicapproach to their status. It rests on two subsequent semiotic analyses of the permanent exhibition of the QuaiBranly Museum. The first one analyzes separately and exhaustively the space, texts, pictures and audiovisualmaterial as media categories of the exhibition. The second one analyzes, in a restricted corpus of exhibitionunits, the interactions between different media categories with the goal of identifying the interpretative processeswhich produce the sense of the objects. The purpose of this double analysis is to verify whether the permanentexhibition of the Quai Branly Museum a heritage status to the objects from non-Western societies which itpreserves.The first part of the thesis presents the construction of the research question, focused on the heritage status ofnon-Western objects in museums, and explains the methods implemented to answer such a question. The secondpart, devoted to the results of the separate media categories’ analysis, confirms that the labels necessary to theassignment of heritage status to non-Western objects, the elsewhere world origin and museum world origin, areindeed present in the exhibition. It also shows the particular mobilization of space in the exhibition. Together,these two sections encourage us to theorize that space is not a mode of interpretation for objects, in that the“elsewhere” world origin and the museum world origin have but a secondary place in the assignment of objectstatus, while objects are themselves the main means for object interpretation. Finally, the third part verifies thatthe attestation of the objects’ double world of origin is effectively authenticated in the exhibition ; this sectionshows that, while the exhibition does assign a heritage status to the exhibits, the elements of authentification arenot necessary for the interpretation of the objects’ meaning, whereas the meaning produced by the relationshipbetween objects promotes the assignment of yet another object status : the status of curiosity. This thesis,focused on the production of object meaning for the visitor by means of the exhibition display, more broadlysuggests the exhibition’s ability to provide a neutral view which modifies its operativity, an ability which allowsthe museum to delegate the production of the object’s meaning to visitors
Challine, Éléonore. "Une étrange défaite : les projets de musées photographiques en France (1850-1945)." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014PA010506.
Full textThis doctoral dissertation treats the history of the projects of museums of photography in France between 1850 and 1945. It aims to study and identify the various conceptions of the photographic museum - documentary, artistic, historical, technical, etc. – and their history. Between the late nineteenth century and the Second World War, two main ideas coexist in the design of photographic museum: what we shall call "museum of photographs," where photography is first and foremost the means of a visual encyclopedia or documentation, and on the other hand what we shall call a "museum of photography" dedicated to photography for its own sake, not as a means of recording reality, but as a medium. This conceptual ambiguity – Is photography the tool or the subject of the museum ? — is inherent in the relationship between the photograph and the museum, and is one of the principle lines of inquiry in this study. This work examines the causes of these institutional failures given the lack of implementation of these projects, some of which were tried but never continued. It hinges on three chronological periods that trace the major developments of these projects : the years between 1850-1880, where photography and the museum meet; the years of the 'imagined museums photography’ in 1880-1910 where we can see various museum forms develop; and finally, the Interwar period which can be considered as the moment where the true battle for the museum of photography emerged
Plisnier, René. "Contribution à l'étude de la vie culturelle d'une ville de province au XIXe siècle: le cas de Mons (1795-1914); enseignement, musées, bibliothèques, théâtres; musique, beaux-arts et sociétés." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 1997. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/212113.
Full textSouza, Daniel Maurício Viana de. "Divulgação científica em museus e centros de ciência interativos : a construção social de uma ciência-espetáculo." reponame:Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRGS, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10183/142489.
Full textThis thesis aims to analyze the social representation of science as a result of the actions of scientific divulgation performed in exhibitions from interactive museums and science centres. Starting from the premise that the promotion of public communication channels, democratic and inclusive about science and its production is necessary to the understanding that such phenomena are in a relationship of dependency and reciprocity with other elements that make up the social structure, discusses about the factors that prevent a dialogue capable of identifying with clarity that the science is ultimately, socially constructed. The insistence on adoption of languages based on a rectilinear and progressively historicity and in a super-stimulus visual massive of ‘images/appearance’, has contributed to the affirmation of a universal and homogenous idea of science, in other words, a-processual and producer of irrefutably true knowledge. So considering, here takes the notion of 'society of the spectacle' as much a theory of society, as, social condition that is projected in a vertical way on the scientific divulgation operated in museological institutions, implying directly in the construction of science and their social meanings. This conditioning exercised by the 'spectacle' is based, therefore, on two fundamental ideological vectors, on the one hand, the 'image' as 'appearance', setting up a linguistic and narrative territory based on alienation, naturalization and universalization. And on the other hand, the 'historicity' as suppression of social time - socially constructed - outlining a framework within which the communicability is based on the absence of processes, in the conception of time as a commodity, in the concept of 'idea out of place/time' and the premise of neutrality (scientific). From an empirical point of view, chooses to investigate different exhibitions in four interactive museums and science centres, in Brazil and Portugal, implementing the techniques of observation and interview, fundamentally.
Full textTrapp, Julien. "L'archéologie à Metz : institutions, pratiques et résultats : des travaux de Johann Baptist Keune à l'archéologie préventive (1896-2008)." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012LORR0368/document.
Full textArchaeological finds have contributed to the enrichment of the messin history since the mid-18th century. At this time, archaeology was a privilege of scholars and findings were merely incidental. Modern archaeology was born in Metz thanks to JB Keune, at the end of the 19th century, at the time of the first German Annexation. For a century there where personalities who marked the research in Metz, which developed as a result of spatial planning works. From a scientific point of view, this research took advantage of the advance of the German research during both First and Second Annexations. Therefore, the case of Metz may or may not have some particularities inherent to the national context. Messin archaeology relied regularly on societies whose members have contributed to the protection of cultural heritage. Metz Museums and their curators played a decisive role for the protection of archaeological remains and for the spreading of knowledge. For one century, analytical methods progressed and allowed historical data to become more accurate. In the 1980s, this evolution ended up in an emergence of an urban archaeology and in standardization of practices. Metz, and therefore its region, is one of the first French cities to adopt such a new policy
Nordstrand, Charlotta Hanner. "Konstliv i Göteborg Konstföreningen, museisamlingen och mecenaten Bengt Erland Dahlgren /." Göteborg : Acta Universitatis Gothoburgensis, 2000. http://catalog.hathitrust.org/api/volumes/oclc/45576915.html.
Full textZanete, Rafaela Rasseli. "Uma análise da construção do Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo e de seus reflexos." reponame:Repositório Institucional do FGV, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10438/9310.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-02-24T18:21:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CPDOC2011 RafaelaZanete.pdf: 735269 bytes, checksum: b8287ec90217c4456efe291a237dbd4b (MD5)
Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2012-02-24T18:21:40Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 CPDOC2011 RafaelaZanete.pdf: 735269 bytes, checksum: b8287ec90217c4456efe291a237dbd4b (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2012-02-24T18:21:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 CPDOC2011 RafaelaZanete.pdf: 735269 bytes, checksum: b8287ec90217c4456efe291a237dbd4b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011
Esta pesquisa apresenta alguns dados do processo de construção do Museu de Arte do Espírito Santo- MAES até a sua inauguração e uma análise atual, refletindo sobre o papel do poder público através do estudo de matérias de jornais e entrevistas com alguns atores participantes do processo de discussão e instalação do MAES, e o posicionamento adotado pelo governo ao longo deste período, bem como o da classe artística e da sociedade em geral. Pretendeu-se reconhecer os atores participantes de todo esse processo recorrendo a documentos que explicitassem as relações que existiram nesse período entre os poderes públicos, os interesses da classe artística e da coletividade que fez e faz uso da Instituição. Ao final, mostra-se como esses discursos influenciam o museu até os dias de hoje. Para tal, inscrevemos nossa discussão sobre o MAES no âmbito de uma reflexão mais geral sobre os museus na atualidade.
This research presents some data of the construction of the Art Museum of the Holy Spirit-MAES until his inauguration and a current analysis, reflecting on the role of government through the study of newspaper reports and interviews with some actors of the process discussion and installation of MAES and the positions taken by the government over this period as well as the artistic class and society in general. It was intended to recognize the actors participating in this process using documents that spell out the relationships that existed in that period between the government, the interests of the artistic community and the community that made and makes use of the institution. In the end, it is shown how these discourses influence the museum until the present day. To do so, signed up our discussion of the MAES under a more general reflection on the museum today.
Badialetti, Enrico. "Le mutazioni della città storica. Uno spazio per la cultura contemporanea a Firenze." Master's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/13457/.
Full textMartin, Caroline. "Analyse biomécanique du service au tennis : lien avec la performance et les pathologies du membre supérieur." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00919831.
Full textKairouz, Kaissar. "Hyperventilation et exercice de sprint prolongé : conséquences sur la performance." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 2, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00987444.
Full textDiagre, Denis. "Le jardin botanique de Bruxelles (1826-1912): miroir d'une jeune nation." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2006. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210873.
Full textNentwig, Anne-Cecile. "Sociologie des musiciens traditionnels amateurs : Pratiques musicales et style de vie." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00733932.
Full textSaïdah, Jean-Pierre. "Dandysme social et dandysme littéraire à l'époque de Balzac." Bordeaux 3, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990BOR30038.
Full textDandyism, such as it developed in france in the 1820's and especially after 1830, appears to be a phenomenon linked to the disappearance of the old aristocratic values and to the rise of the bourgeoisie. The dandy abides by strict rules that command his behaviour and his attire. In the salons where he is sought for his gracefulness while feared for his impertinence, in the circles or cafes of the boulevard, he fosters a cult of difference, a cult of strength and a cult of form, making him the impassive and ironic priest of a religion of beauty. Literature could not remain indifferent to such a cultural phenomenon that affected young people as much in the bourgeoisie as in the aristocracy. Balzac is the novelist who gave the most varied representation of social dandyism. Both fascinated and irritated by these sparkling figures, he understood better than anyone else that dandyism was the royal road taken by an idle youth kept away from power and forced to consume its energy in appearances in order to exist. Around 1830, some other writers, often marginal, turned dandyism into a way of writing, governed by playfulness, off-handedness, irony and derision. Establishing with their works and their readers the same type of relationship as the dandy maintains with his body and his audience, they partially borrowed from traditional parody the figures on which their poetics are based. This practice, long misunderstood, heralds modern works which have used protest as a creative principle. . .
Georgescu, Paquin Alexandra. "L'actualisation du patrimoine par la médiation de l'architecture contemporaine." Thèse, Avignon, 2013. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/5986/1/D2484.pdf.
Full textSchmidt, Christopher Easthope. "Réduction de la fatigue musculaire en trail : mécanismes et stratégies." Phd thesis, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, 2013. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00923173.
Full textAssadi, Hervé. "Réponses physiologiques au cours d'exercices intermittents en course à pied." Phd thesis, Université de Bourgogne, 2012. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00817851.
Full textGiguère, Amélie. "Art contemporain et documentation : la muséalisation d'un corpus de pièces éphémères de type performance." Thèse, Université d'Avignon, 2012. http://www.archipel.uqam.ca/4942/1/D2362.pdf.
Full textAfonso, Cátia Alexandra da C. Rolo. "A utilização de plataformas de social media pelos museus." Master's thesis, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/9446.
Full textWeb 2.0 helped to create social media platforms that many professionals use nowadays. Museums are an example of such use, however their lack of knowledge on this particular area of communication may cause that it is poorly used to their advantage
Santos, Joana Martins dos. "Os Museus Etnográficos na Região Turismo do Centro: diagnóstico da sua situação atual perante o quadro legal." Master's thesis, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/82302.
Full textCom este trabalho realiza-se um estudo exploratório sobre museus etnográficos, num contexto real. Tendo em conta a extensa quantidade deste tipo de museus, surgiu a necessidade de reduzir a área e, por isso, esta investigação incide na zona da Região Turismo do Centro. Através de uma sinopse que interliga uma contextualização da Etnografia em Portugal ao Museu Nacional de Etnologia, procurou-se dar relevo à museologia e às suas problemáticas, nomeadamente na falta de rigor a nível da denominação de alguns espaços museológicos e, inclusive, no cumprimento das funções museológicas. De seguida, mostra-se de que forma se pode interligar a etnografia aos diferentes patrimónios e o modo como os diferentes tipos de Património podem conservar a Etnografia perante a Sociedade Portuguesa.Apresenta-se a Região Turismo do Centro enquanto área de estudo, dando importância aos museus etnográficos da região e, por fim, os casos práticos que consistem na análise de alguns museus etnográficos. Todo o processo de investigação levou à proposta de duas estratégias museológicas, cujo objetivo é identificar e dinamizar os diferentes locais e as singularidades dos seus espólios. De certa forma, garantem igualmente uma mobilização dos seus recursos humanos, algo que afeta a maioria destes espaços. A nível local, sugere-se a implementação de Redes de Museus locais, cujo principal objetivo é corrigir algumas denominações dos espaços museológicos existentes, bem como dinamizar os respetivos, garantindo-lhes uma museologia de acordo com as funções museológicas. Por outro lado, a nível nacional, sugere-se igualmente uma Base de Dados Nacional que seja opção para todos os museus desta temática e que, coordenados pelo Museu Nacional de Etnologia, divulguem o seu espólio. Embora seja focada apenas uma zona, é exposta a problemática existente, a nível nacional, no que diz respeito aos museus de teor etnográfico, estabelecendo ligação com legislação em vigor, bem como o contributo que estes museus podem dar às comunidades, sobretudo as mais ruralizadas.
This work carries out an exploratory study of Ethnographic Museums is carried out, in a real context. Taking into account the extensive amount of this type of museum, the need arose to reduce the area and, therefore, this research is on the area Region of Tourism of the Centre of Portugal.Through a synopsis that contextualizes of Ethnography in Portugal to the National Museum of Ethnology, an attempt is made to highlight museology and its existing problems, in the lack of rigor in the designation of some museological spaces and even in the fulfillment of the museological functions.After, it was shows how ethnography can be interconnected to different heritage and how different types of heritage can preserve ethnography in the Portuguese society.The Region of Tourism of the Centre is presented as an area of study, giving importance to the ethnographic museums of the region. Finally, the practical cases consist of the examination of a selected sample of ethnographic museums. The whole research process led to the proposal of two museological strategies, whose objective is to identify and dynamize the different sites and the singularities of their spoils. In a way, they also guarantee a mobilization of their human resources, something that affects most of these spaces. At the local level, it is suggested the implementation of Local Museum Networks, whose main objective is to correct some denominations of the existing museological spaces, as well as to dynamize the respective ones, guaranteeing them a museology according to the museological functions. On the other hand, at national level, it is also suggested a National Database that is an option for all the museums of this theme, coordinated by the National Museum of Ethnology, to publicize theirs spoils.Despite being a study that focus on a single area, it presents the problem regarding ethnographic museums at the national level, establishing a link to the existing legislation, as well as the contribution these museums can make to communities, especially in rural areas.
Pribil, Teresa Elisabeth. "Die Zerstörung von Kulturgut in bewaffneten Konflikten am Beispiel des ehemaligen Jugoslawiens 1991-1996 : Bibliotheken, Archive und Museen als strategisch wichtige Angriffsziele und Kriegstrophäen." Thesis, 2007. http://eprints.rclis.org/10032/1/AC06035135.pdf.
Full textMoura, Vera Lúcia Teixeira Faria. "Os sítios web dos museus portugueses: análise de conteúdos, atividades em linha para crianças e uso de ferramentas web 2.0." Master's thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11328/635.
Full textTIC are ingrained in the citizens quotidian and in the most diverse areas of knowledge in nowadays Information Society. Internet is the most visible of these new technologies which, when used rationally, brings unquestionable benefits, due to its potential as an information source and strong communication tool, recently reinforced with Web 2.0. Aware of the benefits to enhance its external projection, improve communication and interaction with the public, conquer and loyalty new audiences and encourage informal learning of youngsters, many museums are already present in this world digital network called Internet, creating their own websites. The present study intends to contribute to know the reality of the portuguese museums websites, focusing the analysis of on their available content, online activities for children and the use of Web 2.0 tools, in order to assess whether the museums utilize the immense potential of Internet for their benefit. To achieve this we conceived an analysis grid, intended to gather data, which was applied to 92 portuguese museums websites. It consists of four dimensions: Identification of the Museum; General Contents, Services, Web 2.0 Tools. The observation of the websites allow us to conclude that the majority of portuguese museums offer mostly general information on their virtual portals; they do not favour learning ludic activities online for children, and the use of Web 2.0 tools is still inexpressive. Facebook is the most used tool, though. In this sense, the results obtained show that the portuguese museums still use the Internet potential in a limited way, not benefiting and exploring to their advantage the many available resources.
Orientação: Prof. Doutora Manuela Barreto Nunes e Prof. Doutora Suzana Faro da Costa.
Gravel, Denis. "Élites commémorantes et mise en scène de l’histoire dans la construction de l’identité lachinoise à l’époque du maire Anatole Carignan (1933-1939 et 1944-1952)." Thèse, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/21111.
Full textMorris, Wendy Ann. "Both temple and tomb: difference, desire and death in the sculptures of the Royal museum of central Africa." Diss., 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10500/1181.
Full textArt History, Visual Arts & Musicology
M.A. (Visual Arts)