Academic literature on the topic 'MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS'

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Journal articles on the topic "MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS"


., Khaja Afroz Jamal. "SEISMIC POUNDING OF MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS." International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 02, no. 13 (November 25, 2013): 12–17.

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Qamaruddin, M., A. S. Arya, and B. Chandra. "Dynamic response of multistoreyed brick buildings." Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 13, no. 2 (March 1985): 135–50.

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., T. Seshadri Sekhar. "EVALUATION OF SIESMIC RESPONSE OF SYMMETRIC AND ASYMMETRIC MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS." International Journal of Research in Engineering and Technology 04, no. 13 (February 25, 2015): 151–57.

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Doiphode, Dr G. S., and Vaibhav Dhndhukiya. "Performance Based Seismic Assessment of Masonry Infilled RCC Building with Diaphragm Discontinuity." International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology 10, no. 2 (December 30, 2020): 214–20.

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In multistoreyed RCC framed buildings, critical damages are due to seismic ground excitations, which cause catastrophic failuresat the weaker locations. Buildings with two types of structural irregularities namely diaphragm discontinuity and open ground story are considered. Assessment of seismic vulnerability of these buildings is done by using Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis (NSPA). Performance Based Seismic Design of masonry infilled RCC buildings with two different shape of openings in the diaphragm is considered here with Design Basis Earthquake(DBE) and Maximum Considered Earthquake(MCE) where by selecting appropriate performance criteria in terms of Inter-story drift ratio(IDR) and Inelastic displacement demand ratio(IDDR) are critically observed. The Equivalent Linearization Procedure of Pushover analysis presented in FEMA 440, which is a modification of Capacity Spectrum Method based on ATC-40 guidelines, is performed in ETABS-2016 to study the performance of R.C.C. buildings with diaphragm discontinuity, designed as per IS-1893-2016.
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mohiuddin, Syed Mohammed, Mohammed moiz, Mohammed khaja moinuddin, and Mohammed Tosif Ahmed. "DYNAMIC ANALYSIS AND DESIGN OF MULTISTOREYED R.C STRUCTURAL FRAME WITH PILE FOUNDATION." International Journal of Innovative Research in Advanced Engineering 8, no. 6 (June 30, 2021): 120–30.

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The structure is presumed to be situated in seismic Zones II and V. The mathematical building model (F.E.M Model) of Whole building has been modelled in ETABS 16.2 All the beams and columns are modelled as frame elements. All the slabs are modelled as thin shell elements. To ascertain the seismic load on each floor level of whole structure two types of seismic analysis procedure have been considered as per IS1893-2002 and 2016. Equivalent static approach (linear Static method) and Response spectrum method (Linear Dynamic Method). Parameters considered to understand the seismic response of the multi-storeyed buildings are, Modal Mass participation factor, Modal time period, Lateral displacement, Storey drift, Storey shear of the structure. The whole structural systems are strengthen with vertical shear walls. SAFE (Slab analysis by Finite Element Method) is a software essentially made for analyse and designs of the slabs, since Pile Raft is also a slab therefore SAFE is the ultimate tool for it. Pile Caps have modelled as Slab with Thick plate Action, for base reactions Link between ETABS and SAFE have been used. The parameters consider for finalise the designs of piles and pile caps are, vertical settlement, Punching Shear stress under columns and shear walls and for piles as well. Flexural reinforcements are tabulated in both Longitudinal and transvers direction for the both the faces i.e. Top face and bottom. After all the study a comparison is made between the structure situated in Zone II and Zone V We had observed that when the seismic zones changes and the intensity of seismic forces increases, the design of foundation considerably changes and there is tremendous amount of increase in steel.
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R.PRABHAHAR, R. PRABHAHAR, and G. RAVICHANDRAN G.RAVICHANDRAN. "Optimal Planning and Scheduling in Multistoreyed Building." Indian Journal of Applied Research 4, no. 4 (October 1, 2011): 72–74.

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A multi-storey building is just a building that has multiple storeys above the ground. A multi storied building is either residential or commercial. Migration of individuals from rural to urban centres where job opportunities are significant. The land available for building to accommodate this migration is becoming scarce which ends in rapid increase within the cost of land. And this leads to construction of multi-storeyed buildings as they supply an outsized floor area in an exceedingly relatively small area of land in urban cities. A comparison of highrise buildings by response spectrum analysis in different seismic zones of India. The main objective of this research paper is to compare regular and irregular buildings in seismic zone III & zone V by response spectrum analysis in STAAD. Pro. The soil type taken into consideration is medium soil type. The aim is to find base shear, storey drift and story displacement and eigen value and eigen vector by response spectrum analysis. Cost analysis has also been done. Analysis is done as per IS 456:2000 and IS 1893:2002. It focuses on dynamic analysis of buildings. Without increasing the area, we can extend only the building’s floor to design a multi-storied building as this will save overall building cost. Key Words: Seismic Analysis, Response Spectrum Analysis, Base Shear, Storey Drift, Story Displacement, STAAD.Pro
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Humar, J. L., and P. Kumar. "Torsional motion of buildings during earthquakes. II. Inelastic response." Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 25, no. 5 (October 1, 1998): 917–34.

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In a previous study on the elastic torsional response of building models subjected to earthquake motion, it was shown that the current provisions of the National Building Code of Canada for design against torsion induced by earthquakes are quite conservative for the flexible edge of the building, but may be inadequate for the stiff edge. Based on the results of studies on the elastic response, a new set of design provisions was suggested. The present study deals with the inelastic torsional response of single- and multi-storey buildings designed according to the suggested provisions. Effects of both the natural and the accidental torsion are considered. It is shown that, given the complexity of inelastic response, particularly that of multistorey buildings, the suggested provisions can reasonably be used for the torsion design of single-storey buildings, as well as of multistorey buildings that are asymmetric in plan, but otherwise fairly regular.Key words: earthquake response, natural torsion, accidental torsion, inelastic torsional response, design for torsion.
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Trulsrud, Tonje Healey, Inger Andresen, and Niki Gaitani. "Energy performance and scenario analyses of a multistorey apartment building in Norway." E3S Web of Conferences 362 (2022): 10004.

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Plus Energy Buildings are perceived as a strategy in the energy transition and to promote decarbonization of the building stock. This paper presents the design development of a plus energy demonstration project based on building performance simulations performed with IDA-ICE for energy strategies and future scenarios. The objective of the design strategies was to reduce the primary energy consumption, while ensuring a satisfactory indoor environment. Future scenarios for climate change, user behavior, and energy flexibility were developed to analyze the impact on the building's energy performance. Results from the analyses reveal the expected building performance with respect to energy and indoor environment standards, and robustness with respect to meeting the standards under different scenarios for occupant behavior and climate conditions. According to the simulation results, the building design is robust and can adapt to changes in exterior conditions.
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Soni, Pranava, and Dr Rajeev Chandak. "Diagrid Based Multistorey Building Design and Durability Forecasting." International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 10, no. 8 (August 31, 2022): 1280–85.

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Abstract: The taller and higher structures results in the effects of lateral loading, lateral loads dominates when the height of building increases, lateral loads such as earthquake, wind causes the building larger displacement, to avoid larger displacement in high rise buildings lateral load resisting systems are deployed. Apart from other structural system, the diagrid and hexagrid system are adopted to improve structural performance of tall buildings. The various types of structural system in tall buildings have become obsolete and the new structural skeletons such as hexagrid and diagrid are being used
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS"


Widodo. "Rocking of multistorey buildings." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Civil Engineering, 1995.

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In the past few decades, engineers have realized that an appropriate estimation of energy dissipation on the structural system is one of the important roles in aseismic design of building structures located in hazardous seismic areas H26,P26,V9. The inelastic load-deformation behaviour of the structural members and vibration of the foundations on the flexible soil medium are two important features of the energy dissipation. Soil-structure interaction is the way to refine the existing common methods in structural analysis as it able to take into account the soil-foundation energy dissipation from the structural system. Study of the response of building structures supported by a soil medium using lumped parameter methods have been carried out by some researchers. However, most of these studies used unrealistic physical or structural responses and soil-foundation models which did not have real application in modern building aseismic design. The current New Zealand code NZS 4203:1992 states that a special study should be carried out where energy dissipation in the structural system is primarily through the rocking of foundations. Analytical investigations using the same methods in more realistic applications of aseismic design in building structures was carried out. The investigations cover several inelastic damage indicators for both frames and frame-wall structures with a different numbers of storeys, numbers of frames, hysteresis rules, rigid joint lengths, supported by different foundation types, soil models, soil stiffnesses and exited by different earthquake inputs. It was found that rocking structures exhibit advantages or disadvantages and show the inadequacy of the current wall moment design envelopes for frame-wall structures. Methods to overcome the disadvantages need to be developed. A new simple wall moment design envelope for different types of foundation and soil-foundation hysteresis rules has been proposed. In addition, the minimum required static bearing capacity factor for soil-under minimum wall gravity load and the approximation of the building's lateral fixity are also discussed.
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Charng, Peng-Hsiang. "Base isolation for multistorey building structures." Thesis, University of Canterbury. Civil Engineering, 1998.

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Earthquakes are one of nature’s greatest hazards; throughout historic time they have caused significant loss of life and severe damage to property, especially to man-made structures. On the other hand, earthquakes provide architects and engineers with a number of important design criteria foreign to the normal design process. From well established procedures reviewed by many researchers, seismic isolation may be used to provide an effective solution for a wide range of seismic design problems. The application of the base isolation techniques to protect structures against damage from earthquake attacks has been considered as one of the most effective approaches and has gained increasing acceptance during the last two decades. This is because base isolation limits the effects of the earthquake attack, a flexible base largely decoupling the structure from the ground motion, and the structural response accelerations are usually less than the ground acceleration. In this research, a series of dynamic analyses are carried out to investigate in detail the seismic responses for stiff and flexible 12-storey multi storey buildings to the various isolation systems and to consider the effects of foundation compliance on their responses when subjected to different earthquakes. At the same time, an investigation of the seismic response of the recently suggested segmental buildings is carried out. The segmental building concept can be considered as an extension of the conventional base isolation technique with additional flexibility distributed in the superstructure. In addition to the conventional isolation system placed at the base, the superstructure of segmental buildings is further divided into several segments which are interconnected by extra isolation systems located in the upper storeys. In general, the increase of additional viscous damping in the structure may reduce displacement and acceleration responses of the structure. This study also seeks to evaluate the effects of additional damping on the seismic response when compared with structures without additional damping for the different ground motions. In addition, analysis and design considerations for base isolated and segmental structures are suggested to enable the designer to get a better understanding at the preliminary design stage.
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Ahmad, Sabarinah Sh. "A study on thermal comfort and energy performance of urban multistorey residential buildings in Malaysia /." [St. Lucia, Qld.], 2004.

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Ravi, Mathi. "Knowledge-based system approach to integrated design of multistorey office buildings at the preliminary stage." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1998.

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Ferrante, Cavallaro Giovanni. "Pseudo dynamic tests and numerical analysis of free from damage multistorey steel buildings with innovative connections." Doctoral thesis, Universita degli studi di Salerno, 2019.

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2017 - 2018
One of the most widespread structural systems is represented by Moment Resisting Frames (MRFs). resistant seismic frames. This structural system is made up of frames capable of resisting seismic actions through predominantly flexural tension states. The stiffness and lateral resistance of the system depend on the flexural strength of the members and the type of connection, while the development of the plastic hinges guarantee the dissipation of the seismic input energy. The location of the dissipative zones varies according to the design approach adopted, typically they develop in beams, columns and connections. The most widespread design philosophy is to have strong columns, weak beams and full-strength rigid connections with complete resistance restoration, in this way all the seismic energy tends to be dissipated by the plastic hinges at the ends of the beams and at the base of the columns of the first level. In order to overcome the traditional design approach, the present research work introduces a new type of beam-column connection capable of exhibiting a remarkable rigidity in service conditions (SLE) and able to exhibit a remarkable dissipative capacity when a rare seismic event occurs. The codes currently in force provide that for seismic events characterized by a period of return comparable with the useful life of the structure (frequent or occasional events) the structures remain in the elastic field ensuring that the seismic energy is completely dissipated through viscous damping. Vice versa, the seismic energy must be dissipated through plastic engagement of parts of the structure, with wide and stable hysteresis cycles, for rare and very rare seismic events with a return period of about 500 years. The development of the hysteresis involves structural damage that have to be such as not to lead to the collapse of the structure in order to guarantee the protection of the life of those who occupy the building. The prediction of the behaviour of the structure in non-linear field for rare seismic events represents an aspect that only experimental research can describe in depth by developing new analytical models and innovative design philosophies. The execution of quasi-static tests can provide useful information in order to investigate the nonlinear behaviour of the members and the assemblages even if the forces or the displacement histories applied during the tests do not correspond exactly to the actions that occur during a real seismic event. The information obtained through these test procedures is however useful for calibrating analytical models and comparing the behaviour of structural components. The execution of tests on real scale structures is the best way to investigate the global behaviour of a structural system. For a more complete knowledge about the response in the dynamic field, the pseudo-dynamic tests represent a test protocol able to provide information of the structural response of a component or of a structure in a dynamic field through a static test. The main purpose of this work, developed within the FREEDAM research project financed by the European Community, is to develop an innovative beam-column connection. These innovative connections are equipped with an additional damper able to dissipating the energy deriving from destructive seismic events. The FREEDAM beam-column connection, through an appropriate design of the various components, is able to withstand frequent earthquakes and rare events without causing damage to the structural elements. The thesis is divided into six chapters. The Chapter 1 reports a brief introduction to the traditional beam-column connections, specifying the characteristics of the different types of connection and their influence on the behaviour of the Moment Resisting Frames. In the last part of the chapter the FREEDAM dissipative connection is presented, specifying its peculiarities and the benefits that its introduction into the structural system brings. The Chapter 2 is devoted to the description of the results obtained from an extensive experimental campaign developed at the STRENGTH laboratory of the University of Salerno, for the choice of material for the friction dampers used in the FREEDAM connections by carrying out a statistical characterization of the static and dynamic friction coefficients. The Chapter 3 collects the results of a further experimental campaign carried out at the University of Salerno laboratory and aimed at studying the tightening losses for pre-loading bolt systems equipped with different washers. In Chapter 4 a design procedure has been define for the FREEDAM beam-column connections, then this procedure has been applied in order to design two different types of connections that have been experimentally tested at the University of Coimbra Laboratory (PT). In the same chapter, the test layouts and the results obtained from the cyclic tests carried out on the nodes equipped with FREEDAM friction dampers have been described, finally developing models to the finite elements and comparing the experimental results with the computerized models. Finally, the Chapter 5 shows the results of the pseudo-dynamic tests carried out on a full-scale steel Moment Resistant Frame equipped in a first case with traditional full strength beam-column connections (dogbone) and in a second case equipped with the innovative connections proposed. These results have been compared to each other and with the results obtained from finite element models. [edited by Author]
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RUSI, Ilda. "Generating Innovative Perforated Patterns for Perimetric Structural Walls with Openings in Multi-Storey Buildings." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2021.

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Due to the very fast urban development and population growth to the most big cities all over the world, the multi-storey buildings have increased a lot in number. Increasingly, interest is growing in exploring structural systems that allow to build multi-storey buildings. As stated also in the literature and also by Ali. M., M, in his study in 1990, among the major issues that govern the design of a multi-storey building is fulfilling the architectural aspect such as space, function, light while ensuring also the building structural rigidity.Considering also the fact emphasized by Aminmansour & Moon, 2010; Elnimeiri & Gupta, in their study in 2008, that many times, the multi-storey buildings tend to be very inefficient in terms of organisations of the interior spaces. In this regard, based on engineering logical reasoning, in order to provide the sufficient structural rigidity, it requires in many cases, considerable cross section dimensions of structural elements. On the other hands, in engineering design practices there are several cases where to ensure the stability of the building, rigid elements are placed on the building perimeter. The problem is that often, in these cases, these structural elements may interrupt several architectural aspects of the multi-storey building such as its façade, interior space, or even the entire building architectural volume. This study present reinforced concrete Structural Wall elements which are recognized as one of three main structural systems putted on the perimeter of multi-storey buildings among rigid frames and bracing systems. This research aims in suggesting an innovative structural element be implemented in the design process by both being considered as an architectural and structural element.The Structural Wall patterns with different arrangement of openings, called Perforated Structural Wall Panels, are characterized by a pattern of openings in different sizes and forms. This panel should provide the required resistance from the lateral load acting on it while offering at the same time a visual resistance presence. From the architectural point of view, this element offer the possibility to create several configurations of geometric forms, through following a precise methodology explained in further detailed study analysis presented in this study. The methodology can help towards obtaining an optimized panel by creating also a common vocabulary for both the architect and the engineer. This designed vision based on collaboration between architects and engineers aims in fostering an alternative design method outlining an effective structural scheme of multi-storey buildings composed mainly by perforated Structural Wall elements in the building perimeter. Following this design methodology, vertical structural elements would be modified in terms of preserving the required structural members and cutting of the unnecessary ones. The research concludes by discussing on how perforated Structural Wall element can help in fostering the design process and facilitate the decisions steps within designers in concluding the proper building configuration, the architectural performance and the structural rigidity.
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In present scenario buildings with floating column is a typical feature in the modern multistory construction in urban India. Such features are highly undesirable in building built in seismically active areas. This study highlights the importance of explicitly recognizing the presence of the floating column in the analysis of building. Alternate measures, involving stiffness balance of the first storey and the storey above, are proposed to reduce the irregularity introduced by the floating columns. The study is carried out on a building with floating columns. The plan layout of the building is shown in the figure. The building considered is a residential building having G+9. Height of each storey is kept same as other prevalent data.
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ABSTRACT In the practical design applications the evaluation of seismic response is usually based on linear elastic structural behaviour. However this approach may be not sufficient in limiting the damage levels of the buildings. To this purpose more accurate methods of analyses, which can predict the real behaviour under strong seismic actions, are required. The non-linear dynamic analysis is the most rigorous method. The non-linear static pushover analysis seems to be a more rational method for estimating the lateral strength and the distribution of inelastic deformations. In this thesis Pushover analyses were performed by ETABS to predict the behaviour under strong seismic action and comparing the forces in static linear and nonlinear analysis.
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Chaku, Autar Kishen. "Seismic behaviour of pile supported multistorey buildings." Thesis, 1989. http://localhost:8080/iit/handle/2074/5858.

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Chen, Kun-Yu, and 詹坤玉. "System Identification Theory of Torsionally Coupled Multistorey buildings." Thesis, 2004.

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Abstract An knowledge of the dynamic properties of building structural systems is necessary besides for accurate predictions of the dynamic responses of the systems in the seismic design of building structures, health monitoring and damage detection of existing building structures. This study is concerned with the uniqueness of the results in the identification of such properties and feasibility of the identification methods proposed here in actual application using limited earthquake records. More specifically, the viscous damping and stiffness distributions, which are of importance in the linear range of response, have been investigated. During the past four decades, a great amount of system identification methods of building structures based on linear, planar shear building models are developed. In this thesis we propose three new methods of stiffness-damping simultaneous identification of lateral-torsional coupled multistory building models using limited earthquake records. It is shown that if the responses of the floor masses just above and below a specific storey are known, and the locations of moment-resisting elements, the floor masses and the floor moments of inertia are given in N-storey building structures, the storey stiffness and the viscous damping of these elements can be identified uniquely, and that for two-storey building structures if the response of the floor mass immediately above the base and the base are known, and the locations of all moment-resisting elements, all floor masses and all floor inertias are given, the storey stiffness and the viscous damping of all elements can be identified uniquely. The accuracy of the identification methods presented in this thesis is verified and investigated through the actual limited earthquake records and numerical simulation model by means of Newmark’s integration method and the technique of the FFT (Fast Fourier Transform).
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Steel-concrete structures for multistorey buildings. Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1991.

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Manual of Multistorey Timber Construction. Detail Business Information GmbH, The, 2018.

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Kaufmann, Hermann, Stefan Winter, and Stefan Krötsch. Manual of Multistorey Timber Construction. Detail Business Information GmbH, The, 2018.

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Kaufmann, Hermann, Stefan Winter, and Stefan Krötsch. Manual of Multistorey Timber Construction: Principles - Constructions - Examples. Detail Business Information GmbH, The, 2022.

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Kaufmann, Hermann, Stefan Winter, and Stefan Krötsch. Manual of Multistorey Timber Construction: Principles - Constructions - Examples. Detail Business Information GmbH, The, 2022.

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Multistorey Timber Frame Buildings A Design Guide. Ihs Bre Press, 2010.

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GAUTAM, Padma. Step by Step Rcc Design of Multistorey Buildings. Independently Published, 2020.

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Colwell, Sarah. Fire Performance of External Thermal Insulation for Walls of Multistorey Buildings. IHS BRE Press, 2013.

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Book chapters on the topic "MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS"


Bozdogan, Kanat Burak, and Duygu Ozturk. "A Hand Method for Assessment of Maximum IDR and Displacement of RC Buildings." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 9–29. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.

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AbstractMaximum displacement and the maximum interstorey drift ratio are the important factors for the measurement of the vulnerability of multistorey buildings. For this reason, in this paper a method was proposed to calculate the maximum displacement and maximum interstorey drift ratio (IDR) values. In this model, reinforced concrete multistorey structure was modeled as an equivalent flexural-shear frame. Maximum displacement and the maximum IDR were calculated according to the Equivalent Static Loads Method and The Response Spectrum Method using the continuum model and the results were tabulated. With the help of the obtained tables by this study, the maximum displacement and the maximum IDR of the regular multistorey structures can be calculated quickly and practically. The axial deformation of the vertical elements (columns and shear walls) were approximately considered in the study. The convergence of the presented method to the Finite Elements Method was investigated by two examples in the last part of the study.
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Buchanan, Andrew H. "Fire Resistance of Multistorey Timber Buildings." In Fire Science and Technology 2015, 9–16. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.

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Gilbert, Raymond Ian, and Gianluca Ranzi. "Excessive Deflections and Cracking in the Reinforced Concrete Floor Slabs of the Silverton Building in Canberra." In Case Studies on Failure Investigations in Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, 211–17. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2023.

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This chapter presents a case study of a multistorey reinforced concrete building, the Silverton Building, constructed in Canberra (Australia) in 1983, evacuated in 1989 due to concerns regarding its structural integrity, and demolished in 1994. The events, associated with the evacuation of the building, initiated court proceedings that ran between 1989 and 1997. In the description presented in this chapter of the structural issues affecting the integrity of the building, particular attention has been placed to avoid allocating blame to specific parties involved in the project and to utilise this case study as an opportunity to revisit the risks and responsibilities of engineers associated with structural engineering design and assessment. Personal remarks of the authors are also provided and clearly highlighted.
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Lyublinskiy, Valery, and Vladislav Struchkov. "Resistance of Vertical Joints During Torsion of Multistorey Buildings." In Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering, 407–15. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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Alemdağ, Esra Lakot, and Figen Beyhan. "Energy Saving with Double-Skin Glazed Facades in Multistorey Buildings." In Progress in Exergy, Energy, and the Environment, 533–40. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Riley, Mike, and Alison Cotgrave. "External walls and claddings for multistorey and large-span commercial buildings." In Construction Technology 2: Industrial and Commercial Building, 254–83. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2014.

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Abdullin, Vildan V., Dmitry A. Shnayder, and Lev S. Kazarinov. "Identification of Multistorey Building’s Thermal Performance Based on Exponential Filtering." In Transactions on Engineering Technologies, 501–12. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2014.

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Schrader, K. H., E. Reyer, and O. A. Oji. "On earthquake resistant design of multistorey buildings stiffened by diaphragm action." In Structural Dynamics, 435–42. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Wdowicki, Jacek, Elżbieta Wdowicka, and Zdzisław Pawlak. "Dynamic Analysis of Irregular Multistorey Shear Wall Buildings Using Continuous-Discrete Approach." In Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures II, 263–74. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Bosco, Melina, Giovanna A. Ferrara, Aurelio Ghersi, Edoardo M. Marino, and Pier Paolo Rossi. "Application of Nonlinear Static Method with Corrective Eccentricities to Multistorey Buildings: A Case Study." In Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures, 173–88. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012.

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Conference papers on the topic "MULTISTOREYED BUILDINGS"


Fiore, I. "An inhomogeneous inelastic beam-like model for dynamic analyses of multistorey buildings." In AIMETA 2022. Materials Research Forum LLC, 2023.

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Abstract. This study presents an original inelastic beam-like model for the simulation of the nonlinear dynamic behaviour of three-dimensional buildings subjected to earthquake loadings. The proposed model is defined as a step-wise shear only cantilever beam, whose segments have the same mechanical properties of the corresponding inter-storeys of the building. The inter-storey constitutive laws are calibrated by means of the results of a static nonlinear analysis performed on the 3D FEM model of the building. An inverse nonlinear static identification procedure allows obtaining an inelastic beam-like model equivalent to the more demanding 3D FEM model, related to a specific direction and under a precise distribution of horizontal loadings. Dynamic nonlinear analyses performed on this simplified model allow a drastic reduction of the required computational effort and time with respect to the more demanding 3D FEM model. The reliability of the proposed beam-like model is validated through numerical applications on an irregular multi-storey RC frame representative of residential buildings in Catania designed to resist only gravity loadings.
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Virbule, Inese, Dmitrijs Serdjuks, and Karina Buka-Vaivade. "Simplified approach for analyse of shear walls for multistorey timber buildings." In The 13th international scientific conference “Modern Building Materials, Structures and Techniques”. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, 2019.

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Construction of multi-storey timber buildings represent solution to the global housing shortage which is caused by the increased urbanization and the densification of cities. Three-storey timber building with the platform framing method of major structural member’s joining of was considered as an object of investigations. The length and width of considered building were equal to 28 and 13 m, correspondingly. Simplified approach of load-bearing shear wall modelling, which is based on the replacement of the shear wall structure by the lattice structure with the equivalent stiffness, is presented. FEM models were developed by the softwares ANSYS 15.0 and Autodesk Robot Structural for verification of developed simplified approach. It was stated, that the difference between the horizontal displacements obtained for single member of shear wall structure by the developed simplified approach and developed FEM models does not exceeds 5%
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Manisha, Nayana N. Patil, and H. M. Rajashekar Swamy. "Seismic analysis of multistoreyed building and retrofitting using different bracing systems." In PROCEEDINGS OF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ADVANCES IN MATERIALS RESEARCH (ICAMR - 2019). AIP Publishing, 2020.

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Gaetani d'Aragona, Marco, Maria Polese, and Andrea Prota. "INFLUENCE FACTORS FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF MAXIMUM LATERAL SEISMIC DEFORMATIONS IN ITALIAN MULTISTOREY RC BUILDINGS." In 6th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. Athens: Institute of Structural Analysis and Antiseismic Research School of Civil Engineering National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) Greece, 2017.

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Calderon Jimenez, Maxwell J., Kelvin Arana, and Marvin R. Arias. "Outdoor-to-Indoor propagation mechanisms in multistorey building for 0.85 GHz and 1.9 GHz bands." In 2017 IEEE 37th Central America and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVII). IEEE, 2017.

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Tripepi, Concetta, Francesco Nucera, Lawrence A. Bergman, D. Michael McFarland, and Alexander F. Vakakis. "Application of Targeted Energy Transfer (TET) Techniques to the Seismic Protection of a Small Scale Multistorey Eccentric Steel Structure." In ASME 2011 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. ASMEDC, 2011.

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The aim of this work is to show that is possible to apply the Nonlinear Energy Sink (NES) concept to protect seismically excited eccentric steel structures through Targeted Energy Transfer (TET). We consider, as the primary (linear) system, a small-scale four-storey unsymmetrical-plan building, modeled as a twelve-degree-of-freedom-system, with floors sufficiently rigid so that the frame can reasonably be considered as shear-type and with additional eccentric mass for each floor. To the primary (linear) system, we connect two NESs, which are non-smooth and precisely the vibro-impact devices (VI-NESs), both placed on the top floor. In order to analyze the dynamics of the controlled model (structure with VI-NESs), we study the performance and the robustness of the augmented structure excited by a set of Eurocode8 (EC8) spectrum compliant earthquakes. Our purpose is to check the effectiveness of the VI-NESs to different earthquake excitations, that is, testing that an optimal VI-NES setting computed for a specific earthquake will still produce satisfactory results for the other earthquakes. We show that the nonlinear attachments are capable of engaging in transient resonance with linear modes at arbitrary frequencies by generating a one-way irreversible (on the average) transfer of the energy of vibration from the primary structure to local attachment. There the energy is confined and locally dissipated without “spreading” back to the main structure because of the instantaneous internal resonance. As energy decreases due to damping the conditions for Transient Resonance Capture (TRC) fail and escape from resonance capture takes place.
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