Journal articles on the topic 'Multimodal Container Terminals'
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Kozan, E. "Optimising container transfers at multimodal terminals." Mathematical and Computer Modelling 31, no. 10-12 (May 2000): 235–43.
Full textCasey, B., and E. Kozan. "Optimising container storage processes at multimodal terminals." Journal of the Operational Research Society 63, no. 8 (August 2012): 1126–42.
Full textKos, Serđo, Luka Vukić, and David Brčić. "Comparison of External Costs in Multimodal Container Transport Chain." PROMET - Traffic&Transportation 29, no. 2 (April 21, 2017): 243–52.
Full textBenghalia, Abderaouf, Mustapha Oudani, Jaouad Boukachour, Dalila Boudebous, and Ahmed El Hilali Alaoui. "Optimization-Simulation for Maritime Containers Transfer." International Journal of Applied Logistics 5, no. 2 (April 2014): 50–61.
Full textKozan, E., and P. Preston. "Genetic algorithms to schedule container transfers at multimodal terminals." International Transactions in Operational Research 6, no. 3 (May 1999): 311–29.
Full textGrobelny, Piotr. "Safety of Chemical - storage of hazardous materials on multimodal container terminals." Transportation Overview - Przeglad Komunikacyjny 2016, no. 3 (March 1, 2016): 28–34.
Full textHaller, Alexandra, Lisa-Maria Putz, and Oliver Schauer. "Transhipment Simulators for Training of Ports′ Personnel." Advanced Engineering Forum 13 (June 2015): 277–81.
Full textGrancharova, Valentina. "Challenges To The Multimodal Transport Networks Based On Sustainable Growth In The Volume Of Containerized Cargoes." Pedagogika-Pedagogy 93, no. 7s (August 31, 2021): 53–64.
Full textCHECHENOVA, Liana M. "Rapid assessment of the investment attractiveness of the national center for container cargo transportation." Regional Economics: Theory and Practice 20, no. 3 (March 15, 2022): 559–78.
Full textZehendner, Elisabeth, Gloria Rodriguez-Verjan, Nabil Absi, Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès, and Dominique Feillet. "Optimized allocation of straddle carriers to reduce overall delays at multimodal container terminals." Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal 27, no. 2-3 (December 20, 2013): 300–330.
Full textKorshunov, Dmitry A. "Formation of the infrastructure complex inland water transport." Russian Journal of Water Transport, no. 72 (September 20, 2022): 111–20.
Full textLukosch, Heide, Daan Groen, Shalini Kurapati, Roland Klemke, and Alexander Verbraeck. "The Role of Awareness for Complex Planning Task Performance." International Journal of Game-Based Learning 6, no. 2 (April 2016): 15–28.
Full textMouafo Nebot, Giscard Valonne, and Haiyan Wang. "Port Terminal Performance Evaluation and Modeling." Logistics 6, no. 1 (January 20, 2022): 10.
Full textNikiforova, G. I., A. A. Podverbnykh, and N. B. Fedorova. "Development of container transportation by rail in modern conditions." Transport Technician: Education and Practice 3, no. 4 (December 2, 2022): 405–9.
Full textSrisurin, Punyaanek, Phipat Pimpanit, and Pisit Jarumaneeroj. "Evaluating the long-term operational performance of a large-scale inland terminal: A discrete event simulation-based modeling approach." PLOS ONE 17, no. 12 (December 5, 2022): e0278649.
Full textAmbrosino, Daniela, and Anna Sciomachen. "Impact of Externalities on the Design and Management of Multimodal Logistic Networks." Sustainability 13, no. 9 (April 30, 2021): 5080.
Full textDhanak, Manhar, Scott Parr, Evangelos I. Kaisar, Panagiota Goulianou, Hannah Russell, and Fanny Kristiansson. "Resilience assessment tool for port planning." Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science 48, no. 5 (March 8, 2021): 1126–43.
Full textMEZINA, L. V. "PARAMETERS AND FACTORS OF ENSURING COMPETITIVE STABILITY OF THE PORT SECTOR OF UKRAINE." Economic innovations 20, no. 2(67) (June 20, 2018): 158–67.
Full textWang, Ling, and Shuai Fu. "Container Multimodal Cooperative Transportation Management Information System Based on Artificial Intelligence Technology." Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 (December 23, 2021): 1–14.
Full textRyabov, I. M., and V. V. Gorina. "EFFICIENCY OF CARS IN MULTIMODE TRANSPORTATION OF HIGH-CAPACITY CONTAINERS." World of Transport and Transportation 15, no. 6 (December 28, 2017): 58–66.
Full textClausen, Uwe, and Moritz Poeting. "Allocation of Greenhouse Gas Emissions for Containers in Multimodal Transshipment Terminals using Simulation." SNE Simulation Notes Europe 27, no. 2 (June 2017): 77–85.
Full textKozan, E., and B. Casey. "Alternative algorithms for the optimization of a simulation model of a multimodal container terminal." Journal of the Operational Research Society 58, no. 9 (September 2007): 1203–13.
Full textWang, Yuchen. "Optimization of berth length of LNG terminal." E3S Web of Conferences 248 (2021): 03009.
Full textAbourraja, Mohamed Nezar, Mustapha Oudani, Mohamed Yassine Samiri, Jaouad Boukachour, Abdelaziz Elfazziki, Abdelhadi Bouain, and Mehdi Najib. "An improving agent-based engineering strategy for minimizing unproductive situations of cranes in a rail–rail transshipment yard." SIMULATION 94, no. 8 (October 6, 2017): 681–705.
Full textТюленев, К. Г. "Management of multimodal transportation based on methodology for estimating gross profit per time period." MORSKIE INTELLEKTUAL`NYE TEHNOLOGII)</msg>, no. 1(55) (March 3, 2022): 141–44.
Full textZehendner, Elisabeth, and Dominique Feillet. "Benefits of a truck appointment system on the service quality of inland transport modes at a multimodal container terminal." European Journal of Operational Research 235, no. 2 (June 2014): 461–69.
Full textMalyshev, M. I. "Research review on improving the efficiency of multimodal transportation based on technological solutions." Civil Aviation High Technologies 23, no. 4 (September 4, 2020): 58–71.
Full textDalto, Edson José, and Daniel Ramos Victorino. "Impactos da lei 8.630 sobre a infra-estrutura de terminais de contêineres e na viabilização da navegação de cabotagem no Brasil." TRANSPORTES 16, no. 1 (December 17, 2008).
Full textOhiienko, Mykola, Alona Ohiienko, and Oleksandr Burtsev. "LOGISTIC APPROACH TO THE DEFINITION OF MULTIMODAL DELIVERY SCHEMES OF GOODS." Scientific Notes of Taurida National V.I. Vernadsky University. Series: Economy and Management 72, no. 1 (2022).
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