Academic literature on the topic 'Multilaterality'
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Journal articles on the topic "Multilaterality"
Toropygin, A. V. "Modern Theoretical and Practical Approaches to Multilateralism in International Relations: the EAEU Case." EURASIAN INTEGRATION: economics, law, politics 17, no. 2 (July 6, 2023): 169–80.
Full textSydorchuk, Orystlava. "MULTILATERALITY OF UKRAINE'S SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM." Economic discourse, no. 1 (March 2020): 89–96.
Full textSung, Hyun-Young, and JI-Young Kim. "A Study on the Social and Political Multilaterality of Music Art." Global Knowledge and Convergence Association 3, no. 2 (December 31, 2020): 161–73.
Full textHeemann, Lisa, and Patrick Rosenow. "Multilateralismus in der Krise, die Vereinten Nationen unter Druck und die Rolle Deutschlands." Sicherheit & Frieden 37, no. 4 (2019): 193–97.
Full textHo, Selina. "‘Big brother, little brothers’: comparing China's and India's transboundary river policies." Water Policy 18, S1 (October 4, 2016): 32–49.
Full textKamine, Jorge. "Remarks by Jorge Kamine." Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting 114 (2020): 332–34.
Full textSaggi, Kamal, Alan Woodland, and Halis Murat Yildiz. "On the Relationship between Preferential and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: The Case of Customs Unions." American Economic Journal: Microeconomics 5, no. 1 (February 1, 2013): 63–99.
Full textHidayatullah, Nur Luthfi. "MIDDLE POWER’S ROLE IN HEALTH DIPLOMACY DURING COVID-19." Sunan Ampel Review of Political and Social Sciences 1, no. 1 (November 27, 2021): 94–110.
Full textWeiß, Wolfgang, and Cornelia Furculita. "The EU in Search for Stronger Enforcement Rules: Assessing the Proposed Amendments to Trade Enforcement Regulation 654/2014." Journal of International Economic Law 23, no. 4 (November 21, 2020): 865–84.
Full textKadewandana, Donie. "Indonesian Foreign Policy and the COVID-19 Pandemic." Foreign Policy Review 14, no. 3 (2021): 44–59.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Multilaterality"
Mouhib, Mohamedyassine. "L'intermédiation : contribution à une théorie générale en droit du travail." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textThe development of digital platforms in the mid-2000s was accompanied by an intense legal debate seeking to determine the nature of the activity carried out by these new economic players. They claim to be no more than intermediaries. But what does this mean from the point of view of employment law ? This study seeks to answer this question by proposing a theory that is intended to be general, capable of resituating the activity of digital platforms among the other traditional forms of intermediation that are already familiar to labour law. Faced with the growing development of new intermediation techniques, from portage salarial to CDI intérimaire, from prêt de main-d’oeuvre auprès d’une jeune, petite ou moyenne entreprise to digital platforms, this theory seeks to reveal the underlying coherence of phenomena that may appear at first glance to respond to distinct logics. By proposing an overall representation, the construction of such a theory provides an opportunity to identify a fundamental property of any intermediation scheme : multipolarity. This simply means that these contractual arrangements mobilise a plurality of protagonists. However, the multipolarity of intermediation schemes is addressed in very different ways by employment law. The framework for applying the legal rules that govern these forms of work may be bilateral or multilateral. In the latter case, by emancipating itself from the traditional figure of the employer, labour law takes into account a plurality of mutually independent actors when applying a legal rule to a work situation. Thus, while offering an overall representation of the different forms of intermediation, this study aims to reveal the diversity of ways in which labour law is applied
Sherman, Richard Scott. "Managing political exchange : multilateralism in global trade policy /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1996.
Full textOlsson, Helena. "Svenskt multilateralt bistånd : Uppfyller FN de svenska biståndsmålen?" Thesis, Karlstad University, Faculty of Economic Sciences, Communication and IT, 2007.
Full textÅr 2000 presenterades en ekonometrisk analys av världens bistånd i artikeln ”Who Gives Foreign Aid to Whom and Why?”, av Alebrto Alesina och David Dollar. Undersökningens syfte var att försöka hitta de variabler som ligger till grund för länders beslut om att skänka bistånd. Resultatet visade att det oftare ligger strategiska och politiska motiv bakom biståndsgivningen, snarare än en önskan om reducerad fattigdom och ökad tillväxt. Efter denna undersökning konstaterade man från svenskt håll att någon liknande undersökning rörande det svenska biståndet aldrig genomförts. Detta trots att Sverige är en av världens största biståndgivare i relativa mått mätt. Sverige skänker varje år så mycket som 0,7 % av BNI i bistånd, och detta bara till FN. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att undersöka om FN uppfyller de biståndsmål som Sverige har satt upp.
Genom att försöka hitta variabler som på ett konkret sätt ska mäta de olika biståndsmålen har en ekonometrisk tvärsnittsanalys genomförts. Undersökningen sträcker sig över fem 5-årsperioder, med start 1980. Som beroende variabel har FN:s bistånd per capita använts och som oberoende variabler används BNP per capita, demokrati, rättssäkerhet, jämställdhet, öppenhet, livslängd, barnmortalitet och totalt bistånd. En undersökning av skillnaden i bistånd mellan länder från olika regioner, olika inkomstklasser och med olika skuldsättning har också genomförts.
Resultatet verkar peka på att FN inte uppfyller de svenska biståndsmålen i sin allokering av bistånd till utvecklingsländer. Men det är svårt att dra några säkra slutsatser på grund av att så få av variablernas koefficienter visar signifikanta värden. Fler undersökningar bör göras innan en säker slutsats kan dras.
In year 2000 an econometric analysis of the world’s ODA was presented in the article “Who Gives Foreign Aid to Whom and Why?” by Alberto Alesina and David Dollar. The purpose of the study was to find the variables that lie as ground for countries’ decision to give foreign aid. The result showed that there are more often strategic and political motives behind the donations, rather than a wish of reduced poverty and economic growth. After this study Sweden concluded that a similar study of the Swedish ODA never had been done. This despite the fact that Sweden is one of the world’s most generous donors, relatively spoken. Sweden donates as much as 0.7 % of its GNP each year, and that’s just to the UN. The purpose of this paper is therefore to investigate whether the UN fulfil the Swedish goals of foreign aid.
By trying to find variables that correctly measure the different goals, an econometric cross section analysis has been done. The study is divided into five 5-year periods, starting 1980. As dependent variable the UN’s aid per capita is used and as independent variables GDP per capita, democracy, rule of law, equality, openness, expected lifetime, childrens’ mortality and total aid. A study of the difference in aid between countries from different regions, different income classes and with different levels of debt has also been carried out.
The result implies that the UN does not act in accordance with the Swedish goals of foreign aid, when allocating ODA to developing countries. But it is hard to draw any real conclusions since so few of the coefficients show significant values. More studies should be done before any real conclusion can be made.
MacMillan, Euan Fraser. "Explaining rising regionalism and failing multilateralism in trade negotiations." Thesis, University of Strathclyde, 2009.
Full textBoonrawd, Rutchabhoom. "Bilateralism and multilateralism in the law of state responsibility." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2003.
Full textJacinto, Silvie Lee Lai. "The ITER fusion energy project : a case study of multilateralism." Thesis, University of Macau, 2006.
Full textIverson, Andrew Wesley Pascal. "From Eurafrica to multilateralism : the Europeanization of France's Africa policy." Thesis, University of British Columbia, 2007.
Full textArts, Faculty of
Central Eastern Northern European Studies, Department of
Parks, J. F. "Britain's South African foreign policy 1979-1989 Bilateralism and multilateralism." Thesis, Keele University, 1997.
Full textWu, Pei-Ju. "Change and continuity in German foreign policy in East Central Europe, 1990-2002." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2003.
Full textTian, Han Bo. "The conflict between bilateralism and multilateralism in complicated EU-China relations." Thesis, University of Macau, 2010.
Full textBooks on the topic "Multilaterality"
Prantl, Jochen, ed. Effective Multilateralism. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2013.
Full textSchechter, Michael G., ed. Future Multilateralism. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1999.
Full textWu, Chien-Huei, Francesco Giumelli, and Frank Gaenssmantel. Multilateralism in Peril. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textKissack, Robert. Pursuing Effective Multilateralism. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2010.
Full textThomas, Christopher R., and Juliana T. Magloire. Regionalism Versus Multilateralism. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2000.
Full textSchechter, Michael G. Innovation in Multilateralism. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1999.
Full textWinters, L. Alan. Regionalism versus multilateralism. Washington, D.C: World Bank, International Economics Dept., International Trade Division, 1996.
Find full textG, Schechter Michael, ed. Innovation in multilateralism. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Find full textGill, Stephen, ed. Globalization, Democratization and Multilateralism. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1997.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Multilaterality"
Malone, David M., and Rohinton P. Medhora. "Multilateralism." In The SAGE Handbook of Political Science, 1300–1319. 1 Oliver's Yard, 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2020.
Full textLeffler, Christian. "Championing Multilateralism." In The European Union’s New Foreign Policy, 23–32. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Full textFeng, Yuan. "China’s multilateralism." In China and Multilateralism, 26–37. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2020. | Series: Globalisation, Europe, multilateralism: Routledge, 2020.
Full textChaturvedi, Devyani. "Multilateralism 2.0." In Multilateralism in the Indo-Pacific, 32–43. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textKaur, Silky. "Maritime Multilateralism." In Multilateralism in the Indo-Pacific, 173–87. London: Routledge, 2022.
Full textHiggott, Richard. "Relearning multilateralism." In States, Civilisations and the Reset of World Order, 95–108. London: Routledge, 2021.
Full textRao, P. V. "Naval multilateralism." In India's Naval Diplomacy, 40–59. London: Routledge India, 2022.
Full textLaya, Arancha González. "Reclaiming Multilateralism." In China and Globalization, 3–11. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2024.
Full textMichalopoulos, Constantine. "Reviving Multilateralism." In Aid, Trade and Development, 393–418. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textWei, Ling. "Inclusive multilateralism." In The EU and China, 106–26. London: Routledge, 2024.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Multilaterality"
Mutmainah, D., N. Nurmalitasari, and M. Farayunand. "Multilateralism in US Coercive Diplomacy to North Korea." In Proceedings of the First Brawijaya International Conference on Social and Political Sciences, BSPACE, 26-28 November, 2019, Malang, East Java, Indonesia. EAI, 2020.
Full textSchwarte, Philipp, Mohamed Bourimi, Marcel Heupel, Dogan Kesdogan, Rafael Gimenez, Sophie Wrobel, and Simon Thiel. "Multilaterally Secure Communication Anonymity in Decentralized Social Networking." In 2013 Tenth International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations (ITNG). IEEE, 2013.
Full textLin, Clay, and Zhijun William Zhang. "A Two-Tier Blockchain Architecture for the Digital Transformation of Multilateralism." In 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring). IEEE, 2020.
Full textManasov, Zamirbek. "Multilateralism versus Regionalism in Eurasia: Theoretical Reasons of Choosing Sides for Kyrgyzstan." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2011.
Full textBudaichieva, Aidai, Kiyalbek Akmoldoev, and Jarkyn Junushbaeva. "Developing Country Concerns on Multinational Trade: Problems of Kyrgyzstan’s Trade Development." In International Conference on Eurasian Economies. Eurasian Economists Association, 2011.
Full textKurniasari, Emilia. "China’s Model of Multilateralism: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Xi Jinping’s Speech on Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank." In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Social and Political Enquiries, ICISPE 2021, 14-15 September 2021, Semarang, Indonesia. EAI, 2022.
Full textNarkhova, Elena Nikolaevna, Dmitry Yur'evich Narkhov, and Ekaterina Gennad'evna Kalyuzhnaya. "THE HIGHER EDUCATION IN MODERN RUSSIA AS INSTITUTE OF CULTURAL TRANSFER AND TRANSFORMATION." In Fourth International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2018.
Full textTudor, Andreea-Loredana. "THE CHALLENGES OF GLOBAL SECURITY GOVERNANCE." In 10th SWS International Scientific Conferences on ART and HUMANITIES - ISCAH 2023. SGEM WORLD SCIENCE, 2023.
Full textIacob, Corneliu-George, and Dumitru Miron. "Analysis of interest groups that may matter at the level of the reform process of the most relevant international organizations." In Economic Security in the Context of Systemic Transformations, 3rd Edition. Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2024.
Full textEl Massoudi, Nezha. "Global Citizenship Education (GCED) in The Digital Era: The Unexpected Tool for Peacebuilding. How 21st Century Fluencies Can Shape Sustainable Global Peace?" In 8th Peace and Conflict Resolution Conference [PCRC2021]. Tomorrow People Organization, 2021.
Full textReports on the topic "Multilaterality"
von Hammerstein, Elisabeth, Anna Merk, Nora Müller, Sophie Eisentraut, Christoph Erber, and Benedikt Franke, eds. Munich Young Leaders Anniversary Report: Multilateralism is Dead. Long Live Multilateralism! Körber-Stiftung; Munich Security Conference, August 2019.
Full textEverett, Michael W. Multilateralism in Southeast Asia. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 1995.
Full textJordan, Matthew J. Multilateralism in North East Asia. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, February 2003.
Full textTakamiya, Kenji. Multilateralism, Regionalism, and Unilateralism Retrospectives: Case for Hybrid Multilateralism for Trade Liberalization in Developing Countries. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, April 2024.
Full textOverholt, William. Revive multilateralism or fail global development. East Asia Forum, February 2014.
Full textMcCawley, Peter. Will Malpass be a malady for multilateralism? East Asia Forum, February 2019.
Full textWinters, L. Alan. Regionalism and Multilateralism in the Twenty-First Century. Inter-American Development Bank, November 2000.
Full textYuan, Jing-dong. Asia-Pacific Security: China's Conditional Multilateralism and Great Power Entente,. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2000.
Full textSteuber, George W. Multilateralism, a More Effective Operatioanl Approach to Asia-Pacific Security. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, May 2000.
Full textKrishna, Pravin. Preferential Trade Agreements and the World Trade System: A Multilateralist View. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2012.
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