Academic literature on the topic 'Mouvements corrélés'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mouvements corrélés"
Givre, Philippe. "Hypersomnie adolescente et pulsion de mort." Corps & Psychisme N° 83, no. 2 (September 11, 2024): 107–18.
Full textFayolle, Jacky, and Paul-Emmanuel Micolet. "Réalité et déboires de l'espace conjoncturel européen : une régulation sans croissance ?" Revue de l'OFCE 62, no. 3 (September 1, 1997): 5–28.
Full textDiaw, E. H. B., P. Ackerer, P. Boivin, F. Laval, and J. L. Maeght. "Étude expérimentale des transferts d'eau provoqués par l'irrigation sur une parcelle en moyenne vallée du fleuve Sénégal." Revue des sciences de l'eau 15, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 721–36.
Full textMathis, P., and A. Feline. "Les stéréotypies." Psychiatry and Psychobiology 4, no. 6 (1989): 357–67.
Full textBedon, Marine. "Du rôle de l’ Éthique dans l’engagement environnementaliste : Spinoza et l’Écosophie T d’Arne Næss." Dix-septième siècle 301, no. 4 (January 25, 2024): 727–39.
Full textRevest, Clémence. "La naissance de l’humanisme comme mouvement au tournant du XVesiècle." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 68, no. 3 (September 2013): 665–96.
Full textBoussemart, Jean-Phillipp, Walter Briec, Roger Perman, and Christophe Tavera. "Influence de la distance technologique sur le co efficient de la Loi d'Okun." La Revue Internationale des Économistes de Langue Française 5, no. 1 (June 30, 2020): 78–99.
Full textDagorn, Johanna. "Les trois vagues féministes – une construction sociale ancrée dans une histoire." Diversité 165, no. 1 (2011): 15–20.
Full textGaillard, Georges. "Intervenir en institution et œuvrer à l’émergence d’une instance… d’appartenance groupale." Connexions 120, no. 2 (May 22, 2024): 13–24.
Full textMontaz, Léo. "« Faire le pont entre la rue et le pouvoir » ou le difficile équilibre de l’engagement des artistes de zouglou en Côte d’Ivoire." Politique africaine 174, no. 2 (January 23, 2025): 131–55.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mouvements corrélés"
Milinski, Ana. "Structural dynamics of the nuclear receptor PPARgamma." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Strasbourg, 2024.
Full textPPARgamma is a regulator of lipid metabolism and is implicated in many different physiological and pathological processes. It acts as an allosteric hub receiving chemical signals that are then translated into biological responses. This action depends on changes in its conformation and its structural dynamics, the latter being difficult to quantify. An atomic level understanding of the molecular mechanisms PPARgamma activity can be understood by studying the underlying structural dynamics, particularly those of collective motions. We developed an integrated approach to study low frequency collective structural dynamics of proteins. It is a combined far infrared spectroscopy – molecular dynamics simulation approach called “Ensemble Averaged Normal Modes”. This allowed us to characterize protein fluctuations, computed IR spectra, and correlated motions. Developed protocol was applied to PPARgamma ligand-binding domain, in apo and holo forms (bound to agonist ligand GW1929) and two cancer-associated mutants (T4757M and F310S). Collective motions of PPARgamma were further studied through simulations incorporating polarization effects
Perret, Anthony. "Statistique d’extrêmes de variables aléatoires fortement corrélées." Thesis, Paris 11, 2015.
Full textExtreme value statistics plays a keyrole in various scientific contexts. Although the description of the statistics of a global extremum is certainly an important feature, it focuses on the fluctuations of a single variable among many others. A natural question that arises is then the following: is this extreme value lonely at the top or, on the contrary, are there many other variables close to it ? A natural and useful quantity to characterize the crowding is the density of states near extremes. For this quantity, there exist very few exact results for strongly correlated variables, which is however the case encountered in many situations. Two physical models of strongly correlated variables have attracted much attention because they can be studied analytically : the positions of a random walker and the eigenvalues of a random matrix. This thesis is devoted to the study of the statistics near the maximum of these two ensembles of strongly correlated variables. In the first part, I study the case where the collection of random variables is the position of a Brownian motion, which may be constrained to be periodic or positive. This Brownian motion is seen as the limit of a classical random walker after a large number of steps. It is then possible to interpret this problem as a quantum particle in a potential which allows us to use powerful methods from quantum mechanics as propagators and path integral. These tools are used to calculate the average density from the maximum for different constrained Brownian motions and the complete distribution of this observable in certain cases. It is also possible to generalize this approach to the study of several random walks, independent or with interaction, as well as to the study of other functional of the maximum. In the second part, I study the case of the eigenvalues of random matrices, belonging to both Gaussian and Wishart ensembles. The study near the maximal eigenvalues for both models is performed using a method based on semi-classical orthogonal polynomials. In the case of Gaussian unitary matrices, I have obtained an analytical formula for the density near the maximum as well as a new expression for the distribution of the gap between the two largest eigenvalues. These results, and in particular their generalizations to different Gaussian ensembles, are then applied to the relaxational dynamics of a mean-field spin glass model. Finally, for the case of Wishart matrices I proposed a new derivation of the distribution of the smallest eigenvalue using orthogonal polynomials. In addition, I proved a conjecture on the first finite size correction of this distribution in the «hard edge» limit
Lagarde, Christian. "Algorithmes rapides pour l'estimation angulaire de sources corrélées en mouvement par MUSIC avec diversité d'espace." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1997.
Full textTisseyre, Joseph. "Corrélats comportementaux, neurophysiologiques et neuropsychologiques des mouvements miroirs chez le sujet sain et le patient cérébro-lésé." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2019.
Full textSymmetrical bimanual movements represent the default coordinated behavior of the central nervous system. Thus, execution of strictly unimanual motor tasks requires a cerebral network that can limit symmetrical bimanual movements. Transient alteration or dysfunction of these neural circuits can lead to mirror movements (MM), which are defined as involuntary movements or contractions occurring in homologous muscles contralateral to voluntary movements. Particularly discreet in healthy adults or exacerbated in different pathological conditions, MM seem to be asymmetric between the right and left upper limbs. Nevertheless, the conditions under which this asymmetry occurs and the associated brain correlates remain poorly understood. Thus, the main objectives of this thesis were to (1) investigate the conditions under which behavioural asymmetry of MM appears in right-handed healthy adults and brain-injured patients, (2) investigate the motor, attentional and executive correlates of behavioural asymmetry of MM in right-handed healthy adults and (3) explore the link between attentional and executive functions and MM in healthy adults and brain-injured patients. For this purpose, we adopted a multimodal approach that includes behavioural, neurophysiological and neuropsychological investigations. Our results reveal that the behavioural asymmetry of MM depends on the type of task performed (strength level and rhythmic aspect of the unimanual task) and highlight a cerebral asymmetry with greater ipsilateral motor activations during left unimanual movement than right unimanual movement in right-handed healthy adult. An increase in attentional and executive activations was also observed in healthy adults during a task involving asymmetric MM, and a neuropsychological evaluation revealed a link between the degree of executive control and MM in healthy adults and brain-injured patients. The overall results of this thesis suggest that the asymmetry of MM could reflect differences in cerebral functioning in the control of each limb. Finally, our results support the idea of increased involvement of cognitive processes in the regulation of voluntary and involuntary motor control
Calvin, Sarah (1969. "Transformations perceptivo-motrices chez l'homme : étude des corrélats moteurs des sensations kinesthésiques à point de départ proprioceptif." Aix-Marseille 1, 1999.
Full textBorel, Liliane. "Couplage fonctionnel des systèmes réflexes de stabilisation du regard et mouvements d'orientation chez le chat : étude comportementale et corrélats neuronaux." Aix-Marseille 1, 1990.
Full textSeriès, Peggy. "Étude théorique des modulations centre/pourtour des propriétés des champs récepteurs du cortex visuel primaire : circuits, dynamiques et corrélats perceptifs." Paris 6, 2002.
Full textThe response of primary visual cortex (V1) neurons to a stimulus presented within the receptive field can be modulated by the stimulation of the surround of the receptive field. The origin and functional role of these " center/surround " modulations is yet poorly understood. Using computational methods in interaction with electrophysiological and psychophysical approaches, we try to answer 2 questions : What are the circuits responsible for the diversity of these phenomena ? We provide theoretical tools to evaluate current models, reconcile them in a common formalism and understand how the spatial characteristics of center/surround modulations can result from the known properties of V1 ; What are the consequences of the dynamics of these effects on cortical responses and visual perception ? Our results suggest that V1 responses and the perception of visual objects should depend not only on the spatial context, but also on the temporal context in which these objects are embedded. We discuss the functional implications of this mechanism for the analysis of static and moving objects
Senjean, Bruno. "Development of new embedding techniques for strongly correlated electrons : from in-principle-exact formulations to practical approximations." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2018.
Full textThe thesis deals with the development and implementation of new methods for the description of strong electron correlation effects in molecules and solids. After introducing the state of the art in quantum chemistry and in condensed matter physics, a new hybrid method so-called ``site-occupation embedding theory'' (SOET) is presented and is based on the merging of wavefunction theory and density functional theory (DFT). Different formulations of this theory are described and applied to the one-dimensional Hubbard model. In addition, a novel ensemble density functional theory approach has been derived to extract the fundamental gap exactly. In the latter approach, the infamous derivative discontinuity is reformulated as a derivative of a weight-dependent exchange-correlation functional. Finally, a quantum chemical extension of SOET is proposed and based on a seniority-zero wavefunction, completed by a functional of the density matrix and expressed in the natural orbital basis
Book chapters on the topic "Mouvements corrélés"
Yor, Marc. "Etude asymptotique des nombres de tours de plusieurs mouvements browniens complexes corrélés." In Random Walks, Brownian Motion, and Interacting Particle Systems, 441–55. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser Boston, 1991.
Full textÉmery, M., and M. Yor. "Sur un théorème de tsirelson relatif à des mouvements browniens corrélés et à la nullité de certains temps locaux." In Séminaire de Probabilités XXXII, 306–12. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1998.
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