Academic literature on the topic 'Mouvement liturgique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Mouvement liturgique"
Bürki, Bruno. "Jean-Jacques Von Allmen Dans Le Mouvement Liturgique." Studia Liturgica 17, no. 1-4 (December 1987): 52–61.
Full textHAQUIN, André. "Le centenaire du Mouvement liturgique de Louvain (congrès liturgique de Ciney, 2-3 octobre 2009)." Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy 91, no. 1 (June 30, 2010): 5–9.
Full textMICHIELS, Guibert. "L'Abbaye centenaire du Mont César (Keizersberg) et le mouvement liturgique." Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy 80, no. 3 (December 1, 1999): 157–95.
Full textPrétot, Patrick. "La RSPT et le mouvement liturgique avant la seconde guerre mondiale (1907-1943)." Revue des sciences philosophiques et théologiques TOME 92, no. 3 (2008): 661.
Full textMetzger, Marcel. "Benoît-Marie Solaberrieta, Aimé-Georges Martimort. Un promoteur du Mouvement liturgique (1943-1962)." Revue des sciences religieuses, no. 90/3 (July 1, 2016): 427–28.
Full textSalatko, Gaspard. "Benoît-Marie Solaberrieta, Aimé-Georges Martimort. Un promoteur du Mouvement liturgique (1943-1962)." Archives de sciences sociales des religions, no. 168 (December 31, 2014): 293.
Full textHAQUIN, André. "Dom L. Beauduin et le congrès des oeuvres catholiques de Malines à l'occasion du centenaire du Mouvement liturgique belge (1909-2009)." Questions Liturgiques/Studies in Liturgy 91, no. 1 (June 30, 2010): 18–36.
Full textSannikov, Sergiy. "Discussions About Water Baptism in West and East." European Journal of Theology 28, no. 2 (December 1, 2020): 136–43.
Full textDommange, Thomas. "Présence et représentation dans la philosophie du théâtre d’Henri Gouhier." L’Annuaire théâtral, no. 40 (May 7, 2010): 158–68.
Full textThériault, Raphaël. "La christianisation d’une méthode : la formation religieuse des scouts du Petit Séminaire de Québec, 1933-1970." Articles 67 (December 14, 2011): 239–50.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Mouvement liturgique"
Wernert, François. "Vie liturgique et mouvement liturgique en Alsace : de 1900 à nos jours /." Strasbourg : Équipe de recherche sur le catholicisme en Alsace et en Lorraine, 1993.
Full textWernert, François. "Vie liturgique et mouvement liturgique en Alsace de 1900 à nos jours." Strasbourg 2, 1991.
Full textBalthazard, Rémy. "Histoire du mouvement liturgique dans l'espace germanophone 1918-1962." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2021.
Full textThe Liturgical Movement within German-speaking countries has never been the subject of an over-whole presentation. This thesis considers the historic development of this movement giving particular attention to the fundamental concept of active participation. Since its early gestation in the XIXth century at Solesmes Abbey with Dom Prosper Guéranger, to its birth in 1909 in Belgium with Dom Lambert Beauduin, the Liturgical Movement was brought into German-speaking countries throug Beuron Monastery. It started taking shape with the publication in 1918 of Romano Guardini’s book titled Vom Geist der Liturgie. During the 1920’s, efforts to disseminate the liturgy reached a popular dimension, particularly thanks to Pius Parsch ok Klosterneuburg Abbey. This liturgical phenomenon, after being the subject of contradictions and suspicions during the Interwar period, itw as progressively taken over by the German speaking Episcopate. With the firm support of the Holy-See and encouragements found in the 1947 pontifical Mediator Dei, the Liturgical Movement within the German-speaking countries became, during the decade preceding the Vatican II Council, the unequivocal pillar of liturgical reforms and international liturgical gatherings, the pre-Conciliar liturgical Congress of Assisi in 1956 being its culminating point
Tetegan, René. "La vie liturgique au Togo, de la fin du XIXe siècle à la mise en œuvre du concile Vatican II." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2016.
Full textTo grasp what was and remains a question in the liturgical life in Togo, we firmly rely on the fundamental concept of participation. The liturgical renewal was initiated in Togo since the late nineteenth century, marked by a creative explosion aiming to reconcile the nave and the choir, as well as looking for flexibility in worship, under the direction of the successive missionaries, helped by local pastors. Translations into local languages, building churches in harmony with faith are constitutive of this movement. In the wake of the Council, this effort has continued with the gradual implementation of the magisterial guidelines. Therefore, the actors of the liturgy are more mobilized in an uninhibited way for a wider adaptation of rites to local situations and mentalities with a return to the reality, that is to say, the fundamental anthropological reflecting « authenticity ». If one does not see inculturation as a support to an effective participation, the ideal may be biased. Adaptation, inculturation, participation, such is the triptych necessary to loosen the grip that permanently restricted the expression of cultural identity. It’s implementation requires a deep investment
Damon, Anne. "La Liturgie en mouvements : 'aqʷaqʷam, réalisation chantée, gestuelle et instrumentale du texte liturgique dans l'Église chrétienne orthodoxe unifiée d'Éthiopie." Saint-Etienne, 2007.
Full textThe musical heritage of the Ethiopian Orthodox Christian church or zemā covers several realities. The liturgical text can be read (nəbab), sung a cappella (qum zemā) or with a gestural and instrumental accompaniment ('aqʷaqʷam). The present work mainly concerns the study of the 'aqʷaqʷam, confronting the written and oral discourse of the cantors with a musical analysis. The operation of the zemā is mainly seen through the native musical notation and the modal scales. The specificity of the 'aq aq am is then defined and its systematics explored through thirteen pieces taken from the liturgical opus. Finally it is show how the many references used in the situation of performance are organized in a network and what is the basis for the musical identity of the corpus. Sound and visual recording made in Addis-Abeba between 2002 and 2006 and in the north of the country are attached as well as liturgical calendar giving the main celebrations which call on the 'aqʷaqʷam and the list of its specific written signs
Berger, Teresa. "Liturgie, Spiegel der Kirche : eine systematisch-theologische Analyse des liturgischen Gedankenguts im Traktarianismus /." Göttingen : Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht, 1986.
Full textJacquet, Rojas Francisco. "Une théologie trinitaire in statu nascendi : l'avènement d'une poétique théâtrale du corps et du geste selon l'Évangile de Jean." Thesis, Paris 3, 2013.
Full textOur study utilizes an interdisciplinary approach emerging from both the living art of theater - with its implicit notion of theatricality - and Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s phenomenology of the body. This double approach allows for a phenomenological reading of the theatrical gesture found throughout the Johannine narrative. We can then proceed from there in our foundation of a poetical theology of the gesture. We begin by recognizing the Johannine narrative’s primary authority: there we discern the emergence of the logos of the relationship between the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in connection with the disciples. This particular discernment takes place against the broader horizon of a poetics of the gesture. We then resituate the ‘poetic’ in its etymological sense as ‘the act of doing or making (poiein)’. This originating context highlights the ‘poetical’ as an expressive action of the body that is in process toward completion. This reading of the poetic as an action in the process of making [or doing] then allows us to recognize a logos underlying the bodily gesture that reveals itself and makes itself known in its nascent state. Such a poetics concerns the very theatricality of the body itself. Indeed, we do not limit ourselves to exploring the phenomenon of bodily theatricality underlying the Johannine narrative (i.e., an analysis of theatricality). Rather, we seek to uncover a poetical thought of the body manifesting itself in its nascent state – in statu nascendi – by means of Johannine theatricality
Books on the topic "Mouvement liturgique"
Bardet, André. Un combat pour l'église: Un siècle du mouvement liturgique en Pays de Vaud. Lausanne: Bibliothèque historique vaudoise, 1988.
Find full textUn combat pour l'église: Un siècle de mouvement liturgique en Pays de Vaud. Lausanne: [Bibliothèque historique vaudoise], 1988.
Find full textCarlo, Braga, Pistoia Alessandro, and Bobrinskoy Boris, eds. Les mouvements liturgiques: Corrélations entre pratiques et recherches : conférences Saint-Serge, Le Semaine d'études liturgiques : Paris, 23-26 Juin 2003. Roma: Edizioni liturgiche, 2004.
Find full textSavoy, Damien. Les Lumières catholiques à Fribourg. Trajectoires et actions réformatrices des prêtres éclairés Charles-Aloyse Fontaine et Grégoire Girard. Éditions Alphil-Presses universitaires suisses, 2022.
Full textBruno, Bürki, Klöckener Martin, and Join-Lambert Arnaud, eds. Liturgie in Bewegung - Liturgie en mouvement: Beiträge zum Kolloquium Gottesdienstliche Erneuerung in den Schweizer Kirchen im 20. Jahrundert, 1.-3. März 1999 an der Universität Freiburg/Schweiz. Freiburg (Schweiz): Universitätsverlag, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Mouvement liturgique"
Petit, Vincent. "7. L’émergence du « nouveau mouvement liturgique »." In Catholicisme et identité, 119–35. Karthala, 2017.
Full text"Les Origines du culte chrétien et le Mouvement liturgique." In Sur le culte divin et la musique, 655–83. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2020.
Full text"Viollet-le-Duc et le mouvement liturgique au xixe siècle." In Sur le culte divin et la musique, 635–53. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2020.
Full text"Liturgie, Église, Société. À la naissance du mouvement liturgique : les Considérations sur la liturgie catholique de l’abbé Prosper Guéranger (Mémorial catholique, 1830)." In Sur le culte divin et la musique, 605–29. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers, 2020.
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