Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Mouvement de masse'
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Carre-Prezeau, Jocelyne. "Amsterdam-Pleyel, 1932-1939 : histoire d'un mouvement de masse." Paris 8, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993PA080819.
Full textAmsterdam-pleyel (193-1939) was an international mass movement which took on an original aspect in france. In 1932, the rising number of conflicts led the third international and the communist party ot trengthen their efforts against war. The communist party called on h. Barbusse, a specialist in mass organizing, who at the time emphasized its importance. He in turn chose r. Rolland, known for his pacifist positions, as his associate. However, the amsterdam congress, where the issue of revolutionnary strategy was dominant, softened its positions. In france, the movement was based on the creation of local committees which attracted various organizations and new social groups and it took a new specific form. In 1933, thecoming to power of hitler changed the priorities : the amsterdam committee, attending the pleyel congress gave birth to the amsterdam-pleyel movement. At first, the movement was not very active against external fascism which seemed to be a quite remote danger. But in 1934, the movement established itself on a lasting basis in the nation's life and followed the french political life and the international crises which eventually led to the war. That was a new period for the amsterdam-pleyel movement which had to undergo some transformations. At first acting as an intermediate of the political party, it began to play a complementary role which emphasized political unity. Changing its name to peace and liberty, it followed the line of popular frotn for which it acted as an intermediate, with civil society. Its local
Phan, Bao Ngoc. "Étoiles de très faible masse dans le voisinage solaire." Paris 6, 2002. http://www.theses.fr/2002PA066459.
Full textMoyne, Christian. "Transferts couples chaleur-masse lors du séchage : prise en compte du mouvement de la phase gazeuse." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987NAN10348.
Full textMoyne, Christian. "Transferts couples chaleur-masse lors du séchage prise en compte du mouvement de la phase gazeuse /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37608257t.
Full textBenchi, Adnan. "Contribution à l'étude du mouvement de deux petites masses en présence d'une masse fixe placée à l'origine : le cas rectiligne d'énergie nulle." Observatoire de Paris, 1986. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01958576.
Full textBenchi, Adnan. "Contribution à l'étude du mouvement de deux petites masses en présence d'une masse fixe placée à l'origine le cas rectiligne d'énergie nulle." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb375958908.
Full textTamtomo, Kiono Berkah Fajar. "Study of wall velocity gradient and mass transfer on rotating cylinder and finned-cylinder in crossflow." Valenciennes, 2002. https://ged.uphf.fr/nuxeo/site/esupversions/2de35dda-200e-4237-8d4b-574007c70bf2.
Full textThis works deals with the measurement of the wall shear stress and mass transfer around a rotating cylinder alone and a rotating finned cylinder in cross flow by using the polarographic method for different Reynolds numbers and different α (peripheral speed/streamwise velocity). An inverse mass transfer method permits to correct the electronical signal. The corrected wall hear stress around the rotating cylinder show the presence of complex structures, especially in the upstream moving wall region. The mass transfer measured on the rotating cylinder leads to a correlation that takes into account the combined effects of rotation and cross flow. The second part of this work concerns the local measurement of the wall shear stress on the fin fixed to the cylinder. The high values of the wall shear stress measured on the fin are attributed to "horseshoe" vortices. It is shown that for low values of α, the distribution of the unsteady wall shear stress on the fin is similar to that observed in the steady case. Whan the rotation speed increases, the distribution of the wall shear stress tends towards that obtained in fluid at rest. A correlation between the rotation Reynolds number and mean Nusselt number on the fin is proposed by using a Reynolds analogy
Quashie-Vauclin, Guillaume. "L'Union de la jeunesse républicaine de France, 1945-1956 : entre organisation de masse de jeunesse et mouvement d'avant-garde communiste /." Paris : l'Harmattan, 2009. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb414962632.
Full textAzemar, Rémi. "Νοvembre-décembre 1995 : Ηistοire sοciale et pοlitique d'un mοuvement pluriel." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMR120.
Full textIn the autumn of 1995, against a backdrop of crisis, a multi-faceted mass movement emerged. Considered by many of today's activists as the last victorious cross-industry movement, the strikes of 1995 are one of three strong references in the union and political imagination, alongside the two May movements of 1936 and 1968. All too often, however, the only thing that is remembered is the three-week rolling strike by railway workers against the “contrat de plan”, the real restructuring of the SNCF. However, this struggle was part of a more “global” movement against the “Juppé plan” for pensions and social security. From the student movement, to the women's movement, to energy unionists, to committed civil servants, over five million very different people were involved in the protest. This thesis debates this notion of plurality, structuring itself around four lines of thought:1) The conditions of emergence of the movement2) Making the movement: the protesters' structuring, repertoire of action and list of demands3) Reacting to the movement: the role of the State, the actions of the police, employers, the media, the CFDT and intellectuals.4) The resolution of the conflict: a limited victory for the strikers, and a movement with many after-effects
Zerega, Yves. "Méthode de détection sélective en masse par mesure des fréquences du mouvement d'ions créés extèrieurement puis confinés dans un piège quadripolaire R. F." Aix-Marseille 1, 1992. http://www.theses.fr/1992AIX11029.
Full textDelcourt, Jean. "Observations radioélectriques des petits corps météoriques, étude du mouvement héliocentrique d'un corps de faible masse soumis aux perturbations jovienne et de Poynting-Robertson." Observatoire de Paris (1667-....), 1992. https://hal.science/tel-02095465.
Full textRachih, Azeddine. "Étude numérique du transfert de matière à travers l'interface d'une goutte sphérique en mouvement : mise en évidence des effets 3D." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019INPT0033.
Full textThe space propulsion has been a political issue in the midst of the Cold War and remainsnowadays a strategic and industrial issue. The chemical propulsion on rocket engines is limited byits ejection velocity and its lifetime. Electric propulsion and more particularly Hall effect thrustersappear then as the most powerful and used technology for space satellite operation. The physicsinside a thruster is complex because of the electromagnetic fields and important collisionprocesses. Therefore, all specificities of the engine operation are not perfectly understood. Afterhundreds of hours of tests, thruster walls are curiously eroded and electromagnetic instabilities aredevelopping within the ionization chamber. The measured electron mobility is in contradiction withthe analytical models and raises issues on the plasma behavior inside the discharg chamber. As aresult, the AVIP code was developed to provide a massively parallel and unstructured 3D code toSafran Aircraft Engines modeling unsteady plasma inside the thruster. Lagrangian and Eulerianmethods are used and integrated in the solver and my work has focused on the development of afluid model which is faster and therefore better suited to industrial conception. The model is basedon a set of equations for neutrals, ions and electrons without drift-diffusion hypothesis, combinedwith a Poisson equation to describe the electric potential. A rigorous expression of collision termsand a precise description of the boundary conditions for sheaths have been established. Thismodel has been implemented numerically in an unstructured formalism and optimized to obtaingood performances on new computing architectures. The model and the numerical implementationallow us to perform a real Hall effect thruster simulation. Overall operating properties such as theacceleration of the ions or the location of the ionization zone are captured. Finally, a secondapplication has successfully reproduced azimuthal instabilities in the Hall thruster with the fluidmodel and justified the role of these instabilities in the anomalous electron transport and in theerosion of the walls
Vardelle, Armelle. "Etude numérique des transferts de chaleur, de quantité de mouvement et de masse entre un plasma d'arc à la pression atmosphérique et des particules solides." Limoges, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987LIMO0046.
Full textVardelle, Michel. "Etude experimentale des transferts de chaleurs, de quantite, de mouvement et de masse entre un plasma d'arc a la pression atmospherique et des particules solides." Limoges, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987LIMO0047.
Full textVardelle, Michel. "Etude expérimentale des transferts de chaleur, de quantité de mouvement et de masse entre un plasma d'arc à la pression atmosphérique et des particules solides." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb376105061.
Full textVardelle, Armelle. "Etude numérique des transferts de chaleur, de quantité de mouvement et de masse entre un plasma d'arc à la pression atmosphérique et des particules solides." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37610508q.
Full textLucchesi, Caroline. "Etude du mouvement d'un fluide de masse volumique entre deux compartiments reliés par une ouverture de type porte : application à la propagation de la fumée d'incendie." Aix-Marseille 2, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009AIX22053.
Full textFernbach, Pierre. "Modèles réduits fiables et efficaces pour la planification et l'optimisation de mouvement des robots à pattes en environnements contraints." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018TOU30232.
Full textThe automatic synthesis of movements for legged robots is one of the long standing challenge of robotics, and its resolution is a prior to the safe deployment of robots outside of their labs. In this thesis, we tackle it with a divide and conquer approach, where several smaller sub-problems are identified and solved sequentially to generate motions in a computationally efficient manner. This decoupling comes with a feasibility issue : how can we guarantee that the solution of a sub-problem is a valid input for the next sub-problem ? To address this issue, this thesis defines computationally efficient feasibility criteria, focused on the constraints on the Center Of Mass of the robot. Simultaneously, it proposes a new formulation of the problem of computing a feasible trajectory for the Center Of Mass of the robot, given a contact sequence. This formulation is continuous, as opposed to traditional approaches that rely on a discretized formulation, which can result in constraint violations and are less computationally efficient. This general formulation could be straightforwardly used with any existing approach of the state of the art. The framework obtained was experimentally validated both in simulation and on the HRP-2 robot, and presented a higher success rate, as well as computing performances order of magnitudes faster than the state of the art
Dejean, de La Batie Rémi. "Etude des mouvements moléculaires dans les polymères en masse par résonance magnétique nucléaire du 13c et simulation de Monte-Carlo." Paris 6, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA066284.
Full textLacouture, Loïc. "Modélisation et simulation du mouvement de structures fines dans un fluide visqueux : application au transport mucociliaire." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2016. http://www.theses.fr/2016SACLS139/document.
Full textNumerous mucous membranes inside the human body are covered with cilia which, by their coordinated movements, lead to a circulation of the layer of fluid coating the mucous membrane, which allows, for example, in the case of the internal wall of the bronchi, the evacuation of the impurities inspired outside the respiratory system.In this thesis, we integrate the effects of the cilia on the fluid, at the scale of the cilium. For this, we consider the incompressible Stokes equations. Due to the very small thickness of the cilia, the direct computation would request a time-varying mesh grading around the cilia. To avoid too prohibitive computational costs, we consider the asymptotic of a zero diameter cilium with an infinite velocity: the cilium is modelled by a lineic Dirac of force in source term. In order to ease the computations, the lineic Dirac of forces can be approached by a sum of punctual Dirac masses distributed along the cilium. Thus, by linearity, we have switched our initial problem with the Stokes problem with a punctual force in source term. Thus, we simplify the computations, but the final problem is more singular than the initial problem. The loss of regularity involves a deeper numerical analysis and the development of a new method to solve the problem.We have first studied a scalar version of this problem: Poisson problem with a Dirac right-hand side. The exact solution is singular, therefore the finite element solution has to be defined with caution. In this case, the convergence is not as good as in the regular case, and thus we focused on local error estimates. We have proved a quasi-optimal convergence in H1-norm (s ď 1) on a sub-domain which does not contain the singularity. Similar results have been shown for the Stokes problem too.In order to recover an optimal convergence on the whole domain, we have developped a numerical method to solve elliptic problems with a Dirac mass or a punctual force in source term. It is based on the standard finite element method and the explicit knowl- edge of the singularity of the exact solution. Given the positions of the cilia and their parametrisations, this method permits to compute in 3d a very high number of cilia. We have applied this to the study of the mucociliary transport in the lung. This numerical tool gives us information we do not have with the experimentations and pathologies can be computed and studied by this way, like for example a small number of cilia
Lesage, François. "Modélisation et expérimentation des transferts de matière et de quantité de mouvement dans les réacteurs à lit fixe." Phd thesis, Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine - INPL, 2000. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00790847.
Full textBeaudoin, Antoine. "Theâtre et architecture sous le Troisième Reich : les scènes de plein air au service de la propagande de masse." Thesis, Paris 10, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018PA100133/document.
Full textThe open-air theatre construction movement under the Third Reich or Thingbewegung is a relatively unknown aspect of National Socialist cultural policy. This propaganda theatre was to gather several thousand spectators in outlying places, spaces specially built by the regime to celebrate the community of the people free of any social differentiation or, to use Nazi terminology, the Volksgemeinschaft. The central aspect remains the regime’s desire to bring together, on a considerable scale, a new form of architecture and mass theatrical performance. The objective, clearly expressed from the beginning of the movement in 1933, was to develop 400 stages throughout the country. By 1934, twenty were actually under construction and, at the beginning of the Second World War in 1939, there were about thirty of them. This research project is based on the hypothesis that a better understanding of the phenomenon becomes possible when it is replaced within the dual historical tradition of theatre and architecture. This approach, both synchronic and diachronic, based on a multidisciplinary approach, aims to uncover the specific forms of creation of these scenic places while emphasizing the association with the totalitarian ideological policy of National Socialism
Floc'H, France. "Prédiction de trajectoires d'objets immergés par couplage entre modèles d'écoulement et équations d'Euler-Newton." Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00624098.
Full textRoch, François. "Modélisation de la solidification d'un lingot de forge." Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, INPL, 1992. http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/INPL_T_1992_ROCH_F.pdf.
Full textChampmartin, Stéphane. "Matrice de résistance et description du mouvement d'une particule en interaction hydrodynamique et conséquences du confinement asymétrique sur les phénomènes de transfert." Phd thesis, Université d'Angers, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00102893.
Full textJING, DONG-PING. "Etude de la dynamique locale dans les polymeres en masse par l'analyse de la fluorescence de sondes excimeres." Paris 6, 1988. http://www.theses.fr/1988PA066315.
Full textVernier, Arnaud. "Développement instrumental en spectrométrie de masse pour le diagnostic in vitro en microbiologie clinique." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2014. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00986856.
Full textLaadhari, Aymen. "Modélisation numérique de la dynamique des globules rouges par la méthode des fonctions de niveau." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2011. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00598251.
Full textPham, Van Cang Christian. "Etude de la dynamique locale dans les polymeres en masse par l'analyse de la fluorescence de sondes excimeres." Paris 6, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987PA066195.
Full textThouzé, Arsène. "Méthode numérique d'estimation du mouvement des masses molles." Thèse, Poitiers, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/1866/10763.
Full textBiomechanical analysis of human movement using optoelectronic system and skin markers considers body segments as rigid bodies. However the soft tissue motion relative to the bone, including muscles, fat mass, results in relative displacement of markers. This displacement is the results of two components, an own component which corresponds to a random motion of each marker and an in-unison component corresponding to the common movement of skin markers resulting from the movement of the underlying wobbling mass. While most studies aim to minimize these displacements, computer simulation models have shown that the movement of the soft tissue motion relative to the bones reduces the joint kinetics. This observation is only available using computer simulations because there are no methods able to distinguish the kinematics of wobbling mass of the bones kinematics. The main objective of this thesis is to develop a numerical method able to distinguish this different kinematics. The first aim of this thesis was to assess a local optimisation method for estimating the soft tissue motion using intra-cortical pins screwed into the humerus in three subjects. The results show that local optimisation underestimates of 50% the marker displacements. Also it leads to a different marker ranking in terms of displacement. The limit of local optimisation comes from the fact that it does not consider all the components of the soft tissue motion, especially the in-unison component. The second aim of this thesis was to develop a numerical method that accounts for all the component of the soft tissue motion. More specifically, this method should provide similar kinematics and estimate large marker displacement and distinguish the two components to conventional approaches. The lower limb is modeled using a 10 degree of freedom chain model reconstructed using global optimisation and the markers placed only on the pelvis and the medial face of the shank. The original estimate of joint kinematics without considering the markers placed on the thigh and on the calf avoids the influences of these markers displacement on the kinematic model reconstruction. This method was tested on 13 subjects who performed hopping trials and obtained up to 2.1 times of marker displacement depending the method considered ensuring similar joint-kinematics. A vector approach shown that marker displacements is more induce by the in-unison component. A matrix approach combining the local optimisation and the kinematic model shown that the wobbling mass moves around the longitudinal axis and along the antero-posterior axis of the bone. The originality of this thesis is to numerically distinguish the bone kinematics from the wobbling mass kinematics and the two components of the soft tissue motion. The methods developed in this thesis increases the knowledge on soft tissue motion and allow future studies to consider their movement in joint kinetics calculation.
Rouvel, David. "Essai sur les symétries géométriques et les transitions de forme du noyau de l'atome." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2014. http://www.theses.fr/2014STRAE032/document.
Full textThe geometrical symmetries used in nuclear physics are not very diversified, essentially the symmetry of the triaxial ellipsoid. One proposes therefore a rigourous method allowing to study the temporal evolution and the possibility of the existence of new symmetries among them the tetrahedral symmetry. The formalism of SCHRÖDINGER equation is reformulated in the framework of RIEMANN’s spaces. This formalism is used in the context of the atomic nucleus where one applies the mean-field theory combined with the adiabatic approximation. The nucleus is the terrain of two types of motions adiabatically separated, the quick motion of the nucleons in the mean-field and the collective motion modifying slowly the meanfield. The second one is governed by a collective SCHRÖDINGER equation written down in a space whose metric is given by the mass tensor. The study of the nucleus geometry is then computable with the help of two big programs developped within the thesis
Bruneleau, Natacha. "Le dispositif PIRENEA dans l'étude des interactions gaz/grain dans la chimie interstellaire : mise en place d'une procédure expérimentale." Phd thesis, Université Paul Sabatier - Toulouse III, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00262417.
Full textCe travail de thèse s'inscrit dans ce cadre et vise à explorer expérimentalement les interactions gaz/grain sur des nanograins de type molécules polycycliques aromatiques hydrogénées (PAH) à différentes températures. Il utilise le dispositif expérimental PIRENEA (Piège à Ions pour la Recherche et l'Étude de Nouvelles Espèces Astrochimiques) qui présente l'originalité de coupler les performances d'un instrument de spectrométrie de masse à résonance cyclotronique ionique à transformée de Fourier (FTICR-MS) avec un environnement cryogénique. Grâce à ce dispositif, le PAH peut être isolé de son environnement comme dans l'espace interstellaire et ses propriétés peuvent être étudiées à l'aide d'une interface photophysique (lampe UV-visible) et d'une interface chimique pour l'injection de gaz.
Notre étude concerne la réactivité de C24H11+ (cation du coronène déshydrogéné) avec la molécule H2O à basses températures entre 35 K et 300 K. Dans un premier temps, nous montrerons comment la densité de molécules d'H2O dans la cellule ICR peut être quantifiée à toutes ces températures par mesure traditionnelle de la pression et par mesure de l'amortissement du mouvement cyclotronique des ions. Ces résultats nous ont permis de tracer l'évolution du taux de réaction de C24H11+ + H2O avec la température du piège. Aucune dépendance avec la température n'a été mise en évidence. Nous confronterons et discuterons les résultats obtenus avec des calculs ab-initio.
Lassignardie, Isabelle. "Fred Forest: catalogue raisonné (1963-2008)." Phd thesis, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, 2010. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00515232.
Full textGrenat, Clément. "Nonlinear Normal Modes and multi-parametric continuation of bifurcations : Application to vibration absorbers and architectured MEMS sensors for mass detection." Thesis, Lyon, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018LYSEI078/document.
Full textOne of the goals of this thesis is to enhance the comprehension of nonlinear dynamics, especially MEMS nonlinear dynamics, by proposing new methods for parametric analysis and for nonlinear normal modes computation. In a first part, methods for the detection, the localization and the tracking of bifurcation points with respect to a single parameter are recalled. Then, a new method for parametric analysis, based on recursive continuation of extremum, is presented. This method is then applied to a Nonlinear Tuned Vibration Absorber in order to push isolated solutions at higher amplitude of forcing. Secondly, a method is presented for the computation of nonlinear normal modes. An optimal phase condition and a relaxation of the equation of motion are proposed to obtain a continuation method able to handle modal interactions. Then, a quadratic eigenvalue problem is shifted to compute the stability and bifurcation points. Finally, nonlinear normal modes are extended to non-conservatives systems permitting the continuation of phase and energy resonances. Thirdly, the nonlinear dynamics of MEMS array, based on multiple resonant micro-beams, is analyzed with the help of the proposed methods. A frequency synchronization of bifurcation points due to the electrostatic coupling is discovered. Then, the nonlinear dynamics of a MEMS array after symmetry breaking event induced by the addition of a small mass onto one of the beam of the array is analyzed. Finally, mass detection mechanisms exploiting the discovered phenomena are presented
Sinkunas, Bryan. "Sismicité postglaciaire et mouvements de masse subaquatiques au lac Témiscouata, Est du Québec." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28420/28420.pdf.
Full textEvrard, Matthieu. "MIMESIS, un environnement de conception et de simulation de modèles physiques particulaires masses - interactions CORDIS - ANIMA pour l'animation : du mouvement généré à l'image du mouvement." Grenoble INPG, 2009. http://www.theses.fr/2009INPG0073.
Full textThis thesis deals with the design of a computer framework dedicaced to animation by the physical mass-interaction CORDIS-ANIMA networks. Genericity and modularity of CORDIS-ANIMA having been still largely proved, the design and the implementation of such framework have to face with other theorical and practical problems that are discussed here in order to include every function that are required for an interactive creation of models and the communication inside a global chain of production of animated pictures. This thesis ends on the report of various situation of use in pedagogical, research and creation contexts
DENIS, BROSSARD MARIE-ANGE. "Modelisation multiechelle de structures bidimensionnelles fluides. Application a l'analyse du mouvement de masses nuageuses atmospheriques." Paris 5, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PA055020.
Full textSemelin, Jacques. "La resistance civile de masse en europe sous l'occupation nazie (1939-1945)." Paris 4, 1986. http://www.theses.fr/1986PA040164.
Full textThis thesis is a specific study of the main forms of non-armed resistance against german occupation in europe (1939-1945). This non-armed resistance is often forgotten in the historical studies of the period. This work intends to make it better known and to evaluate whether the non-cooperation strategies were really effective against the ennemy. About 40 cases of mass-civilian resistance are selected inside the occupied europe (protestations, strikes, civil disobedience, rescue of jews. . . ). They are classified according to an original typology. The comparative analysis underlines the basic parameters of the civilian resistance. This research gives a new histirical material in french language and presents a new aspect of the resistance against nazism, showing its non-military aspects
Cauchon-Voyer, Geneviève. "Morpho-sédimentologie et mouvements de masse au large de la rivière Betsiamites, estuaire du Saint-Laurent, Québec." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24376/24376.pdf.
Full textDufault, Carl. "Recherche d'indices précurseurs de mouvements de masse par photo-interprétation multidate : exemple de la rivière Yamaska, Québec." Mémoire, Université de Sherbrooke, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/11143/10927.
Full textCalmet, Isabelle. "Analyse par simulation des grandes échelles des mouvements turbulents et du transfert de masse sous une interface plane." Toulouse, INPT, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995INPT110H.
Full textDisdier, Karine. "La problématique des télécommunications ou la place de la concurrence dans le mouvement français de libéralisation." Thesis, McGill University, 1996. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=23971.
Full textThis thesis analyses the place of competition in the new French telecommunications market and its link with the strong State tradition. The French market rule are thus analysed in compliance with the European Competition law and directives which apply to the sector, with references to the situation occurring in US, Canada and Europe.
This thesis gives thus a clear picture of what could still be considered as a barrier to the free exercise of competition by the new French operators, the European and foreign operators.
In conclusion, the French government in its way to liberalisation, have to let France Telecom privation being achieved and add more transparency to its own relationship with the public operator, in order to establish a clear competitive environment.
Nuñez-, Bargueño Natalia. "Religión, espacio y política en la España del siglo XX : el Congreso Eucarístico Internacional." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018. http://www.theses.fr/2018SORUL160.
Full textThe International Eucharistic Congress is one of the most striking mega events organized by the Catholic Church in late modernity. Its hybrid nature (both traditional and modern, secular and spiritual), the fact that it has been celebrated since the end of the XIXth century in all five continents, and the imposing multitudes it gathers, make it an extraordinary object of study for the field of Religion and History. Despite its being mainly conservative in nature, its celebration has also allowed for restricted, but fundamental, religious innovation, gradually allowing the Church to creatively face the challenges of an increasingly less observant modern society. Spain has celebrated the IEC on three occasions: Madrid 1911, Barcelona 1952 and Seville 1993. Our work wishes to establish a rich comparison between the first two. We will first situate the 1911 and 1952 celebrations in their local, national and international historical contexts. Then, in the second part of our work, we will study both celebrations from a diachronic and thematic perspective, namely, the relation of Spanish Catholicism both to Modernity (to the emergence of mass culture and society) and to Urban Space. Taking a postsecular point of view, we will emphasize the fact that the place, role, meaning, and identity of religion in Spain have changed in tandem with modernity’s social, economic, political and cultural transformations. Ultimately, inspired by both by S. Juliá´s revision of the historical metanarrative that considered Spain as Modernity´s failure/“anomaly”, and by F. Montero´s call to develop a Cultural History of Spanish Catholicism, our study wishes to critically reevaluate the role that History has traditionally ascribed to Catholicism in Contemporary Spain
Ledoux, Grégoire. "Séquence des événements des mouvements de masse tardi-quaternaires dans le Lac du Bourget, Nord-Ouest des Alpes françaises." Thesis, Université Laval, 2010. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2010/27955/27955.pdf.
Full textVargas, Cuervo German. "Developpement de methodes de carthographie des mouvements de masse et de zonage de l'alea dans les andes de colombie." Paris 6, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA066227.
Full textBois, Thomas. "Étude du rôle des hétérogénéités structurales et de l'altération sur la déstabilisation des massifs rocheux par une approche couplée de modélisation physique et numérique." Nice, 2010. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00544052.
Full textGravitational slope failures are common phenomena involving all rock slopes, at various scales. It is widely accepted that different factors exert an influence on those gravitational process. Among these, structural heterogeneities (inherited from the geological story of the massif) and alteration/weathering process are of first order. However, the relative influence of those parameters is still poorly constraint. To tackle this question, a coupled physical and numerical modelling approach has been developed, considering both two and three dimensional models based on two natural examples : The La Clapière landslide (Alpes Maritimes, France) and the 1991 Randa rockslides (Valais, Suitzerland). The first goal of this PhD Thesis was to improve the existing physical modelling technique. On the one hand in order to introduce a wide/realistic number of discontinuities in physical models, and on the other hand to performed 3-D physical models based on realistic topographies (using DTM data). Then a numerical experimental process has been carried out in order to study the influence of large scale alteration on gravitational slope failure. Results have shown that faults and joints, affecting rock structures, have a strong influence on gravitational failure kinematics and especially through their geometry, persistence and density. It has also been shown that 3-D topography (of first and second order), and large scale mechanical properties (including alteration process) have a great influence on mobilized volume during slope destabilisation
Pailha, Mickaël. "Dynamique des avalanches granulaires immergées : rôle de la fraction volumique initiale." Aix-Marseille 1, 2009. https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00433171.
Full textInitiation of underwater granular avalanches : inuence of the inital volume fraction. The aim of this thesis is to obtain a better understanding of geophysical ows like landslides. In those events, the coupling between the granular material and the uid play an important role during the initiation. This thesis studies physical phenomenon during the initiation of underwater granular avalanches with an experiment and a model. The ow is shown to strongly depends on the initial volume fraction, its initiation being dramtically delayed by a slight
Dejean, de La Batie Rémi. "Etude des mouvements moléculaires dans les polymères en masse par résonance magnétique nucléaire du ¹³C et simulation de Monte-Carlo." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37597082x.
Full textCauchon-Voyer, Geneviève. "Mouvements de masse en milieu côtier : Le complexe des glissements de terrain de Betsiamites dans l'estuaire du Saint-Laurent, Québec, Canada." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28306/28306.pdf.
Full textBachmann, Damien. "Modélisation physique tridimensionnelle des mouvements gravitaires de grande ampleur en milieu rocheux." Phd thesis, Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis, 2006. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00133173.
Full textNous avons étudié ce phénomène par une approche de modélisation physique (expérimentale) tridimensionnelle. Le premier objectif de la thèse à donc été de finaliser la mise au point d'un protocole expérimental original récemment conçu. Cette méthode est fondée sur l'utilisation de nouveaux matériaux analogiques et d'un dispositif de chargement gravitaire original permettant de réaliser des modèles satisfaisant les critères de similarités physique. Ce protocole présente également l'avantage de pouvoir observer la déformation des modèles de manière incrémentale, ainsi que de permettre la réalisation de coupes pour visualiser la déformation en profondeur. Notre étude a permis de montrer que la profondeur maximale de la surface de rupture est comparable à la hauteur de l'édifice affecté. Par ailleurs, au cours de l'évolution de la rupture, ces phénomènes profonds participent au déclenchement de mouvements gravitaires de plus petite taille. Il a également pu être mis en évidence que la topographie à grande échelle est un facteur majeur contrôlant la géométrie et la répartition des mouvements gravitaires.