Academic literature on the topic 'Motivatie'

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Journal articles on the topic "Motivatie"


Schuurmans, Marieke. "Motivatie." Onderwijs en Gezondheidszorg 44, no. 5 (September 2020): 11.

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van Berkum, Eut. "Motivatie." Zorg + Welzijn 22, no. 7 (July 8, 2016): 42.

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Janssen, Bas. "Motivatie." Tijdschrift voor praktijkondersteuning 9, no. 2 (April 2014): 58.

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de Haan, Else. "Motivatie." Kind & Adolescent Praktijk 4, no. 3 (September 2005): 76–77.

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Pleumeekers, Bèr. "100% motivatie." Huisarts en wetenschap 59, no. 9 (September 2016): 380.

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Vanhoeck, Kris. "Motivatie bewerken bij forensische cliënten motivatie forensische psychiatrie." Psychopraxis 4, no. 4 (August 2002): 120–25.

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Dijkstra, Pieternel. "Innerlijke motivatie aanboren." Bijzijn XL 5, no. 6 (June 2012): 26–29.

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van Dunschoten, Gerda. "Innovatie en motivatie." Critical Care 7, no. 6 (December 2010): 2.

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Van Veen-Dirks, Paula. "Performance management: een moderne doos van Pandora?" Maandblad Voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie 87, no. 1/2 (February 1, 2013): 23–31.

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Performance management en management accounting en control zijn vaak sterk gericht op mogelijkheden om de extrinsieke motivatie te vergroten, terwijl er juist veel argumenten zijn tegen een te sterke gerichtheid op alleen extrinsieke motivatie. In dit artikel wordt ingegaan op argumenten vanuit de bekende motivatietheorieën tegen een dergelijke gerichtheid op extrinsieke motivatie en wordt de lezer aangemoedigd om ook naar andere typen van motivatie te kijken. Ook wordt aandacht besteed aan maatschappelijke kritiek op systemen van performance management die in de praktijk gebruikt worden. Doordat performance management vanuit een ‘carrots and sticks’-gedachte veel moeilijkheden met zich meebrengt, ligt belangstelling voor andere typen van motivatie voor de hand. In het artikel wordt een lans gebroken voor meer aandacht voor intrinsieke of autonome motivatie binnen het vakgebied management accounting en control.
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PATTYN, Bart. "Loyaliteit, motivatie en erkenning." Ethische Perspectieven 17, no. 1 (January 31, 2007): 35–45.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Motivatie"


Scholten, Lotte. "Motivation matters motivated information processing in group and individual decision-making /." [S.l. : Amsterdam : s.n.] ; Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2007.

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Damen, Johannes Albertus. "Leiderschap en motivatie wat drijft en beweegt de topmanagers in Nederlandse organisaties? /." [S.l.] : Amsterdam : van Gorcum ; Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2007.

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Harms, Geertruida Johanna. "Effecten van modulair beroepsonderwijs bij leerlingen: motivatie en rendement." Groningen : [Groningen] : GION, Gronings Instituut voor Onderzoek van Onderwijs, Opvoeding en Ontwikkeling, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ; [University Library Groningen] [Host], 1995.

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Beersma, Bianca. "Small group negotiation and team performance." [S.l. : Amsterdam : Kurt Lewin Instituut] ; Universiteit van Amsterdam [Host], 2002.

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Budé, Lucas Michel. "On the improvement of students' conceptual understanding in statistics education." Maastricht : Maastricht : Universiteit Maastricht ; University Library, Universiteit Maastricht [host], 2007.

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Velten, Doris. "Aspekte der sexuellen Sozialisation eine Analyse qualitativer Daten zu biographischen Entwicklungsmustern von Prostitutionskunden /." Berlin : Freien Universität Berlin, 1994.

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Delfgaauw, Josse. "Wonderful and woeful work : incentives, selection, turnover, and workers' motivation = Geweldig en ellendig werk : prikkels, selectie, personalsverloop en de motivatie van werknemers /." [Amsterdam] : Thela Thesis, 2007.

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Klompstra, Leonie. "Physical activity in patients with heart failure : motivations, self-efficacy and the potential of exergaming." Doctoral thesis, Linköpings universitet, Avdelningen för omvårdnad, 2016.

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Background: Adherence to recommendations for physical activity is low in patients with heart failure (HF). It is essential to explore to what extent and why patients with HF are physically active. Self-efficacy and motivation for physical activity are important in becoming more physically active, but the role of self-efficacy in the relationship between motivation and physical activity in patients with HF is unknown. Alternative approaches to motivate and increase self-efficacy to exercise are needed. One of these alternatives might be using exergames (games to improve physical exercise). Therefore, it is important to obtain more knowledge on the potential of exergaming to increase physical activity. The overall aim was to describe the physical activity in patients with HF, with special focus on motivations and self-efficacy in physical activity, and to describe the potential of exergaming to improve exercise capacity. Methods: Study I (n = 154) and II (n = 101) in this thesis had a cross-sectional survey design. Study III (n = 32) was a 12-week pilot intervention study, including an exergame platform at home, with a pretest-posttest design. Study IV (n = 14) described the experiences of exergaming in patients who participated in the intervention group of a randomized controlled study in which they had access to an exergame platform at home. Results: In total, 34% of the patients with HF had a low level of physical activity, 46% had a moderate level, 23% reported a high level. Higher education, higher selfefficacy, and higher motivation were significantly associated with a higher amount of physical activity. Barriers to exercise were reported to be difficult to overcome and psychological motivations were the most important motivations to be physically active. Women had significantly higher total motivation to be physically active. Self-efficacy mediated the relationship between exercise motivation and physical activity; motivation leads to a higher self-efficacy towards physical activity. More than half of the patients significantly increased their exercise capacity after 12 weeks of using an exergame platform at home. Lower NYHA-class and shorter time since diagnosis were factors significantly related to the increase in exercise capacity. The mean time spent exergaming was 28 minutes per day. Having grandchildren and being male were related to more time spent exergaming. The analysis of the qualitative data resulted in three categories describing patients’ experience of exergaming: (i) making exergaming work, (ii) added value of exergaming, (iii) no appeal of exergaming. Conclusion: One-third of the patients with HF had a low level of physical activity in their daily life. Level of education, exercise self-efficacy, and motivation were important factors to take into account when advising patients with HF about physical activity. In addition to a high level of motivation to be physically active, it is important that patients with HF have a high degree of exercise self-efficacy. Exergaming has the potential to increase exercise capacity in patients with HF. The results also showed that this technology might be suitable for some patients while others may prefer other kinds of physical activity.
Achtergrond: Het aantal patiënten met hartfalen (HF) dat zich kan houden aan de aanbevolen lichamelijke activiteit is over het algemeen klein. Het is essentieel om te onderzoeken in hoeverre en waarom patiënten met HF lichamelijk actief zijn. Het hebben van self-efficacy (een persoonlijke overtuiging dat hij/zij capabel is om te doen wat nodig is om een taak te volbrengen op een bepaald kwaliteitsniveau) en motivatie voor lichamelijke activiteit is belangrijk om meer lichamelijk actief te worden. Het is echter niet duidelijk wat de rol van self-efficacy is in relatie tot motivatie en lichamelijke activiteit bij patiënten met HF. Alternatieve benaderingen zijn nodig om patiënten te motiveren lichamelijk actiever te zijn en de self-efficacy te verhogen. Een van de mogelijke alternatieven om patiënten met HF te helpen lichamelijk actiever te zijn is de inzet van exergames: computerspellen om fysieke activiteit te bevorderen. Er is tot nu toe geen onderzoek is gedaan naar de inzet van exergaming bij patiënten met hartfalen en de mogelijkheden van exergaming om patiënten te stimuleren tot meer lichamelijke activiteit. Het doel van dit proefschrift is het beschrijven van de lichamelijke activiteit van patiënten met HF met extra aandacht voor de motivatie en self-efficacy ten opzichte van lichamelijke activiteit. Een tweede doel is om inzicht te krijgen in de mogelijkheid om exergaming te gebruiken om de lichamelijke activiteit van patiënten met HF te verhogen. Methode: In dit proefschrift worden gegevens van 4 studies beschreven (studie I-IV). Studie I (n = 154) en II (n = 101) hebben een crosssectioneel survey design. Studie III (n = 32) is een 12 weken durende pilot-interventie studie met een pretest-posttest design waarbij patiënten 12 weken lang een exergame platform thuis konden gebruiken. Studie IV (n = 14) beschrijft de ervaringen van patiënten die deelnamen aan de interventiegroep van een gerandomiseerde studie waarin zij een exergame platform thuis kregen. Resultaten: In totaal hebben 34% van alle patiënten met hartfalen een laag niveau van lichamelijke activiteit, 46% had een matig niveau, en 23% een hoog niveau. Een hoger opleidingsniveau, self-efficacy en motivatie significant werd geassocieerd met een hogere hoeveelheid lichamelijke activiteit. Het bleek dat barrières voor fysieke activiteit moeilijk te overbruggen waren. Met betrekking tot motivatie, bleek dat psychologische motivatie de belangrijkste drijfveer was om fysiek actief te zijn. Verder bleek dat vrouwen een significant hogere motivatie voor fysieke activiteit hebben dan mannen. Een ander belangrijk resultaat was dat self-efficacy de relatie tussen motivatie en lichamelijke activiteit beïnvloedt; motivatie leidt tot een hogere self-efficacy wat leidt tot hogere fysieke activiteit. Met betrekking tot de resultaten van exergaming bleek dat de inspanningscapaciteit van meer dan de helft van de patiënten aanzienlijk was toegenomen na 12 weken gebruik gemaakt te hebben van een exergame platform thuis. Patiënten met een lager NYHA-klasse en een kortere tijd na de diagnose verhogen significant meer hun inspanningscapaciteit. Ook bleek dat het hebben van een partner en kleinkinderen gerelateerd is aan meer tijd besteden aan exergaming. De analyse van de ervaringen van patiënten in de kwalitatieve studie resulteerde in drie categorieën: (i) zorgen dat exergaming werkt, (ii) toegevoegde waarde van exergaming, (iii) geen aantrekking tot exergaming. Conclusie: Een derde van de patiënten met HF heeft een laag niveau van lichamelijke activiteit in hun dagelijks leven. Opleidingsniveau, self-efficacy en motivatie zijn belangrijke factoren om rekening mee te houden bij het geven van advies aan patiënten met HF betreffende fysieke activiteit. Naast een hoge motivatie tot bewegen is het belangrijk dat patiënten met HF een hoog niveau van self-efficacy hebben om fysiek actief te zijn. Exergaming heeft potentie om inspanningscapaciteit bij patiënten met HF te verhogen. Uit de resultaten blijkt ook dat deze techniek geschikt is voor een deel van de patiënten, terwijl een deel van de patiënten wellicht liever andere vormen van lichamelijke activiteit beoefenen.
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Ingnäs, Gustav, and Kasper Heikkilä. "Motivating Millennials : A study on generation Y motivation." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2015.

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This thesis explores generation Y motivators. They are a growing group of young people among the general workforce, and they have different behavior and motivators at work. This paper explores effective motivating factors for this group of employees by studying a company, LinkedIn, which successfully motivates generation Y employees. Data is gathered through several interviews done with LinkedIn employees working at their Dublin office. The data is analyzed with the help of a motivational theory called self-determination theory and its main concepts autonomy, relatedness and competence. Other insights from earlier studies done on generation Y motivation are used to support the analysis as well. The results and analysis are consistent with theory and earlier studies, and can even show some interesting factors generation Y employees value, such as high value for manager flexibility and sharing similar values with the company they work for.
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Mazlan, Mohammad Nur Azhar. "Students’ perception of motivation to learn : does an avatar motivate?" Thesis, Durham University, 2012.

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Context: This research investigates students’ perception of motivation to learn among students at one of the public university in Malaysia. Students were provided with an avatar as well as an avatar environment called the Avatar Hall. The Avatar Hall was developed in order for the student to access their avatar. Although other studies have been carried out when an avatar is constantly displayed on the screen, while students having their learning with Computer-based Learning (CBL) environment, where learning is conducted fully on the CBL, this research is primarily focused on the context of having an avatar when it is not displayed constantly to the students when students is having their learning in conventional learning environment (attending lecture). Aim: The aim of the research is to investigate the effect of having an avatar alongside learning activities. Method: This research is an empirical research where students have been given access to the Avatar Hall alongside their learning activities. There were two experiments conducted in this research, Experiment 1 and Experiment 2. A total number of 71 first year students from the Department of Cognitive Science and 45 first year students from the Department of Human Resource Development were selected to participate in this research. These students were further grouped into three: human character avatar (treatment 1), text avatar (treatment 2) and non-avatar (control group). As the name implied, students who were in treatment 1 will be offered a human-type avatar character, whereas students in treatment 2 had a text as their avatar. Students in the control group did not get any of avatar character or avatar name. The Avatar Hall was developed and categorised into two: attribute-based environment (AbE) and ranking-based environment (RbE). The AbE environment was designed for treatment 1 whereas the RbE environment was designed for treatment 2. In the AbE environment, students were offered an opportunity to view and personalise their human avatar character. Students who were in the RbE environment, on the other hand, were presented of a ranking board where their text avatar was placed. The research instrument used in this research was a motivation inventory, designed and developed by Ryan and Deci (2008). This inventory was modified according to the needs of the research. It was used to measure students' perceptions of motivation to learn. The inventory was consisted of Likert-type statements, each with five choices of response from "strongly disagree" to "strongly agree". Results: The results from the statistical analysis indicate that students in Experiment 2 were more motivated than students in Experiment 1, specifically from the human character avatar group. In addition, students who used the text avatar in Experiment 1 were accessing the Avatar Hall more often than students who used the text avatar in Experiment 2. Conclusions: This research has shown that having a human character avatar, in comparison with a text avatar and non-avatar, in their learning environment does give an opportunity to offer an alternative factor to motivate students to learn, even though the existence of an avatar and the Avatar Hall environments was applied in the conventional learning environment.
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Books on the topic "Motivatie"


", Netherlands Werkgroep "Kernvraag, ed. Ontspanning, krijgsmacht en motivatie. ʼs-Gravenhage: [Kernvraag, 1990.

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Human motivation. 4th ed. vrPacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1998.

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Franken, Robert E. Human motivation. 2nd ed. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1988.

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Human motivation. 5th ed. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 2002.

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Franken, Robert E. Human motivation. 3rd ed. Pacific Grove, Calif: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1994.

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Machiel, Koppenol, ed. Drijfveren: Willen = doen? Amsterdam: Pearson Benelux, 2013.

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van Dam, Arno, and Niels Mulder, eds. Motivatie en mogelijkheden van moeilijke mensen. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2008.

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Dirickx, J. L. Leiderschap in evolutie: Motivatie-objektiefstelling-weerstanden. Antwerpen: Maklu, 1993.

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Voûte, A. Aandelen voor werknemers: Motivatie door participatie. Deventer: Kluwer, 1991.

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Kuijer, P. J. de. Motiveren en motivatie in het speciaal onderwijs. Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger, 1985.

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Book chapters on the topic "Motivatie"


van Dam, Arno, Carola van Tilburg, Peter Steenkist, and Margreet Buisman. "Motivatie." In Niet meer door het lint, 15–23. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2011.

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van Dam, Arno, Carola van Tilburg, Peter Steenkist, and Margreet Buisman. "Motivatie." In Niet meer door het lint, 15–23. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2008.

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Beer, Renée, and Karin Tobias. "Motivatie." In Eten zonder angst, 8–9. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2011.

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van Dam, A., C. A. van Tilburg, P. Steenkist, and M. Buisman. "Wb 2 Motivatie." In Niet meer door het lint, 75–81. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2009.

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Keers, J. C. "Zelfmanagement en motivatie." In Geriatrie in de fysiotherapie en kinesitherapie, 377–84. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2017.

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Schuur, Geuk. "Uitdaging en motivatie." In Omgaan met agressie, 161–80. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2014.

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Oostveen, Catharina van, Anne Eskes, and Hester Vermeulen. "Drijfveren en motivatie." In Implementatie van evidence based practice, 69–73. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2015.

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Terwogt-Reijnders, Caroline Meerum, and Loes Koster-Kaptein. "Motivatie voor verandering." In WERKBOEK: ANOREXIA- EN BOULIMIA NERVOSA, 27–30. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2001.

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Kedzierski, Hans, and Maria Vlemmix. "Motivatie en talenten." In Kwaliteit en beheer, 155–79. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2001.

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Schuur, Geuk. "8 Uitdaging en motivatie." In Omgaan met agressie, 204–27. Houten: Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2009.

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Conference papers on the topic "Motivatie"



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In order for a person to motivate others, he must first find an adequate way to motivate himself. If we want to make the work with other people more successful, it is very important to know what motivates people in the environment. Motivation involves the process of initiating and directing human behavior, it is an internal force that drives us to achieve our goals and meet our needs. Greater curiosity and interest contribute to achieving greater success in all fields, and in particular the success of students in school. In contrast, lack of motivation impedes anything to be done in a better way. Poor motivation leads to failure, to the extent that one performs activities without ambition and with great difficulty. Studying the literature aims to determine what role motivation plays in the educational context, which is at the same time the basic goal. It also wants to point out the importance of motivation in teaching. The paper used the historical method as the basic method of historical research and analysis of the contents of pedagogical documentation. One of the basic tasks of teachers is to familiarize students with the nature of motivation and to teach them the procedures that develop motivation for students to learn. This is the key to the success of both the teacher and the students themselves.
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Borowski, Andrzej. "Motivating Emloyees in Public Administration." In 5th International Scientific Conference 2021. University of Maribor Press, 2021.

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The purpose of the publication is to present the specifics of motivating in public administration. There is no doubt that employees should be motivated regardless of the workplace. The publication presents the definition of motivation and its theory. It contains tips on what should be particularly considered in creating an incentive system in public administration. Particular attention was devoted to creating the foundations of a motivational system that has roots in motivation theories. The most common motivational theories and their importance in shaping the incentive system were presented.
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Drobot, Irinaana. "THE ROLE OF THE TEACHER OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN ONLINE ENVIRONMENT AND IN CLASSICAL CLASSROOMS." In eLSE 2019. Carol I National Defence University Publishing House, 2019.

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Given the interactive environment and communication through internet opportunities, learning foreign languages in a mass online course and by using audiovisual materials such as videos on youtube, what is the current role of the foreign languages teacher? Is there a competition between classical, classroom learning and teaching of a foreign language and using what the internet offers? The paper argues for the role of the teacher in any environment as a source of motivation. We could draw a parallel with the way a therapist motivates his or her patient in a session with the way the same transference works in a teacher - student relationship. However, the online medium does offer more opportunities and more attractive material, as in mass online courses we interact with students and teachers from all over the world. The paper will also argue for more opportunities in an online environment given the fact that interacting with other students who are highly motivated also motivates any learner to continue with the study of the respective foreign language. While in a classical classroom the number of interested students may be scarce, in an online medium the situation can be different as there the classroom is never empty. Lack of interest or high interest from the part of the other student serve as a way to increase motivation and performance for the whole group. However, due to the fact that it is by your own decision that you take the study of a foreign language online, and no outside obligation from school, then the decision remains to yourself whether or not to continue. If you abandon the study, then no consequences will affect your activity. The question remains, though, to what extent and up to what age the teacher acts as a motivator for any student to continue with the study of a foreign language.
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Dimovska, Nena, and Ljupcho Eftimov. "MEASURING THE EFFECT OF SALARY RAISE OVER THE PERFORMANCE OF SALES PROFESSIONALS – THE CASE OF AN INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION." In Economic and Business Trends Shaping the Future. Ss Cyril and Methodius University, Faculty of Economics-Skopje, 2020.

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Should fixed salary be the single and most appropriate tool for motivating employees; or should management consider a more diverse, innovative tools for motivation, based on multiple factors? Does a salary increase always guarantee ROI? Also, will sales professionals be motivated by an incremental, equal-to-all salary increase? This paper elaborates these and similar dilemmas and presents a research conducted in the sales sector, in a medium-sized international firm. It represents consequences of applying an equal and applicable to all salary increase of 10%. Тhe paper tries to reject traditional beliefs (and awards distribution models) that salary, per se, is the highest source or motivation and a guarantee for improving performance. Тhe research shows how sales professionals are affected by incremental salary increase, and tries to provide recommendations for further research on effective, cost-efficient award strategies that increase motivation and performance and can be easily adopted in similar organizations.
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Hiemstra, Djoerd, and Anne Carine Zagt. "Developing Communication Competencies Through E-Learning: The Motivating Potential of Adaptive Video Role Play." In Third International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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Abstract To develop competence through e-learning tools, students must be motivated to use these tools. Hence, we conducted two empirical studies to explore the motivating potential of an adaptive video role playing game (AVR) for training communication competencies. In Study 1 (N = 54), we used a within-person design to examine students’ motivation in three learning conditions: in the classroom, when playing the AVR, and when doing homework. The results showed that, relative to the homework condition, in the AVR condition students were higher in perceived competence, relatedness, intrinsic motivation, and flow. No difference between the classroom condition and the AVR condition were found. In Study 2 (N = 150), we used a randomized experimental design to examine the motivational consequences of using videos (AVR) rather than photos (APR) in the adaptive role playing game. We found that, relative to students in the APR condition, students in the AVR condition were higher in relatedness and flow. No differences in perceived competence, autonomy, and intrinsic motivation were observed. We conclude that an AVR may have considerable motivational benefits relative to common homework assignments, and some motivational benefits relative to an APR. Keywords: e-learning, video role play, games, motivation, flow
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Sablić, Marija, Ana Mirosavljević, and Irena Labak. "Students’ Motivation in Natural Science Classes." In 79th International Scientific Conference of University of Latvia. University of Latvia, 2021.

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The paper discusses motivation as an integral part of the learning process. It presents the interdependence of motivation, emotions, self-regulated learning, cognition, metacognition, critical and creative thinking, learning strategies, and teacher in the process of learning within the natural science field. We describe the characteristics of internal and external motivation significant for improving engagement in the natural science learning activities that leads to better learning achievements. A review of relevant research on the specifics of teaching natural science subjects is discussed in the context of motivation, i. e. the paper discusses the factors that motivate students for studying and succeeding in natural science subjects. Students’ interest in natural science subjects depends largely on the teacher, but also on a positive, supportive, and engaging learning environment. Due to teachers’ importance and numerous interrelationships in the entire learning process, they have a responsibility to motivate students, but also to motivate themselves for professional development in which they will improve their knowledge of factors that motivate students. The paper analyses which factors motivate students for optimal achievements in classes, for effective and active participation in the teaching process of natural science subjects, but also for developing a positive attitude towards the natural sciences.
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Lara, J. Javier Serrano, and Félix Fajardo Magraner. "The ICT and gamification: tools for improving motivation and learning at universities." In Third International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2017.

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The teacher-student technology gap and the lack of attention in the design of attractive and motivating learning methodologies often result in student´s demotivation and poor academic performance. To this end, from the research field, a series of methodologies and tools have been developed, such as gamification, as well as the introduction of ICT in lessons. By implementingSocrative, a classroom app to engage students, we tried to measure the evolution of students’ knowledge after the use of ICT and more interactive lessons. In addition, we tried to relate the level of motivation to students’ seating plan in the classroom (in rows). We also tried to analyse students' preferences and their feedback of the new techniques and methodologies used during the classes. The main result of the research is that the use of ICT and gamification in the classroom improved students’ motivation and learning, especially those who were less motivated. The direct relation between the students' seats in the classroom and their motivation was verified. At the same time, the learning differences between all the students in the classroom were reduced, achieving a balance between the learning and the motivation of the students. Keywords: Smartphone; incentive; learning; university students; Socrative.
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Uukkivi, Anne, and Oksana Labanova. "How we have motivated students in sciences." In Fourth International Conference on Higher Education Advances. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2018.

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For improving academic performance teachers must search for possibilities to increase students’ motivation. Teachers must understand that what motivates teachers may not motivate students (Wiesman 2012). The aim of the article is to present what has helped to motivate students in learning sciences. The article is based on the results of qualitative feedback questionnaires. Although the studies took place mostly in face-to-face classes, students liked to have all the materials in e-learning environments. The most preferred were tutorial videos made with software applications that have the ability to turn a digital device into a virtual board using screen zoom and annotation tools in parallel. These encouraged learners to solve their tasks independently. Online calculators helped to solve more difficult exercises as they offer step-by-step solutions. The choice of bonus tests which were made using interactive videos also received a very positive feedback. Full-time students considered game-based learning platforms to be the most effective revision technique. Using some learners as tutors in teaching was also highly appreciated. Most of the above-mentioned methods support self-studying, therefore, learners need effective learning tools and materials, particularly for independent learning.
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Bessette, Amanda, Vitalis Okafor, and Beshoy Morkos. "Correlating Student Motivation to Course Performance in Capstone Design." In ASME 2014 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Computers and Information in Engineering Conference. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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This paper presents the preliminary results of a motivational study of students enrolled in their capstone design course during their senior year in mechanical engineering at the Florida Institute of Technology. Student teams are assigned a project and teams are tasked with completing a design project over a one-year (2 semesters) span. Data is collected during the beginning of the fall semester and during the end of the spring semester. Two methods were used to collect the data of the class. A live interview was conducted for each of the capstone teams. Within this interview, a range of questions are asked to facilitate an understanding of what motivates the student. An adaptation of the Motivated Learning Strategies Questionnaire (MSLQ) survey instrument was also administered to the students to collect quantitative data. The MSLQ framework divides the instruments into two sets of questions to address motivation and learning. Motivation is comprised of three factors: test anxiety, self-efficacy, and intrinsic value. Statistical analysis is performed on the quantitative data to determine significance or correlation between student motivation and performance. Performance is measured through the student’s grade (evaluated by instructor) and peer evaluation (evaluated by team). The analysis is performed through segmenting the sample into international versus domestic, and males versus females; to identify any differences in motivation between the groups. Results indicate there are differences between international and domestic students along all motivational factors. Further, differences are identified between males and females for intrinsic anxiety motivational factors.
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"Motivating Self-Motivation: Reflections on Teaching a New Generation." In International Conference on Humanities, Literature and Management. International Centre of Economics, Humanities and Management, 2015.

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Reports on the topic "Motivatie"


Cotton, Christopher, Brent Hickman, John List, Joseph Price, and Sutanuka Roy. Productivity Versus Motivation in Adolescent Human Capital Production: Evidence from a Structurally-Motivated Field Experiment. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, October 2020.

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Exley, Christine, and Judd Kessler. Motivated Errors. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, December 2019.

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Bano, Masooda. Narratives of Success against the Odds: Why Some Children in State Schools Go Far in Life—Evidence from Pakistan. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), August 2022.

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What makes some children succeed despite studying in failing education systems? Are these children exceptionally gifted, or do other psychological or sociological factors and family circumstances contribute to success? To address the learning crisis in state schools in developing countries, development agencies have primarily focused on identifying inputs that can improve state education provision. Yet, even from low-performing state schools, some children do manage to successfully complete primary and secondary education cycles, pursue higher education, and record upward social mobility, but we know very little about the factors that facilitate this success. This paper addresses this gap in the literature. Tracing life histories of successful alumni of state schools supported by CARE, an education foundation in Pakistan, this paper identifies children’s motivation to succeed as having a major impact on educational performance. However, for most this motivation is not a product of an innate desire to excel, it is a product of contextual factors: parental encouragement; an acute desire to make parents happy and to alleviate their sufferings; the company of friends, cousins, and peers who are keen on education and thus help to create an aspiring, competitive spirit; encouragement given by good teachers; and exposure to new possibilities and role models that raise aspirations by showing that what might appear to the child unachievable is in fact attainable. High motivation in turn builds commitment to work hard. Equally important, however, is the provision of financial support at critical points, especially when transitioning from secondary school to college and university. Without financial support, which could be in the form of scholarships, loans, or income from part-time work, at critical junctures, even highly motivated children in state schools cannot succeed. The paper thus argues that rather than being focused solely on education inputs, development agencies should also seek to explore and understand the factors that can motivate children in state schools to aim high and work hard to succeed.
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Bano, Masooda. Narratives of Success against the Odds: Why Some Children in State Schools Go Far in Life—Evidence from Pakistan. Research on Improving Systems of Education (RISE), August 2022.

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What makes some children succeed despite studying in failing education systems? Are these children exceptionally gifted, or do other psychological or sociological factors and family circumstances contribute to success? To address the learning crisis in state schools in developing countries, development agencies have primarily focused on identifying inputs that can improve state education provision. Yet, even from low-performing state schools, some children do manage to successfully complete primary and secondary education cycles, pursue higher education, and record upward social mobility, but we know very little about the factors that facilitate this success. This paper addresses this gap in the literature. Tracing life histories of successful alumni of state schools supported by CARE, an education foundation in Pakistan, this paper identifies children’s motivation to succeed as having a major impact on educational performance. However, for most this motivation is not a product of an innate desire to excel, it is a product of contextual factors: parental encouragement; an acute desire to make parents happy and to alleviate their sufferings; the company of friends, cousins, and peers who are keen on education and thus help to create an aspiring, competitive spirit; encouragement given by good teachers; and exposure to new possibilities and role models that raise aspirations by showing that what might appear to the child unachievable is in fact attainable. High motivation in turn builds commitment to work hard. Equally important, however, is the provision of financial support at critical points, especially when transitioning from secondary school to college and university. Without financial support, which could be in the form of scholarships, loans, or income from part-time work, at critical junctures, even highly motivated children in state schools cannot succeed. The paper thus argues that rather than being focused solely on education inputs, development agencies should also seek to explore and understand the factors that can motivate children in state schools to aim high and work hard to succeed.
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Davis, Kristin E., Suresh Chandra Babu, and Catherine Ragasa. Introduction and motivation. Washington, DC: International Food Policy Research Institute, 2020.

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Erel, Isil, Yeejin Jang, and Michael Weisbach. Financing-Motivated Acquisitions. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, February 2012.

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Landy, Frank J., and Wendy S. Becker. Adaptive Motivation Theory. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, June 1985.

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Singh, Satinder, Andrew G. Barto, and Nuttapong Chentanez. Intrinsically Motivated Reinforcement Learning. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, January 2005.

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Burleigh, S., M. Ramadas, and S. Farrell. Licklider Transmission Protocol - Motivation. RFC Editor, September 2008.

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Maddocks, Sally C. Music and Combat Motivation. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 2015.

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